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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? So this is a surprise day I Wasn't expecting a big green day today at all I Thought today was gonna be, you know, the fourth day, a fourth day of kind of choppy momentum. It was slow Thursday it was slow Friday yesterday I lost 32 bucks so you know I just was like, well, we're gonna choppy mark you were too slow market I'm gonna have to take it really easy today 7,500 shares max. sighs. All right.

First trade last 600 bucks, second trade last 1,300 bucks. I'm thinking even with 7500 shares now, dump $2,000 on the day. Oh man I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get out of this I'm probably gonna be closing the day rez probably my third read day of the month and then I started to dig my way out of the hole. I had a 200 dollar winner so got out of the hole a little bit and then another small winners.

So then I'm down about 1,300 bucks on the day and I'm thinking all right you know, let's see maybe I'll actually get myself back to green today and boom Red to Green Move pops up on scans and that was the big winner I Wasn't expecting it at all. It was a higher price stock got in at nine dollars and sixty five cents with a total of fourteen hundred shares. So start with small socks and ends up getting halted. It opens higher.

I add 2,500 shares. at 10:50 it squeezes up to 11. I have another 2,500 years at 11 squeezes up to 1120 I had another 1,300 shares and now it's halted On another circuit breaker. it resumed and it's a high 1288.

Boom! $10,000 on that trick. Just like that. So this is a go to setup that we teach in the classes and then trade on a regular basis is a reverse split momentum trade. Big winner.

And so now I'm up 53,000 dollars on the month and seven hundred and three thousand dollars in the account that I start with less than six hundred dollars about 18 months ago. So just like that, from 600 bucks to 700 thousand, that means I am 70% of the way to the big million-dollar mark. Two hundred, Ninety Six thousand dollars to go. Five months to do it.

Need to average sixty thousand dollars a month to get to two million to get to 1 million dollars inside of two years. That's the goal, see if it can be done. So anyways, guys, enjoy the recap today. Any questions any comments leave below a comeback three a term later.

All right, Enjoy. All right everyone. So we're gonna do our and midday market recap. Go over the trades from today.

So he was a crazy day. I Mean really? out of nowhere a big green day I Really? I Wasn't expecting it. We've had the last three days slow, you know, choppy markets, not very good follow-through and then all of a sudden today one really big opportunity. So you know, just like that things can turn around pretty quickly just looking on.

Facebook and for some reason it looks like it's broadcasting a black screen. Let me know if you guys can see me, might just be my Facebook feed I'll just check on my computer also my other laptop so let's see. um you see me. Okay, all right, well that's good then.
So yeah, so here we are today. up nine thousand, five hundred, sixteen dollars and 31 cents I Did not expect it at all. I Thought today was going to be another slow choppy day. It was slow and choppy on Thursday slow and choppy on Friday yesterday I lost thirty two bucks I was expecting that it was gonna be another slow day and then all of a sudden.

you know, really out of nowhere we had this this one opportunity. So what's really important is that on my first four trades today I lost money and I was down fourteen hundred dollars on the day. but I wasn't at my max loss so I was able to keep my losses small enough. they didn't hit the max loss because if I'd hit that max loss I had I would had to walk away for the day, I'd be done and then I wouldn't have been able to get the one trade that gave me basically the rebound.

So I always try to keep that you know last trade in my pocket if I can. Now if I end up blowing through my max loss, you know it happens sometimes and it's the way it goes and it's them both. The most disappointing thing is that it means I even if a great opportunity shows up later in the day, I'm not going to be able to trade it because you have to follow the max loss. You have rules and you got to follow on.

so you know Red Day - 30 - yeah, Green Day plus 9500. That's a pretty good profit - loss ratio I can I Can definitely live with that. but I was down 1,900 bucks today at the lowest so my my my you know, low watt high watermark my eyes you'd say I guess was negative 1,900 bucks I started with two losers and I kind of have a rule of thumb that if I have three losers in a row I'm done trading and so I was pretty close to it. First loss was on riot.

