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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? So here we are: May 1st Spring is in the air and I'm looking forward to a new month. April was an interesting month for me. You know there were ups and downs it was. It was kind of like really really great ups in the first two weeks and then kind of frustrating downs in the last two weeks.

and that's carrying over a little bit here into the beginning of May which I was really hoping I would start with a Green Day but I'm starting in the red. Today is actually my fourth consecutive red day and you know it's again one of these things where right now I'm sitting up about 200 and $1,000 on the year. Pretty good, right? 200 grand and it's only May 1st. So it's been a great year.

I was up 225 thousand dollars. So I've given back about 10 percent of my gains during this cold streak and that's not uncommon. but I Have you know whatever. Five steps up and one step back.

five more steps up, one step back and each one of those steps represents you know, 10% account growth or something like that. So we've had some hot streaks and we've had some cold streaks and right now I'm just wanting to break the cold streak. Today was one of those days where I had a couple things just not work for me. I Started by missing my very first trade of the day on Htb X Gap and Go Trade.

Wanting to get in 10,000 shares at 328 popped up to 350. It went without me because I lost my internet connection right before the bell. Bad luck. It is what it is.

Internet comes back up I End up getting caught in to false breakouts on HTV X and being in the red made some money on CH Ek, but not enough to overcome the HTV X loss. So you know today's a right day. I'm not gonna fight it I'm not gonna get into revenge trading and trying to dig myself out of the hole. Doing that is how you double and triple your losses.

So you know right now, being down three grand on the day, the mine tells you what's the fastest way to get out of that hole. Well, 10,000 shares in 30 cents, right? Or 20,000 shares in 15 cents or 30,000 shares in 10 cents. And when you start playing that game and running the numbers like that, you're focused on the wind potential and you're not thinking what happens if you take a 30 thousand shares ition and it gives you another false breakout. Remember, you've already seen too three false breakouts today, so the odds of having another one are pretty high.

Boom False breakout. With twenty thirty thousand shares, you're looking at a ten, fifteen thousand dollar loss. and you know, obviously that's what turns a three thousand dollar day into a fifteen thousand dollar red day. A twenty thousand dollar red day.

And that's what happens to a lot of traders. They'll have hot streaks where they make a lot of money and then will give it all back during the cold streak. So my approach is that I have to be really mindful about my max loss I have to be mindful about my state of, you know, my emotions. So when I'm starting to, you know, have a day where I'm going into the red that I'd just cut it I Walk away.
getting up and getting away from the computer is just really an important thing because once you step outside, you get out of this bubble. All of a sudden it's like ah, there's a whole world out here and you put the trading day behind you and you come back fresh tomorrow. So that's what I'm going to do. But first, we'll break down all of today's trades in today's midday.

Marco Recap What's up everyone? Alright, so time for our midday market recap. It's 10:30 so the first hour is done. And recently, in the last month and a half, I've really just been trading the first hour. The first hour has been when we've seen the majority of our opportunities and although there's been occasionally opportunities in a late morning or early afternoon, I typically don't do as well on them.

So my approach right now is get in, get the profit, and get out. So here we are. First day of May New Month and it is our 70 is. well, my 70.

Let's see six Day of the year Now The last 10 days have not been easy for me and we had an incredible hot streak at the beginning of April And for me, things really slowed down just about two weeks ago. so the last two weeks have been very choppy. A lot of read days, a lot of false breakouts, and I'm just gonna be so excited to get on the other side of it because I'm getting sick of the chop. I mean it just kind of starts to wear on you after a little bit.

You know it's like going through winter. You just want spring to be here. You know, because it's it's just you want to get a change. So anyways, today on our watch list we were watching HT BX which was a good-looking setup for a gap and go trade over three.

Let's see. we had I had my order ready at 328 so pre market high was 334 but we had a little pivot here at 338. so let me pull up my orders. Now this is today's not a red, not a green day for me.

I'm in the red again and most of it's on. HTTP X What is so disappointing is that right? Like at 929 I lost my internet connection and you know it's It's like one thing after another. So I have my order ready at 3 2 to buy 10,000 shares. So to 5000 share orders ready at 3:28 and I have my hand or actually I think I put the order 335.

