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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, it's wildcard. Wednesday The streak continues another. Green Day Twenty seven thousand, four hundred, seventy two dollars and 86 cents of profit. Twenty one thousand of it came on GN Us, which as of right now has a hundred and ninety seven million shares of volume and is up fifty-six percent.

It's not our biggest percentage gainer that we've ever seen, but it's a continuation from the move that kind of started I Don't knows. almost like the end of May down around $2 dollar fifty so you know I think it's one that you guys were right I did hesitate on this yesterday and the day before I saw it moving higher but without a fresh catalyst I Wasn't sure it was worth taking any trades on and I also just it didn't seem. it seemed choppy I don't know me and maybe I'm wrong, but as I looked at the chart yesterday, it seemed a little choppy whereas today was pretty parabolic. Pretty sweet.

We had one break out from 574 all the way up to just under eight dollars in one 5-minute break out. Now this is a stock that has so much volume. I Was able to get in and get out in 5000 share blocks with no slippage I even was hitting the bid with a 15,000 share order. No slippage.

so I was able to be very aggressive on my share size and because of that here we have these really impressive profits so you know it's it's relative to your risk tolerance. In order to take 1520 thousand shares, you've got to be willing to risk on that particular trade. Two thousand, Three thousand dollars and I had a trade today that was a four thousand dollar loss I booked the loss I did make it back, but you know I did have a bigger loss. So at the point that I had that loss, I was up I believe 15,000 and then I was up only 11,000 So I was like that's not great, that's that's disappointing.

but you know it, it happened so it's fine. Just keep focusing on the next opportunities and you know the day ended up really coming together here. So three days into the month I think this is my sixth day in a row of more than 10,000 and I'm up $80,000 on the month of June and June 3rd. So we literally have let me look at my calendar I Don't think we have any holidays this so we have.

let's see: 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18 19 days left in the month I mean I don't want my goal is a hundred thousand right now. that's my goal I Want to get to 100 grand if I can break a hundred grand New goal 150 If I can break 150 new goal 200 If I can break 200 new goal to 50 If I can break 250 then new goal will be 300 I'll just keep setting the bar out just a little way so it's easy within. You know, a couple of really good days for me to hit that next level. and also if I start to have slow days I won't feel like oh my god I'm I'm never gonna get there and then feel bad even though I've had a fantastic month.

So you know, obviously the market will slow down at some point and so you know your job, especially for those of you guys who are students, is to study these momentum stocks. Watch my live trading archives from earlier in the week or from last week, go through them, pause and watch the time to sales A-level tube and really try to get dialed in on understanding what I'm seeing. That gives me the confidence to pull the trigger right? I Want to empower you so you can capitalize on this opportunity? This is a window right now window where we're seeing a lot of opportunity. It's kind of like, you know, hot fishing on the Bering Sea and you know you're on the crab and you just step back, step back, dig deep, work hard because you know eventually whether it's tomorrow or a week from now, things will slow down.
So yeah, it's pretty. I'm just looking at that. profit. $27,000 is crazy so we'll break it down.

Today's a recap. Please hit that thumbs up button wherever it is and the subscribe button if you haven't already. I Really appreciate it. It's how you let YouTube know that these are videos that they should recommend to other people who are interested in trading.

So hit. Please hit that thumbs up button and I'll see you guys bright and early tomorrow morning for the Watch list. Live streaming right around 9 a.m. All right, See you guys All right you guys! So we're gonna do our recap here another Green Day! This is absolutely insane I'm up twenty seven thousand, four hundred, seventy two dollars and 86 cents I Feel like I mean after these last this last week of trading I Feel like I am this close to having a fifty thousand dollar green day? I mean I Feel like it is right around the corner because the reality is the stock side trade to today GN us being the biggest winner I Mean this isn't an impressive move.

no doubt about it. this was a continuation setup with no news, but it's up a hundred. Sorry, it's up 58% on a hundred and seventy three million shares of volume. The market right now is going crazy.

and Seco whistle ones I mean that they were all you know. Pretty impressive in their own way as well. So you know we haven't actually had that stock. At least you know I don't know I don't I'm trying to think of the last one that we had that really would be like a parabolic stock for the record book.

you know, like a Liberty Trip Advisor's was definitely one that was insane from I Don't know, what it was. Twelve dollars to a hundred and fifty pH UN was pretty impressive, but it was from $1 to $3 It was really cheap. It was just that. it did like eight halts in a row going up or whatever it was Hey look at that man.

