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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, so here we are Tuesday Morning Another great day of trading. I'm finishing the morning up 4,200 bucks and that puts me an up now. Over 70,000 on the month of May and whatsits May 8 This is crazy. So three weeks left to keep trading so you know the way it is right now.

I'm on track to have a record-breaking month, but we know the way the market goes. It's the Ab and the flow. So right now we're in the hot streak. but we're gonna have the you know, the Ab or whatever it is, you know we're going to the other side the trench where things get a little slow and choppy.

So you know right now I'm stacking up the profits and that might have to tide me over through the rest of the month. I Saw in the chat room today students were killing it. Kevin he's up over 31,000 on the month I Mean we were just seeing student after student who's posting huge wins so it's really a great time to be a day trader. We are loving this momentum and today for me was a little bit choppier.

I actually made a total of about ten thousand, five hundred dollars and then I gave back about six thousand. So it wasn't all in one trade. it was I traded a lot today. so it was two steps forward.

one step back. My very first trade was $800 profit second tray or third trade I lost 1500 fourth trade I made four thousand fifth trade I lost fifteen hundred, you know? So it was like up and down, up and down finishing up 4200 which is great, but definitely a little choppy er. today and then we've seen in the last couple days, so have to be a little careful going into the market tomorrow, but they'll be interested to see how em DA closes today. if it ends up going parabolic in the afternoon.

that might spark another round of, you know, feeding frenzy of excited traders looking to buy up the momentum. So anyways, we'll break down all of the trades in today's midday market recap. All right everyone, so we're gonna break down: I have a trades from the morning. Another solid day of trading: 4200 $26.63 with a winner in the IRA account which is awesome.

So a couple of trades in the main account, one trade in the IRA for 200 bucks, another green day. So there's the IRA Seven hundred and sixty dollars right there. So working, working my way up. and here's the main account.

Three thousand, four hundred, sixty six dollars on that side. Today it was kind of a choppy day. I Had some really great trades right out of the gates on BL NK I was up about four thousand dollars on that stock. This was continuation PLN K was the one we were really watching very closely this morning.

For continuation over 550, we got a really nice break out there. A scalp from 548 up to 560 made some money there. 700 800 bucks. it drops down it then curls back up right here I got caught in a false breakout I jumped in at 525 thinking it was gonna do a red to green move and let's see I'll bring this up.

So 525 was my second trade on this one and it v knows actually my third trade got in at 520 right here and had to stop out at $5 So just like that it went from being up 1500 on the name to down 750 and I was red on the day today. so down 750 bucks on the day and I was like all right well you know what did I say about my calendar yesterday? You know we're the days are getting smaller and now I'm red I better really be careful. So I was just kind of sitting tight and waiting. then all of a sudden right here, boom it just takes off.
it breaks over 525 and when I saw that I jumped in at 553, added at 554, added at 581, added at 94, 95 and 97. look at that. that's a that's a big size there. We've got 15,000 shares so 15,000 shares that's stepping up to the plate and on that trade I made $4,000 so I made back the 750 I cost plus profit and I went from being down on the day to being up you know, three thousand, five hundred or something like that.

Unfortunately, I ended up giving back most of that gained on this trade. right here. where I jumped in. Let's see at Six Dollars no I had a couple scalps here.

There's a little scalp here. a little scalp here. the one that I lost on I got in at five looks like Five Ninety-nine No. I saw that one breakeven where was it here it is I got in at six dollars and stopped out at five seventy.

So on that trade I lost twenty $100 profit and I gave you know gave back a little bit of gains there. so that was right on this candle here. you know I thought it was gonna break over six bucks and go back to the highs and it ended up, you know, dropping pretty hard so that was disappointing, you know. So second trade, they're giving back a little bit of profit and finishing up on B L and K $1400 which is great I mean that's all things considered.

$1400 It's fantastic. No, it's not 5000, but let's keep things in perspective. it's still green. It's still good, so some profit on that ends up totally rolling over going, getting halted on circuit breaker.

and so I you know I'm fortunate that I was able to close the day green on it. This was a hard stock. If you were a short seller, you got squeezed here. If you're a long trader, you got nailed here so it was hard no matter which way you were trading it.

This one just wasn't easy, but that's not totally uncommon on continuation setups. Fresh news is almost always better. Second day continuation can be a little trickier and this one just wasn't as easy. so a little disappointing there.

