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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. Another green day, a trading second day of the week, finishing up $2,600 Green is good. That puts me up over $10,000 this week. So I'm working my way out of the hole.

Had a couple red days last week and I'm almost out and then from there it's gonna be back into all-time highs for 2018. Think: I'm sitting right now around 260 270 thousand on the year, which is awesome. about 600,000 in my account that I started in January 2017 which is $583 So I'm loving it. And you know today I took two trades I kept it simple.

The last couple days have been really focused. not over trading just one trade, maybe two trades and getting the profit like that, so it feels good. It's stress-free trading Green is good. We'll break it all down in today's midday market recap.

All right everyone. So time for our midday market recap. While we're doing this recap, we're gonna be watching H EA are continuing to surge up without me. It's making some nice moves here.

but for me, today was all about stress-free trading. A second day of stress-free trading. It's what I really wanted. Just try to book some profit without getting myself into a jam or taking a lot of risk.

So here's where I'm sitting today. Two thousand, six hundred fifty one dollars and 26 cents. Green is good. $2,000 is awesome.

That puts me up over ten thousand dollars on the week And it puts me up sixty four thousand dollars on the month, which is awesome. It's been an amazing month and something that I'm gonna be doing. and this month, which is going to be really exciting, is half of these profits. I'm up sixty four thousand.

So as of right now, thirty two thousand dollars of my profits this month are going to be donated to charities and organizations in honor of Memorial Day. So right now it's thirty two thousand and it'll be a running total. We'll see how high I get. if I get to 100k this month 50k is going out and I'm happy to do it and I'm just you know I'm I'm grateful to be in a position where I can do it.

My grandmother was a nurse in the Army in World War Two, my grandfather was a soldier. He got wounded and they met in the you know infirmary and that's you know kind of the story of how they met and I wouldn't be here. either of them hadn't had the courage to you know, serve this country. So I wanted to do something special this year for Memorial Day and so I'll be donating to a number of different charitable organizations in western Massachusetts the Berkshires and this area.

and I want to encourage you guys to make some donations as well. even if you only want to donate you know, hunter bucks or you know, 50 bucks or if you're in a position to donate a little more, you know that. That's awesome - And we're gonna put together a page And on our website and kind of tally up how many pledges we can get from the Warrior trading community because I think it'll be pretty cool to see how many of us are willing to step up and I don't mind if I'm carrying the the the majority of the donation I'm just happy if it encourages us to do something good and give back some of these profits. Being able to make sixty five thousand dollars in one month? it's absolutely incredible.
It's I mean it's it's ridiculous. The amount of money we make trading it almost becomes like pretend money because it's you know, Just you know. it's just. it's crazy.

So we of course are thankful for those who have served who have given their lives for this country. and we're thankful for all the veterans. So anyways, something special for this month for Memorial Day that I'm doing. And yeah, so today $2,600 for me.

Thirteen hundred dollars for organizations. Thirteen hundred I'll keep. so that's that's cool. Alright, so trades from today this morning's E LWT this was the big one and we had it on the watchlist pre market so it was.

The only thing that was interesting about CL WT is that this is a five cent tick stock. so it's not the type of stock we typically would trade, but because about a week a week ago, it made this really big move from two dollars all the way up to eight Forty five. It showed us that it has the ability to make really quick moves, so we decided, you know? Okay, this one's worth keeping a close eye on. Pre market high was 520 and then right out of the gates it started to search up.

now in the market opened this morning. I was a little bit hesitant I I I didn't feel super comfortable just jumping right in. I'm not as good at reading the the time and sales in the level two and on these five cent tick stocks. so I just kind of like you.

What? I'm gonna hold off for a second I'm It pops up to a high of 75 as you can see here then pulls back for a second. it pops up in tapped 75. It pulls back again and I got in right there at 75. So as it came up for the second break, I jumped in with 10,000 shares at an average of like 78, getting in at 70 for 78 and 80.

