Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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Foreign. Still, absolutely zero update on my boat. My buddy Keith must have known I've been feening to go to the lake because hit me up yesterday and he's like yo, let's go riding in the morning I don't care how busy you are I'm gonna ask you to go riding. You go riding.

That sucks actually. no. I can't complain that much if you're on the lake and you're on the water. Still a good day I didn't really get to wake for it I got to watch everyone else wakeboard and then I got out there in 15 seconds into my run engine overheated.

Guess the good thing is right. like we weren't stranded out there because we were stranded for a little bit. figured out how to get the temp down a little bit, got back in, trailered it and now we're heading home. So it could have been a lot worse.

But still regardless really sucks because I did not get too quick. and now the worst part. Not only is my boat not working but now Keith's isn't working. so I really need another friend to take me out to the lake because I'm missing it I got stuck in my computer responding to emails putting up some fires on some still haven't eaten breakfast so I'm starving so I'm probably gonna grab something quick on the way in then I'm gonna like Power Hour work for like hour and a half and then I got a meeting at Topgolf and then I think I was invited on to a podcast tonight but I need to check this tonight or next week another day.

Paradise All right for the whole business man. hey Matt this is Sean So we we've got the boat out when I sent it out to Lake he's not calling you back. it's probably not good news. what's going on with my boat? I'm on my boat.

You cannot believe that literally just happened. Hey, no worries, thank you. It's basically what he's telling me is I'm about I am heading to a meeting right now I'm gonna be a little bit late which is unfortunate I feel like I've been to top off way too much lately but any bit of practice on the golf swing I'll take this one. you know it's a long day I never drink energy drinks ever so when you see me drinking one, you know I was crashing Mega considering I was up at like 4 30 4, 15 this morning to get out to the lake early to go not even wakeboarding since I didn't go and then now it's being almost eight.

It's only the hardest part about mortgage is you only have a small amount of time during the day to get all your work done. but there's a lot of stuff I can do outside of banking hours and when there's no one calling me or emailing me or bugging me I'm Mega efficient in fact I actually had that conversation this morning with my buddy Keith who I was at the lake with. We both said that we're most productive from 5 a.m to 9 A.M and then from 5 P.M to 9pm because no one else is working during those time frames so we can actually focus on our work and get stuff done. There's just so much I want to do? There's only one shot, you know, so you just keep working until it's too late.

Foreign: I Really go to the office on the weekends is if I'm going there to like shoot some content and I want to be in the office. Otherwise, there's really no reason because I can just work from home. but today I do need to go because I wrote a couple things on my whiteboard that I need to work on the project that I'm working on today which is updating all of our lead forms on our website when building the company and building the website. One thing that I was very very very strict on was that I wanted to make sure everything that I built was built for scale I didn't want to have some out of the box website or some expensive monthly fee for something to be ran that we're gonna have to pay for the rest of our lives I Wanted to develop and build things that would last for 20 years without adding extra cost because for me, with everything in life, I would much rather spend more money up front to save money in the long run than to do the ladder, which is what most will do most people when they need some sort of solution to any sort of business problem or really, just any problem in life in general, they do something that's very short-term thinking.
They say, Well, instead of spending the thousand dollars to make this last for 10 years, I'm gonna spend 20 a month I see it all the time. This is not me I don't do things unless I'm going to commit to them. That's why I don't want a short-term solution Anyway, What I'm getting at is our website. is completely custom.

It's not used with any website builder or any monthly subscription or someone else isn't hosting it for us. It's all a custom built website and sure there's some plugins in it, but none of the plugins are paid. but it's a custom built website that is hosted on a machine that I host tons of projects on. It is the most efficient and cheapest way monthly to do it.

now. upfront costs. It obviously costs a lot more I probably spent about 5 000, potentially even ten thousand dollars in developing our website. That's over the course of two years.

It's come completely accustomed to the way we want it. It's more secure, it's faster, and if I really wanted to I could just stop developing it and I would have it forever. Anyway, what I'm getting at is that I wanted to do some SEO boosting for our website don't have the time for that, nor do I have the skill set for that. So I hired a third party company.

Now they wanted to fully host the website, fully design the website, do everything on narrow and I said from the beginning that I did not want this for the exact same reason I just said. but there were some things that they could build a lot quicker that just we didn't have the time since it was a flat fee regardless of whether we used that service or not. I figured okay for all of our lead forms, you can create them and we'll Implement them into our website and it works great for a little bit. I'm not gonna lie, but now I've decided to split waves with them which I knew was going to end up happening Anyway, the SEO was pretty solid, but we weren't getting any real benefit at it from an Roi standpoint.
didn't want to keep paying that monthly so we cut it off and I put things into perspective. even for them to run all of our SEO and to build a whole website host a website, do everything. When it comes to the website, it's still two to three grand a month. But yeah, we cut ties with them and all those lead forms and all of our pop-ups are basically being no more.

