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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Do you hear that it's a bird? This spring's here. It feels good. Today is a warm day and today's a Green Day the 31st consecutive Green Day I am feeling good. This hot streak is continuing here.

It was just at the end of the recap talking about how this is the longest. Well, this is the second longest hot streak consecutive. Green Day Hot streak I've had the first is 56 days, the second is 30 days. So broke that today and this is the most profitable hot streak that I've had because the previous ones I was being for whatever reason at the time much more conservative on my position sizes and and that may be the momentum in the market was all different I don't really recall, but in any case, I'm sitting right now, not including today with about 160,000 dollars in gross profit since my last red day which was at the end of March So you know as I Sit here and it's let's see time check 11:15 a.m.

I Feel like you know just like for a moment I Remember the fact that right now there's a lot of people out there that are only two or three hours into eight-hour work day? you know, maybe maybe working from home, people working in offices or cubicles or whatever are being told to work from home right now. But but in any case, that they still have a full day ahead of them really. And that here as a day trader, really able to kind of make my own schedule, well, the market I suppose makes my schedule. it's you know, for me, it's 9:00 a.m.

to 10:30 11. I could trade just the afternoon so I really wanted to but the morning is is the time I really prefer. So in any case, you know I've got this schedule. it's two hours a day and then the rest of the day is if I want to do nothing I can do nothing now I did nothing for a period of time and I got kind of bored of it and now I like doing things in the afternoon that I enjoy and so starting.

June 1st Summer school is in session so we're gonna teach a whole new round of the classes starting June 1st all warrior Pro students. you guys will have access to the live room where I'm doing it and don't worry I will email you all the info so you don't need to email me and ask for info I will send you all the info as we get closer to June 1st but for those that aren't already in the classes I encourage you to join us starting June 1st every day through June We'll be doing live trading in the morning, so class will start around 9:00 a.m. Live trading in the morning Watchlist Market opens at 9:30 trade until 10:30 11:00 Finished trading. recap the trades, then teach one or two chapters from the classes, do QA on each of those chapters and then we'll still probably be able to call it a day by 1:30 2:30 3:00 in the afternoon, and enjoy the weather in June Alright, so there's gonna be a coupon code that you guys can use summer 40 You can check it out on our website to become part of the community and take part in summer school and it'll last the whole summer.

So during July we'll do the same thing live trading, watchlist, live trading and then we'll go into the recap, do some Q&A and here and there through July I may do a live class a read retake of one of the classes I did in July and June that was really popular. People had questions on and so on and so forth. So I hope to see a lot of you guys in there I Know that for many of you you're probably thinking about. you know it's been a while kind of being at home and this is a good opportunity to make good use of that time.
So study up! You guys can join us really any time now or in early. June all of the classes the first class is if you miss a class. they're all going to be recorded archived uploaded so you can watch a classic a mess. Alright, so I'm excited for that and I'm just feeling feeling really good right now.

My trading has been solid, we've had some really good momentum in the market, and I am going to just try to keep this hot streak going as long as I can. And one of the things that's important right now is that I start each day with small size by starting with smaller size. If that trade doesn't work, then I can size up on the next trade and I can. almost.

Well, every day that I've gone red, I've been able to get myself out of the red and into a green. So I think this strategy of sort of a different way I've been positioning my share size has also helped result in more consistency and that was a change that really came out of some of the lessons I learned from the market dropping 35% in February and March so out of that kind of you know rollercoaster I Learned some lessons that is really seems to be helping my trading right now. So I hope to see you guys in the classes! Enjoy today's recap and as always questions comments, leave them right down below. Alright, if you haven't already subscribe to the channel, at least hit that subscribe button.

Give me a thumbs up! Alright I'll see you guys for the next episode. Bye All right you guys! So we're gonna go over the recap: the trades from today: 31st consecutive Green Day 6465 dollars and 85 cents in profit and I am on a fantastic hot streak. This has been a really nice one, no doubt about it. My this is my second longest hot streak that I've that I've ever had.

So on the month of May right now before today, this is where I was sitting. Whatever, this was five, six, seven, eight, nine green days of today's 1/10 1/10 Green Day and I was sitting with gross profit of 68 grand, Sixty eight thousand, Four Hundred and Five dollars. So add another six thousand to that, we're at seventy four thousand and I've still got I mean a full how many days left in the month? Ten eleven days left in the month. So if I can average I mean my last month of all time is 117 thousand I have a shot at breaking that this month, but I don't want to get fixated on that cuz it doesn't really.

