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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well this was my 45th consecutive green day, starting with some trades pre-market on GNU s and C IDM and I'm finishing with over 26,000 dollars in profit. This is the fourth day in a row where I've made over $20,000 I'm now up over $100,000 on the month and it's June 4th. So this is crazy. Um I mean the markets on fire here and I'm not easing off the gas I mean I'm trying to continue to be aggressive and capitalize on it and you know today I actually felt a little frustrated because I had I had a close call on a dip trade that was on GNU s and it was right at this almost the same time.

I guess as a tweet from activist short seller and you know it halted going down and I was long in the hall going down. it did pop back up I got long on the pop and I sold but then ended up dropping all the way from like $10 Got the 4 bucks which was about 5 halts going down and it was crazy and I tried to do a couple dip trades during that period and and had a couple nice ones and then I was like alright I've got to stop trading I've got switch gears you know, go do class cuz we're in summer school right now and so I stopped watching it and then it bounced from 4 back up to 8 and I missed the whole bounce and I was like not only did I have a close call which was like you know I mean I wasn't III was looking at what people were saying was what they thought was a catalyst. People thought that there was a secondary offering at two dollars and I was looking at that and I saw that there was a shelf registration but I didn't see a direct offering and so I was like well, you know what is there new somewhere that I'm not seeing and that's kind of the purpose of a circuit breaker halt. It does give you a chance to sort of figure out what the heck is going on but I wasn't totally dialed in on what was going on.

even on resumption they were zoomed, it popped up, I was like okay, I'm out of that I was that was confusing and kind of not a preferred situation to be in and then it ended up with that really big sell-off bounced off the loan and I missed the bounce. So GNU s total profit on that one is six thousand five hundred bucks. total profit on CI DM Twenty thousand dollars which is crazy CI DM pre-market squeeze from three dollars up to for the pre market high that was like four fifty I mean it was. It was crazy and traders right now it very clearly are not waiting for the bell to ring.

However, let's be careful tomorrow because that action on GN us today may set the tone a little bit and see I DM although it's still up a hundred and seventy percent, it's at 350 right now and it's high of day it was actually at six bucks so it's below the volume weighted average price. It's definitely pulled back. Gian Us is a six, but that's a big red candle on the daily so it may be time today to pump the brakes a little bit slow down, you know I I did okay, but I had a couple close calls and let's see what what we get tomorrow. you know? Although again, if I had traded that dip on, she had us I could I mean that was a four dollar or share dipped bounce? So I mean this could have been a much bigger Green Day But but of course to take that I would have had to be comfortable with the risk and the confusion of what the heck was going on with the stock and I really wasn't at that point.
So you know, try not to get Thommo over something that really didn't know I feel like I have a spider in my head like you know what that was. It's very possible because there's been a couple spiders around here. Anyways, try not to get FOMO over not doing something that you would have had no business doing because it would have been so far outside your risk parameter. I'm not gonna feel FOMO that I didn't invest five million dollars in Tesla you know last year like who was, you're not gonna FOMO over that if number one you couldn't afford to and if you even if you could have, it would have meant it would have been like taking a mortgage on your house or something so we don't get FOMO over things that we would never have done.

but sometimes in the markets with trading we do catch a little bit of that FOMO over seeing a big move and it's like man I wish I was the type of person that couldn't capitalize on it. Well you know can wish a lot of things about ourselves, but we are who we are. even capitalize on it. maybe learn from them from what happened, but generally you didn't take it for a reason of its cuz you actually just missed it completely.

Alright, you can feel frustrated but if it's cuz you're watching it and said now I can't afford the risk, you made the decision. so I'm sticking with that right now. Summer School is continuing. Today is day four.

Tomorrow be day five be running summer school through the whole month of June So if you have not already checked out our Summer School program, check it out. There'll be links on description links over at Warrior Trading Comm so make sure you check that out. And if you haven't already given us the thumbs up or hit the subscribe button. The Day Trade Warrior account has grown 50,000 subscribers in the last month and half.

We crossed 500,000 and now we're at 550. All right, so help us get up towards 600, 700, 800 I Can't wait to hit that million subscriber mark on YouTube And we're gonna get there because you helped us. So hit that thumbs up button. Hit the subscribe button and I'll see you guys tomorrow for our Friday Watchlist live streaming right around 9:50 Alright, see you guys! Alright, so we're gonna go over the traits from today.

