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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right. So today is the fourth 5 figure day in a row. 14,000 on Monday 11,000 on Tuesday 13,000 on Wednesday 10,000 Today $10,000 This is crazy about $47,000 in the last four days. My best to day like short span hot streak of all time was $70,000 in two days.

My second best was fifty six thousand dollars in two days. That was pretty solid and my third best which is right now is $47,000 in four days. Crazy stuff. We've been seeing some intense momentum and the only thing that would make it better would be five five figure days in a row.

That means tomorrow I've got to make at least ten grand, but I'm not gonna actually set the bar that high my daily goals 2000 and if I hit 2 grand, I will be perfectly happy with that and I'll be up almost 50 grand on the week which turns the month of October around big time. So during the detailed part of the recap, I'm gonna break down my entries my exits how I found the stocks I traded but in in summary: I traded 3 stocks today and I started the day with a read trade just like yesterday. I started the day down $2,000 trading the leading gapper on a red to green move. so the stock opened high.

It's starting to dip down a little bit and I thought it was about to turn around so I jumped in it. It popped up about 5 cents, I was left like 400 bucks and then flushed down and I took my $1,900 loss 1995 or something like that and I was out. so not a fun way to start the day. Second trade on the same stock, it comes back up so I was like alright, you fool me once.

Okay, alright, well I'm gonna give it a second try so it comes back up to four and it pops up to 405 410 I jump back into it, it hits 419 I'm up Oh about sans per share and then it flushes back down to 380 and I lost $2,400 and so just like that I was down about $4,500 on the morning and this was it. like 9:45 So I was like alright, you know what? I I did have a rent trade at the end of the day yesterday and now I've got these two back-to-back read trades. I was like, well, maybe the hot streak is dead but today I had four stocks on my watch list. The first one I traded I lost on the second one was a stock that I traded last Friday and last Monday and did pretty well on.

and today after the last few days of resting, it was starting to come out of consolidation as it started to squeeze up I jumped into it I made $5,000 and just like that, I was up 300 on the day. Now it's like I never felt better about being up $300 on the day. there's a train going by up there. so I'm up 300 on the Day and I'm like you know I got a second chance and so then the stock holds up pretty well I get in it for a second trade and I make another 3,000 So I made $8,000 total on the second stock on my watch list and then the third stock on my watch list.

I'm now sitting up about I don't know I guess it was like three. four thousand dollars second stock on my watch list starts to pop up I jump in that and I made four grand and then the stock that I lost money on out of the gates squeezes up, breaks through four 20 rips up to 450 460, 470, 480, $5 525, 50 I got in it but I wasn't super aggressive because it had already slapped me twice. But I made back $2,500 so that fit that you know finishes the day with ten thousand dollars of profit. We'll break it down during the detailed analysis.
As always guys, you have questions, throw them down below in the comments: I personally respond to every comment, post it and I would love for you guys if you're not already subscribed to channel to subscribe and give me a thumbs up if you like these kind of videos. I'm gonna have my regular trading day tomorrow. I'll be live-streaming 9:15 I'll do the watch list nine-thirty the bell ring I'll start trading. Hopefully we'll finish the week with a fifth green day in a row and then over the weekend.

I've got some cool videos that I'm going to be posting for you guys. so Saturday and Sunday Keep on the lookout for them. If you're subscribed, you'll get the notification as soon as they're posted. All right, So that's it for me.

Enjoy the recap! I'm gonna get into the detailed stuff on my screen share and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Alright everyone, so um well you guys can see on the screen share their ten thousand one hundred fourteen dollars for 5 figure day in a row which is amazing. We are in a real hot streak here almost fifty thousand dollars in the last four days. It's Thursday and I'm excited for what we have in store for.

Friday Wildcard Friday Could be a great finish to the week. It's just been incredible the amount of momentum that we've been seeing. And you know what? You'll see this notification on my trading platform here and it says global Trading set to allowed all trading allowed PNL is greater than minus forty nine ninety so you know what that means. It means that today I drop down into the red and this notification popped up as a reminder to say hey, if you go down more than five thousand dollars, you're done for the day.

My broker will disable my ability to take new trades and I can only close open positions. I was actually down for that. $4,500 $4,500 on H EP A That's how I started my day, which was disappointing to say the least. So what we're gonna do during this recap: I'm gonna break down the trades on SES Bimmy and a Chi PA I've got a live trading recording of my trades from the morning so and we will break that down and I'll give you guys a chance to kind of see how things came together today and hold on.