You know it's even the year that I had a hundred seventeen thousand in one month. I mean it's It's great to have a hundred thousand dollar month. It feels really good, but ultimately it. What's more important is consistency.
This is a marathon, not a sprint. There's no reason to try to race to the finish line and trip over yourself and you know, get in trouble I have an injury, you know, take a huge unnecessary loss. Big risk, just you know. Try to focus on slow and steady but at the same time I'm a competitive person I know my all-time best I Like to try to set records I like to try to break it I haven't had a record breaker Green Day this month in terms of all-time biggest Green Day my biggest Green Day's 40 grand I might have had a chance at it yesterday being up 25,000 if I had kept trading aggressively but sometimes I was I was really thinking this over yesterday.

I sometimes I could be you're so critical. So I can be my own biggest critic in the sense that I'll feel you know I'll feel FOMO that you know man I should have taken my entire IRA account and you know dropped it into dropped into Amazon back in February You know I mean this: Look at: Amazon it's down sixteen hundred up to 2,400 I the account would be up fifty percent or you know what? why don't I just take that hundred thousand share position and have a trade on whatever it is. You know one of these AHP I type of stocks that rips up 40 dollars a share and you know I'll get a million dollar winner and that doesn't happen to me. Why doesn't it happen to me? I would have to be a different person to make that type of decision.

That's not who I am I'm not the type of person that's willing to take that level of risk. You know if I took a huge position on the Amazon all of a sudden on a swing trade, I could be sitting down fifty thousand dollars, that would be my biggest loss I've ever had as a trader, you know I take a hundred thousand share position. It doesn't work I'm down 150 grand, you know? I've seen people take hundred fifty, two hundred, three hundred thousand dollar losses and you would think that's not even possible in small caps. But if you take big enough size and you're not managing your risk, it is.

you know. So I would have to be a different person to make that type of money. So it's kind of like sometimes I You know, is this someone who's had anxiety and stuff like that? It's easy to think about. You know worst-case scenarios.

but then on the flip side of that coin, you know worst case scenario is like oh I've got you know, pain in my wrist. it's I must have a I don't know it's gonna be like permanent or I have a headache. it's you know it's gonna be a brain tumor or something like that. And the flip side to that is I think looking at all of these amazing things that you could have done if you were a totally different person.

If you lived in a world that you don't live in where you could have taken a hundred thousand turned it into a million. Sure, someone could have done that. Someone who would have also been comfortable losing a hundred grand on an incredibly high risk trade. so you know we are who we are and I'm the type of person that each day I come into the market and I want to generate some consistent profits and I don't feel comfortable usually taking a tremendous amount of risk and for that reason I haven't had a record-breaking Green Day but I've been really consistent and so it would actually be kind of cool if I ended up having you know second or third best month of all time here.
and girls seriously go lay down. Go go go it girl in your house in your house she's like she's listening so you know that would be really cool if I ended up having like a record month without having a record day. But anyways, that's a little bit of a tangent. So today these were the four stocks I traded all beginning with the letter A Today was in a day I don't know what it was coincidence I'm sure, but alt a kera I am a PD n So top of the Gap scanner this morning right around 9:25 a.m.

So 9:25 a.m. running the Gap scanner and I saw a leading gap. it was a PD N. Well, I've traded a PD n on a number of occasions and last week, as you may recall, it gapped up and sold off.

It now has a very well-defined history of gapping and selling. Gapping and selling Gapping and selling Now I said that and I made $149 on it I said that I was interested in it and if it could break that trend and so I took a trade right here and right here as it was starting to pop up on those little breakouts but only with a thousand shares. I was just trying to kind of get something started and and see whether or not it would break over the view app, it hit the volume weighted average price. It couldn't break it.

but I do think that because so many people probably have a short bias on it given its well-defined pattern of failing that the first time it actually breaks that trend. it's gonna rip some short sellers, you know, and it's gonna squeeze and it's gonna be impressive today. maybe that day if it opens later, but it doesn't look like this. So the only trade on AP DN was in this area.

It was actually the last trade that I just took and it was a small winner. So second-leading gapper BPM x This is too cheap. I don't trade stocks under $1 Eman also too cheap. And then we've got Aim.

