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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone Alright, so in case you didn't already know, I recently had the biggest loss of my trading career and that really shook me up a little bit. And so what I was I to do here today is bring you in behind the scenes for a one-on-one mentor session with me and Ted and Ted has been my trading coach now for well, about nine years and you've seen me go through, you know. certainly ups and downs. My geraniums start with a lot of downs before it finally turned around, but what's interesting is that in these last two weeks what I've gone through in terms of dollar amount loss are the largest losses that I've ever had.

in a period of about a week and a half, I lost just under $50,000 And this is all in the context of me trying to take this $583 account and turn it into a million dollars. and what? I never would have expected and what I you know just couldn't predict was that the hardest part would be the last 5% right? You know, the starting when I start anywhere First 2017, You know? Initially, I started out with this $550 account thinking that I might blow it up. You know I might blow it up and I might have to start over and that's part of the journey. Now the previous small account journeys that I had done I always promoted them or disclosed, never posted the video of them.

After the fact, I felt like it was too much pressure to say I'm starting with $1,000 and my goal is turning into 15,000 this month and just to do that in front of all these people but was a $583 challenge I did it in front of everyone January 1st 2017 I was like ok guys funded the account $583 this is day one. 100k is the first target and in those first couple days I followed my rules I trade really well and in fact in the first month my accuracy like 90% I was doing everything right, following the rules, trading the best, leaving the rest I wasn't being I was being aggressive but I was being aggressive on the right stocks which is basically like what we talked about in that kind of flow state of you know, a surfer or racecar driver. It's not about not being aggressive, it's about knowing this is the time to pedal the middle of be aggressive and this is the time. there's water on the track, you guys slow down, you're going to wipeout and and just connect it and I hit 100k and 45 days and then that's when I said this is now the million dollar challenge I'm gonna do ten more times and if it took three months you know then doing it ten times gonna take 30 months.

You know it's whatever it's gonna have here's or something like that. three years and so here we are now about nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars and the day I had my thirty thousand dollar red day I was at nine hundred and ninety two thousand dollars and I was already up twenty six hundred on the day. So I was like five thousand dollars away from crossing the line and I I just I I lost my focus I lost my Center and the trade that knocked me down so badly was not a great quality trade. You know if I go back to my criteria of the five criteria for a stock to be in play, you know the flow, the news, the daily set up, former runner status, above average volume.
it really didn't have any of those except that the flow was kind of on the low side, right? and so it was like why did I swing so big on that trade and this is kind of, you know one of the things I was thinking about in the days after I think we had a one-on-one session like two days later. Yeah and I talked about tightrope walking and I just first. whatever reason this popped in my mind of setting a goal of trying to Tiger up across the Grand Canyon has someone done that before? Is that why I maybe was in my mind I don't know if they've done the Grand Canyon but it's I we have seen them adjust somebody height roping I Can you know? Yeah it wasn't a great case. So yes this is gonna be a public announcement when I finished this challenge.

I'm gonna try type type rough walk the Grand Canyon so that's coming. but I sort of had this vision of like you know, someone who's good at tightrope walking whatever in first five, ten steps, you know. Okay, I'm getting out there really doing it. Next thing you know, they're a hundred feet in two hundred feet in, all right.

I'm in this thing. I'm in the challenge. There's no turning back. I'm in it.

And let's presume this person does have like a tether. They're not going well over their death. They're they're protected. They're safe.

which is the same as me in the challenge. You know if I do fault okay and get back up and you know all of a sudden it's like halfway mark for me. I stopped even thinking about where I was relative to a million dollars because it was so far away that I was like I'm just doing the next ten feet the next ten feet I'm just doing the next ten 10 trades, the next, the rest of this month, the rest this month and and I was saying short term goals and then all of a sudden the end of 2018 I was sitting at like eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars and I was like I'm wow I'm gonna do this thing like I'm actually gonna do this thing that's really crazy, right? and it started psyching myself out and thinking about it a lot I start thinking about when am I gonna cross the level. What am I gonna do on the day across the level? What kind of video showing me like? how do I celebrate this I start thinking about it a lot and then almost every trading day and early 2019 was how far away from the level? am I right? You know was the countdown and so now you've got this tightrope walker 50 feet from the finish line.

