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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are: Third day of May and another twenty nine thousand dollars of profit. Two back-to-back $29,000 days. That's crazy I Mean this is I'm beside myself I Wasn't expecting this at all. It just shows how quickly the tide can turn.

We went from having a really slow end of April to back-to-back difficult weeks. for me, read: weeks of trading and then all of a sudden I MTE Boom Stock goes from $2 to $40 and that right there sparks the next round of momentum and we're off to the races. The feeding frenzy has begun and that's what happens. You see this, the emotions of traders.

its traders all around the world, experiencing that fear and that greed and that. FOMO And what I said today several times during the recap is: learn how to capitalize on those emotions that are in the market and not fall victim to them. today and yesterday I capitalize on those emotions. Made sixty thousand dollars in two days.

And just like that: I'm up two hundred and sixty thousand dollars on the year. Just like that. I'm up five hundred and ninety five thousand dollars in my account that I started with five hundred eighty three dollars in January of 2017. Just like that, the momentum is back in the market.

so I'm pumped I'm really excited. This is a great way to start the month. I've got a big cushion and we're gonna break down all of today's trades in today's midday market recap. All right everyone, So we're gonna do our midday market recap.

It's about 11:30 Eastern and I'm finishing the morning with Twenty Nine thousand, One hundred, Thirty Seven Dollars and Twelve cents. I Also made twenty nine Thousand dollars yesterday. So after commissions I'm sitting up fifty seven thousand, Nine hundred Eighteen dollars in two days of trading. so may you are mine.

I'm in the driver's seat for the month of May and that feels good. I'm up over, you know, Fifty thousand dollar Five Thousand dollars for the month of May So just big step forward there. It puts me up two hundred sixty thousand on the year and five hundred and Ninety Five thousand dollars in my account. That I started with just five Hundred and Eighty Three dollars January 1st 2017.

So I'm about four hundred five thousand away from the million dollar goal. Today's the 78th day of the year and I'm averaging three thousand three hundred dollars per day. So life is good. This is pretty incredible.

So twenty nine thousand, One hundred Ninety Nine dollars yesterday. Twenty nine thousand, One Hundred Thirty-seven dollars Today, almost back-to-back Pretty much the same amount. You know the winners are clustered clustered together. The losers also get clustered together and that, unfortunately, is, you know, part of the life of being a traitor.

So the last two weeks of April I had a lot of losers clustered together. you know you guys watched I had back-to-back read days. It was really frustrating, but you know I just kept coming in every day looking for opportunities, waiting for momentum and all of a sudden out of nowhere we saw yesterday on IME T now this one was definitely RI MTE This one was definitely a surprise yesterday and I was I Called today yesterday with $4,000 profit you know and I was done I I wasn't planning on you know, continuing to trade yesterday but when I saw I am te squeezing up I decided that this was showing so much strength that I had to look for sympathy momentum and so the sympathy Momentum stock that I pulled up was bo Excel and hit the scanners and I jumped in this yesterday at 5:50 and sold on the move here up to $14 I traded it again today for a break of this pre market pivot right here at $12 So I jumped in it and I will pull this up here I jumped in at eleven ninety and twelve dollars with seventy five hundred shares it pops up I'm selling at 1271, adding back at 1375, selling at fourteen, adding back at 1450, selling at fifteen, adding back at sixteen fifty, selling at 1699. Best sell high a day was 1740.
My strategy is to get in. take profit, get out. Get back in. Take profit, get out.

You can see that it works pretty well. Yeah, you can certainly take a strategy of buy and hold, but you just don't know when they're gonna turn around. So I always like to pay myself build a cushion on the day and then I can get back in if I see another setup and worked really well. Yesterday worked really well today.

So sixteen thousand, nine hundred thirty-eight dollars on that one trade. But you can see my first trade of the day was actually on IMT II I took a little scalp of 801 shares from $38 and sold it at Thirty Nine Twelve. it. The problem with this one is that the spreads were so big that it was hard to really capture nice profits on it.

It hit a high of 40 40 to 65 and then up to 44, but it was just not easy to sell with those profits. So I ended up getting stopped out with only whatever eight hundred nine hundred dollars. not bad but that was first trade, second trade bo XL really capitalized on it and on my very first trade on it I think I made maybe seventy five hundred dollars and then I took another trade and I was 10,000 another trade I was at 12 that kept kept trading 13 14, 15 16 was up 17 and on the last trade I lost a little bit of money on I added where was it I guess I stopped out here the rest of the trade down at 1403 and my average was like 15 20. so I gave back a little profit on that final exit.

but overall you know, really just a solid trade. So what we're seeing right now is the feeding frenzy. When momentum begins. when you have a stock like Imci MTE that goes from $2 to $40 a share, it creates this feeding frenzy.

