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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Alright, another green day. Guess what? It's the third green day in a row and I am up 7000 $368 this morning. That puts me of $18,000 on the week. That is a good week and it's only Wednesday So we have two days left so right now we are definitely seeing momentum picking back up.

We saw it on Monday with our SLS a little bit on Tuesday with our SLS DX are also strong and then today a NY made this move from $2 to $4 100% nice squeeze and I was able to make about six thousand dollars just on that one trade. so boom another Green Day I'm gonna break it down in the midday market recap and as usual, any questions, any comments, leave them below and make sure you guys subscribe to the channel. That way you will get alerts anytime. I Go Live which is every morning around 9:00 9:15 for our pre market analysis.

All right. So I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right everyone. So we're gonna break down the trades from this morning.

As you can see, lucky raccoon, those of you guys in chat strikes again. Seven thousand, three hundred sixty-eight dollars and 89 cents. So I'm happy with that cold day here in the office and keep myself bundled up. All right.

So let's do this thing. Let's go over the trades from this morning, see if I can get my Facebook feedback up here. Why is it saying recording? You know I think it's because when I go outside I get on a different Wi-Fi signal I think that's what it is. We'll give it a second to pop back up.

it should in a second. All right. So this morning trade Lmf A and A and why So today no different from any other day. it's just a nice Green Day You know, followed the rules.

Really? just I mean very straightforward. So today started with the watchlist. As usual. whoops, what we have going on here.

Move that around. Alright, so let me pull up my Gap scanner. So every single morning I look at my Gap scanner and this tells me of all of the stocks in the entire US stock market, they're going to be opening higher this morning than they closed yesterday. And as we know, there are only a small handful of reasons why a stock will open higher and I've been it closed.

And the strongest reason is because there's some type of news catalyst. So as you can see here, this scanner and those of you guys watching on Facebook if you come over to YouTube later this afternoon you'll be able to watch the screen recording of my of my watch list or of my my mid day recap. So Lmf A, let's see and I'm gonna pull this up here. let's switch this over here back to there.

Alright cool. So Lmf A This was our fourth leading gapper this morning. So those of you guys watching on Facebook you can see this is our Gap scanner. Leading gapper was only hundred shares of volume, no trades, Second, leading Gap or two million shares of volume, but a three million, three hundred million share flow and it was a buyout and acquisition.

Third, leaving Gap or only two hundred shares of volume. Fourth, leading Gap or Lmf A. This is the one that I was so Lmf A on the scans, they're gapping up. Let's see right around 22% 480,000 share float, a very low float stock and on this one we had five hundred sixty nine thousand shares of volume pre market we had.
As you can see here, a little bit of a pre market kind of high. right around two dollars and seventeen cents. We had a boy at a pre market high actually of two dollars and twenty nine cents. but we had this pre market pivot I should say at 2:17 So we had tapped it once, twice, three times, four times, drops down and then comes up a fifth time.

So five taps and then on the sixth tap. That's when I jumped in for my first trade. So let me, um, let's see I'm just gonna pull up this video if I can. hang on I'm just trying.

There we go. Okay, so let me bring this up here. we'll see if this will go. No, that's not doing it.

Um, there we go. So I'm going to show you this trade right out of the gates. My first trade of the morning. All right, let's so hopefully you guys will be able to see this.

Alright, so it's 9:25 so let's fast forward here to 929. Alright, so it's just before the Bell Oops you know I've been having the worst times with Facebook I don't know why. whatever. Facebook's not on anymore.

That's okay. So anyways Lmf a were looking for the open watching for the open so on this one I had already prepared my order actually I placed it at two dollars and thirty cents but I was watching 2:17 can't remember if I move my order down. Yeah! so just before the Bell I put my order at as you can see right there 2:20 Alright so I'm watching this for a break of 217 217 was the the place that we tapped four times. Alright so I watch it and boom boom boom.

This was kind of weird I haven't really seen this happened before where I was like press the Buy button three times but couldn't tell what happened and then all of a sudden boom I'm in and I'm like woah holy cow I'm already up a thousand bucks. so I think just like a little bit of lag out of the gates there on the quotes. but I throw out the order to sell half at 39 and I fill get partial fill and then I start pretty much selling the bid. I got an order for trying to short when it's not available short I sell half and just like that in, let's see 17 18 seconds I'm up nine hundred dollars I sell a little bit more and then end up selling the rest as it comes back down so 1062 dollars.