He's just done 2,000 feet, only 50 feet left and all of a sudden it's like all these emotions of it's real. It's happening. 49 48, 47 feet and the pressure is building and you're out of your Center and you lose your balance and maybe all of a sudden at 10 feet instead of finishing, just try to leap. mm-hmm and you miss and that's kinda what I tried to do I tried to just leap do something is not following the rules does not make sense and sometimes I've seen students comment like Ross what were you thinking on this and I think the truth is in those moments I was emotionally hijacked, right? My focus was not the right stock to trade I was trading a piano.
So what I'm going through here is is new in the in the sense that the last time I experienced this type of thing was like when I was learning a trade right years ago. Yeah, and and when I was needed to make a certain amount of money each month to pay my bills and you know it's I've gotten farther and farther away from that having built up trading profits. Where it's like Op I have a bad month, it's not a big deal, doesn't really matter. the pressure has been taken off.

But as I think about beginner traders, one of the challenges is you know how do you set goals for yourself without allowing those goals to you know infiltrate your mental state of mind and then cause you start making mistakes because you set this goal like I want to set goals and surpass them I want to be aggressive but I don't want to start setting goals and have them you know have this sort of negative side effect which is kind of what I feel like happened well and so you know whether you're a beginning trader or in this situation that you're in now, you can't just get rid of the part of you that is carrying that demand. Yeah, there's a part of you that is always going to have you know its eye on that goal and it's not about unlocking that the basement and you know, throwing away the key. Yeah, it's about the relationship have with it. you know.

So knowing that that is a part of you. Yeah, knowing that that pressure is there. the goal is there. You know it's however much you're trying to achieve a number, ticular, month or think you're a week or towards the end of a giant yeah, you know, accomplishment like this.

that internal pressure to succeed it's going to be a part of. So when you allow yourself to slow down, breathe, make room for the part of you that's carrying that demand. Even talking to that part of you, not suggesting that, that's gonna make you crazy. Yeah, but we talked to E to ourselves all the time.

Anyway, Yeah yeah, you know this is consciously relating to the part of you that is really insistent that you cross that finish line. Yeah yeah. I think on that day I think I just was ready to be done right and I was I was like this is I just I just want to cross this level and that's different from setting a goal of making 5,000 on a month but at the same time. What's similar is that when I have a $5,000 goal, you know what I would do on the first day of the month I tried to get $5,000 so I hit the goal and I could just be done cuz it would take the pressure off.

takes all the pressure. part of you has the message yeah, if I can do it by the way yeah the pressure will be gone. Relax Yeah and I thought on this I was just gonna smooth sail across that line like you're just gonna hit back six. $7000 Winner! We're done and you know I I like to be a believer and we've talked about this before.
things happen for a reason and not to not own up to the mistake I made because I've been making a mistake but at the same time it's an opportunity for a lesson and a lesson that I think I can really only learn on this side of that million dollar because once I cross it, the challenge is done right and sure maybe I'll set a new goal of 1.5 or 2 or whatever. but this big kind of you know event that has been two and a half years in the making will be done and I wasn't quite ready to cross that line. I needed to learn one more lesson and and this last 5% no doubt has been the hardest part of the whole challenge. You know right now it's probably the 5% that's going to be stretching the longest period of time because I got so close and then pulled back and now I'm in this kind of consolidation right below that level, right? And because how much pressure is there? it almost requires that an equal amount of caution.

Yeah, because there is such a strong push to just cross it. Yeah, you know. So even before it reaches conscious level, there's all sorts of messages that are saying you're almost there. It's just going to work.