I Just want to get my live recording up here. All right, let's see. So I'll put up the Gap scanner first. Now this morning started the same as any other morning looking at our Gap scanner.

So this scans the entire market for stocks that are moving higher during the pre-market trading session. Of course, stocks move higher during pre market trading, typically because there is some type of fundamental catalyst. and that was the case on HEPA H EPA that is a pharmaceutical company that had news out this morning. so I watched it as we were getting close to the bell and you guys may notice right now that my charts are looking a little a little crowded.
So I'm gonna pull off some of these indicators I'm gonna pull off the horizontal lines the Taz boxes I'm going to just minimize for a second and then I'll add them back I'll leave the moving averages and maybe to make the charts just look a little. cleaner. Properties I can take off the horizontal and vertical gridlines. let's see if that looks well actually.

I don't know if that looks cleaner, almost looks like they're just floating in space. Do you think I think that's cleaner? or worse? Maybe I'll leave those on. So in any case, pre market, this stock hit a high of 5 dollars and 79 cents, which is a pretty big move. But by the time the bell was about to ring, it was back at around $4 so it had pulled back quite a bit and I was kind of thinking that because it was stair stepping down pre market like this that it was already looking a little weak and I was concerned that it would just go ahead and continue to sell off.

So I wasn't totally sure about it. Now let me get my live trading archive here from today. Oh shoot, what did I do with it? Actually, you know what? I might not have it. Hang on, Let me see, it was a big file.

um I think I needed to clear it to make space. Oh yeah, sorry guys. I actually don't have it for today anyways and so let me just break down the trade on a TPA So basically what happened was the bell rang and my first trades were jumping in the stock for the break of four dollars. So if I look at the one minute time frame, the one minute chart, what we'll see here is that the stock right out of the gates dropped down to about 380 and then as it started to curl up, my first trade was on this false breakout right here.

this fake red to green move I got in with 9,000 shares at $4 All right. So I was in right hoops right here. at 4:00 it hit a high of 405 and then drop down and I stopped out at 380 for an $1,800 loss. just about $2,000 about 20 cents on 9,000 shares.

So I was down there and then it rips back up right here I hesitated I wasn't sure about it. It then drops down and then when it came back up right here. I Got back in here this time I added nine thousand shares on the break of four and then I added another 3,000 shares for break of four ten. So I had a full position of twelve thousand shares and it hit a high As you can see here of about 420.

Let me see why. I'm not sure why I'm getting an error on my Facebook feed. All right there. it's back up now so it comes up to a high of 420.

My target was a break of 428 and then I move up to 450 and then it flushed on this candle all the way back to 380 and I lost about $2,500 So in 1819 hundred dollar loss on this trade a $2,500 loss on that trade. So at that point I was down $4,500 and I felt like man, maybe today is not gonna be the day, maybe I'm just off so at that point you know I I just sort of felt disappointed and I wasn't really sure anything was gonna work it then curls back up right here to 420. As you can see and look at this, it pops up to a high of where's this, It pops up to a high right here of 440 and then it drops all the way back down to 369. Now on this one.
I I went ahead and got in as soon as it broke this level here I got in at 318 and 320 for the break over 420 and I bought twelve thousand shares on that one as well and I sold it as soon as it popped up into the 30s. I was putting orders on the ask I was selling selling, selling, taking profit and so on that trade I made back about twelve hundred bucks. So now I'm down like thirty-two hundred on the stock you know I'm still red but I'm digging my way out of the hole so that was a GPA now. Meanwhile on our watch list this morning we had HEPA we had canf canf was really only a maybe I wasn't sure who's gonna work super well mostly because it it was already again selling off pre market and this stock.

I've traded a couple times and haven't done super well on so I just wasn't confident so canf I didn't think much but excuse me about and then we had to on watch for continuation. so be IMI was the stock that I traded earlier in the week. it was the stock that went from two dollars to twelve dollars in one day. We can go back and look at this chart.

Let's see here we go. Actually it was under two dollars but it went. You can see here from 2 all the way up to 12 bucks. Now yesterday it pulled back when Tuesday pulled back Wednesday pulled back in today Thursday it started to bounce off the low and so I was watching this as a daily swing trade setup.

The first daily candle to make a new high pretty much the same as I would with a 5-minute setup. Alright so same pattern and this morning as it started to bounce up right here I saw that and I actually missed this first move. but then I got in for the second move right here and on this second move we see the breakout from 520 all the way up to $6.20 so let me remove that and I'll remove this as well. All right so just cleaning things up a little bit.