I've made $700 on Aim I'll go over that one in a second. This one actually does not have a 2.3 million share flow. I Checked two other data feeds which you know you guys can check Market watch or Fin Vis. There's a lot different sites that you can check I just usually check a couple and just see what do other people say.

the float is and I saw one other site said the float was 26 million. another site said it was I don't know Roberts 19 million or something like that. So that made me think that it was probably not actually a two million share floats dock. Now you can go into the SEC filings on these stocks.
It's I mean you can do it. It's kind of a it's I Mean it's not that much of a hassle, but you got to do it. You got to go through. you know you've got a search.

let's see I just pull it up here. So we're gonna do a company search. So if I do a fast search here of a I am I can do the search and then let's see. So this is the 10-q filing that's so interactive data Oh looks like the 10 QA So they did an amended filing.

so anyways you can go in here and where is it gonna say on this one trying to remember where they put it thought it was. usually they have it like right? So this is all the balance sheets stuff. Where's the shares? No I'm trying to remember where it is I was just looking at it on another stock. but in any case here so you can go in here you can go through this and you can find it.

but I I Checked a couple sites and I was like alright it's clearly not a 2,000,000 share flow. So oh, here is sorry. this is the one I was looking for so the floats twenty-nine million shares. Alright, it's the equity common stock shares.

Outstanding. Yeah, that's that was the first page I was looking for. So anyways, you know data feeds market data. There's so many different feeds that people can subscribe to and trade ideas obviously uses a data feed I don't know who it is, but sometimes they don't have information on the stock.

it's gray like it is here. Sometimes they have the information that's it's wrong or it's a little off. so it's good to double check it if you have a reason to think that it might be off. and I had a reason to think so on AIM because pre market had five million shares of volume and the level two looked really thick and I was like this doesn't look like a two million share flow stock.

you know it's trading prefix so I wanted to double check it and in fact it is closer to 30. So anyways, this one. we had this red to green move right here. that was a pullback trade and then I took a dip trade on it, buying a sell-off and a bounce and that was right.

Here is it dipped down to 508 and this was actually a pretty nice trade as it bounced back from 508 up to 520. Let's see if I can show you that. Hang on? All right? So all right. So I'm just gonna pull up this trade.

let me see if I can find it. Where was it? That was that one? I'm just going through my my trade down here. Okay so this was a M-- right here on this side so it just dropped here. It had a low back in this area of about 305.

so I kind of thought 305 was a possible support level. so as it drops right here and I'm gonna put it up here I'm watching I've got my hand on the Buy button and it's kind of holding right here and I saw some green prints going through green prints going through here. Now it does look like that's a hidden cellar, but to me it I was like alright it. you know there's a lot of green prints going through and this is right at its low.
so I put the order at 11. it's a marketable limit order and I jumped in there and got filled at 10 but probably like three. oh nine, nine, nine or something like that. So anyways I was in there.

it pops up to fifteen. nice little bounce off the low right here and you can see how this was also this ascending support line. so nice. dialed in entry and on this one.

I just kind of held it for a second and it pops back up to I believe it was 3:20 ish I can't remember I put an order out at 3:21 to sell. put another one at 3:19 and then what I'll sometimes do is I'll go and look at another chart. you know I'm kind of looking at other things, but I have an order out there so if it does pop up real quick then I can get out. So here I'm like hey, that's nice, you know, 17 So I throw an order at 17 I actually just clicked it I could use my hotkey but I just went ahead and clicked it.

So I've got my order at 17. it'll sit there for a second I'm on NASDAQ You can see my order is highlighted in yellow. so just waiting for my order to get filled. Honestly, sometimes it feels like you're the last one to get filled.

It's like wait a second I don't even see ARCA up there I don't even see Nasdaq would let that happen to my order. All right. Like honestly, that's weird. My order should have filled faster than that.

it's 3:18 but for whatever reason, it was a little slow. So and then I put a new one at 19 I Just taken profit $0.10 now a 9,000 shares. That's a $900 winner. So it's a nice nice little pop off the lows and trying to take profit into that breakout.

So I've got one order at 18 there. 19 I Was a little worried about this upside resistance up here and as I saw all that selling I was like now I better hit it about I better hit the bid and bail out. So I bailed out with a hot key and you know, whatever, it's fine. Probably a $600 winner or something like that.