Yeah, Forget your rules, right? Just yeah. Jump? Sure Yeah. And of course, the worst part in the market is the fact that you know sometimes you do get positive reinforcement right? And there were certainly times the challenge where I took way too much risk and it ended up working and and this that trait probably couldn't just as easily ended up working on the Lacrosse the challenge across the line and and and then you know I would be done. but but it didn't And so having that discipline you know it makes me think about just that.

That real challenge of coming in every day right? So you guys know who have been following me for a while that I love to make analogies and the one that's for sure on my mind is Humphrey And how in 2018 you know we had the 2018 Super Bowl and it was. It was like the time versus Tom You know that video series that came out it was all hyping up to you're gonna win right and this is going to be the big one and then maybe retire and then in the moment the pressure and you know things happen, whatever didn't end up working out right and so then you know 29 2010 it's like all right 2019 we're gonna go back in for 2019 season And he did it. He got back in, got back on the horse and pushed through and with the pressure to achieve these really big goals whether it's Super Bowl which for Tom Brady is a huge goal or it's to make $5,000 a month so you don't ever have of a boss ever again, right? That's a big goal for you. Just as big as it would be for.
you know, for the Super Bowl for Tom it's It's the difference between a happy life and maybe not so happy that because the pressure is so high, you have to meet that pressure with an equal amount of discipline. And one of the things that's so hard for trading is that you know, of course, negative reinforcement of positive reinforcement. negative behavior, certainly. But also the fact that you know you can wake up half asleep, open your laptop, open your trading platform, and start taking trades, right? And when you do that, what you're doing, you're Every time you come into the market, you're coming into the market.

and in a lot of ways you're trading against the market. You're trading against some of the best traders out there. Far better than me. Certainly, you're training against some of the best computer algorithms out there, right? Better than any of us collectively.

And you know you're trading volatility and all of that comes with risk. And if you don't bring your 100 percent a game each morning, then the likelihood of giving in to that urge to hold a loser a little too long which I've done more than once right? or to jump into a trade with FOMO I Think that your threshold for you know where you'll go ahead and just do it becomes a lot lower I Kind of think each morning when I come into the market I have a tank of emotional composure and some days I come in with a half tank right for whatever reason and I think every day that I was coming in through the month of March I was coming in with a half tank because I had just so much pressure on myself, then it was clouding my judgment. Similarly, sometimes when students will trade with are on vacation, you're like, well, I've got my laptop I can trade and then on vacation because they're in a different environment and stuff like that they end up having a huge loss and I've done it and then it kind of ruins your vacation you get all in your head about. and I just need to have one more green trade and that's going to make this whole week so much better.

And then it can snowball and what was supposed to be a great vacation turns into three or four huge red days and worst memory of the year and the worst memory of the year, right? So you've given in to all those emotions and so things like persistent patience which and the reason I Put those two words together. This persistence is all about discipline, focus, perseverance yeah, but matching that with more of a calm, relaxed patience. you know it's thinking about like the surfers that are waiting for the wave. You know to happen.

Yeah, you know if you're not paying attention, right? Well, here comes the wave and they just knocked you off your every breath before you even got up. - yeah, just serve and having that discipline. You know to wake up in the morning to follow a routine, to remember your rules, to let everything else fade away so that you stay very present in the moment of the trade that you're and you know, like talking about, you know, trying to train and going and doing something like vacation? Yeah, or you know, when other circumstances are interrupting your routine. Yeah, you know it's it.
Just simply doesn't work right. And the more you do that, the more likely you're going to make mistakes. Yeah, yeah. so I think in terms of approaching each day with that discipline.

you know one of the challenges is how you know for me when I feel that pressure you know and I feel that whatever it is or maybe I come into the day you know, a half tank cuz I had a bad morning morning. How do I maintain the presence of mind that in real time I stopped myself because that's the challenges afterwards. I'm like what was I thinking and the damage has done and in real time it's like at what point have I you know what is the point of no return? You know it's like setting rules in some way to help prevent me from having that final trade that's going to be the one that unwinds right? A big part of that is paying attention to and checking in with yourself on how you're starting the day. Ya know, if you're already starting the day with a ton of stuff on your plate, you know whether that's you have, you know, a fight with somebody, your family, you have a deadline outside of training that's sitting on top of you, or it's the Final Four and ya think you give out, you know the you know the game coming up.

