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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? So here we are: Day Two of travelling: Trading Station Up Five thousand, Three Hundred Seventy Two dollars and Eight cents. Not a bad way to finish the week at all. The momentum is hot right now, pedal of the metal of being aggressive and hey guys, reminder this coming Monday When I'm back in my office I'm gonna host a workshop at 1:00 P.m. Eastern where I'm gonna walk you guys through my two favorite setups for trading hot stocks, buying a breakup, free market highs, and buying the first pullback.

So make sure you click the link below to register for the workshop and show up. If you can't show up, we will send your replays so we're looking forward to that. I'm going to be working on it on the flight home and I'll see you guys all first thing on Monday morning. Enjoy the weekend and as always any questions leave them below.

I'll answer them later today and through the weekend. Alright, see you guys on Monday Alright everyone So and we'll go over the trades from today. Finishing the week here with another green day not the biggest green day of the week or actually is it. mmm maybe it is up five thousand Three hundred Seventy two dollars? Yeah, not bad.

so that's a that's a solid way to finish what's been a pretty decent week, you know, growing the account making progress. I Did have a red day on Tuesday but I bounced back with a green day on Wednesday Thursday and now here. Friday So Green Four out of five days this week and it's going to put me up nicely both on the week and on the month for sure. Definitely puts me up over fifty thousand dollars on the month of May which is not bad at all.

You know it's May seventeenth here and we still have two full weeks left in the month. so if I can average ten thousand a week, that will put me up around seventy thousand on the month. And hey, you know if we have a couple of you know really nice big winning trades? Well you know this could end up getting up into the 80s or 90s which is always nice. You know one of the things that I love is months where I can you know get a little bit of a get ahead of my monthly goal which I'm a head of because my monthly goal is 40 grams.

so anything I can get you know a head on it just means that if I have a month in August or September where I'm a little behind my monthly goal I can afford it. I've already got the cushion from an earlier month so you know that makes me feel confident, makes me feel like I've been in the driver's seat and then you know if I end up having great months in August and September or whatever you know might be a typical slow month, then that's just even better. So anyways, let's look at the three stocks I traded today: BOS c 5400 dollars of profit bli yen, eight hundred and twenty six dollars and then o TK nine hundred and forty six dollars of loss and I'm a little bummed out about Otk because it's up fifty five percent right now and I missed a really nice five-minute setup on it right here because I was trading other stocks which was fine. Bo SC was definitely the right one to focus on at that time, but I missed this opportunity and I tried to jump in right here thinking that it was doing the second 5-minute pullback and it was going to, you know, go up to three dollars.
I was looking at the gap-fill on the daily chart. this yellow line right here just actually had 306 if I'm going to draw it correctly, but I you know that one. I was wrong on and I I took twelve thousand shares which maybe was a little aggressive, you know I was kind of thinking that this one was moving a little slower I didn't have as much, but I was risking on it. But just like that, you know, nine hundred dollars in the red so you know that's that's the way it goes.

This is one of those days where you know you've got stock that's made a really big move, but doesn't mean it's always going to be easy to trade and I'm going to be the guy that's read on it. Buying it kind of just the wrong spot and only taking one trade and having it fail. missing the better opportunities earlier in the day. but on BOS C I did well.

So this one honestly is a little disappointing. You can see here how it kind of had ramping up volume right in here. volume was ramping up I'll show it just like this so right in here, volume start picking up and you can see it kind of taken off right here. I sort of wrote off the stock initially and when I don't know if it was when it first hit the scans or when someone mentioned it in the chat room, but I was like Bo SC yeah, I've traded that one before I don't recall it being anything super exciting.

so I just yeah, right right down here around 266. That's when it first hit the scanners and at that time I was only up two percent on the day you know it was moving and have a high relative volume, but five five times relative volume. but I just wasn't really sure about it. so I kind of didn't pay a lot of attention to it and then it comes back up on the scanner here at 68 70, 85 and that's when I was like, you know what? I think this thing is going to break over $3 so I jumped in for the break of three I jumped in basically Susan hit the scanner right here around 948 949 I got in for the break of three it breaks three squeezes up to 321 and I add another 3,000 shares at 321 going into a circuit breaker halt, then it's halted for 10 minutes.