So anyways, that actually put me green on AIM I had a red trade prior to that. it must have been this one up here that I got stopped out on. So then on the Gap scanner we also had alt 15 million share float and this one I liked because I had a nice pre-market chart was holding up pretty well as you can see right here and it had a nice nice headline. nice catalyst.

All right. So we've got news here: I look at the daily chart and I saw that this really didn't have any resistance until 594. So this is what we talked about in Chapter four of the Warrior Pro Class and again as a reminder. Summer School is starting on June 1st so starting on June 1st I'll be teaching classes every day now.

of course I've already been right after we finished this recap. we'll jump into the Warrior Pro Room and we'll do, you know, probably whatever an hour so of Q&A so I already do that. but starting in June during that same period of time, we'll go in and each day I'll probably teach one or maybe two chapters of the course. So through the month of June I'll reteach the classes and then in the month of July I'll again be kind of reteaching some classes here and there, doing QA sessions, so on and so forth so all of those classes be recorded archived Existing Warrior Pro Students: You don't have to do anything I will notify you and give you guys lots of heads-up about where to login, time of day, everything else.
but for those that aren't already in the classes is a good time to join because you'll be able to be there while we're teaching them live. These classes of course are the recordings of the last time I taught it live. So to be able to be present while I'm doing the classes is nice. I'll teach the class, then at the end of each chapter we'll do some Q&A specific to that chapter and then that'll all get recorded and uploaded soon as chapter 4 is the daily charts and this had resistance not till 5 94, so right out of the gates.

it ended up squeezing up to 550 doing the 1-minute pullback, topping out at 574 before dropping pretty aggressively. It did curl back up above view app, but it didn't hold up super well so that's kind of disappointing. But the trade there was the long right here for the break of the pre-market high which was 510 a keer. This popped up in the morning right here with news it halted twice in a row and I didn't actually buy it until this pullback.

I like right down here I bought this pullback, it popped up to a high of 540 I then bought down here off of support. it squeezed back up over 5. So my trades on this were actually dip trades I missed the news and the first halt and then I was too slow getting in for the second haul. So this is kind of like Fwp yesterday.

you know squeezes up gets halted. it opens higher, but on this one I ended up missing the bulk of the move. so that's alt a ke R and a PD n the four stocks I traded giving me six thousand, four hundred sixty-five dollars and 85 cents a profit without any single home run. So that's awesome.

This is a really solid green day. The momentum is definitely continuing right now and I'm gonna continue to try to be aggressive to try to capitalize on this sort of window of volatility and opportunity we have right now, Knowing that statistically, the market of course has waves where things are really hot and then they slow back down and then they heat up again. So if I pull up my trader view stats here again for you I can just go like back to last year. Well I'll just do I'll just do like all-time and so if I do all time here, filter those almost two million dollars in gross profit.

It's exciting and this isn't my all-time trading career, but this is all time since I started using Trader View. So down here oh no. I wanted to look at win-loss expectation so this is zoom in on this. So this is my cumulative equity curve right here and this is over the course since 2016.
so you can see how there's been periods in the market that have been you know that have given more opportunity or less opportunity. So I would say like let me just get my drawing tool. Ok so I would say that this area like right through here, you know, right through here some really nice opportunity. It slowed down a little bit right there and then picked up again here.

a little choppy through here, picked up again here, choppy through there and now that was like you know, eight weeks up, a little choppy back down. So this section right through here you know was kind of slow and that was actually leading into kind of like January And now these last a couple weeks and months have been pretty good. Early on I was more conservative in my trading as my account got bigger and my confidence grew I started taking more such share size. This right here was the beginning of my $583 challenge January 2017.

So you know we we had this kind of move here. a little sideways and then this is where things really opened up. So but anyways, I would say this is kind of the the ebb and and flow of momentum. Unfortunately for me, it's just been.

you know, generally up. I haven't had any sustained periods of down, but that's also because of the straght rate. So you know if you overlaid that against the Sp500. Obviously, the Sp500 has not been quite so consistent, right? The Sp500 is, certainly you know I mean you go back to 2016 So that's this period here.

All right. So January 1st 2016 this is a period that this takes place in, so let's kind of look at that again. This is nothing. Could be less than perfect.

Isn't really scientific, but you know if I kind of push this in here like this so you can see how I've done well during weak markets, it hasn't really had a significant impact. I mean like really, not very significant at all. Which is good. and that's because I'm day trading now my 401k.

