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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone Alright, so here we are Wednesday morning finishing the day up $3,700 which is terrific. So a nice green day, a bounce off of yesterday's red day. The big mover today DMP I wasn't on the watch list but starting to take off. Had news out this morning and it squeezed up actually just about a hundred percent which is impressive so I was able to capture some profit along the way.

I wasn't as aggressive in the early part of the move as I could have been because of course you know in the last few weeks being aggressive hasn't worked. So I was a little conservative in the beginning I got a little aggressive towards the end. Took one loss which gave back about 1/3 of my profit and then one winter which got me back up to the highs. So I could have done better if I was more aggressive early on, but there was no way to know that this was going to be the one that finally opened up and then it wasn't gonna just pop up ten or fifteen cents and then get slammed right back down.

So I think I traded it the right way. But if we can, do you see this type of mentum momentum tomorrow and Friday? Well, then maybe I'll start picking up the pace a little bit, trying to be a little more aggressive. Reminder tomorrow: 1:00 p.m. Eastern We're hosting a free workshop.

so those of you guys who wanna learn how to trade up every 3ds dedication, discipline, and drive I expect that you guys will register. You will show up and you'll try to learn as much as you can about my strategy. This is gonna be a really great about it. So that's tomorrow.

1:00 p.m. Eastern and everyone else I'll see you first thing live-streaming 9:15 The Watchlist tomorrow morning. Alright, see that All right. So we're gonna go over the traits from this morning.

Hey Green Day Three thousand seven hundred ninety seven dollars and 73 cents is not bad. It could have been a little better, but pull out the calendar to mark it down, make it official. So I've got my calendar back filled in the last few weeks of trading, which have been, you know, not super impressive. But today we saw a glimmer of hope, a little bit of momentum and it was on.

DMP Eye, which actually squeezed up 100 percent from a low of a dollar twenty five to a high of two dollars and sixty six cents. So I took a number of trades on this stock in a few different places starting the day. This was not on my watch list. In fact, my watch list was basically there's nothing that looks good today.

JMC II This one is. It was a gapper but was already trending down pre market so I knew that this one wasn't gonna be easy to trade. I Didn't want to switch and try to trade to the short side. You know when you're in a little bit of a rut, the last thing you want to do is start messing around with your strategy.

You don't want to trade. What you know generally works. No, you know generally means that over the course of weeks and months you've been, you know, consistent with a strategy. and just right now, you're experiencing a little bit of a cold streak.
So do my switch gears and tried to do short positions on J NCE Although that would have worked out okay vis l gapping up 12% but this one has had a really rough time the last few weeks, hasn't had a single green day and I just don't see a lot of potential in it. So I'm being on the cheaper side, it just wasn't interested. so I left that one alone. Alright, so I'm gonna pull that and then these ones I didn't really look at this I don't know I just I think when I was looking at the gap scan, it wasn't Didn't have much volume at all.

so nothing they are too expensive. I didn't look at this one a little over $10 Not enough volume. too expensive, too cheap, floats too high, none the volume. not enough volume.

Too expensive, too expensive, too cheap, too expensive. So basically we didn't have much of a watchlist this morning and I didn't take my first trade. but really, it was until DMP I Not just hit the scanner which was at 39 and 45, but until it really opened up because what happened on this one was it hit the scanner and right away it had a big seller. So let's I don't see any stock at the moment and that has a particularly big sellers tray.

I Don't know if anyone knows the one that right now happens to have a really big seller, but in any case you know DMP I when when I first pulled it up had on the ask a 77,000 share seller at $1 44. so it pops up and immediately has the seller and I just thought you know what this this thing is, it's not gonna go anywhere. This is just the same typical stuff we've been seeing and I was watching it but I didn't even prepare an order for it because of that big seller at 44. Well it broke through that seller right here and popped up to a high of 68.

It then does a pullback and I took a scalp trade right here. On this first pullback, we got to move up to 90. I Took another trade on this pullback here and this one gave us a nice move up to a high of 320 i sorry 220 which was awesome. I took another trade here and then I took another trade right in here and actually gave back a little profit.