This is now the fourth day of the week where I'm up over twenty thousand dollars total profit today twenty six thousand, nine hundred, twenty four dollars and I feel like I'm leaving a little money on the table because I was doing dip trades on Gian us right here which was a close call. sold right here I did another one I tried to do one right here I didn't get filled and I did another one right here for about six hundred dollars of profit and then I didn't do this one and that's the one that ended up halting going up and then going into a second halt going up. So yesterday I actually overstayed my welcome a little bit on Gian us taking one last trade after class had finished and after I'd done my recap and everything for the break. over eight dollars and there was as I took that trade.
This is a ten-second chart as I took that trade Yesterday there was a 250,000 shares seller at eight and I ended up stopping out with three thousand dollar loss so that hurt my profits a little bit for them for yesterday. If I go to Overview, we can go into June So I finished up twenty four thousand instead Twenty Seven thousand. So kind of a little bit of a bummer there that I had that that unnecessary loss going into the clothes, but certainly made that back today. $6,500 on Gian Us twenty thousand on CID M CID M leaving Gapper gapping up 174 percent with twenty three million shares of volume as of Nine Fifteen and GN Us was actually gapping up only about 14% But I liked it because after hours it squeezed and broke through eight and had a pre after-hours high of about nine dollars pre market.

it came back up to let's see right around here, eighty eight. It then faded off that level. It then came back up a second time and faded off that level even harder when it came back up a third. I was actually watching it pre-market I was up a little earlier today so I came over because I wanted to see what Gian us was doing.

Sometimes if a stock is really strong after hours, that will get up early the next day and see whether or not it's something that's gonna give a pre market trade and this did have a lot of volume pre market when I was trading it pre market. Well, it had 15 million shares by 915 so very thickly traded I did not take the break of 88 What? I decided to do on this pre market and this was my first trade of the day. I took a trade, let's zoom in here I let it break 8 so we've had that false breakout 888. It then popped up to a high of 924 and I bought this little pullback right here.

at about 9 18, it hit a high of 9:30 and in that trade I made a couple hundred bucks. then I got back in as it popped up here for the break of 9:30 So I was back in at 9:30 it popped up to 950, then it squeezed up to 960 and up to 975 and so I did fairly well on that. I think I made about 13 maybe 14 hundred dollars of profit on those two trades pre market and that was it. like 8:30 It then pulled back and when it came back up right, let's see right here.

I got back in anticipating the break back over the half dollar, it hit a high of 51 and I stopped out of that with about a 500 dollar loss. So I gave back half my profit and before the bell was ringing I was only up about 400 maybe 500 dollars in total on GNU s. So I wasn't in super great shape, but I was watching the pre-market high. Now for Warrior Pro students: I recorded my trades starting when the bell rang my pre market trades I wasn't recording cuz I was live broadcasting on YouTube and Facebook which is when I'm what I'm doing that I can only record the screen that's in focus which was my scanner screen.
So anyways, the first trades here. The first trades I think right out of the gates were on CI DM and then I jumped in GNU s as it started to squeeze up. So G U.s. gave us a route.

it does this when I try to grab this to move it. Why it does that? Because it's very obnoxious. Alright so anyway, he's moving that over there. so G on us this was the breakout I got in long for the break of 10.

it flushed down to 9:20 I was down on 5,000 shares, about 70 cents. it popped back up to break-even I got back out break-even I was like whoa, close call. It then breaks 10 and I got back in at $10 There was a big seller at 10 so I let it come down 20,000 you know 18, 17, 16, 15, 14 boom boom punched it back in 5,000 shares, it pops up to 1050, drops down. it comes back up I Add right here from the break over 1050, it rips up to 11 micro pullback.

Add from the break of 11, it rips up to a high of 1173 if then flushes down here. it drops as you can see to a low of 1005 I Bought at 1005 and it was halted. Going down halted for five minutes. it resumes and pops back up to 11 I Sold on the pop back up A risky trade I was trying to do a dip bounce off the V whap I did not think it was gonna Haul tie thought it was gonna test the hall and then bounce up but it ended up being okay as it was still bullish.