You know my long-term will probably looks the same as the S&P I buy SP etf and so it's gonna be the same as the S&P It's gonna be up and down, up and down. but I don't I don't look at it every day obviously. I get the dividends and stuff like that. With day trading, there's no dividends, you know it's You don't get that benefit so you don't really get compounding growth, but you can.

and I think if you you know, obviously, dial in your strategy, you can get more consistent growth, more consistent daily returns. And if you kind of think about the math, you know if you had a goal of generating I Mean if you had a goal of making $30,000 a month in retirement, you know that's like I mean that's a that's a serious monthly retirement. You know that's three hundred sixty thousand dollars a year. So to make three hundred sixty thousand dollars a year just on like interest on a long-term account, just drawing four percent on that account you would have to have.
based on the rule of three hundred thirty thousand times three hundred, you would need to have a nine million dollar portfolio in In in you know, dividend-paying stocks to pull out that 4% a year. So the prospect of being able to make three hundred last year I made three hundred and seventy thousand dollars. So I made three hundred seventy thousand dollars last year with account sizes that ranged during the year from as low as $500 to my IRA which is like was probably over I Don't know, eighty ninety thousand during the beginning of the year. So that's that's a much better return on your investment.

but it's not passive. You have to do the work and you need the strategy and it takes time to get there. So for those of you who are on the journey I Hope that these equity curves start to look better as you gain more experience and gain more confidence. All right.

So that's it for the recap. We're gonna switch gears here. Jump into the Warrior Pro room I'll do Q&A for you guys and see if you have some questions on today's trades. Well, we can review the live trading archive of course and then I will see you guys first thing tomorrow morning.

Back here for Friday and at this point you know I just want to try to have a decent end to what has been a fantastic week. and I am so excited tomorrow to import today's trades for the month of May and for the for Thursday and see what the month of May is looking like after another sixty four hundred dollars of profit. this is just a really nice hot streak. So Day 31 and you know, 56 consecutive green days is my all-time record back from 2016.

I Believe into 2017. I Think now. let's see. let's look at this.

Let's actually go back to 2016. I Think that's when it was I could be mistaken. Let me look at One One 2016 to Twelve One 31 2016 I Wonder if it was 15? It must have been Yeah, must have been 15 going into 16. Yeah, cuz it was from November until January and it wasn't 17.

I'm almost positive it wasn't 17 going into 18. It was longer ago than that. So this will be my longest hot streak in like four years. The 30-day hot streak I can't remember when that was I I don't know when that was I'd have to was it Yeah, no.

This was nice hot streak that was a no red month. This was a nice hot streak too. It might have been somewhere in here I'll have to go back and look, but it doesn't really. It would only be relevant in terms of comparing.

Yeah, no, this is where it was. Yeah, this is going in the beginning of 16. Yeah, so this is this was actually I don't think this was a 30-day hot streak I think this was the one that was 56 days and then went into - what was that? 7 6 2016 So let's just filter this. Oh I think we went to 12.
there was it 11. Yeah, 12 was the first red day. So yeah, I'd have to go I don't remember I don't have anything important from 15 here, but that hot streak which would have been just from this section here. 10 19.

So let's see so that's 19 days. that's 24 days. so that's 29 green days in a row up to there. So up to the 11th.

let's see how much I made just in that little stretch I'm sure I didn't make as much only 15,000 bucks. Accuracy was 70% but I was trading much more conservatively back then. So yeah, the hot streak I know began back in December but you know what a really nice profit loss ratio. nice accuracy, good metrics, all-around good metrics, just not nearly as much.

Much so this will be although currently only my second longest hot streak. I Would say this that I'm on right now has been my most profitable hot streak that have that have ever had and in the sense of longest most profitable hot streak without a single red day. One red day doesn't end a hot streak. For the record, one red day is just one red day.

a hot streak can continue if that red day is only 50 bucks. But in terms of just thinking of consecutive green baize, this is the been the most profitable consecutive. Green Day streak 161 thousand dollars in gross profit not including today since my last red day, that's a pretty awesome green streak. and if I can get 256 days, I'm gonna do something really special.

but let's just take it one day at a time. Today was day 31. Alright so that's it for me. Let's jump over the Warrior Pro room and we'll do some Q&A over there.

