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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well um, this is gonna be a little bit of a longer recap during this recap. I break down traits from today, but I also go through my last three cold streaks the cold streak actually the last four, the cold streak that I had last March last June last October and this one that I'm on right now and I ended up finding some very interesting similarities between those four red streaks and I think I'm able to walk away with some good kind of action points of things that I can do tomorrow and in the weeks ahead to be a little bit more disciplined when it comes to managing my risk. So overall, this is a really solid recap for you guys I Hope you enjoy it a lot. These red day recaps are I mean I don't mind doing red day recaps.

you know here and there doing six in a row because this is the first time I've done that and it's not fun. Losing six days in a row is not fun. Fortunately, I am not yet at my lowest drawdown that I've ever had. that was in November when I lost 53,000 dollars over the course of about four weeks of trading.

it was for really bad weeks and all things considered. I'd probably prefer just to have six terrible days and then go back to good trading for the next three weeks. You know it's disappointing to have them all clustered together, but let's just get it over with. Get behind it.

You know, get get it behind us and then hopefully see better trading on the other side. So I do talk a little bit about why I Don't think this is related to the drop in the overall market although I do think it's related to coronavirus as a catalyst because of how it's affected trading in small cap stocks. so I'll get into that during the recap. As always I Hope you guys if you're watching this video, at least take just one second to hit the thumbs up and hit the subscribe button.

I Don't think you'll see anyone else on YouTube doing 6 red day recaps back-to-back doing recaps every single day since January 1st 2017 and really trying to show you guys the ups and the downs. I mean there's some great ups, but there's some dams being a day trader is this is high risk. Day trading is high risk. Most day traders lose money, but those who who figure it out of course can do very well.

but even then still have some challenges as I'm having right now. And by the way, as it turns out, I've had a black cat sitting on my desk for a while. This has got to go. If things turn around tomorrow, well well know who was really play alright so that's it for me.

Enjoy the recap and I will see you guys tomorrow are you guys? So I'm I'm gonna do my recap here for today's trades. kind of break it down. This is probably going to be a valuable for me as it will be for you just to kind of talk out what's going on and I got to kind of make a game plan because what I'm what I'm doing right now isn't working and I don't want to just keep doing this for another five days in a row for Dick Ulis and I've had red streaks, no doubt about that. I've had terrible red days, no doubt about that.
But to have a red streak that is so sustained as this has been. this has been a first, you know. Last year I had a day where I lost thirty grand in one day and it was devastated it was. It was so devastating I was so angry with myself and you know I had to just kind of let it be what it was and start digging myself out of the hole and it took a while but I eventually got out obviously and you know, whatever and I've been talking about this a little bit.

this these draw downs. This was what I had in March of last year. so I lost 30 grand on this day 29 grand then the next day I made like five or six thousand and then the day after that I lost 16 grand so then I was down 47,000 I was like God dang, this is a big hole I I can't keep swinging for the fences I can't keep being aggressive I've got to pull back, he's off the throttle and just start digging myself out slowly and I got back. Got it back.

You know it took me from the end of March until May but I got back and got back to all-time highs and then I had another draw down here last year down 34,000 and it was basically one $12,000 day that's too small, green days and then a second big red day. Again, it was God Dang it! This is so frustrating and maybe what would be helpful here would be to analyze these these days. I'm not sure the best easiest way to do it. Well, let's kind of do that because these are kind of like.

you see how it's a first day and then second day. So first drop in the second drop and then I happen to get in October first drop and then a second drop and in October I will be November Actually I went down 53,000 which is the biggest drawdown I've ever had in like modern my modern training history of since I turned the corner and became probably and this is where I was at yesterday as of last night. down forty two thousand five hundred and I'm down another three thousand today. So forty five thousand.

So I'm coming right down to the bottom here: I don't want to set a new love so I need to turn it around I Tried trading everything that moved today, same as yesterday and that clearly did not work. didn't work yesterday, didn't work today. So alright so let's look at. let's start by looking at this overview of calendar.

let's look at 2019. Let's look at March So this is when things went off the rails here and this was on Estr. Alright, so yes TR Well I guess it's no longer traded. but I know what happened on this one and I know at least roughly and what I did on this one are actually I could probably pull up here.