In this part of the day it's still above the V WEP and there was no news out on it I took another dip trade off of 10 right here. this one was so-so and then I took another dip trade on the one-minute and let's see this was actually let's dial that into a ten-second time frame. This is one of the things I do like about East signal is the ability to see these shorter time frames. so I got long as it flushed here being having taken profit and been and having made money on this trade here.

I Tried it again here so I was in on this drop. false haul I Thought was gonna be a false help but it was actually a halt. It popped up out of that hall similar to way the way it did here so that was fine. but what I realized at the time was there was a tweet from Citron, which some of you guys may be familiar with.

They are an activist short seller. They've taken big short positions on a number of different different stocks. and they are they're They're pretty. They're pretty vocal about when they think a stock is garbage and so they put out a tweet and let me just pull it up here.

The tweet on from Citron with a hundred fifty thousand followers was let's see that was G Sx, G Nu S to $1 fast the lowest form of retail investor consider LT Mg and Us Rev, Five million, market cap, a hundred million compared to the leader Wild Brain, Teletubbies, etc etc. Not to mention the massive dilution. And they think it's stock promotion so you know they're accusing it the company I suppose of trying to something that some companies don't know GNU s did this but some companies will hire actual like stock promoters to do PRS and promotion around their their company would the goal of increase in the stock price. It's kind of like it's like hiring a publicist like a PR type of person, but it's It's kind of a shady area because it it's paid stock promotion and we do see it sometimes and sometimes when that's happening you'll get emails about.
You know this stock is gonna go up here. You know it's gonna do this or it's gonna do that. And at the bottom of the email is say this is a paid stock promotion. This company, whatever their name was, you know just whatever name it is at the bottom will say they were compensated.

You know two hundred fifty thousand dollars for this for this PR campaign. So I think the legality on it is about disclosure and disclosing that it's a paid promotion when that is the case. And then obviously there's some regulation about whether or not you know when the stock price goes up. If it does go up, if they are then using that to sell and dilute the value of the cup.

you know it starts to get shady, but you know we see this stuff in the small cap world on a fairly regular basis. probably far more so in the OTC penny stock world. But in any case, so clearly this stock has made as I said a crazy move from 2 up to 9 10 and perhaps some early short sellers got squeezed out as it went higher and higher and higher. But eventually as high as they go they will drop back down.

And this one certainly did drop back down today. So there so sit around put out that tweet like right around when it dropped here, it popped back up short term. And then people are also circulating news that they have filed an updated S3 which is a shelf registration for a secondary offering. So this was the S3 filed today and it's a people are saying it's an offering at $2 but it but its nest 3 it's a shelf offering.

They're registering to sell 60 million shares onto the open market and the proposed offering price here is $2 Now they say with this little asterisk of that number - and I'll just turn on my drawing tools so you can see it. So they say right here number 2 estimated solely for the purpose of calculating the registration fee in accordance to Rule 4 5 7. So this is a shelf registration now what we will expect at a certain point and it may be later today, maybe tomorrow. Or it could be anytime within the next three years because that shelf registration is good for the next three years.

It gives them the right to sell up to 60 million shares onto the market and the actual price that they sell at could be very different from the two dollars. In fact, it's very possible that they've sold shares within. well today. I mean we'll find out.
But so if I go back in here. This is our Warrior Starter class which we're currently teaching as part of the Summer School program and yesterday we talked about the S3 Shelf Registration as part of our discussion of important SEC filings to be aware of. So here's the Sec search database where you can see the S3 Shelf registration. These are the details of it and then what you'll see is a direct offering which is in accordance to the previously filed S3 and we saw that on a Keer.

So this was direct offering here and you saw it again right here. So these are direct offerings and this is in accordance with the S3, so that's what we kind of are at this point expecting. Now if you had a headline right now that they just sold 60 million shares at $2 that would be the direct offering. So it would be an offering of 60 million shares of $2 and there's a really good chance that the stock would open would get halted going down and would open closer to $2 It would be catastrophic in this type of scenario to get given that the stock is currently at 5 and it really wouldn't make sense for them to sell it at that low of a price unless they were selling to an investment banker who or something big firm that was then gonna go hold the stock and sell it themselves or resell it so you know.

In any case, that created that plus the Citron tweet plus the very fact that this stock is crazy extended was kind of the tipping point right here as it broke the you app flushing down people circulating news saying oh my god, there's an offering at $2 Well sort of. it's a shelf and that was the proposed price. and then it goes lower lower lower now bouncing off the lows here, but this was a honestly serious drought from ten dollars to four bucks or 450 it was not. Not not a pretty drop.