I had my hand over the buy button and all of a sudden I'm not seeing any quotes and I'm like wait, did this thing halt pre-market I wonder if it's halted, if there's news or something and then the bell rings and nothing's happening and I'm like wait a second. None of my level twos are moving and that's when I realized I lost Internet I switched to my mobile hotspot and I you know I all of a sudden see it popped up to 350. So my 10,000 share order from 3:30 to 350 that would have been 2000 dollars and I missed it because my internet so I then bye let's see. my first entry on this was at 360 so it pops up here.
we have a high 350. it pops up a little bit of consolidation right here. so I get in anticipating a 1-minute pullback and a break over 65. I get in at 60 with 10,000 shares.

Let's see right here and I stopped out on this drop down to 38. so boom I'm down 1,800 bucks like that and you know it's like all right because I was expecting this to break and it did it. So it drops down here and then curls back up over high of day. So I get back in at 360 for the high a day break 7,500 shares and I sell half of it at 375 375 375 you know in 363.

So on that one I made back about 600 700 bucks so may back a little bit of profit on this spike here. pulls back I get back in at 378 with 10,000 shares I end up selling it at like 380 and 379 for like $70 profit I get back in with 10,000 shares at 385 and I'm selling it at 389. So $300 profit So you know I work my way from being down 1,800 on the name to down about I don't know 600 or something like that. it's consolidating in this range and I see it drop down and pop back up and so right there I got back in at I'll skip over this one just to show you this.

I got back into 388 and 390 anticipating the break of $4 and on this candle it did a very sharp Falls breakout and it dropped down here all the way to 342 and just like that I went from being down 600 on the name to being down 4400 on the name because that was 10,000 shares. 30 cents is $3,000 so that was a really disappointing, very frustrating trade I just felt like on this one you know I missed that first opportunity, got caught and this false breakout and then got caught in this false breakout and just I just couldn't get a good edge on this stock. And what adds salt to the wound is that it ended up curling all the way back up to 414. So you know, Yeah, it's like I did stop out about I mean ten cents off the lows but you just don't know.

You don't know at the time that this isn't going to continue to go lower and be back at $3 in an hour, you have to have your max loss now. I did take try to take a trade on CEO CP this one hit our scanners at like 9:30 or 935. I tried to get 10,000 shares at 310 but I only filled 200. so I was like all right, 200 shares whatever.

I'll just see if I can get an opportunity to add. it pops all the way up to 248 and three minutes later it's back down into dollar 86. So you know what? It's good that I didn't hold it or it's good that it an add on it. It's good that I didn't get filled I guess it just popped up and dropped back down I didn't call this one out in the room I Just you know I tried to get in I didn't fill and it spiked up and then came back down so it really just didn't hold up.

So disappointing there to see that type of rejection. And you know, Htb X another ones but this one just has kind of continued to drift lower. so this isn't one that you'd want to just be whole and holding and holding. Yeah, would have worked on HTTP X it wouldn't have worked on that one and then see HEK this is the the other one I Traded a little scalp in this range here as it was breaking out $1300 profit.
You know, a decent little trade, but nothing that exciting. And the problem now of course is that being you know this far in the red, you know three thousand dollars I mean with 10,000 shares its 130 cent winner and I'm back in the green, but we're certainly not going to take that type of Sighs on CH Ek and we're just not seeing right now good opportunities for me to try to regain some of those losses. So I mean my next best opportunity is tomorrow morning and you know I hate to close through the day red but you know you got a hat you got draw the line in the sand somewhere so you know. Down: three thousand, ninety seven dollars.

And like I said, my very first day of January was the four thousand dollar loss down four thousand dollars. First day of January and I finished the month up a hundred and seventeen thousand dollars. So yeah, I'm starting in the red. It's not what I like.

but it doesn't mean it's gonna be a bad month, it just means right now you know today today wasn't the easiest day, so you know that's that's the way it goes sometimes. I Got a message from Doug earlier today. He said today was his first day making more than a thousand dollars which is awesome. So congratulations Doug that's really exciting you know.

