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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, the luck of the Irish continues St. Patty's Day weekend. Another green day here on Monday and ultimately it's not luck when you're right 70 percent of the time. We were the course of three thousand plus trades and you know, so today is just another Green Day Not a huge Green Day But you know, slow and Steady wins the race.

That's the name of the game, especially when it comes to going from 583 dollars to a million bucks. I'm only $15,000 away from that level and you know at this point it's like easy to get in my head and think oh man, and I can I can get that level today if I swing for the fences. So I go not. do that, have to just be focused on base hits, base hits, a quality set ups and put that out of my mind.

you know the goal will happen I will cross that finish line I Don't want to overthink and get in my head and start making mistakes. so I'm just happy to have another green day here. Like I said, I'm not the biggest green day button. Back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

pre market analysis Live here on YouTube 9:15 Start trading as soon as the bell rings at 9:30 So for everyone that's in the chat room, you'll be able to watch over my shoulder as I'm trading. and I really encourage you guys who are just watching on YouTube to come and check us out for a month to join us. Use the coupon code rainbow 30 and save 30% All right. So see you guys in the Chatroom Live streaming tomorrow morning.

All right, See you guys soon! All right. So we're gonna do our midday market recap. Go over the traits from this morning. I'm gonna finish the day up only three hundred forty seven dollars and 28 cents.

So you know Green is is good. That's certainly what I like. but you know I'm not the biggest green day. Today was kind of interesting because when we were doing our pre market analysis, we already saw this morning that we had two stocks that were up more than a hundred percent pre market.

If we do historical timeframe on the scan, we'll see about 9:00 a.m. we had dere up almost 200% and PHAs up a hundred and eighty eight percent. So I traded both of these PHS H a PHAs only made one hundred thirty four dollars on Dare I made six hundred and seventeen on. Neither of them were home runs and look at both of them.

this is Dare now the best action. It'll happen pre market. The bell rang, it was choppy and then rolled over PHAs pretty much the same thing I jumped into this I actually thought it was gonna be a short out of the gates below 688 the bottom of this sort of consolidation, but the bell rang and it broke eight 775 and so as it broke that level I jumped in and then added for the break of 850 as it squeezed up here. now looking for the break of nine dollars but that didn't hold.

I'll show you what this happened, what this did here. So I jumped into it for the break over 87, 80 added at 850 and then added again for the break of 9. So my cost basis was eight dollars and 40 cents even though the proper breakout was 775 or 780. So I'm in it pretty high.
It then drops down to 780 and I'm down 60 cents per share right? and I'm like oh man this is what a way to start the week. This is gonna be another red day but I'm gonna wait for the first one me to Candle to make a new high. I'm not gonna panic out. You know the low a day is down here at 7:00 the low of this was 780.

it pops right back up here to 851 and now I'm up 11 cents and then it drops down here to 785 and I'm down. you know, 55 cents and it's down and then it pops back up and I'm back to break-even and then it comes back here at Surges. back up and I was like you know what? this thing I really think it's gonna break through the high a day and if it breaks through 7088, it's gonna break $9.00 It hit a high of 7 of 875 and then it came back down again and at that point I gave up on it and I sold the rest of it and then then of course it broke the bottom of this consolidation as they often do after they have a false breakout because what happens with a false breakout is that new traders jump into it here thinking it's going to continue higher and then when it doesn't. Not only do they bail out, all the people that are holding in here bail out and then you have more sellers than buyers and you get that drop.

So on this one I was just lucky basically to be breakeven more or less up $134 dare you know on this one my best trade on it interestingly enough, was buying out of the halt going down. Okay, so it sells off here gets halted going down as it resumed I bought it right here and sold it as it squeezed up to 220 for like a $500 winner. That was my my solid win on a dare. I had a smaller win on it and where was it? somewhere in this area and I can't remember where but that was a very small trade so that was actually my best trade on it.

bounced off of the circuit breaker Hall A little bit of an unusual setup for me to trade, but that ended up working so our two leading gaffers both basically failed and in the sense of they didn't give us really good opportunities. Once the bell rang, which is disappointing. Once the bell rang, we got some opportunities of stocks that hit the scanners, but none of them really gave us big big moves. Iron and Tea was the worst.

that's the one. I'm down $1300 on it was the best and the worst. So this one all of a sudden go from two dollars and 40 cents to 340 into 440. You know, four, three, two forty three, forty four dollars I jumped in at at four for the break of four I was like wow, this thing is going crazy I'm gonna jump into it, just try to ride this momentum up.

So I jumped in with ten thousand shares or nine thousand it squeezes up to 432 I'm up like 2,800 bucks I'm like wow, this is awesome. Looks like it's gonna get halted. it'll probably open higher daily resistance is it 529 which is the 200 moving average. So that was my target and then it doesn't halt.
It does a fake halt which basically happens when it looks like it's about to halt and then it doesn't and then it dropped from 430 all the way down to 365. And just like that, I went from being up 30 cents to down 40 cents I mean well I stopped out as it came back down, but just that quickly it dropped 60 cents. So you know, really kind of a disappointing move on this one. Frustrating.

