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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are at the 60th day of 2018, my 60th trading day, finishing the morning up just under $4,000 and that puts me up $32,000 on the week. And this is the crazy thing. I've taken 30 trades I've been right on 28 of them. 28 winners out of 30 trades, only two losers in the last four days of trading I really needed that that big boost forward.

here. it just it puts me in the driver's seat for the month of April because at this point if I want to step back if I want to ease off the throttle I know that I've already got a big lead I know I'm thinking about this is like a race car you know around the track around the track I've got this big lead so now I can lighten up. The thing is when you start kind of in the back seat when you start and you get passed by a bunch of people and you're behind. you have a loss right at the first day of the month or the first couple days you're spending the next couple you know, days trying to get yourself back into the green and sometimes you get a little sloppy doing that.

You got to really like be on the edge and push hard and it changes just your mental approach to trading because you're in this kind of digging out of the hole and trying to get back up instead of just starting strong and staying in the lead and just standing tall and being confident. So 32,000 dollars of profit so far in the month that's enough to go. Like you know, put the down payment on a Ferrari or a Rolls-royce or something which is crazy. Am I gonna do it? No, but I am pumped and this is a really just awesome start to the month.

So right now sitting at five hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in my account, that I start with $583 about fifteen months ago January of 2017, all real trades all verified by my broker statements. it's been a crazy run. But really I'm only half way there. This is the Indy 500 and I'm on lap 200 and you know, 52 or whatever.

I've still got a long ways to go guys, stay focused so we'll just be back at it tomorrow morning. But in the meantime, let's break down today's trades in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're gonna break down the trades from today, finishing the morning up: three thousand, nine hundred, seventy three dollars, and seventy one cents.

which is not bad. Another good day of trading right now, we're definitely on a little bit of a hot streak. Thirty trades this week with 28 winners and thirty-two thousand dollars in profit, so that's just fantastic. April's off to a great start.

I mean I'm at ninety one ninety two percent accuracy. The average winner this week per share has been twenty four cents. Average loser was thirty cents because I had a forty five cent loss yesterday and the other was a fifteen cent loss. but with 92% accuracy, it doesn't really matter.

Thirty two thousand dollars in profit. So you know, like that at the beginning of April my account was at seventy-five thousand dollars and now we're going to be close to a hundred and ten thousand. so that's a really nice big boost forward and definitely thankful for it. I Love having strong momentum at the beginning of the month because it just kind of.
It puts you in the driver's seat. It puts you in a place where you feel like you know you're really you've You've got your cushion and now you can just eat set back, sit back a little bit and not feel quite so stressed. You know about needing to have big really big days, it's just kind of grinding, and then once you get to that point where you're not as kind of feeling pressured, the trades just seemed to come more naturally, you don't force it, you take better quality trades and then the profits are bigger. It's It's funny how when you kind of start behind the ball where by having a big loss at the beginning of the month, that it can kind of just really change your mental approach to trading for the rest of the month because you feel like you're behind behind the ball and you're all sort of set back which is obviously not not a good thing.

John Good question. So what I do is on our website every month I Update all of my broker statements. So if you go to our website and I'll show you where you can find this here, let me just drag this down and you go to scroll to the bottom of the page and you'll see a link for my verified earnings. So 2018 verified earnings are right here The account as of actually I've got to update that as of 331 Is it for One hundred and Eighty Three thousand dollars? These are my January broker statements and reports: 117 thousand in January with Lightspeed and interactive brokers February - Ten thousand Lightspeed Interactive Brokers March plus forty two, Forty one thousand after fees Forty one thousand, Nine hundred, Seventy Three dollars.

And here the broker statements. so those get uploaded at the end of, well, the very beginning of the next month. So these just came up yesterday as soon as I had my Interactive Brokers statement. So this is something that I was important for me to show you guys that this $583 challenge from $583 to what is now over half a million dollars is all verified.

Those are all real trades, real gains and you know it's just proof that this strategy works. So right now I'm sitting at five hundred and seventeen thousand dollars in that challenge. The goal is a million and I'm halfway there, which is awesome sitting at 181 thousand dollars. Profit on the year right now.

