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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

I'm coming on here to make this video and I'm gonna upload it as soon as I'm done because I don't want to overthink this but I just I've just made a decision and I'm gonna commit to it and I'm gonna do it. I am gonna start over a new small account challenge. Here's the deal. Over the last few months of day trading: I have been on this roller coaster of huge green days and huge red days and you know why.

It's because I've been swinging for the fences like a maniac. I've been, you know I've been trading like a cowboy I've just been all over the place and it's because I took a $583 account and turned it into over a million dollars. Hey, I've got a lot of buying power and so I've been taking you know, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred thousand dollar positions. and on the green days I've been crushing it.

but on the red days I've been getting smoked and the roller coaster. The ups and downs are you know it's nice to make half a million dollars or whatever you know in a year but I'm wondering to myself if I can do it without the roller coaster and instead just more of like consistency. you know cuz 500 years $2,000 a day. There's 250 trading days a year so that's 500 grand a year.

so I don't need $40,000 homerun Hail Mary past days but I need them when I'm bailing myself out from the 10 15 $20,000 red days. So so this is my plan and I sorry you know how to read day today and I just came out to the car and I was gonna go home and do some YouTube videos and stuff and and then I was like thinking before I left I was like you know why is this cycle keep happening You know this is my third red day of the week and I realized it's because of this swing for the fences and so I was like alright well what's the solution? how can I stop this break this cycle this pattern and I realized the only way was to go that back down a small size and you know what? like as cool as it is probably for you guys to see me have these really big days, the reality is I bet most of you guys are trading with small counts. you know, a thousand, two thousand dollars, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. So seeing someone who can afford to take a 1520 thousand dollar loss, you know that that's not really helpful.

I'm gonna be managing my risk a lot differently from you seem you make twenty three thousand dollars. Yeah, that's cool, but I can take a lot more risk and so what I want to do is start over and force myself to be. basically. you know, back to the way I was when I started my first small count challenge which is focused on base hits which is the strategy that I teach in our classes I don't teach the Hail Mary strategy because it's so risky.

Yeah, sure it's nice when you get one, but it's risky. The only reason I've been trading that way is because I can afford the risk cuz I've grown my accounts so much but start really setting a good example. So I'm gonna just clear slate and I'm gonna upload this video before I overthink it I'm not gonna sleep on it I'm just gonna put this out there and I'm gonna force myself to start over. So what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna go inside and I'm gonna start putting together my budget for this small account challenge I Need to think about how much money I'm gonna put in the account, how much money I should set aside I'm gonna think about this like as if I'm starting my career as a trader.
like starting over. So how much money do I need for computers, equipment? What am I going to pick out? How much do I need for trading software? How much do I need for education? All of the stuff that you might not think of as a beginner trader. I'm gonna lay it out in the budget and while I set up this new trading account which is probably gonna take at least a few days I don't know I'm gonna put together some videos on getting started. What strategy I'm gonna use price range stocks How I'm gonna buy Hung This sells software, it, computers, everything.

You know what? this is crazy because I just went from having you know from being read on the day and feeling like really kind of bummed out now. I'm gonna bring the camera back inside to now I'm feeling like I'm feeling excited and I want to make this I want to make this happen I Want you guys to comment below those you guys who are watching this and I want you to give me some feedback of what you think I should do what you would do if you were in my shoes. Some of you guys have already traded small accounts and you're gonna have some good advice of what I should do. It's been almost three years since my last small account challenge, but this is gonna be really good.

I'm just gonna focus on base hits I'm gonna trade the same way I traded the last time I did a small account challenge and I'm gonna trade the same way. Probably 90% of you guys are gonna trade as if every dollar I need in order to pay my bills. So what's the daily goal gonna be? What's my average risk gonna be? I'm gonna break that down to the budget and I want you guys to comment below. give me some feedback.

you know, give me some of your thoughts and I think yeah I'm gonna get into this. This is This is the beginning of a new chapter for me here. So now I feel pumped up So what's next? I'm gonna go in I'm gonna work on the budget and upload this video and that's out there and there's no looking back. This is the beginning.

