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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

Alright guys, well this is a hard recap to do. I I've been on a kind of roller coaster the last couple weeks. you know, some some big green days, you know and I was joking about it last. Friday I you know cuz I had such a huge green day last Friday I doubled my account from twelve hundred up to twenty four hundred dollars in one day which was awesome and you know I think I was really eager to just quickly grow this account to just blow the small count challenge totally out of the water.

you know, using that measuring stick at the last time. a dismal count challenge when I took $583 and turned it into a hundred grand in 45 days and I start thinking well, you know, can I do it this time even faster now yesterday I missed a huge momentum stock M and PR the stock IPOs at like six dollars reps up to 8 to 10 to 12 15 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27 28 dollars a share. Absolutely crazy I saw a bunch of people made money on it but I didn't trade it. Well what happened yesterday was I had a great day but then it gave back some profit and when I start giving back profit I have to walk away regardless of what opportunities may lie ahead I have to walk away because that's one of my rules.

but then what that sometimes does is it turns into FOMO That kind of carries over into the next day and so today you know I saw MN PR you know, gapping up a little bit kind of sideways break a twenty. a continuation. yesterday's high. What happens? it breaks 28.

it goes to 30 32 It gets halted, it then resumes high. From the Hult it squeezes up to 36 37 38 dollars. The stock hit a high of 48 dollars a share. So what do I do I Bought 300 shares, about 300 shares of the stock.

You know what happened I doubled my account I doubled my accounting yet wildcard Friday to Friday's in a row let's make it official. You guys can see it right there. I Came into this morning with three thousand, seven hundred and thirty dollars and I'm up a three thousand, six hundred fifty one dollars and 26 cents. Not to mention I made nine grand right here my big account.

That was my big account and over here you can see these are the trades on MMPR a couple other sy RS and CBI on green on the three stocks I traded and locking up another big day I mean this is kind of bonkers from $500 this is day 11. In 11 days I've turned 500 dollars into over 7 grand Seven thousand dollars. Now here's the thing. as my account is growing, my buying power is growing as well.

So of course I can start taking larger positions. And the only difference between making a hundred a day which was what my first four five days of the challenge were like and making 300, 400 or even maybe you know at the house in a day is increasing share size. But your share size is gonna be limited by your buying power, so don't During those first few days you don't have a lot of buying carpet. As it increases, you can start buying more shares and you can start scaling up your strategy.

And so now I'm really picking up the pace. The account is growing really quickly. It's pretty exciting, but you know what? Some of you guys who have watched me here in the last 11 days of trading and grow this account and do this pretty crazy thing I bet some of you are inspired I bet some of you guys have been sitting on the sidelines feeling like oh man I Sort of missed this small count challenge. I've got great news for you I'm starting over I'm gonna start over next month so you want trade side-by-side with me with a small account? We'll start over together next month because I want to keep doing small account challenges.
They're fun, It's a challenge and it's a great opportunity for you guys who are sitting on the sidelines to take the leap to jump in and to trade side by side with me. Even if you're trading the simulator next month, practice. It's proof of concept. Prove that you have what it takes to be profitable.

Listen, if you can't be profitable a simulator, you shouldn't trade with real money anyways. So have a green month in the simulator and then when I do the next small count challenge which would probably the following month then you can come. You know, start trading with real money. Alright you guys! So as always, if you love these videos I hope you give me the thumbs up I hope you're subscribed to the channel.

If you have questions and comments, leave them down below. This is a pretty amazing day. Wild Card: Friday - Fridays in a row account doubling. Absolutely crazy Now that never happened during my last small count challenge.

So I am definitely exceeding the pace of growth which is which is exciting. But I'm not trying to make it a race I'm really not I'm not gonna grow any account 200 grand as soon as you know the end of this month. I'm just gonna start over and whatever I make. This month is awesome you know? But I'm not comparing it to the last challenge I'm really nothing - really not gonna do you even have to say it to myself a couple times.