So now this probably for some of you guys watching in the chat room who are beginner traders. Some of you guys were on Facebook or YouTube you're like geez Louise this $9,500 in one day. How was this possible? How was this happening? How is this the let's see one, two, three, four, fifth, sixth day that have made more than eight thousand dollars this month, right? This is ridiculous. So it really I know that I kind of can make this look easy and it's because I've been doing this for a long time, but the reality is I'm doing the same thing every single day.

The only difference between me making nine thousand today and you know one of you making maybe nine hundred is share size and the conviction to sometimes hold through dips because I've been in the market long enough. The intuition can sometimes guide me through those tough moments where you have to decide do I bail out or do I hold on? So I can leave this here. For right now, we'll come back and look at the P&L But today started the same as any other day looking at the high a day momentum scanner. All right.

So this is our skin or sorry, our Gap scanner. So we'll run this scam for 9:00 a.m. All right, So 9:00 a.m. this morning.
we've got a few stocks on the watchlist. Alright, so s con is the leading gapper in the entire market right here and I'll be honest, I wasn't interested in it I wasn't interested because I thought it was too expensive. Now when I was looking at it, it you know to me I just sort of was like, well I don't know, it just seems too expensive I just don't think that I can trust it I've not had a good kind of run the last three or four days. It's not worth pushing my luck on a ten dollar stock.

I'll just look for something else. So initially I was like now don't like it I G now don't like it. it's too cheap plx too cheap Maura kind of a little too cheap I don't really like it a CET not enough volume tops. Don't like that stock and it's too cheap.

Riot that's the first one on the list that I like right here. Alright, so Riot was number one. so this stock is gapping up 15% Alright, so that's a pretty substantial gap. It's not as big as s con, but it's a substantial gap so it's gapping up 15% It ends up squeezing up to a pre market high of 784.

So when the bell rings, it shows a little bit of weakness and then it pops up. So I'm gonna back this out to a 10-second chart. I don't use Tekin ten-second charts while I'm trading, but sometimes I'll show them to you. It's just sort of an example of what I was seeing in the first few minutes because it's so volatile.

Alright, so now you can kind of get this picture. It dips down and is it surges back up I got in at 68 so I jump in this at 768 with 5,000 shares. All right. So 5,000 shares times 7 bucks.

It's like a $35,000 position. so you know dollar amount, decent size position. It pops up to a high of seven dollars and seventy seven cents. So I sold half I was like okay, I'm gonna take some profit I'm gonna sell half.

so I sell half and then it drops all the way back down here and I sold the rest at 7:38 and I ended up losing on that trade $670 All right. so you can see here: I'm in at 70 I sell half at 74 75 and I sell the rest at 38. So boom, that's a real bummer. So that was disappointing starting the day read: 670 bucks.

that's not what I wanted. So that was trade number one and I didn't get back in. it didn't give us another opportunity, it just been week basically for the rest of the day. So disappointing there.

All right. So first strike. All right, you're out. Okay, so that's one.

so strike one, Riot, Strike two H J Li All right. So I take this trade and I lose 1,300 bucks on it. Okay, so this one it hits the scanners or no. sorry.

actually I don't think this one was on the scanners I think someone called this one out in the chat room and I pulled up the chart and I was like okay, you know it actually looks interesting. It's a recent IPO stock and what we know about recent IPO stocks is that they can be pretty volatile and in the past they've made big moves so I was definitely interested. It pops up to a high of 38 and it's doing a one-minute micro pullback right here. So as it's doing that pullback, that's when I decided to add for the break over 38.
Okay, so on this one I ended up adding let's see right here at 38 and then I guess I filled at 34 I don't know why and I tried to add at the half dollar, only filled 300 shares, tried to sell half 54, didn't fill, tried to sell some at 53 and then I ended up stopping out of the whole thing at 20 and 13. So basically bailing out in this candles, it dropped back down, it just didn't hold up and as you can see, it just ended up going lower and lower and lower and hasn't been a very good stock today. So disappointing there. You know that's 1,300 bucks in the red, so you know 1,300 bucks on that plus 670 on riot.

