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Folks, this might be my most important video of the year right now. We are watching markets in one of their most aggressive rallies in 18 20, 24 months and it looks like we'll be finishing the year up around 20% in the S&P 5 hundo. And we're about 19 months into the FED tightening cycle and we are still hearing the old constant talk of supposed soft Landings coming right around the corner. Oh, it'll be here real real soon.

Charman Toilet paper Landing Really, really soft. We've been hearing this for a long time and the economy continues to be a Slow Burn To the downside, the apologists all over the mainstream media say folks, the unemployment, it's so low. the economy thus must be so strong. Record strength.

Of course no one wants to talk about the actual quality of jobs. they just want to say oh, so many jobs you got lemonade stands you got McDonald's they're all hiring in Mass Sure, you got all the white collar, high paying jobs disappearing, but McDonald's they're hiring thus best economy ever. People got two three jobs, Great economy and the other economic apologist will say something like oh, consumer spending it's so strong Of course, they won't dare mention that inflation has caused the consumer to have to spend so much more just to survive and they're going into Deb in order to just continue with that lifestyle of just barely making it. However, when the mainstream media and the economic apologists continue to Hype these two points, they are missing the actual data behind the scenes.

They are missing what people on Main Street actually care about and are actually being affected by and are actually experiencing so in today's video. I'm going to attempt to go through the real data that shows how Americans are getting poorer and poorer and suffering more and more and more. I'm going to show you how Americans and America as a whole is getting very close to the point of ultimate desperation. and the only thing that I ask in return for all of the work that goes into a video like this is that you hit that ravishing like button and also don't forget to subscribe.

Also, a quick reminder and plug Our largest sale ever on Zip Trader U has just started. Coupon Code Black 90 will get you 90% off the onetime fee for lifetime membership to the program. As a member. Right now, you will get access to our step-by-step lessons, our private chat, our daily morning briefings, and other resources that you can learn about.

with that link down below our latest top idea this morning: TC We presented to Zip Trader you members at about 9:32 A.m. Eastern and it ran up about 37% from the original alert price to Heist. It has continued Brewing momentum into close today and we're going to talk about what we see coming next at the end of the video. But if you're somebody that wants to have these ideas first and foremost our top ideas make sure to take advantage of that 90% off coupon code.

Of course, no guarantees that all of our top IDs are going to run like this, but of course we're going to do our best to give you the best research we know how to give you. Anyways, let's go ahead and get right to work. Let's go ahead and start with Hunger folks. So a major Food Bank Executive just told USA Today that she is seeing the worst rate of hunger in her 28-year food banking career, Explaining that there's so many people coming to their food banks that it's quote hard to wrap your head around.
But don't take her word for it. Here are some actual stats from the hill Quote: The number of Americans who did not have enough to eat over a 7-Day period Rose Over 18 million in August 2021 to over 26 million in August 2023 18 million to 26 million is a roughly 45% increase in people that don't have enough to eat in this country. That's a severe increase in Just 2 years for the people that say unemployment is low and everything is just fine and dandy. Consumer demand is strong, consumer spending is strong.

Well again, why are you seeing a 45% increase in hunger? That's like the most basic of the statistics. Now, why exactly is hunger booming so fast? Well, number one Pandemic AA Food stamp programs have expired. Government got a lot of people dependent on these programs with money it didn't have. and then flip them the finger all of a sudden, leaving them wandering.

Well, where's my food and leaving them with an economy where they can't even get a job that can cover their cost of food? Lots of people can find jobs, but very very few can find appropriate paying jobs. Ones that they can get byy on without government help as seen by the statistic Number Two: Cost of Living and really, the cost of food. It specifically has gone up massively in the last two years, mainly due to excess government spending financed by Printing and not actual economic creation. When you create more dollars, but you don't create more Goods What happens? Well, the cost of those goods go up.

You can see that in Argentina You can see that in Venezuela You can see that in Zimbabwe You can see that in a million other countries. throughout history, people debate this back and forth. Again, this is just a mathematical fact. Number three and a big one here is that workers, people who are working hard every single day showing up well.

they have had a massive, massive pay cut since January 2021. Again, this is another fact Quote: the Labor Department reported Tuesday that average hourly earnings for all employees was $115 in October, a 3.32% decline from the 1143 figure in January 2021 when Mr Biden took office. So the fact of the matter is that a lot of people are working harder than ever, but they just can't get ahead. They're working harder and harder for less and less purchasing power, and they're watching their quality of life just get eroded.

