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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Hey everyone! Alright so here we are finishing the week with a great day up almost four thousand dollars I traded in two accounts to say my main account and my retirement account which is good, making progress on both sides and I'm just happy to finish the week here. Well Thursday mm Friday 4 grand So six thousand dollars in the last two days is terrific finish to the week. So a green week that's what I wanted. That's what I needed and we had a really great opportunity today.

so we'll break it down in the recap. we'll talk about the entries, the exits, how I found it how I knew pre market when it was up only about a hundred percent that this stock had the potential to make a big move. Alright so and remember tomorrow 12:00 noon Eastern I'm gonna go live on Facebook and YouTube We're all be talking about whether or not we're going to be seeing a recession and from my standpoint, some questions about gold trades Etf's like the fix trading, spy calls and putts and how to capitalize on the crazy volatility that we've been seeing in the last few weeks of the market. So stay tuned for that and I'll see you guys all hopefully tomorrow at noon and the rest to you London work all right everyone.

So and we're gonna do our midday market recap here for today. not a bad day. Mm $311 Well that's in my main account and I made another 1643 in my retirement account. So $4,000 a day? Well just about that keeps the job away and it's all thanks to PS TV It's the only stock I traded.

so this one, you know we had an under watchlist this morning. This is gonna be a good example to add to the classes. so you know, let me grab this screen shot and let me ask you guys. hold on.

Let me login to the chat room on this computer and then I can screen share. Let's see a new chat login that's gonna kick me. No, that's fine. I can do that.

Let's go. That's not a problem. all right. So I'm gonna lock myself in here on my other computer.

So what I want you guys to do is those of you who are in the chat room. do me a favor and type how much you made on Pts V today. Let's see Yeah I'm gonna try to gotta refresh this and then I'll put it up on screen share for those of you guys who are smoked out, I'm already in the room. What? Why is it doing this to me? Hang on one second.

I gotta log into the dashboard. What's it at now? 1234? All right. So small-cap I'm going here around the other way to get in. All right.

So there we go. So let me let me let me call up some of these. All right? So I know some of you guys posted your PNL a little earlier and there's only 960 of you guys still in the room. There's a nice $10,000 one from Chris 180 from Jason Good work.

Let's see, here's another one from Mike 115. All right, not bad, not bad. You know, making some progress there. Like to see some bigger numbers 404 for Gerald Looking good here we go.

All righty be a thousand Nathan 340 Nasim 5000 Matt 536 for 60309 464 800, 900 Two hundred, Two hundred, Thirty-five hundred Eight thousand Vlad Nice work. A couple bigger trades there. a thousand I mean you guys are doing well. So Crystal, you're in the red.
All right. Well you know. look I get back to the drawing board unless you were short this stock. You know there's no reason to be red because this is such a good quality set up.

but you know everyone's in different places in their education and I know I've watched more than my fair share any quality setups before 6750 5,800 Nice work guys. So really good. That's what I like to see. All right.

So those of you guys on YouTube and Facebook get inspired and get excited. You know a lot of people been talking this week. Recession market crashes a thousand points. We had a thousand points swing here.

from the top on Wednesday or Tuesday to the drop on Wednesday the bounce here, another dropped Thursday bouncing back up a little on Friday So a thousand points swing in the market. You know people definitely talking a lot about buying gold talking about TV I xu vxy trading the VIX you know, spy calls by put while mostly spy puts, but some people may be trading spy calls off the 200 so we're going to talk about that a little bit on in tomorrow's Facebook and YouTube live that I'm gonna host. But one of the things that I will say is that despite this week being a week of recession fears and this and that, I'm gonna be finishing in the Green 4000 today two thousand yesterday. Yes, I did lose 2,900 on Wednesday but I made two grand on Monday and about 400 on Tuesdays.