I see someone just posted their screenshot their P&L I'll just grab it on this monitor. So thank you guys for posting those looking good bill. So there's Bill posting fourteen thousand, eight hundred, forty eight dollars on huge nice work man. I'm only up 525 on that one.

GNU s not as much profit a couple others, but to fourteen thousand dollars in one day? That's fantastic. So how did today unfold? Well, it started like any other day and that's kind of a nice thing about my strategy. You don't really have to do a lot of homework. We don't do a lot of after-hours you know, watch less building or anything like that generally speaking.
And you know I sit down each morning around anywhere from 8:30 to 9:00 o'clock and I start looking at the Gap scanner. and on the Gap scanner. this morning we had huge gapping up three hundred and fifty percent which is outrageous. So that was the first one that I was looking at and then we had Seco gapping up 96% we had with up 45% and GN us up 24% now I was honed in first on huge hu GE I did not take a trade on it pre market I suppose like I could have but I didn't take a trade in this area because I was a little concerned that it was gonna be opening I was concerned that the spreads were just gonna be a little too high.

I was like I don't know why I like the idea of it but I think I'll just wait for the bell to ring I have a memory from I remember when this was but I was in was I in California or maybe it was when I was in Italy I was on my traveling trading station and I took a trade on a stock like this like it wasn't pre market. it was right out of the gates but I lost it. it ended up halting, going down and just a really bad loss. and so sometimes in this price range I get a little a little timid.

Now if a stock starts at the $8 range and I'm trading it and then it's you know goes from 8 to 9 to 10. hey there's another one Moustafa Nice on lightspeed looking good man, good work. Incredible. So you know when they go from 8 to 10, etc then I'm kind of already in the zone of trading it and I'm willing to trade it when it gets into the teens.

but when when I don't have a cushion on it and it's starting that high, that's when I'm a little bit more cautious. So on this one I didn't take any pre market trades and all of a sudden at 9:15 it was halted pending and I was like uh-oh this looks this looks like a bad situation. I'm thinking that they're gonna be putting out news of a secondary offering. You know you don't usually see good news come of a pre market halted pending news, but in fact it it was.

It was just there was a headline here. There was a couple different headlines and it actually wasn't a bad bad halt. So it squeezed up here and actually opened at $14 on resumption which is crazy and it immediately halted going down to 1261. I almost bought going into a halt because I was thinking okay, it looks like it's selling off I wanted to buy a dip but I held off I didn't do it it then halts it, then drops a second time and I actually did buy this one and if we actually if we pull this in like a 10 second chart we can see with a little bit more detail kind of where what I did here.

so on this one it flushed down right here and I actually bonded at 11 and added at 11:50 and added again at 12. I was looking for this to rip back up through the highs. it hit 12 and then flushed back down and I stopped out right here At 11 67 right here for a four thousand dollar loss, so that was disappointing. It ended up halting going down coming out of that hall going down.
I took another dip trade at about 975 and this one pops back up to 1030. so I made back a little bit of profit on that. Then it consolidated for a second here. I got back in, where was this it was? It was right around here at 10:00 975 for the break back over, it hit a high of 10:45 and we got another trade on it back here up to 11.

so I made up I actually made back the 4000 I lost on these dip trades, buying the dips and selling into the breakouts. but it was not what I was hoping for by any means and at this point it's just not looking good. So that's some unfortunate and disappointing. Seco was the second one I was watching out of the gates and I did take trades on this right out of the gate for the break of what I was calling the pre-market pivot which is something we talked about in the classes which was 427.

so I was long for 27 and it squeezed up to a high of 466 which was a really nice breakout. It then pulls back and does a quick little sort of false break tap of V whap before fading lower. It did drop down here a flush down to 392 I remember true I tried to do a dip trade there but I don't think I got filled. So Seco basically the the trade was gapping dobre Capri market pivot for a quick 40 cent 50 cent squeeze and on this one I don't remember if I was trading with 10,000 or 15,000 shares, but I was being aggressive.