I took one more trade right here and gave back a little more profit so that was a little and then I took one more trade right here I actually bought right here, held for a second and then boom that breakout gave me a nice win. So finishing at high of day on this stock my personal high a day of 37 a hundred dollars which is great while DMP I was squeezing up you can see moving up on the scanner see you are hit the scanner. very low flow but like volume no news didn't do anything DMP I'm moving higher s GM a that one hits the scanner and I did jump in I tried to take a scalp and you can see it popped up, dropped down popped back up. not the easiest I made 47 dollars on it which is just great that I didn't lose on it but DNP I was the big win today.
We had a catalyst. We had a great daily chart with room up to the 200 moving average somewhat recent reversible at History of making big moves despite the fact that that move got you know completely retraced. So nice opportunity, especially considering the market we've been in I could have been I you know on this one right here I did I did give back about $1300 so I went up 3500 and then or 3400 and then was up only 2100. So I was kind of disappointed that I've given back that much on that trade I really thought at that moment which was like right here that this thing was gonna break right over to 40 and we were gonna squeeze right to 250 and then right here it comes up a second time, it fails and then it comes up a third time and I was like you know I'm gonna do it I really think it's gonna break that level and they stepped up to the plate and then I added at the break of 40 we broke I think I added at 45 or something like that third I camera.

But anyways I went for that break that scalp over the highs and we got the move right here up to 66. So the cleanest breakouts really this one and and this one took a long time. So you know the lesson here being that sometimes the cleanest moves are early in the breakout and sometimes when it gets kind of, you know, overcrowded. In this period of choppiness, it starts to get a little bit more difficult to tray.

So I'll be glad that I've got a green day That's puts me back to being green on the week. Not by a lot, but hey, green on the week is great and let me show you guys where I'm sitting at on the month not including today. So let's see. All right so this is July that's gross so this is gonna be my let's see is that right? And that doesn't include yesterday.

so it doesn't include the loss from yesterday. But you know, not in the best shape on the month, but 72 percent accuracy? Not bad, right? So the accuracy is good. The problem this month has been that I haven't had big winners. My average losers about $1,200 That's not unusual if I look at going back to the first of the year.

average losers are about 1100 so that's not uncommon. The problem has just really been that this this month and even this year my average winners have been a little bit smaller, which isn't great. It's certainly not nice to see this negative profit loss ratio this month. This is sort of the most extreme that that has been I think it was through they chaired the fact that we just haven't seen a lot of good follow-through So a lot of my winning trades have ended up being small because we haven't had those big home runs.

You know, my biggest game this month hasn't only been sixty six hundred dollars, which you know is good, but Biggest Loser 3700? you know, just we haven't seen a lot of those home runs. So I've been grinding on smaller numbers, but you know I'm making progress now I Had a good mentor session with my inner circle students yesterday and we were talking about you know, because he said, well, this is frustrating because I was doing so well back in in gym you know and I don't really get what's going on so let's look at an overview here of the let's see calendar for the month of June. So the first half of June you know this was the first two weeks of June right here and you can see I was doing pretty well. Ten thousand, twenty Three hundred A hundred seventy-five hundred Eight thousand a red Danette down ten grand Next day I was up.
Twenty grand, Twenty Two hundred, forty seven hundred, forty Seven hundred. So you know in these two weeks here, I was up like fifty grand and then things started to turn around and so my student was also doing really, really well during those first two weeks. And then he was feeling frustrated because he said I'm not doing anything different I'm just feel like I'm not making as much money And so what we talked about was the importance of being able to adapt the strategy to the market that you're in because doing the exact same thing every day and he was saying like I'm doing the same exact thing every day I don't understand why I'm getting different results. It's actually not the right approach.

What well you got to do is you got to be able to adapt your strategy slightly to the market that is in front of you and so talked about NASCAR right? And I'm not a big NASCAR person, but I think it's a good analogy. So you know with NASCAR you've got to tune your car to the track that you're on and if you've got you know conditions on the track like you've got, you know, rain or something like that, you need to adjust the car to those conditions. and so we need to adjust our strategies to the condition of the market. We can't control the market, we can only adapt to the market that we're in.

and so if we're in a cold market, we got to bring down the power a little bit on this engine. I can't be trading with you know, 20,000 shares on every single trade I Take I've got a trade with smaller size until I See you know, the track drying out and all of a sudden we get an opportunity. Something starts to open up and I'm gonna put the pedal to the metal really quickly that way I'm gonna capitalize on that opportunity and try to make up ground, but you know to think that okay I'm just gonna come in and do the exact same thing every day. I Understand that logic a hundred percent.

But what I have found is that it. You'll do better if you learn to, you know, throttle back through a cold market and then put the pedal to the metal with I know right? and Sunoco sign. put the pedal to the metal on. you know, when it's when the markets hot.