So this stock had popped up from 150 to pulled back and you know, schmuck tonight. I bought it at $4 with that, you know, come on man. I bought it right there. so what would you say that is that was fun.

Granted you know I thought it had to potentially go higher but we pulled over the block but it was still a foam on trade I bought it very very hot and I held it for a long time but I was in with a huge position and I got smoked. So what happened on this one is I got in and I saw there was a big seller on the asking for and I was feeling I was in a in on a day where I was really emotionally impulsive and I basically said screw it I'm there's a cellar of 10,000 shares at 4:00 I'm buying those 10,000 shares I'm gonna buy it because when this thing breaks for it, looks good for a squeeze up to 450, maybe higher. So I've got 10,000 shares it didn't break I started getting stubborn and I said screw it about another 10,000 shares now I've just totally I'm emotional, just angry knowing that this is either going to be a huge win or a huge loss. Find another 10,000 shares had 30,000 shares total and loss of dollar share.
So in two accounts: my retirement account and my main account. so that was terrible, terrible, terrible trade. That was the beginning of that registry. So it started with Bowman you know, of course.

um for all I know some of these Green Day's had some FOMO in them, but focusing on this, that was a FOMO trade. All right, let's see. what about this one? The Oxl yes hae TI Bbr only recall these ones supers typically, but they may also film on trades this one s XTC I Want to look at this one here so one minute sharp, this is a gap in goat trade. so as a stock gapping up I don't know how far back I'll be able to go here I don't think I'll be able to go as far back as they need to see.

so gap and go trade that I'm not gonna put a strong I'm not going to say for sure whether or not that was a good trade or bad trade cuz I don't know I can't see the free market chart but obviously it was a big loss and then I doubled the first trade out of gates and I took a couple more trades and lost more. So on that day I traded past my max loss and now it's It's not fun to hit your max loss in the first two minutes. No question about it, it's not fun to be like wow I just got here and I have to go I hit my max loss. it's embarrassing as a you know as the teacher training the front so many people and but even if I wasn't doing that, I would still be frustrated and not want to quit at 9:32 but I get my max loss and I kept trading.

Okay so that so that was a rule break day break. So we got a fomo day in a row break day and so that put me basically the bottom and then going into March and April it was just a process of slowly digging myself out. Base hits, lots of small green. well this is a nice day but mostly smaller.

Green Day's okay then June this was film again I was I was like ready to explode. So this was June of last year so it's like it not going back very far on the five. so in June I went down close it 37,000 so I lost 10 grand, then I made back 20 and I was in Italy for three weeks which and when that trip started. but I think it started right around here.
So this looks like three red days in a row. two tiny green days, then three more red days and this was one big loss. XVI Oh let's see on this one. so this is another one that I bought on this kind of red to green set up for a move into a halt.

I added going into the second halt and then it resumed. It can halt it going down so that always when that happens that's always a really tough one. I do like to add coming out of halt and I don't know why this one ended up halting going back down. but from my initial entry down here you know 980 or whatever this was I couldn't these could have all been selves.

you know I could have been sell, sell, sell, sell and then that would have been in green trade and instead I went ad ad ad ad to try to turn it into a home run. So I was swinging for a home run on that trade instead of taking the base it. So home run fail. and then of course after failing big on a home run, when you're down, you know 20,000 or 15,000 whatever it was 10,000 Now you feel like you need a home run to make it back I Got a home run on this day I did make it back so I kind of got away with a home run strike out Home Run works and then coming into this day CT RV Nasty lost their B is al looks like again on this day I went down 10,000 and kept trading.

Finished the day down 5 grand created past the max laws on this day I went down five grand and that was basically it on this day. I went down 10 grams. Nine years. Really two big losses that one we looked at.

Yeah. so I you know it's hard to say for sure whether or not there was opportunity. there were opportunities to try to get small day. Since this day I was up 500 and then went red.

Lets out of curiosity how many days I went red right away when red right away went green by about 500 and then one drug that was probably on come LM tea but with six thousand shares I only made 600 bucks. Hopefully this isn't boring for you guys. I'm just trying to think out and kind of get a little bit of a more of a dial in on what maybe is some of the precursors to these big draw downs. All right.

And then in November Now let's see it was October it was from October 18 I've only seen that Eight thousand, seventeen thousand, four thousand, nineteen thousand. That that probably puts these those. So let's see five. So eight, that's thirteen.