It's halted for 10 minutes because it moved more than 10% in less than five minutes. Nine out of ten times stocks a halt going up open higher and in fact this did. It ended up opening at 344 so it opened about 23 cents higher which is like 8% higher on a you know low price stock and it squeezes up to 362 I added at 350 for that squeeze up to 360, it hits 360, it pulls back for a second, it comes back up I add again at 359 it fails and I stop as it comes back down. so you know on this one I ended up having 12,000 shares as I added and added right up here and it moved my cost basis you know from I don't know to 90 to 315 to 320 all the way up to 330 I think that was maybe or three 330 something I don't remember but I moved my cost basis up because I kept adding as it was squeezing up and you know that just ended up not being the right way to trade this.
I thought because this was sort of the one stock that was taken off here on Friday that it was going to give us a much bigger move. You know, seeing the volume coming into it and I was I was just I Guess wrong on that. So the high was 362 and then it ended up coming all the way back down basically to 278. It had news this morning.

It also had a decent daily chart and you know in total I was I was able to make money on it, but gosh, you know this would have been a much better trade if it had opened and squeezed into a second circuit breaker halt at 375 and then made a move up to for 450. Then the 12,000 share position would have been a $10,000 winner. Potentially more, but you know that's not what ended up happening with this one. So again, you know that battle leaving money on the table versus giving back profits I gave back maybe a little bit of profits on this being too aggressive.

Let me stand up. scroll to the top of the scanner. So RBZ is on the scanner right now. One point one seven million share float.

This one is definitely a former runner. It's got a history of making some really big moves as we know. I mean float the level 2 on RBC and circuit breaker hauled I can see right away is 684. it's that yellow.

It's that red line in the warrior pro classes I Show you guys how to add this to your level 2 so you can get a sense of when it's the stock and get halted. That's important information for me to know because as stocks are approaching circuit breaker halts, that means they're up. you know, 7, 8, 9 almost 10 percent in the last 5 minutes. That tells us the rate of change is really fast.

So when I pull up a stock and I see that it's still 40 cents away from the Hall That tells me that Yes, it's up quite a bit, but it's not up. maybe enough. It's not extreme enough. and I like to trade extremes by trading extremes.

I'm capitalizing on the highest amounts of volatility in the market and so yeah on this one. I'm right now I'm not that I don't see that there would have been opportunities like maybe back here, but you know I miss I missed that. So now the opportunity up in this area isn't quite set up just right yet. and also remember it's Friday You know a lot of traders call it a day at 10:00 a.m.

on Friday You know you trade for an hour, hour and a half, whatever and then then you're gone. So you got to be consistent about booking those profits, not giving them back I was up 6300 and then I gave back a thousand on OTL K You know, certainly if I stick around and really watch this, maybe there'll be other opportunities. But you know I'm in California And You know, Sun's out, so you know might as well enjoy the day and take the $5,300 and and get out. And maybe I'm leaving a little money on the table.
but I'm paying myself. I'm walking away green and any day you're doing that, you're doing. You know what? Nine Ten Traders haven't figured out how to do consistently consistent profits? That's your job. Get in the market.

Find that one. Maybe two opportunities to capture a little profit? Get out. Don't give it back now. Monday 1:00 p.m.

Eastern I'm gonna host a free workshop. We're going to talk about two of my favorite setups: buying the break or pre market highs and buying the first pullback. This is a first pullback set up. right? Here was it? ELT K This one yesterday gave us a first pullback set up right here.

I'm trying to remember the one earlier in the week. PDFs B was the break of pre market highs. so this set up back here on Tuesday or Monday I can't remember Wednesday that was break a pre market Hodge So I'm going to host this workshop Monday 1:00 p.m. Eastern Any of you guys there in the chat room if you're on, you know, just chattri membership.

you're not in the classes. any of you guys watching on Facebook on YouTube that you know have any interest in learning a little bit more about how this strategy works. How I was able to take $583 and turn it into over a million dollars in just over two years? Make sure you register to the workshop, show up 1:00 p.m. Eastern If you can't attend, we will send you a replay, but I'm really looking forward to it on the flight home over the weekend.