Yeah, one of the most important decisions you can make is when you say you know what, I'm not in a good place to trade today. Yeah, it's you know. I don't think I can actually trust myself today, you know, checking with yourself the next day. Yeah, it might be a completely different story.

something that that makes me think about is and I don't know if this would work but the beginning of each day saying all right across. You know you're looking great today as usual. but you know, emotionally, I'm feeling a little off some stress I'm feeling pressure. Today's a day where I'm only going to take 2,000 shares.

and normally for me, auntie, nine thousand, twelve thousand, sometimes fifteen, twenty four thousand on the tray, that I totally blew up. So to say it, two thousand, shares. That would be almost like vacation trading. sighs hey, if I can make a little bit of money, that's great.

but I'm not gonna put myself in a position where with 2000 shares suddenly I'm down huge and I'm gonna get emotional and impulsive and start revenge trading. So in the beginning the day saying this is the type of day that is appropriate for me to be trading with not more than five thousand shares for two thousand and second as my max size for the day, right? if the earth that's great my problem is then when I do that and then I see a stock that's really strong I have a tendency to say forget it This is a great opportunity easily. you might come up on once a week or once a month in my house I can't miss it I don't want to trade this huge opportunity with only two thousand shares and then I go in and I override it. And of course you know the market sometimes rewards that and sometimes in sometimes it doesn't.
It punishes that Well, it's so easy to get caught in that idea that this one trade yeah is D trade Yeah, you know, so from oh, it's all about that. Yeah, it feels that way a lot of times. But that reminder of you're not just trading one trade when becoming a traitor, it's the whole trajectory of a career. Yeah, you know, a surfer never serves just one way, right? You know it's it's the countless waves.

Yeah, and they will come and go. Yeah, some are going to be better than others, and the more you just pay attention to that, right? You know if you miss one trade, it really is no big deal. Yeah, and it's it's true. And I say that and yet in practice I can lose sight of that as I feel I think I feel so driven to achieve these.

You know these goals or these metrics or whatever it is then I'll just say now I'm gonna I'm just gonna throw it out the window and go big big push. But then there's that part of you that yeah, it says I don't care Yeah I don't care about the rules I don't care about what some other part of you know is this good for you? Yeah. So even so within yourself as we're sitting here yeah, as we've often done, yeah, see if you can just tune into the part of you like you care less about your rules I Think that part of me is impulsive, impatient, aggressive, and has no sense of risk, right? And when that person, when that part of me takes over, that's when things can get crazy, both to the upside and the downside. And I've noticed, you know, working with thousands of students that there's this sort of spectrum that we're all on.

And there's traders like me that I would say are on the aggressive side. And the biggest challenge with aggressive traders is can we reign you back enough to only trade the best quality setters, right? Because aggressive traders will sometimes trade six hours a day and they'll trade right up until 4:00 p.m. and then start looking at after hours movers. And it's just trading after trade, up to trade.

And sometimes every trade seems like equal opportunity. There's no sense of well. trades are usually better at the morning, or trades are usually better in these contexts is just super aggressive, right? And then on the other side of the spectrum, you have students who are so afraid of pressing the Buy button and that they're paralyzed and they might go weeks without taking a tray cuz it just wasn't quite. There doesn't look perfect, right? And with those students, we've got to encourage them to be okay with having losses.

And you know, okay with being a little more aggressive. And when you're at either end of the extreme, you will not be profitable. You're either not trading or you're trading so much it was in money. One that goes back to you Know that analogy of the tightrope walk.
tightrope. If you ever watched them, they're not just walking on a tightrope. They have this really long bar. Yeah, they do that.