So at this point I'm down almost two thousand dollars on the day and you know I'm starting to think okay, well you know this day is getting a little out of control. I mean you know this is gonna. this would be my like second biggest red day of the month if it keeps going in this direction. So I was sort of like alright I really need to turn it around I See Pixie? Now if someone calls out pixie in the chat room, they're like hey, take a look at Pixie it's popping up So I See it popping up and I jump in it.

and even though I told myself today I wasn't gonna trade more than 7,500 shares I jumped in Pixie with 12,500 shares. so you know this is I'm so bad at you know, not doing that and this is where really gets me because if Pixie had gone the wrong direction really fast, probably lost 1,500 bucks on it and I've been down 3,500 the day and that would have been my third loss and I would have been out so you know I I was just I what I saw on this that I really liked was the daily chart and I thought this looks good is it's kind of curling up here. Possible retest of 446 so I jump back in it now again. twelve thousand shares of the stock is like a 50,000 dollar position.

so putting a good amount of cash into it and you can see it pops up here. It squeezes up to a high of 84 and I'm able to sell and take some profit. So $550 profit actually I was up more like a thousand and then I maybe 700 and then I sold the rest as it came back down scaling out some breakeven and then the rest of at a loss. So this was disappointing because I was like you know look at this another one that's not holding up and so at that point I was down I want to say like 1,300 bucks on the day or something like that recovered.

you know some of the loss but not all that plin I jumped in that one I jus was in I think Jill was taking that one as a trade today I got in for the break of two dollars a dollar ninety five. It's a whole dollar breakout setup that was right here and it hit two dollars and then sold off. So 7,500 shares on that I only made 180 bucks and so with that I was you know sitting down around 1,200 1,300 bucks and then in the room you guys were like okay take a look at s con because to reverse split and it sold off but it's starting to bounce back up. So I look at it and I was like okay I see how it is starting to bounce back up here.
you can see right in here it's starting to curl. it broke over nine and some volume came in started. it just sort of started to ease back up and the high today was 950. So as I saw that I was like okay this one you know this may be worth watching for a red degree move.

it is a reverse split today. so for those of you that haven't heard of this term so reverse split all stocks on the big exchanges like Nice See and AMEX and whatever they have to maintain $1 per share. They have a minimum price. It has to be above $1 So if the stock is below $1 for a long period of time though, they can get a delisting notice from the exchange.

The exchange is like hey, you're you're not in compliance or whatever you get above this level and there's only two ways to do that. Either the company you know does something amazing, really good earnings or whatever the price goes up, or they do a reverse split. So when they do a reverse split, if you're holding a thousand shares of this stock yesterday at 90 cents, then today you'd be holding a hundred shares at at nine dollars. So what they do is for.

Let's say the whole float was I Believe Twelve million shares. So the floats twelve million shares. So they take back the twelve million shares. Basically they change the price to from ninety cents to nine dollars.

and then they give back 1.2 million shares. So what it does is it cuts the float down by 90 percent. And so it's really common is that these stocks will do a reverse split and then now that it's a more reasonable price, you'll see it's very common to see a a headline come out. And so the fact that reverse splits and headlines often not in this case, but often come hand-in-hand has created the effect that a lot of times a reverse split will result in a big move.

And it's Not just because of the reverse split, it's because the news. It's usually associated with it. but when these two patterns sort of become combined, it becomes hard to tell. is the happening because the split or is it happening because of the news and traders are looking for opportunity.

So when you see a stock starting to move and you recognize it was reverse split, it's just sort of like this is an opportunity. So I see it squeezing up and I take a starter of a thousand shares at ten fifty Now we only took a thousand shares because I was looking at this and I was like honestly, I think there's a decent amount of risk on this trade I'm not sure that I'm gonna it's gonna be safe and I didn't get filled at 50 I got filled at 65. Let me reset my screen share here. So I got filled at 965 with my first thousand shares.
Alright and then as it broke over 65 I hit 75 I added at 88. So I had 1400 shares at an average price of I think it was Nine 71 right around nine 71. Alright, so then it pops up here so it gets halted. it a high of 988.

so I'm like okay, the stock is halted you know I'm holding 1,400 shares. Whatever, you know. I'm down $1400 on the day. I'm not expecting that this is gonna be like a homerun or anything like that but I'm thinking first step would be maybe a test of the pre-market highs or a test of the 200 moving average which is 1089.

