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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: finishing my third day in the red. It's getting a little disappointing, but you know what? All Things Considered It's still a great week. I'm a $5,000 on the week and although it's not the 32,000 I've been averaging for the first and second weeks of the month. $5,000 is good money I mean for working two hours a day I'll take it I'm up sixty eight thousand dollars right now on the month of April and life is good is thanks to being able to day trade.

getting in here each morning capitalizing on the opportunities, but there will be the ebb and the flow. The momentum can shift, the tide can change, and that's kind of what we've seen in the last three days. It's been a little bit choppier, but for those of you that enjoy watching these recaps if you have questions, put them down below in the comments section. I'll come back through over the weekend and answer as many of them as I can.

and if you enjoy these videos I'd Love for you to give me the thumbs up. Alright, so we're gonna break down all of today's trades in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So here we are today.

It is the 69th trading day of the year, finishing the morning down 1100 bucks. You guys will be able to see that here. But all things considered and not a bad day really. I mean yeah, I'm a little in the red, but it's been a great week.

I'm up $5,000 on the week I'm up $68,000 on the month and $218,000 on the year. So being down a thousand bucks today is not a big deal, you can see that I had one nice winner on Vlr X But I had a couple losers here and you know, so that is what it is. So we'll break down the trades here. The first trade of the day was on VX RT this one was a gap and go set up I was scalping the break over this pre market pivot right here.

at 6:50 the bell rings, it pops up at breaks 650 at taps 666 and then it fades I Knew we had resistance at 680 86 up here, but I thought that we would be able to open up a little more before hitting that resistance and this is also the right time of day for us to break resistance of you know, the first hour. So it was worth a shot, but this one didn't end up working. so I jump in at 650 for the break over the half dollar it taps 666 or 660 whatever and I had to stop out at $6 so kind of a bummer there. $1,800 lost right out of the gates switch gears har was on watch I jumped into this one.

it's starting to surge up so it's like all right you know I'll jump in that I Got in here at 460 my entry there was a little high this one I Really liked for the daily chart. Experiencing a daily breakout force. daily candle to make a new high squeezes up taps 473 and then it pulls back I hold through the pullback but I had to stop on this candle as it broke the low and I got kind of. you know, not a great fill out at 438.

so yeah, you know, kind of disappointing there I could have sold to break even through this consolidation and maybe that's what I should have done. In hindsight, that's probably what I should have done. but when I gave it a chance and said ended up turning into a $2,200 loss. So with those two, I'm down four grand on the day and it happens fast I mean there's no no doubt about it when you treat a big-sized the winners and losers, they can stack up pretty quickly either way.
Next trade was VL Rx This one hit our scans I was a little iffy about it because where it hit the scans right here it hit all the way up to 308 and then it came all the way back down to 250 and that's a pretty sharp pullback. so I was a little nervous about it but I decided to get in for a scalp at to 86 to 97 and 320 for a little more aggressive on this one because I saw I had the potential to move. it tapped a high of 345 I put an order at 348 to try to sell right under the half dollar and I didn't get filled I would have loved to have gotten filled up there in the the 40s. A half dollar.

That would have been a great trade if I'd gotten out of there, but that didn't work. It ended up pulling back and I stopped out on this red candle I added for the break over 28 and then stopped out at 26, 22, 21 and that was it. So three thousand dollars of profit on that one? Not bad for a trade that didn't really work out the way I wanted it to. it really didn't.

You know it. It should have been a six, seven thousand dollar winner. but three thousand dollars is great. So that helped get me out of the hole from from these trades.

and you know, so that's pretty much it for the day. I Took one scalp or another scalp on Vlr X in this area for a break of the V whap. Small winner didn't really do much any P that one I jumped into on a five-minute setup right here. but as you can see, it did a false breakout.

so false breakout. there. a lot of false breakouts today. stocks like a Cali squeeze up all the way back down, my OH squeeze up all the way back down.

So this is the type of thing that we've been seeing today and and we've been seeing for the last couple days and it does make it difficult. I Sized down on all of my trades except for Vlr X I was being more aggressive on that one because I thought it had more potential and I was up $7,000 on it. Unrealized for a moment, but you know it didn't hold that it didn't hold up. So I ended up taking the $3,000 profit.

No trades in the IRA today, Nothing that was worth taking the risk on there. So today is my third consecutive read: day. I was down 1500 on Wednesday which wasn't that bad yesterday. I was down 3,800 which was worse and that was because of a six thousand dollar loss on DXR.

That was a disappointing loss I was being a little too aggressive on that one and it got me. so you know paid paid the price on that. I was able to dig myself out of the hole a little bit, but not all the way. and then today, losing another 1500 bucks.
Eleven Hundred bucks. So that puts me down in the last three days, about seven thousand dollars. Now the hot streak that I was on which started at the end of March and continued until Tuesday gave me. Let's see, let me just run the report on this.

So did you do that? gave me a total of 79 thousand dollar in profit over 13 days, 13 days, and 79 thousand dollars of profit. Let's just do the math and see how much that is per day. Seventy nine thousand divided by thirteen days. Six thousand, Seventy six dollars per day.