Now on a typical day what would happen is I'd press the Buy button right here I'd get filled immediately and I wouldn't have the these like two seconds of being like you know kind of what's going on. so that took like two seconds. but I don't know. You know that sometimes happens and then all of a sudden it pops up I Think there must have been just like a little bit of a quotes issue on this one because the you can see the quotes were kind of doing weird stuff.
Remember guys, if you don't cancel your cell orders if you try to get out and you don't cancel your seller hey beau, get over here. get over here. It's going to try to put you short on the stock and that's when you're going to get that that error message that hey, you can't short this stock you can't you know, cross your orders and that's what happened on this one and get under my desk. You go lay down so booking the profit and then boom I get the error, cancel it and then I have to cancel that order and then sell and hit the bed.

Alright so that was the first trade right out of the gates. So a thousand dollars in the first minute of trading? That's pretty nice. I wasn't really expecting that, it just ended up. You know we got this great opportunity.

It popped up and you see this candle here up to a high of 244 so that was nice to see and it gave me a little bit of a cushion on the day. there was nothing else. I was really watching off of my watch list. there was really nothing else here.

So is Lmf A and that was it. All right. So then I'm switching gears and I'm just watching the hide a momentum scanner. I see LM FA Gbr pops up on Gbr I wasn't really that confident it would break out.

It did a little one-minute micro pullback right here at 38 and then it popped up. so I couldn't have bought it at 38. This did work I just hesitated. It ended up going from 38 39 up to 74.

So a pretty nice move there. but I just kind of kind of missed it I didn't think it would really do much I was surprised. So anyways, that was Gbr. Dare hits the scanners low float, massive volume stock.

It doesn't hold its level. It's a cheap one. Whatever, it drops no traits on it. Our meed higher priced stock hits the scanner, doesn't hold up, drops back down.

We had Nna this morning I didn't trade it I Know some of you guys were watching it over seven and I heard some of you guys say you trade it and made money on it. Pops from seven up to 850. That's pretty nice. Well look, it's a reverse split stock so that's what you know.

It's kind of a catalyst there, but on this one, the volume was too late for me to trade it with. you know, five or ten thousand shares so no trades on it. Alright, so and then BOOM A NY it's scanners and at first you know I'm just kind of like alright. Well alright, this thing is taking off and that was right around this.

Yeah, so it pops up to a high of 2:30 it then pulls back to 2, 28 to 24 and then right here it pops up again. So on this one I jumped in a NY My first trade was at 2:25 and 2:30 as it was squeezing up I scalped that first break selling at 233 to 33 and then I ended up adding back at to 68 to 71 and then to 23. So let me show you the trade on this one. All right.

So let's fast-forward here a little bit. so there's Gbr. we're watching that and then we're watching and an A nothing there and then let's see. Okay there we go.
So that was the first trade. 400 dollars. Now it's squeezing up. So I had the first one minute pullback here.

Now it's squeezing up and it's gonna go into a circuit breaker halt. See that red that tells me that's the Lu LD that this could get halted over 75. All right. So it taps that level, it then pulls back, watch it pull back for a second, and now is it surges back up.

I'm gonna be a buyer over 75 knowing that if it breaks that level, it's gonna get halted. And typically when stocks halt going up, they open higher. watching Boom I Press the hot key I Press shift one to buy 3000 shares at 68 I'm starting to see green on the time and sales I Know we're not far away from getting halted I Press shift 1 again. Now what ended up happening is the halt level moved up a little bit and that is.

It's always a moving moving line because stocks halt based on a percentage above the average price of the last five minutes. So with every second that passes, the average price of the last 5 minutes moving up. So now the halt is at 87 the halt spot and I've got 6,000 shares at 270. So I see it's about to get halted and I'm like ooh, this looks interesting.

It's probably gonna open higher. So I put in order to add in over 3,000 shares, my order does not get filled. It ends up just being halted. all right.

So on this one you know it gets halted at 87 and I'm a thousand dollars on these, you know, six thousand shares. I mean I'm already in the driver's seat right now I'm already green on the day by 1500 bucks plus I've got an extra thousand dollars here. So now I have to wait for the stock to resume trading. Stocks better get halted resumed five minutes later or ten minutes later.

This ends up being a 10-minute halt and so we're gonna watch it for resumption right about here. So watching for resumption and what I said is okay guys. right now it's at 287. That's the high a day if it opens lower, no 20 pauses if it opens lower.

I'm gonna add over to 87 for the break of $3 If it opens above 3 then I'm gonna hold it for a second and I'll let it pull back and then if it pulls back and then surges back up I'll add over hi of day. That's what I said. Watch what I Do have my hand over the Buy button to 301. there's resumption.

Okay, we resumed at 3:15 and now I'm up 40 cents on six thousand shares I'm up twenty four hundred dollars. My unrealized hasn't updated yet, but that's how much I'm gonna be up. So now it opened higher I'm gonna hold the whole thing I'm not gonna sell it. It hits a high of 23.

it dips down now I'm watching it over what level 23 now. I'm watching it over 23 and boom I punched the order right there with my hotkey shift 1 I buy 3000 shares at 23 as I see the volume coming up knowing that that was the high of the pop. Now I've got 9 thousand shares, average cost is two dollars and eighty-eight and there's a pop right there up to 40 48, 49. So I'm selling on the ass.
This could get halted again at 64, which is a possibility At the same time, it's a good idea to start locking up a little bit of profit. So boom. Just like that, half my shares are gone. you know? So that that's that's what I like to see taking some profit.

