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Short squeezes are taking the market by storm. So, today Tim Bohen is answering ... What is a short squeeze? Using real examples like ACER and NAOV, he explores how to identify potential short squeezes through dubious news, weak price actions, and the availability of cheap locates for shorting. The key takeaway here is that understanding short squeezes can lead to lucrative trading opportunities, but it's crucial to approach them conservatively to stay in the game and capitalize on these exciting market dynamics.
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#ShortSqueeze #ShortSqueezeStocks #TradingTips
*Tim Bohen teaches skills others have used to make money. Most who receive free or paid content will make little or no money because they will not apply the skills being taught. Any results displayed may be exceptional. We do not guarantee any outcome regarding your earnings or income as the factors that impact such results are numerous and uncontrollable.
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Yesterday Naov Um, right. Here was the trade plan. um and remember these are what what I do in the Daily Income Trader system is we do what I call you know a a pre-planned uh trade ideas. You know, like like a lot of you I'm guessing a lot of you are in, you know, trading mentorship programs or you're in rooms Etc And typically what happens? it's kind of standard.

uh, whether be you know, chat rooms or alert Services they buy the stock okay and and and I'm not bashing this. By the way, this is just kind of the reality of how it works. They buy the stock, then they send the alert out whether it be email or text Etc So basically what happens and again, I'm not bashing. This is just the reality of the industry is the they're already in the stock and then you get notifi if IED seconds or minutes later.

What I have always done differently is is we prepare for these plans in advance of the move so that you can be entering at the right time, not five minutes later or 30 seconds later or whatever. So anyway, and and and I do this every day. Do it every day in the Daily Income Trader system. Uh, Naov yesterday had a signal that's the entry signal $2.50 So you know when to buy.

Okay you? you? you're not. You're not playing guessing games, you know when to buy which is great A Lot of you don't know that Okay that that's that's why you're struggling. That's why you're You know that's why you're in the Facebook group because you're strugg. When do I buy? Tim Tim I Saw Naov yesterday.

When do I buy I told you 250 Now what's the second most important? When do I sell? When when do I stop? When do I take profits? Notice there's a stop there 225 notice there's also a goal there and then also on top of that I tell you why I tell you why this is the stock. So you don't have to figure out any of these four components. you don't have to figure. Well, Five really.

At the end of the day. The first component is the ticker. What's the ticker? second component is the why. Why is this The one? third component is where you buy it.

fourth component is where you stop out if it doesn't work, and then the fifth component is where do you take profits if it does work. Now with Naov, check this out. Um I mean this thing went so far past the goal so it hit the signal at about 9:45 a.m. Oh my Gosh.

I Can't believe that. Um and immediately went to three. plus. Now my plan was very conservative.

It went to 420. But listen, if you're a more aggressive Trader you could have scaled out. Okay and then let's fast forward to today. Um Acer And guys, remember, if you're a member of the Daily Income Traer system, you get all these notes sent to you in your email.

Okay, you also get access to my Evernote Okay, so there's no guessing games. Okay, all these notes. This is from this morning. Look at this.

four pages of notes. At least you have access to all of that. Okay, then back to today. The number one stock and the only stock.
Basically, the only stock we talked about this morning was Acer. Well, okay, so right there. Component Number One: You got the ticker. You got the ticker.

Now you got the thesis. Remember the thesis here: Trash stock, low float, great volume, very confusing news, but cheap. Locates for short sellers to Pile in this open weeks and reclaims the high of the day the trade plan is initiated. Otherwise, if it dies, it dies.

Never a dip by Etc Ticker Number One: Thesis Number Two: Entry 121: When did Acer hit 121? It hit it at Oh I Can't believe that. 9:42 A.m. Can't believe that. Never seen anything like that.

hence the sarcasm. Next, we have a stop at 106 basically Vwap and then the goal was 159. So far today it's gone to 163. So backtack days, one trade idea all laid out.

and listen: I Don't think Acer is done for the day yet, but if you're short on time, you could have been in and out no matter of minutes. Had killer rist, reward and Naov as well as Acer today. Um, and again, if you're more aggressive, maybe you're letting some ride here for the bigger move To the upside. So uh, so a couple questions that we had earlier.

listen: what is a short squeeze? Well, A, Let's so how to identify a short squeeze? What is an example of a short squeeze? And how can Traders capitalize on these opportunities? So here's the beauty guys. Acer Okay, so a these are some questions that a lot of you sent in advance. Okay, let's let's start at the top. What is a short squeeze? A short squeeze is a stock that moves completely disconnected from reality.

Okay, and Acer had you know, let let me go back to my notes. It's kind of funny that these were the It's kind of funny that that we had these as preent in questions and they're good questions and they all apply to the best stock of the day. Acer Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. So Acer if you notice in the notes and and guys, this is from 8:30 A.m.