So twenty Thirty thousands. that's Thirty thousand in the red. Twenty five thousand in the red, and then forty Five thousand, Forty Seven thousand. So forty seven thousand dollars in the red in one, two, three, four, five, six days.

So that's about where I'm at right now. Very similar. Looks like it I had was on a pretty nice hot streak. really.

Hofstra Thirteen thousand, Nine thousand, Five thousand, Nine thousand and I took a read. had a red day here and I went up a thousand and then dropped down. Bimmy was my biggest loss. Let's look at the one minute buying into a halt to adding going into a second halt.
It opened, blower and fails. The thing here with this, of course is that some of my biggest winners are on this type of thing where they open higher and then they're up at eight, nine, or ten. So it's hard for me to say I shouldn't do that when I know some of my biggest winners are on it. However, I would say I was probably going through a little bit of a home run although given the fact that I was up I was having an amazing week.

Twenty thirty three thousand I was almost 40 grand on the week. so if there was ever a time to be aggressive, that was the time. but it didn't work. Then on Monday I came in and went back for Bimmy.

Same same stock and I went red on my first trade, made back some and then went further into the red. oh yeah bots coming out of a halt. it didn't looks like go into a second halt and then stopped out. It's a that's a emotional stop out because I think I hit the lows back up and it should have sold like up here.

So I would say emotional I'm not following stops now. It looks like maybe on this day I was trying to reclaim what I made but I lost here real quick and then here at compounded we do really bad trades on the you Excel London the IRA and one of the main the proper entry was down here. I didn't have a proper entry so I tried to by going into a halt. Probably bad entry.

Now if I've had an entry down here would have been totally different but I didn't so I chased it phase the one minute set up instead of pull back. A little bounce back here. little bounce back here. I even went red and then went green on that day when red on this stock green on this stock ring on the stock.

So a day where I over trade it a bit quite a bit block 200,000 shares of volume and then a big loss doesn't look like I waited for a full backup. So I'm kind of seeing something a little common here. It speaks to the video that I made the other day. and FOMO FOMO Impulsive.

overconfident, too aggressive, impatient, not waiting for callbacks. you know, of course it's hard to know with any certainty it would take a significant investment of time to go through all of my metrics to say. Well, how many times did being impulsive make me money? How many times they lose me money and it the neck? What did it make me more than a cost? But while that may be true, but during a hot streak like this, you know maybe it's okay on some of these traits to be a little aggressive. While I traded a lot on this day and longitudes, guess the market was high.

In any case, while that may be okay on some days when the market is high, is it appropriate on days when the market clearly is enough because the stock that it looks like I've made $10,000 got in, got out. but here this is different I got another pull back and I got out of here, sold some that I messed up on a little bit but a little bit cleaner ses it's here to the spa massage. So Bob bought-sold Sold-bought Bought-sold sold-bought her nose were those were better trades then did. We will get this day.
So now let's look at Alright so that was. That was my worst drawdown that I've ever happened During that drawdown I was kind of spiraling I was getting emotionally impulsive FOMO trying to grasp at straws, trying to make back the losses as much as I would say, don't do that I couldn't help but fall into that cycle. But the whole thing with of course having losses is that it's a terrible feeling. and you know losing money is not fun.

and the quickest way to alleviate that terrible feeling is to make money back. And so knowing that you know that'll make you feel better, you start to get a little desperate looking for stocks that will move quickly. and I'm living proof that even after years of trading, you can still fall victim to that. So things fell apart for me on this day here: 227 I was having a great month, I had a couple red days and I definitely over trained on this day.

I traded a lot but and I over traded on this day too. but I had was having a pretty good month I was up about eighty. five thousand dollars on the month right here. and then on this day I lost 16 gray.

Alright, so this was a disaster right out of the gate. All my big pillows need a look at this right out of the gates. I bought the stock thinking I was gonna rip up 221 halted going down and I stopped out right here only to watch it bounce like right after I stopped out it then pulled that and then came back all the way to my entry. It did end up failing and being coming back down more during the day actually.

Um, no it really didn't Not much more. I pretty much just totally screwed that trade up. So the pre-market chart which you can't see on this one was extremely extended and I jumped into it 27. So this is our free market chart.