So next one was AMD a AMD a pops up hits the scanners I tried jump in at 83 I don't get filled but I jumped into my IRA and I filled I guess I did too I don't know I don't even know how I did this but I somehow did two orders. one for 3,000 shares and another for a thousand. Honestly I don't even know it just happened so fast and there's not a lot of time. So I probably I mean I think I wanted more size than that.
but for whatever reason, I I got partial fills. All right. I got a small order, but I got filled with a dollar eighty. So in at a dollar eighty with four thousand shares and when it popped up, I sold it out of the halt at 199.

Now, I was conservative in this account because that's my IRA in my main account. I bought it. I basically bought where I was taking profit and then sold this one up at 217 and 219. So the thing is, it's very hard to trade in two accounts at one, so especially when you have two slightly different strategies, the IRA is a little bit more conservative I want to take my profit quickly and not risk a loss I can't afford losses because I cannot put more money into this.

it's a retirement account I'm already put in the most I can put in until 2019 so you know I have to just take small gains and not risk losses and so on. this one I took profit a little quickly AMD a hits our scanners, it pops up, hits dollar eighty resumes, it drops down for a second and then it surges up so you know it was kind of in this little drop. Here is it dropped down to a dollar eighty and then popped up. that I was like all right, I better be more conservative and take profit and of course this one is grinding up a little bit more.

so I took the trade in my main account at $2 sold it to 12 to 15, scaling out into this move and actually made some good money on it. But then I had a trade where I gave back profit I got in at what was it to where was this? I got back in up here and I got stopped out on this false breakout. So I was buying on this candle. first candle to make a new high right here.

Oops right here that candle wick I bought at 75 and then I stopped out as it came back down. Where was that? Let's see I have a lot trade today. Got in at 75, stopped out at 56 and just like that, lost fifteen hundred bucks. So I gave back pretty much all the profit I had in my main account.

You can see I trade it a lot today. my commissions are gonna be expensive. One hundred and three trades churning shares. you know the last couple days I haven't been doing the one trade in and out and I'm done.

It's been working a little bit harder to get the profit, but it's felt like this is the type of market to push a little harder to dig deep, but to keep trading because all of a sudden you see stocks like aMDA which you might have thought was dead suddenly popped back up to 285. And so that's where I'm trying to be a little more aggressive and capitalize on this momentum. But on aMDA I gave back profit so you know it didn't It didn't work for me there. but then on GNP X it worked out really well.

So GNP X I jumped in this one at 1550 and what's sad on? GNP X Let's go back to that one. So I put the order out to buy 5,000 shares at 1550 I filled only 385. It's a fast moving stock so I only filled 385 shares from 1550 I went all the way up to 1850. Look at that.
I mean that's that. Could have been like a $10,000 winner. but I only had three hundred eighty five shares, ended up adding four thousand at 1740 and 1760 and selling it at 1819, 1790 and eighteen Seventeen is 81. So that was on this little one minute pullback right here.

So I added on this one minute pullback and you know, worked, made some money on it. But just disappointing that I only made you know whatever nineteen hundred dollars on this one I could have made five or ten thousand. So today's a day where I have four good-sized losses I have a good-sized loss on Biella and K on the first one. I then had that big winner then I had a second loss on Bln.

K. So in total, I have four thousand dollars in losses on Biela and K and I guess fifty five hundred in winners and $1400 net aMDA I Had you know almost two thousand dollars in profit. And you know, ninety nine dollars in losses in my main account. So forty seven dollars net.

So not a lot there. But you know what? at the end of the day, it's where did you finish and I'm finishing up between these two accounts. Four thousand, two hundred, Twenty Six dollars. So it's another awesome day of trading.

I'm not gonna I'm not going to complain. Yeah, it's a little bit choppy, but still capturing profit. So finishing the day up forty two hundred, finishing right now up seventy thousand, seventy-one thousand on the month. which is awesome.

So this right now is my this is my fourth best month of all time. Best is 117, second best is eighty Four thousand, third best is eighty one thousand, and I'm at seventy one thousand. so fourth best month of all time. and well, you know, let's look at the calendar.

we've still got three weeks left. So I mean I'm really in a very good position to potentially have a record-breaking month if momentum keeps up. If momentum slows down and I go back to grinding on, you know, four hundred, five hundred dollars a day or I have some red days, you know that'll put me into. you know that'll slow things down a little bit, but you know right now things are.

things are looking great. So let's take a quick little peek at the Trader View stats and those of you guys that are in the chatroom today: I Saw so many of you guys say how much you made Hector you made over seven thousand today. That's awesome G off you say you're up eighty one thousand dollars and one trade. Really really nice.

