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Curious about short squeezes and why they happen? In this Q&A session from Thursday morning, Tim Bohen breaks down the factors that trigger these explosive price surges and the dynamics between short sellers and buyers. Understanding short squeezes is crucial for any trader, especially in the current market. These insights will help you navigate these exciting yet high-risk market situations.
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#ShortSqueeze #ShortSqueezeStocks #StockMarket
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Axle, you know this is that uh, you know Covid played from a couple weeks ago. um really impressive you know and when you took look at like those continuation plays like um, this one kind of fell off my radar. someone brought it up on pre-market prep and I was like whoa I didn't see it yet. like like just this kind of gradual uptrend into the close and on light volume.

But as soon as somebody brought it up I mean when we look for these multi-day Runners you know I jump back to this 15-day chart that uh, you'll remember I use and recommend using three time frames. The three time frames are the one year, one day, the uh 15 day five 15 minute and then the two day five minute. Those are the patterns or the the uh uh uh time frames that I recommend using and I was like man, this thing's just hanging around, hanging around hanging around. if you recall.

they had the news a while back. Again, the Covid news. Obviously Kovid is back for season two. It is the reality of what it is.

Um and yo just talked about this as a break of previous day's eyes at that 45 Cent area and just a nice nice break there. and uh man, very solid move and Kudos I don't remember who brought it brought it up but but kudos to whoever you know. put this one on the radar this morning Again, it just kind of. You know that that's bummer of when markets get so busy like yesterday.

Oh my goodness, just absolutely glorious day yesterday on P-a-l-i and Nbse. So it's like you get P-a-l-i and Nbse yesterday and verb the day before. It's like it's easy to let these things fall off your radar. So I want to thank who everyone, whoever brought that one back up and and I see a bunch of people trading that well done on Axla.

So um, speaking of the last couple days, you know yesterday morning. uh P-a-l-i uh you know, like one thing guys, P-a-l-i yesterday. please please please understand why it became the number one morning trade. Um, all the notes are here.

These are the notes that went out to members of: The Daily Income Trader System Remember this from 12 29 23 I Said it. Live this on that webinar back I'm I'm referencing the webinar from December 29th I Screamed like a madman. This is gonna change everything in Biotech. like going back to last December last December I Remember it was very quiet.

like like the kind of last couple weeks of December were unusually quiet and um, once Pali happened I'm like guys, this is gonna change everything and we proceeded and we're still in the middle. I Mean we're still in the middle of arguably the busiest Biotech year I Can recall in a long time now. It's difficult for me to remember every single year, but like when you look at I Remember Jspr. Okay, Jspr was the first alert of the year in the Daily Income Trainer system.

crappy penny stock biotech two days after Pali by the way and it went up like 30 percent. the dip and rip level okay um and then you just go on all through the year. So the point was I'm like this is going to change everything on Pali and it did here we are nine and a half months later and then you look at yesterday news. low flow, cheap, borrows like very like it was like a thousandth of a penny the short pli.
So anyway entry at 120 stop at 106 goal of 150 it went to what did it go to two plus I think and then yesterday afternoon. remember I Also go live every day at noon with members of The Daily Income Trader system and Nbse I'm like and the crazy like this is one of the wild things like a lot of people yes this is from yesterday I had a few people that were kind of like I don't know if griping but they were like they were. They were throwing out all these other stocks which is fine I'm here to answer questions but like I'm like guys, there's one currently bullish stock on Oracle one so look at notice the circle, the blue circle okay um and one stop yesterday Nbse I'm like guys don't over complicate things like like why are you trying to make this harder than it is you got one bullish stop So anyway, drop the level and that. That's that screenshot from yesterday.

So the trade plan on Nbse was signal at 225, stop at 199, goal of 275 and about 15 minutes later it hit the signal and went to 316. way past the goal. So this channel was during the live webinar. It broke that at right after the end of the webinar.

basically 12 15 it hit the signal. 225 went to 3 16. And like the point I am making the reason I'm harping on it Isn't that like I mean this is a great trade setup. It's a great trade.