HT BX is a stock that you could have made money on you just you had to take that first trade and then scale back and be a little careful. Ch Ek easy. You know, pretty easy trade here. From my entry at 1375 it's at fifteen fifteen so you know continuing higher so you know there were there was opportunity today.

you just had to be really careful about your entries and for me that tendency to be a little bit overly aggressive you know got me I guess into a little bit of trouble today again, but share size has been restricted a little bit down to ten thousand shares not taking massive size trading less. still following the rules if it's not working I'm gonna get out I'll be done and today's just a day that's a little bit choppy. So those of you guys who have been watching for you know, watching me trade for months or even years, you know you guys, you see it in real time. I Mean it's like April Incredible! I Mean day after day, it was Eleven thousand dollars.

Profit: Fourteen thousand dollars. Profit: Three thousand Nine thousand, Seven thousand Thirteen thousand Seven thousand. I Mean these are just the numbers on my calendar and then all of a sudden three red days in a row, right? I Had three red days in a row, lost like seventy five hundred bucks. made back forty eight hundred the following Monday and then had another three red days.

You know? So it's kind of like, you know, it's tricky. Actually, today it's actually my fourth red day in a row. I was read Thursday Friday Monday and Tuesday so afford a red streak I Don't like that at all. Hasn't happened often, but I have to log into trade review and see when the last time I had a four-day red streak was I Didn't even realize say it was the fourth day until today, which I suppose is good.
It's better not to overthink these things. You just kind of have to focus on the trades, but you know we're We're sending records here, but not not my favorite type of record to be setting. Yeah, this is my first Ford a red streak in 2018, so you know, whatever. it's not been the easiest in a couple weeks.

But for those that are getting started, it's a good time to train because if forced you to be disciplined, it doesn't teach you that you can get away with chasing these stocks. It forces you to focus on good quality entries and then in a hot market, you're gonna do that much better. So it's a good time to be learning. It's a good time to be trading in the simulator and practicing.

and you know, just get yourself ready because when the next hot streak comes, when that train leaves the station, you want to be prepared to capitalize on the opportunity. There will be a time, whether it's a week from now or two weeks from now where we start seeing where I start seeing back-to-back five, ten, fifteen thousand dollar days, and where I'll make thirty thousand dollars in a good week. So you know you want to make sure you're ready when that hot streak comes so you can really capitalize on it. Alright, so anyways, that's about it for me today, you know.

First day MA another red day, but we back at it first thing tomorrow I Don't give up you back at the back of the saddle and hopefully we'll see a couple good opportunities and be able to start to put some some green days between me and this red streak. Alright, so that's it for me. I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis. Oh hey, I didn't see you there.

Well I was just working on the dream board for my next home run trade. Hopefully it comes soon. Until then, Make sure you subscribe to get email alerts any time I Go live or upload new videos. Until then, Happy surfing!.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “Starting may in the red!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marco Polo says:

    I just started trading for real and once I Bought 200 shares at $12.42 but once I clicked on Buy botton, I saw on my account Summary in red (15.34). I'm just a newbie so I freaked out. I thought I pressed sell botton. I called Questrade Broker to know what I did wrong. I didn't know the stock was halted. It came back to normal. It did it three times. It's only after that I saw the price at $4.75 which was wrong because halted. My heart fliped few times thouigh.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Norbert Rabi says:

    what considered consistent trading?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R W says:

    lol guy makes 400k a year n has bad internet

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sailor d-life says:

    same here ross I agree with your points buddy u gata get over thoses reds

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars funkdamentals1 says:

    gamblers only look at the upside potential while traders practice risk management by looking at both. ross is always practicing what he preaches!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keefy Aarems says:

    Sorry to see you in red like this Ross .. but all you need is one good day and you will wipe ur losses off .. 👍

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Budny says:

    Remember January Ross? You also started red and ended up with huge amount $$$
    Great respect for sharing red days with us, it all makes you look very legit and professional trader

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davron Abzalov says:

    You're one of the best traders Ross. It's a little slow these times. You're still green really good for the month. You got this!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad says:

    Maaan, sorry to hear that, HTBX was brilliant today!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andybliss83 says:

    I took a 3 day hiatus and tdaneritrade called me and asked if everything is ok?? Wtf?? Like keep playing the slots at Vegas or else!!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dillon Sizemore says:

    Took the same exact trade on the second spike looking to break high of day, couldnt get filled at 3.87 which wouldve been a good profit then bam, trying to hurry and get out for my biggest loss ever haha

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leoehm Daytrader says:

    Hi everybody. The trades that Ross do it’s real? Because in trade School they say that Ross use a simulator and the trades are not real. I was almost sign for the full trade courses but now I’m afraid 😱

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meh Meh says:

    Granted youre +200k for the year which is more cheddar than many will ever see in four months time but yer attitude is top notch.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars santosh jaiswal says:

    Thx for ur honesty

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FPL_Bailey says:

    That is scary, randomly losing internet connection while trading is a problem I would have to solve immediately by getting a backup.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ahmed Albayati says:

    There is no false breakout, you just don’t have the enough knowledge to read the chart, no offensive , all Love

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars General Email says:

    Awesome thumbnail! Lol! I've been feeling this way for weeks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcel Marilag says:

    LOLOLOLOL!!!! That thumbnail Ross!!! I'm so lucky i'm not drinking water or coffee!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cadeem88 says:

    Love the thumbnail

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yung Diss Squad says:

    I was up $5,000 today all on htxb, I had a few shorts and 2 great dip buys☝️

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Dagerman says:

    That's bunk about the isp!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ess mac says:

    Good to see you're not letting this temporary downturn upset you. It won't be long now before you've focused in on the glitch that's causing the wobble, and the winners will return. I always take motivation from you, so thank you Ross.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Turner says:

    Hey Ross, why do you consider this trade a gap and go?? I know it gapped up, but what about it specifically indicated to you that is was a gap and go and not a retest?? Happy May!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeartTree says:

    If the Market starts selling off right at the open, why even consider taking the trade?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tm says:

    $HTBX was +$1,405 then got a little to greedy and got out at + $209.90. Can’t complain, $ HTBX was a scary chart in early day!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZeED says:

    ThAnk you for sharing and I like how you are calm about it

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Arndt says:

    You could’ve paid for a dual WAN config and router many times over on this loss.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Wood says:

    When one looks at the charts afterwords, it look so easy. But when within trading session, its get so damn frustrating sometime with fakes and mini fakes.

    By the way when my internet was dropping now and then, after trying like 10 things at last i found out that ISP routers are mostly crap. I changed the router and put new router on the least used channel (5ghz->20mhz->165 channel). Did not had any issues afterwords. Just info for those who have internet issues.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Walker says:

    Ross – You seem to be in a slump. When I hit a slump, I turn to my "bible" (Trading in the Zone) and re-read Chapter 7 and 8, particularly Fundamental Truth #2 in Chapter 8. This item always brings me back to center.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    Ross, your grip on the upper portion of the axe seems to be a bit loose. Oh, and that plant in the background, I think it needs water.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ran How says:

    Any help with setting up 2 monitors to laptop would be appreciated, 2 ASUS VG245H,
    Toshiba Salellite C55D-B memory 4GB hard drive 750GB 1 usb 3.0 hdmi. currently have
    usb hub HDMI connection to them, display selected extend for both. Mouse control iffy,
    trading sim FST ok can pop out place on both. I am not sure, any suggestions welcome.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars icekilla126 says:

    Fiskars.. good choice. Not the biggest one out there but it gets the job done and feels good in the hand. M I right.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gene Zhao says:

    Nice clear head knowing to not revenge trade, and not focus on $ but core rules and plan
    Btw just noticed all the opening shots are overcast, was that a choice made on purpose to avoid over exposure, or is your place just always overcast?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark McKenzie says:

    Ross, first things first …. thanks for doing what you do. I noted that your live feed video was frozen and choppy this morning. (Sound was good) make me think that windows 10 was updating or antivirus scanning and creating a bottle neck on your end.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars d - says:

    what are those calenders for on top screen ? where can I find them ?

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