Five thousand, four hundred, twelve dollars already and at this point I'm holding the twenty two hundred and I know I could either add or you know. let's see if it goes into a second halt and I do end up adding on this at some point here, but that was the that was the bulk of the trade right there. I put out an order 50 something, fifty four cancel. it doesn't fill coming back down a little bit.

So I end up adding there at seventy eight thinking that now maybe it's gonna go up to four dollars I'm being a little aggressive on that trade moment of truth: what's it gonna do? And then all of a sudden you know there's that twenty thousand share bid at 81 and we've got three dollars and ninety five cents on the ask. So what do I do is to take some profit. I put on order 92 it doesn't fill I know I can hit the bid at 81 if I want to. If I need two orders out at 93, it's not filling and you know unfortunately there I wasn't able to really lock up as much as I wanted up at that price and then it comes back down.

So you know in any case, some solid trades on this one and we hit a high there of $4 and then we end up a little later. you know, coming back up and I'm squeezing up to a high of like 425 and I ended up taking one more trade through this level for the break over for I'm in right here as I see it curling up watching for a retest of high of day. I've scaled down my size now to only 2,000 shares instead of 6,000 or 8,000 I punched the Buy button there I'm in at 86 ready to add for the break of high of day. high of day is 95 I add right there.

all of a sudden it pops up. 423 is the possible halt I threw out the order to sell half cancel the notification so you know a little scalp there. Not a huge one but you know made a little bit back I had lost on one of the trades so anyways, that was about it. You know that was a fun one.

I mean it was nice to see that level of volatility looks like it's curling up a little bit again now. but those were the two stocks I traded. so you know, just like that. finish the morning up.

you know? where's my PNL Seven thousand, three hundred sixty-eight dollars and 89 cents. Another really solid day of trading I Can feel pretty darn good about that I'm up about eighteen thousand dollars on the week, so you know it's Wednesday We're gonna keep it going tomorrow and Friday see if this is gonna be a twenty thirty thousand dollar week. Shouldn't be hard to make it a 20 thousand dollar week. it's only two thousand dollars away.
but you know this could be a big week and this is kind of what I say about trading is that things can be slow until all of a sudden it picks up and we get these. You know, great opportunities and things really open up and we definitely have had that this week. And I know in a matter of two days I can make seventy five thousand dollars because I've done it before so this is a good day. It's not the best day I've ever had by any means, it's just a good day, but hopefully it's a sign of more things to come.

And these types of moves were seeing on a NY and our SLS will keep going through November and December and we'll be able to start. You know, really having days like this back-to-back You know, realistically in the month of January last year, our January this year just almost a year ago now January My biggest green day was well I guess it was $18,000 I guess it was actually pretty pretty. Pretty solid. Um, but you know, let me find another month that months a bad example because it was too good.

Let's let's look at the month of July. Yeah, so like the month of July I didn't have a single day where I was up more than $10,000 but I believe I finished July Let me just check my stats here. Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu-tu So I finished July with 49 thousand dollars of profit. Fifty thousand dollars.

Which was great. And it was basically just a lot of days. like today. There was no huge $10,000 winner.

Eighteen thousand dollar winner. It was just a lot of decent five, six, seven thousand dollar days again, again, again, again. And you know that's kind of what we're seeing this week. You know, almost ten thousand on Monday seventy three hundred today.

So you know I keep doing that. That's gonna get me the you know, hundred thousand dollar mark pretty quickly. I Would certainly like to have another hundred thousand dollar month this year, but in any case, I'm sitting at four hundred thirty Three thousand dollars on the year right now, so only seventy thousand between me and the half-million dollar mark that shouldn't be too hard to cross and sitting at seven hundred and Sixty eight thousand dollars of profit in my account that started with $583 Note: I of day is 25. This is the area where we often will see a double top.

When we have this u-shape this is a cup and then we often pull back off the top. We form a handle, the cups handle and then off the handle will break out. but I'm not usually a bi or going through this high. The only thing is that there are some short sellers who might be just setting their stop at high of day and so they'll get taken out if it does break over high a day.

So you might get a pot from 25 up to 50. And maybe it gets parabolic because other traders jump in and it does go to 5. But typically the safest setup is to wait for the pullback rather than just jump in right up here. So in any case, I'm going to take my profit, be happy with day, and be back at first thing tomorrow morning 9:00 9:15 for pre market analysis? All right.
So I will see you guys in the morning. Any questions, any comments on today's trades for those of you guys watching on? YouTube Leave them below and I'll come back through and answer them later this afternoon. if you're still watching. you must have really enjoyed that video.

