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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What time, everyone? All right? So today, I'm gonna do a Trading Station Update: This is my new trading station here. My new office. I've actually been in this office for over a year, but I haven't done any TradeStation video since I moved in. So we're gonna do that today and this is going to just be a really simple trading station video.

Ultimately, that's a pretty simple setup. Yeah, this one right here. This is a very simple trading station. I've got one laptop and I've got two USB monitors.

This is what I use whenever I'm traveling and ultimately this is pretty much the amount of space that I use for my trader. I've got all these monitors, but for the most part I don't really use them for traders. so during this video, I'm gonna break down the travelling train station and then I'm going to talk about this big trading station, how its set up. And as always, if you guys have questions, you have comments leave them below.

I Personally respond to every question posted and if you love these kind of videos, give me a thumbs up and subscribe the channel. All right. So we're gonna start by breaking down the traveling trading station. Ultimately, this is pretty simple: I've got a Falcon laptop and I'm gonna run the point of view video so you guys can see exactly what it looks like to sit in my chair.

I've got the Falcon laptop here which is specifically a gaming laptop. I'll put the link. it's actually specifically for trading. they're trading computers.

I'll put the link in the description below so you guys can check out their website. but this is a nice Falcon computer. It's a 15-inch monitor. It's super fast.

You can see on the side that I am hardwired in right underneath my desk. I've got the the switch board. so I have all of these computers the ability to be wired in and then they go into my network panel where I have a redundancy. so if one internet drops down, I've got my backup.

so I've got my main fiber and then I have like a Time Warner Cable just I guess it's regular cable internet as my backup in case the Fiber goes offline. So when I'm on my travelling trading station and I'm here in the office or I'm somewhere where I can be hard wired I always prefer that, but the reality is an airport lounge. You know the coffee shop usually can't get on hardwired and I really have no problem trading on Wi-Fi I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars trading on Wi-Fi So I I don't consider it a requirement for my training that I'm hardwired. it's just a preference.

So basically everything here. these are all these three cables are for everything up here. What? I have for this these two is this USB port which splits into two and then that gives me the two USB ports for each one of these USB monitors. So when I'm trading on my travelling trading station the way I have it set up is: I have my broker right in front of me right on the left.

This is how I always have a setup and then this screen up here up high I Bring this down. So I've got my main chart right here. So now I'm looking at the main stock I'm looking at and then my scanners which are up here I Bring them down I put them on this monitor. So if I go to load layout right here, I'm going to go to load layout.
let's zoom so I can live layout I'm going to go to the Italy layout. So the Italy layout is when I was traveling in Italy and there. I've got my scanners all on this monitor. So actually what I ended up doing was setting this up so my scanners were on the left side.

I put one additional chart right here and then back to front Center this chart which is right up on my second monitor I put right here and this chart which is over here on this monitor I've got a scroll all the way over to it this one I put right. Let's see, you have a hard time grabbing onto it. There we go. Now when I put right here.

So this is how it looks when I'm on the go when I'm traveling I've got my broker chart layout, one chart window - and then this one is scanners and charts. Now what I end up doing is I keep the Warrior trading chatroom on this main monitor the main laptop screen as well. So I kind of flip back and forth between the chatroom and then of course I'm running my broadcasting software and all of that. and that's one of the reasons that I could personally need a really fast computer because not only am I trading, I'm also broadcasting to the chatroom.

So I probably spend I don't know maybe 30 40 days out of the year trading up on this travelling. Trading Station the way it's set up right now and you know I had a 250 days out of the year. You know it's almost a quarter of the year. not quite, but you know at least a fifth of the year that I spend in this layout.

It really is no issue for me. The biggest drawback to being on the travelling trading station is if I happen to be in a place that has poor quality. Internet Italy doesn't have the best internet and so you know I've had places where even with the best fastest they have, it's just not great. So that's the biggest limitation.

But in terms of the traveling trading station USB monitor one USB monitor - I'll put links in the description for these ones and then the Falcon laptop. so that's it. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this apart here I'm going to put this back over on this screen here and we're gonna start switching over to my main to my layout for the big trading station. Ultimately, the big trading station just uses a little bit more space so I'll put this one up here I'll go back to file on trade ideas and what I'll do is I'll load my home training station so load layout, home trading station and now to load the layout back up there.