So I I am. It'll be interesting to see where this resumed, but I am concerned that this doesn't bode well for Momentum traders. There may be some traders who did get trapped who didn't cut their losses, who didn't think it could go as low as it did and are under the water. Those would be come back holders.

It's certainly against the strategy that I teach to hold and hope it's not a strategy, but some people ultimately will do that and and probably primarily people who haven't received any type of education and are more trading from sort of the emotional perspective of oh I saw this headline I'm just gonna hold this till it goes to a hundred bucks or whatever. so that was GN us currently halt circuit breaker coming back up and has gap-fill over 579 back up towards seven and if it goes back to seven, I'm gonna really be kicking myself for not continuing to trade it. But in any case, that's it. is what it is.
So CID Em Ii actually Ii stock I traded today, the one that I actually made the most on and our leaving Gap or in the entire market gapping up a hundred and seventy four percent. Nine point Eight million share flow over twenty three million shares of volume pre market. This was just at Nine Fifteen and I traded at pre market. On this one I and someone asked me a couple questions.

one what are my rules on trading pre market and what are the type of stocks I'd be willing to consider for a pre market trade. So I have traded more pre market in the last month and a half and I've probably traded in the previous like two years and it's because the market has been absolutely insane and we have seen so much volatility. And I think traders have been getting so you know trigger-happy that they haven't been wanting to wait. You know as soon as something starts to pop up, traders have just been hitting that button and jumping in.

And so collectively I think it's forced some of us to start getting up a little earlier and watching the market sooner then we typically would. So the first move here on the let's do one minute chart on this ten seconds. Not really. So back to 6:24 So I I feel FOMO on it I feel a little frustrated.

had the right idea on my dip trade and I was too early and then I just said oh I'm gonna stop here and do my recap and that cost me a trade from 450 back up to 650. Two dollars a share CID em You know. So regardless of how good you are, there's always opportunity to be better. and I could have done better today.

It's not necessarily it can be. You could say, well, that's greedy. you're already up $27,000 But it's also a competition within yourself to be the best trader you could be and to fully capitalize on the volatility in the market. And today I didn't So anyways, CID M it broke over 350 here and then this was where I took a trade on it pre market I bought this dip at 355.

it was kind of a double bottom, a bounce off the half dollar. I then added as it squeezed up through 389 and it did a micro pullback at 4:11 and then I added again for the break of 411 and it squeezed up to a high of 445. That actually might have been my biggest position today if I go back and just look at my share size on it. So on that one, I had 10,000 shares and then I added and got myself up to 15 and then I took another 2,500 and got myself up to 17,500 shares and then added a thousand.

Eighteen thousand, Five hundred shares. That was my biggest position of the day right here. and that was starter down here. Probably 75 hundred shares and go back and check.

but in any case, starter there. What was my stop? the half dollar. So right around 42, 48, 49 it pops up here I add for the break through the highs, adding it the whole dollar it pops up to 11, pulls back I added it 405 for the break, back over for 11 and then we got that squeezed up to 445. So that was an awesome trade pre market and then I had another big trade on it right here for the break over 450 and this thing just exploded from 450 as you can see all the way up to 5 micro back right here and then a pop up to six, a sharp drop.
Tried to do dip trades, had one that was too early, took a loss on it, had another one, got out break-even and then had another one that ended up being a little bit better. but ultimately after that I did a couple more dip trades but it just wasn't It was sort of the end. So and then I switched more and focused on GN us until stopping and then missing. Obviously this here.

so that's where I'll finished today. Over a hundred thousand dollars of profit on the month which is amazing. So hundred thousand dollars was my monthly goal. so I just hit that in four days.