Average for thirteen days. During those thirteen days, my average winners were Let's see: 34 cents per share and my average losers were only seventeen cents per share. Average winners were five percent per trade, five percent gain per trade, Average losers were three point six percent and this is over like 75 or 80 trades. Accuracy during that same period.

Let's see, it was pretty solid. probably close to 80 percent 75 percent. Let's see, accuracy was to do about 78 percent. so you know it's good stuff.

I Mean that that was a really nice hot streak and so yeah, you know right now to have three red days. Have you know, making eighty thousand dollars and then losing seven thousand over three days? That's you know if each step up is, is, well, seven thousand dollars? So 10 steps up. one step back. That's only a 10% pullback off of the last seven of the last 13 15 days.

I'm ok with that. That's totally fine. That's within you know the margin of acceptable pullbacks and good trading and well-managed risk. obviously.

I Want to see things turn around early next week? I Want to finish the month of April strong with sixty eight thousand dollars of profit on the month? I've got a big cushion so I don't have to really worry about, you know, closing the month red. But I had a goal of a hundred thousand dollars this month, so now that's looking a little bit far away unless we have some really good trading next week. you know the first two weeks of the month I was making thirty thousand and thirty four thousand dollars a week, so it certainly doesn't that I couldn't have $35,000 next week and break the hundred K mark. but we're gonna need to have really solid trading so you know, just take what the markets willing to give me and if it continues to be choppy.

one of the things that I try to do is is ease off the throttle a little bit, slow down I should have stopped out of here sooner I could have gotten out for $1,000 loss and I'd be breakeven on the day the xrt was a little bit more aggressive. Maybe I should pass on those. you know it's it's kind of this challenge of I want to keep trading I Want trade every single day I'm not the type of person that is like oh I've made $80,000 in the last 13 days I'll take a week off I've never done that I've never been like that I always am like no I want to come in tomorrow because you know there could be another winner tomorrow. Uh, if if the market was gonna be open tomorrow Saturday I would come in tomorrow because you never know, maybe there will be a great opportunity.
And so I'm always thinking that there could be a great opportunity tomorrow or Monday whatever it is. and I want to be back here to capitalize on it I sit down I look for trades I see a couple things that look good I take stabs at them and you know if I lose money then it is what it is and I'll come back tomorrow, you know and I just keep doing it. So yeah, it does mean that during choppy markets I come in every day and sometimes I do get chopped up a little bit, have some losses, but the day that the momentum starts to turn, I'll be here to capitalize and that's I Guess that's kind of like the FOMO I don't want to miss the opportunity to have that big winner and so that means I don't want to take days off I want to be here every day to try to maximize. So I I do hope that we see things turn around early next week.

Ultimately, you know, think let's just think for a second, how many circuit breaker halts did have we seen in the last three days? All right, how many times have we seen a stock squeeze up 40 50 percent of the last three days? Not too many times. I mean we saw VL V Lr X today, but it was really getting kind of pounded back down and that is probably in part because that's what happened to it back on Tuesday when it spiked up, it got hammered back down so probably short. sellers were thinking not this is going to do the same thing I'm gonna short it, be aggressive and so up in here there was a lot of just churn, it wasn't really opening up and you know. So what we need is a stock that makes a leg up like this, pulls back and then continues the second leg higher and goes up to 455.

And there might be a couple days before we get a stock that has the right combination of a good daily chart, good technicals, and a decent catalyst for that to happen. And so in the meantime got to keep the share size a little smaller. I did override my warning on VL Rx I had to manually override it to take 15,000 shares. I was ok with doing that because by the time I was adding the additional 5,000 oh no, let's just go back on this one.

I added 10,000 with an average of 495 or sorry 295. So adding another 5,000 at 324 I was already up 2500 bucks, right? Almost 3,000 dollars of profit. So to me when you're up 3,000 and the stock is really strong, that's now I'm gonna add because maybe it goes up to 350, gets helps now, circuit breaker and then taps for dollars and now I've got 15,000 shares for the $3 average as $15,000 winner. So to me it was worth taking the risk to add more sighs.

I wouldn't have started with 15,000 shares I was willing to add because I was already up a couple thousand bucks so that's kind of the mentality there. But and then I had to go into my warning section and increase. So I be able to scale out with that because I didn't want to have to try a sell and get warnings when I was selling. But given the fact that this is the third red day, I'm gonna go adjust my share size again.
you know, bring it back down a little bit on Monday and just try to finish the day. Monday in the green. Today wasn't really about being here I was just trying to make some money, but I just got caught in a couple of choppy choppy trades and so you know that's just part of the deal. But anyways, I'm again down.

a thousand bucks is not really a big deal, up five thousand on the week. so right it's easy to get tunnel vision and say oh my god I'm down this amount today. Open it up! Step back. Five thousand on the week is good, sixty eight thousand on the month is great.

