Join me this week in the life of a high producing mortgage loan officer as I show you what I do and what it takes to be in the top 1%. From focusing on clients to managing a team, gain valuable insights into the daily routines and strategies that drive success in the world of mortgage lending. Enjoy!
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#ColdCall #RealEstateColdCalling #MortgageBroker
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In this video:
00:00 Introduction to X2 Ventures ep008
3:09 How the Point Scoring Works
7:30 Cold Call Competition
18:10 Tallying Everyone's Points
21:05 Mock Calls Tie-Breaker
30:45 Voting on the Winner
35:51 Final Thoughts on Competition
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Wednesday morning You already know Big Day at about 10 I Believe 10 a.m this morning we're gonna have a cold call competition with the boys in the office. Now the key to saving money in a situation like this is to position yourself now to lock your Loney before it's too late now. I Sent an email about a week or two ago with all the parameters of the competition. Everyone has to come today, ready with a list to call and whoever they want to prospect.

that's up to them. Whether they want to call on specific loan programs, whether they want to call on referral, Partners whether they want to call on Central home buyers, potential investors, Whatever it is, I Leave it up to them. We set a goal. So for example, if someone's calling potential home buyers, then their goal would be to send an application to the Prospect and whoever tallies up the most of their goal today is going to be the winner and we'll probably throw in like a cash prize.

Now my thought process on this was really just so I Could listen to everyone's pitch one and two so we can get people in the mode of actually taking an hour out of their day to Prospect If they do it with everyone else in the office, they know that hey, this isn't as bad as it is. It's one hour a day making calls. That should be the bare minimum for people, but if they can get in a rhythm of making a one-hour time block for prospecting, it's gonna do so much for their I'm always thinking about how we can generate more business at X2 mortgage, right? And a lot of that is going to come from majority of our other guys closing business. not just me closing business, but all of that.

And I think the biggest hang up right now is that most people in the mortgage industry made an absolute killing over the last couple of years because rates were so low and it was so easy to close a high volume of transactions. and now in the mortgage environment that we're in that is a lot harder to generate business. Nobody likes asking for help when you're struggling. but funny enough.

Luke and I Went to an event last week on Friday to listen to a guy named Jeremy recommend you look up his story. He was a phenomenal speaker. He's essentially one of the world's best blind golfers. I Know, blind golfer.

Apparently there's like a whole league for playing golfing and this guy absolutely kills it. He's way better than I'll ever be. but his story is absolutely incredible because he talks a lot about relying on other people for his day-to-day functions and you'd think that would suck. but really, it's made his life more meaningful.

Honestly, it was just a phenomenal presentation. Just look up some stuff on him. Highly recommend. Luke and I Went to this event.

We met a lot of people, shook a lot of hands, um, you know, and got a lot out of it. And I think it kind of relates into what we're doing today, right? Cold calls are not fun at all. So I don't know. It'll be an interesting little environment today to see one.
How this all goes with everyone and what kind of conversations we have. Fantastic. feel the energy, feel the rhyme, smile and dial. It's mortgage time, all right.

Luke What are you calling on channels? What is your ultimate goal to for them to be willing to accept? Yeah, basically an email and information and a flyer to pass out for finance. Those are quantifiable, right? Like those are gonna be easy to get. So I need to get groups of five right for count like this: One point for every five that you get. Zach Uh, it's a three piece, one of each or one or a mixture of all three.

20 dials, three conversations, one pitch. Boom I Want to hit one of those? Okay, the list is for people with a lot of equity, so it's intended for cash out, but it could be a buyer. You want 30 30 calls? Hey, all right. 20 dials, 20 dials, three combos or one pitch or or one pitch.

What would that look like? Okay, so you're saying either one of those is a point because I don't know if anyone will answer. You're right. You're right. Yeah.

I mean we'll give you a point for for one, that's fine. I think that's fair. Okay, um, you got to be calling a lot to send to say send me an app. You get three points.