Alright, so questions, comments, leave them below and I'll see you guys on Monday morning where I'll be training with a seven thousand dollar account. Five hundred dollars to seven thousand and eleven days water run. Alright enjoy the recap guys. All right everyone So we're gonna do recap here: Midday Market recap little later in the day than I usually would do the recap, but in any case, we'll break down today's trades.

a an impressive day I mean absolutely impressive I Did not expect to have this type of day and you guys know I've been traveling the last couple weeks. We just had our Inner Circle seminar in Miami which was awesome I got to meet a ton of our students and we all traded together in the same conference room which is really cool. We have these breakout sessions and everything else and but the time has come for me to go back to the Berkshires A New England and the cold weather. So because I'm flying back today, it's a kind of a long flight I'm in California right now I Sort of thought that maybe I better not be super aggressive because I've learned from experience that spending seven hours on a plane or whatever it as six hours on a plane, thinking about how you just lost 3,000 4,000, 5,000 dollars is pretty awful.
It's just it's terrible. So I was like, you know what? Russ Go easy today. There's no reason to try to be super aggressive, just make makeup on her box. Just let's just finish the week on a green green train.

Okay, fair enough. So as we start breaking down the watchlist this morning, I'll pull up the Gap scanner here. and the Gap scanner was kind of interesting because we really didn't have a lot on here that I liked all that much. I'll do this for 10:20 A.m.

t Con tcon Well my problem with this one was that the pre-market chart really didn't look that great. My okie is still a little sticky. Hang on one second. there we go.

on-screen keyboard. This is kind of silly. All right. So TC oh there goes our game.

Oh man. So t-con this morning you can look at the pre-market chart. you can see it was really weak and the bell rang and this thing just sold off I didn't even need to look at the daily chart I pulled it up and I saw nope, not interested I'm not gonna trade this I'm just gonna leave it alone. All right.

So this one I left alone. Next one down HD s n HD SN is 85 cents. It's too cheap. Not interested.

Next one down see RCM this one is 15 dollars 23 million share Flo It's got a higher float. It's not one that I've traded very many times. It actually looks like the catalyst is a buyout anyway. so I didn't even look closely at this one.

Next one down a Xgt not a lot of volume LT BR 33 million share flow 6,000 shares the volume with the floats a little high so you know as I'm kind of going through the top 10. I was like wow, there's kind of nothing here that looks really good. This is sort of a bummer. I'm not sure what I'm gonna trade and then someone said we'll check out Cbio because Cbio yesterday it was the stock that I traded and made some money on, but then gave back some of the profits in the afternoon or in the later part of the morning.

It ended up in the afternoon squeezing up all the way to $8 So it made this really big breakout which is you know, which was awesome. So I was watching that for continuation I did end up taking a continuation trade on it right here at about 1050 and I made $100 on it on this one I bought this little kind of micro pullback right here at ten at eight dollars and ten cents and it popped up to a high of 820 and actually I got in an eighth of seven and popped up to a twenty. I made five cents on two thousand shares. So that wasn't a big trade, but I thought was worth the stab for continuation.

So I was watching Cbio out of the gates for a possible break of eight, but it didn't do it out of the gates it waited for a little while before it finally opened up and then I had em and pyaare So a bunch of traders in our chat room said hey, Ross check out MN PR this is an IPO from yesterday. It made a huge move. It went from yeah let's see actually eight to nine to ten, up to twelve, pulled back and solid eight and it squeezed all the way up to twenty eight dollars and so pre market I was looking at and I was like yeah I don't know I mean it's interesting but I need to see it kind of moving quickly I don't know I mean it needs to take off the bell rings and the stock just immediately rips from 24 up to 30 dollars and 98 cents so as it rips up there I Jumped in as it was squeezing up for the break of 28 which was the break of yesterday's high. that's a continuation set up so I jumped in there first I punched it for a hundred shares alright I bought a hundred shares and then I was like okay, this looks good I'm seeing lots of green on the tape I punched it again I punched it again I took 300 shares of this stock which was about an eight thousand dollar position.
Alright, so in eight thousand dollar positions not a, you know, not a crazy-big position for me. Nine? almost nine thousand dollars and you know, but it certainly wasn't using all of my buying power. I've got close to 20 thousand dollars of buying power today, so you know I was being a little conservative on it and I was thinking if I can get a dollar a share, maybe a dollar fifty two dollars a share I'm just gonna jump out. take my three hundred four hundred dollars and be done for the day.