Okay, but like that's where I harp on using the tools that are available to you and like I looked at yesterday and I'm like guys I don't care about any of these other stocks. There's one green stock one. why are you looking at anything else and it went to three plus and and plenty of time to enter. Plenty of time to trade it.

Etc Etc So um uh Arab um a lot of you guys traded Arab this morning I Tip my hat to you I do tip my hat uh I hated this thing I Well Hate's a strong word Hate's a strong word um I just didn't think that this news had legs. Okay now listen I think the news is BS okay this Liberty Safe stuff terrible. like like the the fact that anyway I Remember no politics, no politics, no politics. but like it's not I don't even know if it's political.

Is it even political The fact that you you buy a safe from a company and they just let the government in like I don't know man like and then again I'm an old school constitutional guy you guys know right there. I right? Actually, it's right here. right next to my bike, right next to my Bible the Constitution and the of the United States of you know and I just think like man, the my boys, the founding fathers you know Jefferson and Adams and Washington and Franklin the government let someone into your safe like think of George Washington rolling in his grave you know. Anyway, my point was, it's not going to make any difference to a red today.
I mean it's not like people are buying a million gun safes today. so I was dubious of the news. A lot of you were aggressive. well done, Well done.

Um great. Trade A Lot of people a lot like like a lot of people are like Tim no it's a great you know I didn't like it, but if you traded it quickly, well done. It's selling off right now. and and I'm not saying that to be like oh I knew it like I just didn't think this had all day legs because again, it's not like they doubled their sales.

Okay, excellent, beautiful man. Excellent. Probably the best play of the day. Yeah again.

Kudos Kudos Kudos to whoever brought it up on pre. PMP Um, let me go back to that note. Um, question. When short sellers get in, does the price of the stock go up or down? And why does that create a squeeze? So Fred Remember shorts? Uh, remember shorts are just buying and selling too.

Okay, so understand that when you short a stock, you sell it first. okay, and then you buy it back later. Ideally, you buy it back lower and you make money. Otherwise, you buy it back higher and you lose money.

So understand that shorts are just buy and sell just like Longs are buying and so on. Okay So it doesn't affect the price unless they're using Market orders and stuff. But but let's assume let's let's for the sake of the discussion. assume everybody's using limit orders.

Okay, it's just buying and selling, Buying and selling. Now what creates the squeeze and the Epic move to the upside is, remember when these stocks start skipping higher shorts panic for a good reason like like listen like like if you've ever been short a low float stock that starts skipping dollars higher, you're gonna Panic Okay, justifiably so, because you know, Well, hopefully you know if you understand what you're doing. which there's a lot of people that are just trading stocks and have no idea what they're doing. But if you're if if you're shorting a stock and it starts going parabolic, you know that like you can lose a lot of money really fast now.

I Often discuss this like listen, you can lose money on the long side and stocks dump hard. Okay, but especially if you're a you know, if you're an informed short seller, you know that that like things could get really bad really fast. So you start Panic buying right like you're using Market orders you like like listen I Here's an example: I was short of low float stock I don't know I think it was BPTH or B yeah I guess BPTH like six years ago I'm short this low float stock. it's it's it's it's doing a V-wap fail which remember that was the number one short selling pattern for a decade.

Now it's remember the the pattern's the opposite. Now the number one afternoon pattern used to be a V-wab fail. Now it's a V-wap hold. High Daybreak same pattern, just upside versus downside.
So I'm sitting in this low floater and it's under V web and volume's gone and it's just doing nothing which is what you want. Is it short? I'm like yeah, life is good. Wait I'm just waiting for the 2PM dump. Okay and and this goes back to this is like probably half the episodes of the Steady Trade Podcast.

Okay, so if you if you followed the podcast through the years, this is like we did I think we did 200 episodes and this is like a hundred episodes. Okay, what used to work the V web failed the 2PM dump working in 2015. it went completely away and it flipped upside down and it became the 2PM rip which has been the number one afternoon pattern since late 2015.. So anyway, history lesson over.