They're carrying as they go. Yeah, and that bar is actually extending in both directions. This what allows them to find balanced at the center. Mmm.

So in coming into what we're talking about in trading between, you know, caution and aggression. Yeah, you have to extend in both directions. Yes, you have to feel the place of caution and the place of being aggressive and find you know where is that center of point. Yeah, for the trade you're in right now, right? And to carry on with that analogy, say you've kind of strong westerly wind.

You may need to tip a little more one way or a little more the other way. Exactly which rating when momentum is really high, that is the time to be more aggressive. And that is the right decision Because the momentum in the market is cyclical. It's cycles of hot and cold, right? And if you're not being aggressive when it's hot, you're really minimizing what you could potentially be making.

And then during the cold cycle, if you're not easing off the throttle, you're just gonna be I Mean you're ammonia from money away, really? And so you have to be able. And and this is, you know, just the way a cyclist is. Our motorcycle is adjusting the throttle to changing conditions. As a trader with our strategy, we have to adjust risk tolerance to the changing conditions.

I've had a student who asked Russ if you're right 69 percent of time over 3,000 trades you know with my metrics then why don't you just take every trip 10,000 shares and I'm stopped over. Complicating it. The problem I mean the one. On the one hand, it's a legitimate question, but I wouldn't be maximizing on the UPS because on the UPS I could be going so much further up, I'd be more aggressive and I wouldn't be minimizing on the downs, right? Because on the downs I could minimize the loss by being more conservative.

And so that's where, Ultimately, that's probably like the highest level of training one that sometimes I even struggle to maintain the ability to to the market that's in front of you exact and to in fact trade the market not your P&L right? Not the day of the week, where you're at, on the month where you're at on some arbitrary challenge that the market does not care about exactly. and that's that's the highest level of training you can get to. And that's something that I'm only kind of learning at the very end of this two and a half year challenge. that ultimately being a successful trader as much as possible is letting you yourself come into the market each day and putting your bags right and maybe acknowledging that I'm coming in today with a half tank and so I'm gonna respond to that.
but I'm gonna trade the market that's right in front of me, right? and try to really embrace that mentality and it's not going to come naturally because I still struggle with it. But I think getting to that stage should be the probably ultimate goal of any trader. So we've done, is we put together a set of rules to help you guys gain more emotional control. Your Training: As you at this point probably realized, training is just about 50% skill and 50% emotion.

Alright, so why did you guys start with one number One? Well, first of all, I would say is start to practice a little bit of mindfulness. Yeah, a lot of people talk about mindfulness and it's and importance with something like trading. Yeah, and it's very true. You know if we're not aware of what it's going on inside of us or what's going on around this, you know bad things tend to happen.

Yep, you can't trade in tunnel vision or a bubble. So one of my favorite riders who is a mindfulness-based psychologist Jack Kornfield has an acronym called Print Okay, which is recognition acceptance? Okay, investigation or inquiry? Whichever one people like. Two years okay, and the last one is non-attachment Okay, so that first part of actually slowing down and recognizing what it is that's happening? Yeah, what's happening around you? What's happening inside, right? and meaning? whatever that is with acceptance. Yeah, and so acceptance on this level is not about whether or not something is good or bad.

Yeah, it's just acceptance of what is right, Reality as it is okay. and then investigation or inquiry? You know? What is this all about? Yeah, what's happening? Yeah, you know what's driving from a neutral, non-emotional right establishment leaves into non-attachment which is the ability to step back and not get so caught up in the thing that's unfolded. Yeah, so as it pertains to trading, if I'm looking at a Gap scanner in the morning and I recognize that the Gap scanner has nothing which instinctually for me, I'm gonna think is bad, but I need to just accept that because I can't change that. It just is as it is.

And then the inquiry or investigation side I can ask myself what's happening in the overall market, What's causing this condition? Is this: Are we in a cycle, really slow momentum or is this just anomaly and then at the end? I Guess non-attachment Let it be as it is exactly. you can't force the market to be other than it is. Yeah, yeah, just acceptance. So one of the things as an extension to this rule on mindfulness that I really encourage all of my students to do is to journal while you're trading.