Okay, all these notes are from 8:30 A.m. This isn't like revisionist history. Okay, I didn't Just you, you know, type these up like right before the webinar. Many of you were in the daily income system already, you know? Okay, anyway, so I'm not just like cherry picking either.

This was the number one stock of the day. It was really the only stock we talked about. so if you notice I say the news is very confusing. they bought back some rights to some drug they're selling out to a competitor.

They had a conference call this morning. Everyone was confused on Acer both long and short. Now that is something that we look for. We we want to find stocks that are disconnected from reality.

The more disconnected from reality they are, the more likely they are to to squeeze. Now what does that mean I Mean think about it if this news is dubious. If this is a trash stock like that's what short sellers look for. Okay, they want stocks that are absolute trash that they think that are going to completely collapse and they can make money when the stock goes down.
and again, if you notice. I Mentioned cheap locates. What that? What do that mean? A lot of you guys might not know what that means. When I say cheap locates, that means that it is very inexpensive for short sellers to short this stock.

Okay, um, and many of you may or may not know this. you have to pay fees. Okay, you have to pay fees. Um, when you short a stock, that's one of the drawbacks of it and some of these stocks very expensive to short vice versa.

I Believe Acer was like 3 1,000th of a penny to short. Very cheap. That attracts Shorts cheaper. The locates better the potential for the squeeze because it's cheaper.

I Mean listen, if you're paying 10 20, 30 cents a share to a short of dollar stock, are you going to do that? I mean no I mean cuz keep in mind if you pay 10, let's say you pay 10 cents a share on AC As soon as you enter the stock, you're down 10 cents a share. This may be confusing to a lot of you guys like these are I'm answering the questions okay but understand these are one of the reasons that I beg people to learn how to go long first cuz you don't even know when to buy a stock. you don't know so many things. and now you got to deal with locate fees.

Now you got to deal with borrow interest. I mean it just makes it more complex Now Something that I will also say people always think I am anti-short selling I am not I am not and I beat this into everyone's head I am not against Short Selling What? I'm against. You want to know what I'm against is people that have no idea how to even buy a stock shorting stocks. Okay, newbies should never be short sell.

Now if you've been around the block, you're consistently profitable short away, but newbie should not. It's confusing. It's expensive. The the The: The potential for things to go bad are very high.

You have to respect that. So next is the price. Action guys read the news. Okay if this opens weak look it.

It opened at like 110 and dropped to the low 90s Weak price action. Then if it reclaims the high of the day, the trade plan is initiated because that weak. PR Remember as a long Trader You're looking to buy strength. As a short seller, you're looking to short weakness.

So we got the price action. We got the thesis. We got cheap locates. We had everything.

So that is exactly what we look for every single day for the best trading opportunities. And listen. Understand Acer will end badly. It will end badly.

This is not a good company. This is not a swing trade. This is not an investment. Okay, but if you know what to look for, you can identify the best short squeezes.

So let me go back to questions. Um, so what is a short squeeze Acer Acer is a perfect example. How to identify it. Dubious news and weak price action and cheap locates.
What is an example of a short squeeze? Acer And N Really Yesterday, How can Traders capitalize on these opportunities by trading a dip and rip? Like flat out trade the dip and rip. Um Acer and Aov both perfect examples of that. And you should be looking for these setups every single day. Why was your entry so much higher than the Oracle sign signal? Because I teach people to be very, very, very conservative.

Rachel Um, and everyone please write this down. So I Teach and actually please everyone. Please please please write this down. I teach how to trade the most volatile stocks in the safest manner manner possible.

One more time, it, try to trade the most volatile stocks in the safest manner possible. Why is that okay? And I'm gonna finish on this guys. Um, please bring questions guys. I'll go I'll listen I'll go 45 minutes or an hour if you guys bring questions.

Okay, next week, show up and bring questions. Now Why do I teach how to trade the most volatile stocks in the safest manner possible? Number one, it's the best potential for profit. Profits is the best way to grow a small account. and number two: I Have to teach you to be conservative because 90% of Traders fail I Can't teach you all of these things if you blow up in a month.

Okay, I can't teach you chart patterns I Can't teach you how to interpret the news I Can't teach you how to identify a short squeeze I Can't teach you all of this if you blow up next week. So I gotta keep you alive. Seriously like That's how I approach this I am trying to keep each and every one of you alive because I can't teach you if you give up next week. If you give up next month and you quit attending webinars and you quit studying I can't help you at that point, you're beyond my reach.

But if I can keep you in the game, if I can keep you showing up every day making small money, maybe losing small money, maybe catching an occasional big winner taking another small loss, if I keep you alive and keep you showing up every day, then now I have the time to teach you this I can't teach it all in three weeks I can't teach it all in three months. But if I can keep you alive for a year, man, I can teach you this stuff. That's why All right guys. good stuff today.

Acer and Naov, please study those and bring questions next week. We'll see you next time.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

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