So this this purple line right here. Alright, so that's kind of what I'm looking at, you know as being maybe where I want to be seeing a profit potential profit. Okay, so it's halted for 10 minutes, it resumes and then it. Let's see on the resumption, it dips down for a second and then it surges up to a high of 1132.

so it starts squeezing up. So basically the way I trade stocks that are halted is when we're about to resume. I do one of like, well, three things. The first is if it opens lower and starts going down I usually sell and take a loss.

Okay, so that's option number one. If it opens slightly higher and is kind of showing weakness, I'll usually sell half and if it comes back down to my entry, I sell the rest if it opens that way and I sell half and then it surges back up I add back what I sold because now it's showing strength and when it opens substantially higher like this. opened at 10:29 so it opened like 50 cents higher. so when it opens that much higher I'm just like okay, I'm already up so much on this that I'm just gonna give it a second I don't I don't need to sell right away I'm just gonna hold the whole thing and if it curls up, then I'm gonna add to my position and so that's exactly what I did so on this one.

Where is this? Okay, so we've got okay, so no, where is this so that's where I added Ok, so here's here's my first entry. Okay, so - so 965 I had a thousand shares 988 add another 400. So I've only got fourteen hundred shares I'm not even trading with big size but it opens higher and so then I use my hot key to add twenty five hundred shares at Ten fifty when it's showing strength, I get a partial fill of 1,700 shares and it surges right to eleven. So now I'm like I'm in the driver's seat and this thing is strong I add another twenty-five hundred shares at eleven because now I'm seeing like this thing is obviously taking off.

so I'm gonna be aggressive. his squeeze up to eleven I add another thousand at 1120 and now it's halted on a circuit breaker. So now I have six thousand, nine hundred shares and my average price is 1061. Alright, so now I'm in right about here.

and now it's halted at Eleven Thirty two. So I'm up sixty cents per share on seven thousand shares, right? So I'm already up three thousand bucks. Its halted. It resumes and squeezes up to a high of Twelve Eighty Eight.
Now when it's squeezed up on this one I didn't want to add coming out of the second halt right away I want to start taking some profit and so I sold I tried to sell at 53 I tried to sell the whole thing actually at 53 and it didn't get filled. So then I hit the bid and sold at nineteen because I was like you know what I kind of was like flustered I I wasn't paying attention to the level two I was looking at something else and then all of a sudden I look back and it's trading and I'm like oh my god what did I miss? What What price is this at? It's really kind of strange, but I just got distracted for a second and next thing I know it's resumed trading and so I immediately like switched over and was like take profit, lock up some profit. it then starts to curl back up and so I add back 2500 shares I got filled 1100 s at 1263. All right, So 1263 and then I stopped out of that at $12 because it didn't hold up very well so you know ended up being a $10,000 winner despite giving back a little profit off the top.

This is you know setup that we've got some live examples in the classes of this reverse split setup. We've seen a couple of incredible moves come off reverse splits KB SF is just one that I'm thinking of off the top Of my head I think te n X was 1 I am NT maybe there's just been so many and so you know I jumped in quickly, was able to capitalize on these basically $4 per share of profit and out of nowhere I made $10,000 Now if I had not added, if I had not added at 10:50 and 11 and 1120, then I would have just been holding my 1,400 shares from 960 and they could have sold them at 12. So from 960 to 1062, 1160 would be 2,800 bucks. so probably would have been like a $3,000 winner right around $3,000 a profit.

And what I decided to do instead was add what I was risking was that that through that potential you know profit would have gone to 0 because adding brings up my cost basis and so I could have gotten stopped out breakeven. So I was risking unrealized profit. but the potential being that this was a reverse split and he was squeezing up and moving quickly was that it could be a big winner I think what this also had going for it today was the fact that really nothing else was that active. So I think traders were more likely as soon as stuff hard to move to jump on it a little bit more quickly.

just cuz we're always looking for opportunity and there wasn't a lot of it today so once there was a little piece of something it was worth jumping on fast. So you know this ended up being a previous in trade. However, what I'm disappointed with is that it's really not holding up well at all. And so we've seen this happen.

We've seen it happen both ways. Where we see a recent reverse split. we trade it on day one and by day three it's up at you know, 20 dollars a share like it's it takes off and continues higher and other times it does this. Ch FS I'm trying to remember when the split was I could see the splits on my on my chart here.
let's see. Yeah, so this. So look at this one. Here's a day where it squeezed from $3 to $25 right? That's a huge move.