And so journaling can take the form at least for me as using my Excel Doc. So as I'm updating each train of you know where I got in, where I got out, how much I made or lost I'll have a column where I know my emotional composure prior to entering the training run. and most trades are to a 1, a 3 before maybe. but the days that I go big red I'll often see that before the loss I was escalating emotionally I was blowing 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and then I just did one whose trades it's a Hail Mary pass.
And of course, the worst thing with Hail Marys is sometimes they work. but I just do this crazy Hail Mary pass And it was totally emotionally impulsive, right? Yeah, So well. so the same is true for our emotions. You know, turning inward, recognizing? you know what? am I actually feeling? Yeah, not all the thoughts around the feeling, but the name of the emotion itself.

recognizing I'm angry? yeah, and then accepting that that's there. Yeah, and then that inquiry or investigation. You know what's driving this emotion up to the surface, right? And the non-attachment stepping back, turning towards meaning with compassion, acceptance, human kindness? Yeah, the emotion as its sitting with us. Yeah, yeah, it's it's a big one.

It's an easy one to overlook. Thank you! Well, you know, learning a treatise about reading level 2 and entering your trades And that's the mechanical part of learning. But the emotional part is just as important, right? And often when those emotions get really big, the first thing to go is, you know I don't have time to first. Mindful? Yeah.

and so I start. You know emotional logic takes over. Yeah, which is not very logical. No, it's not.

So the second rule would be. Or the second tip would be to have rules in place for your trade. And this is a really tough one for me to say because I'm a habitual rule breaker in terms of I said trading rules for myself and then I break them the three rules they usually give to my students: max loss per trade max loss per day. If you have three losers in a row, that's three strikes.

you're out and you're done for the day and you have to shut off the computer and walk away now. I'll preface this or most on preface now. but I'll say all. I'll add to this that if you're a beginner trader, it's ok during your first three months to trade a lot and to trade six hours a day because you need experience.

you need to just trade and trade and trade. if you only trade twice a day, as someone who's brand new, it's going to take you so much longer to accumulate experience. But from the point where you're like I'm treating this like real money I'm getting ready to train with real money or I already am trading for real money. That's we need these three rules.

But you know, here's the issue that I have of following the rules. So is there ever a time where it's okay to break the rules? What's your thought on go breaking? No. In fact, I would say if you break your rules, yeah, the worst thing that can happen is that it actually pays off. Yeah, because then you're actually learning a whole different rule.
That's a subconscious rule that basically says these rules really aren't important. Yeah, but that's usually not what pays off long term. Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are there for a reason. Yeah, what's interesting is I have pretty consistent reinforcement of the rule to not trade large cap stocks when I trade them I lose money.

So I don't trade them anymore and Mike has the same rule with low price stocks. He doesn't trade them anymore because he doesn't want to lose money, right? But trading past my max loss just last week I had three days where I'd trade past my max loss on two of the days I lost money and a third day I made $9,000 so you know it's it's really hard to pat yourself on the back when you are getting a win as a result of breaking the rule, right? My challenge I think is twofold. The first is that when I hit my max loss in the first two minutes of the day I feel an obligation to keep trading for my students because I feel like there may very legitimately still be good opportunities in the day and I feel bad that I'm knocking myself out like and of course I could just sort of be a sign commentator. but it's not really the same because I don't know if it's get in the game and so I'm like, well I should keep trading And so one of the things that I've done for myself is to created a set of rules about how aggressively I trade in the first five minutes.

So I really try to prevent you know, throwing the game even two minutes in and in. But yeah, the worst thing is getting a positive reinforcement for a negative behavior. Exactly. it really is.