How about that? Okay dude, an app is Big that's three conversations equals one application. I Would think that it's like 10 points. Yeah, that's his point. Like something leads you out.

Take literally just a list. Oh yeah, these are cold calls baby. Yeah, this is a straight cold. Five Points Maybe they're not interested.

I'm gonna send them a nap. Send me an app. No No, no, just say no. No, you're not gonna get it filled out app today, but it's a I Want to let me fill out an app? Send Me an app that I agree.

All right Tyler What are you calling on your calling on investors? No. I actually switched up I'm gonna do the same. exact because I'm gonna be super competitive today. Um, I Was gonna say I'll do 30 dials, four Combos and two pitches.

but I should do the same metrics. Oh, it's good to set my goals higher. but but three combos or one pitch. Somebody threw an app on the phone today and and I don't send it.

That's Rocket Mortgage Vibes right there. The thing is I do an app on the phone and they're like, yeah, what documents do I need to send you Ten points. Ten points for literally an app over the phone and you're in the docs. Oh Chris got the dress code memo the meeting I know no one got it.

Uh, Chris what are you calling on rent zones right? right? Okay, what's going to be your metric? Uh, and are you ever doing an application over the phone? So then this is going to be your metric? You're gonna get a point for 20 dials, a point for five combos, or a point for sending an app to someone. Yeah, so that's what you have to track on. E dials for me equals one point. Yes, compared to five emails gets a point.
Uh, for Luke that seems a little off. Well Luke's convos should go a lot longer. 20 dials is like you can knock out 20 dials in five. ten minutes.

The call will be based off, the follow-up will be based off the call. Yeah, yeah, and then I was gonna call loan officers but I don't know I don't know if I'm ready for that abuse today. so I might just call I might just call Seattle's so I'll put both on there. but I'm probably gonna make all my calls for chat.

Yeah and uh, I probably will not win because I want to float around and listen to everyone's comments today, but you better not laying. There else is right? I mean the hundo is coming out of my wallet so you don't even know I should have a hundred dollars here. That'd be awkward. Yeah, one of these.

just one one going right there. All right. We'll start in five minutes. Yeah, you guys can just track everything on a piece of paper and then we'll come and put numbers on the board when we're done.

You guys are in the media room. Yes, you can do it in the conference room or you can go in here or you can go in there. Here we go. Why do I kind of like to keep track of what I'm counting? Oh shoot, let's see if I Counting cards? Yeah, yeah, exactly.

I got this thing. because I literally count your points. Okay, wow, but I'm not gonna get an iPad is what you're saying. Yeah, just for accounting.

Just come on. All right, yeah, do I look at the camera I uh you look at both that list you go to okay I buy to put money on though. I think I'm gonna take Luke because I think he's got the easiest calls and the best list. but I think Chris would get second and I'm hoping Tyler and Zach show me out hi your name was Kathy Thank you so much for your time and I really appreciate it.

Have a great rest of your day. You're welcome. Okay, bye-bye Damn. next.

I'm kind of just kind of calling on parks in the area to see. You know how they do. You know how they run their business and how they you know how they help people finance and I'm finding that most people don't have a great financing options. That's kind of what opened my eyes up.

To start, you know, making connections and getting my name out there to let them know. I'm I'm happy to help Finance them too. Okay, well, you're more than welcome to shoot me an email. Yeah, I'll put I'll put that down now.

Yup, you're welcome. Alrighty bye one. Okay, we got one. we got one one of the board one on the board here.

We gotta get a lot more. Let's go baby. let's go. let's go.

I actually want to go through how how I Prospect I'm just saying Luke's already got emails bro I know I know I know how I prospecting get my list. So when everyone's talking about who they're calling on and what they're doing, you know there's different ways to grow your business. You can call, you know, real estate agents, you can call home buyers or people potentially looking to do a refinance. Um, You can call on specific loan programs.
So for example, Luke and I are both calling on what these are and they're manufactured homes. It's what I've been talking about on a lot of videos you've seen on this channel. It's manufactured homes with a land lease and most of the time the agents don't even know how the financing works. So they're the easiest calls to make because I would say 50 of them actually want to learn more and want to talk to you.

