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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? Alright, well I don't feel much like a warrior today I am green $5,700 but I overstayed my welcome a little bit I was up 15,000 and then took a $10,000 loss and so just like that, you know, gave back half my profit from the morning. so you know I'm gonna talk during the recap about that sort of a psychological challenge of knowing when to walk away and it being one of the hardest things to really get good at as a trader because if on a day like today, you know if I can kept trading I probably could have made back some of the 10,000 that I had just lost, but I'd give him back half my profit. So what point do you walk away right? So that's we're going to talk about during today's recap of course gonna review the trades which there were a couple good ones, a couple not-so-good ones. The one I made the most on today Ino 240 million shares flow $25 stock and the one I lost the most on was kind of a light volume stock with no news that was risky by you know, probably just as easily cooked in a winter I Just so it is what it is.

so enjoy the recap today. As always, questions, comments, leave them right down below I'm gonna jump in I've got summer school starting here in five minutes so those of you who are not already part of the summer school program you can still join us. You can catch up on all the classes I've already taught as I teach them, we record them, archive them, and then you can jump in and attend the live classes as well. Alright, so join us over at Summer School Warrior Trade Comm.

You can check the website and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. Live streaming right around 9:00 9:15 for the watch list. Alright, see you guys in the morning! Bye everyone All right you guys! So we're gonna do our recap today: Fifty-seven hundred dollars in profit. And you know, I'm up nine thousand on Ino I'm down ten thousand on duo.

So yeah, it feels like a kind of choppy day, right? You know I've the bulk of my profit is from. well, you know, the biggest winner, biggest Loser cancel each other out and so then I've got these ones. which you know it's just not a lot of profit today. relative to what I've had on good green days, it's certainly better than being red, which was the case on Monday but a little disappointing because I was up fifteen grand before I took a ten thousand dollar loss.

Undo it. So that's frustrating just from the perspective that you know if I had I don't know if when when you have a day where it's like you know you're up two thousand, then you lose a thousand, then you're up three thousand. Then you lose a thousand and you're up four thousand and you lose a thousand. Then you're kind of like, yeah, I'm finishing up five thousand seven hundred I'm finishing kind of at the top.

The whole day was sort of a grind, but hey, I'm walking away at the top whereas today I was up four thousand on CCT I be pre-market then I was up about twelve thousand after Hht or nine thousand. Then after a couple trades on Ino I was up twelve, thirteen, fourteen fifteen and then I get back more than half my profit on my duo loss. So this one is annoying for me because I try to do a dip trade on it, try to buy right here for a bounce off the view app got halted going down it flushed down here I actually added down here I didn't sell I added right down here or well actually no I did stop out somewhere and then I added back I think I stopped out right here. first one minute candle popped up to four 1395, then drop back down and I stopped out at 13.
then I got back in right here at 13 and it rips up I added for the break of 14 it pops up here too high of 1450 and then I stopped out right here for a small loss because added so you know, just kind of annoying to have a couple choppy trades like that. You know as I look at this, it was probably better to do a dip trade on it than to try to do a a long four. you know at the highs because it was so extended. It's just that it didn't really hold that depth.

So I took too much sighs. That was my problem and today I was trading with pretty big size in general. Ino You can see this one's a more expensive stock. Biggest size on this today.

I Think was fifteen or sixteen thousand shares so pretty big positions on this. We had a long right here for a 5-minute opening range breakout. It's a gap and go set up. Squeezed up to a high of 23 87.

Big rejection. Try to do bounce off the V whap failed there as well. then got back in at 23 right here rips up whatever. this is a 23 30 kind of choppy here.

stops me out and then comes back up. and I'm not trading it again because I'm kind of annoyed that I keep getting stopped out on it Winds W I Ns The only reason I traded duo was because Winds had made this big move and on the day the last day that Winds made a big move, Duo also made a big move. Now Winds is currently halted. going down is probably gonna open it like 30 bucks because that's what this one seems to do it.

It goes crazy going up then halts coming down. No trades on it too risky Duo I was willing to take a stab on, but you know, screwed that up and winds. probably the only trade I would consider would be a dip trade If we look back at the last time this happened, you know it squeezed up higher and higher and higher on light volume and then when it finally resumed, it halted one more time going down before giving a really nice pop from 26 back up towards $36 a $10 a share pop. but I'm not gonna stick around to trade that.