It was like super extent breakout of Games of Plush I didn't wait for a pullback and while I was in that trade I jumped into Co the accent did the same thing. so I was being impulsive and too aggressive so you know could those be avoidable mistakes if I could train myself to go slower at the open or the watch stocks ripping up and actually wait for a pullback. So by waiting for a pullback, I could have bought an 18. I mean the thing is, this is tricky because you know.

I I Kind of felt like this was a break of the pre-market highs of the two. This was a better quality set up for break up. Fremont at high I was getting into easy but that breakout failed then broke out second time. So this is also stock a little outside my price range which we know.

Okay, so that was the first day. So the problem there is that in one day I lost 16 gram. it's a huge hit. It's almost impossible not to get impulsive after that.
not to get emotional after that. So the next time I have a day where I lose 16 grand in one day and it's gonna happen at some point I Don't think it's possible to say or expect that it won't happen again. So the next time it happens, what should I do differently? It's so hard because in my mind I'm like well you know on the next the day after a red day you know the instinct is trying to make back to loss and the question is if the market it's hot and I'm throttling myself by saying oh you kind of read day at stage Mille mm chairs I'm gonna feel even more FOMO and even more frustration I'm gonna watch socks to wear knowing that if I traded with regular shared size I would have killed it. But because I trade with small size I'm not doing well so I'm not really sure condition.

what's the right thing to do is I followed with a second red day I actually went green as you can see here and then in one trade right here go gave it all back and that was on a yacht so let's look at API So that was my first trade on it. That was my second trade on it and that was the one that killed me right there. That was a full mile. Entry knows about it, the right entry would pull back.

Okay, so maybe perhaps I am more susceptible to FOMO after having the big boss. Now again, if elegant, you know this day. for instance, like look at how crazy this was Bought, bought, sold drop spot and then sold-bought bought-sold That was some aggressive stuff, but on that day I came out on top. you know, so sometimes being aggressive does work obviously? All right.

So that was the beginning and and that just maybe having the mindset of is this the market to be aggressive in or I just have a red day and they need to cool off a little bit. So then Monday read on almost everything just right across the board, pretty much only one green for a second and then start going red Tuesday This was a MTP trade. so this was a trade that I bought I thought it was going to go him to a halt and it did him and I stopped that when it came back down, that was a chase I bought it coming out of the first Hall so it goes for a second Paul DB is well I shouldn't have been trading TV IX that point I was just like screw it. well let's look at HP I was on this one I made 10 grand I'd say that was pretty risky.

The right entry was down here and I bought it pretty high up. This would be very bought. it sold, it made money, sold, the rest got back in, sold it got back in, folded pretty aggressive I probably have just these people of chance at losing on that one as they do making and then I did the same thing I See is a lot yesterday again like today stated, almost everything that was moving pretty much never one. I mean I was green tiny tiny bit when bread came back up.

finished flat for for commissions. generated a thousand dollars in fines clapping when you trade this many times just bending your wheel and then we have today. So today Ino just unbelievable I like worth trade on. It was right here for the break of nine.
so I actually bought twelve thousand shares I was into the rounding 95 average eight Ninety five and so right here it rips up to nine fifteen I was like look man we're in the driver's seat late work and it squeezes up 925 Nine Thirty Nine One nine nine Nine forty and I was like I made five grand on this in this candle right here. drop all the way back to nine, Stop Down I was like oh my god well can't let this turn these go losers So I stopped out, stopped out as it did and then came back up I didn't get back in right here. for the break of nine forty it hits a high of 990, it flows back and I got in right here. so I thought it would break 990 and I get back everything I just made and I looked at and I was like man I owe the what it should have been up.

you know a dollar a share with twelve thousand shares and look at me I'm I'm red on the stock so you know the problem was that I didn't take profit into the move and then I panicked out and then I didn't get back in even though I could have right down here and then I just didn't trade it well and then I chased it way up high cuz I was frustrated end of the day I got back in right here. Alright so I got back in at seventy-five and then I added at right around 95 15,000 shares I was like it's game time. This thing's gonna break Ten. This is gonna break ten - flat top breakout.

probably gonna rip up to 10, 15 and 20. so I'm long 15,000 shares it's a high of 10 10 himself didn't sell it I was like this is it's doing exactly what I thought it would do and in this candle it dropped to 962 I got out on the bow Braille Loss Unbelievable. That's a 50-cent drop in one candle and this stock traded 111 million shares of volume and we're still able to drop 50 cents in one now. I SI expect it from a stock like Co HN This stock didn't trade on a lot of volume.

