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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? Guess what? The Raccoon strikes again up two thousand dollars this morning, which is more than 10% in my IRA account. Start the morning with 19 thousand four hundred plus two thousand dollars. It's gonna put me over twenty one thousand four hundred dollars on Monday morning. So a nice big step forward I Can feel really good about that.

It's a great way to finish the week. So up about twenty thousand dollars this week alone? Nice feeling good about that. So we're gonna try to carry this momentum right into next week. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Markets closed Thursday Friday Probably won't be trading cuz the holiday it's Black Friday reminder hint: Black Friday Sales coming up soon at Warrior Training so stay tuned for those.

But yeah, let's keep this momentum going. Try to finish up November with some big green days. Alright, so enjoy the recap. As usual, any questions, any comments, leave them below and I'll come back through an answer later this weekend.

Alright, see you on Monday morning. What's that everyone? All right? So it looks like the Raccoon has struck again as I'm finishing the morning up another two thousand dollars. which makes this a twenty thousand dollar week of day trading. A much-needed $20,000 a week.

It's been so far a slow month of November until this week. so I'm gonna put it in the calendar, make it official. plus and actually I don't know what the exact P&L is. Let me pull up my two accounts.

So I traded today: once in my IRA account here two thousand, one hundred eighty eight dollars and once in my main account. So two thousand One hundred Eighty-eight dollars - seventy-one bucks. Call it $2,100 So $2,100 on the two hundred and eleventh day of the year. So that makes it a $20,000 week which is awesome.

So I'm gonna put that in the calendar, make it official. You know this is these types of weeks. You know all of a sudden the market will pick up. We get some really great trading and that's an opportunity to capture some profit.

Grow the account and look this is this account is up 10% today. Had nineteen thousand four hundred dollars in it this morning. Monday morning. it's gonna have 20 1588 dollars in it.

You know that is a really nice step forward. Much needed in the IRA I'm trying to get it above 25,000 You know, as as quick as I can. That's the goal by the end of the year and you know, hopefully it'll happen. I'm still waiting for Lightspeed Trading to offer settlement margin.

And the way settlement margin works is that as soon as you take the trade and press the sell button, the funds are available. Look right now. I've only got 2,000 48 dollars of buying power. That's because I took one trade worth about I don't know.

Sixteen thousand dollars or seventeen thousand. So all that money now I have to wait two days for the cash from that one trade to settle. It takes two days for trades to settle. now if I had a margin account like I do On this side, I can trade ten times a day with the same amount of money, but when you only have a cash account, you've got to wait two days for every trade to settle.
So now if I'd want to take a trade on Monday I only have two thousand dollars available so I won't trade with that little amount I'll wait until I guess Tuesday or Wednesday I own I'll wait till the the cash is available again. So that's a problem. I mean it means I can really only trade like twice a week. So I get to look and not just I mean two trades a week.

So I'm really limited and if I saw a great quality setup but it was on a eight dollar stock, you know I probably say well the problem is I can't even afford three thousand shares of it I could only afford like two thousand shares and you know it's just not quite enough to justify tying up the money for two days. You know at best what am I gonna get 30 cents, 40 cents. That's 600, $700 $800 You know it doesn't work. So today I saw a trade that was at $3 and so I bought 5,000 shares well just under 6,000 I punched it for 6,000 and I filled 5,000 567 at $3 and sold at 3 basically 340 and 337.

So a nice 40 cents of profit on 5500 shares. you know, one and done. I mean that's that's what I need. stocks under three bucks, under four dollars that I can be aggressive on.

And so when you combine the fact that I can only trade a certain price range and I can only trade once every three days or so, it makes it more difficult to grow the account. Now when I was trading at Interactive Brokers they did offer settlement margin on the IRA account, which meant I could trade up to three times in one day. But remember, I could only take three trades in a five-day rolling period because of the PDT restriction. so I was restricted there as well.

