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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well here we are: eleventh green day in a row. eleventh day of April Right now I'm sitting with an O red April which is awesome. I'm feeling good about that. Feels like the wind is at my back a little bit.

It finally has its own momentum. My account is at all-time highs, so life is good. and today, another six thousand, eight hundred and nineteen dollars. I've traded about eight stocks yesterday.

I traded a number of stocks as well. The last two days I've been more active than I've been in the first nine days of this hot streak, but Momentum has been picking up. It's been crazy. and I don't want to just leave too much money on the table.

So I've been trying to make a little bit more be a little more aggressive, but at the same time I want to be cautious. Eleven days into a green streak, the odds of having a red day or are certainly are there. So I've just got to be a disciplined about my share size about a quality entries and not overstaying my welcome or going back too many times to the well once. I've had a couple of nice winners.

so I'm walking away today. I may leave money on the table, but sixty-eight hundred bucks. That's gonna put me up just about 35,000 on the month and I was just going over my metrics. So I am ported my trade from yesterday which now puts my metrics my average winning trade this month: three hundred and forty two dollars and 18 cents.

My average loser is a hundred and eighty two dollars and thirty eight cents. So it's just about a two-to-one profit loss ratio risking 180 to make 340 and my percentage of success is seventy. almost seventy one percent. Not bad at all.

Not bad. I Feel good about that. This was the goal for the month to focus on consistency to try to be the best teacher possible to lead by example and the belief was that the profits would follow by focusing primarily on the profits. I was being really aggressive last month in our In March and I was taking some high risk trades and in fact the profits didn't follow it because I was just I was just all over the place so God Rhys Entered now 11 days in feeling good.

Alright so as always questions comments, make sure you leave them below and a reminder. I Hosted a workshop on Monday which allowed you guys attended. It was awesome! It was a lot of fun. We're gonna host an encore to that workshop.

so for those of you who missed it who weren't able to login and you want to watch the Encore I'm gonna put a link right down there in the description. I'll probably pin it as the first comment, so click on that and register. We're gonna replay Friday's oh sorry Monday's workshop. it's gonna be tomorrow Friday at 1 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time so click that link if you miss it on. Monday Want to watch the replay tomorrow? Alright, that's it for me. I Hope you guys have an awesome day. Questions Comments: leave below: I'll see you in the morning.

What's up everyone? All right? So we're gonna do our midday market recap. It's just about 11 a.m. and I'm throwing in the towel today and I traded quite a bit today. Today and yesterday are probably my two most active days in the last maybe three weeks, but we've seen a lot of volatility.
We've seen a lot of momentum and I know that it is my 11th consecutive. Green Day I Don't have any doubt about that. but today I did start with a red trade I went red and that was on e the NT and this was a really kind of wild morning for me because while I was I jumped in IDI NT it was a gap and go set up and I was looking to ride that momentum higher and while I was in a th mo started to pop up and so I jumped in th mo I was still holding in DT I Never liked to take two trades at once, but today I did it and I focused on th mo I made money there and I switch back to a TNT and Seoul kind of as it bounced up off the low of its pullback. Anytime you take two two trades at once, you're making a decision to basically ignore one of them.

It's impossible to focus entirely on two at once. and so today was a little bit of a wild start. but things then smoothed out on Mo Sy and we had a nice move on V MRA and a couple other smaller moves. So if I was to guess what my P&L is today and again, the way I trade right here: I'm not looking at my P&L so I'm focusing I can see how much I'm up.

Unrealized. So if I take a test trade on Z vzzt the Nasdaq test stock, it'll show that I'm in with a thousand shares at 10:02 and I'm down $39 This is a test stock. It's the test stock right here. so the wins and losses do not contribute to your your actual PL you don't Commission's on it.

so I can tell how much I'm up and I know I had a couple of good trades on th Mo, a couple of good trades on B MRA but Mo Sy I think is the biggest winner and I initially was thinking I had about two thousand dollars of profit probably. but then I had the trades on B MRA So I'm thinking I might be in the range of 3,000 maybe optimistically 4,000 I Do not think it's a $12,000 day. There was nothing that was big enough to give me that. So let's see where I finished today.