So you know I'm gonna walk away green on the week which is terrific, you know and overall feeling a little bit better about the momentum and pts. V Our PS TV was straight off the watchlist, so let's break it down this morning. let's go back to time frame historical data: 9:15 a.m. So at 9:15 a.m.

this morning, this stock was at 8 dollars and 30 cents and I knew that it was going to be worth trading for a couple of reasons. This met all of my criteria for being a stock worth trading. Those you guys who have read my book, those of you guys who are in the starter class in the pro class, or those of you guys who have watched any of my workshops or webinars, you know that I've got a 5 point criteria for identifying a stock with homerun potential. The first: I evaluate the price, then I look at the gap, then I look at the float, then I look at the volume and then I look at the news catalyst and what I'm essentially doing is I'm evaluating whether or not this stock is going to have an imbalance between you know, supply and demand, right? So when we've got a very low amount of supply which this stock has a float of less than a million shares, you know really realistically, it doesn't take a whole lot of demand to create the imbalance on this one that has resulted in a move right now up 230% But I believe the high was right around 300 percent, which is pretty incredible.
So this met my criteria for being a stock worth trading. So then Ross you know, why didn't you just buy it at eight dollars a hundred thousand shares and you know, hold the whole thing up here till you know 14 or 15 and you would have made three or four hundred thousand dollars. Yeah, well, maybe six hundred thousand if I really did it Well Okay, so there's a couple things here. Number one: Pre market we only had seven hundred thousand shares of volume and we had fairly big spreads, so that would have prohibited me from buying a hundred thousand shares.

Without a doubt, I would have had a lot of slippage. Even buying ten or fifteen thousand shares would have probably been I would have had maybe twenty. a sense of slippage. Maybe thirty.

So you know slippage is one factor. There's a limit because the supply level is so low it is a little bit more difficult to get in and get out. We had this pre market consolidation here and my first trade on this was let's see we had this move here up to that level. so this was the spot that I was watching right here.

890 All right. So 890 was the pre market pivot and you can see we have this pullback. This move up and then this pullback. Now what I noticed was that the stock was trending up right.

had a low here and a low here but not as low so it's trending up. So we had this little kind of period of consolidation pre market the bell rings and we break that level so I buy for the scalp there and it moves up to 960 for it, then pulls back and pops up to a high of 990. So right in here we have the first trade which was decent but not a total home run. if then comes back up right here and gives another opportunity for a little scalp.

Over 950 a scalp is a small trade, a small win and that was from 950 up to 1070. It then drops and and does this false breakout right here. So when it did this false breakout it hit 1021 and then dropped right here. I Sort of thought this five-minute pattern is broken because it's come up, it's come down nice and then when it failed right here that for me was was kind of a red flag and I was like I don't know if I like the look out of it.

Now for those that are wondering, you know where are these levels coming from. they're actually coming from the daily chart. so on the daily chart right here I looked over to the left to see where we would see resistance and this is based on gaps in Windows that's part of chapters four and five of the Warrior Pro course. So we had right here 1072 that was the high of this level.

We had this high right here. we had this one right here. We had this one right here, right here, a small one right there that I didn't choose to mark and then we had right here and right here. So I knew that once we broke over 1298 this level we have lots of room up to 1550 so we'll switch back to the five minute time frame and you'll see we've got Twelve, Ninety Eight and then 1550.
So as we got into these Moot these levels where it started to open up, the the momentum really accelerated. Now on this break here of ten twenty I actually got back in at I believe it was 975 maybe 968 for the break anticipating a break of ten. but I didn't know if it would work really well. We came up to ten and that was right here.

We hit well. First it came in 975 and then dropped. Then it came up to ten and dropped all the way back down to nine Thirty. Kind of a false breakout.

and then it came up to ten and dropped down to 966. And then it ripped up and got halted at 1054. So it did sort of a false start there. And for me, I'm at a place where typically at this point in the month I've already either gotten halfway to my profit target on the month which is $40,000 So I'm up 20 grand or I've already hit my profit target on the month and anything extra is icing on the cake.