More and more and more and more. And despite trillions of dollars printed and injected into this economy to stop this from happening. while 80% 80% of American households are in worse Financial positions now than they were before the Co pandemic hit, this comes from a new Federal Reserve report. Now, how can this be We printed trillions? How is this even possible? Charlie Charito.
How could their bank accounts not have rally? RIT Toed Well Again, you combine a massive Cost of Living crisis where all the prices went up massively because of the inflationary situation, and you combine that with an economy that is not paying people enough to keep up with that. And all of a sudden it becomes very obvious what happened: us: personal savings rate is below pre-pandemic levels and Americans are now taking on more and more debt to finance their living expenses and have already liquidated a lot of their previously saved. Capital Recently we covered how people are taking the hit on their 401ks, cashing out of those and the IRA earlier, even though they're going to be hit with a penalty just because they need the money now. And what exactly is the result of middle-class everyday folks getting crunched? Well, you're seeing more and more everyday establishments go bankrupt, or just outright closed, saying it's not worth staying open anymore.

While food banks that give away food for free are doing really well right now, Well, you know who's not doing well. Restaurants that sell food, even the very, very cheap ones. Some examples: It was just reported that Burger King The King of Burgers is planning to shut down up to 400 locations if the King is going out. That's a big big problem, right? Because the King should be more powerful than everybody else.

A Wendy's franchise is filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy here in South Florida Even the companies that are doing good since their money largely comes from essential Goods Like your Target, are increasingly having to lock up their everyday items because of Skyrocket theft. Target CEOs Even going so far as saying that customers are saying thank you for locking up the merchandise because if they don't lock up the merchandise, everything's just going to be stolen and there's not going to be any inventory left to purchase. You look outside of everyday consumer items. Well, you look at the banking sector.

It's in a great, great consolidation period. So obviously you know that this has been a record year for banking collapses. One of the worst years since 2008. It is the worst year since 2008.

but you could easily see that widespread worry and insecurity and instability is continuing to grow as banks are employing cost cutting measure after cost cutting measure. cutting banks in some of the most busy, most trafficked areas of the country closing Branch after Branch after Branch Anything that doesn't absolutely need to be open for the bank to stay in business is being closed from The Daily Mail Six Banks Filed to close almost 40 branches last week, leaving millions of Americans without access to vital Financial Services With Wells Fargo alone aing 13 locations and that's just this last week. If you look at the report we had from the beginning of the year to July you had a total of 1,144 national and Regional banks closed. So why exactly are all these Banks closing all of a sudden? Is it because we had this massive technological leap in terms of Mobile Banking where everybody all of a sudden just all at once decided to use only their phone is Mobile Banking that much better and that much more adopted than it was in, say, 2019, 2020 or 2021? No, of course not.
Yes, industry Trends have been leading to more adoption, but they're all closing these branches now for a complete, completely different reason. The reason so many banks are rushing to close branches now is because they are rushing to drop their overhead as fast as possible without scaring people about the strength of their Bank How do we know this? Well, it's pretty obvious because a lot of the areas that they are closing banks in still get tons and tons of foot traffic. They are just simply rerouting that traffic to fewer and fewer. Banks Because these Banks don't want to have the massive overhead and they think they're not going to be able to afford that overhead.

If the situation deteriorates even more, you look over at City Group they're a mass round of job Cuts Ahead of the holiday season, Qu City Group began a new round of job. Cuts Monday among senior managers as part of a sweeping reorganization of the country's third largest bank announced two months ago. You know shite is getting bad and shite is hitting the fan. When Senior Management is losing their jobs, they're usually the last on the chopping block.

Everybody else goes before those senior managers. The video game industry. You've got thousands and thousands being laid off. You look at the overall.