Okay now I'm going to unplug this. So this is my USB monitor and this is my click which I'll talk about the second plug that one. Alright, this is the whole thing. So here we've got these are two monitors right here.
that's how skinny they are and then these clips right here. They just clip on to the side of the monitor just like this and you can buy them on Amazon they're called, they're made by Ten One design and they're called Mounties so you just slide that on there, you clip it down, clip it down, and then it clips right off the side. Now this is the backpack that I use for my travelling trading station. So these two monitors go monitor screens facing in like this right here and then my laptop.

which is that one. but I'll use this one just to show you how it fits in here. I slide in on this side and since I'm now Tsa, PreCheck I've got Global Entry I don't have to unpack my bag so boom just like that, this is good to go and you know I mean it. the laptop weighs a couple pounds.

the monitors are pretty light but with the laptop the monitors usually I've got my charging cable on the side and then in here I'll have you know a backup cable. this one's for my GoPro this one's for my phone charger. You know just the basic stuff that I need and of course the two USB cables for those monitors and that is all I need to make money anywhere in the world which is pretty cool all right. So now let's break down the big training station.

So the way my big trading station was set up for a long time was I used 2 laptops I've always kind of used to laptops I've had one that I used primarily for training and then the other primarily for social media. you know YouTube comments and stuff like that email and whatever. So this one on the left side has always been the one that I use for training so it always has the broker screen up. you know it's got the connection to all the charts and I kind of did this funny thing where it might not make sense to to you and you can comment below what you think about it.

but the way I set this up is this laptop controls this screen and this screen and that screen and that screen and then these are all controlled by this laptop. So the reason I do that is because when you're multitasking, it's a lot easier to drag something straight up. and so when I'm working on this laptop on you know YouTube comments and email and stuff like that I just will drag things up to this one and up to this one. usually I leave my comments up here and I just refresh as the day goes on and just answering comments.

and these two screens over here I don't really use them that much. So this is my multitasking area on this laptop. my main trading screen my charts that I'm really focused on my scanners and the chart usually the stock I'm trading and then over here. I've got these two charts of stocks that I'm kind of looking at, but not that seriously.

maybe I'll put the Sp500 up there or a stock that's kind of on the watchlist, but not really. And so when I'm on my traveling trading station I don't even have that monitor and I'm fine without it. So the way my traveling trading station is set up is basically this monitor goes here and this one goes here and that one I don't use and this one up in the top I don't use so this one right now you know I've got my screen recording and broadcasting software on it which is fine and you know usually that's kind of what I use it for I'm not really using it that much I don't feel the need to have two more charts up there of other stocks. There was a time where I did have charts on this monitor.
this one, this one and this one but 95% of the time it was just sitting there I wasn't looking at it and running those charts does take up some bandwidth on the computer. So I decided to 2-digit Now when I first set up these trading computers, what I ended up doing was well, very early on realizing that most laptops can only want run one external monitor. Alright so what happens is you plug in the external monitor and I'll just go here down to let's see display. So you type in display, you pull up your display settings and this right here.

that's all my monitors that are connected. Now if you don't have the graphics cards, it'll just only give you the option to mirror that monitor. Which means you're just showing your exact same screen on a second monitor. So like in a Radio Shack or something like that and you see all the TVs all playing the same station.

you know, just mirroring each other. Well, that's not helpful. when you're trading. you want to see different things on each monitor and so that means that you need to have graphics cards.

and so the easiest way to do that with a laptop was to buy these Dimond USB to HDMI adapter z' So these little things I don't know if that's some focus, but these plug into the USB port and then they pop out as either HDMI or you can just plug in these ones right here and they go right into the back of the monitor. Now the problem is that these are 24 inch monitors that are only about a hundred and twenty-five dollars each. They're they're relatively inexpensive I mean I Know that's like 600 bucks plus that one over there, but they're not too expensive as far as 24 inch monitors are concerned. But the problem is once you buy $120 monitor, then you realize that you've also gotta buy this video adapter and this graphics card external graphics card.

And this was another. Finally, we're like forty to fifty dollars each. So now it's a hundred and seventy dollars for each monitor. Of course, for each laptop, I can run one monitor with the HDMI cable and so of course I do that and then the second monitor in this case is running off of one of these Dimond USB to HDMI adapter.

