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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are: End of: April It's been incredible month. finishing the month up $55,000 and we're gonna break it down today. I'm gonna talk a little bit about some of the lessons I Learned this month. An amazing first two weeks.

a little bit of a difficult second two weeks, but some good lessons learned, some good profits made and setting. Really kind of the the rules for May as we get started tomorrow morning with the month of May All right, so let's break it all down in today's midday market recap. All right everyone. So we're going to do a short midday market recap.

Finishing the month here of April up fifty-five thousand, one hundred, forty eight dollars, and eighty cents. All in all, it's been an awesome month, second best month of the year January was the best at 117 thousand, Last month was forty two thousand which is good and here we are. Fifty five thousand for April So I'm excited about that and love for you guys to tell me how you did this month. Hopefully you were able to put away some profits.

We had some amazing trades at the beginning of the month. The beginning of month was just incredible. It was massive follow-through you know, big green days day after day after day. Second day of the month I was first day of the month I made eleven thousand second day I made fourteen thousand.

So it was like you know, just a huge 25,000 start to the month in two days. I Mean that's that's what you love to have happen. it just puts you in the driver's seat right away and you know if you decide you want to be a little bit aggressive, you've got a cushion to do it and and I pushed it a little bit. I got myself all the way up to up seventy five thousand on the month and then gave back a little bit of profit trying to roll those winners into a hundred thousand dollar month.

But all in all, Fifty Five Thousand is fantastic and I'm really excited about that so you know right now is we end. April We have to start thinking about what are we gonna do in the month of May and I think for me, the month of May is gonna be at least initially focusing on getting really good quality entries because when you get a good quality entry regardless of your share size, you put yourself in a position of confidence. Now today, I started that effort with a couple of trades. Atos This one was a pre market setup.

it was a gap and go set up I was watching it over the pre-market high of 410 and I got in during this consolidation here. If I break this down into a 10 second chart, you'll be able to see my entry. So here we had some consolidation right in this area. a high of 25 and a pullback.

I Got in anticipating the break of 20 right here. the first one minute candle to make a new high over breaking over high a day I Put my order on this one at let's see my order I put it to 25 for 25 and I got filled at the top of the order exactly at 425 so that was kind of a bummer because it wasn't a good fill. so in at 425 and I sold it for 34, 34 and 426 so only made 240 bucks on it. Didn't take big size, just you know, took a little small trade.
Small winner, but the setup was decent. They're anticipating the opening range breakout and getting in there for a move higher. The problem and I knew this was gonna be a problem on this one is that the daily chart just wasn't really strong and what we ended up doing is tapping the 20 moving average almost to the penny. You see how we hit that level there, so you know that that's always tough when you run into those resistance points because you know they just really slow down the momentum.

So that was a TOS and an my Nd. I Jumped in this one for a 5 minute flag breakout. As you can see here, it was consolidating. I got in for the first candle to make a new high right there.

popped up to a high of 50 but as you can see it was a false breakout. It didn't hold those levels and I just stopped out at this coming back down so $760 loss on it. but you know the the entry was okay and the setup was decent. it just we didn't have follow-through So all in all I'm happy with today and you know it's not obviously a big green day not finishing the month with a big Green Day that's whatever, but it's been a great month and you just you gotta keep things in perspective.

So one of the things I talked about earlier today and I'll say it again. For those of you guys on Facebook and YouTube watching the recaps and again if you're on Facebook you're on YouTube Love for you guys to subscribe to our channel. give us a thumbs up, Throw it, throw in comments I'll come back through and answer them later this afternoon to go through and answer each one of them personally. So love for you guys to you know, give me some questions to answer in my afternoon so I can make good use of my time sitting on the couch.

But one of the things I said this morning is that I it's so funny with trading when things start to get slow. Obviously, momentum really slowed down and the second half of April we had incredible momentum in the first two months, made our first two weeks, two and a half weeks I made $75,000 and then in the last week and a half I've lost about whatever 20,000 25,000 and you know that's fine. It's three steps forward. one step back.

I'm okay with that I don't mind that, but it's just interesting how quickly the tide changed and so I was thinking this weekend about. you know, driving race cars and in Las Vegas which you know you guys know I sometimes do and how if I'm trying to set my my best lap time you know I'm pushing it and pushing and pushing and trying to get the best lap time because I want to get around that track faster than you know then Jeff and he and he's in a faster car. So I've really got my work cut out for me and you know I'm just pushing as hard as I can but then just imagine starts to to drizzle, it starts to sprinkle a little bit, the track gets wet and and I'm saying no forget I'm still pushing a hundred percent I'm going as far as I can and guess what's gonna happen I'm gonna start to lose control I'm gonna start to slide around and I'm not gonna be able to set my best track time. my best lap time when the track is wet.
This is not gonna happen. So start sprinkling and I gotta slow down. Starts pouring rain and I gotta slow down. Well we're trading.