Tech World Specifically, you had a lot of layoffs in cleaning of the house house in the beginning of the year, but the last few months it's just been a steady 5 to 10K in layoffs. They offloaded a lot of their employees first and now the rest of the economy is offloading as well. In the beginning, people are like, oh, don't worry, it's only going to be Tech that's going to offload a lot of employees, but now it's almost everybody. In fact, if you look at the overall data from the overall economy from Ranstead rise Smart In 2023, 96% 96% of all business organizations took some kind of downsizing action.

For people that say that the economy is the strongest we've ever had, how could you have that be true and also have 96% of all business organizations taking a downsizing action, Something's wrong here, right? And as we head into 2024 next year, 92% of employers are expecting additional headcount cuts. And when they say 92% a lot of companies want to project strength, so it's probably not just 92% it's probably like 99% At the same time, the Federal government's own tax receipts are drying up. massively. A healthy economy, as you know, produces growing, or at least consistent revenue for its attached government.
However, the year-over-year change in total federal receipts by percentage has consistently dropped for the last 15 to 20 months. Of course, while tax receipts have dropped, government spending has gone up this year from Zero Hedge quote. There have been some periods where revenues went slightly negative without an accompany in recession. but not in many decades do we see a situation where year-over-year Revenue has fallen to the extent that it is fallen in recent months without a recession following soon after.

For example, federal revenue dropped 26% year-over-year in April of this year, followed by a 21% drop in May. So what do you think happens when government receipts go down? well? Congress All wakes up and they say it's time to cut spending. Let's cut programs I'm sorry I Can't even say that with a straight face. What they really say is it's time to upgrade our printers and print more money.

After all, again, that's worked so well in Argentina Zimbabwe Venezuela and a ton of other countries. Anyways, what do you think? do you think the economy is actually strong and I'm missing the bigger picture here and that the data doesn't really matter? Or do you think that the economy is actually getting weaker and weaker and weaker and isn't as good as they say? Let us know your thought process down below. Lastly, I Want to talk about TC and how we found it this morning before it had the start of what could be a much bigger run. which by the way, quick plug.

If you are someone that wants to be the first to find out. Whenever we have a new Top Trade idea or we post a morning briefing, make sure to take advantage of that black 90 coupon code on zip trade Rie membership before it expires Friday night 90% off is the biggest sale by far that we've ever done on the program. so if this is something that interests you, make sure to check it out before then. But anyways, what's the deal with Ti? VC Well, for our top ideas, as you know, we generally like to look for small cap stocks that have some key Arbitrage to take advantage of, have a setup that looks Prime for a breakout and or ideally has some overall momentum building with this stock.

What I sent out and pointed out to our members was that it one has previous Spike Ability: Quite beautiful Spike Ability: Number two has more cash than market cap according to the beautiful dilution tracker. Number Three, it sells direct to Consumers on places like Amazon.com Walmart.com and so forth big names and number four, it has a big Big Market size. All things that we like for a setup on a stock. and that's why we designated it our top idea this morning.
and since that designation was sent out, well, guess what folks, the stock ran up around 37 38% alert Price: The highs that is now. Usually what happens is when you get one day of a big breakout, you tend to see a breath before the next breakout if this sells off tomorrow into the Thanksgiving holiday. I Wouldn't be surprised for another breakout on either the shorten trading hours day for Black Friday or Monday of next week. What I would say here is: look at the way this is broken out.

You had an early morning pop, then a breath, then another pop, then a breath, then a final breakout and another breath. That's pretty sustainable. Overall Momentum: That's pretty good proof of concept there. I'd Expect some selling pressure tomorrow, signifying a longer breathing period as volume does tend to dry up for Thanksgiving but then after that it's back in the game and that's again why you want to look at it on Friday and definitely on Monday.

Now remember, as always, when you're looking at a stock setup, you always have to require not just a promise, but proof. What does that mean? Proof and not promises. What that means is you have to make the stock prove to you that it can retain strength and not just Allure You with promises. a setup can look promising, but the stock needs to overall hold that momentum in order for you to be proven that it's a good enough setup for you.

Even then, things can go bad, but still at the end of the day, if you're at least making it prove to you you have a high standard. Well, maybe just maybe you got a higher chance that things work out. Anyways, folks that caps off today's video, make sure to take advantage of that black 90 coupon code with that first link down below and we'll see in the next video. Have a great Thanksgiving with your friends and family.

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