Now when I got this new Falcon computer, I was able to take these and get rid of these I don't need them anymore because this computer has one two three ports for external monitors. So I'm able to run three, one, two three on the external monitor and I still run just one now on the USB to HDMI video card which is not bad so I'm totally happy with that and that seems to be a great way to run this. and I just don't have to worry I used to have some problems with those HDMI video cards that when I was running three of them all on one machine, sometimes they would conflict with each other because they're all I guess using the same driver and so I had some issues. So the way this is set up now I've got these six monitors run by this computer in this computer and then this computer over here is just for broadcasting.
So some of you guys have asked me questions about how I broadcast out this monitor because this is the one that's running screenshare and so what I use is and I use a screen capture device that's right back here and I'll show you a clip of it that I got. So this goes in between the HDMI cable. so the HDMI cable comes out of the computer, it goes into that device and then it goes into from the HDMI then goes through the device and to this monitor. another cable comes out and goes to this computer and it's now captured everything that was going through that monitor.

So now everything on that mount monitor is coming into this computer and then it just broadcast it out from there. So that's the way that a lot of gamers will do. They're broadcasting on Twitch and it's the same thing that I'm using right here. so that gets the broadcast out there.

Now my microphone right here. This is a nice mic you've probably seen like on the Joe Rogan show and some other podcast. This is the the mic that is used so it's a great like and it's not one that will work just on your typical you know USB port. This is a the real thing so this mic goes through, the cable, goes down, it goes under the desk.

What I found was if you wind the audio cable with your electric cables, it was picking up kind of static and buzz in the line. so I run that one totally separate. it comes through here. it goes through this little device called a cloud lifter.

it then goes into the mixing board right here where I can easily mute or unmute myself I can adjust the levels and then from there it goes back out and comes into the broadcasting computer. Now what's also cool is I can take the audio from this computer and send it into the mixing board and then that goes to that computer with both the audio and my voice. So if I'm doing an interview with someone for instance, I can record it on this computer and it's recording both my audio and their as it's coming through a system audio. Now you'll see the two Marshall speakers on either side.

These I've got this one. let's see on the left side, that's that one right there and then I've got this one on the right side right there. So the way I set these up: I use this little splitter now. I use the splitter.
so I can have the speaker's both on my left side and my right side playing the same audio. So if I play this. most people work more hours doing a job they hate, then they spend doing the things they love. So I get to have it.

There's an opportunity is the power of choice. There's a way to get back to the things you love to get back to your life. So I'll do that just mostly for music and stuff like that. But the nice thing there just for this splitter audio goes through to both sides.

and when I'm running or trying to capture the audio from a computer, obviously it doesn't go out the speaker, it instead goes through the mixing board. So that's kind of a breakdown of this larger training station. For the most part, you know I've got a lot going on here, but alone. but this whole section, this whole like tower is all specific to social media and email and stuff like that.

And that's the same with this tower on this side. So as far as training is concerned, I would say that 95 percent of the time I can get by training with three monitors, my main laptop screen and one on either side. If I was really going to set up a maybe more condensed home trading station I'd probably do what Roberto did and either have one large monitor right here or set up three monitors so it's my laptop screen and then one two three and then separately have my social media computer and maybe like one two three so that that's probably how I would set it up and it would be a little bit cleaner. You know I wouldn't have to jump across monitors to go from what I'm doing here to over here.

So it is a little bit of a funny thing, but it just kind of. It's the way that's working. Of course you could say well Kraus why don't you just you know, put this laptop here. but I so often I'm going back and forth between these two I want to keep them close together so you know it's It's kind of finding that trading station that works for you even if it's a little unorthodox.

And by the way, this over here on this side a couple you guys asked me about this strain deck is for my broadcast as well. so a lot of people that use Twitch will also use a stream deck like that so you can mute your audio if you don't have a mixing or you could change the scenes from you know fullscreen to a bigger you know video of the monitor or whatever the case is. So this just helps me quickly flip through my screens so you guys are able to see what I'm what I'm looking at as always questions. Comments: I'll leave them below if you loved this video.