The goal is to really just my it for what I'm doing is just call them all and try to get them to be like yeah I want to learn more? Send me an email and sometimes they're good and sometimes they're not so good. So let's call. uh let's call this guy his name hey Dennis my name is Sean with X2 mortgage and I was calling on this listing yeah uh 480 I Was calling to see do you guys um have financing options or or need any help with financing on these specific types of properties use for finance Yeah well, because these are child since they're unique loans like the channel loans but like on these ones in particular since there's the land lease like those those companies okay yeah, maybe it's just listed wrong. um okay well yeah no worries.

and then yeah they they can do those loans if there's no land lease. So cool. Well yeah I was just calling to see if you ever do have some on on that have land leases. feel free to save my number because we can do those loans.

Sure. Okay, appreciate it all right. talk to you later. Dennis I Also meant to say when you're prospecting, really the best time spent prospecting is not even on the calls that you make, it's on the list you put together and classic Me: I didn't even I didn't put together a list like everyone else did.

So I'm definitely gonna get last place in this in this competition, but let's call this one. my name's Sean with X2 mortgage and I'm calling on this listing that you got. Well, I'm just calling to see. do you have financing options for buyers when they are interested in this? since it's a chattel loan, you know what? No I do not.

Oh well, my call just got easier. So I don't know. uh if you've had interest and then when people you know when they you know I just had one. um the agent said that they're alone with the coverage so I kind of looked up.

Someone who was I listened as like you know the number one um blender in the state. So I went ahead and gave them the information I haven't heard back but if you can just send me over your information I'm kind of out right now. yeah when I get back I could take a look at it and and maybe we can talk. Yeah, definitely can do what's a good email for you.

I'll shoot this over and then if you have questions on anything, feel free to give me a ring. All right, have a good one. Let's go. Uh, the other calls are probably a lot harder right now.
so uh uh, good luck to those boys with a little offer. So like 30 grand under what you'd normally have to put in to actually get the house and so people just aren't getting the homes. Yeah, well, you could probably do it with him. or you guys could do an FHA loan.

whichever makes the most sense. Well here. I'll tell you what I can do because I do I do loans as well and what I can do is I can shop all the banks and see which one's going to be the best fit for you. Yeah, I can send you an email I can uh, have you come in the office whatever you feel more comfortable with, but I could have.

The best way to start is to have you guys do an application and then we can take it from there. Does that make sense? If you have any more questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you and I'll follow up with you in a couple days. That sound okay. All right, great.

Okay, yeah, all right. great, sounds great. Alrighty bye I've never talked to her before in my life he thinks I did so it's pretty funny. Well uh, I got a an app so that's even better and a conversation either.

Is it? Delilah Hey Delilah I'm gonna be completely transparent with you here. this is actually a cold call. Would you like to hang up here right now? or do you want to give me 30 seconds before you hang up a cold call? So we were actually Reaching Out Ta here based off of one of our our title companies. They flagged your house as one that has a ton of equity in it.

Now a lot of my clients what they're doing is they're either trying to pay off their debts, put a little bit of money in in their savings account, or potentially just pull out some Equity to do some upgrades in their home if you and David had a magic wand, which one of those three would you guys like to do? Oh nice. What kind of upgrades would you guys do if you had to do them? Super cool. Did you guys already pull out Equity to do that? Or is that something that you guys need to do to on your guys's own? Would you guys be interested in maybe pulling out some of the equity based on the new value of the home to be able to replenish the bank account? Um, potentially. I mean I've got a couple different options where we could completely redo the in the existing loan or if you guys wanted to pull out a second loan, I have options for that as well.

Yep, Credit Score! I've got programs that base it off of equity. I mean I guess your guys's concerned like have you and David talked about the the interest rates being little too high kind of holding you guys back like I said this. This was a cold call here so my intentions not to get you to say yes or no to something here just to kind of gauge interest. Um, if you think it's it's worth entertaining a conversation with David and I think it might, especially if you guys were looking for the 50 000 Plus you got the good food over there too.
That steals my heart. That's super cool. Hey it makes total sense to me. Well Delilah I'm Gonna Let You Go here.

