Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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Something super exciting this week that we've been working on for so long and I haven't been able to talk about it I Can finally start talking about it now and I'm gonna show you we're now offering a builders This is good. This took us. How long does it take us? 30 minutes? 45 minutes sweating. We're not only going to be able to film stuff like this, it's like only 90 degrees out.

but I'm sweating right now. No. but I think they're going to come up and they're going to be like, oh, yep, that's confirmed So many calls I'm probably behind them right now. Cool yeah.

I can send that over to her today, but this time I've got such a long build out I mean it's probably going to exceed 18 months thanks for? Yep! John's situation is super unique. He went on a contract on a new build. We had tons of issues financing. He was going to lose 30 grand.

he dropped another 30 grand saved the home. still couldn't get it done for his scenario. Now he's under on a new home. We have 18 months to figure it out a bunch of moving parts so hopefully we can get it figured out this time, but there's like a lot of money on the line I Feel really bad now that it's our fault.

but I just feel bad for him. You know, buses 4 30 a.m on A? Tuesday I Want to hit a quick little riding? Sesh? Okay, wake up, we're going riding. Yes, let's go. Finally got her back from the dealership.

She's looking clean and now I want this advice? Yeah, we all want that. That's what it is. You got to be careful. Yeah, relax.

Yep, yeah. right on the way guys. Funny shows. Steve is a past client of mine and we've done a lot of deals together.

Big investors sold his AC company years ago AC unit went out in the warehouse I hit him up, gave me like two grand or 2500 bucks. It's always about taking care of people. You know you never know when someone's gonna save you a bunch of money or just help you out. So it's like I don't know.

that's what I'm that's where I'm at I was like I look at this kitchen deals straight for that one complimenting like you did something wrong. Well because I'm saving it for when I do do something wrong. So what kind of content are you looking to post like a real podcast style? So I could just yeah like a real okay yeah, that looks like it was from a bigger podcast. Yeah, so just pick a topic.

Wait, We have had so many clients doing new builds and they do end up having to get prequiled with the Builder's lender to get incentives. I just need to make sure I don't roll my eyes a lot. Okay I really don't understand it. Still in-house underwriting on the broker side of mortgages.

You're not a loan officer. You're not immortgages. But this has never been done before. and the way we're able to essentially make it happen is through our Partnerships All right.

So when we're designing our marketing content, we need to dial in the fact that the reason someone is a broker is to get people you know the best priced mortgage you know to shop around for all these Solutions do all of these great things from a small and Nimble company. you cannot have in-house underwriting to efficiently do that. The second you have an underwriter on payroll, you now have higher overhead. You to make more per loan you need to charge your clients more money you charge maybe underwriting fees.
or you need to basically make your bottom line a lot higher. So that's why brokerages do not have in-house underwriting. We use the underwriters from the banks and partners that we take the loans through, right? So if we're going to, you know United Wholesale Mortgage Or we're going to, you know PennyMac Or one of these big companies. They have thousands of people on payroll and we're just using part of their underwriting staff and that's how we're getting cost effective loans.

But a big selling pitch within the mortgage world is the fact that I can walk down the hallway in my office, talk to the underwriter, and talk through any problems we have on a loan. It's a big selling pitch for not only real estate agents when they want to send this business, but also for clients. They want to know that when they talk to us, we're not at the mercy of a third-party company. They want to know that we have a really tight relationship and can figure out everything in-house right? But in-house is expensive and will never do that because we want to make sure we're getting our clients the best deal.

Paul So the way we overcome that is by having now we have an under writer in our office. Diane is in here twice a week for us to run scenarios for us to have that We're gonna walk down the hall and talk to her kind of thing. So when we're doing when we're designing our marketing, we want to be able to give. The idea of our overhead has not changed.

Our fees have not changed, we're still a very low cost and the best possible solution for someone to get a mortgage when it comes to, you know, yeah, the cost of it. However, we are also the best solution when it comes to getting challenging loans done because now it's no longer. Hey, I'm calling my underwriter and I'm talking through this. No, it's I'm walking four feet into her office and we're comparing our laptop side to side with the communication that we have.

