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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So here we are finishing up: Wednesday Morning Up Five thousand, Three Hundred Ninety Nine Dollars. Another green day at training and it puts me up about sixteen thousand dollars on the week, which is awesome up around seventy thousand on the month. We saw about two and a half weeks left this month and my target is still one hundred thousand dollars. And remember, half of those profits are getting donated.

So I really want to make as much as I can this month because it'll mean more money that I can give away. If I have my best month ever and I break 117 thousand dollars, I'm gonna feel like it's just you know, totally meant to be and that's you know, kind of still back in my mind, it could happen. Remember we started this month with two back-to-back $29,000 days. Boom Sixty grand.

If I have two back-to-back twenty thirty thousand dollar days sometime in the next two weeks, this is gonna go from a 70 $80,000 a month to 130 hundred forty thousand, it's possible. So right now it's just a matter of being patient, waiting for the momentum, waiting for the opportunity, and then when I see it striking on it. So today I had a couple really good trades bln K people came back like 500 bucks on that. That one wasn't as good, but did well on G EMP and I HT So we'll break down all today's trays in today's midday market.

recap. All right everyone. So here we are finishing the morning up: five thousand, three hundred Ninety Nine dollars and 35 cents. Another green day of trading.

Not bad at all. Today I had some pretty good profits and I gave a little bit of it back I pushed a little harder than maybe I needed to I was up about 7500 and then I had two back-to-back losses. So I gave up a little bit of those gains. But you know what? being aggressive is the reason I'm up even as much as I am.

Now Five thousand is still an awesome day of trading, so puts me up cheese. Let's see right, around 16,000 on the week. Not bad at all. I'll take it.

So 16,000 on the week on the month am. I breaking over 70,000 Gosh, that must be close. Sixty nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy dollars on the month. And so this adds another twenty six, twenty seven hundred dollars a profit that's gonna get donated to charities this month, which is awesome.

So half of my profits are going out to various organizations for the month of May in honor of Memorial Day So that is about thirty five thousand dollars as of right now and the goal is still one hundred thousand dollars of total profit. So I can give away $50,000 so we'll see if I can get there. We still have. Let's see, well, we still have two full weeks of trading, Two and a half full weeks of trading just about.

So you know I mean there's there's, still hope, but we definitely need to see good momentum. Today was decent I mean it was. It was really not bad at all, but we started to see a little bit of choppiness as we got further into the day and so that was something that I you know wasn't happy to see and it made me a little bit more inclined just to take my profits and call it a morning, you know, kind of after 10:00 a.m. So to break down the trades from this morning when we pull up my East signal charts, so BL NK was the one we were watching out of the gates and and we knew it was going to be difficult because of the fact that even though it was gapping up a lot and in a lot of ways they looked really good.
It was also really extended coming into the open and so as it squeezed up here had a pre market high of 743 the bell rang and as you can see it started just sort of a little choppy popping up, dropping down, popping up I took a trade on it, getting into 2500 shares at 739 ended up getting stopped out of that trade. Well, I sold half at 7:48 and then the rest at 7:46 and then the rest at 711 and so I lost $7 on that first trade down 7 bucks. all right. got back in at 737 as it surged back up.

So I sort of in right here and then back in here long at 7:37 39 and 50 and then it pops up. I sell half of 54, sell the rest at 49 48. It just didn't really work out that well. it kept popping up and dropping back down.

you know, popping up and dropping back down. so that type of action that chopping this is very difficult. So right out of the gates I was up. actually about $500 I'm be lnk on those two trades.

560 bucks or so and then we had G EMP hit the scanners now G EMP was on our watch list this morning. there was news out and we were watching it over the pre-market high of 660. The bell rings, it starts to squeeze up I see it and I jumped on it as quickly as I could. Did a little red to green move a dip down and then surging through the open I jumped in at 685 and added at 699.

So I had 10,000 shares and it popped up to 721. I sold half and I got filled immediately at 7:21 in 723 like 3 $3,000 profit. I mean it was like an instant I then added back at 760 To thinking that this was maybe going to continue higher and go into a circuit breaker halt, it hit a high of 770, but then it dropped back down all the way back down and I stopped out as it came back down giving up giving up a little bit of profit selling. the rest is 7:17 So I was up a little over 4,000 on this one, but then ended up finishing up three thousand seven hundred ninety-four dollars which is not bad.

