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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right everyone. So we're gonna do our midday market recap here for this morning. Today is gonna be a red day recap. So disappointing.

I You know had these high hopes that maybe November would be a no red month, but you know right away on day two, I'm in the red so you know it is what it is I'm not gonna I'm not gonna revenge trade and try to desperately get myself to Green on the day at the end of the day. this is just one day and it really doesn't matter all that much. so you know I'm I'm not gonna be bent out of shape about it I Took three trades today and had three losers. so after the third loser I had to follow the rules and be done for the day and that third loser put me down more than two thousand dollars on the day.

So my max loss right now is two thousand dollars if I'm down more than two thousand on the day I Don't keep trading. That's my rule I Have broken it before but I I try to follow that rule and so today two rules told me to stop trading three losses and down more than two grand. So you know that's this is what it's about. It's about following rules and having discipline today for me was really disappointing because I had a great idea on a trade right out of the gates and that was InP X So on I NP X and this one was a reverse split stock.

The reverse split was forty to one so yesterday was priced at twenty cents and today it's up at like seven dollars. So reverse split the float one million shares and we we know that you know these stocks often pop and so I'm watching it over 750 for the bell to ring. I'm gonna bring this all the way down to a 1 second chart. So in literally in the first one second of day, well the first five seconds, this thing takes off.

What's really sad is that I had two orders to buy six thousand shares. Twelve thousand, five hundred shares at seven dollars and 53 cents, you know? I was stepping up to the plate a little bit and neither of them filled. So when I realized that neither of them filled on second number two which was right here as we popped up to 755. I pressed the hotkey.

so I pressed shift one shift 1 and shift 1 I pressed it 1 2, 3, 4 times. That's for each 3000 shares and look at my fills. I'm getting in at $8 at on the 3rd 2nd as this jumps up here I'm getting filled at 8:30 to 8:45 8:50 1 I didn't even realize I was getting filled that high and then I looked down and I'm holding 6 thousand shares at an average price of 836 and I was like you know, III should be up 75 cents per share right now I should be up 6,000 dollars or more. And then I added right here for the break over 75 and we popped up and we hit a high of 929.

I tried to put out orders to sell and I none of them failed I mean I felt 7651 40 and then sold the rest as it came back down. I mean I just really kind of botched this one I had such a great idea on it and I was right and I chased the entry and went from what was potentially. you know if I'd filled 6,000 if I'd fill 12,000 shares at 750 and sold it at 850. that's 12,000 dollars.
Literally, that's a $12,000 winner and instead I had 8,000 shares at like 845 and sold it for a 15 cent average loss. However, that was the right thing to do to take the loss because if I was still holding it I would be down quite a bit. it sold off, got halted, going down curl back up a little bit but it did not hold those levels so overall a disappointing stock I didn't get filled and just you know, whatever so that was disappointing so that was on. InP ex lost a thousand bucks on it which is not the end of the world.

Next trade: CIFS this one was on our watch list this morning. I jump into it for the break over 250 as its surging up. This is a half dollar entry stop is 240 and I get in at 58, 49 and 52 and promptly stop out at 42 for a 500 dollar loss. So just like that, two minute three minutes into the day, I'm already down Fifteen hundred bucks to read trades so that's when I was like okay I got to slow down here I got to take a breath if I have a third read trade right away I'm gonna be out and maxed out for the day if I have you know So I was very aware of that so I was like okay, let's be mindful I need to get you know a winning trade and ygy I came up on the scanners and we were watching it at 870 right here I didn't take the trade and it pops from a 70 up to 925.

It's a 50-cent pop right there. So I missed that trade but I did take a trade on ye Co on ye Co I jumped into this one at let's see where was it I got in right here as it popped up I got in at 30 and 40 on ye Co 30 and 38 and then I stopped out at 7:05 and $7 as it came back down only to watch it rip back up here just a few minutes later up to $8.23 So you know I had the right idea but you know I my stop I followed the rules I got stopped out I was expecting right here that it would break over high of day and make this move at this time and I was my I had the right idea but the wrong timing and so that was a loser and so that's it. Three trades, three losses done for the day. So yesterday I made 3,800 bucks today I'm down 3200.

so I'm basically back to break even on the month up a little bit and you know that's just the way it goes sometimes. But overall this has been a good week. It's kind of I Started with a red day on Monday and then made 3,000 on Tuesday, 3,000 on Wednesday and 3,800 on Thursday and then now another red day to end the week. So started red ending red.

