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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. Another green day. Third green Day of April my 59th trading day of 2018, finishing the morning up 2,600 bucks. Not the biggest green day ever, but not bad.

Today's one of those days where the market is humbling me a little bit because I was up fifty six hundred dollars which was awesome and then I took a three thousand dollar loss. So my last trade of the day three thousand dollar haircut. little disappointing, but you know I'm still green on the day. That's kind of the thing.

if I would feel better if I just made twenty six hundred and that was it. But when someone you know the market gives you fifty six hundred and then takes three thousand of it back, you're like hey, wait a second, you know, So that's kind of a thing. it's it's a good day, but it's also kind of a little annoying. And I also missed a really great opportunity on our XII with a entry at 350 it squeezed all the way up to I was like 450 470 so bummer on that.

But this is the luck of the draw and as you guys know, Deadliest Catch the season is about to start I think it's a week away and I love the show because you know when I see things like they they have mechanical problems all the time. I think that's just a life of owning a buck and you know mechanical problem happens and it's like oh man now we can't fish. We can't do what we got to do to make money. We got to fix this problem and this problem is gonna cost $5,000 Plus we have the missed opportunity cost of not being able to work.

and I kind of associate that a little bit with do with trading. When you have a screw-up, you mess up your hotkeys and you lose three four thousand. That's kind of an equipment failure. I Mean it's it's not actually literally equipment, it's just it.

kind of. I Associate it as being similar, just a tech failure. You know when you have, you know the missed opportunity cost because your internet goes out. It's frustrating.

but it's just part of the cost of doing business. And so if you think of day trading is this is your business, you're self-employed you're you own this business, and you're a day trader. That's what you do. Then it kind of helps.

maybe create a little detachment between really personalizing the loss, isn't feeling like oh man, it's my fault or you know, getting really bent out of shape. It's like now. I Cannot run this business of day trading without having losses. It's literally impossible.

so losses are gonna happen for me. Last month I was right 75 percent at a time, so 25 percent of the time one about out of every four trades is gonna be a loser. So I got to get good at handling the losses, compartmentalizing it or whatever. And so I encourage you guys to spend a little time thinking about that, just so you know you know, get better in a shape, and get all frustrated when you do have a loss because it happens.

it's just part of trading. So anyways, we'll break it all down in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're gonna break down our trades from this morning.
So finishing the morning here with two thousand, six hundred, twenty one dollars, and eighty-eight cents seems good on the surface. But I was up fifty six hundred dollars and gave back about three thousand on my last trade on Te NX which is obviously a little disappointing. So the market keeps us humble because you know, even having a two thousand dollar day feels a little bit like yeah, it's not as good as it could have been because I got a little too aggressive Now I'll break down the trades on Te NX Also, pull back up my Interactive Brokers account here. Interactor Brokers Disappointing Today, two trades they tried to take at.

Let's see, I had this trade here at 3:56 For whatever reason, it didn't go through. This was on our XII and then tried to trade it again at five and then I was rejected for buying power which was really disappointing because I would love to have had that $5,000 winner in this account. but you know it's the luck of the draw so I'll go over that trade as well. Okay, so first trade of the day: te and X this one on our watch list.

if I get the Gap scanner it was gapping up pre market like I don't know eighty percent something like that and I was watching it for a scalp now I recorded all of the trades those are going to be uploaded for warrior Pro students. Some of the trades I will upload and put them on YouTube but a lot of them I just saved for our warrior Pro students. So this one I did record and I'll upload it for you guys. pre market high was ten thirty nine.

Alright, so soon as the bell rang I was thinking, you know this is certainly worth watching for a scalp over the highs of you know, ten forty. Whatever it is Ten forty. So the bell rings and let's look at the first one when a candle. First one minute candle, you see it squeezing up.

Now the thing is, it opened at $10 and dipped to 9:00 a.m. and as soon as it started to pop back up. Boom! I press the order for five thousand shares of ten dollars I only filled 2500 but I took it and sold half up 70 cents at twelve at a ten seventy 1250 shares I sold the rest break even I mean that's in a matter of twenty two seconds I was up eight hundred bucks but it was quick, it popped right up and then it came right back down so it didn't hold up very well. That was in the first candle.

All right. and then I kept it unwatched And you see, my next entry was at 10:27 and 1048. I was anticipating a retest of high of day which was right inside this candle. If I actually bring this down into a 10-second candle I Don't trade with ten-second candles, but I'll do this just for you guys so you're able to see kind of what I was thinking inside that minute.

When these trades are that fast, it's helpful for you guys to kind of see what happened. So we pop up in the first ten seconds I take my profit and stop out. It then starts to curl right here and this is where I got back in. it started to curl.
so I jumped in here thinking if it broke over ten eighty we would squeeze. I added at 1080 and started selling at Ten Ninety Four, Eleven, Eleven 18, 11, 16. We hit a high of Eleven nineteen and with that I made four thousand right around. actually three thousand two hundred dollars.

