Building your credit is easily one of THE most important things you can do to improve your financial future. However, these 5 common mistakes will RUIN your credit score - this is how to avoid it. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan
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First: Missing a payment or by paying it off late.
This is probably the most detrimental mistake you could make, because your payment-history makes up 35% of your overall credit score. And what’s even worse, is that your payment history is stays on your credit report for up to seven years.
So when it comes to preventing this from happening, here are two things I always do:
First, I ALWAYS make sure to have auto-pay enabled to make the minimum payment. This way, NO MATTER WHAT, I’ll always at LEAST pay off the minimum amount I owe, on time.
Second, I use a combination of and to keep track of all my credit cards and credit card balances every few weeks. If I see something with a balance, I’ll always just go in and pay it off immediately so I don’t forget about doing it later. This usually takes a few minutes every other week to manage, it’s fairly simple.
Second: Maxing out your credit card
This is because 30% of your credit score is calculated by what’s called your credit utilization - this is the amount of credit you have available to you, versus how much of it you actually use. So when it comes to avoiding this mistake, thankfully it’s fairly easy to do in a few steps:
First, try to keep your credit utilization under 30%. This means for every $1000 of credit that you’re given, you keep a balance under $300 at all times.
The second thing you can do, IF you need to make larger one-time purchases on your credit card, is pay it off as soon as you exceed 30%.
Third strategy I’ve used is to have MULTIPLE lines of credit so that it lowers the overall credit utilization.
But…the GOOD news with this is that even if you DO max out your credit card…your drop in credit score is only temporary until you pay it off!
Third: Opening up too much credit, too quickly
Each time you apply for new credit, it’s called a “hard inquiry” - which just means that a third party has run your credit, indicating you’ve applied for a loan. Each time this happens, it’ll lower your credit score about 3-5 points…and this affects your credit score for the next 6 months.
On one hand, the more credit cards you have, generally the more diverse your credit history is, and because of that, the HIGHER your score will be - LONG TERM. In the short term, however, the more cards you apply for at once, the higher risk you become to lenders, and because of that, the LOWER the score you’ll have.
So when it comes to this, here is my advice:
If you’re planning to buy a house or car in the next 6-8 months, or you plan to finance any large upcoming purchases, DO NOT open up new lines of credit. It’s just too risky and if you lower your score at a time where you need it the most, it could be detrimental to your loan!
Fourth: Closing an old credit card.
This is because the AVERAGE length of your credit history makes up 15% of your overall credit score, so when you cancel an old credit line, you inadvertently also lower the AVERAGE age of your credit. This is why It’s important to ALWAYS keep your oldest credit accounts active, even if you never use them - just because this weighs down your average account age to show it’s been open longer.
Fifth: Not having any credit at all!
If you don’t have a credit score, you’re an “unknown” to lenders because your entire credit score is NOTHING…and because of that, no lender will ever loan you money for a house, or a car, or anything else you might want to finance. If this is you, learn from my mistake and get SOME type of credit card.
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24 thoughts on “5 mistakes that ruin your credit score”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JP the Product says:

    Worst advice my dad ever gave me was "never get a credit card"… I didn't get my first one until a year ago in my 30s and now my oldest credit accounts are student loan accounts 😭

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mokemo_music says:

    my bank account got scammed would that mess up my credit score

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheStrawKnight says:

    My first credit card I got the year I graduated college and have it still. It's a 1.5% rewards credit card from USAA with a 20k credit limit. This fall I will have had it for 28 years which is the same amount of time I've worked in my profession.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simply Ret says:

    Is there a proper way to close out a credit card account? In this scenario, it's the youngest card (least time open relative to the others) and also has the lowest total amount.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leonine Belly Dance says:

    These videos are so incredibly helpful!
    I've never had a credit card and I'm already 27 🤦‍♀️
    I was never really taught about finances or credit and I just decided to avoid it to keep myself out of debt but now I'm getting older and hoping to buy a home soon so I'll have to build my credit. These videos make me feel super comfortable with moving forward, opening credit lines and handling it all responsibly so I can meet my goals

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SnowyMC says:

    What about multiple inquiries?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bodark Zulu says:

    Appreciate the video graham! liked and double subbed.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shizon84 says:

    I would think that there is nothing wrong with having allot of credit cards as long as you keep your credit utilization low and more importantly, pay all your bills.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Card says:

    Thanks for referring me to Steveedarkplug on telegram, The guy is the realest I bought a credit card from him, very valid No reds flags at all

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fr Pastor says:

    Ain’t gonna give you testimony but imma tell you to work with @darkcard15 he is 💯legit he help me out with no complain 💯✅✅