And your best bet is to create these rules and to stick with them. And the easiest way to prevent yourself from FOMO is to shut it off and walk away. And that's what I would like to do sometimes at 9:32 and I don't do it cuz I feel an obligation to say so. Rule number one, Mindfulness, rule number two or tip number two is to have rules and then why don't you take it with number three on meditation, right? So yeah, the third one I would say is practicing some form of meditation on a regular basis.

So meditation is the thing that leads to greater mindfulness. Yeah, and one of the things I liked about So another one of my favorite writers and the children talks about that meditation is not about trying to perfect ourselves in some way, it's actually about befriending who we already are that acceptance is Huge. Yes, so turning towards ourselves with loving kindness, compassion, acceptance and then staying there as we notice all that arises within us. You know, some days I sit down to meditate and you know it's totally calm.

Some days I Sit down to meditate and it's a raging storm. Yeah! Racing Thoughts exactly. can't stop. So in turning towards those with some kindness, some understanding, acceptance, compassion yeah, yeah and then going back to you know, hey, what is this? Yeah! And for those of you guys who are warrior pro students, Ted does guided meditations for all of our students so you can check those out.
We have them archived to record it, but they're also happening several times a week. So one of the things for me with meditation is that it's It's always a bit of a struggle for me. it's not something that comes naturally or that I particularly and even enjoy doing. And that's one of the reasons I keep doing.

It is because I'm trying to condition myself to become comfortable with discomfort, right? Because as a trader, we often have to be uncomfortable. We have to do things that aren't easy that don't feel good. And when you, for instance, have a red train and you're down $1,500 and 2004 max loss, you know that what you should do is sell it and that's a hard thing to do. It takes a lot of emotional willpower to press that cell button because what you naturally want to do is just go ahead and hold it and see if maybe it turns around right.

So that's like sitting down and meditating. You spend the whole time thinking about how you're gonna redecorate your living room. You're not really meditating, you're just giving it. You're giving into all these thoughts and so really.

conditioning yourself to become comfortable with this comfort is something that I've gotten from meditation which is number three and number four from an exercise routine. right? The exercise routine Again, for me, it's not that I don't enjoy some forms of exercise, but it's that most forms of exercise forced you to get your heart pounding and sweating and feeling at least some level of discomfort. Now that's in exchange for skiing down a hill or riding a bike which is mine. But that discomfort is something that for me I feel like just makes my capacity for mental compose each day that much higher exactly.

And that's what we need. And then I would say v 1 v 1 that's 6 v 1 and this is one that I'm still kind of experimenting with his acupuncture and this is one that I've only brought in after losing $50,000 but I was like, you know what? Nothing to better you know I don't know. A better testament to this huge loss than one needle for each dollar I went into the rep so you know the porcupine, but I'm over the acupuncturist. but it is again feeling it's feeling discomfort and breathing through it and having acceptance of it.

And I'm really trying to work on that because I'm trying to get better of myself. even me doing this for almost 10 years trying to get better at following my rules, right? I'm trying to be a more disciplined trader I'm trying to be a better role model for my students. And you know what I've learned here in this last 5% of the challenge? I Really hope goes a long ways for for students, All right. You know that these kind of struggles that I've had and you know that they aren't for nothing.
and I suppose the worst thing I could have done is gone from 992 thousand dollars down to nine 4v or so which is where I dropped and then down to nine hundred, right down to 850 and 750 and 600. And there are traders who have done that type of thing right. that one loss snowballs and compounds and they're not able to put the past behind them. And so today when I came into trade, I wasn't thinking about the fact that I am still red versus the beginning of this draw I was trading the market the rain philosophy, you know.

I was just trading the market I was in and trying to really be just sort of neutral from up from an emotional standpoint and the result was a positive Green Day $2,600 All right. So you know it's gonna take 20 more days like it, but that's okay. this is a step in the right direction and ultimately I'm learning something that I never would have learned if I had gone through this challenge right? So I Hope you guys have really enjoyed this has been you know, kind of pulling back the curtains on pretty much what sessions like us are like, where we talk about trading and you know kind of get into the struggles. and yeah, hope you guys have really enjoyed it.

comments below as always. for those of you guys are gonna watch just on YouTube or Facebook and I'll see you guys back in the chatroom. For those of you guys who remembers, if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I Upload new content.