So the new monthly goal I would say is like 125 one 150 or so and I just yesterday I believe it was yesterday across over five hundred thousand dollars of profit on the year. So I've got over half a million dollars in gross profit on the year it's that was as of June 3rd so we still have basically a full six months. and you know I mean I do feel like I'm setting myself up to have a really big day, but I also am at risk of having a big loss and this trade where I bought that dip right down here I mean God forbid that that actually had been news of a direct offering priced at the market at like six dollars. I would have been long into the halt going down.

it would have resumed at six and I would have been down with 5,000 shares or maybe was 6,000 I would have been down four dollars a share. That's $24,000 right? that would be that. Couldn't that? that's the that's the biggest risk of doing dips and I think it probably is only a matter of time before that happens. Although you guys have seen me lose 30 grand on a breakout trade.

so I guess the question is, you know both strategies carry risk. My my profit loss ratio so far for the of of June I mean it's kind of outrageous, but my average winners are 1,400 bucks, my average losers are 440 32 average a success rate is 85% so you know I'm being aggressive and my losing trades are less than 20 seconds. That's like that's that's that's pretty amazing. That's kind of ridiculous.

but what it says is that if I don't like the trade, I get right out. so we're in a market where we're seeing basically on both on dip trades and on breakouts, pretty much instant resolution. You know the dip trade here from four back up to six so I've never really read on it or if you know the second I flushed down and it hits my it goes red I just get out immediately. So anyways, that's it for me.

We're running a little late so I've got to switch over for Warrior Pro students. We're gonna start class here probably right around 11:30 so in about seven minutes and I'll put my disclaimer up there on YouTube and you know I'm gonna shut it down here with 26,000 bucks I probably you know I really was aggressive on that dip I probably could have increased my profits, but I don't think I would have taken more than five thousand or maybe nine thousand shares, maybe ten. I don't think I would have gone with full-size because I really am concerned that there is the risk with this S3 that we could get a the news of the direct offering. So I think that it is something that I would have to be careful of and you know 10,000 shares if you lose $3 a share, this a $30,000 loss.
but you even if I do end up having a twenty thirty thousand dollar loss since my last read day which was we go back here. So the last read day I had was March 31st. So since April first this has been the most profitable green streak I've ever had. I'm on my 45th consecutive green day.

Right now, my longest green streak was 56 consecutive green days. So I have a goal of hitting 56 days in a row. Which means today's 45 46 47, 48, 49, 50 51, 52, 53 54 55 56 June 19 I'm Een, that's that's you. Know it's not nothing, that's 11 more green days in a row.

But if I can do it June 19th I will have broken my longest consecutive Green Day streak ever. And the profit since April 4 or April 1st is $395,000 average daily game almost I Mean this is insane. Almost $9,000 This is insane. So I was saying during my intro to the recap the other day how I wonder if this is what people felt like during the.com bubble like oh my god, another stock is going up 200% This is outrageous.

But just remember, for those of you who might be getting fortunate to have some beginner's luck, things will slow down and when they do, you're gonna have to adjust your strategy and you're gonna have to be content with maybe only making a fraction of what you're making right now. on a regular day. In a regular market, my average is 2,000 a day. So I'm currently averaging almost four times higher than my my historical average.

and you know that's if I go back to January 1st 2017, which is when I began my small account challenge. We'll go filter here. My average daily gain is two thousand, three hundred Fifty Two dollars and that's over the course of I Mean literally. I Don't know how many trading days it is, but you can see here that's over the course of One Two Three.

that's distribution of trades. Distribution of profits is right here. I traded more last year and actually made a little bit less than in 2018. But I'm coming right up on that 2018 565 number.

I'm gonna be at, well, five thirty after today. Five Thirty two. So anyways, G on us. You're kidding me.

Back to Eight Guys. This stuff really frustrates me. Well, here's the good news. in: a missed opportunity is still a lesson and this is a reminder.

Certainly, I'm not gonna chase it up here. that would be stupid. I'm gonna be I'm green on it. I'm gonna say that you know what? Maybe I could have stuck it out a little longer and tried to make a little something off this, but that direct offering is a risk, so do be careful with that way.
you can get that headline really at any time here and it would be pretty disappointing. I've got something to show you guys here. It's hard to see him there. he is.

He was just doing like a little digging right there. So we've got ourselves a little bull chipmunk. Yep. I'm not sure what his name is I haven't named him yet.

He's the one with a really small tail though. I I Do recognize him so we'll keep an eye on him. Yep, this is okay. so handsome up there, Miss Sweet fella.

So anyways, that's gonna do it for me. Let's switch gears and get back into class starting in 90 seconds. All right. See you guys there! And that right? there was an entire video with no ads.