So yeah, that's a good question. Alright, so trades today Dlp N and S O na S N O a Yeah these were straight off the watchlist so we were watching both of these pre market SN o a I said that I was watching for a long over for 74 72 which I kind of this line here I thought if it broke that level we might get a little bit of a pop. What ended up happening on this is I got in a little early at 69 and 70. As soon as I saw buyers 7500 shares it pops up to 480 and I sold half on the ask.
At 477 it started to drop down and I just was like you know what? I'm not feeling this, it feels a little weak I'm gonna just ease up and so I sold the rest on the bid at 70 and that was the right move because it ended up selling off and it didn't hold up as well at all. see HFS was the other stock that we were watching this morning and this one also didn't hold up well at all. I didn't take a trade on it, but it was just very weak. so kind of disappointing there and then DL PN and this one was on the watch list.

It was gapping up and so we thought. All right, it's worth keeping an eye on for a long over 450. So the bell rings, it starts to pop up and I jumped in it at 4:00 Let's see I got 75 hundred shares actually just under ten thousand at 4:30 I saw it popping up and I was like this thing looks good I'm into it I'm jumping in at 4:30 My mental stop on it was like 420. I was like a low risk.

10 cents on it, looks like it's gonna break over the half dollar. It pops up to 55 and then it drops to 410 and I was down $2,000 and I was like whoa, hold up one second. I was not planning on this. the spreads opening up that quickly and so it was sort of the moment of truth and I was a little nervous I wasn't sure it was gonna work out but I never like to sell into a flush I wait for them to pop back up and it did pop back up and you can see right here the first one minute candle to make a new high.

That's what I was waiting for and boom we got the resolution. hi sorry I Decided to start easing out of it at 49 because I was like that was a close call. And here's the deal: if I take a trade and I'm almost immediately down $2,000 I'm changing my mindset from let's have this be a big winner to let's minimize the damn. So once I was actually in the green I was like, all right, I'm gonna minimize the damage and get out and then I got back in at 44 and 45.

so I got out as it popped up here because I was nervous and then I basically got right back in. literally like 40 30 seconds later. but you know that's how quickly the momentum can change on these, from either seeming really strong to seeming weak. So I switch gears got back in added at 45, 5,000 shares sold at 59 and 69, got back in at 70, sold at 76, got back in 83 and 85 sold at 94.

So now I'm scalping I'm getting in, getting out. got back in at 508, sold at 514 and then that I guess was my final exit as it came back down to 506 so it squeezed to a high of 577. I mean they ended up doing really well. it just sort of faked me out early on and I had to really change gears on it from trying to get a big win to just minimize the damage and then you know ended up being a winner but only $3,000 profit.

So 3,000 on DL PN 500 on Sno A and Lfi N was the last one that I traded a little bit of a higher risk trade here, buying it into the circuit breaker Hall it was squeezing up and I jumped in. at 16 57, it squeezed up to a high of 16 91 and then all the way to 1745 I was up like a dollar per share tried to sell on the ask at 17 39 I didn't fill and so I said that's it I'm gonna hit the bid and I'm hitting the bid literally. One second later for 40 cents lower. That's how fast this thing moved.
It was 17 39 on the ask and I'm hitting the bid a second later at $17 One second later, it's at 16 34. Think about that I mean it's It's a pretty narrow margin for error and this was not an easy one, but it did end up pulling back, forming a really nice five-minute bull flag, making them move back up. Remember First Candle to make a new high right down here. Five 7:15 73 Stop 15 15 Squeezing back up and a little bit right here so ended up being some good opportunities on it I didn't fully capitalize on it.

And the thing that I said this morning during live trading is that I'm okay with leaving money on the table as long as I'm walking with profits because I feel like you're either leaving money on the table or you're you're giving back profits I mean either way, there's gonna be money on the table. It's how do you want to do it. Do you want to leave it on the table and walk away? Or do you want to be giving it back through the tape through the form of losses? So anyways, today I ended up being a pretty solid day. A little bit better than yesterday.

Not as good certainly as Monday or Tuesday, but this has just been a great week and a great start to the month of April So really exciting stuff. And again, guys, I mean you know I Started this account with $583 about 15 months ago. I'm at five hundred and seventeen thousand dollars right now. That's all real money and it's all just trading the same strategy every single day.

My average winners are about 18 cents per share. Yes, sometimes I have really big winners, but the average winner is only about 18 20 cents a share. So it's not about swinging for the fences. it's about consistency.

Get in, get your profit, and get back out. You can always get back in. Alright, so yeah, David not not in not including the funds as I withdrew, but the net. The net gains are five hundred and seventeen thousand.

I've got a hundred thousand in its account right now. the rest of the profits I took out and actually reinvested into index funds. so it is in the market. but I'm not including that in the challenge because I'm not actively trading it.

