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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here. I Am on the traveling trading station making some money this morning. Another solid day. Small account continues to grow I am up right now.

one thousand, two hundred, sixty two dollars and ninety two cents. Which is an awesome day. This is the ninth day of a small count challenge. So this morning when I start trading, I had two thousand, four hundred dollars in the account.

so he counts up fifty percent. today. yesterday or Friday was a hundred percent. Today's fifty percent.

This is pretty crazy. So tomorrow on day ten, I'll be starting with about three thousand six hundred dollars of total buying power of total account value. My buying power is thirty five hundred times six. So I'll have over twenty thousand dollars in buying power.

And now that I'm kind of past that first week, I can start really growing the account quickly. It's a beautiful day here, still in Miami and sunny at the beach. It's nice and warm. I mean considering it's December it's awesome down here.

Really can't complain at all. so you know the only thing that I'm a little disappointed about today is that I was up 1,600 and then I gave back 400 on my last two trades and in my big account I was up 6,000 and I gave back 4000 on my last two trades. So you know that's a little disappointing. The small accounts still in great shape.

you know, $1,200 is fantastic. The big account Yeah, that's a little bit of a bigger hit. I gave back more than half of my profit on that one, but it's the way it goes, you know? I Had a really great day on Friday and today I kind of continue to be a little aggressive roll some of those you know profits into today's risk in order to take a little more risk for bigger return. and generally it worked.

I'm green I'm in good shape, could have been in a little better shape if I walked away a little sooner. but you know, on the other hand, on Friday I I probably left money on the table I didn't stay quite it I didn't trade quite as much as I could have. The stocks continued to run and I didn't want to that today. So today I traded a little longer and ended up instead of leaving money on the table giving back a little profit.

But it all kind of balances itself out over the long run. and right now on day nine, I'm feeling really good with a small account. They get some great progress and I'll go into a day ten and really good shape. Alright so I hope you guys enjoy the recap.

As always questions, comments, leave them right down below and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning for day ten. Alright everyone, so we're gonna break down the trades from this morning up one thousand, two hundred, sixty two dollars and ninety two cents in my small account which is awesome of fifty percent the big account, my retirement account is up two thousand thirteen dollars which is great now. I was up six grand so it's not as good as being up six grand, but two thousand is still still good. But my main account here is down thirteen hundred.
so on this one I took one trade on Mir M got out basically flat and has a second trade on SIF where I lost 1400. So I'll break down the trades here and this is one of the things we were talking about during the inner Circle. Just because you can trade in three accounts at the same time doesn't necessarily mean you should. Dividing your attention across three accounts is certainly not an easy thing to do.

and sometimes in the case today I was a little frustrated in my this account here Mir M because I was just was pressing my my hotkey. So the way I trade these two accounts is with my left hand I trade my small account and with my right hand on this computer I trade my big account and you know so it's kind of a next level of trading. but in any case and that's what I do and what ended up happening was when I was pressing shift 1 to get into Mir em I wasn't highlighted on my level 2 window and so obviously I didn't fill any shares and it ended up ripping over $2 a share. That was right here from 17 up to the halt level of 1882.

And so I was really frustrated and you know because I tried to take six thousand shares of that in my big account and that would have been awesome. and at that point I was already up to 6 grand so that could have put me up ten or even, you know, maybe fifteen thousand. but I you know wasn't on the right window so the orders didn't go through and so then when it's squeezed up here to the 20s. ended up taking a couple more trades, but I was sort of feeling a little FOMO here even though it's feeling good on this account, is feeling a little FOMO on this account and you know that that's a sort of tough place to trade from where one account you're feeling great about the other one you're feeling FOMO or frustration on.

But you know right now it's kind of the only way that I can do a small account challenge and still make good money. Not that $1,200 isn't good in a small account today, but I made 1,200 on a stock that with a big account I can make you know 6,000 on so you know I I'm not sure I don't know I mean once this account gets a little bigger, I'll have the buying power to focus on it pretty exclusively. although of course at that point I'll probably be getting ready to do another small account challenge. So I can kind of keep doing these small account challenges and you know, keep kind of showing you guys how it's done.