Alright, so um, you know that's just my kind of two cents on it. and maybe something that I'm gonna work on is developing within the strategy classes, a framework for hot market strategy and cold market strategy So you can sort of see how I tune the strategy to the market that we're in. and that's you know. Yes, this is not gonna be my most impressive month here.
you know the month of June or July but um, you know I'm still sitting in great shape for the year and that's because I go high I go aggressive on the markets hot and then I tune things down when the market is is slower and so I'm generally able to, you know, get through the cold streaks without you know, getting beaten up too much. and then when we do have, when things pick up and I do start to see some really big momentum, you know I get aggressive quickly and then capitalize so you know Monday was a green day I made only two hundred and sixty seven dollars, We just didn't see a lot of momentum, you know? And then today, all of a sudden Momentum's back. I'm stepping up the share size and trying to make the most of it knowing that this has to tide me over for possibly a couple of days. it's possible to tomorrow we won't see a lot of momentum and I gotta just go back to trading with small size.

So reminder tomorrow 1:00 P.m. Eastern Free Workshop Encourage you guys to register if you haven't already. those you guys that you know are really sitting on the sidelines. but why not learn more about this strategy? It's a good time.

You're gonna get a lot of free info so that's tomorrow. 1:00 p.m. Eastern Hopefully we start the day with some more green trades. I'd really like to finish up this this week and really the rest of the month.

you know, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 more Green Day's That would be a really nice way to finish the month and then you know going into August it's a great time to be again focused on discipline. We're gonna see some opportunities like we saw today on D MPI but they will be fewer and further between. August Often is a slower time in the market, but that means it's a great time to be studying. Great time to be practicing because when the market does pick back up in September October November You want to be ready so you can be locking up some real profits during the strongest time of the year.

You know, if you're trading the simulator during the strongest time of the year, that's great. You're gonna feel like you're making money in the Sim, but really nice to be making some real money during that time here. So practice now and get yourself ready for the fall and the winter because that's when things are really going to pick up. Alright everyone, that's it for me! I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

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24 thoughts on “Trading like a tyrannosaurus rex! $3,700 ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Mercy says:

    Hi Ross I am a total beginner, I do not even know how to open an account. What course do you recommend.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mo Bill says:

    Hi Ross I need to purchase ur scanners settings and I tried but couldn’t find it anywhere?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    Hi Ross, were you getting in at the pullback or the first candle to make the new high?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roger Roth says:

    Hi Ross, was in the chat room when you landed that trade. Nicely done. Learning a lot-especially how thorough your course is. It's starting to click for me. Did you have a huge learning curve in seeing the patterns when you first started in this business or was it easy for you to grasp? Thx Ross

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Avalanche83 says:

    Dang ross nice! I unfortunately gave back the profits i made last month, in this months trading … not to happy about that. Trying to get back in the saddle.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kjc9 trader says:

    …is your scanner also part of the TOS platform?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blue Marlin says:

    Hi Ross I'm really happy for your green day
    Maybe this is your new lucky tshirt

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Sanders says:

    Congrats Ross. Keep your momentum going…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pedro Tavarez says:

    Latino for Trump 2020

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Parmeet Singh says:

    Monopoly challenges you!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HELL RISERC00KS 0 says:

    Amazing job Ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Woods says:

    Awesome congrats Ross! I traded the same ticker and lost money ($130), but excited I found the same stock and I feel like I'm on the right track, just hesitated in entering before that rip up to 2.66. My main challenge right now is I'm hesitating when I see a good pullback and it ripping without me then getting in too late chasing. Gonna stop trading real money for the week but will keep tuning in. My goal is to join your chat room once I prove to myself I can be consistently profitable using your strategy. I know I can be quick just need to get my timing down and trust myself and pull the trigger in those key clutch moments when the window of opportunity presents itself. I read your book and really appreciate you giving out so much free content! Good luck keeping those green days coming!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james jones says:

    Oh yea, I like t-rex.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pure Technical Analysis says:

    Am I the only one who think that Mr.Cameron look like Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"?😀

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Sig says:

    When you anticipate a break over resistance or flag pattern, do you look at the time and sales more than the level 2 so see if a lot of buys are coming in?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flowerhour says:

    I said in chat it felt like a Green Day!! Way to go Ross. And I'm green with ya!😄

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tree Climber says:

    beast mode activated

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:

    Nice job Ross!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stack Trader says:

    Went in the hole with JNCE. Climbed out with DMPI. Wish I was more aggressive but I'm using smaller size due to the market lately. Hopefully momentum picks up so I can start using larger size!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Hall - Day Trading says:

    Finally something moved! Nice Job

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Hummus says:

    Consistent as always. Working myself consistently every day and practicing my trading to make consistent results.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pierce Bourgeois says:

    $DMPI was the only real player today

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kahelper Family says:

    Great day

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trelyn Pounds says:

    Today is a great stock day…. good luck guys….

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