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So the market sold off for the second day in the row in today's video, we got to look at what's going on with the market. All right is, we've been slowly trickling down. We're going to look at what to expect for tomorrow. I'm going to be sharing with y'all what happened to my trade on coin? All right.

And I'm also going to be sharing with you some stocks to keep on watch for tomorrow. I Think there's going to be an insane move. Therefore, it's important that we address them right now. All right y'all let's dive into the charts right off the bat.

Um, as you can see again, today is another red day. The candle it is. This is a dogee. another dogee.

It is small, which is kind of annoying for anybody who is looking for big intraday. Moves Like These Are these are really small intraday moves? There are somebody to be made on here, but the risk is high and the reward is kind of low to make even 30 or 40% as a day trader on that day. you kind of have to be playing the Uh, the zero DTE or the contracts that expire tomorrow. But as of right now, we're slowly trickling down if we look on the daily charts.

All right, and we move on to the Spy Futures itself. Let's look at the Spy Futures I Want to share this with youall now what you see right here. The combination of these three candles and this is called Three Black Crows I I thought it was that yesterday I Forgot to mention it. Um.

I realized that it was three Black Rows after I recorded the video and now that I'm looking at it, it looks even more obvious. and what happens after this is usually a massive candle down. All right Again, like I said yesterday, the Bears are taking over. Therefore, we are bearish.

If you look on the left right here, there is a gap to fill on the Spy Futures at 4600 how fast will it get there? I'm we we could we we could see that tomorrow. I'm just going to say tomorrow I'm expecting to I'm expecting that Gap to be filled. um at some point tomorrow. All right, it could take a little longer, but for now I'm just going to say tomorrow.

so watch everything for a continuation down. All right I Don't see a bounce coming in anytime soon. And for anybody who is a beginner and don't know what Three Black Crows is, let me just show you'all real quick. All right.

So Google and then we got uh three. Black Rows Bearish reversal pattern. There you go. So so this is it.

This is what I mean right here. All right let's see right there. So the outcome is usually is usually terrible. it's not, it's not good.

So again this is just an educational piece for anybody who is yet in started in the stock market. Now let's check out. let's check out another reason why I believe tomorrow will be a selloff I don't know how closely yall watch Thex, but in I think it was two days ago or maybe yesterday's video I told you guys to put an alerts right at 14.25 and I said that for a pretty good reason I'm going to zoom out so that y'all can see exactly what the vix is turning out to be. This is a very bullish structures is one of my favorites I see it I like it I Know what should happen under good behavior I know what should happen here.
All right. that alert should ring to tomorrow morning and then when it does, panic and Chaos will ensue in the markets and there will be a whole lot of redit. All right. So um, that's another reason why I'm bearish for tomorrow.

If this thing breaks out, if the this gets out, then we can I can expect a run all the way up to ,550 maybe even $16 At some points during the day, it could be at 11:00 or it could be at 2:00 p.m. All right, just at any point here. I expect the vix to get up there and a lot of panic in the markets. So that's my thoughts on why the spy and QQQ are going to collapse.

Let's do an updates on Tesla what's going on with Tesla I've talked about it in the first video of the Year about how um how I was leaning more bearish than I was bullish because of that terrible breakouts from the bull flag. All right. So we have the bull flag and I warn you guys. if we break underneath that white line, there is a massive chance a big chance that we could go all the way down and fill this Gap right here again, the Bears are still taking over the market and so far Tesla is falling.

Tesla is falling with QQQ So if you are short in Tesla especially after I making I made that video and made some money on it. Congrats! Um I think there is more money coming your way if you continue to short it I think um, it could get here a lot faster than we expect. So this is one stock to watch. The first Gap Gu right here got filled.

There was a gap at 240 that got taken care of already. All right. and right now there's just one left before we see some type of Bounce in the markets. Okay, so that's the update on Tesla Just a quick one.

Um, the next stock that we're going to look at another big U market cap stock a semiconductor stock. I Talked about it in the first video I gave you a warning why I was leading bearish on that one as well and that stock is Nidia All right, and the video is looking like it's not getting above $500 anytime soon. I Mean it tried it, didn't it tried and then it collapsed yesterday and right now it looks like it tried to push up it feel, build the morning Gap after the gap down. So first the market gaps down here and then shorts take their money off the table and then this thing goes back up.

fill SL the Gap and then close at the same price forming a dogee which is still in bearish territory. Um, when I look at the intraday like just the way it is inaday on a 5 minute, there is a structure on there. I have my alert at 274 I think that's going to ring tomorrow. there is a bearish penet.

cook it on here. it's going to break down in the morning and we might see the video collapse. All right. I We might see the video collapse.
So that's my thoughts on this one. Let's see the daily. How low can it go? We still got a gap at 422. That would be a phenomenal move.

like this contracts are going to print. If we see everything just fall like the semiconductor that would be, that would be nice. So Nidia is one that yall should definitely keep on watch for for tomorrow. Now yesterday I've mentioned coin and we're going to look at that trade that I took.

Okay, so let's go on here and let's look at uh, let me go on the one minute and then we're going to look at coin and then I'm going to erase everything. There you go, All right. So this this is coin all right. and yesterday I told you guys that I got back in for a trade uh after I missed this bearish penny so I wasn't in the office right when the when this thing broke down.

but I did get back in at the close with the intention of selling at anything below 150 and luckily for me this thing got down lower like it. it literally opened at exactly like it opened at 145 and then had like this quick drop to 144. this is the one minute chart by the way that I'm looking at as you can see up here one minute and when I saw that I was like you know what those contracts are up by 200% let me just sell immediately and not think about it and just going of be done for the day until the end of the day. So I immediately sold coins and as you can see in, think or Swim right after I Soul again this is that bearish.