If you watched until the end of this video, give me a thumbs up and I hope there subscribe to channels all right. So hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you in the chatroom. hopefully we'll see Hey did you know every morning? I Go live to stream at Pre Market Watch list. subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get two notifications.
If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description. If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment post on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “My brand new day trading station plus my mini traveling trading station”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GuRJaV says:

    Where is the link for the usb monitors

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe says:

    USB- hdmi ?? That works?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aiden thompson says:

    Hey Ross which software do you use to manage all the screens and layout on all screens

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Walford says:

    What are the clips connecting your Asus monitors to your laptop called?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars De Ze says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Long Dark Hair says:

    Hello, I can’t find the links or the information about all of the items that you have on your video , can you please share the links or the name of items especially the portable monitor and the clips for them that goes behind your laptop. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler1989 says:

    I love my traveling set up. It’s just a 16 inch MacBook Pro and a 12 inch 5G iPad Pro.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Risk-on Rylan says:

    This dude doesn't use a mouse 😐

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Don Mohamed says:

    So Sick

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cal Feher says:

    Hi Ross, is the Falcon Laptop still the one you recommend? Thanks for all the free content by the way, I've learned a lot and will be doing your course and chat room soon.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amschel co. says:

    What the hell.. is this skynet?
    this is awesome!!
    I dont like the video but i like what i saw..😲 that made me subscribe!! 👍

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Isaac Iglesias says:

    Do you use a vpn?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dindo Pons Official says:

    I'm not a trader but I am setting up my productivity setup and looking for ideas. I like how you did your setup and I look forward for more videos like this.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShoresOfHelll says:

    great video, thanks for the information. I am a full time trader and have a bunch of questions.
    1) What's your take on 1 bigger screen vs 3-4 smaller ones if price wasn't an issue. My setup is 1x 38"ultra wide and 1x 32"1440p on top of it. Iam looking to switch the 38"with a LG c1 48" as that will give me mor verrtical space for main monitor and then have 32" on the side. Pls let me know.

    one suggestion for u is instead of using all thoese dongles u could get a thunderbolt 4 laptop (I have the HPspectre) and get the thunderbolt 4 hub with gives a ton of ports for almost everything.
    Thanks for the great content.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dee lar says:

    is there a link for all those items, mounting clips, asus portable monitors, falcon laptop? thank you in advance

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arabic with Sohail says:

    Does any HD monitor do or do you guys pay particular attention to HZ? For example would there by any significant difference between 75HZ monitor Vs 144HZ monitor ? What monitors do you guys use ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D L says:

    Where is the link for the laptop? Am I blind?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abarna sukumar says:

    Hi where is the link for laptop?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gilligan1477 says:

    wheres the link to the falcon laptop Ross

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melanie Michel says:

    How fast of an internet connection do you have for trading remote? I live in my rv and thinking of getting mofi or what would you suggest?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Melanie Michel says:

    How fast of an internet connection do you have for trading remote? I live in my rv and thinking of getting mofi or what would you suggest?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taechaphan Jitpraphawan says:

    Hi Ross, What is your laptop model you are using?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sadik makwela says:

    This is just way too much. Its overkill

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Cao says:

    Thoughts on investing in a mouse.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lucille Bower says:

    Hey Ross…. What is the model of you Falcon laptop?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Cee says:

    Great video. So much info. Thank you

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DrDive says:

    You don’t have to have special graphics card for a laptop to use “extend” instead of “duplicate”. Even old laptops that had vga ports could change to extend. And ultimately it might be cheaper to just get a port replicator, which is like a docking station but plugs in usb

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SPASE says:

    I got yesterday the same ASUS monitors as per your day trading setup videos, as well as the Mounties.

    My issue is with the right side monitor: the USB cable doesn’t give me space to install it, because the cable is in the way and I can’t just clamp it on the Mountie. How did you solve this?

    Thank you so much!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Ihrie says:

    Solid set up but what was your take on that ‘72 sunshine daydream show? 💀

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Ibrahim says:

    Hey ross can you please tell me which monitor you use to mount on your laptop using the Mountie+. I bought 1 USB portable monitor but it's too thick. The ones you have in the video are too skinny and those are the ones I need. I went online but I can't find the MM thickness of the monitors that I been looking at. Thank you

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