Nice. That's awesome. That's awesome. Six thousand, eight hundred nineteen dollars and 42 cents and I was right that there weren't any big big wins.

you know. 2400 th Mo 2200 done Mo Sy 1100 MPD SB that was a nice one. I'll cover that one B MRA 800 bucks Y Tan 288 bli n96 Z BZ that one doesn't count 80 Il 60 bucks. not bad EB NT $200 Not bad.

not bad at all. So um I want you guys right now? We've got only one thousand nine hundred in the room right now. We were up closer to three thousand this morning and we have about five thousand live streaming on YouTube So why don't you guys who are still in the room type how much you made? and I'll just scroll up here and look at some your P&L So if I see the Warrior trading logo in the background I know that you are on our simulator. So 2500 in the simulator? Good job! There's a thousand bucks real money.
No logo in the background. Nice. Eric Here's a PM trader locking up. Looks like a hundred and sixty-five dollars.

I Think not bad. Green is good. It was icy down in Miami Let's we had some Pinot nails posted up here. A thousand bucks nice.

Let's go a little further up inner circle. Miami That was fun. 1100 on the Sim. We've got 1100 on the Sim there 700.

Let's see someone posted it twice. Seventy eight bucks real money Jason Yes Green hey go posted a couple times to 8:12 Consistency: Nice Bobby Eighteen hundred bucks Real money looking good man. Alright, well let me scroll back down to the bottom to see how are you guys supposed to be alright? A K Just a play day. Alright, so you're probably in the Sim in the Sim John You got to get you dialed in on your entries so you can see that spectrum being at the beginning of the curve.

Thank goodness you're trading in a simulator. There's no reason you should trade with real money until you've proven you can be profitable. So you know Five hundred Seven hundred Louis Red Six Thousand Red. So you know you see some folks at the beginning of the learning curve.

Not, we're not where we want to see you others doing a little bit better. Maybe some luck involved. We had someone yesterday who made I think was like eighty five thousand dollars in the Sim so that's not really treating it like real money Brad to to stocks. Clean.

nice right there. Nice. So as you know students are in different places on their journey and you know naturally you know you see the the profits vary so students at the very beginning struggling students further in doing a little bit better. Gang Reyes switched to real money and in fact over a thousand people have walked away already today and I'm sure some of them no doubt walking away with some nice profit in their pocket.

Alright so let's do a review here of the watch list from this morning. So this morning I was watching Ent EDM tea I was not watching LTR PB I have I did a great warrior Pro mentor session yesterday. upload to the live trading archive and you guys will see the trade that I took on it in the simulator because I wouldn't touch it with my enemies money because it's just not worth it. It's it.

The risk is is just not worth it. So I wouldn't touch it with my money I wouldn't touch it with anyone elses money. it's just too risky. Atos was a maybe THM how I liked our see us was a weird one and PDS B was on here as well.

So a few stocks on the Gap scanner so I started with a Dnt Dnt pre market looked like this. not bad and you can see I drew out this line here at 471. that is as per chapter one of the dates art chapter for the day trade course where we're breaking down those resistance points on the daily and the levels that I see. so that was the set up there.
For 71 it broke pre market, hit a high of five twenty, haight in for the break of five twenty and then all of a sudden it dropped. So when it dropped right here as you can see, it hit a low for sixty and I was holding three thousand shares into that drop. so I was down over a thousand bucks and I was like you know, actually cut this but I didn't really want to cut it just yet because I wanted to give it a chance to pop back up. Generally my sort of dollar max loss is about a thousand dollars.

so I was like okay, this isn't great, but sometimes they whip at the open and then do red to green move and I don't like to stop out only we have it read through the red to green. So I gave it a second in this candle right here it came back up to five right here. it came back to a high of 97 and when it couldn't break over five, I sold it at ninety so I ended up losing two hundred and fifteen dollars on it, which wasn't the worst thing in the world. It wasn't great, but it was much better than selling at the bottom and that was my only trade on that one.

Th mo was the other one that I was focusing on pre market high. up here. at 8:13 the bell rings. This thing pretty much just squeezed right away and so I jumped in it and rode the momentum from eight all the way up to a high of 878.

Not bad. It pulls back, consolidates for a little while and then as it comes back up right here I Got back in on this candle break a view app a broke view app it held I bought for the break. It squeezes up to a high of 824 and those are my two winners, but you can see that neither of them held up really well which is kind of disappointing and ends up being a little bit of a indicator for the rest of the day. A lot of false breakouts PDS be next one down on my P&L here.