This is that bearish um that descending triangle from yesterday the breakdown which was supposed to be my entry but I got the exit right which was right over here at 145 and then this thing immediately went back up. Could we see another drop tomorrow? Um maybe maybe it's definitely something to keep on watch. um something has to happen in order for this thing to continue to fall and I will make a video about it tomorrow. Um, just as it updates on the stock.

but that's pretty much what happened with that trade. Now here's the details of the of the contracts. Let me go on here. So let's see.

See so these are the contracts for that one. I'm going to pick the 150 puts and then go on here and then change this thing to the yellow. Yeah, so this is it. This is how the contracts behave.

The entry at the close and then right when it opens immediately. Those contracts are way too high. I See that I sell ASAP right? Because a any hint of like a rebound and a stock would immediately vanish the value out of those contracts. and as you can see, the value just went all the way back down to what it was from yesterday.

All right. So that's why I made that decision to sell in the morning. Now one stock to keep on watch. Let's see here we are past 10 minutes, we are past 10 minutes.

But let's let's do an update on on Pent here th this is one of the two stocks that I shared with y'all for a trade short. A lot of youall in the comments and are asking questions like what do you mean by uh cuz the title is two stocks St buy and if you are new to the channel know that we like to trade. If you're bullish, we buy calls. If you're bearish, we buy puts.
All right. So looking at this when I tell yall yeah was the stock for a drop? That means the money to be made on this stock is with puts I'm not going to put puts or calls in the comment in in the title because I expect you'all to know that this is. this is the way. this is the way it's supposed to be.

Watching for a drop means the puts are going to make money as the stock drops. All right. That's what I mean. For those of you who are new and who are new to the channel or are new to options, shading, or who are new to my methods, this is what I mean when I have a bearish structure and I say a stock to buy realistically you you should know like we're buying puts here all right.

Now with this one, it's not done yet. it's not at $15 I Thought it would get there a lot faster. Um, it did make money on the drop but most of the money was made overnight. Like when the when the market opened these post was already up by 10 and something per 122% Again, this is one of the advantages of being part of the private disc community.

That way you get this information in real time and you're able to decide whether you want to buy those. Puts that way, you don't miss out on the overnight drops cuz sometimes like I will make a video and then the biggest move that I was expecting just happens overnight and then we're selling cuz I see that money and I'm out like I'm done for the day, you know? So that's kind of the thing with making these videos during the nights for tomorrow because there's a possibility that it doesn't open at the same price and gives everybody a chance to make money on the way down. Again, watch this one for a drop. I'm still bearish on it to 15 bucks I think it's going to get there tomorrow if the NASDAQ collapse.

Um, the next one that I shared with youall was Snapchat and the same thing also o happened with it. um, a flash crash at the open. Again, these contracts probably pay the same as pent here and the best time to kind of to collect your money was when it got close to 15 because the price Target is 15 right? So you take your money here and then you decide whether you want to get back at the close or not. That way when it really gets down to 15 and it gives shorts time to get out, you can actually collect a lot of the money.

So and look at looking at the looking at the 4H hour chart, they still got room on the way down again. the 4 Hour chart is still bearish, the bearish structure is still there, and I think that we're going to collapse some more. So that's just something to uh to keep in mind. And this is the quick update on stock.

U One new one I Saw a new opportunity before I started recording the video. uh, it's on Ford and Ford is looking kind of a lumpy and it dropped by 3% Today the stock is weak and typically when EV stock starts falling, this one also starts falling. I'm not saying it's an EV uh car company. I'm sure they're moving into like the EV space slowly, but it's moving with.
it has the tendency to move with like Tesla and Rivan and sometimes Neo but not always. you know. but this one right here there is a gap to fill at $11 Watching for a drop tomorrow I think it's going to get there soon. All right.

Um, last stock to mention in this video which is also pain and again. Congrats to anybody who's making money on these stocks. I've shared all of this with y'all I'm going to pin the videos at the top right corner. that way y can go check it out if you are new and if you missed those all right, if you didn't missed them, you should have made money on square and on coinbase and on all the things that I've mentioned and even Tesla All right is this thing done yet? I don't know the Gap kind of It kind of skipped that Gap right there at 70 bucks, there's still some space right there.

It could go lower and get and take care of this first at $65 and then the Gap at the top is going to get taken care of on the rebound, right? So first this one we drop and then between uh, from from Friday to like next Tuesday we could see a potential bounce to take care of the Gap that we left over here. So that's my honest thoughts on all of these stocks. and that is the end of the video. Again, do not forget to demolish the like button.

As always, the more you like the videos, the more videos I make. This is how it works all right. And um again, I make videos from Sunday to Thursday at 1 p.m. central Time So definitely click on subscribe cribe and click on the notification Bell That way YouTube notifies you when I release a new video to be part of our private disco.

Community We can get all of this information in real time along with the trades that I take in real time. You can find that as the first link in the description of the video below. Don't forget to follow me on social media at Pauma and Instagram and on Twitter. And lastly, to get some free stocks with Wold you can use the third link in the description of the video.

Below On again ladies gentlemen, my name is Paul Guma We knowledge Lab where we trade patterns and patterns only and I will see all of you in tomorrow night's video.

By Stock Chat

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9 thoughts on “The market is about to go insane”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @bithloginc says:

    Much Appreciated!# AKA < The Hustle>

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ls3digitalmedia says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tyreecobb6222 says:

    Thanks for educational piece – 3 black crows!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @mangledmango says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cashmonyz says:

    thanks paul! nice seeing you again happy new years!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Superhornet331 says:

    Let’s go

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @muna.a9897 says:

    I like your simple explanation..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @karleneprawl249 says:

    i love this 3 nights in a row ❤ lets make some 💸💸💸

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @teejay2997 says:

    The GOAT 🐐

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