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rushshwuwu says:

    I had an late repo and quite a number of other negative items on my report with a low 400s CREDIT SCORE These prevented me from getting a mortgage until I starting looking for help After he finished working on my REPORT in just 7 days my CREDIT SCORE increased to 780 all the negative items on my REPORT were deleted permanently and he added good trade lines to boost my credit gratitude to ignitionservices at yahoo com

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Çukur Name says:

    When I signed up with dane from Guildunlocks net I had 18 negative items across all 3 credit reports plus a judgement and a bankruptcy It's been 3 weeks and the judgement and bankruptcy have been removed from all 3 reports They were also successful in getting all other negatives removed from my Trans union and Experian I now only have 4 left on Equifax but they are old and paid in full so they really are not affecting my score anyway My scores have all gone from low to mid 600 to around 700 to 740 and it would not have happened without Hackerdane at yahoo dot com through mail

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FİKRET ÇETİNKAYA says:

    It is incredibly easy doing this using the company GUILDUNLOCKS NET I m not saying this video is not okay but just like Laura said I’m not quite sure its going to get you the exact results you’re looking for that why I reached out to dane and explained everything to him I was living with a very poor credit and life wasn’t at all easy thanks to him I was able to jump it from 505 to 800 he even said to me its highly rare finding a person who got a score of 800 but he said he liked my approach and I deserved it Im extremely happy because life has gotten easier ever since then if you need help find him and come thank me later

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ƇƐL·L·ΛƬ says:

    I honestly wouldnt have found a way to do this if it wasnt for hackerdane at yahoo com he has saved so many lives and I really admire him for that I used to have a very poor credit score because I had a rough past and its not always been easy for me but when I found mr dane I explained to him everything that was going on and he reassured me that he would fix it he did and got my scóre from 550 to 805 now I have my own pharmacy and currently working on getting something even bigger dane saved my life in ways I cant even talk about so if anyone needs saving Find your way to him through his mail hackerdane at yahoo com he wouldnt judge

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdullah Malçok says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hünerli bayan says:

    I had a situation where my former landlord put all these charges on my credit saying I damaged the apartment and I left early none of which is true I was exploring the lawsuit option but in the meantime I was not able to rent an apartment because of this and it destroyed my life I didn’t feel I had to pay for something I did not do they can neither validate nor show any proof of damages I was informed a ethical repairer helps people in cleaning credit which I am so happy about I tendered my problems to them and they removed all damaging info on my credit It took them a couple of days to get my credit cleaned and it’s such an amazing feeling to be finally free from all that problems I had THIS IS CREDIT REPAIR SERVICE AT ITS BEST Guildunlocks NET

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TWİTCH ZLAEN says:

    Being patient with Guildunlocks net during my credit repair process was worth it Last year I enlisted in the National Guard and did all of my training from Jan-August I had almost $13k worth of collections after i added up the line of credit that i was paying daily interest on It was a pretty rough time I was 12 months into my car loan and every time I applied to refinance I got denied I tried to get a debt consolidation loan and got denied Then I had to switch employers and also got denied for their credit check But thanks to Guildunlocks net who has helped me repair my credit and given me an excellent score 820 Now I no longer get denied for anything at all

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amed Yalçın says:

    it was indeed a blessing meeting Guildunlocks net who upgraded my credit score for me and repaired my score for me clearing all negativity on my account report

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emirhan Ateşli says:

    I applied for credit cards from different companies and was rejected because i had a low credit score of 450 and i was not granted a credit card so i reached out to Guildunlocks net on google who raised my score for me without issues to 820

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emir Gücüm says:

    FICO scores is 813 now and it posted on all reporting agencies with the service of Guildunlocks ◼net PSA It also works if u have a VERY GOOD credit score and need inquiries, collection accounts, charge offs or debt etc removed

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Unlimited Power says:

    Credit is stupid. Buy what you can afford or don't buy it.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jones Valentino says:

    I bought my banklog from *Dumpscardingg* on telegram with the easiest cashout method which worked 100% no red flag at all he own me a lot,I also bought some credit card from worth the balance I requested which actually works fine the dude helped me alot with his stuffs work with him guys, I’m earning much already ✅

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jones Valentino says:

    I bought my banklog from *Dumpscardingg* on telegram with the easiest cashout method which worked 100% no red flag at all he own me a lot,I also bought some credit card from worth the balance I requested which actually works fine the dude helped me alot with his stuffs work with him guys, I’m earning much already ✅

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Hart says:

    If you’re young and just want to start is it wise to open several lines of hard inquiry in a few months. Yes it would lower the score in the short term but after 2+ years it would benefit you generally

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