It's pretty crazy how much cheaper diesel is. oh sorry, sure I need to rebuild these forms. I'm kind of mad that I didn't just do it initially because then I wouldn't be rushed to do these. but I wrote all the codes and the whole plan for everything for these forms and for everything we're rebuilding on the website on my whiteboard in the office.

So instead of me just going there taking a picture of it, coming home and working, I'm just gonna go to the office and knock it all out. I actually want to show this because I think most companies don't but here's kind of what the back end is that we're building. You know it's essentially lead magnets. For example, if you go to the X2 website and you kind of scroll around, there's going to be lead magnets everywhere.

And really, they're designed to help people get the information that they need because it's scary to apply for a mortgage and a lot of people really just want information to get the ball started because it's really a moving timeline and so we try to do that right. You can schedule time with a loan officer, you can just call or text us and then the lead magnets are really going to be these buttons that you'll see buy home refinance. You know you're putting your information and it'll kind of spit out some information that will apply to you. You can do some research on loan programs to see if they'd fit you.

Here's an example of one that's uh, just finished building. so if someone wants to know what their home is worth, they're going to come over here. and I'm going to update this a little bit because it's a little bit redundant, but they would put in an address I'm gonna put in the office address and they'd hit check. Now we don't have any AI or system going on on the website that will basically spit out a home value.

Kind of like a zest. and the reason we don't use something like that is because I don't really like zestimates. everything in real estate where you want really good information. It's manual, which means we like to get the information from the customer.

We like to do all of the research ourselves and then get back to the customer with some actual good information. You gotta have a professional doing it because there's so much in real estate that can change and that varies. You really need someone who's a seasoned professional giving you real estate information. and I Used to think that was a gimmick until I started working with people who don't know what they're doing in real estate and just how bad some of the information can be.
So these are those old forms that we're actually getting rid of that we canceled our partnership. With that we're replacing and we're going to some of these forms that I built now in the back end of our website, right? I Can create all of these questions and everything. And the questions actually stem from our marketing sources in one of the Crms that we use. You know, you can build a web form, basically create questions that people fill out, and then we essentially take that code, compile it into our website, and gather the info.

That way, if someone starts on our website, fills out, info, gets pushed to our CRM, that's where we start working on the the information. So I went ahead and created a lot of the questions here, and we're doing very basic, rudimentary stuff right now just for testing purposes. Then over on the website, this would be the form that someone would fill out right so they'd put in their address they'd hit next, and then they'd fill in all the other questions. This form is very basic I Think it's only three questions just because we want to get someone Home Value Estimate We don't want to waste their time now.

There's a glitch with it right now. As you can see, we got it stuck at 99, but essentially once someone fills out that form, it gets posted to our CRM and we start working on it. Then from there, you've got to see that I have a little bit of notes here. Once we get it in the CRM, we reach out to the client right? We do the research, We do whatever they were needing.

whether it was rate, quote, estimate, a home Value Estimate Maybe a qualification process, estimate, Whatever it was, you know we work on it right then. and once we get that information in the lead, you know hopefully the lead turns into a customer. But for whatever reason, if they're not a customer right now, which most people are not going to be in more, they are going to go through an automated systems to start getting our marketing content. Those are going to be drip campaigns based on a couple of emails.

Maybe they're getting some other things like some social media content. Maybe they're getting some of our videos. We're not trying to spam people, but we're just trying to stay top of mind. So it's just basic marketing.

But we're not overloading people and that's really how you increase conversion. Someone starts the process and you don't want them falling out of your funnel and going somewhere. I've done everything on my end in terms of setting it up in the CRM building. All the questions.

I'm not going to build any more forms right now until we get some of these bugs fixed, but those should be fixed today. and then I should be able to wrap things up this week. and that's pretty much what I came in on a Saturday to do. This is everything that I needed right here.
Really? Just that code. A little bit of this info, that code a little bit of that info since it is Saturday and I do need a little bit of time off I am going to go home and hopefully enjoy my day and not work too much. Oh you know one thing I actually might want to do today: I Want I need to wash my truck. It's not even that's fire.

it's not even keep it. Dang it actually like looks pretty good. It looks a lot better than I Thought you know what I mean I mean they're gonna be getting in trouble with this thing or I'm gonna be closing some deals when I'd say I am ready for my weekend. The goal is to make that thing up this hill.

I don't think it's gonna happen. You're good. Well we made it. uh, about 10 feet.

go in reverse, a little bit. There you go. now. go forward.

give it just just some momentum. No I said moment. Oh yeah, license and registration. How fast was it going? well up that hill? pretty damn slow.