It was the leading gaffer This morning up 92 percent. 1 million share flow have moved a lot. Free market I got in it in kind of a risky spot I'll say that this was not my. this is actually one of the trades that I told myself not take in February because it cost me some money in January Doing this trade, it was doing a trade on a stock below Bwak anticipating that it would so is below Bwagga should have waited for it to break.

you app will be wet and then So I got in right here for the break of seven and I it didn't break it first and I was like okay and then we mm I'll buy another Mm any Thomson you know, screw it I'm being emotional, aggressive, impulsive and that's not me being intellectual about my boss risk and stuff like that. It then drops in the skin.look year and it actually hits a low of 609 and I'm holding full-size also going down. it resumed and it pops back up and I actually sold when it popped back up I was getting out of the business so I managed my risk on that I guess a little bit better, a little bit better but the six thousand shares are still out sport on top. so I told some in the 40s and I guess the rest.
So that was a trade that I got in from the break of the whole dollar. Alright well back setup was great here I didn't buy that I bought the break of the whole dollar thinking was gonna read the green. it wasn't a very good setup. he and them hey I traded this one in the morning.

Yeah, absolutely I think it was right year they came back up I got in thinking he was gonna break through six and maybe the break through the whole dollar. but it wasn't a good settable. wasn't a good entry. grasping at straws.

anything that's moving, trying to jump in and just bribe him. Oh man, but that's not a good. really not a good strategy. see Odx this one I did the same thing I bought it at anticipating to break it to d50 washdown Instant $12 loss.

That was the first one today that actually put me read my very first played out of the gates I think my first tear was actually on Canf and they made a hundred and seven dollars and I was like man this is frustrating only up honor and seven dollars like this. he's terrible the terrible start of the day. However, the entry of this pullback was better but it didn't work out well OBC I and that one worked out a little bit better. very like volume and yeah this was the break of OBC I break of $5 and that's this one I Had a couple nights trades on as it was squeezing up here I believe the first one was burr break 12.5 and that gave us a squeeze up here to talk with you two but then in this one candle was on the one minute.

once again in one candle it goes from 1252 all the way down bulky key and then come back up. pull back breaks 1252, squeezes up to 13 and then another really big drop those they drop here here. yeah those are so hard Yeah good. I don't like seeing it I'm sorry in any case, that money HPI this one was good I guess 1974 I actually got in.

This is a pretty good entry I got it here for the break over 20 so that was a that was a solid entry. so biggest winner on the solid entry I Think the problem is is being patient feeling that I'm behind the ball. but I'm not where I want to be on the week around the month and that I can't afford to just sit here and not trade when stuff is clearly moving and so I just do jumping in stuff in the wrong spot and then and then getting myself in trouble. So where I'm sitting right now in these last.

So in these last five days before today I was down 42,000 my accuracy of on 52% and my average losers were huge because I had a couple feet losses. I did have one nice big win but I had a lot of small wins. So my avid winners are a really small. Kind of hard to draw like any strong conclusions about the price of stock because I'm just sort of losing across the board, but that's and it's not that.
Oh I should focus on number two. this is too small data pool make it a strong decision about that market behavior. I've I mean I lost money when the market was up and one market was down so wouldn't say that's really I would say right now the biggest problem is that and maybe this is kind of the thing looking back at longer periods of time that when things start to go bad rather than ease off the throttle and you know maybe this is like a good analogy. Let's just picture for a second that you're driving a racecar and or picture that you're skiing down ago and that's everyone you want.

So you're being time. you're trying to set it up and you see the ear when you hit a checkpoint that you're behind and you're like you know I'm behind I I Need to start playing catch-up and so to start playing catch-up you start getting. Overall, you start to get a little more aggressive and maybe a little sloppy. You get really tight in on one of those corners or one of those gates and you're at the very edge of control you're trying to make up That time you might or you might spin off the track and you might.

you know we'll just both your skis and twist your knee and you know your outfit, season and then you know it's one of those things that I think about with like racecar driving and stuff like that that when you're having a you know if you're having a couple bad laps there may be something that's out of your control. but it's not you. There's nothing you can do. There's nothing the best driver could do.