Eleven hundred dollars of profit. My first trade I jumped in it right here for the break. over a dollar fifty and there must have been a 250,000 shares seller in a dollar fifty because it did not want to break that level. it just was stuck there two dollar fifty.

so I stopped out for a loss. It pulls back quite a bit I lose interest in it and then I noticed it's coming back up and I bought right here actually at 43 this was a nice entry. Can anyone tell me what that entry was based on? I was basically buying the first one-minute candle to make a new high which was at 40 and because this last candle was an inside candle I decided just to wait to 4243. So I bought at 43 and it pops up to a high of 55 60 all the way to 60 to 20 cents a share.

that's not you know home run stuff but but it was a nice win. So I took one trade there and then I also took a little micro pullback as it dipped down here and then sold that above 60. So I had two trades there, three trades on the stock in total, two winners and one loser and I'm actually not sure what what my metrics are gonna look like today just cuz I was I was so active and but what I will do during this recap is we'll go over the month to date so this is the month to date and it does not include yesterday's trade so I'll have import them but we can look at the month before yesterday at least. Alright so PDS be 1200 or 1100 dollars there and then be MRA news comes at it like 10:40 and the stock spikes from 850 all the way up to 1150 and you know this is kind of a tough one and I decided to trade it I didn't call out these trades because I really felt that they were pretty risky and they were pretty aggressive.
So I traded it on the pullback right here at 980 and then I added at 10:18 into the hall, selling all of it before the halt at 10:45 it halts, it resumes, it squeezes higher and then this trade for the break of 11:00 I took selling up here, then I got back in it for the break or for the bounce-off V whap down here and that was this trade right here that popped up to here. It was okay but not not amazing and it's continued to go weaker. So these trades here with were with only 1000 shares I obviously knew the risk was higher so 826 dollars there yt en halted going up on news I bought Coming out of the halt, it ended up halting a second time but then came back down. No real excitement there bli n another one.

kind of a big move, didn't hold its levels small profit and AD il came out with news, popped up and then came down so not a lot to say or to really share on those trades at. eh mo off the watchlist and mos why were the biggest ones so I'm sorry mo us why did we maybe I skipped over this one so mo s why all of a sudden pops up on the scans and I was like there's no news I don't really trust it so I got in it at 2 I think it was like 215 or 218 like down here 220 and it pops up and then it drops and I got out for I'm gonna like a $60 winner probably it was a small winner and then it rips up to 284 and I was like you gotta be kidding me it breaks to 84 and it halts at 3 it opens and then I bought up here at around $3 for the squeeze up to 350. It then pulls back I got back into 370 and rode the momentum here up to about 450. But it was weird because I had no news and I didn't really understand why who was moving up but it was moving up not obviously to the extent of what was it.

LT RPB Yesterday and I have a separate video youtube video and Warrior Pro students. you guys have access to the live trades on this this one up and the company issued a statement saying they're not aware of any news to account for this move in their stock and yet it's still hit a high today of a hundred bucks. So this is the craziest thing. and I think it's a high risk of getting halted pending investigation by the exchange and they'll probably look at you know each order that went through and try to figure out you know who bought this? Who knew something? What do they think? they know? when did they buy the shares and and really get to the bottom of it cuz it's a strange move.
so I didn't trade it I didn't trust it and I don't want to get my money tied up in a circuit breaker t12 Hall so I just left it alone completely I think that was the right move Anyways, there's a separate video on that I traded it in the simulator just for the sake of experience and showing students my my my input on it and that was interesting. Okay so my detailed P&L here. Well let's look at first of the calendar this is April So this is the month of April coming into today. sorry you know, sorry coming into Tuesday So this does not include the 12,000 I made on Wednesday or the 6800 that I made today.

So this is the best-looking month ever. Months don't look better than this. Any month it's all. Green is an amazing looking month.

Even if it's you know, small profits that consistency is where it's at. Alright, so and obviously a nice little hot streak here. I'm gonna try logging in to Lightspeed real quick here because I want to import my trades from yesterday so we can add those on. but let's look at before yesterday.

So before yesterday this is my P&L looked like average wing trade 286 dollars and let me get my drawing tool out here so you guys can see what were looking at. So I'm looking at this right here: Average winning trade 286 dollars average losing trade 164 so a nice profit - loss ratio. Biggest Winner: 2,100 Biggest Loser - 743 All right, not bad. Accuracy 70% not bad so that's gross profit right there.