I at this point I I've hit my sort of circuit breaker for needing to stop, which is that I've given back half my profit and I probably should have stopped before because I took I had two losses on duo I was down eight thousand on it and then I took one more and lost another 2,000 So I probably actually should have stopped when I was down on that first one. but anyways, so kind of, you know, Yeah, it's a Green Day that's great, but it could have been a lot better and that last trait got me which is sometimes the case. So CTI B was the leading gapper this morning and the whole in the entire market. $7,600 on in profit on that gap and go set up.
With a first trade being pre market, we had a nice little breakout. Where was it Right around here for the break of 555. squeezed up to 6, pulled back at the open, it ripped up to 5. sold off hard.

but I did a couple dip trades on this that actually worked out nicely. You can see a nice dip was right down here, so that was the first one. Hht was the second leading gapper I took along out of the gates on this at about a dollar. fifteen twenty thousand shares squeezed up to a dollar twenty four I sold it an eleven hundred dollars profit.

So with those two trades, I was up eighty six, eighty seven hundred. Then Ino was the next one. This was a one-minute setup right through here and since I already had a cushion of $8,600 I was a little more aggressive on this trade and got $4,000 profit on my first trade on it. So that got me up to about twelve thousand on the day.

which is really solid day. So I was feeling oh there you go. There's winds doing that bounce, halting, going up, predictable and I'm gonna be sitting on the sidelines on it I can't afford the risk anymore. so it is what I know back here you know it speaks to the fact that these are gonna go with or value right? So they're gonna go without you if you've knocked yourself out for the day by hitting your max loss or whatever the case is.

So and that's that's the case for me. So this was the breakout right here. Nice trade from 2255 up 223, pulled back, pop up over 23 a little continuation, then a bounce off the view app here and again a break of view app choppy through this area. sold off week then it comes back up here but was a little bit hard to trade.

so you know $9,400 is not bad and in between all of that I did have the trade on S int which was a two thousand dollar loss that was an attempt to go long for the break over 250 which was right here and as you can see that failed and drop back down I took 20,000 shares of that as well. so with that with these right here I was up 15 grand coming into you know 11 or so 1030 and we had winds which was ripping up which I didn't trade but then when I saw do I was starting to open up I thought alright you know this this one might give me a set up and you see it was squeezing here at got halted 1286 it were zoomed I took a starter but I got I botched the entry because I was also trading Ino at the same time so I jumped over press shift 1 and I was in at 14 and at 14 34 and I was like then it looked like those we couldn't do a false halt as you can see right here and dip down so when it came back up I was like no no no I'm out of this I'm selling so I got out for a small profit. it then resumes rips up here and that's when I was like alright I'm gonna do a dip trade. tried to buy this dip right here.
it pops up, then it flushes back down. looks like it's going into a halt I added and then I was caught in a halt going down. it resumes lower I added it popped up for a second back to 14 I was in in about 13 95 I was looking for it to rip higher, it didn't. it flushed down to 13 and I lost $8,000 on that drop right there.

Then I got back in right here and rather than selling here I added right here it rips up to 1450 I was looking for the break 1450 and then maybe a retest of the highs and then I stopped out as it dropped I don't know if it was right here I think it was actually right here. stopped out so two losses on that one and with that I gave back half my profit. So gotta throw in the towel and rules are rules. You know it's it.

Being disciplined enough to know when to walk away is one of the hardest things of day trading because this is a day where I could say man, I should have done I should I should have just done that trade on winds I Thought it was gonna dip and bounce and it did. and now I'm gonna you know, sit here and watch it go to 4850 and I didn't take it or I enough. This thing ends up ripping. You know after I finished trading through the highs and you know I I didn't I didn't trade that I could have traded this right here and I probably could have made back a couple thousand dollars because probably got myself back to up 10 grand maybe even back to a 15 grand.

However, already getting back half my profit. If I have another trade that goes wrong. Next thing I know I'm up only 2,000 then I'm up only a thousand. then I'm right on the day and I don't want to have days where I'm giving back profit to the market.