It's blood in the water and the Sharks come in and they want a piece of the action. That's FOMO. That's the fear of missing out. We can capitalize on that because what we can expect is that the next stock that starts to pop up, all of those traders who miss stock number one will jump on stock number two.
So if you anticipate that, then you can get in quickly on the first stocks that you see spiking up knowing that they're gonna have an exaggerated move because traders want to capitalize on the opportunity. and that's why the winners always get clustered together. You get this a big parabolic move and then triggers stock three, four, Five and six and that's what you have here. So Bo X L was stock number Two.

Stock number three was Vvp. Our Vvp our hits the scanners. It goes from a dollar fifty to six dollars and fifty cents per share. A fairly recent IPO stock couldn't quite hit the IPO high of 750 or 734.

but a really nice move. I'm up. six thousand, seven hundred dollars on it. You can see this nice pullback here.

This is where I made the bulk of my profit, buying on this pullback and selling through the squeeze up to 669. My best exit on this one let's see was Six 6:19 It looks like she's not bad so $6,700 on this one. Then we had M Kg I M Kg I another sock pops up hits the scans I jump in this one at 360 on this one minute micro pullback right here. Ride the momentum into 489 where we got a tap of our daily resistance level the 200 EMA So $4,000 on em kg I Then we get my very last trade of the day was oh I did have a trade on Vvp are a little higher up yeah I guess actually sold high a day.

My high was 68 VV PR it was high a day 69. look at that I mean that's that's not bad. So one penny off high a day M kg I and then CHF s this was the last one I traded I Jumped in this on a little one-minute micro pullback under 55 right here got filled at 61, 58 and 61 or sorry I got filled at 64 and 69 pops up to a high of 75 I Was thinking maybe this would be the next one to take off. it didn't and so I stopped out quickly with 10,000 shares I only lost six hundred and $69 If it had worked well, it probably would have tapped four dollars and would have been another three four thousand dollar winner.

So there we go. Six, Nearly sixty thousand dollars in two days of trading. These are the big days that you need to buffer your account because we will inevitably have another slow patch. You guys who are watching for the very first time, you're thinking, oh my god, is he making twenty nine thousand dollars a day? Let's you know, do the math.

Twenty-nine thousand dollars a day times two hundred trading days a year is six point Three million dollars. Well, that's not the way it works, right? I'm not making 29 thousand dollars per day average I'll have two days in a row where I'll make $60,000 Really great opportunities and then things will slow down and there'll be two weeks where I'm making only 500 a day or a thousand a day and those are still great days. I'm still doing really well, but they're slower and then we wait until the big opportunity comes back and Boom. You know, then we have.
You know that that huge opportunity again. So this month or so far, you know this week it was on IM Te This is what started the momentum. This looks similar, probably to LF I n you know, a stock that went pretty crazy GM PX Another one that went pretty crazy last week, right? This is the type of momentum that we love as active traders. This is how we double our accounts in two days.

Two days ago, my account was at seventy-five thousand dollars. Tomorrow, it's gonna be at a hundred and thirty Five thousand dollars. I mean, almost doubling the account in two days. So it doesn't take a lot of money to do this.

It's not. Yeah, I've got a hundred k in the account right now because I didn't take out the profits from yesterday. But yesterday my account was up 33 percent. Today it's up another thirty percent.

so you know it's It's not taking a lot of money. take these trades. It just is a matter of being in the right place at the right time and having good entry points. So my average dollar amount position has been about forty seven thousand dollars in the last two days.

I've been a little more aggressive on share size because I'm responding to the market, right? You know the this is pedal-to-the-metal capitalize on it, strike while the iron's hot, and then when things slow down, seek shelter, get out of the way, sit on the sidelines and wait. You got to sit. You got to wait. You got to be patient.

And then when you see that next opportunity, you get out there and you strike. So really, just impressive. Day of trading today: I Saw in the Chatroom Yakub Nineteen thousand Dollars of profit Nate Thirty thousand dollars of profit Tim Seven Seventy Five hundred I Mean it was incredible actually. And let's see.

Let me pull up this recording and just so impressed with you guys, you guys. were killing it today. I mean I think I did well Jacob Made a hundred and sixty-five thousand dollars in the last two days. So that's just.

it's incredible. You know I make decent money. but I'm not as aggressive as some of the other traders out there. There's trades out there.

They were more much more aggressive than me. Here's this morning: I was up nineteen thousand at this point I asked I said how much did you guys make this morning George thanks for asking. Sixteen thousand, Six Hundred dollars. Look at that.

We'll see what some of these other guys say. I mean it's really, it's incredible once you learn the strategy. That's all of this. It's learning the strategy and having the tools to execute.

Twenty Four hundred dollars. You can see my computer's all lagged up, but you know you can just see all these winners. Fifty Six hundred, Twenty One thousand. You know, two hundred and fifty thousand in the simulator? Well, that's good, you know.