Mind travel officer I'd say so. Nice. Nice. No further further down.

foreign wait I Wanted to just just just do it. You're gonna let him. You're gonna let him turn too. We don't let him turn two.

someone's for the home run. Tuesday Morning The stash survives another shaving cycle and it is just. man. it is just super aggressive.

Kind of funny because I like forget that I have the stash on. So then when I go see people and I talk to them. If I'm not in character, it's just weird. Like if I don't start the combo with a little and they usually just think that I think the stash looks good.

It is growing on me though. You know what I mean Pretty big day though. It's always a big game. Probably gonna have a pretty hacked office today.

Got a couple files with some fires on it that I got to be putting out the second. I get there and then I should also be wrapping up all of those Leaf forms that we were working on over the weekend. So I'm excited about that so not have to worry about that anymore so we're gonna have ourselves a good day. our Flyers are in.

So I'm gonna go back to those manufactured home developments and I'm gonna drop these off and Market the heck out of these loans We need to get that phone ringing. Yeah, 30 seconds to your time sir. So this is what I'm gonna send them in costs and it's estimated they're they're trying to feed 6.375 Is that good? Yeah, let's go to 6.374 because if someone can match that, they can't match the six one, three, seven, four. They have won so many deals out there.

just a little bit. I swear I've won so many deals that way and you can offer that I Know I go to UWM Exactly I know I do that all the time I will never send the rain on the race because even if someone got an exact match, if they're like whoa, this is point Zero Zero. one percent better. All right I've won deals that way so I would 100 do that? Okay, but all right, let me see the rest you got in here I'm nervous I come back and it's like eight grand and costs I Think it's competitive because look I know it's competitive things I Know this might seem like it makes zero impact I would update to a 6.37 and I would update your points to not 3515 but 3498.
how could you not go with that? Come on. So I got the explosive player at the right house so you got time for me now. Dale uh are you gonna sign that 36 Your time sir. Here we go.

HOA is getting out of hand man I'm not paying this. Wow that was that was way better than I thought I'll play it again. way better than you were expecting. Dude that was good Wednesday morning at about 1002 a.m leaving the house a lot later than usual today.

I Was working from home for the past three-ish hours and I'm kind of excited because I'm dropping these bad boys off this morning I Remember in a previous video I Went to a mobile home park to talk to them about financing. They were super receptive. They wanted me to bring flyers I went and made some flyers with Tanner got them printed and now I'm coming back to her. The one awkward thing: I got the stash still.

hopefully she recognizes me and hopefully they're still as receptive. but I'm gonna drop these off. Hopefully it goes well. What was a little too easy? It's crazy because I talk about it a lot.

but I'm not really that good at saying so I always get like a little bit awkward when I have to do like a very salesy thing. Nobody likes sales whether you're selling something or being sold, but it just seems too easy with these. I mean they're literally like asking me to sell them. So I pretty much just went in and gave my business cards and those flyers and they were like this is perfect.

we're gonna start sending it out to everyone and I was like that's just too. that's just too easy like I feel like I gotta sell it a little bit more Mercy just trying to get rid of me and she's just gonna throw out those flyers I don't really know but I figured it's worth a shot and I might even hit another mobile home park on my way into work because there are literally so many of them and I still have probably like 60 to 70 percent of the Flyers left over. So my goal is to kind of get rid of all these with a bunch of other mobile home parks by the end of the month. but if these Parks get on board with us, it's an easy Revenue booster because of how many transactions they do.

and I'm like you're the one that here we go. All right, let's go to my workout. but anyway, you see that's why we do everything in Eno because we have everything over like I sent you this email I literally have the text here it is April 15th right before I walk forward I mean just me being like this is why I reminded you that that rubbed him so wrong and I'm like but also they're microwave broke so now we're waiting for that to be fixed all right later Rachel 6 30. I'm supposed to get out of here like two hours ago.
but I'm excited today because I did a little bit of an interview I Really just met someone. There's going to be a new videographer for these videos after doing these for a little bit I Just realized I just do not have the time to do it on my own. so if we're gonna do these things, we're gonna do it right. Kind of a big investment right now because I don't know what kind of Roi it's gonna bring, but everything's always worth trying to focus on things right now because I've got two loans that are just nightmares.

Hate closing late I Never close late and it's really for things outside of my control, but it's still my fault. At the end of the day, it eats up so much of my headspace. it is so hard to think creatively or just think long term. So I'm gonna try to get some physical activity in tonight to avoid thinking about it and then hopefully tomorrow we can just get them done.

My lips back.

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3 thoughts on “Building our $1,000,000 mortgage website x2 ventures 006”
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    Promo-SM 🤘

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NoMansFlyer says:

    Hi there!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M.G.T says:

    53 min

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