I'm going to be working on my slides and adding a bunch of recent examples and stuff like that, so this is going to be a lot of fun. The link is in the description for you guys to register so you guys can go ahead and do that for everyone here in the chatroom. I'll give you the link right here, you know I don't mind waking up early in California to trade I mean I I go to obviously try to go to bed early so I'm not exhausted but I really don't mind it all that much. It's kind of nice to be able to have the day a whole day in front of you you know and be done trading it.

I don't know, you know what? what time is it locally it's it's only 7:45 and I'm definitely done trading so that's pretty cool. You guys who are out here, you can trade and then go to your day job if you want to. and I have a lot of students that that do exactly that. It allows them to start making little money in the market kind of.

you know, getting into it and then you know, still having the stability of their regular full-time job. So anyways I think that's about it here today OBL I am I forgot to cover that one RBZ moving just a little bit more volume on the one-minute Let's see, it's kind of tapering off a little bit. This is a little higher risk plin that was high Damos scanner as well. So this scanner right here that help me find plin in real time jumped into it looking for the break of $6 ended up only making about 826 dollars on it.
and yeah oh Tlk I you know I I underestimated it. it's it is up 55% 43 million shares of volume in this area. It was kind of, you know, under $2 right at $2 I'm not really as much into that price range lately I kind of prefer closer to 3 to 5 or 6. So initially I was like I have the prices a little on the low side, seems really crowded, seems like it's gonna be more of a grind or stock, not a breakout stock.

and then by this time when this was happening this 5 into consolidation you know I was still kind of just that was I think right after B OSC or while I was still in the trade right around 10:00 a.m. and I was like totally focused on that. So you know I missed this opportunity and that's how it goes sometimes. I mean you know it's opportunity cost which one was better for me to focus on Made 5400 here.

if I had bought 12 thousand shares of this, you know down here, well you know I guess I could have made maybe a little bit more on this trade, but you know you have to look at the 1-minute chart to really see how you would have traded it at least for my strategy and kind of pops up to 20 drops back down here, squeezes up here, drops way back down here, you know, and then takes off so you know a little choppy I don't know exactly how I would have traded it, but anyways I Hope you guys have a great weekend. Those of you guys who are already in the classes study up this weekend. Monday Morning will be here before you know it and right now you know the markets hot. We're seeing some great opportunities so it's time to, you know I Think continue to try to dig deep, be aggressive, put the pedal to the metal capitalized as much as possible and you know, prepare for you know, the next slow patch whether it's in June or it's in July or it's in August You know time will tell, but now try to stash away some of those profits now.

So when things do get slow, you're not. You know you're not getting getting nervous. All right everyone. I'll see you guys first thing on Monday morning if you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video.

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By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “A great way to finish the week! $5,372 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan King says:

    When short sellers cover their positions does this cause stock prices to rise or drop?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A- L says:

    If the float is very low and somehow I cannot sell my stocks at the price I set, what should I do? For example I set the sell price 1 cent above the ask, but the price is quickly dropping, what should I do? Thanks

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Thomas says:

    Hey Ross when do you go live and do you have classes or one on ones membership?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oliver howton says:

    How long was it between booting up the computer and finishing?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yaroslav Honcharenko says:

    My congradulation with 400 subs Ross!!^^ And Nice green day, no doubt!)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve H says:

    Ross, who makes those extra led panels you have on your laptop and do the attachment clips come with them? Thanks for the info!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IMACS SMZBF says:

    Hi Ross, hi guys l am new here & new at stock trading but l want to learn to trade (the Ross Cameron way) so please help…
    I am a Zimbabwean residing in South Africa.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TAURUS STARCHILD says:

    Have a training conference at Streamsong Resort.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Lopez says:

    Nice comeback Ross

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars _ Akraised79 _ says:

    What are the specs on that 2 other screen Ross?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Garapati Saikiran says:

    Can you please send the recording to that webinar as I m not able to join

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BradyGaming says:

    Am i doing good can you answer okay. Im using only a $3,000 dollar account now and Monday i made $110 Tuesday was $228 and Wednesday it wouldn't let me sell at 99$profit or id be a pattern day trade and today i made $120

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars roberto torres says:

    Hey Ross thank you for the free classes and recaps I’m learning a lot

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed says:

    what about your internet connection I'm concerned, I travel also and I do not trust the motel internet

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leconte says:

    Good trading Ross. I hit my weekly loss on Thursday, therefore decided to shut it down for the week. However, I'm still green for the month