Um I know you said that you're on summer break so hopefully you can. uh you can do something fun here today. I Know it's super hot and you want to stay inside but wishing the best I'll give you a call at 12 30 on Saturday and um we'll We'll see what we can do Tyler You got it of course. Talk to you soon.

bye-bye Yeah! Would it be okay if I sent you a text just with that info? Okay, perfect. I'll send over that text right now. Thank you bye-bye Hey Thomas I'm gonna be completely straightforward with you here. Man, this is a cold call.

Would you like to hang up now? or do you want to give me 30 seconds before you hang up? You got it man. talk to you later. What did they say? Give me 30 seconds He just had I just had it. Yeah, what do you say after after them saying Oh you got 30 seconds go.

So I'd imagine they're gonna not be like I would love to hear the pitch no they say they say What's it regarding and then it'd be like hey honestly you got your info from a local title company your your home came up because you guys got a ton of equity. Most of my clients right now are doing one of three things. They're trying to pay off their debt, put money in their savings account, and or do some upgrades on their house. If you had a magic wand, which one of those three would you do foreign Rebecca from X2 now I'm on hold.

this is how all my calls go. They either don't pick up or I get put on hold. Um yeah, can you just have I I mean I don't really have I just wanted to talk to him about X2 if you could just have him give this number a call back. It's really awkward to leave a message that I'm trying to recruit to the receptionist.

How do I say that? oh hi I just want to talk to him about my company not yours. um I'm getting some phone calls but not I don't know if that counts I have no idea on my dials I have to go through like Excel sheets seven combos yeah but like two like three of them are like not good but I mean it's not I'm not interested. they talk to me but not really like I had one guy that was like I'm looking for retirement but we talked for a bit like I accidentally the retirement is good. you could be like okay well how about if anyone ever says I'm looking to retire soon just say well why don't you? why don't you get why don't you set up time to talk with Sean and you can get paid on every deal you have from here on out without doing anything and he what he would do is he would hang his license here I would do all of his loans and he would get paid like 100 basis points.

So if anyone ever says that, maybe call him back, maybe write down, write that down. um but that that's a good. There's a lot of people who are thinking about retiring and it's an easy way for them to still make money on all their business that they're going to get without doing anything because there's really no way I will call him back. but I want to hear one of these one of these sounds like yeah, get someone to answer the phone hi Courtney this is Rebecca calling from X2 how are you today X2 Mortgage Yes you can.
This number works. You got to keep her on the phone. Okay next time someone says you're gonna meet there and I mean you're like oh, what's the meaning about look I'm clearly trying to sell you on something or I'm trying to recruit you like, let me just send you an email. That's what I would do.

Just break down the bear be like, look, you don't want to talk to me I don't even want to make these calls. Let me just shoot you know hi Cody this is Rebecca I'm calling from X2 Mortgage. how are you? um I'm just calling I'm trying to build some connections with loan officers kind of get our name out there. X2 is a wholesale brokerage located in Chandler Arizona On to the next.

we have 30 seconds to make another call Rebecca and then I'm gonna go stop everyone. Okay I Thought your pitch is perfect though. am I calling right now hi Steve this is how are you good I'm a cruder here at X2 Mortgage and I'm trying to build connections with loan officers kind to get our name out there. Um, we're a wholesale mortgage broker located in Chandler I Was just wondering if I could grab your email address if that's something that would interest you.