nice. Well $420 of profit. That's good to see. Good job ma'am So he was just posting his PNL there so that's eco and then GNU s I you know yesterday I was kind of like I don't know it's interesting, but it's it's kind of grinding.

it's moving higher but it's a little choppy wasn't I didn't think it really looked all that clean even though it did make a big move. it had no news and it seemed choppy today. I was like all right. Well it does look interesting over that pre-market high, but right before the bell had sold off.

so I kind of stopped looking at it. Well, right as we came into the open it actually oh sorry, it was yeah, right in here. Right as we came into the open, it was popping up. but at that time I was already looking at Seco and I sort of had taken this off my list for a second.

As you can see here, it popped up to a high of 545 or 550. It dropped down. then it ripped back up here and got halted at 570. So this was where I I was like okay wow it's halted I'm gonna start trading this on resumption from the hall it opened and it flushed down I got long on this on the dip with 10,000 shares at 5:55 and added another 5,000 for the break over the high.

We got there with a 15,000 share position to squeeze up to 90. All right, it pulls back. I Bought this pullback right here, took a little trade back up to the high. they're not a big winner and as it curl back up right here I added for the break of six ten thousand shares.
it did a false break, it hit a high of 608 and then drop back down. New order at 6:10 comes comes up through 610 I added 10,000 shares, added another 5,000 for the break over 15 and then I was adding a thousand shares a thousand shares as it was squeezing higher and this trade was I think with 18,000 shares and we got to move from 6 all the way up as you can see right here to a high of 670 before the first pullback. So really the only the biggest difference right now with my trading is I'm trading with 5,000 shares. Starter sighs well this was 1,500 because it was huge but the other ones were 5,000 seco and Gian us for 5,000 shares.

Starter sighs I was doubling to 10,000 going up to 15,000 and hit a max size today of I Think 18,000 shares again the same as yesterday. So I'm gonna increase my max share size to 25,000 shares for tomorrow, you know? I don't see a reason not to. This stock had has now 180 million shares of volume. it's only 11 a.m.

so this will probably have 250, maybe 300 million shares of volume by the end of the day. I could easily be jumping in it with 30,000 shares if I wanted to. So I'm gonna try to step it up a little bit and as long as we keep seeing those opportunities now some of the ones that are bigger spreads and all the riskier, I'll be more careful on but as long as we're still seeing big momentum and high volume, I'm gonna try to really capitalize on this hot streak. So where am I sitting on the month of June All right so let's see 6 1 mm 22, 6, 4 or 3 mm 20.

So I don't have today's trades imported yet. Those of course will get imported tomorrow. So let's see. well look at the gross and we'll look at the month of June.

So 24,000 on Monday 28,000 on Tuesday 27 here today detailed has a profit of Wow Look at that. That's that's that is absolutely phenomenal accuracy Now I Will say that this is probably grouping my trades in a funny way. When you import your trades to trader view, they group them because I yesterday was really solid yesterday. I actually might not have had any losers.

let's just check yesterday. I was like super dialed in yesterday. All right, so just filter for yesterday. Oh no.

I guess I did have three losers but out of 26 trades, that's still fantastic. So anyways, today you know I have I almost $5,000 loss on Huge and then I also had a trade on Gian Us which was this one right here I bought 16,000 shares on this as it was flushing for the pop back up and I was along 16,000 shares in to a halt going down. it resumed and bounced off of a low of 16 which put me down 50,000 sorry 50 cents on 16 thousand shares. Unrealized loss of $8,000 I didn't sell I actually added and then it popped back up here as you can see the seven.
so it turned out to be a winner but it was a risky trade so that one when I import it will actually be a winner. but the trade on huge is going to be a loss. so biggest loss so far if the month is already $4,000 but that's going to come with the territory of trading with bigger share size and being aggressive. And the fact is with dip trades, it's obviously it's aggressive as a strategy and this trade down here was a good one.