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27 thoughts on “How to recover from a massive loss day trading”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George G says:

    I’ve taken a $80,000 account down to $400. Didn’t respect risk management on a trade and then began chasing the losses back. Pretty numb still but I know once I get my
    head straight I’ll make it back. 10k challenge 8 times over lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Focht says:

    Great. Cheers!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler F says:

    Can I have a 5-min conversation with you on the phone? Any understanding or consideration will be greatly appreciated.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kisu Ant says:

    So. Bit of a noob here. But when you say he took a loss. In my perhaps naive thinking, he bought stocks hoping to hit the green, but instead he hit the red creating the loss. But, he still owns the stocks right? So can't he just hold the stocks and sell when it bounces back? Cheers.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Loubinaddict says:

    It's the story of the rabbit and the turtle all over again

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Koldsen says:

    Lost 23 percent of my account today all because I didn’t follow my rules ! But it’s okay we will come back harder

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lovelyplanet says:

    P/L? more like NLP! SUBSCRIBE hahaha

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GarySAK _ says:

    Ross, this was great insight into the emotional aspect of day trading. You should make this a must watch for all of us in Warrior Pro course. Ive gotten comfortable with the technical part, but im still struggling with my emotions and rule following when trading real. I’m definitely going to follow your 5 recommendations minus acupuncture;)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Pilled Redman says:

    Sell stock and chill!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Pilled Redman says:

    200 a day nothing more than!K

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wɪl nai ˈsai says:

    Reaching the beyond of pushing yourself to sorta surpass the limits, once done and finally drilling down through those ill-at-ease backlashes of feeling what a lose accounts for, it gratefully makes it so easy to take the plunge with no pain at all. Literally, I bet none of the five or seven-year-experienced trader grasps with that ease why stepping back is worth playing but it is not all about getting back to the game with playing the same rules but coolness and patience. Indeed, what makes it so hard to figure it out, is the daily bias one as a trader has on his personal stuff in life and it goes all about mindfulness.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick says:

    I took a big loss today not selling at my stop loss exit. Needed to watch a video like this. Great video. Reflect, accept, learn from it. There’s another trading day tomorrow. I might not make all my losses back in one day but if I can take my profits when they come and take my small losses then that’s a successful day.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Gaines says:

    Ticker gain is it a winner or loser?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crispy Cream says:

    Never seen someone ramble so much

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThatGuyFromThatPlace says:

    I bought a 25 c homies figurine and got a single skittle… thinking about starting the second French Revolution

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheZacharyMartinShow says:

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars laffta says:

    We all lose in trading but what’s different between me and you u sell services and that is what keeps u trading I have a job that does that

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Ramos says:

    It finally bit you haha

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HedgeOwl Invest says:

    28k is not a lot :p

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Tumilty says:

    Another brilliant video.

    The one consistent message I hear from traders is the emotional aspect. To be able to reflect and disconnect from the emotion of trading.

    I love how you dont go into details but give just enough away to understand what is needed from a trader

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elias E. says:

    This is GREAT, Thank you so much for sharing this Ross!!!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave S says:

    Who is Ted?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars y0k0z00na says:

    Thanks for sharing Ross. I had my first red day today as a newbie trader. This video was very insightful and well timed for me.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shiny Love says:

    Thanks so much for this video ! I love and need 😉 videos about trading psychology! Hugs 🤗

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David C says:

    Thanks Ross needed this! Been on a losing streak and needed to reset.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Roth says:

    Ross, good analysis. Do you feel your trading rules fit your current experience as a seasoned trader?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 76ers says:

    I think Ross makes a good student in addition to being a good teacher. Not many people can sit and actually listen to advise from someone else without letting pride or ego take over. I love your analogies and metaphors too. As I said before, this is your Pixar story 🙂

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