So no one's done this because it's impossible to do that. and I don't know if we should really give the secret sauce away yet on how we make it happen, but we, yeah, we, we want to. we want to give that we did. The Impossible this is The Impossible and here's how and we did.

So does that make more sense? Yeah it does. Yeah and I think what I did a little bit was Tyler today already ties into that um because I mean we got him and Diane talking good b-roll laptop side by side and then when he was downstairs after Zach's video I just had him do a quick like 25 30 second that we can throw an overall video and he said that like it's been groundbreaking because now I can walk one office over I can go through a scenario in 60 seconds where as other brokerages or other however other Brokers you have to go to a third party, you're waiting. He's like they can still get it to you within an hour or somewhat fast. but the fact that we can go through real situations in real time side by side uh, an answer in your situation figured out and you put in under 60 seconds has been groundbreaking.
So once we have that video we were just chatting about to get everything sorted. We want to start putting together some graphics right? some some carousels, maybe on social media. also like I was saying we want to do maybe some short form or something to where you're just swapping the intro and now a new another loan officer just does the intro and then boom, they've got the whole back end of the video. that's the same and they can all post it and we can get it all out there.

and then it goes into email marketing like Tyler's portion have each one officer do that. No, so have have a loan officer do the intro. Whatever the intro of the video is going to be. whether it's me or someone staring into the camera going.

we just did some groundbreaking thing when it comes to mortgages or whatever that hook is. I want everyone who wants to post about I want everyone to shoot that hook and then you just cut to the video because we're all going to be in the video right? Tyler's in the video I'm in the video Vinnie's in the video. Get Luke in the video. Like so we're all in it and it looks like it's Luke's video because he did the intro.

but in reality we're all using the same video never before. Yeah, there's your hook. Oh, we do have Rachel here right now so we could shoot also something about that with Rachel So we'll do the two things we'll do the we'll shoot the riders with Rachel and we'll also shoot in-house underwriting. Okay, so is this like a marketing thing or are we actually the only ones to offer this? Yes, it has not been done before and when we were setting it up, that was the biggest challenge.

Why do I keep forgetting we have Diane in house. She's a underwriter lover. X2 Mortgage is the only place I send my clients and the only the only mortgage broker in the United States with an in-house underwriter? Um, that's good. we're due you.

and Sean podcasting. Okay place number one. Talent 500 to Rachel Eversbacher A mess in here? Oh, that's not very nice. You're gonna get a really easy one.

now. don't flag us with anything. I've actually never met a real life underwriter. Oh, they scare me sometimes I Feel like you guys always just hear when there's issues, there's a lot of loans where there's no ways to agree.

I Don't really have any issues pushing around with. uh, she's great. It's the best. Honestly, most Underwriters are just you only hear from them when there's something bad really like.
Well now we got to send this to underwriting. Most of the time you guys know when there's an issue, you're just hoping you don't hear from me. she's gonna pull you into her office right? Never stretch income ever. But when they, that's life.

No I really don't I go most conservative because I don't want to deal with because what if you have an income issue, it's the only thing that could really kill a deal. No I agree. Yeah to me. well actually outside of the outside of the uh bonus you did use more for overtime than what? I did just saying use more for overtime? but you did use less for base? Yeah, that was a long time ago.

that was a long time ago. Yeah to help her like help drill into the break. Oh hello, Are we rolling? Yeah, Have you noticed? Oh yeah, that was good. We're using it.

Guess who's back back again? Yes FHA Loans too. I Guess yeah? I don't know if we're gonna dscr right if if we're at a if we're at amortization's at 15. exactly? Yep, exactly. Totally thought about that.

but I might have to explore other avenues if we can't do it 30 or at least a 25. You know what I mean because it's I just don't know if we're in a Debt Service I Don't know if he's gonna want that high of a payment pretty much, you know. I don't have the interims. That's fine, but you know, let us know as soon as you can.