It was a recent reverse split. When that had happened, here's another day. a reverse split gave way to this big move. Oh no, that was before us.

so that was different. KBS F this one I Know did a reverse split breakout at least once. There you go, There's a reverse split breakout. That's one.

Was there another one? No, that might have been the only one. So you know it's really common to see this setup. and I'm definitely pretty aggressive whenever it starts to form Tnx trying to remember. this one Did a reverse split breakout in March You can see right here, so we see these pretty regularly.

Bo XL was the last stock I traded today. this one was a recent IPO breakout. As you can see here, that's the setup I was thinking would happen on HJ Li but it didn't But this one started to pop up and I jumped in at 482 right here and 478 I guess and I added at 32 and 39 and sold at 50 and then added back at 50 and sold at 44 and then the rest coming down at 491. So that was kind of a sloppy trade.

had some profit but gave it you know I think at that point I was pushing it a little bit too hard I was trying to really maybe turn this into a big big day and I just don't think it was really in the cards. So not a $10,000 day, but nine thousand, five hundred sixteen bucks. Green is good and you know, definitely surprise day. So I you know again going back to the fact that this morning I started with small share size because I expected the market would be a little choppy having been choppy Thursday Friday and Monday so didn't expect to see a lot of follow-through It was choppy to start I was down two thousand dollars and then all of a sudden there was this big turnaround and boom, you know took off and made some good money on it.

So the most disappointing thing is that the two stocks I traded those two didn't hold up very well and that's in keeping with the fact that in general most of the stocks you are watching today haven't held up well. The market is still on the weak side for these small cap stocks. you know, a couple opportunities, but staying power has been a little bit more difficult. It looks like Bli ends holding up the best of all of them, but it's been a slower mover.

So I would say tomorrow I'm still gonna keep seventy five hundred shares. it's my starter size, you know, out of the gates and if we see things open up like we did today or an opportunity strike, I'll be aggressive, but again, six thousand seven thousand shares of this s con for me is still not even big size. You know big size would have been taking ten or fifteen thousand shares of it. So you know, I in a in a stronger market I would have been more aggressive.
You know, strong, stronger market. We might have seen more buying volume and we might seem to move up to 15. So despite a good trade I think the market is still a little a little slow and I think we still have to be a little bit careful so we'll try to be, you know, smart. Tomorrow we've got one, two, three, four, five days left in the month and right now I'm crossing over fifty thousand, fifty three thousand dollars of profit on the month, which is pretty awesome.

53 thousand on the month, Three hundred sixty Eight thousand on the year about. Let's see I'm Actually, let's see only about $10,000 off last year's highs. So I'm getting very close to breaking last year's total profit and it's only July which is awesome. That means anything from you know? this point forward from August forward is just extra profit sitting at seven hundred and three thousand.

and my account that I started with $583 about a year and a half ago. So two hundred ninety six thousand to go before I cross the 1 million dollar mark. That means I need average three thousand eighty seven dollars per day for the rest of the year. So you know it's a it's a marathon.

but I am now seventy percent of the way there so we'll keep it going and you know again. I Know for some of you guys, this all seems crazy. the markets moving so fast you know you might feel a little overwhelmed and that's okay to feel that way. At first it's a learning curve and I don't want you guys just to try to be in the chatroom following me.

I Say it every day, but that's not a sustainable method. You're not gonna make money doing that. You need to learn Why I Take the trades I take why I Get in where I get in because the reality is the difference in one second can be the difference between getting in at 9:50 or getting in it. You know $10 with some of these stocks.

so you need to be able to execute a hundred percent on your own. Just the latency between you know, when I'm talking you know through the mic and stuff you know it's just it's this needs to be real time. You need to be able to act. So my goal is that I'm able to teach you and sort of guy.