So you know every day you leave money on the table, you give back some profit. So today I did give back some profit that I haven't already locked up because I was up 15 and now I'm up only 5,000 However, um, you know, although that's disappointing I'm still net. Positive verses: where I was at 9:15 this morning. you know, at 9:00 9:00 a.m.

this morning I didn't have this $5,700 So although this isn't as much as 15,000 I need to be grateful for it I don't want to start getting emotional aggressive and then end up actually going red on the day where I'm giving back profit I'm actually giving back profit from the previous day, right? So it's very hard to be grateful for 5,700 when you were just up 15,000 and I understand that is that's applicable on any scale. It's hard to be happy about being up $57 when you were just up 150. It's hard to feel good about being up. you know 500 bucks when you were just up 1,100 But you have to remind yourself hey, I've got more money in my pocket than I had two hours ago I've done my job I'm walking away green.

Maybe I didn't do as well today as I could have. Tomorrow is a new day I'll be back at it tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow. You know we I don't know. we see a little bit better momentum.
The fact is today CTI be you know this is garbage it it was nice pre market up to six that was the top there was I think a 300,000 share seller at six or whatever this was and then flushed all the way back down now under four dollars so you know that's disappointing. That was our leading gapper hht leaving gapper also second leading gapper also failed. What do we have on Monday s int leading gapper on Monday and this one failed. This is back back here on Monday so leading gap or failed did the kind of red to green but anyways leading gapper failed evey Okay also the leading gapper on Monday you can see that big red red candle.

so when the two leading cappers fail, it's not a good sign for momentum. unfortunately. Ino which was not one of the leading gap errs, but was a continuation setup from the previous day and is a higher flow. Ino has a float of 100 million shares 142 million shares.

so it's a little outside my price range and a little outside my float range. However, I was willing to take the trades on it because it had volatility. Volatility is opportunity. So and I made 9400 on it.

So thank goodness I did step up and trade that because otherwise I'd be right on the day. So that's it for me. A green day not as big of a green days I'd like, but you know Monday was read 10,000 yesterday I was up 62,000 today I'm up 5700 you know, so it feels like a little bit of a hot and cold market where yesterday was hot, today's a little colder and I suppose maybe I'd be feeling differently if I had jumped in Duo earlier, but the fact is, it's not currently. You know when I'm doing my midday recap I like when I'm seeing the stocks I was trading are still going without me and I've just decided to step back and take my profit.

So the fact that I'm looking at Duo and it's not still going up, the fact that I'm looking at Ino and well, actually this one is still pretty good. but CTI be s int and h HT Aya knows the only one that really still looks good. So you know just the fact that only one out of the four that I five took that trade it is still going up is you know, kind of indicative that we're seeing a little bit of a choppy or gay. So it's incredible how momentum can shift on a dime.

How one day can be super hot, in the next day it's cold. So why is that and I Think that that? it's a question really that gets to the heart of the market. its emotion. So when you see a couple stocks that are up 100 200 % and they start you know they start really opening up.

Traders start to get greedy, they start to get excited, jump on that momentum and it becomes this feeding frenzy. You know you put a you know you're looking I don't know to do like a what do they call it When you go like looking to swim in a shark cage and they throw up some fish in the water you know they throw some fish in and all of a sudden the Sharks are swimming over that go. There's something going on over here and they get really excited and then the one shark sees one eating and the other was like oh I want some of that too. And all of a sudden - feeding friends and if everyone goes out there and there's nothing in the water that gets them excited, you'll have nothing to do.
There's no, there's no, there's no sharks swimming around the cage because nothing is happening. So it's these initial stocks on the Gap scanner with news that are kind of those you know pieces of bait that allow traders to feed is excited. so that is you know. Today we had a couple, but then they didn't really hold up.

So I think traders probably pretty quickly got a little nervous. Ayano is probably out of a lot of people's price range. the floats a little higher, so not surprising. It's a little choppy er and duo and winds well.

They're hard to manage risk on, so probably a lot of people you know rightfully so set and steer clear on those so it's a little bit of choppy or day, But tomorrow we could have some really awesome setups pre market and you know momentum is back and it's just super strong. I Would wonder if maybe traders are learning a little bit. You know some lessons on overtrading kind of poor quality markets cuz you know when you have a choppy market and you over trade that you know it can be. it can be bad.

So maybe people are smartening up a little bit versus some of the action we've seen in the last few weeks where stocks were just irrationally strong. And as I said earlier today, this is a market that's tough because it can. You know you can get rewarded for chasing and kind of not really being disciplined. not really following rules, whereas in a colder market you start chasing stocks cuz you're red and trying to get back to green, they're gonna get yourself in trouble.