Thanks Felix Alrighty bye bye loans. What the dude? You guys just blowing the deal up right there. I Tell them you want to do a 15-year loan I I was so trans I've been transparent with about everything right? Like bro. that was his sales pitch which was a horrible sales pitch to try to get you to convince the buyer or the borrower to do a 15-year loan.

Yeah, it was like horrible little update on this: This is a commercial deal that Luke and I are working on three properties trying to refine and everyone in lending always will sell the world up front. We could do it. Here's what we offer. Here's what we can do the second: you get all your documents in.

Everything changes and this guy has bulletproof finances in my opinion. Super strong cash flow, really great credit score Really low loan to value should be a slam dunk deal. Prime example of everyone saying they can do the deal to get the info until they take it to the scenario desk and they can't get enough money. 101 happens.

literally. lending one-on-one especially on Commercial right? they're gonna And that's it's funny. Sean that we're vetting about this earlier on another commercial deal we're working on is part of the problem is finding the lender who's actually going to be capable of doing it. Everybody's going to tell you that they're going to do it, but when the rubber meets the road, that's where we want to.

That's the lender that we're looking to take the loan to who can actually do it and put their money where their mouth is like he was just trying to find every reason not to like oh this. oh this. cash out. No, Oh, because and then he had to go and then go into why I cash out would be a problem like that.
doesn't relate to us. So like why are we talking right now? It's all right. we'll get uh yeah. I'm gonna find it at home.

Yeah, it's I'm not worried about it yo I Just got a package. Let's go check it out. Cool. It might be something really good.

might be some sticky notes inside it. if it's something really good. check this out. Check that.

Check us out. Fully custom X2 black. It's like I just won the Olympics You know walking around the office like this now people are going to recognize. Did you get this though? Um but when we do events, we'll be probably the only ones with an actual flag that's hanging and I can use it anywhere you can use it.

Lay, you can have it on cars, you can just have it chilling. So I think it was a pretty good purchase, but it was very expensive. Wait like how much? 300 Oh God And the reason it is so expensive is because it's dual sided. So no matter how you look at it, you're always gonna see it and it's gonna make sense if you didn't do it dual sided.

This you know one side would be backwards. You can't be half ass in it. you know. gotta go 100 with it.

So yeah, it was expensive. That's sick. is that going up there? Oh I need to think about that. That's awesome.

No. I was thinking anytime we do events or anything, we'll be the only ones with a flat. That's pretty legit. It was really expensive, so that's why no one has Flags 200 300 No yeah for a flag beside it so you're not gonna.

if you see it from the back side, it's still going to read correctly. Ah, so that's why it was expensive. This ain't no Amazon Pretty sick though, right? dude. Super nice.

Uh, how's your call good? Um, it was. It was personal related. So and keep this under wraps so we're gonna have to cut this one out. Let me get back to work so let's go talk about the secret sauce right now.

Uh okay. in-house Under A The reason this is so unique is some of the things that we talked about, but it's so hard to make happen and tomorrow we'll be shooting more stuff on this with Vinnie as we do more of our marketing materials. I'm talking Secret Sauce Now because in that marketing material, we're not going to talk about how we made this partnership happen and the way that this works or the simplified version of the way that this works is the fact that we don't have an underwriter on paper. We have an underwriter in our office.

We are essentially pulling an underwriter from one of our partner Banks Essentially having her work from home or work in a co-working space? That is our office completely compliant and we're getting the benefit of using that person as a resource. Most companies are not going to allow you to do this for many reasons: One Loans are complicated as you've seen on these videos. Loans are very complicated and they don't want loan officers sneaking things through with Underwriters or kind of collaborating at a level to where the bank is the one held live. So a lot of times if you have a scenario, it's going to get vetted through their systems.
It's going to get have a paper trail of everything. So when we do alone we have a problem with it. We're going to send an email in. We're going to send a scenario desk.

There's gonna be a paper trail of everything. So if there's an issue on that loan bank or that lender can then potentially come back to us for the liability. Now if we have everything Word of Mouth in our office there's no paper trail. You know there's so much more room for liability that gets opened up.