This is simply out of your control. It's raining. You're not gonna set a record lap time when it's raining or you know you're skiing and it's slated and there's ice and it's coming down on your goggles and you can't see it. Then you're not gonna set.

No one's gonna set a record time and someone who got to do the run. You know when it wasn't when the weather was better, it's gonna have a better time. You mean there's nothing you can do. and if you try to like pedal to the metal into that, you're pushing into resistance and I feel like 9 out of 10 times you're gonna spin out and you're gonna screw up and you're gonna get really angry with yourself.

why did that push it I should have just stopped, should just thrown in the towel Now when trading it's a little different in the sense that on any day you can anecdotally think about people who surely made money today. Oh I'm sure he made money today and look at me, you know I'm the guy right? Oh, here's this guy on you know, wherever is saying he made mind today in the chat room or on social media and so you always sort of feel that scoreboard. there's someone else out there that's making money and of course you feel that need to make a certain amount each week in each month to prove that you know you're still still know what you're doing and that it's still worth you spending doing this, everything else. And so as you start to go, read rather than ease off the throttle and be like okay, the market is getting choppy.
You know the market and you can say whatever you want. it's the oh this is Ross You know you clearly. you know you clearly are a bad trade or in the markets down you know I mean obviously this wasn't a great stretch for the market and that red streak that I had back in November started on October starting on October 18 so went from about here to like here pocket what's going on all-time highs so you know I was making money in the beginning of October The market is down. You know you can go back to other stretches whether it's last December I made money in December This is a factor but this isn't the reason I think it's a factor because it's creating some confusion and small-cap market because things are moving up on Iran the virus and there some of them are exaggerated and they're moving way up and their family and then you know these are dropping and it's just it's kind of wild.

It's like it's Khurana virus. maybe more than the Obama occupy but instead of instead of having the restraint to be able to say okay, I'm gonna have to sit with this discomfort of being read twenty thousand dollars and just slowly dig myself out I give in to the emotional you know, kind of the emotional side of getting impulsive and aggressive and trying to just swing for the fences. and I need to be really careful about that, You know I'm unfortunate that my account you know that I've been a successful trader to the point where I have a large account and I could always add more money to it if I needed to I knock on wood having had that happen before I don't want it to happen and I you need to really try to tighten up when I'm starting to go red so you know the fact is right now this is where I'm at. I'm down forty two thousand plus today so forty five thousand and this to direct this trajectory is going down so my next low is slated for down 60 grand and I really like to not be doing I rather have this be too low of all time and then for the next two years you see, oh, he brought it back into the into you know, living reason.

Good plan. So what should I do tomorrow? I trade this many stocks one two, three, four, five, six seventy, whatever I just wait for a quality set ups. The quality thing is a tough one because I feel like a quality vary from market to market in terms of you know, when we're in a hot market. equality is is different than when you're in a really cold market.

I think at the very least I should leave fullbacks and if I missed the pullback, either wait for the next pullback rather than just jumping in higher, trying to ride the moment, wait entirely for the next pull back and just trade pull backs. So the buying the break-up I add a find the half dollar whole dollar breakout as something's squeezing up right now isn't working very well. It may work well again a week from now, but it's not working well right now. so I should stop trading I should trade less I'm trading too much and I mean I think that that's the that's the biggest thing you know I am I would say my own worst enemy right? I'm I'm being way too aggressive I'm getting frustrated I'm you know, training and possibly and it's really not.
It's really not not a great thing. The biggest benefit of it is that I know I'm not alone doing this. I know that all of this that I'm doing is very common among traders in general. I've certainly heard it from traders across the board, both my students, but also just traders without my students.

So I think it's a good thing to talk about just for the benefit of those that are also going through it. Whether it's right now, whether it's weeks from our months from now when you're watching these videos. because I know that this is in this moment right now. it feels techno completely defeated I feel tremendously frustrated I'm angry with myself I now have a $45,000 hole that I have to dig myself out of I feel like I've ruined my entire month.

You know I'm gonna be down on the month 25 grand or something like that which is horrible. That's not great at all. So my worst month right now I believe is around minus 25,000 so I'm not. Those are not the type of records I'm trying to set I'd like to really tighten things up so the conflicting interest of digging myself out slowly.