Alright so that was a solid trade, good for 4000 dollars of profit ses this one was the one that was strong on Friday and Monday Pulling back Tuesday and Wednesday Today the first daily candle to make a new high was the technical setup that I was waiting for. but I didn't know when it would happen. So the bell rings and on this one we get this quick squeeze where it surges from. Let's see and just zoom in here.

Sorry so it surges right here from like 8:40 up through 868 78 80 I jumped in anticipating the break over nine dollars I think I got in this at 870 and then I added it at 9:25 So I had an average of just under nine dollars and I'm in it right here. It squeezes up to a high of nine dollars and 80 cents. That's a full dollar per share so that right there was a nice winner. And now with that I was back to green on the day with B IMI I guess be IMI put me green and then SCS put me up about five thousand on the day and then SCS coming up right here.
Pulling back gave another opportunity for a trade for the break over 960 and then a rip up through 11. I got in at nine dollars and sixty cents and on that one I held all the way through the very top as it tapped 11 and sold as it came back down. That was a big trade for me. So 962 1060 that's a full dollar per share up to 11 on this one.

I Had such a good entry down here that I just said you know what? I am gonna hold this until I see a really valid exit indicator and that ended up happening is it did this sort of tap of 11 and then fade it off that level. but part of me was hoping that maybe this would make a move back up towards 14 or 50 that we've been in a market that's been irrationally strong. This is the time for me to maybe go ahead and you know, swing a little bit harder. You know, like if you're sometimes you'll see a baseball player.

you know they they swing and they hit and and they're like is it a homerun and they're just kind of standing there for a second. Well they could be running for first right away, but they're like I'm gonna give this a second. this looks like I'm just gonna be able to have a nice stroll around the bases and you know this is one of those ones where I got a good hit. It's all of a sudden I'm a dollar per share and so I just stepped back and I was like I'm just gonna watch this for a second I'm in the driver's seat and if it comes back down you know and I have to hustle and get out kind of quickly then I'll do it I'll still capture some great profit.

but if this thing goes, you know, over the fences and we get in that another circuit breaker halt up here around 11 or 1150. This is gonna be one that I look back on for the rest of the years. The best trade of the year. and in fact, right now I'm not sure what my best trade of the year is although I was looking at my metrics yesterday and I do want to do a video over the weekend on some of the things that I have been struggling with this year.

I Mean not to say this hasn't been a great year it has been, but it could be so much better. and I think that's the thing that that frustrates me. My biggest winner is an $18,000 winner and that was in February So that's my biggest win this year, you know? And that was a stock that went from $3 to $9 in one day. So 300% you know.

And and given the fact that Bimmy and you know a couple of these others SCS DTS s made equal if not bigger percentage moves, the fact that I wasn't able to to to make as much on them speaks to the fact that I had kind of screwed up the beginning of October by going green and then going red on the month. And so once I was red on the month you know it was really a focus of let's try to turn around and get myself back into the driver's seat. So anyways, um, you know all's well that ends well up ten grand on the day which is solid and you know you guys on Facebook and YouTube comment below with how you did today coupon code: Bimmy Bi Mi is still active for a discount on the chatroom subscription for those who have been watching from the sidelines but wanting to jump in. I'm hoping that we finish up the week here on Friday with one more solid day of momentum and if that happens, this may end up being my best week of the year, which is awesome! I'm up 47 thousand dollars on the week so you know forty thousand dollar plus week is not too bad, you know? I did I did come back yesterday and I took another trade on Be NGO So I had a couple requests to talk about be NGO this one was really difficult for me yesterday.
um and I I definitely gave in to FOMO on and I'm disappointed in myself. So yesterday morning it had this big squeeze up and then this pullback as you can see right here and then it started to surge back up. So you guys who were in the room yesterday you saw me trade it and in the morning I made I Don't know, it's like three thousand dollars or something like that, so you know I had a pretty good start on Be NGO yesterday, but then going into the lunch hour I think it was around I don't know is like 11:30 or something like that I took my final trade on it and on my final trade on Be NGO I lost about $1,300 I was getting in it. This is like it kills me.

it it like it literally kills me. I got in it right here anticipating the break over 280 thinking that it would break 3 and we would get this amazing rip two all-time highs or whatever of this move and I stopped out for a $1300 loss right here. I had a meeting at noontime. Alright so I go into my meeting which started you know right here at noon.