With this, we could always say hey, we talked to your underwriter and we said that everything was good to go and we don't. You know we can clean our hands from it and we're good. This is what this bank or this partnership that we have is allowing us to essentially do now. I'm not going to say we're trying to do all these sketchy things and all this stuff that's not in compliance or all these things are going to have liability issues because we're not.

but that's why this doesn't exist with other companies. We have a very tight and strong relationship with the CEO at this mortgage company to allow this to happen and it is a total transparent one-to-one reciprocal relationship. They're doing something for us, so we're gonna do something for them in return. Like Business 101 and I think it's cool to kind of see how the partnership is going to plan out because right now we have someone in our office Diane's in here underwriting all of our loans and were able to use her as a resource.

But also we're sending a lot more business to them for this because again, they're scratching our back. We're scratching there. It's a little unique. I'm interested to see how it pans out.

We're only about 30 days, 30 to 60 days in. Right now. there are going to be problems that come up. Um, we're gonna work through them like any other type of business so we'll see how it all shakes out.

But that's a little bit on the secret sauce that we won't be essentially putting out in our marketing right. we're gonna put out in our marketing map. Hey, we have an underwriter in-house that's essentially an employee for us when they're not, but essentially an employee for us. That doesn't change our overhead.

It allows us to ensure that we're still getting our clients the best possible price. So it's the best of both worlds. How's that was that good? Is that good? Little super sauce breakdown huh? Looks like cranes here. Thank you and then we're gonna financially recover from this.
Well, if it's going to save them, two points on the raid I Bet they do. I'm ready to run like the wind Bullseye But like we need to know more specifics, we need to know timeline. We need to know what specifically they're looking for. Like all the people all the banks that I've talked to, they want pretty much four or five things to have a pretty simple conversation.

right? The personal financial statements, a resume, a bio information on the general contractor like I won't send you any of that. You can send me the bank and then I'll get the secure portal. That's what you said. Well, that's the thing that yeah, you don't sign that you don't sign the agreement with with any of the bank details.

You signed an agreement with us. Well, I was telling you on the phone that you have to find a bank that will give you half the yield spread I know, but they don't. Even then they don't even they they just that you're not. When you come to these situations like the calls that I had your, it means nothing without documentation to them I'm aware of that.

It's like all of us and we get it when someone says oh, I've got this tricky scenario: do you think you make it work? We're like yeah, we can make it work, Send me your but we don't know if we can make it work. That's that's where we show value and make our money right. That's the differences from the .06 to Like Right? What The bank is going to charge a point? There's no way there's not getting out of a point of origination on the broker side. Why can't we split that with the bank and us drive the deal? So now our broker check is on 84k.

It's 500k which still is fine if we're doing nothing. If we're doing nothing, if it's the introduction. like Sean said all these they say they can do it. but when push comes to sub no, no, who can actually do it it's a very hard hole to start climbing up.

But if we can start building these relationships, we can find the business with the commercial lenders. You mean yes, yes, I Love commercial 10 times more. All right, let's do this thing. I should want to start with let's go.

We did it. No other mortgage brokerage has done what we just did. Yeah I'm trying to remember what we talked about it I think we're at 24 different brokerages on there which are technically a negative and we ended up going on. All right.

we got a lead we're gonna be calling right now, but this appears to be a lead that I probably know in person from going to the lake so much. There's another family that goes there a whole lot. Um, so they filled out some lead forms online, but I'm gonna make a call and I'm pretty sure right now what were you doing in Havasu were you? Are you still doing some luxury wake tour I Think your dad was saying you were doing that right? Cool. sounds good Blake good chatting with you later I knew it I knew it was them whole time.

I'm stoked for Blake But what I'm even more stoked about is the video we're going to be working on now. that's going to drop next week, so stay tuned.

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3 thoughts on “The only mortgage brokerage with in-house underwriting x2 ventures 007”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Tallman says:

    Yo it’s Jordan! Just subbed to the channel

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrLinks says:

    YOU NEED to get back to gamming shawn, we all miss you. And not be rude but im th 2nd person to comment after a week. Youtube gamming has high potentol for you shawn….

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The LP Channel says:

    Hi fam😊

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