This is why I love my podcast, I always learn something new from other traders!
If I could turn back time, I wish I knew how to study the MISTAKES of top traders, rather than trying to copy their strategies, I would've made WAY less mistakes. What do you think?
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If I could turn back time, I wish I knew how to study the MISTAKES of top traders, rather than trying to copy their strategies, I would've made WAY less mistakes. What do you think?
#humbledtrader #daytrade #daytrader #daytradingtips #daytrading101 #daytraders #daytrading #tradingmotivation #daytraderlifestyle #daytradingforbeginners #daytradingeducation #finance #stocks #trading #education #business #edutok #fintok
Multi-millionaire Trader shares The fastest way to be profitable I Think the fastest approach to trading is to look at other people's mistakes because what whatever mistakes they made I might run into it later. Definitely. So I look through Gon's entire trading record and I was also looking at investor underground and other people I know people on Twitter they talk about their trading and poster profits I I don't typically look at their wins I only look at losses and I want to be able to even though they don't post the entry and exit chart. but I want to be able to guess where where they shorted is I see where where they got, uh, where they exited? or maybe they made a huge M mistake they continued to add and eventually got B off the position.
So all those mistakes are very valuable experience for me. So that's when I become very profitable because I actively avoiding those mistakes.