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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up, everyone? All right? Well here we are: I am finishing my 12th consecutive green day 12 days in a row in the green. Not bad at all, so that's going to put me up well, close to 40,000 on the month. The gross profit, which is fantastic I have a really nice profit loss ratio right now. really nice percentage of success and during the recap, we're gonna break down the stocks.

I traded today I was a little bit more active today I guess the last three days I've been a bit more active than I was earlier in the month and maybe that's because I'm in a little bit of a groove I'm feeling a little more comfortable I've had a nice series of Green Day so I feel like what I'm doing is working. So I'm stepping out a little bit more in trading perhaps more than I was the first part of the month, but today was not the easiest day and it kind of began right around 9:15 as I sat down and looked at the Gap scanner and realized that there really wasn't a lot on there. that was all that nice, you know we had. Come on, girl, got my trusty companion there she is, so you know we really didn't have a whole lot of really nice gaffers this morning AMC was gapping up kind of near the top of the Gap scan.

That's not one that I'm really into. it's a slightly larger float. We had IMSC which was so-so We got a red to green move on it, but nothing exciting. We had gene, but Jeanne's kind of one of those stocks that those of you guys who've been around for a while we've seen it a bunch of times.

It's done some big moves, but you know it also likes to do false breakouts and it's just it's a hard one to trust. And then we had DN Jr. which was one I wasn't familiar with but ended up giving some nice opportunities although had pretty big spreads and was chopping. I Saw this afternoon that it actually came up and broke through the pre-market high or the the high a day and squeezed up to about the half dollar was 350 or so.

So yeah, today was today was a little tricky and then actually I was shocked at how much I made because I knew on my first two trades I was basically breakeven I had a green trade and then I right a red trade. so I was basically flat. Then my next trade was a really small share size I knew that wasn't a big winner and then I had a trade on I n SC which I knew wasn't great and so probably before I started trading Gene I mean I felt that I was only up by a teeny bit or maybe break even and then Gene is where I made some money and then I ended up actually making a thousand bucks. so not a bad way to finish the week.

This has been a great week. 4900 on Monday 4500 on Tuesday - what was Wednesday I had a $12,000 day that must have been Wednesday yesterday was 6800 and then today a thousand smallest day of the week. Thousand bucks. Can't complain.

The markets pretty hot even though today was a little slow, still came out with $1,000 So those are you guys watching this on the on YouTube as a recap I want you to make sure if you have questions and comments you put them down in the description and I'm gonna put a couple links in the description to answer some questions that you may have. How I started day trading with 500 bucks The right broker to use when you have a tiny account like $500 Let's see I'll talk a little bit about my there's a link down in the description for my performance. You'll see my 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Broker statements including the Independent Accountants report for my $583 a 1 million dollar trading challenge. I Also have links in there for setting up trading station and a beginners getting started guide so check out the description.
There's lots of links in there to help you guys get started. Want to study up over the weekend? All right, make sure you do it anyways. questions, comments leaving down below I'll see you guys first thing on Monday mornings but I might jump on live over the weekend so stay tuned and if you see me, come live now! feel free to give me a thumbs up and ask some questions. Alright, enjoy the weekend guys! See you later! Bye Okay um hey guys sorry so we're gonna do our midday market recap here I Just did part of it and realized I wasn't recording.

so I'm just gonna quickly go over what I just covered and then we're gonna get into talking about my biggest winner of the day today which was on Gene. So this is where I'm finishing the day up a thousand bucks and this is our Gap scanner. not interested in A.m. see the ones that I looked at I NSC Dnj are Gene and Love down here.

So I already briefly reviewed I NSC which was as you can see here, 133 dollar winner. Nothing exciting an attempt at a red to green move, but it didn't hold D Njr I took three trades on two winners, one loser. The first trade was a break of 295 for the break over three and then I got back in at 310 for the break of 3:20 and stopped out at 3. So I was flat after the first two trades and then got back in for a measly you know, probably $50 winner or something.