But that's not the case this month. So because this month I'm a little behind my target, I'm having to be a lot more disciplined while you know the other kids are out partying I got to still study I've got to work hard I've got to just be really, you know, disciplined about taking my profit when I have it because I'm not really in the driver's seat yet and sometimes that happens and it's not, you know it's it's not totally unusual, but because I'm in that position as soon. because and because it did this sort of false start here and false start here as soon as it broke I wanted to add but I didn't want to add full size and so because I didn't want to add full size I had to go in here instead of taking shift one and pressing for three thousand shares. So if I go ZB z CT this is a Nasdaq test stock shift one I'm in this with three thousand shares just like that.

Okay, well I didn't want to take three thousand shares of the stock because I didn't want to lose potentially fifteen hundred bucks and so I had to come down here and you know, real quick. You know, type in a thousand shares and then you know type in where I want to place the order and by the time I did that and have my hand ready for the buy button, it broke without me and so then I was like I'll shoot it broke without me. So I was like you know, shift exit I'm gonna take some profits so ZB you know I'm in and now sell half and sell half and just like that, I'm taking some profit and then it goes into the halt and I'm like alright, well I guess I'll hold the rest through the halt but I really kind of, you know, didn't trade this to the max. I could have done so much better.

It comes out of the halt and squeezes from ten fifty all the way up till Eleven seventy. over a dollar per share and then it drops down to ten sixty. It looks like it's about the halt going down and then it bounces back up to eleven seventy. It then pulls back and then I got back in right here for the break of twelve.
So now I'm back in and squeezing up and it gets halted up here at 1283. It then resumes, it flashes down and then rips back up and I add it again at 12:23 for the move here higher. let's see when it hit 30 or 15 35 by that point I was all out I had sold the last my position on this candle here so you know I booked some profit on it and and and did okay and I feel good about that. You know right now as its consolidating, it's sort of under this level here.

$13.99 I would say you can see 1434 is the halt level. It's a little tough right now because it came up and double topped at this level and that's the 200 moving average that that purple line. So we are at daily resistance and we are seeing declining volume. It's got almost 8 million shares of volume and my guess is that there are gonna be some traders with the fear of missing out on this FOMO who may go ahead and take trades over 14 and there may be some short sellers who are holding this and are kind of not in a great position who are gonna end up.

you know if it continues going higher getting squeezed out because what it is doing is holding the moving average and this does look good for a break of 14, but it looks to me more like something that's gonna be grinding because now we've got three green candles in a row but they're all kind of small small green candles. It's not making huge moves like it was before so if it breaks 1550 then we've got room up to 17 and that's looking at the the double top here 17 and then it starts to look good for a move up towards 20 and that may happen I mean this has a very low float but I'd say it's probably gonna happen without me because I need to be disciplined about taking my money off the table and walking away. So I'm gonna take my profit $6,000 in the last two days. I You know again, as someone who's been doing this for a really long time, I'll say that I know I can still get better.

There's still room for improvement I wish I had made more on PS TV I Wish I'd been a little more aggressive in certain places, but you know what? I was a little aggressive on Wednesday and I was a little aggressive in the wrong places and it put me red on the day you know last. Friday I went from being green to being red on the day by taking a trade at like I don't know lunchtime. So I'm gonna be grateful for the profit that I have. and you know, here you go Now this is coming back down.

You can see it's about to get halted going down. So right there's the haul going down, you know? so this is not which not what you really want to see for momentum to the long side. So anyways, that's that's just as well. That'll stop me from having FOMO on it and I'll just be I'll just be.

you know, happy to finish the day, green, finish the week green and be starting to move back in the right direction. So we still have two full weeks left of August all next week, all the week after and then we'll have a Labor Day first week of September A little bit of a short week of trading, but you know, right now we've still got a full two weeks left. So if I can lock down, you know, ten thousand next week and ten thousand the week after. I'm gonna finish this month in great shape so you know that's my goal.
Generally ten thousand a week and in some weeks I hit it in some weeks I Don't you know, making six thousand in the last two days, these don't feel like home run days, but boy they get you to that $10,000 weekly goal pretty quick so you know it's You've got to be grateful for the profits. and for some of you you know who are trading 10% of my share sighs and your goal is not ten thousand a week, it's a thousand a week. You're $200 a day. You know it adds up, so be grateful when you make 175.