It then squeezes up to a high right here of 625 and I sold right around $6 so I took my profit on that. Ended up going a little bit higher 640, but it didn't do that much I think I captured a pretty good chunk of the move there. so 2,200 dollars on that one with 10,000 shares and then the second one was Craig. So CR eg, this one just sort of popped up in the late morning I jumped in with five or four thousand shares roughly partial fill and sold at 215 and where was it? 215 and 206 - Oh n So that ended up being just a $369 winner.

A little bit of a smaller win. The one that I missed this morning was s o RL This one was right off our watch list and I just fumbled a little bit I had it on watch for a break of pre market highs which were at 640. so I had my order ready at 650 to get in the bell rings and it just it just pops up so fast I missed it. it goes from 640 all the way to 688 so almost a 50-cent breakout which was amazing I mean that's awesome I saw John made I'm a 1500 bucks on it or something like that I know but you guys traded it in to really well on it and I just missed the whole thing.
so you know sometimes they'll go without you. This could have been a 5,000 dollar day if I'd hit that but I missed it so and it pulled back and didn't give a second opportunity. har this one. it wasn't on the watch list but you can see it's been grinding up here.

I'm kind of just feeling like for me the price is a little too high. It's a little outside my wheelhouse for go-to price range I Thought it was going to hit resistance at this trendline that I had draw. It was a descending this yellow line from here down to here and it did. it hit it, pulled back and then just blast it through and it popped up.

It pulled back again. five minutes set up and now it's continuing higher. So congratulations for those of you that you know did step up and take this tray. I Just felt like when I was looking at it that the risk of it dropping back down and giving me a false breakout was too high.

And even though 20 to $2,600 is a really great day, it's not. It's certainly not anywhere close to the best day of the year for me. You know it's it's a good day. but I don't have enough of a cushion to take risk.

I'd rather just walk away twice. $600 and that's important. You know: no one to hold him, no one to fold him, no one to get up and walk away. And this right now is kind of a hit and run market.

You get your profit and you get out. because if you stay and you stick around, there's a good chance you're gonna give back everything you gained. And so today I was pretty disciplined about just taking these two trades, getting in, getting out, and being done and yesterday I took. Let's see, I took just the one trade on Bo.

XL So right now, three trades this week and over ten thousand dollars profit. close to eleven thousand dollars on the week. That's awesome, right? Yeah, blame it. Sure did.

So you know it's kind of like three trades, three winners. I'm happy with that. That's some good profit and you know. But having said all that, I'm still in the hole from last week I lost like 15 almost $17,000 in three days last week.

So I'm still down about six thousand versus my all-time highs on the month. I was up about seventy thousand on the month 71 and I'm up like sixty. You know, sixty four thousand sixty Five thousand. So you know I want to try to get myself back into all-time highs I have this goal 100 K on the month.

it would be awesome if my you know best month is here in May and if I give half of it away I feel like that would be some really good karma points. Maybe I'll have my best month because I'm giving half of it away and I'll net more than I would have made if I and wasn't giving half of it away So we'll see I think it's gonna be. It's gonna be a good month and in any case, sitting is 64. 65 thousand right now is awesome.
So it puts me at two hundred sixty-eight thousand on the year. Six hundred and Three thousand in my small account that started with five hundred Eighty Three dollars. from $583 to six hundred Three thousand Eight hundred, Twenty Two dollars and 61 cents And that's in about a year and a half. I Started January 1st 2018 through 2017.

So let's see today: I'll just make it official in the calendar 86 day of the year. So date: eighty Six, Twenty Two thousand, Twenty Two Thousand Six Hundred Fifty One dollars. Okay, so twenty six hundred and at eighty six days in the year and two hundred Sixty Eight thousand, I'm averaging three thousand one hundred twenty dollars per day per day I mean I You know I remember when I was working at a gas station pumping gas making you know eight dollars an hour before taxes I'd work a full you know, 40-hour week and I wasn't walking home with much more than a hundred in? you know, eighty dollars? I mean it was yeah, you know I mean I remember it and I was looking the other day at this old photo album and I was seeing some of these pictures of myself in like high school and early college. When you know I was you know just going through what people go through that age trying to figure out what you want to do working at the gas station, working in an art studio and mowing lawns and I man III never III didn't think becoming a millionaire was in my future.