So I was up four thousand dollars on the day with T and X which I was I was pumped about. alright. Next trade I sold the rest there I took a little scalp on BDR This one hit our hide a momentum scanner so I jumped in it at a dollar twenty seven dollar two dollar twenty four and then added a dollar thirty three. It didn't hold up very well.

As you can see here, it tapped a high of 52 but it didn't hold that level. It came all the way back down to 23 and I sort of sold it right in this area as it was kind of right around breakeven. so I got out at 31 26, tried to sell a couple times on the ask, sold the rest of 27 and 25 so wasn't a very big winner. Next trade to En X at $10 All right.

so let's go back to Te N X So T En X at $10 that was the first 5-minute candle to make a new high right here. So we had the first 5-minute candle to make a new high. I was in at 10:00 only got a partial fill of 1,500 shares. It pops up to a high of on that first candle.

it popped up to like 1050 but I saw just a flash of this big seller at like a twenty five thousand share seller and so I stopped out right in this area. if then gets up over that level and goes up to eleven. So I was like ah, hindsight's 2020. you know, whatever.

then it's consolidating right here. Consolidating consolidating. We hit a high of 89 and I got in. Let's see it was right there for the break over $12 So I was in at let's see I added at at 11:48 11:49 and let's see I Guess there might be a couple trades here so there would have been a little scalp in here and then I had another trade on it where I got back in at 11:14 and sorry 949.

that was right here. Okay so let's zoom forward a little bit. Okay, so a little scalp right here that was profitable and then I got back in right here and this is where things went the wrong direction for me. So I got back in at 949 in the morning for a break over 12 I thought that we were.

you know, coming up here for the double top double tap. we would break over that level. So I'm in at 88, 80 and 88. basically 7,500 shares with an average of 11 85 and it didn't I gave it a chance, it dropped down to 1135 I held it came back up to a high of 11 85 I was Larry let's go look for the break.

it didn't break and I'm this candle I stopped out. it dropped down to 11:30 so on that one I stopped out mostly at 11:50 and 11:36 for a three thousand dollar loss. That was the right move because you know it ended up dropping down here all the way to 1050 and in fact hi of day is 1192 so it wasn't able to get up over that level. It was a nice idea, it made sense, but it just couldn't hold.
and I was probably being a little too aggressive on my share size, but I was also feeling pretty confident I've had like five trades on it, five winners I was like I'm gonna go for the next one and gave back a little bit more than half my profit on it. So at that point I was like alright I got it, ease up and meanwhile our XII is hitting the scanners so we see our XII hitting the scans and I'm like okay I can afford this one in my lights in my Interactive Brokers account and it looks pretty decent. So I see it hitting the scans I saw that ahead news and so I tried to jump in right here when we were at 50 I pressed the bytes so let's just let's just look at the actual timestamp just so everyone sees so 947 and six seconds, 947 and six seconds. So this was right inside this candle.

I press the Buy button right around here. the order sitting, the order sitting it squeezes up to 79 and 75 and I'm not filled. I've got no fail. So I cancelled my order I don't think the order was actually rejected I think that I cancelled it can't remember if there's a way to see eventlog I don't remember if there's a way to see what the message was now in hindsight.

But in any case, yeah, I don't know. Trade Blog: it's not gonna have anything I don't think so. Anyways, for whatever reason the order got didn't didn't get filled and then I cancelled it I cancelled it myself. so then I'm like alright, this thing is ridiculous.

It's squeezing up I put the order to buy 5,000 shares at $4 but of course 5,000 shares times I don't know what's going on here. Whatever. So 5,000 shares times $4 is $20,000 and I only have 18,000 in the account. so on that one it was rejected on insufficient buying power which was my own.

That was my own fault the first one though I don't know I'm not really sure why that order didn't go through event log. yeah I don't know. it's not saying anything here. So error systems messages yeah I don't know.

but just I think it's just bad luck. you know? For whatever reason I even get filled but filling 5,300 shares right there, then going up to four then going up to 450. that's a $5,000 winner. So so frustrating to miss that opportunity because you know how important that is in my IRA That would put me at 23,000 dollars tomorrow.

only two thousand dollars away from that big line in the sand with the PDT level. But it is what it is. So I felt FOMO on that I felt frustrated because I was fumbling over on this account. Normally what I would do is I would take the train to my IRA and then I would go take it in my main account I take it in the IRA first because I want to have a better entry so I normally would take it here and then I would go over here and jump in and then I would have had a trade on both both accounts.
but I was fumbling over here trying to figure out what was going on. missed it on this side and then I felt like Oh at this point my last attempt was at four. I pressed the Buy button and it rejects and immediately set for 15 and its halting and I'm like, well, I missed it I'm not giving in to FOMO so give myself a pat on the back for not giving in to FOMO and chasing something and then you know, getting myself into trouble closing the day. Green Green is good and I'm happy with that.