Live to trade another day, the next day, come back, make 225. You know you might not hit exactly the number every single day, but as long as you are finishing Green you're doing something that you know 9 that 10 traders struggle to figure out how to do consistently. and this strategy that I've been trading. you know, and just to kind of put it in context, not to go on a super long tangent.

but you know, I I'll pull up my trader view stats here and we can kind of look at. You know, big-picture stuff, You know? I know people get kind of. It's easy to get bent out of shape. You know when you have a tough week of trading or you have a bad month of trading you know and I've had my share of both.

You know, August and September have been tough months for me in the past. If we go here and look at liquidity know its win-loss expectation, you know this is again the big picture. Some months are gonna be a little slow, but if you're doing this as a career, you want to be doing this for the next five years. The next ten years you want to be trading a strategy that is consistently profitable and a lot of people say Ross You know what happens? You know when we go into a recession him and we'll talk about it more tomorrow.

But let's just look at the Sp500. Over the last year, you know what I mean Like this has been the last year, the markets yes we are at all-time highs, but the market dropped more than 20% Bounce back one 20% You know it's been very volatile. we've had some big red days and we've had to trade through them and despite that, you know I've just kept grinding up So you know that's part of being a trader is making sure you've got strategy that's sustainable, that you can trade through different market conditions and you know just being consistent. So anyways, that's it for me.

I Will see you guys tomorrow Lunchtime 12 Noon Eastern on Facebook and YouTube Live and come with your your your questions and bring your your thumbs ups and your shares and I'm gonna be asking you forum tomorrow. All right So I'll see you guys Saturday Noon time for a special Facebook YouTube Life If you're still watching, you must have really enjoyed that video. So why not subscribe and get email alerts anytime? I upload new content. Remember when you subscribe you become a member of the Warrior Trading family.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Nice green day to end the week $4k! ross’ trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    Ross Thanks

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thoht Qube says:

    Way to bounce back Ross!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Kellogg says:

    Ross, where do I go to see your full trade recaps? I'm a Warrior Pro member btw…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin Maharaj says:

    Down 4000 because of AMD 🙁 , then chickened out later on AMD. Need to regain the confidence

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry P says:

    Didn’t expect it to bounce back from 10 to 17, 1 hour before market closed. Amazing

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dávid Gyurkovics says:

    What I don't understand is, how can the previous resistance points on the daily chart actually matter? They had so little volume compared to the intraday chart, that the people holding at these levels were just so few, right? I dont get how so few people can make the intraday chart potentially stop from going higher when todays volume was almost 8 mil by 11 o clock

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bradley Anglin says:

    Let's go!! Back on top! That's what I'm talking about Ross!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge guty says:

    just trade once this week

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jvns14 says:

    i made 5 bucks on PTSV today

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohammed Zakaria says:

    wow… how you do that…  I was following PSTV and it seemed to me a crazy up and down and I was wondering those who bought with yesterday's price must have become rich…  and I totally agree with you not taking risk of getting a red day…  if we knew whats gonna happen for even a second after, most of us would be rich…  anyway… it was great day for you and happy for you Ross…  thanks so much for what you do for others… really appreciated…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars POWERMF64 says:

    up only $70, but that's +23% on my account. I'm happy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ChrisWoodsViolin says:

    Congrats! I watched PSTV from the open. I didn’t make a trade, worried that my entry would be too late or that right when I got in it would plummet 3 dollars. It continued to skyrocket again and again without me. I saw the alternate reality where I could’ve would’ve should’ve been making thousands of dollars. College for my future kids, traveling the world, my own flying car. I saw the perfect entry points again and again and yet I did nothing but stared, eyes wide, jaw clenched. After the stock hit a high in the fifteens then started falling back down hard I turned off my computer with a mixture of shame and disbelief. This was my chance to prove myself and I blew it. Once again. FOMO and regret flowed through my veins. I got up at 5 AM yet again (west coast) with nothing to show for it. I rationalize my inaction by saying “better safe than sorry” but I feel like in the moment I was so f-ing WEAK! I beg the Gods of the Market for a chance of REDEMPTION but don’t know if I am worthy. I AM NOT WORTHY!!! (Later tonight I will review the one minute chart and quietly weep).

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gavin Scott says:

    Ross, do you trade a combo of stocks and options or just stocks?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sfstilter says:

    Ross showing me the way to financial freedom! what a day!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Janice Sanders says:

    So happy for you Ross. Finished the week on a green note….

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Desi Lakeith says:

    Congrats Ross I didn’t today but looking forward to your webinar Saturday

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kareeb beckham says:

    Great video Ross. Hit my 5th consecutive green day with my small account. Only made $130 off of PSTV as I was scared of the spreads but my account grew 65% this week and I'm looking forward to next week. See you live tomorrow.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Wilson says:

    I think you mastered your trade….lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeartTree says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris H says:

    $500 on PSTV today. Super small acct

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JeremyKyndra Willey says:

    Great job today! I'm somewhat of a student. I'm having a hard time with Suretrader. All four trades I've tried to make have been rejected due to volatility, including today when I tried to buy 450 shares of PSTV. It seems impossible to make a trade on an ideal set up because an ideal set up is too volatile. How did you get around that when you were using Suretrader?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nuggy Gaming says:

    $670 on DE on my sim account took me about 10 minutes after that didnt do anymore trades and went back to sleep. didnt give back to the market and happy just being in the green

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Southeastern 99 says:

    2 winning trades today on PSTV +$125 and NVAX +$127 for a $252 profit.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rippertrader says:

    I went the opposite of you ….I normally dont trade low float….and I shouldn't have…I was already in the green when I saw this stock…so I took a stab at it but I fat fingered my share size and didn't see it still after..I got in on one of the false break out and when it drooped to fast I got out. .gave back what I already had and went red $976….🤬🤬🤬🤬

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy MacLeod says:

    Traded PSTV (poorly) but held on and made about $172 profit from it after the first halt. Then alternated between winning and losing trades on other stocks. Not my best day. Still, ended the day above my daily goal. Ending the week having grown my account from $635 to $1172. I think that’s something to be pleased about 🙂

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Bast says:

    Glad to hear you were finally able to break on through

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:

    Nice job Ross finishing the week strong! I just watched PSTV, the combination of the big spreads and big ranges had me nervous

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lu Bu says:

    I watched PSTV but I didn’t make the play. I don’t know what is going on with me, but I learned just watching PSTV. Next week I will be more aggressive. I spotted the play, marked resistance and support, but I didn’t jump in. No trade for me today.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pan Galactic says:

    Hey Ross, up $1,300 on PSTV. First week of serious trading in the sim and I was green all five days this week. Finished the week up 6k and it is thanks to your tutelage. Thank you for giving me the tools I will use to say goodbye to the 9-5!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kjc9 trader says:

    …up $4350 on PSTV today … Shit – coulda been a LOT more – missed the open and the EOD run up too!!! All mid day trades…. Thanks Ross!

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek Weber says:

    Where do you get the FLOAT from?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Warrior Trading says:

    Hey everyone, I am up $4k for the day! +$2,300 in the main account and another $1,600 in the IRA account!

    Looking forward to the weekend, where I will be teaching a special class, LIVE on Youtube.
    Stay tuned 🙂

    Happy trading!

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