Overall, you know I didn't lock up the profit because I was like oh, looks like it's gonna get halted. You know they usually open higher or or if not, you know give us a pullback opportunity for a move higher and they just work. Totally reverse the move. So I I guess I got faked out into buying it a little too high.

Some of you guys did better on it than me for sure. Those who got in early and those who took profit a little faster so that was I N and T Atos did kind of a similar move where you know all of a sudden just kind of takes off break a 4:20 and it goes up to 5:35 You know, just it takes off only made 26 bucks on that. That wasn't an impressive trade. SL I know same type of thing.

all of a sudden it just kind of takes off. jumped on the momentum on that one. Made three hundred seventy four dollars a KTX similar type of thing. You know it hits the scanner and starts taking off.

so you know today we got a couple of really small base hits. I mean I barely and called I mean I guess these are base hits and this isn't I mean this isn't like a huge loss, but I think get any really good good trades. You know a good trade for me is at least a couple thousand bucks. You know, Fifteen hundred, two thousand dollars and I didn't get anything like that today.

So a lot of small wins. one slightly bigger loss and you know when it's all said and done. Only about 350 bucks on the day, so a little bit of a choppy morning, but another Green Day which is terrific. You know I'm a little bit of a green streak here the last few days and you know it's it.

Basically is a pretty much a break-even day for me considering my daily goals 3 grand at this point, but that's fine. You know, live to trade another day. Minimize the damage on PHAs minimize the damage on Int which was really good on both sides. You know me of four years ago I could have been down six grand or more today because I might have held PHAs and held int.

So you know, being at a point where I'm cutting losses pretty quickly is good. Doesn't mean they're not going to happen. but I'm trying to keep them as small as possible. So anyways, you know that's kind of it for me today.

A little bit of a short recap: not a whole lot to go over, nothing too exciting, but I'll be back. And of course first thing tomorrow morning 915 live streaming, pre market analysis and then we'll start trading as soon as the bell rings at 9:30 Alright, so that's the game plan and I'll see you guys all first thing tomorrow morning. All right bye everyone if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content.
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24 thoughts on “A very tiny win today ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky Zen says:

    Please I would like to know what platform is this thank you

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sky Zen says:

    What is the software name or what broker is this ???

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D H says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D H says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tristan Miller says:

    Made 2.55% on DERM in 24 minutes this morning!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars We The People says:

    If you convert $347 into hourly wages = $43.37 for an 8-hour shift. That's how much the superintendent make in my old job but comes with great responsibilities, long hours and being an a**hole. You made $347 within an hour or two – Great teacher with no stress.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Darwish says:

    What do you get the scanner setting with?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron M says:

    I don't day trade and I don't have any interest in getting into day trading, but I find these videos fascinating. I can't stop watching the daily recaps.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mister Smith says:

    That small Rossprechaun stepped on your sell button too soon!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tm says:

    Did you get that thing that was outside the door?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lambert chan says:

    I made $1,080 off of dare and I’m amazed how much warrior trading helped me. I’m going to keep grinding with the simulator in hopes that I can do the same with real money later by the start of next month

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ilya Lopatin says:

    What is the name of the index that draws the levels to you? Answer please

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicole Hogan says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jun 75 says:

    Was anybody able to locate DARE or PHAS to short?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterofCreations says:

    I've never seen a month where there is so many bios that run consecutively 300%+ on news. This never happened from July-Feb when I was trading with my newsfeed but it's gotta happen on that one month my broker screws up my deposit. What a joke!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Bielka says:

    I made 0.35 after commissions still green!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joel T says:

    Got killed today on PHAS. Ball on the fox break out and was down almost a dollar a share. Thank goodness it was in the simulator. struggling with consistency right now.Basically gave back all of the months profits in one trade

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bernardo Alegría says:

    tiny green

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simone Love says:

    So if you join the chat room are you kinda training us or what? I’m just tryin to see the benefits of it! I really need to understand this so I can get it an start living it! Uuuugggghhhh

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlaineyM15 says:

    a pretty choppy day I would say, down $100, but I followed my plan. Thanks for the vid Ross

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luvon says:

    How do I join the chat? Is it $4000 as the course is?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dawn Dakin says:

    why is there so much trading premarket? It wasnt like this when I started in October I dont think? Is this usual? Do I have to start getting up at 4am now 🙁 (Im pacific time)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenzo Shibakariki says:

    Awesome for me… two green trades, first on $DARE for $400 and then on $PHAS +1000!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KenJohn says:

    I'm adopting your "slow and steady win the race" motto and even that I'm green the fact that I left so much money on the table with DARE it kinda bugs me, but as you say, I survived to trade another day😅

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