Let me know how much I want to see some of you other guys? let me know how much you're up Gordon's up 1450 Do ease up three hundred Edwin's up 1,800 bucks Giovanni's up 1245 Daniels Down one hundred Thirty-two Nisha is up to sixty AMD Marco's he's got a thick a thousand I saw there I mean now you guys are typing in the winners faster than I can read them Kevin Up Thirty One thousand Eight hundred Forty Five dollars for the month of May Awesome! Kevin Nice job, Really good Eric A thousand bucks so you know you guys are killing it. You're doing really really well. So let's look here after one second at my reports my P&L for the month. So there we go.
So you can see here this is so this is the month of May I haven't uploaded yesterday and I can't upload today until tomorrow, so this one won't be there yet. But through yesterday. Alright, so detail, let's see. let's do Five One filter.

So we're just gonna look at the month of May So there was $50,000 between May Was that May first, second, third, fourth. Yeah, so thirty sixty Actually, that doesn't seem right. I'm on. That's five hundred thousand.

Let's switch that up. Okay, that was in the last year. There we go. That looks a little bit better.

Okay, Sixty-two thousand dollars. So these are what my metrics look like right now. For the month of May, you can see my profit loss ratio: Average Winner: $2,700 average Loser: 738. So right, we can work with that.

That's a good profit loss ratio average percentage of success 71% can work with that. Also, that's really solid. That's what I like to see that's a little bit above my average profit loss ratio. So I Like seeing that average hold time trades are short six-minute winners to minute losers.

We're in a market right now where you have to be quick. Absolutely so quick entries, Quick exits. Let's see which one sitting the scanners. Bassy I'm gonna mute that this isn't I'm not feeling like this is a time of day I Really want to jump into another trade? It's 11 A.m.

I Don't see a lot on this one so you know the first. One of the first things I do is I check the news. Is there news on it? you know I Pull up the level to Basse I Don't see any news loading in the Lightspeed news window. doesn't mean there's no news.

I Can go check on market watch but it's not a good sign when you don't see you don't see something right away. Alright, so let's see. let's go back to here. So Wednesday Thursday Friday I mean that's solid and we'll just take a quick peek it.

Why don't we just look at metrics from from January 1st 2017. Start with $583 sitting net as 600 and 2000 gross I'm sitting at 669 thousand I mean I I'm I'm thinking about my net profit cuz that's what I look at. but I'll cross the million dollar mark gross before I cross it net I mean obviously that's just the way it is with Commission's But yeah, so anyways, 669 before Commission 71% accuracy, average profit loss ratio. We're sitting at one to one so you know we're pretty much it.

You know, breakeven their average winners, average losers are the same. but then the accuracy of 71 percent is what is what makes it work. So I'll show you guys those of you who are watching on. Facebook and YouTube Here's traders in the chat: 1800 bucks from Edwin, 1500 from Tim, a thousand from Marcos Ned's on the Sim.
that's good practicing in the Sim. That's what it's all about. Proved you can make money in the simulator because if you can make money there, you can do with real money. If you can't make money with the Sim, you've no business trading with the real account yet Kevin Nice job, Very good.

Giovanni Good, good, good. So traders are making money I Mean tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars are being made in the market every single day. Hector 7400 between two trades. Just great job guys! So something to be excited about there.

and remember. BL and K This is a swing trade from yesterday. This was called out in the room yesterday around four dollars for a swing trade squeezing up here up to a high of six six dollars this morning. so that was an awesome swing trade.

Alright, so anyways, definitely reason to be excited right now. we're in a hot market and I'm trying to stack up some of the profits and I'm gonna have an exciting announcement later maybe this week or early next week about something special that we're going to for the month of May. But I'll just give you that teaser and tell you more about that as we get closer to maybe the end of this week or next week. All right.

so Des: 8180 First Trading Day of the year I'm gonna write it in the calendar now I Like to write this in my calendar because I just like to visually have it right here in front of me obviously I use Excel Obviously all of my trades are archived into Trader View, but I've been using these calendars for a long time. There's just something nice about writing it down, making it real. So 42,000 4,200 4,200 $26 and was it 63 cents I think 63 cents. So this being the 81st trading day of the year, the average is three thousand, three hundred ninety dollars per day.

Twenty six hundred dollars per day is the average I need to maintain to break a million dollars by the end of the year so we'll see if see if we can do it. But right now this is looking like this month is off to a fantastic start and you know I Just hope it keeps up. Having said that. I made I'm making a little bit less each day over the last four days.

you know. Twenty nine thousand, Twenty nine thousand, Eight thousand, Five thousand. Now four thousand, and I had some losses today. So I have to be a little careful tomorrow.