So I'm sitting in this low floater under view app. I'm like oh man, just just gotta wait for that old 2PM dump. it's coming and all of a sudden this thing starts ripping. Yeah and it like back above V-wap volume comes in, alerts going off and I tried to cover I panicked Panic like give me out I actually doubled down so I panicked so I actually shorted double I doubled down because I I shorted when I meant to cover I ban it I've lost my whoops.

Believe that please. But I like you got I I have done thousands and thousands of webinars and I never swear. The only time I swear is when I talk about these squeezes that I got trapped in. like like some of you may have seen thousands of videos of me ranting like a lunatic and I never once swore I start talking about these squeezes and I start sweating and the hive start I start cussing, start kicking my dog.

Ah, anyway, sorry about the profanity. so I actually doubled down on this thing and like that CR So I'm in the squeeze. So I am creating the squeeze basically because once I double down I started trying to cover as fast as I could and I didn't care what price I bought it I don't care what price I bought I have to buy to get out of this position or I am broke. that's the squeeze that that that is the type of stuff that creates these moves because I knew I knew there is a chance my account is about to go to zero at this point.

I went from short 3 000 shares of this 200 Runner to short 6 000 shares of this stock. and if it goes to 50 like some of these things do like, it's all over for me like it's over. So I panic buy which I created the squeeze but I got out and I lived to fight another day. That's what happens and we see it.

Whether look at guys, look at verb the other day like verb Tuesday afternoon I mean it's exactly BP like this is exact. look look at this thing, look at verb Tuesday It's exactly what happened to me six years ago. whenever it was look at this thing runs early BS Tick Tock News Tick Tock Whatever, this scammy piece of trash it was under view app all afternoon dumps at 2 p.m while dumps it dropped like 20 cents a share and then proceeds to double from there. that was me BP I think it was BPTH or B B S P h I think it's d-listed now I think it's Bsph ere verb that was me so verb is no different than Bsph or Blp whatever the hell it was I've still got PTSD from it.
um maybe that that should be the ticker I should just call it PTSD that's probably better. So anyway, my friends, that's what creates Panic Buying buy shorts no different than Panic selling on the long side I mean the reason these stocks collapse is people panic sell so JS so J how do you find out about cheap locates J the the the the way I use it is PTSD an actual ticker. That'd be pretty awesome if it was how how awesome would it? Nope, how awesome would it be if PTSD was like a 500 000 float stock? That would be incredible anyway. um so a lot of you asking how do you find um out if there's cheap locates Etc So what I do is I'm in a lot of rooms where a lot of these people short these stocks so they have all these sketchy Brokers Okay so I just ask people you know.

Fortunately, I've got a good relationship with a lot of Traders you know I've been around for 17 years I'm you know I try and be a nice guy, you know, but you know I I I've built a lot of relationships in the trading world over the last 17 years, so there's a lot of these that have Accounts at what we call the hard to borrow Brokers the HT HTV brokers to ask them I'm like like like yesterday on uh pli I just asked them I'm like hey you know which how much for locates and like three or four different guys answered me from three or four different Brokers So um now like your next question would be, well like Tim you know who do I You know one thing I would say is one of the advantages of being Ndid is we talk about this every day so it's like you get you get access to what I get access to at the end of the day. so um Alex will drop a link to dit check it out. you know like like this is the notes I said um you know cheap locates on P-a-l-i whlr had pretty cheap locates that was a dip and rip over 10 hasn't hit there yet but I mean Brokers and ask them or you know we all. We go over it every day on pre-market prep if if there's a low floater with cheap low kids.

Etc So um all right my friends, looks like I got the questions. um hopefully I didn't give any of you PTSD with all of my ranting um a lot of red on Oracle right now Axel is probably still the best play of the day. um Arab Putting up a fight all right? Arab Yeah Arabs Putting up a fight? So I didn't like it this morning. but if you were on pre-market prep, you know what did I say I said hopefully I'm wrong and this becomes today's Nbse.

It's kind of looking like that right now so at this point what I said is Plano Okay, have a great day my friends and we will see you next time.

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