$20,000 commissions this month haven't been too bad unfortunately. I Had a really nice day yesterday, which will bring me up to 32,000 after yesterday and then with another 6800 getting close to 40,000 on the month. And how many days do we still have left in the month? Let's go back to our calendar view. We've still got one, two, three, so five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten days left in the month and I've been averaging here two thousand, three hundred, and thirteen dollars per day.

That's awesome. I Mean that's really good and it's without the rollercoaster of really big losses. Not that I haven't had a few bigger losses I did have one yesterday on which one was I can't remember, but you know it's It's not impossible to have some bigger losses here and there, but overall, this is pretty solid. So pretty quick trades, 5-minute winners, 2-minute losers, and price and volume profitability mostly on stocks above.

- I don't like cheap stuff. Between two and five is good. Five and ten is okay. a little bit above ten.

this month just hasn't been as much. Let's see win-loss expectation. There's not gonna be a lot here just because it's been pretty solid. So hey, these are good metrics.

You know this is why you guys are here. You want to see this type of trading and I've been pulling it together pretty well. So performance here Wednesday is gonna be much better thanks to yesterday. So that will actually be my highest day.
And nope, Thursday will be the highest day up here at 12,000 Waste See: Thursday will be 12,000 and Wednesday will be 13th. so another Wednesday will be slightly higher after today. and then I've got to try to add some profit tomorrow to my Friday's profitability by time of day. As you can see first hour 9:30 to 10:00 10:30 to 11:00 A little bit of profit after 11:00 Not a lot.

So that's where I sit right now. So that or that was a Tuesday about 18000 on the month before or after commissions. Now it'll be up to 30 and 35,000 or so so coming up towards 40,000 on the month. That's a solid month and it's been trading with smaller share size.

This is this is this is both my accounts I don't have any trades today in my main account. so what I do is I import them. So let's see I have IRA account right here. so I have that much profit in my IRA and then in my main account right here I have that much profit and my trade yesterday was in the main account.

so I just import both of them and then I just tagged them. so I know what you count it is. But yeah I mean generally I just look at the total because it doesn't really to me matter that much which account it's in. I mean it matters from the tax perspective I don't pay income tax in my retirement, but you know at the same time if I make money, my main account I can take that out tomorrow to go, you know, buy something or whatever.

So anyways, that's it for me today. Nice to have the 11th consecutive Green Day especially after starting in the red uh, needy NT by about a thousand bucks. So dug my way out of the hole finishing green and I'm gonna be back at it first thing tomorrow morning. Friday and I want to the week with one more green day.

So 12 consecutive green days that's the goal and I think it's I think it's within reach. you know if one of the things with Edie aunty is I wasn't in with full-size so I was. It was easier for me to be okay with holding even though it was against me a little more than I would typically prefer and then I could have added if I want to and I actually thought about adding for the break of five here for a red to green but I didn't because it didn't break 5. But you know being in a smaller size makes it a little bit.

I can be a little more nimble I can navigate a little bit faster and get in and out of the market when I see things I like or don't like and it's brought the stress level down a little bit. So it's of course, easy to say the last 11 days have been low stress because I'm green. But are they low stress? and am I green? Not just because of the market, but also because of the approach on share size. So you know if we look back here year-to-date January You know I had some big red days, some back-to-back red days, you know and here was a little bit of red streak a little bit right here.
February was good I made about $65,000 So I don't know that I'll make that much here in April and if I do, it would be really interesting because let's just for one quick second look at the month of February What you'll see is different is that I was trading with a larger share size. My profit loss ratio was different I had bigger winners by far, but bigger losers. Biggest loser was 18 was $8,000 biggest winner was 16, so a lot of that ended up canceling. You know they cancel each other out.

The Commission's were higher and so it's very interesting to see here. You know in in April that I may not be tracking for a full 75,000 before, but my average winners have been a lot smaller and I'm still up. You know, almost 35,000 with eight or whatever nine days left in the month. So it feels like this approach may actually be capable of generating as much profit as with big-sized but we'll see, all right, so that's it for me.

I Will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Friday We'll finish off the week and I'm gonna jump over into the Warrior Approach Hat Room and we'll start doing QA over there in about an hour. just a little bit past noon. All right.

So I'll see you guys over there in about an hour. Hey, did you know every morning? I Go live to stream a pre market watch list. Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description.