Hey did you know that? I Go Live every single morning between 9:00 and 9:15 to stream I Pre mark the watchlist, subscribe the channel, press the bell for the alert and you'll get the notification.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “New small account challenge of day trading with $500 – episode 1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justin foster says:

    i want to see a small account challenge in a bear market

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gigi Barrett says:

    I was just watching and reading something you had on here but my phone died now i can find it but i just started understanding alot! Thjngs made sense! I think it was small account challenge

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yahya Jordan23 says:

    Thanks for the great videos

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lynn Hawks says:

    2 years later I’m watching this like you produced it yesterday…. AMAZING, perfect will hang on every move, advise and suggestion my friend 🌟🌟😎😎

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheinpoo says:

    Two years later I have 500 I’m going to start with what I learn here! Maybe in a year or two I’ll see what is possible with this I hope it works out just bueno if not one love ❤️

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Braxton says:

    Ross is the MAN! top shelf his content is invaluable, I bought everything he had to offer and I am a monthly Pro Student subscriber. Kool Kat!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cz says:

    I take sometimes 300000 $ positions now I am not making more than I was making with a total of a 50k account….for exact reason as you learning about just now, the Swings .

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aayan Usman 9 says:

    Can i day trade with 500 bucks and get 15 usd in a day

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Life on the Drone says:

    This video belongs in a Trader's Bible… if there was a Trader's Bible of course

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beach Wear says:

    So happy I found your channel especially since o am brand new to this 🙏🏿

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David L says:

    I can relate to this emotional roller coaster you are describing. Swinging for the fences is the best way to explain it. The massive wins and losses can drain you mentally. Starting over with a small account seems like it would be a great idea to refine everything. Thanks Ross!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew says:

    Awesome to see real trading under so much control, I watch Warrior Trading for OTC penny Stocks and I watch Vinny Emini AlgoBOX for Futures & Commodities

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Sian says:

    Right on Ross! That is exactly what we want to see again. Thanks for being so real and down to earth with your knowledge and experience!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doublepump says:

    I were observing a stock and i could predict when it would go up and down all the time as soon as i bought into it, it just went rogue and was unpredictable

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burton P Vitale says:

    as a senior citizen I want to create a legacy for my family. I trade through my broker dealer, as I am registered, I dont know if the scanner system would work for me. What do you think

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cake Saver says:

    Ross, what tool/platform do you use to track trades. I have Webull and Fidelity. Your screen and tool is more interactive. I would prefer it.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CM Stewart says:

    Thank you for helping me. I can do this.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars timleary32 says:


  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ynzdn says:

    you seem so happy you really need this this could really help you!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristine Basobas says:

    Wow, thank god i found this vid and really excited to watch your journey. I want to learn day trading to see if its for me.. 🙂

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher's Reef says:

    After the GME blow up I would be super keen to see you do this again. Theres going to be a few people out there now witha few extra bucks that want to get in more. Id be interested to see a Post GME bubble what to do series…?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Forman Cfore says:

    I want to be able to earn an extra $500 a month to pay my monthly bills and keep in budget, I want to know if this can help me.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CJ says:

    Looking forward to watching the rest of the videos in this series. I have no experience but have been thinking about starting a small acct. Just need a change and hoping this can be it. Especially with COVID and everything else this year, I'm eager to learn and prosper. Thanks for the advice.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LilLebowskiUrbanAchiever says:

    Hi Ross. I have been educating myself for the last couple months. Trying to get a feel for some different communities. After watching several of your videos, I just feel your vibe meshes with mine better than any of the other educators out there. My question is… if i start watching your small account challenge, is it something i would be able to emulate in a month or 2 once i get to feeling more comfortable and confident? I have most of the basics. What i'm looking for is a step by step guide on how to setup my station, my tech, my scanners, charts, watch list, my broker, community, etc…

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D Smith says:

    I know I'm a year late…but I really like this video. I first started with the day trading 1 of 12 (posted 5 years ago) and wanted to see the 2 of 12, but it was very elusive and wouldn't pop up on the feeds even when I searched for it. I really like how that first video really seemed to break everything down in ways I haven't seen before but then I thought maybe it's better if I find a more recent video and that's when I noticed this one. Looking forward to seeing the followups to this. Thanks for posting (and leaving these vids up)!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben's Music says:

    I am so happy you start over for beginners, because most of your students are struggling as a beginner, I hope I can grow up with you together again

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Bell says:

    I'm like two days into considering doing this. What offshore groups are there that work with US citizens? Is CMEG group based in Trinidad and Tobago a good start? Do they allow leverage? Any groups would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JB Koffman says:

    Ross! it has been almost a year since you made this video. I am excited even though i feel certain everything turned out just fine!
    Since i am a new trader, and trying to figure things out, this will be extremely helpful. i believe you are the only one to really do this with a budget from idea to implementation!
    You are definitely unique and your big heart shows right through the video… i'm hooked! Aloha

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars michael baeza says:

    i want to learn this video gave me hope

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Ferrer says:

    Your A humble person Ross, Thank you!! You are great.

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