Well it ends up ripping up and getting halted at thirty dollars 98 cents and this was the moment where I had to ask myself am I gonna sell a little bit before it gets halted like when it broke over twenty nine and I saw it was getting close to a halt or am I gonna let it ride and this is a really tough decision because there certainly have. There have certainly been times where for something like this I'll hold it going into the hall and for some reason it ends up opening a little bit lower and then dropping and halting going down and all of a sudden go from being up four dollars a share to being you know to being breakeven and then being down and on. this one I said, you know what I've got 300 chairs I'm up I'm already up like a hundred bucks on it I'm gonna hold it I'm gonna hold the whole thing in the hall and and in my big account I had bought 1700 shares I got partial fills in my big account right down here. So in this account I took 1,700 shares and that was kind of I actually wanted to take more but I ran out of buying power.

So what happened was I press shift 1 and shift 1. that's a thousand shares each and then I pressed it a third time but the order didn't get filled and jumped away above it I tried to press it again, but now I'm out of buying power because I've only got about a hundred thousand in this account. which I mean there's a lot of money. but I ran out of buying power with 3000 shares orbs.
but in order to place a new order, I would have had to cancel one of my open orders and then place it again and they didn't have the ability to do that quickly enough. And then next thing I know I was halted. So I'm holding 1,700 shares in my big account and 300 of my small account. It's halted.

It resumes and I add in my big account I put in order to add a 34. I'm actually not sure if that order filled or not. it looks like the low is 3405. I don't remember if it was 34 50 that I put the order.

but in any case, and it's that 34 and then it rips up right here to 43 dollars and 33 cents and that's where I took my profit in the big account and it took my profit in the small account. And just like that, I had made $3,000 Now I actually did sell and then I added back on this one-minute micro pullback at 37 or 38. So I took some profit I sold 200 shares and I added back 200 for this kind of final breakout off the top. It then pulls back and I Took a couple more trades through this area and then my last trade on it.

This is a really solid trade. This was right in here: I got in at $41 expecting the break over hi a day which was 43. It curls up and surges up to a high of 46 50 It dips down and then it pops up to a high of 40 $8.00 I mean just really solid and you know what? It's now pulled back a little bit which I suppose is not super surprising. We'll see how it looks going into tomorrow or going into Monday It is pulling back a little bit now, but this gave us a great opportunity on a breakout and I was I was happy to take it so that was the daily there.

it's now shooting Star but like LNP x recent IPO breakout. Very similar set up, you know and I thought it made sense to be aggressive on it given that it was so similar. and this was the one last week that I doubled my count on on the day that it squeezed from twenty to forty four dollars. Now, typically I wouldn't trade stocks of this price range.

However, it just sometimes that that's where the volatility in the opportunity lie SK s why sorry sy RS is the third stock that I traded today and this one's a little disappointing. and I actually lost money on this one in my big account. So in So when I took this trade on Sy RS all of a sudden the stock squeezes up here. This is really kind of nuts.

It does a tiny little pullback. I got to go way back here I don't usually use the 10-second chart, but I used it a little bit today. so it does. There's a little pullback.

where was it? It was right around here and I jumped in for that quick breakout trade. A little micro pullback and this thing squeezes up to $8.50 I made 900 in my small account and that was while while M and PR was halted. So I took this trade while MMPR was halted Now I wanted to take the trade in my big account, but I'd already maxed out my buying power and so what I had to do is I had to switch to my retirement account I switched my retirement account and took this trade on Sy RS right here and this is the trade that I jumped in for the break of eight and then stopped out right down. Here is it dropped on this false breakout to a low of 747 which was kind of a bummer.
it took 10,000 shares I lost 25 cents per share so I lost 2,000 there 2,400 you know and that is what it is. And in fact I took this same trade in my small account. I went from being up nine hundred to being up only five hundred and twelve. so that was that was my my kind of most disappointing trade of the day right there.