I Don't monetize my youtube channel with video ads which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let YouTube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about date rape.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “Day 45: over $100k in 4 days of trading! ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    i got out to early on imrn @10.5 should of rode this puppy great catylist.. im a minow pdt rule ; this is still a great swing trade , well see tomarow..

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    BAD ASS, you are getting better every day you found your pedals today … Cool stuff !!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy G says:

    I want to be your jedi apprentice!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deborah Ritchie says:

    Can you please help me?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bad4good says:

    Ross do you edit your videos? Or do you have someone do it, just curious.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars agquake says:

    Outstanding work as usual. A couple of quick questions, if you don't mind. Say there's a pullback happening… When you say that you wait to make an entry on the first candle to make a new high, you are referring to the high when the pullback began, correct? Also, it seems that you mainly refer to the five minute candle when you advise this. Can you touch on why the five minute is better than the one minute in this scenario? Thanks for everything

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJ zar says:

    Why are you so much more consistent with green days now (26 green days in a row)?
    I remember a few months back you had six consecutive red days. Are you trading different, with a different strategy?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mauricio Isaac Salazar García says:

    Wich platform does he use?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Šarūnas Baltrušaitis says:

    According to Finviz CIDM shares float is 88M not 9M, but despite that you're LEGEND making such a high profit in one day!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars atul wadyalkar says:

    Hello Ross, can you please guide how to make profits ? I am watching your video's but, i m new and invested 5k in my account. Where can i get some training ?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven's Day says:

    Ok it happened yesterday and thats why I am posting on yesterday recap. LK put me over 25k. Today it put me over 29k. A few other trades helped but this was a big move for me as I have been holding 1700 shares with a cost basis of 2.03. Sold 1000 today at 6.28. Still holding 700. Today I started really day trading and using a lot of your strats and made another $600. So, I said I would buy in to your classes if I broke 25k. So look for me next week. Thank you for everything you have posted so far and look forward to learning more in the classes. Ill start with the starter next week. On the road to 100k.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emanuel Giovanelli says:

    My name is Emanuel. I,m a 27 year old from Argentina living in California. I always dream be part of the stocks market but I thought was impossible for me. When the Covic-19 started I open an account with Robinhood knowing nothing about the market. I start learning about the market online and I found your YouTube Channel. I watch every video and also all the channels and pretty much all the information available online. I went through 11 books about trading and 9 different course about trading. Including all those "big name" in the community. After all that education and information I have to say you are the best. You really give me an strategy to trade and be profitable. I really appreciate all the recaps every day and every video the you post online. I know that is really hard work. I been saving and soon I will be part of the pro student. keep doing what you are a doing because you are changing life whit what are doing. From your red days and green days.God bless you.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lowanthal says:

    a missed opportunity is better than losing your shirt.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Kennedy says:

    I got caught in that drop in the sim. Lost 10k on 2000 share 🤨

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe D says:

    I didn't understand why GNUS dropped so much either — the news just mentioned allowing the selling shares.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Flores Linares says:

    Just amazing Ross! Blessings from Chiautla de Tapia, Puebla, México.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars peter penduko says:

    hi ross, i am curious on how you invest the profits you made from day trading. do you put them on an index fund?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars my old cringy account says:

    I want crying I dont have more days to trade😪😪😪😪 but I feel happy because I am thinking to teah my spanish community about this Thank you ffor that video 1😪😪😪🤷🤷🤷💪💪💪😂😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Winkler says:

    Those were some savage dip trades on GNUS

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lorenzo Jones-Raston says:

    At least you were being productive in summer school when you missed your short. I had a dead phone, I.e. no alarm, from my charger coming unplugged but that lead to me sleeping in like a king. Bought in at 2$ and missed the 11.43. That’s when I knew this is my new career.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Book Cake says:

    When will be a red day?) Will you break over 50 green days?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Mccormick says:

    Hey Ross ~ what scanner do you lease ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    I think GNUS is going slow down the market Friday and for sure next week.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! DOUNUT TV 🍩 says:

    I held too long during that GNUS bounce. I was up over a dollar per share then ended up having a losing trading because I didn't take profit. oh well.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harsha Vithanage says:

    Nice job Ross. Congratulations.
    I’m new to trading but I’m learning a lot from your videos.
    Question: does PDT rule apply to cash account that I have with TDameritrade?
    Just to be sure.

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