I mean it's back to back to back. Fifty Five thousand dollars from Travis Seventeen hundred from Robert Seven thousand from Michael Twenty Six thousand from Keith I Mean these are millions of dollars being made right here. and every single day, every single day there's millions of dollars being made in the market. You know if if you're new to trading, it's you.
Know this whole world that you're You know you're your eyes are being open to. David Seventy Three Thousand dollars on the day? Amazing. Give yourself a pat on the back. Damien Nineteen Thousand dollars on the day Terrell 9700 These guys, you've learned the strategy and William Sixteen thousand and doesn't mean you're gonna make money every single day of the year.

We all have read days. We all have ups and downs. but this is just. you know the proof right here that this strategy works and is scalable.

Some of you guys will make more than me. Some of you guys are more confident than me, have bigger accounts than me and that's fine. You trade the same strategy, you can make more. If you take more sighs, you take more risk.

So I just again, you know really quite something and so a good job for you guys who books in profit today. Those of you who didn't, those of you lost money today, who you know chased the momentum. This is the thing you want to capitalize on the momentum. Capitalize on the fear of missing out.

Capitalize on FOMO Don't fall victim to it. Alright, and that's really tough, especially as a beginner trader. it's easy to fall victim to FOMO And start buying these stocks higher and higher. You've got to know the right place to get in, the right place to get out.

And you know of course, I'm happy to show you that and teach that to you guys. That's what we do. you know every single day in the Warrior Pro course. So again, great job today! We'll be back at first thing tomorrow morning.

Let's try to finish up this week with another good good day of trading and just give ourselves a pat on the back for a great start to the month of May Alright, so I'll see all of you back here in the chat room tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis Anyone watching on YouTube Facebook Feel free to leave comments below. I'll come back and answer them later. You like the videos, give us a thumbs up. We really appreciate those.

All right? I'll see all you guys first thing tomorrow morning. If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “$57,918.23 day trading in just two days! what?!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars soldier of God ☪️ says:

    You gotta always capitalize on that bruh momentum

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Labruna says:

    Ross what are some off shore trading platforms we can use with unlimited day trades. And if you can or have time can you 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 make a video for us we need more then 3 trades a week to grow our accounts thank you 👍🏻

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Swinfen says:

    Hey , do you offer hold live trading?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nail carter says:

    Ross you have a great smile , I’d be smiling to lol 😂, you’re awesome man

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Korey Lackford says:

    3,300$ A day. My only question for you sir would be "How many hours per day do you actually work"?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gerald says:

    I traded a bag of pot for a bag of cash.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mackhomie6 says:

    The way this guy says "dallars" is the most middle aged, obnoxious Wisconsin lady accent I've ever heard. The only thing that could make him more unlikable is if he was a redhead

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tomas Vazquez says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Traced says:

    Cashapp me

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheTruthAbout says:

    Trading what ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars {Hardcore_ Gamer} says:

    Wow!! 😮😮😮

    got like over 100000$!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedDeadRyan says:

    Your manbun cancels out your beard.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott Finch says:

    Are you involved with any of the Cannabis stocks and if so which ones??

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jairo Ocampo says:

    How about i give you $200 and just give me a cut after you make more 😭 I need friends like you lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheAzDman says:

    lol 250K in the sim….someone must have taken massive size in the sim. Hopefully we see a few days like this soon! See ya in the chatroom.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David says:

    At least he isn't in his garage with his lamborghini and bookcases.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Smith says:

    cool shirt

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F.B.I says:

    The best way to get monster is

    KnOwLeDgE tHaTs RiGhT kNoWledGe

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniella Moncada says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richie m says:


  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DQN says:

    can someone help me into trading? i have no idea where to begin

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodolfo Franco says:

    I can't spell or to much but people like u deserve what u can do thank God for that

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My Names Flytes says:

    Low key looks fun🙂

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Clements says:

    How do you claim and turn the profit into physical cash that you can use in the real world. Say you make a move and put yourself up 10k off a day trade. How long does it take to get cash in hand back.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reid Scearce says:

    57,000 in 2 days yet the government will take 35,000 of that

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Milgate says:

    Steps to making $57k in one weekend:

    1. Have lots of money to start with.
    2. Dump lots of money into the stock market when its really low.
    3. Sell when its really high.
    4 make a youtube video boast about it after for good measure.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HunterStunner6 9 says:

    This is pure inspiration I swear man!!!!!str8 ripping the market a new 1.90% of people r too lazy 2 do the math 4 this and just pawn it off as a lifetime of practice smh

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SERKAN yetişkin says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landon Gauger says:

    I wish I knew more about the stock market. Im a senior in high school and have $25,000 dollars that was given to me from a local manufacture company. Any pointers to take a step in the right direction?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Wyche says:


  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rummy&Koch says:

    how much have you lost this past week?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars twistedgaming shorts says:

    Lollipop 🍭🍭🍭🍭

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philosophical idiot says:

    This video has 666k views

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brogan S says:


  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oneluckyshot326 says:

    I’ve never traded before but am interested. What tools do you use to trade? A website? An app? Help is greatly appreciated.

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