And what was the bigger kind of hindrance at Interactive Brokers was that the routing was some of the slowest routing I've ever experienced in my life where I would press the Buy button and at times literally have to wait several minutes for the trade to to execute. I have some videos of it and I uploaded a couple of them to the classes. but yeah, it was just really bad. So anyways, I moved to Lightspeed knowing that even if I could only trade three times a week or twice a week, at least I'd be able to get in and get out where I wanted to.

you know and that would work. So hey, today's a good day. Feels really nice. It's not the biggest green day.

of the week, but this feels good. I'm really happy about that. It's a really nice boost in this account. So 21000 next Target 25 grand.

So let's look at the trades from today. It's started with our pre market watchlist. As always, every day is pretty much the same there. so I sound like a broken record.

but this is the part of trading where we just have the same routine every day. So we look at our Gap scanners and what we had this morning basically was nothing of interest to me. PCG The California Electric Company. This one was gapping up.
but I'm too expensive. so too expensive. Too expensive, too expensive GSL float is too high I prefer less than 10 million if I'm going to be a recive, these ones are okay, but usually not at this price range. Excuse me.

no trades too expensive Oh Jen You know I was interested in it if it broke over $1 but ended up hitting only $1 two and then selling off. So no trades gix too expensive. This is piece PG and E again a easy s. We are watching it easy.

Yes, however the bell rang and it really didn't do much. It popped up for a second but I was looking for it to break this level see what we had pre market was down well. Actually let's start this up here. down Up Down Up and I wanted to see it break This level and start trending up like this and instead it broke the low of this level and kept trending down like this.

So you know this was the moment of truth right here and it didn't work and so no trades on it so that you know that was kind of like. but really there wasn't a lot that looked good now SPI and was on. It wasn't on our Gap scanner but it was brought to my attention from traders in the room because it was a ten to one reverse split. So yesterday this was a 28 cent stock.

Yesterday the float was approximately 28 million shares and today what they did is if you were holding 10,000 shares yesterday at 20 cents when you log into your platform this morning you would have looked at it and you would have seen oh my God. OMG it's at two dollars and 80 cents cha-ching and then you'd look at you baby. Wait a second. I'm only holding a thousand shares and wait a second.

My average cost is two dollars and 80 cents not 28 cents. And that's when you realize they did a reverse split. So they the stock goes up times 10 and the number of shares everyone is holding goes down by a multiple of 10. So in essence you're still holding the same amount.

There's no change. So the thing is what we notice and what you'll see with a lot of reverse split stocks is because the float is now ten times lower. Or in the case of our SLS a hundred and forty times lower, we will see some big parabolic moves. This is a day where this stock went from two dollars all the way up to seven dollars and fifty cents.

I made five thousand dollars on that move I NP X This is another one that's made these kind of big moves. It's a recent reverse split. This is a setup that I teach in Chapter six of the day trade course. It's a set up to be aware of because we do see it very often the reverse split squeeze.

and so today SPI was what I was watching for that setup. Now out of the gates I saw Vince and John a couple of you guys they're both junior moderators I saw both of them jump in the stock around to 60 to 80 and salad on this first spike up to three hit a high of 338 I didn't take that trade I Personally thought the volume was a smidge too light. It was only about sixty thousand shares of volume and those two candles. so I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna give it a second I'm gonna wait on it.
So I let I let a little more volume come in I let the pattern form and then where was my entry? the first candle to make a new high. So I bought at $3 and I bought first in my IRA I punched it in my IRA for 6,000 shares at $3 and I got filled most of my order and it immediately pops up and so I'm putting shares on the ass to sell half I ended up cancelling that order and then putting out a new order to sell half at 41 and 37. Meanwhile, it pops up to a high of 54 and 66. So my orders get taken out and this all happens within a period of like 10 15 seconds.

So I put out the order I'm not even totally sure I'm putting out orders to sell half or sell a quarter I Just know I'm putting out sell orders I switched to my main account and I'm like okay, this is strong I do want to still jump in and here my main account and so boom I punched the order for 3,000 shares at $1 at three dollars and fifty two I throw out the sell order at 53 because it popped up here 266 didn't hold that level, start to drop down and so I'm like alright I gotta start to unwind this on the scalp and on that one I ended up losing $200 it drops all the way back down to 280 you know, a few minutes later so it just didn't hold up as well as I hoped it would and I knew there was some risk on that because the last few reverse splits have done almost the same pattern. They spiked up out of the gates and then they reverse. It gives you an opportunity, both long and short, but it is pretty frustrating when that happens. So on this one you know I took a stab on both accounts, but I was only able to get a good $3.00 entry on my IRA account and I was willing to trade it in the IRA because I knew it had a good good chance of being volatile and because I was not chasing it, but simply buying the first one minute pullback.

