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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Monday Morning back on the horse, back in the saddle, ready to trade. So today was one of those days where everything worked for trades for winners. Four thousand, eight hundred and eight dollars a profit Green is good so that breaks the red streak Wednesday Thursday Friday of last week in the red, but cumulative loss is only about seven thousand dollars, which is not bad. I've had back-to-back red days where I lost 15,000 or 20,000 and that's because at the end of a hot streak, you're still swinging hard and so you can have a couple of really big you know, misses.

And so fortunately, the last three days not including today yeah, they were red, but they weren't anything really big, nothing dramatic, so just a little bit of a grind down down seven grams. So making back almost 5,000 today in one day gets me almost all the way out of the hole. If I got another green day tomorrow, hopefully that would get me, you know, back up to hitting new highs for the month. and right now I'm up about 73 thousand dollars for the month of April I've got a goal of 85,000 so it's within reach and we just gotta stay focused and keep looking for those eight quality setups.

Alright, so anyways, we'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday Margaery cap. Alright, number 1. So here we are Monday Morning back in the green and I definitely needed this. So 3 red days in a row at the end of last week Wednesday Thursday and Friday lost about $7,000 between those three days and now this morning bouncing back with $4,800 on Vlr X4 trades for winners.

100% accuracy so that feels good. That's a great way to start the week and just kind of get them. Get myself back into the driver's seat and feeling good so you know. still down about $2,200 after those three red day's last week, but you know that's kind of just part of the deal, not something I'm really worried about.

I'm thinking that most likely I'll be able to recover the rest of those losses with another good day tomorrow and then I can go in through the rest of the week building up profits for the month of April Sitting right now at right around 73 thousand dollars profit on the month, Two hundred Twenty Three thousand dollars on the year. Five hundred Fifty Eight thousand dollars in my account. That started with Five Hundred Eighty Three Dollars on January 1st 2017. So it's been quite a impressive run here.

So today's the 70th day of the year and I'm a virgin 3000 186 dollars per day, which is a great average. It's actually almost double my average for 2017. So if I can average three thousand dollars a day, I'll be looking at a six hundred fifty thousand dollar a year and that's you. know that's kind of what I'm aiming for right now.

about 650 is seven hundred thousand I would love to be able to do that I Think it's realistic, but you know the the ebb and flow of the market. We can have some really really hot days, hot weeks, and then things can slow down for weeks or even months. And when they're slow, you know as much as you want to have big winners, they're just not there so you have to just sit tight. But anyway, so we'll break down today's trades.
Those of you guys watching on Facebook Feel free to leave comments I'll come back through and answer them later. Same with those watching on YouTube and you guys are enjoying these videos and this content I Love for you guys to subscribe to our channels or give us a thumbs up. So anyways, let's look at VL Rx here for this morning. So today the watchlist had a couple stocks on it.

We had MOC which was gapping up with news. Decent headline, but like a lot of stocks in the last three days, it as soon as the bell rang, it sold off. It did not hold up at all and fortunately it didn't trigger an entry for me and I was just waiting for confirmation before getting in instead of being a little more aggressive and anticipating the entry. So you know in this case it's kind of one of those things where the bell rang and it sort of hesitated for a moment.

I was waiting for a sign of strength to jump in. I had my order ready at let's see I think I had it at 370 which was sort of this pre market pivot. so I was just watching it I saw buyers at 55 3 55 and it seemed like there was maybe a hidden cellar there because even though there were buyers, it wasn't breaking over that level. and so I almost got in and I said no, no, no, don't anticipate this, let's just wait a second.

I really want to see strength we didn't see strength and it started to dip and I think that's where short sellers maybe we're just saying let's just see a little bit of weakness and then hit it to the short side and as soon as that weakness showed, they're hitting it to the short side and anyone who did anticipate it is bailing out and Boom! You know the imbalance is to the sell side and it drops and so it sold off and was no good. So that was on our scanners pre market. but when the bell rang it rolled over and didn't work so no trade on that one bu RG was on watch but very light volume pre market I Didn't really think it would be anything we'd be able to trade and and it wasn't so no trades on that. Atos A recent reverse split, but a very weak daily chart.

selling off here again I Didn't think this would be worth trading so this to me is a weak daily chart because the previous day was you know, pretty significantly read: it's been selling off for a while. It's got resistance. these moving averages stacked up at the nine. the 2250 and 200 doesn't look good in contrast.