And you know, even if you're not looking to make a switch now we can touch base in the future. Okay, and what would yup I have it at Hotmail I will send that over Now Are you looking to make a switch anytime soon? No, right? right? Okay, well I'm gonna send you over this email and then take a look at it. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Well I'm I'm asking Luke what is your number just in case if I don't receive the email or something I can call you back.

we got I have 30 40, 45 70 75 calls 75 dials, 75 dials. it's under four points. That's three points I did not get a pitch I got Well yeah I wouldn't count it as a I threw out numbers but it wasn't Yeah Tyler you would call it a pitch you got to Numbers if you little numbers you're still listening bro. I threw out numbers Yeah before yeah.

ah, it's a 50 50. that can we give. Can we round by three? We'll We'll round this up to a four since you were five calls shorter that seems. First, Okay, yeah, that's like a half pitch.

I made six calls. Uh, where's Luke Chris how many dials 55 55 dials? Uh, they went well. I got one application. one really four, five yeah, six.

Oh yeah, it's a pitch with the follow-up not worth. Is the follow-up worth anything? So I I have a follow-up call on Saturday I have a follow-up call right? Oh I got a follow-up call. Uh, not really, not really. We're a mortgage company.

We deal in black and white right now. 32 dials, eight conversations and like I would say like a half interested but not really So no. I mean like like a real no, not like I want to get you off the phone? yeah no. uh Luke uh what are you at? uh 10 10 emails sent 10 email sent? dude I thought about it.
yours is hard. Yours is probably the most amount of business out of everyone, but your calls were long I busted out a point in probably 15 minutes and I knew that you would have maybe gotten like a point after 20 25 because your clothes are alone and two and sometimes the park didn't answer. or well, it's everyone right? Some yeah, let's make it fair. Well whatever works.

So this is golf rules. everybody gets a hundred. Yeah I saw that too. You saw that I thought we were doing an MMA fight for the winner.

So okay, let me think, let me think two. Think about what the point of the call block is. It's to show how quickly you can dial like you guys dialed way more than you thought you could Chris talk way more than he thought he could. Um, but it's also to get business so out of the dials who's gonna get the most business out of it because I'm thinking what we do for the tiebreaker I don't know I I Think you all could be getting loans out of all the calls that I heard I say to her we cold call you and whoever has the best pitch to you wins Yeah, that's great.

Okay um I'll give you 30 seconds. Let's make it quick. Awesome! So the reason I'm reaching out to you here: Sean Is your your name actually came up? One of my preferred title companies has a home that has a ton of equity in it. Now, a lot of the clients that I'm working with right now they're trying to do one of three things.

They're either trying to pull out some Equity to either pay off some debt, put a little extra money in their savings account, or even pull out some Equity to do some upgrades on their homes. If you and your wife had a magic wand, which one of those three things would you guys like to do? Well, which property are you calling about? The one on one, two, Three Main Street out in? Chandler Okay, that's an investment property. so cash flows really well right now. Um, so I probably don't want to do any of those three.

Totally understand is your guys's main goal? Cash flow across all the different properties that you have? Yeah, I would say so. keeping our expenses alone getting our cash flow up? Beautiful. What? Um, how long have you guys had this problem? I Had it for about three years. Super cool.

So you got to take advantage of the the huge Equity ride over the pandemic. Yes, exactly Okay, now you and your wife are mentioning that that wasn't having a little extra cash flow is the main goal. How often are you guys purchasing properties? Uh, we're trying to purchase the property about once a year right now. Um, like I said I'm past the 30 seconds here.

Is it okay if I go a little bit longer, maybe another minute or so? Uh yeah, I'll give you another 30. I'll 29. So we're Gucci there. But if there was a way for you to pull out some equity in some of your investment properties and still cash flow, but then ultimately use that Equity to go purchase another property, um, that way you guys can maybe do more than one per year.
One is that something that you guys would entertain, and two, do you think that's something that you guys might be able to handle when it comes to a property management base? You know I would say probably not I want to keep my overhead as low as possible on all these properties? Super cool. Well, like I said man, this was. this was a straight cold call here. so my intention is not to keep you on the phone too too long.

But would you be against me shooting over my contact info? That way when you are in the market to buy the next property, I can hook you up with the deal. Yeah, I'd Love that. Okay, awesome. now you mentioned that you guys buy one every year or so.