I mean that's a great trade, but you know I was being a little aggressive thinking maybe it would continue. I knew the 200 moving average was here on the five-minute on the daily chart and that could be a problem and we kind of tapped that level and faded off of it. so that may have been the issue there. So quick little trade on that one ello and then BL NK I guess I was still holding some of it while I was in this trade and I stopped out of it at 679 you can see how it did this really sharp drop here and so I stopped out as a drop back down and he was only a hundred and sixty-three shares I was still holding.
so I guess it didn't really matter that much but gave back a little on that and then we had I HT hit our scanners so I HT was a stock that popped up on the scanners. let's see it was came up right here at 2:30 38, 39, 42, 41, 44 You know it's popping on the scanner and I'm like okay, this one is surging up I'm gonna jump in try to you know, ride the momentum. So I jumped in at 275 and I was adding alright I guess I started adding it to 60, 65, 63, 769 added at 91 and 90 is then halted on circuit breaker and I have about 10,000 shares. It resumes I try to add at 3:02 I don't get filled added at 324 tried to sell at 333, didn't get filled sold on the bid at 327.

it then drops down to 299 and I stopped out because it's selling off so I gave back some. Well, you know some of these gains here I guess maybe I sold them up 3 cents but you know kind of drop back down here and then it surges back up and I get back in at 326 it pops to 344 349 I'm selling, adding back in 349 and then I stopped out of that at 321 and 313. so again giving back a little bit of profit between those trades. When you look at the chart you can see you know it surged up and then did this final top at 67 and then dropped back down.

so is it dropped back down here? that's where I sended up stopping out, it then curls back up and I get back in at 370 literally adding a high of day and having to stop out at 359 and giving back a little bit of profit there. So on this one I was up like $2,800 and I gave back about 700 being a little bit too aggressive. alright. and then I got into Biella and Kay.

Let's see, go back to this one. B Ln K I Jumped back into this for the first five minute candle to make a new high. Alright, so we had this little kind of pullback consolidation: I was watching let's see this candle here for the first five minute candle to make a new high. That candle and it popped up I jumped in with 7500 shares so that was right here.

it hits 726 I'm in at 7:20 and 719 was 7500 I Tried to scale out of 723 because we had a really big seller at 725 and he wasn't getting bought up and then instantly it drops to $7 and boom I'm out of thousand bucks. It dropped right here as you can see all the way down to 675 so that was a really kind of brutal false breakout. It popped up and dropped back down and so at that point I was just like you know what? I'm done for the day. That's it for me.

so you know I wish today maybe had held up a little bit better and I could have finished up seventy five hundred or maybe up. You know, closer to ten thousand dollars. But hey, fifty five hundred is good. And again, when we're talking about, you know, $5,300 $5,300 times Two hundred and twenty-five trading days.

In a year, that would be 1.2 million dollars. So you know, if you can have a five thousand dollar day consistently, you're killing it. The reality is, you're gonna have days where you make five thousand and you're gonna have days where you lose a little bit of money. You know there's kind of a band flow, but you know right now we're still definitely in a hot streak.
I've been averaging. Let's see, today is the 87th day of the year and I've been averaging three thousand One hundred Forty Six dollars. So three thousand, one hundred forty six dollars times two hundred and twenty five trading days in a year puts me at seven hundred and seven thousand on the year and my goal is seven is six Hundred and Sixty Five thousand. So I'm tracking a little bit above my goal if I can keep it up and you know I'm hoping that I'm hoping that I can because if I make six hundred sixty five thousand dollars, I'll add that to the 335 I made last year and that'll be 1 million dollars and it'll be 1 million dollars from a starting balance of 583 bucks.

So that's my goal I Really would love to do that in two years. To take five hundred bucks and turn it into a million dollars in two years would be amazing, so you know that's my goal. but again, I don't want to get too fixated on that because that could kind of change the way I trade if I start getting too aggressive or whatever. so you know for right now I'm just continuing to track for you know, six hundred fifty thousand this year, six hundred sixty and hopefully we have a good strong summer and then we go into a good fall.

Usually the fall is good, it's just a matter of what's the summer gonna hold for us because sometimes summers can be a little slow, but other times they can be strong. they're not as predictable. Alright, so and then Bo XL I didn't take any trades on this one. it kind of popped up out of nowhere.

it just really like took off and I just didn't I don't know at that point I was already kind of feeling like I just lost some money on these last couple trades. so I was just like now I don't want to push my luck har we had an on watch but it just didn't really. you know, do that much. So anyways, no another good day of trading.

the account will be up over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars tomorrow which is awesome and we're just gonna keep you know trying to stack up those profits and see if we can hit the hundred thousand dollar mark this month. Alright, so that's the game plan and I will see all of you back here in the chat room first thing tomorrow morning around 9:00 9:15 for our pre market analysis. All right, I'll see you guys in the morning if you're still watching. You must have really enjoyed that video.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “Made $5,399 trading these stocks!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon Brooker says:

    What happens when you put out an order to sell on the ask but it’s not getting filled quick enough? Do you have to cancel that order and then sell on the bid? And if you had a partial fill say 1450 out of 3000 shares when you bought can you use ur hot key to sell on the bid? The hot key would be setup to sell 3000 shares or half 1500. So would it still recognise 1450 and sell them on the bid. Thanks.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars San Jose Fire Station says:

    60fps is weird sir

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JEDI KNIGHT says:

    Any student on this channel that has been trading with Ross more than 1yr. and still is successful ?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spectrumifs says:

    Great Trading! Hope your charitable donations are after taxes so you don't get into a financial pickle.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DEGENONI says:

    You should trade P3D 😛

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradeMoore Network says:

    Great job, Ross! As usual, well played sir…

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amanuel Zemichael says:

    Hello, Quick question, are you using any trading bots? Thanks.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andy patch says:

    Epic results Ross! You are giving me great motivation, life changing stuff. Many thanks.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TRY to HELP you says:

    dude, im checkin for a pulse…. cant find one because… your killin it!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micah Chaney says:

    I actually missed IHT going into the halt…but I remembered Ross' words. Obviously, don't chase…but wait for the pullback and jump in on the break of the halt price. I did that and came away with $900+ 🙂

    Thanks Ross…You are the best!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    our thought is the life. great. ross

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tubie666666 says:

    Ross what is your first exit point after you get in? Case in point was BLNK which didnt move much before reversing (the initial trades at 930)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin J. says:

    Ross do you ever take positions with your whole account size or would you recommend against that? Thanks!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobby Francone says:

    first off let me start by saying thank u. I love the videos and find them extremely entertaining and informative. with ur tutelage I have gone from an investor with a laissez faire attitude towards trading to a radically efficient stock sniper. using ur method of watching stops and goes I was able to make $847 on ebio alone this morning. I know it might sound like chump change but rest assure these are dream numbers to me and I only expect them to get better. thank u….. now heres my question what are some parameters u use when setting up ur screeners?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Wood says:

    Man you made money on even one minute GEMP spike. Nice!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Monroe says:

    Question Ross, or whoever really answers these post….. why does price action sometimes moves counterintuitive to the level 2 data and time and sales?.. I've noticed this on several trades I've taken as of late… any in site would be mucho appreciated.
    Thank you kindly!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Neal Rivera says:

    First time watcher here. Read some books on stocks awhile ago and everything seems to come back just watching and hearing your progress. Cheers and good luck on your goal. Definitely checking in tomorrow.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Howard says:

    I like your videos. BLNK and HEAR were amazing to me today. BLNK for last like 4 trading days has been awesome as well

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angelino Mondino says:

    Thanks Ross, it must feel awesome to be able to use your skills to make such a big difference in people's life's. If one wanted to make 10% of what you made on the same trades today how much purchasing power would they need to have in their trading account?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy L says:

    What Scanner do you use?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry dimegli says:

    What makes you buy iht at 2.76 without a pullback

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sekytwo1944 says:

    Awesome job brother! Ross is a beast!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Educated Shows says:

    I see all the warrior trading videos pop up every day on my screen . Not knowing what the outcome was of the previous day for someone else traiding or what other task they did that day ,all I know is this . THE END GOAL IS ALWAYS WORTH IT IN THE END . I know how scary it can be seeing the red days of some people but one way or an Other. A day ,A ,week a year , a decade you will always end up coming on top . It might not be the thing you set out for but every experience comes a lesson learned. If you want to lead a successful life find something you enjoy learning about that brings you excitement and set out to achieve your end goal . I found this in the markets . And you can to . It’s never to late to start again. No excuses.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    @ross do you use the limit or the stop limit? To get your orders filled at the opening bell?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angel Trades says:

    Good video man!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sunscrave says:

    Good job man

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beatlab 7 says:

    Great job, Ross. I am thoroughly enjoying the Warrior Pro "small cap" day trading course. It's been an awesome ride so far. I love getting up every day, checking the pre-market data in my Trade Ideas scanners, reading news in Benzinga, and paper trading in the Fantasy Stocks trading simulator. But one of the best parts of my day is watching your progress. The more I study your course and take your advice, the better of a trader I become. I'm going to continue practicing in the trading sim until I'm consistently profitable. And keep putting out these videos, because they are definitely encouraging to your students.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petar Nikolaev says:

    Hi Ross, great day,. Well done .. I've been watching some of your previous videos and it seems to me that there is always an issue when you try and get a bigger size – you rarely or not always get filled all of the shares you want . I was wondering would it not be easier if you traded CFDs instead with a broker that offers that service so this way you don't have any issues with liquidity and fills. Are the charges and commissions bigger with CFDs? I would love to hear you opinion on this and If you can make a short video explaining your views on it , it will be awesome. Thanks and well done

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ajatlanta atlanta says:

    Hey warrior trader… Are you a Laurel or a yanny guy.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Sepulveda says:

    Hey Ross another great vid, thanks for showing the scanner and the time IHT first hit it. That was exactly what i needed i will definitely be buying your version of the trade ideas scanner soon. Thanks again!!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YT INFLUENCER says:

    Dang ross can you donate me one of those laptops? , i could sure use one!

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mathias simaey says:

    hi Ross, do you use a hard stop or a mental one? and if you use a hard one, does that order come direclty with your buy order (the both orders in one hot-key) or two orders following each other

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FUNNYZEN says:

    does lightspeed have alot of shorts to borrow some brokers dont.. and why didnt you get in HEAR? do you think HEAR will go up tomorrow or its over now lol?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RS3MANIAC says:

    So happy I could be a part of his amazing achievement!

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