Cool, collected. That's at odds with trying to finish the month with some measure. Respectable bomb because the only way for me to make 25,000 over the next three weeks and be green or go clean on the money would be to have some nice like home entrees this tray on HP I I made 5,200 but it's by a boss on no it went the other way. I woulda lost three or four grand I count forward to lose another three or four grand.

so I can't take that level of risk I have to take less risk which means smaller games at least for a few days, probably all next week while I try to slowly dig myself out of all you know. Today I took 15,000 shares of up. Granted I was up point of been on it and the stock you know, slap me in the face but that 15,000 shares was a big orange so you know I could go down to 2,000 shares for tomorrow. The problem with that is the feeling that if tomorrow is a day where the track is dry and I'm out here trading with my you know winter tires on I'm what kind of idiot am I I'm totally under capitalizing on the opportunity and then you're sitting on the sidelines and he's gonna get more frustrated.

So the ultimate goal would be to have the level of composure and Zen to be able to truly trade the market that I'm in right now without bringing the baggage from yesterday. I don't know if I'm capable of doing. Sad to say oh we all say that six thousand shares but I I've had a trade today with six thousand shares I was down thirty cents on and I was like great that's making hundred dollar loss I Just don't feel like I can afford that those types of bosses right now. So of course at the same time if I really was taking good quality entries.
one of the things that you ask yourself is what's up so do the math based on my stop: I did take my shift one hotkey off so I can't get in by pressing shift 1 which is good to slow me down a little bit. I can bring my order size down a little bit and see if that helps. tomorrow's Friday it's the end of the week. lucky me I have jury duty but if it's if it's cancelled then I then I won't have to go obviously.

so I may or may not even be able to trade tomorrow. Probably better if I'm not all I can imagine I'd be a good juror being as emotional as I am right now, but hopefully no one comes up to the stand. You made a lot of money day trading ocelot made a trading I don't know all I'd be able to be impartial but I of course would do the very best I can if I am this sir so I may not trade tomorrow and that may be for the best and whether I do or not I'll be back added of course you know Friday or Monday the next day I'm I'm trading I'm staying in the trenches and I'm not gonna just say oh, I'm gonna go take a vacation and take off early. Yeah, it's nice to clear your head I guess but still have to come back to the hole that I can dig myself out of.

It's good to let the emotions subside a little bit, but I've just never really been the type to want to do that. Although perhaps after one big loss, taking a day off the next day would be a possible way to help cut that emotional connection. but I would just be concerned that I would take the day off and the other stock you know like the are why is that does something absolutely insane I missed it completely again. that's FOMO speaking but I'm not sure that I had on a table they don't know.

So anyways, fairly long recap here for you guys. Hopefully you enjoy it I didn't enjoy making it but I think it's probably good for me. So tomorrow's a new day and no doubt you know, a month from now or whatever it is two months from now when this is well behind me. I'll be back in great spirits and you know, won't even be thinking about this.

But in the moment when you're in the middle of it, it can be just so hard to step back. So I'm feeling a little bummed out right now. but tomorrow's a new day and whether or not a trade? I don't know yet, but I'll be back at it the next day. I mean we'll be ready.

So either tomorrow or Monday Alright, I Hope you guys have a great rest of the day if I don't see you tomorrow, enjoy tomorrow and manage that risk. A quality set up to really focus on your backs. focus on the full-backs rise the moment in the breakout hey did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. Subscribe to the channel.
press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description. If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment posts on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

29 thoughts on “Red streak day 6 -$3k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Triad Trading says:

    Thank you so much Ross for posting this video. I am currently in a 4 day red streak and the biggest drawdown in a while. Your video is helping me so much get through this frustration and self doubt I am experiencing right now. Thank you 🙏🏼

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Day In The Grind says:

    Here after a 9 day losing streak

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colby Ramsey says:

    This is an incredibly valuable post. I am a WT starter student and have watched 100+ posts and this one is gold. It is no surprise that with this level of commitment and honesty to the strategy that you were able to correct your actions and turn around the red streak and capitalize on the market for the next 2 months. Many activities exercised at a high level are about personal discipline and the attitude at which you approach that activity. Congratulations.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Oseghale says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yuri says:

    from my humble experience big red days need reduce size or not trade at all to recover break red streak