I might have been red but slightly after the first two trades so only $36 on Dnj are only 133 on I NSC Gene was my biggest winner today our see us I'll talk about in a second and Love was my biggest loser. So L.o.v.e this one I I kind of just mismanaged it popped up here and my first trade was a long right here. at 984 the break of $10 it hit a high of 10 and then dropped all the way back down here I stopped out, then the first one minute candle made a new high John got in it I didn't I then added up here the 90s for the break back over 10 and then I stopped out a second time. So I was like wow I'm just not trading this one very well.

So fortunately I was trading it with small-sized I knew that I was chasing it a little bit and my entries weren't perfect and so I kind of thought I'll start with smaller size and then if I can get a good position started then from there I can add. but then that never happened I kept stopping out. So $271 in the red and that was in two losses. so really not bad at all there in terms of risk management, but kind of unfortunate that it didn't do more and then Rcus.
so this one I didn't call out I didn't share this one with the chat room. This was a high-risk trade, no doubt about it. So if we look at this on like a one-second chart which I don't use while I'm trading, I pulled it up and I saw that it was ripping up very quickly. So right around here it was flagging or consolidating underneath $35 right here.

So I looked at this consolidation and I thought to myself, you know if it breaks 35, this looks to me like it's gonna rip at least to 35 50 maybe a 36. So as the spread started to get tighter I saw I told myself all right Well my stop is hard stop at 34 50 I might be able to get a stop at 30 475 and so I got long at 35 it broke 35 and popped to 35 50 I'm at 50 cents. it breaks that level and squeezes up to 36 and then up to a high of 36 33. And let's see where my best exit was on this.

My best exit was 35, 35, 97 and 3605. So I didn't get the very top but almost a dollar a share which was not bad I just went with small share size which was the right thing to do because even though I thought there was an opportunity to add a little profit, I didn't want to risk having a big loss. so I just want a small share size so that was our see us and then Gene is the one that really paid the bills today. All right so on Gene.

This had a nice pre-market early and then faded and wasn't looking good so right out of the gates I was kind of like yeah, it's interesting but I'm not I'm not sure that I'm gonna go for it so let's switch this to one minute. Hmm so what I ended up doing here I waited for it to break the V whap and then I said I need to wait for the first pullback and I started feeling FOMO because it goes from 220, 230, 240, 250, 260 and then finally pulls back. first entry right here. Boom! First green trade right there, the next pullback right here.

Small green trade here, but basically breakeven next trade down here for the break over the high breakthrough 70 and a nice tray. So this I kept doing 1, 2, 3 trades back in for break of 70 right there a squeeze up to 80. the high was a V was it like 84 or 83? so this one is. You look at the chart the first one minute candle patterns worked here here here here here and definitely here.

I traded it on the first three or four and then I started taking the break through high a day because I felt like it was starting to get a little choppy and I just wasn't sure how well it was gonna hold up. But you know in any case, I made almost 900 bucks on it and that made today $1000 Green Day and I'm impressed because I really thought I was only up 300 to 400 dollars today I knew I was read on Love I thought I might be read on dnj are I n SC I figured was breakeven so all I had was Rcus and Jean and I just wasn't sure that I made that much on really either of them. And you know, ultimately I didn't make a lot on either of them. but $1,000 a day? You know that's that solid.
So you know my metrics month to date not including today: Thirty Four thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety Eight dollars of Profit: 70 percent Accuracy average Winners: 331 dollars average Losers: 187 average trade is about five minutes long right here and that's of course stretched out all the times that I'm in a circuit breaker Halton or something like that. So that's what the month looks like right now. Yeah, well, we're gonna have one more green day right here with a thousand dollars. So I have nine days left in the month and my goal I mean not to set a really crazy goal but I want to try to aim I want to try to aim for a know red April I'm feeling pretty confident right now I'm feeling pretty consistent and I think as long as I don't come out of the gate swinging, it's possible if I come out of the gates swinging then the problem is that I could dig myself a hole and hit my max loss in my first trade and so on pretty much all of my trades like my first trade today on Dnj are: I went in with 2,000 shares and then I added another 2,000 so I had a four thousand share position once I had profit on that first trade, on the second trade, I took six thousand shares and as it turned out, I lost and then I was back to flat so I knew I was basically breakeven or slightly red.