So anyways, you know, just really exciting here. I've got my eye on the finish line, which is that the 1 million dollar mark? So I'm sitting right now four hundred and eighty three thousand dollars off that level and I'm doing the math I'm thinking alright if I can do forty thousand a month I'm ten months away from crossing the finish line if I can do 60 thousand a month I'm you know, eight months away, nine months. but you know I'm just thinking when can I cross that finish line and I'd love to have a couple of really big green days I'd love to have $100,000 a day at some point this year I'd love to be in a market that's strong enough for me to feel comfortable taking 15, 20, maybe 30,000 share positions. but right now I'm not there and as excited as I am to cross that finish line.
I also have to continue to trade smart and manage my risk so you know it's It's definitely that balance of you know, not letting the eagerness override the logic to be a good trader. Alright, so anyways, a really great week here. four days into the month of April for green days and hopefully we'll finish Friday tomorrow with another green day. Alright, so that's it for me.

I'm gonna upload the live trades from this morning to the Warrior pro classes so you students who are in the classes can watch them under the live examples and I hope you enjoy them all right? I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning. Oh hey, I didn't see you there while I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade. Hopefully it comes soon. Until then, Make sure you subscribe to get email alerts anytime! I Go live or upload new videos.

Until then, Happy surfing!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Ross presents a green trading day!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Parker says:

    only stay this one for the theme song out in the woods……use more of a playlist song to make it more interesting(innovation)

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karthik Seetharaman says:

    Hi, Ross! Phenomenal performance!!! How many % of your capital do you risk per trade?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yung-Kwang says:

    Where is todays daily recap? 5/6?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Roberts says:

    You didn't get caught in the LFIN halt, did you? I was looking forward to your recap today

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Staying Disciplined145 says:

    You the man ross. Out of all these youtube traders, your the most transparent and consistent. You show your losses just as much as the gains. You had a great week bro. Enjoy!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louie M says:

    That scenery was amazing in the beginning of the video!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Mckee says:

    I was late to the party on every set up. Im not sure what I did wrong yesterday……

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seanruss693 says:

    LFIN was textbook trading with waiting for the pullbacks and getting in on the new highs with volume.  Lots learned from you, thanks for all you do.  ended up making .85 cents on LFIN but don't have that much capitol so wasn't a huge gain.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Marilag says:

    Hi Ross, were you on a PDT rule when you started your $583 challenge? Will this strategy work for someone with a trading account less than $25k?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poker Invest says:

    Ross love your videos. Just a question. How do you get a 2:1 PL? Do you need to trade on leverage?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Guitar Journey says:

    How do you track your performance Ross?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abenet Beyene says:

    Standing tall and confident….already April and half-mill crazy

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rofsjan says:

    28 out of 30. great ratio!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Gastelum says:

    To funny Ross! “Am I going to do it?” (Camera Zooms in)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Barkowitz says:

    The man, the legend…you're a scholar and a gentleman and I don't care what anyone says about you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M K says:

    Ross do you offer free trial
    To test it out?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hocin max says:

    Good for you man relly good job 😁😁😁👌👌👌

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandre says:

    thank you …stay with us!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darius T. says:

    Congrats Ross. Question, does your list of Nasdaqs, NYSE, etc update automatically within your platform? I missed DLPN as it wasn't in my list of stocks, and I download my list directly from Nasdaq's website. Thanks.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M K says:

    Does Ross share his picks live in realtime in chatroom? Or is it only after he closes the trade or late in the game he shows us?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M K says:

    Anyone traded live with Ross? Do you see when he makes trade live?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Davidson says:

    Great job ross

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rayraff1 says:

    Ross, what told you not to sell DLPN at 4.10 when you were down 2K? You said you don’t like to sell into a flush. How did you know it would turn around?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zZazz says:

    Dam I miss the east coast

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zZazz says:

    Love It!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominique Berton says:

    Hi Ross, very impressive.. What Scanner do you recommend? The IBKR integrated scanner does not give me the same results. Do you have specific parameters in yours? Is TI the right choice, it is pretty expensive and seems to do much more than just a scanner? Many thanks

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LauraNYC says:

    56K on inverse ETFs 😉😝🙏😇

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Akleptose says:

    what is your screener set up?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christmas666 says:

    awesome day!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUNNYZEN says:

    What’s the best to trade on the 1 min or 5 min candle?

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