I was long at 620 with 15,000 shares for a pot back up to 650. That's 30 cents right there as $4,500 in one trade. So stepping up with big share size when I'm dialed in with 88 percent accuracy is absolutely the right decision. But it does mean that the the losses that I have, we'll be proportionally larger just simply because of that share size.

So you have to kind of remember, you know if you can't handle, if you can't handle the heat, you know you gotta ease off. you know, stay out of the kitchen. What's that expression I don't know. but you know with trading if you can't handle those those big losses, you can't trade with that share size and that's kind of something that I've dealt with in the past.

which is that I motion aliy don't feel like I can handle really big losses because it's just it's just so stressful and I was thinking about that yesterday I was like oh, you know when I do have a red day? is it gonna be like a 1520 thousand dollar red day And even if it is, that would still be okay relative to the fact that since April first, just since April first I've got a gross profit of 370 thousand dollars not including today. So that's almost four hundred thousand dollars. And how many trading days is this? I mean That many trading days? Four Hundred thousand. So even if I did lose 20 grand tomorrow, that's only a 5% drawdown versus you know, 400 thousand of profit.

That's really not bad. but I really don't want it to happen. So I as I start each day I have to start with smaller share size you know which on seco 5,000 shares starter up to 10,000 shares when it was working. you know I that is starting pretty aggressively.

But first profit $1,600 or whatever it is micro pullback adding back again. Next thing you know, I'm up three four thousand and then I've got my cushion. So those first couple trades are really important. Yesterday we got a really good start thanks to the pre market action.

What was that? I can't even remember it was a Mrh. but tomorrow you know I'll just come in here obviously with the goal to be aggressive. and if I am aggressive, I think I'll do well. but also with the mindset that you know if it's kind of a choppy day or a slow day, that's all right, you know.

I I don't need to be hitting $27,000 every day in a row. This was last week last Tuesday I made only 2600 Wednesday I made 10,000 Thursday 40,000 Friday 20,000 So now I've got one, two three, let's see one tooth. why is it doing this? So I've got one, two three four five six five. Think your days in a row.
Six days in a row over 10,000 which is insane. So sitting on the month right now of June let's see once we add today's profit. so I'm at 52,000 before today, so that's gonna bring me up to about eighty thousand dollars in profit on the month, which is pretty pretty bonkers. So yeah, it's a I mean this is a this is gonna be I mean we're in a hot streak right now.

That is no doubt for the record books and I'm just gonna, you know, be aggressive until I see an indication to slow down right now I don't see any indication to slow down. So I'm not gonna do it I'm just gonna continue to be aggressive and try to capitalize on these opportunities. We keep seeing stocks like GE on us with 185 million shares of volume squeezing up 20 30 40 % I mean look at that breakout III actually could have done better on that I did well, but I could have done better. That was from 574 to 674 to 774.

that's $2 a share with 20,000 shares I could have you know top to bottom that be $40,000 but that's where I'm starting to feel like if we do get something that goes really truly insane and is strong kind of like all morning until 11:30 12:30 and it's just totally going crazy then that could be a day that I could crack my highest highest day of all time. You know it's a tough thing because I always talk about the importance of base hits and and to be honest, you know we look at yesterday's trades and my average winners is $1,300 So in a lot of ways, these are a lot of base hits. You know they're Yeah, there's a couple bigger winners here and there, but it is a total of 26 trades yesterday. So basically that's you know, 26 trades of $1,000 each, roughly $26,000 18 trades of you know, $1,000 each, $18,000 I was up 24,000 So it's a lot of base hits and then you know, obviously a few losers and then a few winners that end up being bigger than I expected.

It's not like I'm taking one trade holding 20,000 shares for three dollars a share. That's never gonna happen I'm not gonna do that I mean unless I have an amazing cushion on the day. All right, I just don't see that happening. So it's gonna be the culmination of lots of base hits.

And today's a day where I'm running out of stuff to trade even if I wanted to keep trading GNU s gave one more dip. Entry down there right now is kind of at the volume weighted average price, but is sort of tricky I don't think I like it here unless it starts to break out back over six, seven, six 5670. So at the moment, even if I wanted to keep trading I there's not a lot still going on. So this is a day where you know it's a little past 11:00 I'm gonna shut it down here.