But I thought that the first one minute pullback would work because of how much this moved I thought traders would jump on it and we would see a move back up to 850 or maybe ten. but I was wrong. So you know cutting losses quickly is important. And one of the things I said to myself on this one is this: since I gave back almost half of my profit in a small account on this stock, maybe I shouldn't trade that stock anymore, you know I'm still well in the green on the day, but maybe I shouldn't take any more trades on that particular stock.

and so so I did it. and so I finished up on that stock up 500 my small countdown, twenty three hundred in the main account and then on mmm NPR of 94 or 9200 in the big account of three thousand a small account which is awesome and a mere $160 on CB IO which was kind of just a little bit of a trickier one. MMPR you know for me what that had going for. it was recent.

IPO Breakout breaking the previous day's high. it's a technical breakout. It's a very similar setup that we traded on LMP X and because we had this move on LMP X that was so strong I Think traders were more likely today to jump on the MMPR move because it was similar to the last Big Momentum stock we had. That's the thing that we kind of see in the market where when you have a lot of momentum in shipping stocks, the next shipping stock that pops up, people jump on it faster.

When you have a lot of momentum in pharmaceutical stocks, the next pharmaceutical stock that pops up, people jump on. It happens with shipping Pharma Biotech. It happens with Chinese stocks and happens with recent IPOs It also happens with recent reverse splits and we'll see this kind of trend. now.

what often happens? You have to be really careful that you're trading the trend and you're not trading your your kind of emotion around it because sometimes you'll start to feel a little foam of it. You didn't make as much on this stock as you would have liked to have and so the next one that pops up you jump into and rather than getting increasingly aggressive I often will be really aggressive on the first two or three and I start to taper back because if I'm starting to see that these stats aren't holding up as well I Know that the breakouts are gonna get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller until that setup kind of stops working for a little while and then we'll see another stock do something crazy and then for other stocks like it, do something pretty equally crazy and then it kind of comes back down to equilibrium until the next one comes up. It's it's this cycle in the market that we that I've just seen forever of. you know it's it's fear.
it's greed. it's it's learning you for you as a trader, how to capitalize on those emotions without falling victim to them. And that means you're walking a tightrope almost every day. And there are some days where I do fall victim and I get aggressive and I give in to FOMO which is why it's probably believable that I could have a blow-up type of day although you know, knock on wood I've been really good about that.

I've had certainly read days but never since my since I really turned the corner. I've never had a day where I like decimated my account which is good again now kind of what? I'm a little superstitious just even say that. but and you know it comes back down to risk management and having some form of risk management in place. There may be days where I do get a little more aggressive and I do push my luck a little bit more and sometimes those will be days where I end up giving back a little profit.

But then I'll have a day like today where if I wasn't as aggressive, I wouldn't be up nearly as much as I am. So you know it's it's really learning to have that presence of self, that ability to be connected with the market. and and know, is this a day to be aggressive or is this a day to be more conservative? So anyways, that's it for me. I Hope you guys have enjoyed this recap here.

If you have questions, comments those you guys are going to watch this on Youtube, please leave them down below a person respond to every question comment posted and I'll be doing comments on the plane ride home and I will see you guys first thing Monday morning and I'll be logging in with $7000 in this small account which is crazy I mean from five hundred to seven thousand and eleven days is really pretty nuts. so it's been a really great seven a really great eleven days here and I want to keep it going I'm gonna keep growing this account through the end of the month and then starting in January It'll be time for a new small account challenge. So I'll start over in January I'm actually probably start over on January 6 because January 2nd is a Thursday I don't think I want to start a new account on Thursday Friday so I'll probably start over on January 6 and Thursday and Friday I'll just trade in my regular account. So those you guys who have a little FOMO that haven't been able to follow along a small count challenge as much as you'd like another shot at it next month starting on Monday to 6.
Alright so that's it for me. I Will see you guys first thing on Monday Morning Alright bye everyone hey it's me again. The most popular video on day training on YouTube was made by me. You can check it out below if you haven't already and as always if you have questions, leave them in.