So then on the next trade I went with small-sized again. Now in the previous days I've been able to build a cushion on small size, have a couple good winners with bigger size, and then that's how I've gotten my day up to up three Four Five thousand, but today I didn't really get those back-to-back winners that allowed me to build that cushion and that's sometimes the case. And so for the most part I just kept trading with smaller size. although my last trade with Gene was a six thousand share position which is currently my max share size.

So six thousand shares times three dollars would be eighteen thousand dollars. So this was like a fifteen thousand dollar trade. which means even at a broker like Cmeg with a three thousand dollar account, you have six times leverage. So with a three thousand dollar account, you could have been able to take a lot of these trades that I took today.

And yeah, so that last trade was like kind of right in this area as it broke over 70. we had a starter down here, it broke over 70 and then through 80. So a nice nice breakout and that was a nice probably $600 winner. So it's probably blast trade that really gave me the bulk of my profit.

and it was because I was finally starting to get a little bit of comfort on Jean and so I was willing to size up a little bit. Alright, so um, that's the recap here for today and so what I'm gonna do is switch gears and we're live streaming in the Warrior Pro chat room here. So I'm gonna answer questions from Warrior Pro students for the next hour or so and make sure you guys are all on the same page and have some classes that you're planning on studying over the weekend and then we'll be back at it first thing on Monday morning. Alright, so that's the game plan, so let's start doing Q&A Hey, did you know every morning I Go live to stream a pre market watch list.
Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications. If you want to learn more about trading, check out the links in the description. If you have questions, post them in the comments because I personally respond to every comment posts on my channel.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

28 thoughts on “12th green day $1k in 1 hour ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Villy V says:

    Ross can you please minimize your scanners so the stock charts are bigger! We need to see the charts! Thanks boss!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tuncay says:

    @SIM +$3216 on $WATT shares

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agbjorn says:

    Hi. Could you tell me what order types you normally use and under what circumstances? Many thanks!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romain Lemaire says:

    Hey ross,
    I would love to see you talking about percentage associated to your gain or loss.
    Like 1000$ gain on gene means how much percent.
    It will be very helpful for small people like me to set a percentage goal for a good exit.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karol Sadurski says:

    Hey Ross.

    I just wanted to thank you for the videos your making for people that want to start trading. I have been watching your videos and u gave me hope. I really wanted to sign up for ur class but right now I can't afford it. My wife is very ill and its been over 6 year and we lost everything because of it, but u gave me hope so I just saved up 400 dollars and I'm trying to gain confidence to trade and I never did before.

    I been teaching my self by watching ur videos and I hope will become good at it. I not looking for getting rich I just want to make extra money so we could sleep more easily at night.

    Anyway thank you for videos and hope.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helen Huyen Dao Atlanta Realtor says:

    Hi Ross. I really like your video. How can I email you? I take the first lesson on youtube video 5 years ago. I used the old email and couldn't go through. I would like to take more lessons from you.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ana Crosby says:

    Ross why is it important to have so an so number green days in a row? I had red days and green days, but my win rate is 75.5% Trying to keep the green streak puts such a pressure on traders even your students, that I think consecutive green days should not be stressed. Also we should be allowed to have red days in between green days. It is a part of trading to have red days as long as we make money and are green in the week, or month. What do you think?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chea7z says:

    What's your personal opinion on where the stock market is headed?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars abcd abcd says:

    i've been watching every single one of your recaps ross. thank you for taking the time to do this. it seriously does help. thanks boss.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frejborg says:

    Ross, do you pick your stocks based off fundamentals, or technicals, more than the other?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnie Leavitt says:

    Do you offer any classes on swing trading?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chigozie Truth says:

    Ross, are you allowed to share where we can find your music producer and their beats? You always have fire music to go with your recaps! I really dig this one. I produce music too. Thanks for all you do.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CryptoChip C says:

    Hi Ross….I just joined WT premium and so I'm just starting to follow along with your daily trade set ups in the morning and feedback in the afternoon with a recap. My question is the following: Where did the get the idea of the trade for RCUS since it wasn't on your scanner list? Also, I thought you didn't normally trade stocks over 10? Can you share what drove this decision and what scanner you used to find? Thanks! 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frejborg says:

    Where to study to truly understand fundamental analysis, and all the terminologies of technical and fundamental analyses. I don't want to rely on others.. I need to know this stuff myself.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steezy McDude says:

    Many new traders who are interested in day trading are unable to do so due to FINRA regulations of having a $25,000 minimum in your portfolio. Are swing trades a better opportunity of making money for those unable to meet that minimum? Aside from practicing on a paper trading platform, what would you recommend new traders practice investing in until they meet those requisites?
    I just found your videos and I can't stop watching! I appreciate your openness and willingness to help others. Looking forward to your webinar in just over an hour!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B B says:

    @Ross when you play the 1st 1 min or the 1st 5min candle to make a new high. Is your stop loss under the 1 or 5 min candle?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars text message says:

    Hi Ross Thanks for all the great videos. I was admiring the beautiful scenery outside the house. what state are you in, looks like CT, with a lot of rocky terrain. I am stuck in NYC, nothing but concrete and neighbors house 20 feet away. Looking to relocate where I can get some elbow room.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars clint8u says:

    Ross – have you ever tracked you performance based on the days of the week ?… It’s just a feeling I have , Friday’s seem more difficult .. less punch in the break outs ,, more false breaks … idk … any thoughts ?… Small green for me CODX.. again

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alex bruce says:

    Hi I have what I hope might be some interesting and maybe thought provoking questions:
    1. If the majority of traders are looking for very similar setups (gap and go, bull flag, trend reversal…) could or would there ever be a situation in which everybody involved in The markets colluded to hit the same set ups at the same time leading to infinite crazy profits for all.
    2. If all good traders are looking for similar A class set ups, who are the ones selling / buying in The opposite directions and blocking the breakouts in what seem to be perfect set ups, Inexperienced traders? Market makers playing us all for fools? Institutions thinking one step ahead of us by knowing what we’re all looking for and making the real money?
    (I’m Open to the fact I might be missing some glaringly obvious facts here)

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HotDog7 says:

    You are really good! One of the rare youtubers who actually can trade successfully whilst also teaching others. You have a completely different style to me, but its still interesting for me to watch you, i day trade the Futures as this is what i find my greatest success with. Also you mentioned in a previous video that one of the biggest improvements you made is not swinging for a massive home run, to get smaller but steady gains, i also found this true for myself, also for me, not holding positions over night has been a big improvement for me. Cheers, from Switzerland.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergey Rozenblat says:

    My stats on TraderVue is $6k per day and 80% win rate in April

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Jackson says:

    Better today than yesterday. GENE worked out. Thanks Ross!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Cavicchia says:

    By the way I have to mention that your support staff are awesome, I've had many questions and they answered me promptly and were very informative, a big shout out to Anna and Steph

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Cavicchia says:

    I'm in the process of signing up for CMEG but I have a question I've learned in the past that having a easy to navigate and quick response trading platform is very important. Do you use CMEG to make your trades or do you use a different platform. I'm currently testing out some of my strategies on TD Ameritrade but I find it's not quick enough thanks in advance and cant wait to tune in on Monday

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Have a great day says:

    next week i refund my account!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nathnael Adamu says:

    Hi ross do you take into consideration the institutional percentage in a stock?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lee says:

    ross why are hotkeys set at ASK+5 or+20 etc (what is the+5)and could that give you a worse fill if i used hotkey to get in

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Malka says:

    how you decided to buy after poll back when the candle still not close? you look at the lvl 2 and realize that the price will go up? I wait for the candle to close but then the price was in the highs. in other words, i do nםt understand when to buy after the candle closing the high of the last candle in a pull back or when he get above it but not close yet. thank you very match . You are an excellent teacher, love your way

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