If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment posts on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “11th green day $6.8k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars queen ba says:

    Do all oversea broker firms require financial guarantee? I am a student and when I started signing up for CMEG, it said I need to have a financial guarantee, with me being a student

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Schender says:

    Please do a tutorial on lightspeed finally making the switch from sloth td ameritrade

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Cardinale says:

    Dear Warrior Trading, I have just subscribed to your Youtube Channel and really appreciate and enjoy your content. I was just wondering if you could help give me some advice, in regard to my question. Well over the past few weeks, I have been both day trading/swing trading, and have been able to make between ($100-200) daily in profit, with an account balance of $10,000 used for every trade. Thus meaning that by investing $10,000 into a stock, and selling it at a 1% increase for a daily profit of $100. I was just wondering what you think of this strategy, is it viable, should I change something, etc. Thanks so much, Jordan (Melbourne, Australia)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Have a great day says:

    thats very solid!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romain Lemaire says:

    Hey ,
    When u say 342$ profit average , u mean average by transaction?
    What does it represent in percentage?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tia_lenay says:

    I want to learn from you but is there a reason it costs so freaking much

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hitesh Bhutani says:

    Hi Ross,
    I really like your videos. I have couple of questions:
    1. How many stocks do you usually trade simultaneously?
    2. How long is your time frame on trading a given stock?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrD says:

    His average per day is my average per month working a normal job. Pretty depressing for me lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars בן מאיר says:

    i have a question. im a software developer abd i love my job and want to keep it. but i also want to try day trading in my free time. can i be a day trader even with my current job?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rickard risberg says:

    Nice one once again Ross! I'm having issues with taking risk.. I always jump out wayy to early and miss out on profits. I've had a nice green streak but with quite small winners whilst still increasing my share size… Stay safe (:

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karim Elijah says:

    How do we get access to the live day trading archives???

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Sterling says:

    Man you are killing it! Congratulations. I really want to see what you are doing over there. Yesterday was a tough day for me.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Nice job on the day and great trading like always!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nevin Kuser says:

    Amazing sprinkled ice cream/donut shirt! Congrats on the green run!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Strauss says:

    I was thinking about becoming a student, how do you pick stocks? One thing i don't understand is how you can find stocks and predict it will go up, I looked at ENT, EDNT, THMO, BBBY and none of them really went up a lot. Can you help point me in the right direction?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DopaciD says:

    what do you think about trading early pre market?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Griggs says:

    Ross enough of all this serious trading stuff, where did you get that t-shirt? It's awsome

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Ghelichkhan says:

    Lost $1400 with EDNT. A piece of garbage and game players in this stock.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Peasant says:

    8 green days in a row for me, but I sat this one out today as far as day trading goes (but did buy BABA early today in my long term account and continued watching my position in AMZN explode upwards, TSLA and ABT bought a few days ago continue looking great and tomorrow..well…if futures are any indication…)

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars intheskymusic says:

    Good job.. I'm day 4 here..🥳

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kevin kimball says:

    thank you for the THMO pick; made $1K

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LP Campeau says:

    HI Ross, how do you know or found for the BMRA jump ?!?!?? It's was a 9 minutes deal…

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MR. E says:

    Hey Ross! Is there a video where you talk about your transition from your regular job to day trading? I have been thinking a lot about transitioning, I think it is time! Would like your input! thank you.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amir Moosa says:

    Hi Ross, I can’t remember what you said about time and sales for sterling. The orange irregular trades are those buys or sells? Thanks.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars infamouslink8 says:

    Today was weird…. Today didn't feel right so I chose to not jump in the market today and thank god I didn't. I still watched and played out what I would've done in real time and I would've been in the RED. No Loss is a WIN for me!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Camden Greene says:

    So I am just learning about stocks (about a month into learning it). All I have is a laptop, do I need monitors or can I skate by with just a laptop? If I can do that at what point should I upgrade to buying monitors? (If you have a related vid, PLZ link 🙂)

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fm14 says:

    Thanks Ross. Please do more recaps from Roberto

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Deven Rodriguez says:

    Ross, what's the monthly subscription cost for Lightspeed?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    Great day 🐐! Way to grind one out today!

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Dreamer says:

    Is live trading includes with live chart room?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandon says:

    Congrats Ross! I do have one question, with the gap and go, how would you go about a trade that you bought the new high, but then it starts tanking? Stick to 2:1 profit loss ratio and get out ?

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