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Houston Cranford says:

    Way to go Ross, 4 green out of 5 for me too, I'm still working on $100 a day my friend!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MMD HUSTLING says:

    Hi, i really need some tips. I am only 16 years old which means i don't have alot of money to invest into stocks, i currently have 4 nvidia shares and that takes up almost 50% of my total funds. I want to hold nvidia but i don't know if i should i sell off right now or should i hold? I have heard that some people think that it will go below 150$ later. Thankful for tips or if you have a prediction! (i am from sweden so i apologize if i made any mistakes when writing this text)

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Harnack says:

    How is it that you can tell the halt is coming ahead of time? Thanks!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TradingMonkey says:

    great trading! green is green…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Wilson says:

    Awesome job Ross. Here’s a question for us newbie traders.

    Re-watching your first few $583 challenge videos, you mentioned that your goal was to get 0.20 of profit per trade and then get out to help grow the account, using a 0.10 stop. But I’ve found, and I know others have found, is that sometimes 0.20 can be a tough goal to reach, especially on a $2 stock which would account for a 10% move. And a 0.10 stop on an $8 or $9 stock seems really tight. Ideally, breakout or bailout yes, but sometimes that doesn’t always pan out and with small accounts, losses/tight stops can have a big effect on your account.

    Would you say it might be better for newbie traders to maybe shoot for a 5% goal per trade, with a 2.5% stop in the beginning? This would mean a 0.10 goal, 0.05 stop on a $2 stock, and a 0.40 goal, 0.20 stop on an $8 stock which doesn’t seem to be too big of a move with the higher price stocks, or what do you think?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kareeb beckham says:

    Hey Ross. I used my hot key to get into the Bosc halt at 3.21. My order was rejected and it said outside of max size and I saw the rejection price of 3.91. Any reason for that to happen? Thanks

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guewen Veilhon says:

    Please Ross, show us your orders, I'm always with you in the chatroom, but I need to compare with my orders to improve my trading.

    Thank you.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ely Pelowski says:

    Nice Job Ross. I got back in the saddle and traded on a Friday and came out green. I traded $OTLK for break of pre-market resistance of $1.85. I put in a LMT order just above and got filled at $1.86. Definitely left money on the table as I got out at my first profit target. Green is good though. Cheers !

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Mikuš says:

    quality only 360p or its only me ?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bull Force Trading says:

    Ross, how come you don't use the big screen in the hotel rooms for your platform? Plenty of screen space or you're just more comfortable having multiple screens when traveling?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 19alexander95 says:

    Yesterday OTLK went down after breaking resistance, since then i have no trust in this stock anymore for some stupid reason >,<
    i had/have the feeling i can't read this stock, what is just stupid.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NYSE:BULLS says:

    Really close to shorting BOSC but missed it… Oh well, there's always next time! Nice work Ross.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Mojet says:

    What scanner do you use?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 420 says:

    Great day for you, sir!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E C says:

    Greetings Ross. First off, thank you for all the advice and help you're throwing out there on YouTube. I've downloaded the ebook, bought a hard copy and am running through all of your videos. I was laid off and collecting unemployment for the past month but another thing I'm collecting is confidence through the knowledge you've provided. I wish I had a few grand to participate in your classes or even to use the simulator but it isn't feasible at the moment. I'd give anything for those scanners! I'm afraid that I'm going to land a job before I actually start trading and lose the momentum I feel I've gained. I'm in the process of funding a cmeg account with $800 to conservatively start trading. I'm no gambler and I feel I do have much self discipline to know when to walk away or set up my stops. I guess this is just a long thank you for taking the time to do what you're doing and hopefully soon I'll be right with ya. If/when I do get started and find success, you'd have to receive most, if not all of that credit and hopefully I can be another addition to your success stories. Again, thank you! Best wishes and safe travels good friend. See ya Monday.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ulises Bernales says:

    Yeah bro i live in CALI and thats what i like i trade in the morning and then i have the rest of the day to do what i wish😁

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pepsis Formosa says:

    Where did you buy your monitor set up?

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Razor72144 says:

    Hi Ross, I won't able to make your seminar due to working (residing in the UK).
    Can you send me the reply plz

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars It'll Burn Off says:

    Excellent as always !!!
    I'll be in your chat room by next week !!

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