I felt like that was a very calm, cool, collected entry and so I was rewarded for being patient and not just jumping in as it was spiking here. So I feel good about that, but it didn't get halted on circuit breakers. It didn't go parabolic and we might have to wait a couple days, but keep this one on watch for next week we might see another move on it. So that was my SPI trade down 200 bucks and then see LRO hits the scanners.

This was kind of a bummer. I jumped into it at 65 it pops up to a high of 69. It pulls back here and as it surges back up I take a starter at 66 and 68 I sell at 69, 70, 71, 69 and the rest of 59 for a hundred and thirty dollar winner on six thousand shares. So not the most impressive trade there, but you know it was worth a try and you know, whatever.

So down 70 dollars in this account, the account value is a hundred and forty seven thousand, nine hundred and seventy nine dollars. So losing 70 bucks? no big deal. And here's the thing that's pretty impressive. Two hundred dollars of risk versus two thousand dollars of profit.
That's a ten to one profit loss ratio, right? So 10 to 1 on the one side I lost and on the other side I won. And you know that's kind of what you like to see that your winners are bigger than your losers. You know? Yeah, the CLR Oh trade was was not a big winner, but this to me is basically a losing trade and I happen to be able to make 130 bucks on it. But it was.

It was a bad trade. It didn't work, it was a failed setup and yet it was still a little bit of profit in my pocket. So I'll finish the week up 20 grand and I'll finish right now. You know at this point in the month up, let's see.

let me just scroll down here right around 19,000 I Lost coming into this week I was down about a thousand on the month so you know and I basically was was read on the week before. you know before today or before Monday So read on the month, before. Monday So really turned it around which was great sitting at 435 thousand dollars of profit on the year and seven hundred and seventy thousand in the account that I started almost two years ago with five hundred and eighty three dollars. So still about you know, two hundred twenty-five thousand to go between me and the million dollar mark, but that's okay.

I'm gonna get there. I'm not gonna get there at the end of this year. I Have really only about this year we've got. Let's see Five, Ten, Fifteen, Twenty thirty, about thirty three trading days left in the year, so you know that's it's.

not gonna happen. it's gonna. it would take, you know. Obviously a pretty big miracle I would have to average about six thousand seven thousand dollars per day every day for the rest of the year.

Christmas Miracle though, you never know, who knows. I'll I'll just be optimistic that maybe we will see some momentum and maybe I will have a couple big days and maybe I will have a hundred thousand dollar month month or maybe next month it's still within reach. I Mean we still have two weeks left in November so anything's possible. So anyway, so that's where I'm at here finishing the week in terms of trades.

this was the end of the first week of running Mike's room, which is really exciting for those of you guys that you know have been with us for a while. this is the first time Mike has run his own room other than the inner circle room so that's very cool and he's done a great job over there. So I Know some of you guys who prefer trading large cap stocks like the Facebook Apple Netflix Tesla You now have a place where you've got audio feed, video feed, and screen share all day long of a trader who's focused on those stocks. So Mike is over in the large cap room.
His junior moderators in there are Roberto R, SH and Hulk Hulk Joined us this week as a junior moderator on the large cap side which is very cool and on the small cap side we have Selina joining us which is awesome! I'm really excited about that. So on my side here with small caps we've got John, Vince and Selina and you guys who have been around for a while know Selina She's been a member for two years. She worked her way from you know, the very beginning of the journey not knowing really anything about trading all the way up to where she is now profitable trader and a new junior moderator. So nice to see that.