So in any case, let's break down the trades. Okay, so today started pretty much like any other day. Looking at our Gap scanner, it's Monday a Gap scanner at 9:15 a.m. was looking kind of interesting I mean nothing spectacular, but um, you know, but not bad.

So the leading gapper as you can see actually had no volume agent JLI only one share volume so that one we just ignored and skipped over ax Sm $85 stock so that one's no good. and the next one down was Mi RM at eleven dollars and 81 cents up 44% with a 4.3 million share float and thirty-four thousand shares of pre market volume. So this met all of the criteria for being a stock worth trading. The only thing about it that was a little tricky was the price.
The price being, you know at ten is a little higher than I prefer. Obviously I was trading LM px on Friday at thirty dollars plus a share so it's I'm willing to trade them if they're showing strength, but it's also really common. The stocks of this price range will kind of pop up, go sideways, get really choppy, and don't really give us big moves. It's more often that when a stock goes from four to six, to eight, to ten, to twelve, that when it's trading at twelve dollars, it's still kind of trading like a four dollar stock because it was just at four dollars.

You know this one was at seven. fifty wasn't actively traded really. and then you know gapped up to twelve. So this is when I was a little unsure about and didn't end up trading for a few minutes.

Look I'll show you kind of where I start trading it. So that was Mir ran on the Gap scanner and an SF was a couple down here at three dollars and fifty cents. So let's look at SF first. SF also met the criteria.

actually in a better way, 350 is a better price. twenty-nine percent. Gap is great. Four million shares of a four-million share flow, Twenty two thousand shares of pre market volume.

The bell rings and it opens at 3:19 Now this was kind of interesting because even though you see this is a big green candle, it actually opened a little low versus kind of the pre-market clothes which was at 3:40 So when it opened below 350, you know not and kind of looked like maybe it was going down. I sort of hesitated. it then ripped through 350, hits 375, 380, 390, 395 $4.00 and then it does a micro pullback right here. I Got in for this micro pullback break out at 4 and rode that momentum that pop up to 420.

and then I got back in on this dip right here and sold on what ended up being a double top at 420. So those are my two trades and actually on this one right here. This first trade, it hit a high of 399. It then dipped down to 370 and as it started to curl back up, that's where I got in around 375 for that break over 4 so I wasn't in it for I was in just below well below that level.

We got the break of 4 in the whip up to 420 and I sold on the ass taking profit around 4:10 or something like that. The second trade was a good one, however I took this second trade in my large account and I added at 315 and 320 was gonna bring us our 4:15 4:20 thinking it was gonna break that level. Next target being 450 460 maybe five before 50 was the next target. What ended up happening is it flushed back down to 375 And so that was the trade in my larger account where I ended up losing $1,400 which was kind of disappointing.
You know that's that's not what you want, but the reality is I I can't be as fast in I can't be super super fast into accounts at the same time I only have two hands. So I trade a small account with the majority of my focus and the big account. You know if I take a trade and it ends up rip and working then that's great. but if it doesn't work right away, I'm not gonna be able to kind of cut the loss fast I'm most likely gonna have a bigger loss in that account and so that account will be marked by bigger winners and bigger losers just as the nature of sort of that strategy is gonna dictate.

So anyways, double top here at 4:20 and then from there fading back down, not holding this level and has no longer been in play. So six hundred and twenty three dollars and 53 cents in a small account on that was pretty good and then on Mir M will switch to this one. My first trade on it was actually a really kind of a small trade. It broke over twelve seventy four.

it rips up here to 1368. it hits a high of 14, seventy nine, it does a pullback and then right in here. This was my first really good trade on it. I had one trade right in here for the break over fourteen.

kind of just jumping on the momentum and that was the one where I basically I was up fifty cents for a second and then way back down and stopped out flat. So I was like okay, that's a little choppy, not not easy. and then this is this pullback here. So you see how on the one minute it starts to pop up, it hits a high of 1479, it pulls back and then this right here.

over fourteen. Twenty first little candle to make a new high a break of this level. That was the spot. and so that's where volumes started to come in.