I reaiiy didn't think so. And even when I start trading I didn't think becoming a millionaire from trading was in my future. I thought maybe I could make enough money trading a couple times a day to pay my bills and you know. But then once you start to get good, you realize there's nothing stopping you from making more money except for taking your share size.

So you know for those of you who have already made over $100,000 trading you know gave yourself a big pat on the back. It's a huge accomplishment I Know you know Roberto Mike R SH Tyler John These guys have all you know hit that hit that mark. For those of you that are getting near the half-million dollar mark John Elton You know those you get close to the million dollar mark a big pat on your back. You really deserve it now.

I Know making a million dollars trading when you when it happens over the course of you know three or four or five years you know might seem like well you know you're you spend some of it and some of it goes out to taxes and all that stuff. So just because you made a million dollars trading doesn't mean you have a million in the bank. but it really is proving that you've achieved a really high level of mastery over this skill of trading. and for me to be at a place where you know not only can I make a really good living trading but that I can also teach so many of you guys how to trade is just I mean it's awesome I feel really fortunate and I suppose that's the ultimate to get so good.
It's something that the people actually do want to learn from you if you're willing to teach. And so I'm feeling very fortunate and you know this has been a great year so far. Off to the best start I've ever had. you know, four and a half months into the year 268,000 tracking still for around 600,000 I have a goal of six hundred sixty-five thousand this year and I'm hoping that I hit it I might not.

but I'm really hoping I hit it this year. So that's the target for the year and every day is a step in the right direction And you know what? Even days like today, 2600 a day? You know, let's do the math. There's usually around 220 trading days in the year if you give yourself a couple days off. So 200 trading days 220 trading days times 2600 is 572 thousand dollars.

So today is a great day. $2,600 is an awesome day. The reality is, you're not going to be green. Every one of the 220 days, you know you got a figure.

you'll be green, maybe 75% of 80% of them. And then you'll have some red days. And so you need to average more on your green days to make up for the red days. But you know those are the metric so you guys all have them.

you know where you're at. So anyways, this is about it for me right now. Oh, and last thing I thought I guess I'll mention. Um, let me just get up.

So this month, another laptop giveaway. We're gonna give away three laptops to Warrior Pro students. So three laptops going out to Warrior Pro students this month. so all of the students are eligible and will draw names out of the Hat at the end of the month? we'll probably draw the names out of a hat right around, you know, June 1st or something like that.

So anyone that's watching on YouTube or Facebook if you join the Warrior Pro classes this month, your name will be entered as well. So we'll be giving away three Lunar Oval laptops the same laptops that I use every day for trading. So that'll help get some of our students off to a good start this summer as you're going through the classes and getting into the markets. Alright, so that's it for me.

I'm gonna go enjoy some of this nice weather and I will see all of you back here first thing tomorrow morning. 9:00 9:15 pre market analysis and we'll see if we can find a couple more stocks to trade. All right! I'll see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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33 thoughts on “Trade recap: sky’s the limit!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T says:

    I absolutely love watching your Midday Market Recap. I started my day trading journey about two months ago. I'd go back to previous months such as this video and would Paper Trade the stocks you either gain or lost on. I Paper trade and see if I'd gain or lose. Today I traded CLWT on this date in my PT account and earned a whopping total of $352 on 400 shares/trade. I completed five trades; three greens totaling $352 and two reds totaling $44. Ross, I'd like to thank you for your transparency and honesty. You are a true Day Trader Idol/Role Model. Thank you for donating half your winnings to a charity in honor of Memorial Day. I wish to one day be as GREAT as You! Keep up the awesome work.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex L says:

    you are an inspiration to us

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Hurst says:

    Congrats on digging out of the hole from last week. But what really impresses me is your giving back to the Vets. As a Vet myself "Thank You". Neil on Fox did a great commentary today on Vets and how we as a society look at the men and women who sacrificed it all, almost without question, to give someone like you and many others the opportunity you are taking advantage of . But at the same time return something from your heart and your pocketbook. I hope your success continues, I hope this month is way over $100K, but even if it is not, you remembered and you gave. God Bless.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Elena Clemente says:

    So excited to hear about the charity for Memorial Day! Best work yet Ross!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Algorithm says:

    I will remember Ross Cameron when I'm making these types of gains.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Ahn says:

    $1300 profit today with SORL and CLWT on Simulator. My simulator finishes this friday and real money begins next week!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wanderwithgeorge says:

    Such a great dude! Congrats Ross!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ADSOCIALIST Inc. says:

    Nice work Clay! Question: for those with smaller accounts 5-10k, what is the best trading tactic to make reasonable gains each day?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vic1torius says:

    Ross you inspire to be like you

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andy patch says:

    16 minutes of pure positivity! Good to see smiling all the way Ross, like the new low stress ethos.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edgar Cuevas says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nathan says:

    did you have any trouble using hot keys on $CLWT because its a 5 cent tick stock? i kept on getting error messages i think because of the 00.02 offset i use for my hot keys but im not sure if that was why. it worked when i placed a limit order through my order entry window though.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Crooks says:

    Excellent teaching, by example

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Very nice Ross. This world needs more people like yourself. I have a daughter that is in the military and I couldn't be more proud of her!!!! Hope you hit the 100k mark for the month!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Mckee says:

    This is why I follow you and I listen. Thank you. Also, any updates on when you are going to be trading in the new office?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BARTEK MEDES says:

    What platform do your Canadian members use Ross?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Rodriguex says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Our World is Best says:

    Ross that a great idea about giving back!! You stole the show with those words

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJP Junk Removal,Yard Waste Removal & Home Service says:

    Damn i didnt get my Sorl order filled either. Oh well theres tomorrow.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avigit Saha says:

    How do you decide to buy on ask or join the bid to buy? I see you placing limit orders quickly during breakouts. I wonder at what point you pull the trigger. For me the bid always go up before I pull the the trigger so I don’t get filled in.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Celisha Stroud says:

    Hello Ross. I was just wondering, in regards to your 1 million dollar goal, and the charity giveaway.. if you make 100 thousand this month will you then only be applying 50,000 to your 1,000,000 goal?
    Thanks ☺

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Keep an eye on RDVT tomorrow for continuation. Recent IPO strong at the close and no resistance till around $40 .

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Fogel says:

    Great role model, love the vids keep it up

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lonnie Boudreaux says:

    Great story about your grandparents!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lonnie Boudreaux says:

    You do so much trading how do you keep up with your taxes from it?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dimerz says:

    Hello, do you teach any people from abroad? Im from the UK wondering if I can trade in these markets. Thanks

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Jones says:

    I like watching your market midday recap intros. You illustrate how important it is to switch off once a while and maintain the balance especially in these hot market momentum.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oscar C says:

    Ross, you only use the 20 EMAon the 1min chart?and the 9,20, vwap on the 5 min?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ish says:

    Dang you got in early on CLWT!
    I was in at 5.70 and got out at 6.30 after a very scary 11 minute hold. That false halt really got me and I was down $400 at one point with 1000 shares.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Grant says:

    I thought you stayed away from $0.05 ticks.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lure Up says:

    I’m 55….wish I would have discovered warrior trading years ago!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lure Up says:

    I love what you are doing these last couple days….great encouragement for us newbies… not chasing taking only good set ups … and of course making bank!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renato Silva says:

    $HEAR was a good trade, but a teeth grinding one. I'm working on getting better on managing risk on big spread tickers. Are alumni eligible for the Laptop draw?

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