Um, when there's you guys looking to make the next purchase just so I can align myself with your guys's calendar, we're probably looking to buy one in about January Yep, strategy. but I would typically just kind of reach out about a month before and also I gotta run real quick. Um, but yeah, if you can shoot me your contact info I will let you know. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

I Just want to make sure this is the best phone number to reach you at Correct. Yep, all right bye I was like lost. So I'll just judge no I'll judge off of what I know I think it I think it went really well. One thing Tyler does very well is he hits the pain points he gets.

He gets the information out of like right, what they're trying to do and what the goals of, for example, what the goals of the property was in cash flow and once he has that, then he knows how to approach that call. hello, how are you doing I'm doing well, how are you doing good? thanks for asking I really appreciate it I was just reaching out really quickly. One of the local title companies that sent over your info I mentioned you were either looking in into purchasing or refinancing so just want to see how I can help you out. Um I don't think we need anything right now I don't know how we get on that list.

Oh no, no, that's pretty close. Okay, so most of my clients right now are the people that I'm calling from the listing. Title Company The reason that they put their info down is they saw a benefit from taking advantage of some of the equity in their home. Both of them are pulling somewhere around 50 to 7.

Equity that results somewhere around 400 to 500 increase in the mortgage of payment. If I could do something similar to you and put some cash in your pocket for either a remodel payoffs instead, or even just prepare for the recession that they saved on the horizon. Do you think that money in your pocket would be worth the additional support or 500 a monthly? Uh I mean it all sounds all right, but I don't I don't think we're interested right now. Okay, let me ask you one more question before I let you go.
Um yeah. I do have a couple of. Have you ever heard of a HELOC before? Uh, I think so. Yeah, it's like where you get Equity out of your home.

Yes, it's a little bit different from what I had just missed, but it's at a much lower interest payment. so I would assume your credit cards right now are probably in the 15 to 25 interest range. Is that pretty accurate? Uh I think so. I Don't carry any balances on them though.

Okay, purchase this with a credit card. Yeah, every once in a while you know I might might buy the wife something nice. you know, maybe treat her to a nice dinner. Happy wife your life.

I Understand that for sure. Well, with the HELOC Essentially with it being a credit card on the home, you could do it. Uh, it was. Very.

Use it very similarly to the credit card minimum balance that you or that you can create as a 50 50 years. All of that, but what that essentially means is you have 50k to be whenever you need it. It's interest only. similar to a credit card, but again, interest is much lower.

I'm typically seeing those interest rates around eight to twelve percent. So considering you already have credit cards because you obviously open them for a reason. but I think they'd be financially feasible or even worth entertaining the conversation to open one of those to potentially save you some money on interest in the future, uh, probably not right now. Okay, well can I do? Can I at least grab uh, your email.

Let's look at your phone number already. If I grab your email, send you an email. just those details so you can go over it with your spouse. I Know you said happy life, happy life.

Uh, maybe she'll be more interested in it. Yeah, yeah and send that over to you guys. And if anything, thumbs up. Just give me a shout.

Yeah, we can do that. It's Uh123 Perfect. It just sent you everything. It was great.

I Appreciate the call. Not bad, not bad. Zach yeah that was trash. It also just shoots down every turn.

Yeah, that's the point. that's not. They're not gonna be like, you know what? Zach thanks for calling. Let's take out a 500 000 right now.

Yeah, that's right now. This can be advanced notice. um might all go really I mean they're all really motivated just so you know I don't get told now you can just kind of play along. Yeah, act like you're my mom or something and I'm asking for a dog Christopher hello uh yes hello.

this is Chris I'm just following up with you on the rent to own program you're looking into a while back. Did you ever get any help with that? Uh no. We actually just ended up renting a place. Um yeah yeah.
I See, sorry to hear that. Um, well let me tell you a little bit about the program so you have some more information basically how it works. It's a lot like buying a house. The only difference is is a company's going to come in and everyone has to make um say you're looking for your dream home and you know the price is 350.