The comments I personally respond to every question that's posted on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

36 thoughts on “I just blew up my small account… for real this time small account challenge ep 17”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trade the Best says:

    you got me twice now..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gulab singh says:

    you are good actor,try in hollywood ,

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ygtcbee23 says:

    The Best Click Bait on Youtube! Haha gotta Love it

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Smith says:

    Ah hahaha you got me again

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Focht says:

    Hilarious 😂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pam L says:

    I think it should be the 500 not a 2500.oo I think I could get something going with 2500.00 in this market .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amine Rouita says:

    I'm starting next week! you think CMEG's still a good idea? THANK YOU FOR INSPIRING SUCH A WHOLESOME COMMUNITY. 🙏🙏

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler Cobb says:

    Shout out to everyone that has survived 2020 and 2021. Get the long term and the divs

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Battalon says:

    I hate clickbait 🤬
    But that kind of clickbait is great 😜

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars léandre beaudin woodward says:

    what would be a great simulator to test? thanks!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Beyer says:

    But there's nothing better than sitting on a plane for 7 hours if you've just double your account! Think positive!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saleeezr says:

    Hi Ross, what kind of laptop do you use? ASUS gaming rog? I noticed the side screen asus logo. Greetings from the vineyard crowd! Thank you for all your help!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Bates says:

    What is best simulator to use to get started

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Bates says:

    I’ve just started watching but you have very interested and wanting to learn more

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Ferrer says:

    Ross you had me questioning my LIFE scaring me about your account, and than I almost fell off my chair once you said you doubled your account, dont do THAT. Your a good man lmao

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kledjan Mema says:

    You got me again for the second time 😂

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malcolm Doss says:

    I’ve never even blown up an account and I find this title triggering. think about ur viewers Ross 😆

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Cardenas says:

    Hey ross why dont you ever trade forex? is it too risky from your experience?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt hale says:

    LOL great intro – i really wasnt sure this time. Fair play keep grinding it up.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mask says:

    Got me in the first half not gonna lie

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jay says:

    Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did you do that!! I was like “NO WAY!!” Had to watch as soon as I saw that thumbnail because I’ve never seen you blow up your account. Then when you said “I doubled my account, I blew it up!” I was so god dam happy!!! 💪🏽 yes you are inspiring and I soooooo appreciate you teaching us and one day I want to be able to send you a screen shot of me having some Green Day’s myself.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Juan Torres says:

    Lol you had me going there haha. Can you do the same with my 500 dollars, and then give them back when it's like 20k

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Hendry says:

    I’ve noticed that you have been trading on dips heaps more. Do you think that improvement in your trading will make you a lot more profitable going forward?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Wu says:

    Hi Ross!Thank you for sharing!So what tools do you recommend to find stocks news or catalyst before the market open for momentum trade?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Boissiere says:

    Every time, he leads with this and I see no hair loss I am calling BS!!!!!!!! LOL

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eve Loshinina says:

    LOL You got me here!!! You should look into acting 😉

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trader777 says:

    Que ma mucho el sol

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Babak Ganji says:

    Nice daytona! do a watch collection video!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars esrA eloH says:

    This is making me want to do small account challenges

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars husband of nateli schazeli bebeleli says:

    Do more vlogs bro

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angela says:

    Ross…Ross…ROSS!!! Why?… Lol I'm in stitches right now cracking up! Fun videos

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Huang says:

    Hello, new to trading here! I just wanted to know how you are able to make multiple day trades on a margin account without violating the PTD rule. Trading for me has been very slow especially with the PDT rule in place, and since I only trade on a cash account I don't have the buying power required for big gains.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian brian says:

    you motivated me so much i just started my small account challenge too with 2k and its up to 3500 now thanks to you and the wisdom you share here. thanks your the big boss

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T. Manumaleuna says:

    😂😂😂 jerk man!😂

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corona Free says:

    Is it just me or does he sound like Dead Pool (Ryan Reynolds) lol

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Popovich says:

    Ross – Love the idea of starting a new small account monthly. I just started your program and this month I've been doing the classes and just watching you, next month I'll do sim with you on the new small account and if you do it again in Feb, hopefully I'll be using a real account!!! Great job and I love the OJT method!

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