So that'll put me up about 28,000 or $27,000 on the month, which is awesome. This is only the third day in the calendar here, so it's the 59th trading day of 2018 for me. So day fifty nine plus two thousand, six hundred, twenty one dollars, and eighty-eight cents. Very good.

Alright, so that's a great start to the month and let's just try to continue with Thursday and Friday be green all week. That'd be really nice. All right. So that's the game plan and I'll let you guys enjoy the rest of the afternoon and when we back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

Pre market analysis around 9:15 9:30 All right, see you guys in the morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “3rd green day in a row!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarek Matthew says:

    Hey Ross, I've got a question: why do so many of your buy and sell orders not go through? It seems like you lose a ton of money due to this. Is it because of how you're putting in your orders, or what? I'll ask this question on a few more recap videos until it gets answered.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamie bee says:

    Hey ross, just curious – Why did you switch to Lightspeed from Speedtrader?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars heartdoc855 says:

    so ross do you recommend interactive brokers for day trading ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anis Hersi says:

    Hey Ross, for your Gap and Go's , when your up 15 to 20 cents do you sell on the BID or ASK?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Mckee says:

    I made 750.00 in the first 3 minutes and shut it down.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Xantom says:

    should have waited for break at 12, considering the the percent change, but we've all done it before, haha nice first few days of the month! green team!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan Ivanovik says:

    my i ask is fortrade good program for day trading?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hassan Cherri says:

    Hey Ross I really do enjoy and learn from your videos, I was thinking about that TENX breakout you mentionned, do you think somehow you can explain how the market makers makes false breakouts or traps for breakout traders and so we can avoid them ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    My question for you is why do you not trade pre-market? When you see something climbing quickly like that and you see the volume is crazy high… I trade pre-market and I will admit I have made aggressive trades and it gave me losses because some people are just pre-market trading and right before the bell rings they bounce and stock drops back to where it was. At that point I usually get scared and bail because I don't want to take a huge loss and would rather be down 100-500. Sad thing is usually as soon as I get out they jump back in and boom it goes up again. This is like Monday trade for me. I was in at 5.50 on SLS and it was having a hard time breaking 6.00 so I bailed. I looked back at it and it was at 7.00 so I jumped in but couldn't fill until about 8.00 Anyways I lost about 2K because I couldn't just wait it out and I was scared. I beat myself up about it and every time I watch your videos it makes me feel better. Your look at thing and understanding everyone makes mistakes and its OK really helps me in my trading.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Richardson says:

    What is the point of showing a 10 second chart? You don’t trade off it but you are showing where you made entries on it? Why not show how you made decisions based on the chart timeframe you actually use?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Ahn says:

    I also got into red in anticipation of breaking 11.92 on TENX.. Oh well had to stop out and take a loss

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bacon says:

    What do you think of buying amazon shares right now?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghassan Akkad says:

    Quick question, it may sound stupid but bare with me please, if a stock that you’re invested in (bought a large number of shares, like 5000 plus) suddenly drops below the price you bought at, why would you sell it and take a loss? Why not hold overnight to see whether it spikes up again (just like SLS did yesterday), it sounds like it would be way more profitable to just hold onto it. Thanks in advance!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Lion says:

    What is a PDT level?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    You would of had insufficient BP on the 5398 x 3.56 as that is equal to 19216.88

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars morgan bernard says:

    I bought the chat room trial yesterday, put $500 in a UST account, took the scanner alert for $RXII, bought at 3.60, sold at 4.50 for a 25% account gain!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 3vilchina.is.doomed says:

    ty ross appreciate your info

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shiekh_yurbhoutti says:

    Great vid! What moving averages and for which time frames are you using if you dont mind me asking?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dani White says:

    excellent proof of concept even in your loss , quick question for you….. when taking scalps near 12 today on tenx were you already aware of that being a very strong rejection point over 1 year?or was it all based on the chart today? just a thought i had In retrospect when you were talking about being aggressive on share size at those levels, .sorry this turned into multiple questions lol, last one. had you seen the yearly would you still have taken the aggressive size? thanks so much for all of your helpful videos and sharing your time with us. i will be joining your classes a.s.a.p.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kingmike40 says:

    $1000 a day makes a real nice lifestyle.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Lamparter says:

    Congrats!!! I just took 10% off on tenx for the day. Not much but played it safe. Love your morning videos thank you

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Zausch says:

    Would you have gotten RXII fill had you just stayed with Lightspeed?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominique Berton says:

    Hi Ross, are you every time you buy / sell adjusting the limits for the orders? How do you manage to do this so fast? Is it easier with Lightspeed than with IBKR? By the way fantastic video, very interesting!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christina Choe says:

    dude , Das trader sucks tbh….

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davron Abzalov says:

    Thanks Ross! Are you gonna post the live trade? Those really help, even though i was in the chatroom this morning but i was focused on my own trading.

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