We got that break of 1450, a rip up to fifteen sixteen, a halt at 1605. I'm still holding small shares into the hall. Alright, then it opens a little higher, it pulls back and then it pops up over seventeen. but it doesn't really rip nicely until right here when it comes back up and breaks 1725.

So then this was the next entry in the small account where I did really well in the big account. This is where I missed my fill, it then squeezes and gets hauled to the second time. at 80 needs to, it opens higher. all right.

it hits a high of 20, it pulls back, it rips up and I added it $21 and 84 cents for the break over 22. it broke 22, hit 22 19 and then it dropped to 20 dollars and 25 cents and I lost a dollar. fifty per share. So I actually took a pretty good-sized loss on it giving back four grand in one trade.

It then came back up here I took another quick trade on it. This was in the small account and this was the trade where I lost 400 bucks. So I thought it was gonna break 22 and you know I just thought it did. but it doubled topped at the highs.

So today's a day where I gave back a little bit of profit off the high and you know this is kind of I don't know I mean I'm I'm a little bummed out that I gave back as much as I did in the large account. the small account I'm pretty okay with. you know $400 is not something you love to do. that was with 200 or 300 shares so it was a pretty quick, pretty quick loss in the big account.
It's disappointing because it can sometimes take you know, days or weeks to get a really nice six or eight thousand dollar winner. and I had it this morning and then I didn't take her back my risk enough on that last trade and so on that last trade I gave back more than half of my daily gains by continuing to trade with the same share size of 5,000 and 6,000 shares. so I was I was being a little too aggressive there. Generally the smart thing to do is to start to reduce share size as you get you know further and further into the day I know Ibraheim you did pretty well today up around 7 and you're talking about how you've you've had a really great hot streak I mean you had.

You've had some huge green days in the last couple weeks. 5,000 10,000 you're the $16,000 day. It had four awesome days in a row and so in four days. So you just say it's made $28,000 in four days which is awesome I mean that's that's incredible but he said earlier today he said I feel like a red day is coming and a big loss is coming and I actually I had a I had a nightmare over the weekend.

an actual bad dream over the weekend that I I took a trade and lost five thousand dollars in the small account and that I was just like oh my god this isn't like. not only did I blow up the account I'm I'm down five o'clock you know I'm down five grand I only had twenty five hundred in the account in my dream. so I was red I was I was now in the red in the account and it was such a real dream that I was just like I was the whole next day which was yesterday Sunday I was thinking about and I was like oh man I got a I've got to just take it easy. You know what? your account up a hundred percent.

So I made this sticky note. it counts up a hundred percent. Slow and steady. Slow and steady.

You know this isn't a race, this is a marathon. just you know. Set your pace now and and and and just kind of grind on those smaller numbers. You know, sometimes it's a you know it's kind of a strategy of you know, racing and stuff like that.

Sometimes you want to get out in front, you know quickly and then pull back and kind of set your pace. Other people are totally okay with like kind of starting slow and then gaining towards the end. but you know a lot of people kind of like to get out early, push a little hard, and then just kind of set the pace and then maintain. And you know right now in the last, this is day 9 of the small Count challenge.

Ninth day, the account tomorrow will have three thousand Six Hundred dollars. So I started with 520 I've now got $3,600 So the accounts up 5 5 times 5 25, 5 times 6 is 30 5 times 7 I mean it's up seven times in the last five, nine days. this has been a really nice nice hot streak that we've had here. and you know I it's okay to taper back a little bit, bring down the share size and try to reduce the risk so you know I Think that certainly on my first couple trades of SIF I was a little more conservative I didn't go nearly as aggressive on it as I could have once it was over four dollars I had you know my margin on it but I didn't want to push it too hard so SIF I took a little slow I hesitated it at the start and then you know, kind of waited for a good pullback am I? RM you know I stepped up on it but trading with between 100 and 300 shares so my buying power would accommodate being much more aggressive than that.
but you know I didn't want to I didn't want to push it and get smoked. so trying to sort of get myself in the mindset of the marathon setting my pace and if I can maintain 500 a day, that is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. I don't need to be hitting thousand 1,500 or 2,000 dollar days back-to-back Obviously if the market is hot, that's fine and the market has been really hot here in the last you know the last two weeks mostly on LNP X but you know here, we have another one up right now 115 percent.