The highest they're gonna go is between 310 and 320.. So what we're doing instead is we're doing a first-time homebuyer programs and the way that looks is you need about two thousand dollars I'm renting right now. Oh yeah I Understand that how long is your lease? um I think it ends in February Okay I Was working with a mortgage company in the past. It seemed like it was going to be really hard to buy something.

So I'm just I'm really not in the market I think we're just going to continue renting. Okay, in case you change your mind, because here's what we do over here. We're able to shop all the different things because you know some of the loans you'll look at. They might not have all the same programs, but with us we can shop all the different available programs out there and there may be one that works for you.

So is it all right if I follow up with you and yeah, yeah, that's fine. See what it looks like a couple weeks from now? or or? yeah, yeah, I think we'll probably keep running. but yeah, if you want to follow up if there's any, you know something. If anything changes, yeah, you can feel free to to reach out to me.

All right, sounds good. Well everything's always changing. It's just here. let's hope.

Okay, yeah, all right, sounds good. I'll say my prayers. appreciate the call. Yeah okay all right so we heard the three.

we're the combo I heard like through the wall and even when I was in there was like 10 times better. Yeah I can't I'm just too nervous I can't do it with the audience I'm about to tear each years apart and I'm not I'm not saying I'm a better cocoa than you guys since you guys better watch the roof. Yeah, so we're gonna start with you since you have the most valued opinion here. I'm not educated if one of those were to call you.

which one were you like? Okay, that's one who I thought be great. felt confident I would have talked to more probably the first one to Tyler Okay, Rebecca um I would also say Tyler All right, yeah, obviously great Chris if I had one of if I said I know because I think I think you're like actual calls were really they were really good. Uh, all right Luke's actually on the phone with someone that he just he's getting a lead from someone he just prospected. So that's what I was saying.

like Luke's calls took forever. you got horrible points, but he'll probably get the most amount of leads. but they're traveling so right, you need a lot anyway. Uh, Tyler obviously won because even if Luke doesn't matter I want to go.

Yeah, the email thing. but honestly in your pitch the way I was like having the call I wouldn't have kept pressing for equity and all that stuff I would have gone immediately for the purchase Oh You buy one property a year? Who do you use for financing? What do you do for financing? That's what I mean. Yeah, you don't get a loan right now but like I was just like yeah I know I'm not interested in that I focus on cash flow. if I was a real person I would have lost you when you kept going for the equity because I was like no all I care about is cash flow which is still not bad but I think it added like another two minutes of the call I feel like that's that was my big and that was like a that was a real like if you called me that would have been a real response.
oh I brought one property a year I want my cash flow to be the strongest possible I don't want to pull cash out so then if it was like hey he wants to buy one a year I want to get those one a year and I want to be his guy because who's to say I'm not going to rate and term in six to 12 months if rates come down well when you when you purchase a property, who do you use I'll use this well you're gonna be paying a premium for that. Let me save you on your next one I know it's not. You know you're not in the market right now for the refi. all good and then like you get the purchase and now I'm like well yeah I like this guy but otherwise it's a really good call I like so my my thing is I like how you went for alternate loan options yours was really hard because I was like bro I'm not getting cash out and that was like your name but for you I like how you went into alternate loan programs um I just feel like throughout the call like dude I gave it to you really hard I mean there was really nothing to sell? Yeah, so I feel like at that point after you went through those extra loan programs you could have added in hey well um, it doesn't work out for you right now.

no big deal. Here's what else we do in case you know any family friends like leaving the door open to where you just want them to save your number. or like you said, like I'm gonna text you or whatever. um trying to be more than just like the cash out refi kind of guy.

but you kind of worked into that with like hey well he locks and here's the pitch for HELOC um so I thought it was good. yours was the hardest based on what I was telling you, yours is the hardest. Okay, so that's why you got my phone's hard but I do want them yeah that's what I'm saying like you pivoted immediately. yeah I was super nervous.