So life is good is thanks to being able to day trade and we'll be back at it first thing Monday morning. So anyone watching on YouTube or Facebook love to have you guys give me the thumbs up and go back and throw in some comments I'll come back through and answer them over the weekend. Alright, so hope you guys enjoy the weekend, get some rest, study up for those that are trying to you know, still learn the skill and we'll be back at it on Monday morning. Alright I'll see you guys on Monday Oh hey I didn't see you there.

Well I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade. Hopefully it comes soon. Until then, make sure you subscribe to get email alerts anytime I Go live or upload new videos. Until then, Happy surfing.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Red day iii: the revenge of the choppy market”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brolitz Litz says:

    what platform are you using?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brolitz Litz says:

    i closed $64 on the week haha.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Watson says:

    Great Videos, great education

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Burrows says:

    Hey Ross. When the bell rings, have you set your mind on one stock to trade, and no more than one, or do you sometimes decide to manage more than one at the bell simply because it’s the best time for them?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CoffeeWithFred says:

    Hey Ross! Just wondering when was the last time you had 4 or more red days in a row?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lakshmikanth Jadhav says:

    After the 1st two hours and trading is done, how do you spend your time? Do you stop watching the markets?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AJ 70 says:

    Hey Ross great video, Im looking at starting your course but Im in the UK.
    Which broker would be best to paper trade with whilst doing your course.
    Im looking at Tradezero as this broker allows UK residents to buy US otc stocks.
    Any help from anyone would be much appreciated.
    Have a good day.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Gantt says:

    The grand scheme and picture, Sir. A mere bump in the road to success. It sounds like a successful day in that knowledge was gleaned. Peace and wisdom to you.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melbourne Shorts says:

    Whats the name of that lake hotel?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sickflow says:

    You know ge had momentum and 10 year rsi the lowest it’s ever been…why not just put the entire day trade in it?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poker Invest says:

    I love your honesty Ross. At least you show your red days (although very small). Good man.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jhonn Martinez says:

    hello rose, i watch your videos every day i'm a trader student in the van tharp institute. i have taken into account that you make some good money when the market is trending but when it is choppy you dont. as a student i have learn that you have to have diferent systen for every type of market and there is at least 6 type of market so i would like to know how many systen don you have? i which you the best from dominican republic. thank for sharing your experiences, great job 😀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yaseen Lorgat says:

    $LLNW toasted me. Went long on the 5.13 breakout and it failed its the market bro it's not the trades

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Self says:

    Was in the chat and you mentioned using a marketable limit order to get fast fills on fast moving tickers…I tried searching for that term and can’t quite define it to use in think or swim. Care to explain it a little more?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yossi azulay says:

    Hey Ross, I been following you in you tube for few months great content, I am also member in the chat room which is great. I have a question, I am not able to trade early morning only in the afternoon, is it make sense to day trade in the afternoon or I should focus in swing trading maybe?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brok Enmold says:

    The last three days were so strange for trading. It was just stagnate at points. Plus the volatility was weird. I love playing, but the last three days, so strange.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars so ho says:

    Macro doesn't look so good TSM AAPL supplier has said that smart phone demand is weak. Tech along with the political headlines IMO is bringing this market down. I'm hoping for a market rebound as well. GL Ross.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Smokey_IT says:

    I feel ya' Ro$$, I would trade 7 days a week if I could.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio says:

    I have a job and can't be by a computer during the market open . I wish I could just buy the course so I can study on my own time , until I have a better schedule. What do recommend me to do . Thanks Ross

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elon Musk says:

    you should be stoped after first win!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Brown says:

    Do you have any recommendations for beginner traders as far as books are concerned

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zxJoe7r says:

    I so appreciate vids like on days when I've had a hard time as well. I don't feel as bad when veteran traders are also experiencing the same issues. Down -$400 almost immediately on the open, trading the same stock (couldn't get my order to sell filled on the way down). Fought my way back to a -$200 dollar day… We'll see what next week has in store.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Hey Ross, I came across your videos about a month ago and really enjoy them. I recently started trading crude oil futures. I know these are two different types of trading but I have learned a lot about your mental approach towards trading. From what I have learned so far is that your mental approach towards trading is just as important if not more then your strategy. Great videos!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay says:

    Ross – How do you feel your strategy differs from that of Tim S'?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aamir Karim says:

    Can u please explain what’s the diff between a thinly traded vs a thickly traded stock .

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Molina says:

    I live your trades the way you buy and profit I love it. But why don’t you short most of this play ?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yung-Kwang says:

    Thanks Ross!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fraser says:

    Still an excellent week! Gotta spend money to make money.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beatlab 7 says:

    I just finished the first week of your Warrior Pro class. Been following you for a while, though. I've also been trading for a while, but only in the crypto markets. I just want you to know that I went back and forth between you and several other mentors before finally choosing Warrior Trading as the program I wanted to train under. It's transparency like this…humility like this…and optimism like this that draws people to you. Your professionalism is unmatched. And it's obvious that you are a highly skilled trader, despite a few losses here and there. I am definitely looking forward to completing the Warrior Pro course and possibly even joining the inner circle later on. Have a great weekend, man. See you on Monday!

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