So this is a day where money can be made and it makes sense to be a little bit more aggressive. but you know, always just trying to keep that kind of question in your mind of what am I risking on this trade. and can I really afford that risk? And you know today I was able to afford the risk I took and I'm walking away walking away. So you know, definitely when you get into that kind of race mentality of oh I want to cross this line I want to make this amount of money.

That's when I can start to get into a little bit of trouble myself I Know that from you know my experience. so I I have no idea how much I'm up on the month right now. you know it's the it's the sixteenth. we're about halfway through the month I know I'm up thirty four hundred as of today or thirty six hundred in the small account.

but in my big account I'm not tracking it at all I'm not even looking at it I'll look at it at the end of the month, but the reality is checking my balance on a daily basis to see where I am relative to my typical monthly goal. It's not helpful. It's not gonna change how strong the market is or how weak the market is. so I just have to continue to be focused on trading the market that's right in front of me.

All right. So that's the game plan. Will go into day ten tomorrow. Hopefully we'll see some continued momentum whether it's on Mir M or SIF or something else.

We trade it today LM px having a little bit of a pullback day today, which is I think absolutely to be expected so I wasn't eager to jump into it. I'm just gonna let it continue to consolidate. We'll see if it gives opportunities later this week, but with the price being higher on this one I Just said, you know guys I I just I Don't feel like I could trust it I could just lose too much too quickly because I knew the volume pre market was already lighter since it wasn't gapek higher. So I just felt like I liked her volume on a stock of this price range of spreads I knew would be big and so I decided to mitigate that risk by not trading it at all.
So I'm glad that I stuck with it. And a nice comment that someone posted on YouTube mentioned exercising your stopping power so your ability to stop and that even though some days absolutely you'll walk away having stopped only to watch a stock like L MPX go another. You know, fifty percent without you that extra step muscle that's a strengthen. That muscle to walk away is very very important.

You have to know when to walk away on Friday I walked away at the very top. You're not going to do that consistently every single day. It's that's almost impossible today. I'm walking away a little bit off the top I gave back a little bit market but with what we were seeing on Mir M and relative to the momentum that we saw Friday I'm Ellen px I thought that it did make sense today to you know to step it up a little bit more.

but you know I I did get back some profit. so I actually would have been better off today if I stopped trading right? it, you know I don't know ten o'clock or so. In any case, think of that as sort of strengthening the muscle. So even though it doesn't always feel good, it's really important to do that.

Ok, so that's it for me. I Will see you guys tomorrow for Day 10 of the small Count challenge. Alright, see you guys tomorrow! Bad one. Hey did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list.

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33 thoughts on “Day 9 account is up 50% today! – small account challenge ep 15”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Knot4Long says:

    Do a small account challenge with 1,000 and you’re under the PDT rule thus trading 3 times a week.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dough Funnels says:

    Hello Ross – Have you ever thought of doing an event in London UK. We certainly need you here to do something. – Ali

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Peterson says:

    Ross, great video very informative! What type of share size were you taking at this point in the challenge now that your account is growing

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MakTrader says:

    Im looking at your account and I am seeing BNTX at $38, woah! if only you had a crystal ball, its at $238 as I type this?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Azazel Hash says:

    This is one of the best things I’ve seen involving trading, I really want to use some of these tools but wow it’s expensive to get started (for someone who makes the small amount I do)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noureddine ait adidi says:

    i swear i had the same nightmare of losing 5000 $ last weekend

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chang Lee says:

    Ross, thanks for all your videos, in a small acct challenge, which broker do you use to avoid PDT rule?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ali Rasheed says:

    Is the scanner you use proprietary? Or how can we obtain it?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Williams says:

    Love the video! My wife is furloughed and expecting our third son. I’ve been reduced in pay and working harder than normal for almost 69 days. Took $4500 out of an old account and put it with CME. First $1,000 I make getting to your class. Start trading this Monday! Can you suggest a strategy with $4000 in a margin account? Specifically what’s a comfortable aggressive number to trade? Newbie, but completely understand risk management.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OG got IT 300 says:

    I’m a little behind… New sub, but I have to say that I’m very impressed… I don’t know exactly what you are doing, but it definitely makes sense (dollars lol) and I can’t wait to start this process… I like analytics so I’m sure I will do well… Starting from scratch, so I will get my equipment and keep watching the guru… Thanks for the inspiration. Still not sure what ‘fomo’ is lol. I need a coach

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lesley Nkomo says:

    Good to know that even with 10 years + experience you still give away some profits

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJP_Beast_Made says:

    Hey Ross, how do you know when to get out? Is trading more of a guessing game or do these accounts all have an algorithm?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CPTObvious08 says:

    Can you not hold stocks longer then acouple hours? Like if you are going to lose a lot can you hold your shares till the next day?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Williams says:

    Hey I love your videos. I am new to the idea of trading.I was wondering if you could do a video on how to actually trade. Meaning, what site do you go set up an account? What software do you need to purchase to get all these fancy screens? Ann while looking at a graph, show us the actual steps you go to buy and sell the stock.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toni Evanu says:

    what broker are you using for the account challenge? and what are the fees?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rgasta says:

    Lol Ross why did you have that bad dream? i like the sticky note memo )

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noel Timog says:

    You mention few times the bull trap, What are the sign of bull trap?Is it pattern or volume?Thx

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars steven macedo says:

    Awesome video!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FeueraugeX says:


    I have a question about margin. How that is calculated. Let's say I deposit $ 3,000. I get 6: 1 from the broker because it is higher than $ 2500. I buy a share xyz. 1000 pieces. $ 2.60 the price. I am selling it again at $ 2.80. Then calculated: $ 2600/6 = $ 434

    $ 2800/6 = $ 467

    Complete: $ 901 margin from my $ 3000.

    Or will the account just be $ 3000 x6 = $ 18000 and you can buy shares for it?

    Thank you for your help.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kamil Cavit Bedel says:

    how do you find stocks to Long ??? everytime i find a stock most of them i trade is Short because i used to trade short trade

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Ed says:

    The next Warrior Trading course: ambidextrous Trading!
    I’m waiting for the one where Ross is using his left and right feet to trade for accounts at the same time

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hayk Grigoryan says:

    how old are you Ross?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Baisburd says:

    Hi Ross, Could you let me know the clips type you use to hold the extra 2 monitors of your portable trading station, please?

    Thank you in advance.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Michael says:

    Awesome video. I would have fainted with a $4k loss.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Nettles says:

    6000 shares… I would shit myself if it even dropped a penny

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    I know this is off topic but I just saw one of your adds for Warrior Trading while checking my weather channel app. Thought you might find that amusing

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F U says:

    How does one make it so the order is always set to limit by default ? On Sterling pro ?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefano di biase says:

    heey ross , are you using etrade>?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kyllswitch says:

    I've been watching your channel about a year now and haven't taken the plunge yet. But I have been paper trading to learn before I leap.

    Would you do a video on your taxes as a day trader? Just how you plan for it, allocate a certain portion of your gains, and perhaps how much this years trading cost in taxes/fees. Thanks for all your great content!!!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate Wheeler says:

    Hey Ross, I’ve been following you for a couple years and I used to trade actively for a period of four years but never found true consistency. I always felt like it was because my small account and the PDT rule do you have any advice that could help me? I know I want to trade because I found a lot of enjoyment out of the challenge. I don’t know if I have a specific question but just seeking advice for a small account. How much do you factor in fundamental analysis vs technical?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam john says:

    Nice bro i am happy for you, all i need is your blessing :).

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mubarak patel says:

    you are Warrior bro

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HeartTree says:

    Hey Ross did you do a video on how to set up cmeg hotkeys?

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