Make sure. I You know, try to manage risk responsibly and look for a quality set ups. but you know the fact that we're still seeing stocks make these parabolic moves is what's giving me the confidence to keep being fairly aggressive. Be LNK Yesterday from $2 to $4 you know today we haven't really had a good parabolic stock.

Bln K was continuation AMD a Pretty good I mean this: AMD is pretty good. It's up 147 percent. It was just a little hard to manage risk on it because of the way it took off out of nowhere. It's got the 200 moving average up here, but might be worth watching going into the afternoon for another move up.
I would keep it on watch. over $3 volume right now is 11 million shares so might get more opportunities on aMDA And yeah, we'll see. Keep an eye on those Hi Tay momentum scanners. Alright, so that's it for me.

I'll see you guys back here first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis and hope you guys have a great afternoon. Alright, see you in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

22 thoughts on “Trading enlightenment attained!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ascension Wisdom says:

    Thank you for all of your nonstop wisdom, motivation moreover enlightenment to guide my experience to turning out to be more consciously aware of the fact as well as spiritually connected.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Power says:

    Can you do a video on how you use your scanner to find stocks and how you decide to enter or not please it would be very helpful to new traders like me

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Leitch says:

    Hey Ross, love your videos! Try to watch them every day and when I don't I always try and make sure I catch back up like right now! Just a quick question, on a day like today with a large number of trades, how much do your commisions add up to be? Just interesting to know as someone who doesnt currently trade but planning to do the warrior trading course and get into once they get a good break in school! 😛 As always your response is always much much appreciated.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Will says:

    hey Ross, in regards to the IRA- i thought you couldn't add in to an ira once you make above 150K ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick J says:

    Good morning from good ole Vermont. Great video. I was in on BLNK made a profit of $234, not huge but, I am starting with only 1k. It's a start lol. Have a great day and a Green day bro.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Blankenship says:

    Can you do a series on swing trading for those of us who have not broken the PDT mark…. yet

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom McMahon says:

    This is one of your most helpful videos. The quantity of trades showed so many different setups. Really helpful for an, as of now, break-even trader.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeartTree says:

    Really enjoy your park-sculpture cameos

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micah Chaney says:

    Great job Ross. Two things…You missed PI?

    Have you done any month-to-month comparisons from last year? In other words, compared January 2017 to January 2018, and so on?

    My only live trading month was last May and I made over $14k following your strategy. This looks like another great May. I wonder if your Trader Vue can shine any light on any potential consistency month-to-month.

    Thanks, keep it up. I'm pulling for you to get that record breaking month this month.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BARTEK MEDES says:

    Love listening to him. I don't get the hate towards the red head bomber, but people hate. What platform do your Canadian traders use Ross?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oneil Mitchell says:

    I live in the Bahamas and I was trying to get onto a platform that I could actually trade from do you have any recommendation for me that I can use thank you very much for your help

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oneil Mitchell says:

    Hello Ross O'Neil Mitchell how do I get into day trading with you

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Jones says:

    Ross ive been studying day trading for about a year or so im 16 and i would love to know how a recession would affect your trading ways im guessing it would make everything harder and scalping would be more prevalent but if a huge recession hits are you saving alot of your money to withstand years of hard waves in the stock market.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivo Roperto says:

    That’s awesome man. I’m new to the trading world you did great.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andydoesitall says:

    I got stopped out almost the exact same place you did on BLNK 5.15 out 5.00. Sucks I can only trade 3 times a day because my account is a IRA.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macabrew says:

    Feels like we're in the eb already, so you should be back to raking it in soon.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JChan59 says:

    I broke a rule, but I kept calm after getting smashed by a false break on BLNK. Dug myself out of the hole and profited from AMDA. I think the experience on trading the right set up on AMDA was more important to learn though. Really glad I got the lessons from AMDA. +150.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bo Redfearn says:

    "up $81 thousand with one trade" -Geoff ..WOW

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Gantt says:

    Congratulations to you, Sir.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin J. says:

    Man I was up $900 on BLNK out the gate but I didn’t cover profits and ended up breaking even. The greed is real. I’m really considering just hiding my P/L and focusing solely on the charts and price action. Thoughts?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tilldeath doUSpart says:

    Percent wise what can be your over all -,+ if and when you move over to fiber cable hook-ups or is fiber cable a whole new level of trading that newbies need education on.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Star says:

    love your thumbnails lol

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