Alright so while I'm in the meeting in my in my conference room we have glass glass windows and so I was looking out the glass window and I saw Be NGO on the chart of one of my staff members computers and he was watching it and a lot of our staff members trade and and do their work at the same time. So anyways so I saw this happening I saw it going up to 3:00 and I was like God dang it. and then I saw 343 $64 445 460 and I'm just there. you know like this is unbelievable.

this was the trade that was the trade I was looking for. that's the one that I thought was gonna happen right here. So I think a trigger for me is when I have the right idea but my timing is wrong I had the right idea and sadly I lost on it because my timing was wrong III was in and I was just in it too early which you know obviously is really disappointing. So I really screwed myself up there.
oops sorry for the echo so I really screwed myself up there. It rips up from 280 to 3 to 310 320, 330, 340 all the way up here. It then drops way back down as you can see here and I get out of my meeting it about 1:30 So I'm out of my meeting like right here. so I miss this section and then I come back to my computer I'm up thirteen thousand and I'm like alright, you know what? maybe I'll take a trade on this and so I'm watching it through here and I ended up taking a trade I can remember where this was I think was right I think it was right here and I thought that if it broke this level that it would it would break if it it to me.

I was anticipating the break of this level. so I got in a little early. It's not a really a great setup anticipating the break of this level. Then you know what happened.

it comes back down and I stop out on this drop and I didn't trade it in my main account, it traded at my retirement account but that really disappointed me. I I went from being green on the name to red on the name and I was taught. It was like you know it was just a sort of classic FOMO and so in response to that I I sort of got inspired to work on this video of my some of some of the issues that I struggle with with FOMO so that's gonna be coming out over the weekend. I'll probably post it on Saturday or Sunday I Also have a video I'll post over the weekend on making three hundred and forty six thousand dollars trading.

Circuit Breaker halts. Circuit breaker halts are some some of the most volatile trades and they are my top 25 biggest winners. Trading stocks have just been halted, so we'll talk about that and that's very relevant to what we saw this week with all of these halls, but Bng oh I overstayed my welcome. So as a result of that I'm gonna make put in a couple new rules for how I trade some of these big movers because the fact is, even though I had a couple of trades this week past noontime, past noon time this year I am a net negative and and that's kind of a shame you know cuz it's It's not that we haven't seen good opportunities I Think the problem is that a lot of times you know I'm not just a trader I'm a teacher I run a business and so there's a lot of other things that I'm doing during the day and so it's very common.

Yes! I Always set aside 9:00 a.m. to about eleven noon time for trading, but some you know oftentimes I'll have a meeting at noon I come back at 1:00 I'll glance to my computer I'll see I missed something and then FOMO kicks in and I've really got to address that. So I'm gonna talk that during the video this week. I'm sure many of you guys are feeling a little bit of it right now as well.

Emotions are running high in the market and that means there's an opportunity to capitalize on it. and then of course there's the risk of falling victim to it. Pepa At this point with 31 million shares of volume, this is gonna be the same story as be. NGO if I take a trade on it I can almost guarantee you I will give back profit.
you know. And that was why I traded in the IRA because I was like I don't want to ruin a good day in my main account but that doesn't mean I want to have an unnecessary loss in a retirement account right? So you know all of that, my retirement account. All that is on my broker statements at the end of each month so you guys will see and you know where it all settles out. But yeah it's not.

It's not what I like. So anyways it was nice to bounce back today. have a really solid day. Well of course when it started with two back-to-back losses on Heppa I Thought I was at the beginning of a the turning point but then it did turn back around.

So Warrior Pro students pay two dollars per trade at Lightspeed that's what I pay at Lightspeed and we have direct access which is great. I am gonna do some some videos where I talk about the differences between a direct access broker and a one of the free brokerages that are out there and try to do that analysis of. Is it worth it? So stay tuned for that. It is an important topic right now and you'll get my two cents on it.

So anyways, that's it for me I Hope you guys have a great afternoon and I will see you all tomorrow morning. Hopefully we have a really great finish to what has been so far one of the best weeks of the year. Alright guys so I will see you tomorrow morning. As always questions comments put them below for those on YouTube and Facebook and make sure you subscribe to the channel.

Hey did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description if you have questions in the comments because I personally respond to every comment post on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

35 thoughts on “$47k in 4 days! ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars César1122 says:

    Warren Buffet will be impressed by you….You are a genius…. Ha,ha,ha,ha….