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pursuit of freedom says:

    There is no 1 on youtube like you. Thanks for what you do

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F Mag says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R E says:

    Thanks a lot for sharing this and for being such a great teacher. I can learn so much from those videos. And don't worry, like the stock market has its ups and downs. You'll get to the top again, I am very certain of that!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raja Ali says:

    Many thanks Ross, appreciate your time, effort and generosity … This is highly valuable…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Intrepid Trader says:

    OH MY GOSH, ROSS! The most crazy thing in the world just happened to me. I closed up $235 on the day, went out till 8PM and came back to my hotel room. I just turned on my computer, forgot that I was watching this video before I left, and saw $-16,749.78 Net P&L staring me in the face. I'm sure I turned white as a ghost. My head turned numb and I was about to pass out, thinking I must have accidentally shorted something before leaving. I have never been happy for another person's loss, especially not yours, because you're so generous with information (a genuinely good human being), but I will say that the realization that this loss was not mine was bitter sweet. I can now…breathe, anticipating a time to come when a day like that wouldn't cause me to lose my wife.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kristian S says:

    So the moral of the story is wait for pull backs and don't chase. Who woulda knew…

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Aron says:

    What's on the chart below the volume? The RSI histogram?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJ zar says:

    I saw one of your older videos where you said you had 50 or so consecutive green days. How is it possible that you could have six red days in a row? Have you changed your strategy since then?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frosty says:

    Its somewhat comforting to know that even your having trouble with the market rn. It makes these loses this week seem a lot more responsible if even you are having bad days.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MaThEwSBoWHuNtEr10 says:

    Keep on getting after it Ross! Maybe a day off would be a nice reset. I seem to be opposite of you and have a 6 day green streak! Hopefully I continue on!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yassine Andich says:

    why you don't trade fx ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Евгений Павлюк (Eugene SMB) says:

    Ross, thanks for the video. Recently I've became a member of warrior trader community.Can you please tell what soft do you need to see halt levels for stocks in montage? I have IB account and called to their customer service support but they told me that you cant see halt levels in IB montage window. So I am looking for a solution and really appreciate if you can help and give some ideas. Thanks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars V says:

    I understand that you have achieved absolute success over the long term,however I'm worried about your mental health ross….why don't you buy some real estate rent it out and be stress free?
    You already showed us that you are a great trader.
    Take care.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sultan Sadat says:

    Best learning experience are given through your channel. You will bounce back for sure. Previously it took less time, this time it is taking a bit time. Can’t wait to see you in green.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G says:

    What are you thinking?? A black cat on your desk?? Get a green cat, Ross!!! Market is choppy overall right now after the big drop, so take profit quick. I feel FOMO after winning streak all the time… bc we always want to be better, but the only way to be better is not force yourself to be better when comes to trading. You have to wait the market to make you better. And thank you for sharing as always.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mfhairstream says:

    Todays thumbnail will be different. Green + 65K

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim and Stuff says:

    Thanks Ross, I'm a new trader (I opened my TD account 15 Jan 2020). I watch your daily watch list and recap every day, and it helps me to learn something every day. Yesterday was my worst day yet, I let the market borrow a lot of money. Keep up the good fight!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ken Hall says:

    Ross you are a Warrior for sure the name fits you perfectly however in this time of the market I have made more than ever taking advantidge of the downward momentum. I know it's not your cup of tea but sometime you got a Shake It Up a little bit you're smarter than that no way you should have that many red days.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winkler says:

    Markets been a bit trickier lately with loose lead gappers, I've also been much more conservative last 2 weeks

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Red Moon Legacy says:


  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dam_it Man says:

    Thank you for what you do

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fakten,Fakten,Fakten says:

    I think its better to go short when the Market is crashing 5% or more. I mean as a trader you are flexibel. The Traders have shaky hands in those days, when they loose a lot of money. They want to make money quit. Thats why we see the volatility is so high.
    If you are second trader when ok ! But its not easy. Better shorting some stocks like Lufthansa, Tui, American Airlines, Delta Airlines etc.

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BradyGaming says:

    Im just doing EFT right now. The markets are crazy right now

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrin Eagle says:

    Today you should make just enough to have a very expensive dining experience and walk away, dress up, and go to dinner.

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