Do you show you what's moving and that you're able to execute and make the decisions yourself? I Saw a lot of you guys did a lot. You guys have great trades today but some of you guys also got in. You know you might have missed the first opportunities got into, you know Bo XL where I added up at you know the half dollar and then stopped out coming back down. you know I did That's what happened to me I lost money on that drop.

but I had a profit cushion to take the risk so you know that's where I was like. Okay I feel comfortable taking the risk because of where I'm at on the day. So anyways, that all comes with experience and you know this is a job where survive till you thrive. All right.
So writing it down the 134th day of the year? almost $10,000 Green is good all right, so hope you guys enjoy the afternoon, get some rest, study up a little bit and we back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Bright and early. Nine-nine 15 for our pre market analysis? All right. See you guys in the morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Big wins baby ross’ recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahiem says:

    How come on some trades you start taking profits when stock is up 10 cents like your first trade but other times you will add more. What is the difference in set up between these stocks that lead you to make that decision

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joeduece1 says:

    Ohhhhhhh Shnikers

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RezylMalphur says:

    HMNY went even higher

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crazyblocks says:

    I have a question about as you mentioned growing a small account (500+ dollars or so) to upwards a few hundred thousand, was this done with a cash account at that was not subject to PDT rules and with wins having to wait the clearing period i ask because i'm finding the non margin account slow at best, thanks in advance.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kev Smith says:

    600 to nearly 1000000. And I've been with your all the way 🙂 keep up the great work

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Mai says:

    Hi guys, I live in Australia and I am a beginner with only $1000 to start with, which US broker should I go for, of course a firm that allow overseas registration? Thanks so much guys!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tubie666666 says:

    -32 +9516. LoL.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Country Lifestyle says:

    Quick Question: Is it too late to start this type of trading for a person in their 20's almost early 30's??? Thanks for all of your great info. I'm in need of guidance.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric H says:

    You're spending all of your profits on T-shirts.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Bowen says:

    When you sell because the stock is dropping. your record shows several sales. are you doing the 1/2 , 1/2 ,1/2 or trying to stop out at market with a full position close?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Richards says:

    How do u determine your max loss mathematically? Do u use a % of your account? Or just the 3 losers in a row rule?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Chin says:

    What scanner setup did you use to find today's winner?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jose juarez says:

    Ross I love that green color behind your monitor !!!🔥🔥lol

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Friauf says:

    Hey Ross!!! Great job trading today. What are your thoughts on using one platform to acquire your charting, level 2 and scanners from then use a different brokers montage to execute the trades?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T Landen says:

    I’m about to leave my employer. Can I day trade inside me 401k which I will roll over to an ira? What broker will work best for this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Fogel says:

    Hey Ross had a question that goes for all brokers, if I get a partial fill on an order and then the remaining shares fill a little later, would that count as 2 trades for commissions? Or would it count as one trade and I only pay commissions for one trade?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradeWithFidel says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rahim Ahmed says:

    Hi how can I join this team?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    Very interested in trading. My question is this. Maybe 2 days a week I'm able to trade at the opening of the market, can this be done anytime? I'm on Pacific standard Time. I want to do training but need to work around my day job till I can downsize it and more into trading. Do you think it is doable? Thanks love the videos and the knowledge you put out there.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheCornbeefsoup says:

    How do you get that yellow highlight around the level 2 so you know which level 2 your hot keys are activating?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hyper Shift | Gaming & Tutorials says:

    Ross im back after losing a few years back doing paper trading and more research becoming profitable.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick K says:

    Beast , thanks for teaching how properly scan for gappers, basically preparing daily watchlist and your momo strategy & risk/reward .Its Been working great for me .Im reactive trader, scalper.Thanks Ross

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denver, Colorado says:

    Im new to your chat room and I love seeing these recaps after I see you live trade

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philippe M says:

    Hey Ross when you do your daily trading recap is it possible to show the entries on the charts (little arrows), would help a lot to get a better picture of how you approach those momentum trades! Thx

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MFiskeaux says:

    Simply amazing

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ty the Human says:

    just wanna say iv been watching you for a few weeks and your videos are a amazing help, i really apperciate you and all the hard work you put out for us, thank you Ross!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin says:

    May the odds be ever in your favour. Haha

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Harper Trading says:

    thanks Ross, today was a great day 6k in profits!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheEasyInvestor says:

    If I want to set up my scanners just like you Ross , do u have a link I can follow ? Thanks

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