you went into the pitch like before I said one word and you're like all right. Well here's how we're renting or whatever and you say okay, well well um and then you worked in the like is buying a potential and then she was like oh you know it depends on where I'm at my relationship and then you were joking about a relationship like that was really good on this. On this call you went straight into like oh no I'm renting right now Okay cool. well the rent's own program don't want to drag it on with more of a pitch up there.
I would have hung up to be totally honest. Yeah it happens all the time, but the ball's in there learning about them hitting from there. Yeah I got like fears about the assignments. um I didn't know how I felt when I heard Tyler's at first but I kind of do like that you take the all right I'm like mentally reviewing the calls.

um I would say Zach because Zach is going to drop information in the ear was that the tie the other one but I just want to know Yeah I said yes, that's that's the problem Yes, that's a promise you were you were doing I didn't leave the door open because I knew you could handle it. Not gonna be able to eat this month because I gotta give this away. but man, all right yeah I gotta check that someone thought that was good looking. How many calls everyone made though? like a ton of calls in an hour? it should be a monthly I Mean you don't have to hand out Benjamins every time.

Maybe like a Starbucks maybe like thousand. Oh yeah, what you need box. Oh, who's getting fired? Yeah! I'm just kidding. All right, let's post game which has happened real quick.

Um I Want to be doing some sort of competition like this moving forward because one, everyone made the most amount of calls. cold calls they've probably ever made an entire day in one hour. So moving forward, they should be able to do like two hours a day. Meeting their productivity just went up probably 10x with one hour.

So that's big and then two. You know Luke's already got leads he's getting from the calls he's made literally an hour or two ago. Um, so the big purpose of the Cold Call comp and this is how it is In every sales type of role. everyone thinks they need a full day to do x amount of calls.

But when you give them 60 seconds and you throw very little money on the line a hundred dollars, everyone is like I need to call as many as possible and don't be as productive as possible. It literally worked perfectly. That's how it always is. And I don't even know if I would say sales I Probably say that for all companies, you give someone an hour to do a task I guarantee you they're gonna get it done an hour.

Then if you give them a week to do it, they're gonna take a whole week to get that task done. So that was the point of the cold call. first one we've ever did. It was just something I came up with and was just like let's just try it and everyone was Mega productive I don't know if anyone got too much Insight on how to dial in their pitch I think we'll work that work on that.

maybe next time. but I think everyone just saw how productive they could be in a single hour. So we'll see what it leads into in terms of business. Obviously, everyone made a lot of calls, made a lot of connections in our industry.
We don't see results from that for 30, 60, maybe even 90 days in other. Industries you might get closings or sales the day you make the calls. Obviously for us takes 30 days to close a mortgage. So not only is it going to take a while to get the revenue from or say the fruits from our labor, but it's also going to take a while to Foster that relationship build more connections with that and then get loans that way so we don't really know what kind of results it'll get from an income or Revenue standpoint yet, but we will in a little bit and this isn't the last competition that we did.

Now that I saw how productive it was, we're gonna throw something else in. I Don't know what we're gonna do yet. Maybe door knocking? Uh yeah, maybe we have just some other sales type competitions again. I Hate the word sales.

It's all about growth, but you have to do some prospecting like that to get business. Tyler Won the competition today. He's probably the only loan officer at the out of the entire group that did not need to win the hundred dollars because he's having a massive core. Congrats on taking the hundred dollars from.

Sean So yeah, my opinion: Zach is a smooth talker on the phone. Um, maybe he'll win it next time we'll see. Who knows. Stay tuned foreign Josh I'm doing well Man, as always, how are you? It's worse than I thought I Really need to micromanage these guys? Hey, this is Zach Taylor from the X2 Mortgage Company.

Oh perfect. I Need a mortgage? Awesome! Well it's perfect timing because our rates have never been lower. Speak up son. I'm I'm a little hard of hearing what liquor are.

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2 thoughts on “Real estate cold call competition x2 ventures 008”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Harding says:

    Congrats to Tyler 🎉 well deserved!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Tallman says:

    Tyler’s pitch is dope! Does he ever watch the UK’s most hated sales trainer?

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