but three nice days in the middle of the week and you know, hopefully we'll see you know, good follow-through next week, but today we just did not see a lot of good momentum. It was pretty disappointing. So anytime I'm red on three trades, you know that for me is like should I think about taking trade number four or trade number five or should I just walk away and the right thing to do is for me just to walk away. So I'm walking away in the red.
but you know, overall, whatever. basically break even on the month up 500 bucks or so you know and that's it's just about keeping losses small. So you know this. step back.

it's only one good day backwards, you know I'm not down eight thousand I'm not down ten thousand. If I was down eight or ten thousand, you know that's two, three, or four days stepping back. So I like to do this kind of thing where you know I'd let's see what happened to my drawing tool where I take one step up. you know, like this, two, three, four five, I have a nice hot streak and then I go like that.

that's a red day. Alright, so then I hit next day I just try to be green and then next thing you know you're stepping back up and then you have another red day and you try not to give back more in a red day than you make on a green day and you know and that's kind of ideal. You know this one would have been a little bit of a bigger one, but that you know that's just kind of the way the equity curve works and you know? So anyways, today wasn't the big day I was hoping it would be even though it could have been it was so close I just didn't get filled on those trades those those first two and then I chased it a little bit and but but even when I was pressing shift 1 I mean I was looking at the level 2 and it was like 7 8790 I press shift one shift 1 but I just got filled so high it was. you know, just a really bad fill and that sometimes happens.

that's you know the risk with trading and it's not the end of the world, but I didn't think I was chasing it that much so you know definitely have the right idea on it. It definitely did squeeze up $2 right out of the gates which is awesome and you know what? I'll try to get the next one. So yeah, that's the way it goes. Could have been a $12,000 day but got on the wrong side of that one and then the next two just happened to be bad and so that's that's ok.

So anyways, finishing the week here in the red, but you know, still feeling optimistic for the month of February the raccoon costume has been put away. It did not bring me good luck today so the raccoon is gone back into hiding for a little bit but hopefully will turn this hot streak you know, momentum back on on Monday and can have a couple of really good weeks of trading here, you know? I'm really looking forward to November I'm hoping it'll be really strong and we'll just keep keep waiting for that momentum and when it does pick up, I'm ready to step up to the plate. I Haven't taken any cash out of my account in a while. I'm sitting right now with let's see as of this morning, a hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars in my account.

So I've got. you know, a lot of a good amount of cash in here, over half a million dollars in buying power. You know when we see something pop up and it's really is giving me what I want? I can be aggressive and I'm kind of leaving this money in here for right now. So I can be aggressive this month.
If we do see some really good opportunities, we might have a day where you know, like when we had Dr. Ys Arguelles takes off and then GLB SD C IX Ec they all take off at the same time and they all halt and then open two points higher. I mean it was crazy. So if we see that type of market, there might be a day where I'm holding ten thousand shares of four stocks at once.

You know, because everything is taken off and everything squeezed up gets halted. and so I want to make sure I've got the cash. so I can really capitalize on that opportunity. If it presents itself, it might not.

and you know there's a little bit of a lost opportunity in leaving as much cash in this account as I'm leaving right now because you know I can't use it for other things. but I think this is the place to keep it for the time being. Yeah yo see my shift. one is buying the ask plus ten cents.

so if I press shift one on TR VN I'd be placing an order to buy at a dollar thirty three so to ten cent offset and that allows me to get in stocks that are moving fast. But I've never actually gotten filled as badly as I did on this one. We're literally one second later. You know I'm filling the differences.

you know, $1.00 per share, but but that comes with volatility. and today I just happen to be on the wrong side of it. Well, you know, chalk it up to the cost of doing business and be glad that I kept my losses small. You know I could have lost eight thousand dollars or ten thousand if I kept adding and you know drop.

you know got stopped out on the drop. so manage the risk well and you know be back at tomorrow. All right So that's it for me. I Hope you guys have a great weekend get some rest.

It's looking like a rainy day here. another rainy day here in the Berkshires so be keeping warm inside by the fire and I'll see you guys first thing on Monday morning coming soon. We will have a change to the members dashboard the day that you log into your members dashboard and you see small cap room in large cap room. Know that on that day we have two rooms.

one is for Mike and one is for me. so you guys are welcome to log into both rooms if you want. We will have a seat limit on both rooms so you know it will be kind of a first-come first-serve but you guys will be welcome to do that, so expect that coming soon on the members dashboard within the next few days. All right, so that's it for me.