If we go back to this kind of area here, this starts to look more interesting because you have this long period of consolidation and when you have long periods of consolidation it's sort of like this coiling and then we can get a breakout. So this is a pattern that I like quite a bit more for a breakout. You know if this was the chart I would've been like okay, you know it starts still good with with this amount of space but where we were right here this to me is just not looking good at all so no traits on this one. and then basically you know a few minutes after the bell rings we have I'll just reset my scanners here.
no don't do that history real time this morning so someone in the room well we had VL Rx on watch because it was continuation it was. it was strong last week on Friday and so I had it on watch and I said you know I like it if it can get over 318 but you know it was kind of around this the last time I looked at it before the bell it was at like 280 and then just before the bell, it popped up to three dollars. So I was like it's at 280. the pivot is it 318 I don't think it's gonna be worth trading but the bell rings, it starts spiking up and I wish I'd kept it on closer watch I just didn't think it would I just didn't know it would be the one.

and so anyways, it spikes up to 364 as soon as I saw it spiking up and realized it was up at 360 versus the $3.00 open I knew it was very close to getting halted and so I just pressed my orders. hockey shift, one shift, one shift, one to buy 10,000 shares of 62 and 64 I only filled 6600. it resumes and I sell at 404 I sell more at 404 and then I add 397, 3, 405, 408 and I'm selling it for 12 409, 404 and now I'm scalping it, getting in 419, selling that for a small profit at 426 and 420. you know, getting back in it for 10, selling it at 421 and and sort of scalping my way up to the daily goal.

But the big train on this was getting in right before the haul to 360 and selling those 6,000 shares at $4 for you know, 6 times, 3, 1,800 bucks, 2,000 bucks right around there. So that gave me the cushion and then I kept scalping it in this area on these little pull backs. Here we hit a high of 444. 458 was daily resistance, so we kind of came right up at that.

Daily resistance, couldn't break it, and we faded off that level. But in total, I took four trades on this and have four winners. So accuracy 100% today. That's great.

A nice turnaround, you know versus the way things had been on Wednesday Thursday and Friday so you know. Definitely happy with that. Now a couple questions: someone was asking how I handled the margin restriction at Sure Trader when I was at the very beginning of my challenge. So when I started the $583 account, you know a year ago I was trading at the offshore broker in the Bahamas Sure Trader.

and the thing that they do, they give you 6 to 1 leverage during the day. So if you put in $500 you get $3,000 in buying power. which is crazy. I Mean it's well, it's not me, it's awesome, it's just it's fantastic.

So basically I Guess what one of the things they do to mitigate the risk of beginner traders making mistakes on margin is that they'll reduce your ability to use that leverage on certain stocks. And so each morning they would have a little announcement of the stocks that were on margin restriction. meaning you could only use your cash balance whether it was five hundred dollars or whatever you'd put in the account. And obviously that with a small account basically in some cases meant you couldn't trade those stocks at all.
What I found when I was trading there is that for the most part, stocks like MOC that were on the Gap scanner or be urg that they would be on the Gap scanner. they wouldn't be restricted pre-market and so you'd be able to get a trade between nine and nine. Forty Nine Thirty and Nine Forty five. And if they were really strong and squeezed out of the gates, you'd get in one really good solid trade.

maybe two solid trades, and then then at that point between 9:45 and 10:00 a.m. A lot of times they would go on restriction. However, stocks like VL Rx that had been volatile in the previous days would sometimes still be on restriction and as a result I wouldn't be able to trade them. So there were times that I wasn't able to trade stocks as I would have liked to have traded because of the restriction.

But for the most part, a lot of the surprise moves that would pop up off the Gap scanner and then just take off stock like a week ago ft ft. Odds are this one wouldn't have been on restriction because there was no reason to restrict it. All of a sudden it takes off. It goes from $2 to 360 and then yeah, at some point you know around whatever it is 10, 10, 15 it goes on restriction, but you already capitalized on the first move.

so it does require you to be kind of aggressive to jump in at the beginning of those moves. and you know, try to. really, you know, be quick there if you wait for the first 5-minute pullback and stuff like that, you just may not. You may miss some of those opportunities if the stocks do go on margin restrictions, so you know it is something you have to deal with a little bit.

but I dealt with it and I grew my account and you know it wasn't I'm sure I missed some trades, but it wasn't really that big of a deal so you know she's one of those things. Kinda just have to be aggressive. Get out there early in the morning 9:30 9:45 tried to take the trades in the first few minutes, book your profit, and then be done. and that's really what I was doing.