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanglife says:

    I’m just getting started and appreciate all the info. What is some equipment/program you recommend I should get?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gavin kobus says:

    would you say most of your trades are waiting for pullbacks on momentum? Ive been trying to anticipate breakouts but seems like i get faked out a lot

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Tadjali says:

    Hello Ross, I used to get a notification at the right bottom of my computer screen every morning to what picks you have for the start of the day. I recently upgraded to windows 10 and I have to do a fresh install on my pc. Any suggestions to how I can get access to these morning notifications? Thanks. Alexander

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pradip D says:

    good, I like your transparency most!!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Emerson says:

    PDT question for you or anyone who knows.
    Example: I trade one day trade Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (now I'm out of daytrades per PDT)
    Question: can I trade again the following Monday or do I have to wait until Tuesday? Not exactly sure how to count the days
    Thank you!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coach Jim says:

    I love your course and chat room… Working on my metrics and made $230 on Sim yesterday..trading small share sizes as coached…Thanks for all that you do!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Futures Trader says:

    When will Steve and Mike post their recaps? I'm more of a futures trader

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Potapchik says:

    Are WT on discord?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Marcum says:

    When I buy a 100 shares at open and the stock drops to 95 does this mean I only have 95 shares left for the next move.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Earth Stuff says:

    Hey Ross congratulations 🥳

    What do you think about INTERACTIVE BROKERS?
    It’s good for big investment?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Great trades by Ross. 6 trades 3 wins, 3 losses. 50% success rate but still profitable as he made large profits while keeping the losses small by using s/l order. I'd like to know how quickly can Ross determine the s/l level and punch in the s/l one the keyboard while typing all the other info (size etc) to enter the trade

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eugene King'orhi says:

    Lost 1.2k this week 😂😂😂 we live and learn from every loss

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The TopShottah says:

    What's the percentages? I'm not as impressed with the $ amount.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lane Hoyt says:

    Ross, you are sooo human in your presentations, it’s refreshing and infectious! Keep it real!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dutt says:

    I trade in indian markets. The most pain in the $&* is whenever i reach round numbers in my main balance account i take a huge hit in losses and end up again working my way up. what do i do its frustating that all my gains in weeks get wiped out in one yes that bitchin one bad trade. ive been cursed cant build my account

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lunchbox db says:

    Who's your hair stylist?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Man says:

    Hi, Ross! What the platform for the charts you use? I mean this eS

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shuang Coppock says:

    How do you find what stocks to trade first thing in the morning? Thanks!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonny D. says:

    Hi Ross, how did u get LULD on your level 2 in red ink.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Le says:

    Hey Ross, you might have answered this somewhere, but if I wanna practice and have a set up that looks like yours then what software and broker do you use?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chakapan chan-o says:

    how long you trading today Ross?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clive A says:

    any reason u didnt trade cron

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J Bac says:

    I have got to get a course from ya!!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Grant says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WeThePeople says:

    Wow Ross that is nothing short of amazing. You are what initially made me seriously want to day trade and hopefully one day I'll be able to take your course and get going. Truly inspirational. Question – If it's not asking too much… how do you structure your stop loses?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Gutierrez says:

    Hey Ross! Do you use a trailing stop?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars flowerhour says:

    Hey Ross. So happy for u!
    Question: Is a full position for u the share size or the dollar amount. Thanks👩‍💻

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raq K says:

    tried to recoup losses , jumped in HEPA, and I’m Down more than I’ve ever been. I’m seeking serious guidance.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Stanek says:

    can i just copy your trades?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars guilleboza says:

    Congrats Ross! I’m a potential returning student who wants in the action and want to know how early in the premarket the WarriorTrading chatroom shares the TradeIdeas scans.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Tabb says:

    Ross you are the man, and also today was my 4th green day because of the warrior pro classes.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaphaba Ch says:

    Mayday! I cannot see anything. I am blinded. It's a influx of intense green light.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elzon1 says:

    4 for 4 so far Ross. Hoping you have a good green day tomorrow as well. I'm holding up with you with a 4 for streak this week too. I'm up $1,160 ToS paper trading. 4 days of green for us both. Let's keep this October green.

    Edit: And why are your views so low. YouTube being YouTube I guess.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justblaztiny says:

    Down 58 on a 1,011 (before) account on one of the HEPA false breakouts. Looking forward to next Monday! Love you Ross. Never stop being you.

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