Why am I not able to see the the rain on the windshield right? Why am I not able to adapt or why do I choose to keep pushing it? Why do I choose to be so aggressive in spite of conditions not being really that great and and that's something that I just don't know. I I Think that something that I need to work on is being more, being more patient and being more cognizant of the the market that I'm in because I have this tendency to be really aggressive and you know, like I said, just try to, you know, really get my best lap time regardless of the weather. I'm I'm in such a tunnel vision of trying to get my best time trying to have my best month that instead of you know, instead of adapting to the market, I'm just so focused on that goal that it gets me into trouble because realistically, this the last two weeks I could have maybe even made money if I had slowed down. So you know it's one of those things.

Having the best time around the track isn't the person who you know is is gunning it down every one of the straightaways. I Mean it's the person who's in in control who's able to get out of those corners the fastest, who's able to hold the fastest line. One of the things they say about race car driving is that there is a fastest line around the track. It's how you come into the corners, how you go out of them, how you handle the turns.

There's a fastest line that will get you around that track and you want to be on that line as close as you can and so sometimes you have to go a little slower to stay on the line. If you go too fast, you're gonna swing out off the line. you're gonna get a little out of control and you're not gonna have your best time. So it feels counterintuitive sometimes to slow down, but sometimes that's exactly what you need to do to have the best time.

And this month, if I had slowed down a little bit in the second week and then the third week or the third and the fourth week, I probably would have done a lot better because I would have not. you know, had those big big losses that were the result of me being so aggressive on you know, really kind of in choppy markets. So you know the action that we saw today on my Nd. This is the this is the rain on the track.

the waters on the track. When you see this type of action, it's choppy. These are false breakouts. Look at CR ked and trade this one.

but this is the rain on the track. This is the false breakout. It pops up and drops back down. It doesn't hold up so you know I Think that I did the challenge and this is maybe the hardest part is that when you're driving on a track this that's got water on it I Think we can all just understand that analogy.
You you can see the track is still wet and you know it's got a dry and it's gonna take you know, a couple hours whatever to dry or whatever it is. But with trading, what's tough is that you can see choppy markets, choppy markets. and then next thing you know, you see a stock like Ch Ek go from 850 to 1150 and you're like, what the heck, You know that this. This makes no sense right? All of a sudden this one takes off or all of a sudden GNP X does a red to green move the way we were kind of talking about this morning and it goes from 1750 to 1950 and so that's I Think what creates a little bit more of the impatience is that you never know when one is all of a sudden gonna take off and I guess I Guess what I would say on this is that you're never gonna catch usually the first stock at the beginning of a hot streak because the first stock kind of catches everyone off guard.

It surprises short sellers who get squeezed out. It surprises long base sellers because all of a sudden it's like whoa. It wasn't expecting momentum and here we go. The stock just went from you know, $10 to $15 or whatever it is and you know then that can start the next round of Momentum now I Thought that we might see a little more sympathy momentum from the move on GN Px last week from - $8 - 18 and we really didn't This was just sort of like one isolated move and we didn't see sympathy really carry over into other other stocks which was maybe a little surprising, but you know in any case I think you just have to have this attitude of I'm gonna take when the market is a little bit choppy and I'm gonna understand that the market is choppy based on the type of Gabor's we're seeing based on the reaction we're seeing to the gap and go trades and based on the follow-through we're seeing on socks and hit the scanners.

When a stock like Mynd hits our hide a Momentum scanner. typically it takes off and you know it goes from you know, a dollar 40 to 43 or whatever it was it goes up to 350 or to 50 to 55 to 60. that continues higher. So when you're seeing hit the scanner, nothing happens, nobody's buying them.

You can tell that the excitement is just sort of Sidhu I wish there was a way of maybe I'll I Don't think of this. so giving you guys this kind of indicator, this hot strong indicator where you could just see it on your right on your screen. the markets Hot right now. this is a day to be aggressive because those days where we see stocks like LEDs pop up and then you see Ch Ch FS pop up and you know every stock that hits the scanner, pops up, gets halted, runs up 30 40 %.

Those are the days to be aggressive. But days where you're seeing stocks you know pop up and fade, pop up and fade like this. These are the days to slow down so we need to come up with some type of you know, red light green light indicator that gauges the strength of the market so you can see the rain on the windshield and you can see look alright guys, this is not a day for me to be aggressive. The last four stocks that popped up just got slammed back down.
or hey, this is a day that we got to dig deep and stick it out a little longer because this is a day where we might take six trades and make $3,000 on it on every single one of them. So you know it's just something that I just thought of right now. and in terms of that indicator, it doesn't exist. But you know just in general having that presence of mind of what's the market like right now and not getting so tunnel vision on.

I Got to achieve this goal because I started having this goal of making a hundred thousand dollars this month and it ended up costing me some of my gains because I was being so aggressive and that's tunnel vision. That's you got a trade with the market. The market will give you great months and then it's gonna take it right back if you're not careful. So going into the month of May my focus is to avoid that tunnel vision to look for a quality setups.

Take really good entries, but of course be mindful every single day. What's the condition of the small cap market now? I Trade small caps for Mike is large caps, but you know he has the ebbs and flows just the same. There are weeks that go by where you don't see good follow-through in the large caps and you just have to be a little bit more conservative. So anyways, that's my you know setting my intention for the month of May look in the calendar starting a new month here tomorrow and hopefully we get it off to a good start.