Really excited to have her on board and you guys will certainly be willing to keep an eye on what she posts in the room so representing the ladies which is great and yeah, I'm really really happy about it. So anyways, those are a couple of updates here at the end of the week and we'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. You know, same as usual looking at the Gap scanners around 9:00 9:15 Those of you guys on YouTube make sure you subscribe to the channel that way you get the audio or you get the notification when I go live which is every morning from 9:15 to 9:30 Those of you guys on Facebook make sure you come out or come over to YouTube and subscribe to the channel. So you guys are getting the notifications as well And as usual, if you guys have questions or comments, leave them below and I'll be answering them throughout the weekend.

All right. So I'll see you guys first thing on Monday morning. All right, enjoy the weekend everybody bye if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “$20,121.85 in 5 killer days! ross’ trading recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jaime Abustan says:

    Hi ross. Finally i pass my board exam ☺️, may I know if my country in philippines can also trade?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zaga says:

    Hi Ross! Could you please comment about your routing experience in SureTrader?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars berhane Adhanom says:

    hay ross do you have any advice for 16 year old to become a successful trader.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Excel Moves says:

    Can I see your trade data for this day on Tradervue?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reus Mazumder says:

    How much money did you start with in this account?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jhonny Perez says:

    Hey Ross, just wanted to tell you that you motivated me to get back into trading. Put $600 on nbev and I’m already $90 green. Thanks Ross.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jana Mel says:

    Hi Ross what routing do you use on Lightspeed broker?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juridic Proenerg says:

    Why did you sell CLRO only 2 seconds after getting in? and right after you sold, it has dropped 20-30 cents. Are you a magician?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C.M says:


  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soundoverload says:

    Hey Ross when you see AEZS go down, why dont you try short it?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Soft Gee says:


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M K says:

    What portfolio size is?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Renato Silva says:

    Hey Ross, on the IRA acct, since you're not withdrawing the money until retirement age, are the profits considered as contributions, thus not taxable, or are the trading gains taxable as short term gains? Great boost on the IRA!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M K says:

    What broker do you use sir?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrMclovin says:

    Great video Ross I learn something every time I watch your vids. Can you do a vid of your step by step process from finding the stock to buying it. Also do you short stocks?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gokhan Kilicarslaan says:

    Hey Ross do you do live suggestions on your private chat rooms or can we invest in the same stocks as you ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricken Sounds says:

    Nice Week Ross Great Vid

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E L says:

    Love your videos, been following you for years now. Please don't ever stop. Best,

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    great job!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joeduece1 says:

    Raccoon strikes again !

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ismail Dal says:

    Ross on spi you got In at $3 in the ira I have two questions about that trade first , you got In at $3 would your stop have been $2.90 10c stop or low off last 1 min candle 2.80 . Also looking back at that trade I only seen 1 green buy order before a surge off buying within milli seconds . In that situation when the level 2 is light at your entry point do you get in knowing that your orders will most likely fill and take out your entry ? Thanks a weird question sorry 😄 see you Monday in the chat .

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Marquez says:

    Good job brother, momentum is slowly returning let’s make it a 50k month! I know you got it in you 😏📈

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Thank you for the video Ross. 10sec execution time is beyond impressive. I bet a beginner would have lost money on that trade due to lack of speed. I would love to see a video of you pressing hotkeys on the keyboard lol)

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jman says:

    I Guess that's proof that day trading strategies work in down markets also

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob McGhie says:

    Great work Ross. Do you teach Forex?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dani Born says:

    Ross, can you help me understand something? If you're trading in an IRA, you're not subject to PTD regardless of account value, right? Because it's a cash account?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob says:

    What program do you use to draw the blue lines on your screen?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Conte says:

    I noticed mike didn’t post a video today on YouTube. Where can I see his premarket analysis ?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avalanche83 says:

    Interesting, i did not know you were using a cash account for these trades this time. That being said, with regards to margin… do you only like to trade the money you put into a margin account or do you actually use the leverage they give you on top of what you put in with your own cash? I wasn't sure about margin for that reason…meaning if you use your money, plus the margin money in one particular position, then how much of that profit remains yours, since your technically using yours plus their "loaned money"? That's what confuses me about margin.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Nardozzi says:

    $20,000 in a week. That's so boss Ross. I knew you could do it. Welcome back to the top of your game.

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