We're gonna switch gears. We're gonna jump into the classes for students. Keep going through our summer school program and that'll be that'll be it. So thank you guys! Another crazy day.
Classes in session so we're gonna jump over there in just about two minutes. I'll start that stream and we will be jumping back in with chapter 5 in about five minutes. Okay, see you guys there! Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750,000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on.


By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

24 thoughts on “Day 44: the hot streak continues $28k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 12,999,999 views says:

    Warrior Trading I had a question: When you say you traded Premarket, what do you mean? Like I thought you can’t buy shares before the market opens so I’m confused on what you mean by making gains premarket.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Island Girl61 says:

    Dang… I just want one week like this and then I'd be happy for a year….. I just keep losing.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Verdansk says:

    Hey Ross. What screen recording software and microphone do you use??

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cory Rinaldi says:

    This guy making a 1/3 of our yearly salaries in a day. 😂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brisbane Friends says:

    Another great session. Quick question do you sell on the bid, ask or market? Thanks in advance.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark B. says:

    Today’s Thursday are we training today?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Dawson says:

    Hey there. Great channel Ross, really informative. I'm looking for some help. I'm currently demo'ing the lightspeed platform which i enjoy due to its level of detail, level2 Time and sales etc. – although its restricted to NYSE hours (its pre-market opens 9am UK time, 1hour after LSE opens)! Being in UK i'm struggling to find a broker that has a similar platform that trades LSE hours with that level of information presented. Do you know of anything? Platforms ive used so far just not cutting it for me as too basic and not enough detail (Oanda, IG, Etoro etc). Thanks!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FIRSTIN FIREFIGHTER says:

    Awesome Ross! It’s my 2nd week trading and I’m green 3 days in a row on sim up a little over 5k. Thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Automatic Learning says:

    Could you explain the "1-minute micro pullback"? I can't find much about it on Google. Is this something unique to your strategy? Thanks for the great content, as always!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MELANIA LILIANA CIUTUROIANU says:

    I got your book, do I need to take your course or is everything you need to know in the book? Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ranjan lokesh says:

    Hey, what should be our approach when the stock gaps up on a negative news with volume?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caveman 007 says:

    Ross I was watching the same stocks. Also later in the afternoon Gold and Natural stocks were giving good opportunities. Just paper trading now but will make the leap soon. Thanks again God Bless and be safe.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ganeskmr says:

    god ross u make me laugh and think, and u r platform is speed as much u r trade. i love to trade in Lightspeed i do one day Ross i love getting in and out quickly trade, great trade thanks for the recap.,

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Future Man says:

    So typically….🤣🤣🤣

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Kennedy says:

    Still studying…..before I start trading and appreciate your You Tube videos. Paul Kennedy

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Sampson says:

    Hey Ross! Had a question about your warrior trading classes! I’m about to go on deployment but am very interested in taking your classes. There will no internet connection for weeks at a time. So the question is are your classes downloadable? Or can they only be done while having an internet connection. I know you always get back to comments so thanks in advance!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trader Gman says:

    Killerrrrr 🔥🔥🔥

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BandGeek says:

    I’ve been watching some videos and I’m interested in starting day trading how should I get started?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BRM3KBTR82ATIGER says:

    My god…
    Once again almost 30k 💪💪💪

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thisheadofmine says:

    I could not wait until you uploaded a video so I could tell you I held GNUS overnight from 6/2 to 6/3 and made $900!!!! If you thought I was happy the other day when I told you I made $25; you should see me now!!!! Thank you Ross!!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sergej Ujemov says:

    GNUS is the one I suggested in premarket video

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    This stock is killing me. I had been holding it from 1.69 up until that day it pushed to high 2s and did an offering. I got out thinking it's over. 9$ after hours right now. 😭

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EdgeTradingFX says:

    Hi Ross, I was trading on the 5min chart. Should I also trade on the 10 second chart?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EdgeTradingFX says:

    You were so fast. I was still trying to place my order and you were already in and out of the trade lol

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