Hey do you know every morning I Go live to stream at pre market watch list. Subscribe to the channel, press the alert button and you'll get the notifications and you want to learn more about trading. Check out the links in the description if you have questions, post it in the comments because I personally respond to every comment Sonic.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

32 thoughts on “Day 31: continuing my 2nd longest hot streak $6k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nate1ADC O says:

    what is name of the scanner you are using in this video?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitul Patel says:

    This is the life man. You look Happy.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Thomas says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F U says:

    How do i make a pre market order on cme ? Sterling pro ? I have tryde a gtx order and a ext order but they get canseld

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David King says:

    Thanks for the APDN tip, I made 80% yesterday!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars User12 EK says:

    Love the way you trade, not like other youtube trading gurus who wake up at 4:00 am and stay glued to their screens trying to make same income and you spending 2-3 hours trading! 👍🏻

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Neale says:

    how much did you start with on this run?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Tumilty says:

    Hey Ross, what is the music playing at the start of the video? Really love it very catchy

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Apex Company says:

    great job Ross!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cesar Borrego says:

    Great job Ross, you are killing it!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Bartolotta says:

    Xspa looks good for tomorrow

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zxJoe7r says:

    Congrats, Ross! You're blowing my consistency record away… I think you've got a 45-day streak in you if the markets stay hot.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars APo Zheng says:

    May I ask you a question. How much money lose you would stop trading per day, 3% or 4% of total money in account? Thanks.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BagFitted says:

    Thinking about joining your chat room congrats

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Thomas says:

    Why does the float size vary among different sources?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Hasson says:

    Ross, why would anyone want to use Lightspeed when TDAmeritrade offers 0% commissions? I opened an account at both, but I'm afraid LS will cost me a lot in commissions.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Devaul says:

    Ross you are aboulutely killing it!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erickson Aguasvivas says:

    Can you share with us your Lightspeed layout? Please!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ancientSerpent says:

    Hey Ross, when you were doing your $583 challenge, how much per trade were you spending? thats pretty close to what I'm trading with??

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eduardo says:

    What broker do you recommend for people in Europe, because I live here and I am currently using Degiro, is it good?
    I love your videos.
    I also have a question: can I just day trade using just a laptop

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SheerMS says:

    Is this mainly with gapping strategy? If so, with the last few bear days thats impressive.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blacklibertarian says:

    Can you timestamp when you enter the stock and when you exit completely

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Fantastic work! I was up about 600 dollars on the day, could have been a lot more but sold a couple stocks a bit too early but anyhow still pleased. Your trading consistency is fantastic also!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colin James says:

    Time is the most valuable asset right? Then why would a man who makes the kind of money Ross makes take all this time to “teach students “ (and charge them) for his services… if he is worth all the money he claims he is… why doesn’t he have a monthly video give-away either feeding the homeless or doing something that shows he not another douchebag … Ross I want to believe you are a great guy but your actions don’t match your demeanor. Prove me wrong

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    🔥🔥🔥🔥🐐!! WTG! Keep it up 🐐!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ancientSerpent says:

    Way to go Ross, I just wanna let you know how much I appreciate what you do so very much!! You can make in 5 mins what it takes most people a year to make. Yet you still remain humble, appreciative, respectful and very thankful for what you have gained from trading and from your talents. And it's so cool how you also give some back by sharing all you have gained. My goal is to someday be as good as you are, until then I'm gonna keep at it and keep trying and keep studying and working my small trades and building my account. Thank you so much Ross, your a great guy, I hope someday we can meet up for a cold one!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Merry says:

    Tx for the recap. Have a great night!

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dwkeirstead says:

    Congrats on the streak Ross! I made $4,000+ this week swing trading so I decided to use some to sign up for the starter course. Looking forward to it 🙂 – Cheers from a fellow Bay Stater!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Bowden says:

    Ross, At what point on your earnings chart do you finally break even after all the previous losses you had (in the early stages)? And time frame, like from the very beginning and until that point of break even? I don't think it means anything to you at this point (no turning back now), I'm just curious.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ?? says:

    I was watching live this morning and you went off line. Did i get booted off?

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Silva says:

    Wish I could join your class trying to learn when I can off your videos thank you

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romain Lemaire says:

    3$ dollars per shares on APDN 😁 but it doesn't count, i bought it 3 weeks ago lol

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