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where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “Momentum is picking back up! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Question Ross at approx 18.24 mins in the recap you took a trade for the break over 4 was the right entry not for the first 5 min to make a new high did you not take it because off the topping tail on the 5min and because it was extended? Can you clarify this thanks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! James Mann says:

    Going through the ANY setups and trades shows just how professional and sharp you are as a day trader. Fascinating to watch, and great work. I have a question for you, what should you do when your funds are tied up in a freeze? I've seen stocks tank out the gate and traders are burned, is the trick to set a limit sell order or stop loss order?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenbeau says:

    Question: is it wise to buy or sell large portions of shares on a stock which has less than 500k average volume? e.g. LMFA average volume and volume was less than 500k but you still traded just fine. what im asking is is the stock liquid enough for the orders to go through quickly? or is it illiquid?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C T says:

    so your platform is configured to show you the potential halt point ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Agustin Marchetti says:

    Te felicito por tu contenido, esta muy bueno.
    Yo estoy haciendo videos explicando conceptos de la bolsa en 5 minutos.
    Te invito a chequear el ultimo y pasarte por mi canal!
    Saludos 😀

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dg 27 says:

    Be nice to do a video of youe key board how you set it up and use it

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars instinct022 says:

    This way of trading is a bit different..for me it feels risky..but all trading is risky..plus you gotta risk it to get the biscuit..momentum driven.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cedrik Kaurit says:

    Your dog must think you are a nut job talking alone all the time… "And I obey this guy, pfff…"

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Powell Jr says:

    great trading Ross !!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Roy says:

    Great recap Ross! Love how you show the video replay of how you entered/exited. Thanks for your help!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Leitch says:

    Some strong trades Ross! Thanks for sharing some of those live trading clips too, always helpful to see.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nik Kopač says:

    Thanks for the recap. I really love video recorded trades with your explanations.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hakuin Z says:

    Wow awesome work Ross! You are a serious inspiration. I have learned the most from you of anyone.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dg 27 says:

    You can afford to put put heating on ross

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J H says:

    i like the playback. can you show more of those?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom 35 says:

    Hey Ross, Love your content! Is the trading simulator Mac friendly?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Batbayar Agvaansharav says:

    i am glad you are in green bro, i am still losing please help me

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timfree1 says:

    ross;;; how did you know to get out of LMFA so quickly as oposed to looking for more gain, it fell so quickly

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Halim says:

    I think i can never handle such a high level of volatility.
    Please Ross… always record those videos and from time to time show it to us like today ,
    And thank you so much.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Delgado says:

    Ross, you are not using hotkeys on this platform?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rayrockny says:

    By the time I spotted ANY it was too late. I need a good momentum scanner. Any advice on what I should use?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricken Sounds says:

    Great Job Ross!!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shard French says:

    What gap scanner do you use

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eddie Z says:

    I love the live footage. Thank you Ross! The dog isn't as interested as you on posting YT trade recaps.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheperds Pie says:

    Only Momentum I saw was down….

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete Fausone says:

    Ross, How do I get the LULD to show up on the regular Lightspeed software?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tako 002 says:

    Darn, hesitated on the first bullflag on ANY. It would've been an easy win squeezing into a halt. Interestingly, the intraday chart looked exactly like RSLS on Monday, with the same setup and resolution.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Shinoda says:

    Hi Ross, Did you set your auto stop selling? I saw it's pretty quick to sell the orders, it's just in seconds?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Kusakabe says:

    Way to go Ross! When you only get a partial sell on the offer. Do you just cancel and hit the bid at that point or try to sell offer again?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Haddox says:

    Where do you stand on the 500 to 1000000 challenge?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Ross fantastic live trade demo I hope all your recaps wins and losses are like today’s recap . Thanks Ross see your tomorrow in the chat room

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Osman GHALID says:

    Ross how comes Zerotrade costs money? And i cant afford to pay $50 a month. Is their free version. And when sign your group chat does it costs money and do wee see you buy stocks live. That would be very interesting thanks.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JayDog says:

    Ross great demo. Thank you for teaching us! Question. What are your daily threasholds? I heard you say if you lose $2k u are done. But when do you call it a done day and stop? 1st hour? Up $X ?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nolan Abell says:

    How about UGAZ Ross lol

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trelyn Pounds says:

    ANY$ WAS RIDICULED wow!!!!! 2 great RUNS

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Great day Ross! Got a late start today and missed LMFA out the gate. Then I couldn't get ANY at the right spot, had the right entry at 3.61 on the 5 min setup but kept a tight stop and watched it run without me. Frustrating day for me! Scanners and the best platform is a must.

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