It was like two three trades a day. get in, get the a quality set up, get out, and then I'm done by 10:00 a.m. I'd hardly be finished trading anyways. and today's one of those days where my last trade is at 943.

That's when I closed up the Vlr exposition and really nothing else hit the scanners. So I don't know if it's because the market was weak on Wednesday Thursday and Friday for small cap traders and so we're just kind of happy to take a win and walk away green or I don't know but for whatever reason, today was hot at the open on Vlr X and then just slow down and and that was it. Casi casi was on the scans, popped up, sold off. Here was on the scans.
Har popped up, sold off. Its kind of rebounding a little bit now, but it's on kind of lighter volume I Don't know maybe it'll end up doing something, but it just kind of seems like a little bit of a slow day, so that's alright. I'm happy with my forty eight hundred bucks and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning day 71 and see if I can stack up a little bit more in gains and I'm trying to finish this month. I Still have a goal of trying to finish above $85,000 to make it my second best month of all time.

So twelve thousand dollars off that goal it only takes one. It only takes one trade like Vlr X to jump in at the breakout with ten thousand shares and boom, that's $10,000 winner. So I was a little late on the entry on it wasn't able to get full-size my win was smaller, but it really only takes one. So eighty five thousand dollars is within reach here with five days left in the month and hopefully we'll be able to cross that line in the sand.

Alright, so that's it for me. I Hope you guys have a great afternoon and we'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning around 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis. Alright I'll see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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23 thoughts on “I’m back in the saddle”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z G says:

    Hi Ross.
    How do you use function All or None ?
    Do we need to use it ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergio Valencia says:

    Hey Ross how do I get a couple warrior trading stickers?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Pastenes says:

    Thank you Ross for your support it means a lot to me. I’ve been studying for a year hopefully looking at the screen for eight hours I could become profitable and like that I could join your team. Thank you once again Ross and for you reaching out speaks a lot of volume of you.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BruceLtd says:

    To avoid PDT rules you used SureTrader. Now is there any other brokers that offer unlimited day trade without 25k account?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Moore says:

    Ross? Who's that? BOSS more like it. Thank you 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael's Odyssey says:

    hey, ross, keep posting videos.. it helps a lot, especially that beginner like me. and I watch elite traders, your the best among of all… Godspeed!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Pastenes says:

    Thank you for the advice Ross an your time, it looks like I I’m going to second shift.Right now I’m studying your book an getting mentally ready to get started in 3 months from now.Thank you ones again 😎

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stk says:

    Since im based in Sweden I have to convert currency and pay the fees that are quite high. Wish I could scalp. Bought at 4.10 and sold at 4.13 and LOST money. Sigh 🙁

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars icon says:

    I use 1000:1 leverage on one of my Forex accts lol

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Sautiere says:

    Hey Ross! Did VLRX pop up on your momo scanner because it didn't on mine, weird that it made such a move and did not pop up on the scanner, Any idea why? I was looking at MOC and missed the play on VLRX.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesus Pastenes says:

    I’m from San Diego 😎

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric H says:

    Daddy's back!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tm says:

    Hey Ross, I was wondering if you will be offering any internships with the process of opening up your GB office? I live in the area and was wondering about this because it would be a cool opportunity for me!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John B says:

    Huge question is: Why didn't VLRX show up on the HOD scanner …

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hildie says:

    Every Day after I wrap up I come and wait for your video as a hopeful glimpse into the Future and the reality of what is possible! Funny thing I rebounded today too. Reversal on GSUM Entry a 4.04 and out @ 6.34 Wayy longer than I would normally stay in a trade but happy to be green! Looking forward to tomorrows video Ross!!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrJosueezy says:

    Bro you have the cheesiest smile on the thumbnail XD

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cicero Araujo says:

    You are making us richer

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor says:

    Best of the Best Ross!!!… someday I'll have money for taking your course.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars won Jeong says:

    I have a question.
    How did you choose this item before start trading?
    Do you have special tool like searcher?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lakshmikanth Jadhav says:

    Hi Ross, I am keen to know why you do not do short trades when you know that the stock is weak and falling.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn McDonald says:

    Thank you Ross.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Evans bodybuilding says:

    Hey Ross HTGM

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Boi says:

    What Patagonia did you wear in your Boston trip?

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