Start to make some money and build that cushion on the month so we'll be back here first thing tomorrow Morning 9, 9, 9 A.m. 9:15 for pre market analysis. We'll see if we can find a couple of stocks to trade and we'll get May off to. Hopefully a decent start.

Alright so that's the game plan I Know many of you guys are working on your game plans also and my job is you know to be your first base coach encouraging you to you know trade smart and stay focused all right. So I'll see you all back here first thing tomorrow morning. All right, See you guys in the morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.

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29 thoughts on “$55k in one month! momentum day trading for the win!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Classic says:

    Let’s say I wanted to invest 15k to the market, how long would it take to profit? I’ve been thinking about learning and investing but I just want to get an idea from a pro

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tla says:

    what was his account size prior to his $55k profit? aka how many percent profit in 1 month?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Rogers says:

    thank you for sharing your april! I was trading from the chairlift at Magic.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mydailygains says:

    awesome month man

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Maybe get an app that draws rain on your screen during warning events? On your MYND trade for example, the rain app would activate at the formation of those shooting star candles right before your entry.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hector says:

    those are some strong words. great perspective on how to keep control and its ok to go slower

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ignacio Soto says:

    I have been watching you for the last 4 mo. and I am very impressed. I have one question? If a day traitor makes about $100,000 yr. what would he pay in taxes?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Flynt says:

    Ross, you are true professional. You are way above 99% of traders. You are beating yourself too much. Just keep doing what you are doing. Losses are a fact of life. Just keep doing this hat you do. Don’t change anything.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars botaeng2 says:

    Damn, 55k that's amazing… Still not as amazing as your tomato sauce making abilities.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thorad krupinski says:

    When do you have time to lay on the couch! 😂.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade Talk says:

    Bro i dont have the money to pay for ur course. With that said i have learned so much from these daily gappers then recaps. Ive been following you since early 17. U always say slow and steady wins the race. You know what to do. Its a marathon bro. . . i appreciate what you have "taught me" . you are a great member of this trading society.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradeMoore Network says:

    Great example Ross… Thanks for sharing!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kazman20 says:

    I’ve gotta say I look up to you big time when it comes to scalp trading. But you drive me crazy when you go in too deep on a questionable trade. It’s refreshing to see you check yourself and drop down on share size. Think if that 500 loss if you were doing 10-15k shares. Good for you. And I love your stuff. Keep it up Ross.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Mansell says:

    Great video, you should do another gardening with Ross vid!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JMB Stock Tips says:

    Hell yeah! Congratulations bud!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brayan Martinez says:

    Hi Ross. I’ll always hit the like button. I hope it will help you with your business. The fact that you post these videos everyday is a big effort from you already. Thank you so much.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tronghung Dao says:

    Keep it up Good Luck Ross

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Herrondale says:

    Ross, great vids. Please keep them coming! I’m still new, only been learning for about a month but I’m using simulators with what I am learning from your videos. I’m starting to notice the patterns you talk about and am coming up with some Green Day’s. So in short, thanks for the lessons, keep it up.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kenny_G says:

    Hi Ross, can I open a lightspeed account from Canada?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin J. says:

    Ross, in my short time trading it seems like reversal patterns allow for the best entries (better than gap and go entries), especially at a previous support or vwap, would you agree?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stoelk 7 says:

    I’m swapping brokers today finally from E*TRADE to either lightspeed or speedtrader pro? I’m not exactly sure which one goes along with your rebate program currently. Also do you use both or one more then the other? W.T. Student! Locked in another $680 in profits today.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy king says:

    Ross thank you for your training, I have completed your Warrior Pro Course and I'm now live trading but as yet haven't been able to make a good profit for a month. Hope to stay focused and make may my first good profit month. My goal is $.avg per day for the Month to build on my account to get to enough to open an account in Light speed by Nov. of this year. I learn Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 슬롯머신 농사꾼 says:

    Hey Ross. I have been interested in trading for a few years now, and I want to get started paper trading. The thing that confuses me the most is when I see traders looking over all these graphs and numbers. Is there anything you could recommend that would break down that information and take it step by step at first?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cl says:

    Great month, congrats. The landscape of the area you are in looks awesome.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hheythered says:

    Up 12,457.56 for the month! I will eventually work into getting more aggressive. But for now, I feel safety in quick scalps.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emanuel Papadakis says:

    words of a wise trader..keep it coming

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colossus Capital says:

    Great work Ross! Could you please let us know how many minutes chart do you follow for your trade set ups?? Thanks for your videos and wish you a great month ahead.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel lee says:

    I see that sometimes you are giving us the entry set up looking at 10 seconds charts.
    Why is that ..?
    When you have 1 minute and 5 minutes chart .
    I’m guessing that sometimes you use the 10 second charts as entry point?


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily#Dance says:

    Ross, you keep great stats on your trading. Have you ever tried to quantify/estimate if using depth of book actually helping you? In other words, if you did not have level2 available, do you think you would be better or worse off? My guess is it would make no difference over the long run.

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