I'll see you guys first thing on Monday morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts any time? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe, you become a member of the Warrior Trading Family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

33 thoughts on “Three losing trades -$3,263 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScrapMetalJoe says:

    now you're playing like golfer lol! 🙂 well done

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan says:

    Yep. Fridays are shityyyyyy

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shockwave 1 says:

    Maaaan!! Put the suit ON! 🐺

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cliff watts says:

    Market order to fill in certain conditions. Limit orders aren't always the best option

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rasun Hargrett says:

    Thanks Ross! I think the real value is in your recaps, how you compartmentalize each day and trade (good or bad) so you can analyze rationally. I’ve been in trader rehab 3 times and I don’t know if I could’ve gotten back up without listening to you everyday.
    Its my third week back and I had my first $500+ week! (even with an unnecessary -260 on thr). And I’m not even really excited as I am ready to improve next week. It really is 20% strategy and 100,000% discipline.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syltibob says:

    What im seeing the last weeks are a bunch of botched trades/no-fill orders since you started using Sterling trader..

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avalanche83 says:

    I lost my but on CIFS as well man! ROUGH morning. But glad to know I did see the same stock you did, I just had POOR execution. But losses are part of it, now time to listen to what you have to say. 🙂 thanks for the video!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aaron dryden says:

    @ross I did this yesterday on PXS. I was watching it for the break of 3.00 had a limit order ready to go and I didn't get filled. watched it go from 3.03, 3.05, 3.07, 3.10, 3.11, then 3.15 in a flash. I fell into FOMO and hit the hotkey @ 3.15. top ticked my entry. Instantly stopped out hahah, such a bummer. I ended up being green that day. Most days when I stop out on that first trade it's a spooky feeling.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Kenline says:

    Good recap Ross. Thank you. I'll see everybody in the live trade chat room Monday morning. Weekends were made for Warrior Pro course and recorded Mentor Sessions study!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael DiMattia says:

    I often have a harder time getting over an idea that I botch or hesitated to execute properly, even more than when I take a loss. For me, screwing up a trade is harder to stomach than having a plan fail and obeying my rules. When you mess up an idea that works out, the FOMO can be the most difficult part.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dark Screen Sleepers says:

    Hey, I think you're still doing well. I hope you have more of your free workshops until I can purchase your beginners course and go from there. Great vids and thank you for being transparent to your viewers.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ted dy says:

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Sampson says:

    At least the raccoon is gone, u should have sold it when you had the chance!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uv.vibes says:

    Redemption Monday! youll be alright

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Miller says:

    Time to swap the raccoon for a Turkey costume as we are in the month of the bird. Let's spread our wings and go green on Monday. You got this!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars S says:

    At least today's loss wasn't as bad as the blizzcon's new game reveal..

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Delgado says:

    Hello Ross, what program do you use to record your trades? Thanks! I sat on my hands all day today even tho some dips had good bounces still felt something being off.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ruststar says:

    You took your raccoon suit off and now you are red, 🤔

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Preston Jeter says:

    I suffered the same fate today. I tried INPX out of the gate and got clobbered. Got filled for 2000 shares @ 8.43 and wasn't able to do anything with them until I sold them all off at a loss.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XXXNO NAMEXXX says:

    I lost a grand back this afternoon. Final today up $535. Tough day….

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abenet Beyene says:

    Ross changed your cloth this morning

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    The markets been rough lately..You will get them Monday! My you tube small account challenge is getting smaller and smaller..We will turn it around..Next week will be good! You got this!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davy says:

    I was thinking the raccoon would be lifelessly hanging in the background.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benny G says:

    what happened to lightspeed?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fox13z400 says:

    anyone else hear the drone ? im pretty sure he films these with a drone

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rayrockny says:

    Sorry, for your loss today man. I followed your advice and jumped in $INPX at 2k shares and got filled maybe because my shares was much less and made a nice few bucks, i'm still down on the week tho, Monday we start all over again.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Windal says:

    I took your advice on the last two days and did not revenge trade unfortunately yesterday I lost 3600 and today I lost 1200 but it could’ve been worse. See you in the chat room Monday.. The two weeks before that I was up over 1500 bucks. That’s the way the cookie crumble’s. Take small losses and take huge gains. Up and up you climb the ladder

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FITNESS and STOCKS IQ says:

    where can i DOWNLOAD OR PURCHASE penny stock scanner like the one you use?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TyKOmain says:

    Hit CIFS on the break over 2.30 for a quick $500. Then went back to sleep

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darius T. says:

    Thx for sharing Ross. Do you like the Sterling platform enough to make it your main trading platform of choice at this point?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin J. says:

    I had same entry on CIFS, perfect bullflag, what a pos.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lars1nyc says:

    guess the costume is in the trash now!

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Carter says:

    Hey was good seeing you today on your online class webinar. I sent you an IG msg!

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