You're gonna end up tripling your loss. It's just gonna compound and you're gonna be like I Don't get it this worked back in May and June Why is he not working now? Different market conditions. So it's a sort of frustrating thing with trading that you have to adapt your strategy to the market. You can't really just come in every single day and trade the exact same way.

I Mean you can a little bit, but same as driving a car around the racetrack. You've got to ease on and off the throttle based on the current conditions. So you know. Is it a dry track is a wet track? Is it snowing is? You know what's wonderful additions and then that helps you make the decision of how I'm gonna adapt for today? That's that's where we're sitting here.

$5,700 Not perfection. Maybe like the second worst day of the month for me, but probably feels a little bit worse because I was up fifteen and then gave it back. So a good lesson there on knowing when to walk away pay back a little profit. but I'm still walking away with more of my pocket than I had starting it.
Whatever was okay. so students, we're gonna jump into the classroom. Summer school is gonna start here in just about ten minutes. So I'll see you in the classroom.

Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750,000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on. YouTube you.

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24 thoughts on “$5.7k after giving back half my profits ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Christlieb says:

    love the shirt

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karan Randhawa says:

    Bro I have a request which broker u use to buy and sell stocks 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felicia Bliss says:

    I made my first trade today n made .86. On $10🤦!!! Im proud of myself. First gen trader. Thank you for your guidance and support…😍😍😍

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars text message says:

    Ross, do you wait for the 5 minute candle to form fully before taking a trade on the 5 min setup?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    Being green and small losses, is being a professional,, that's where its at, sounds boring but greed will ruin any man..
    Ty you Ross

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reed Thompson says:

    Do you have a product offering where I could view your trading either live or archived? Mostly archived since I work during the trade day. Thanks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ManBull Moose says:

    I can't afford the classes yet, but I've been playing around with the simulator. I still struggle with false break outs, and seeing good setups but I'm better than I was before. Thank you for your videos and insight, Ross. I feel like I've learned a lot so far over the past couple weeks, but I know that is just the tip of the iceberg.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars // Vadim says:

    market a little change direction

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Osaid says:

    That was literally me today. Made 870 then lost like 450 :/

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mickaël S. says:

    Hi Ross, which broker with small fees/commissions would you recommend to someone who lives in Europe and wants to day trade with a small account ? Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Sanchez says:

    Nice $5.7k! Amazing! Tomorrow I am watching ABMC for buy in the morning

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Vanderford says:

    You said you hadn't slept well! You think it messed with your judgment? Asking for a friend ;o)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bryan Galanos says:

    I need to let the set ups come to me tomorrow. No jumping into anything for the heck of it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Ruppel says:

    Up 270 pretty bad day not very proud of my trades

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Donaldson says:

    Honestly man your a good dude! Good job for being Real man!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socrates Trading & Crypto Stories says:

    Nice job Ross, you will bounce back, you were still profitable on the day! I also attempted to buy DUO, fortunately just barely came out with a small profit but almost loss a sizeable chunk of money on that stock. WIN was also a booming stock and presented great opportunities to trade which was one of my winners.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Danny Richard says:

    Me too! Tough day today for me.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abdel says:

    hi ross would you please tell us what are the main and useful indicators you use on your charts.? 

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Now Times Entertainment says:

    Hi sir, where did you get the news for INO? it wasnt in the trade idea scanner right?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Z Harris says:

    Honestly curious why in your watch list you said you weren't interested in HTZ today at all even with some news, volume, and entry near the 52w low. Took a nice ride up early in day and was hoping to see some action in the recap.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott wilt says:

    Yeah, when to walk away is my hardest part lol. I went a little less aggressive today and walked away with $26. Earned $15 on invvy and $11 on ctib. First green day this week for me.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ John Piazza says:

    Hey Ross! Great post today. Today was so slow! I didn't take my 1st trade until 60 minutes after the bell! I'm very glad I waited though. I was fortunate to jump all over $DUO despite it not showing on the HOD scanner. For a while I thought that thing was broken this morning. Yikes! Again, as always, thank you for the chat room and opportunity to thrive and survive with the courses and guidance WT provides. You're awesome and can't wait to see you tomorrow in the chat room for another green day!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Romel Building Wealth says:

    Great job looking forward to see your strategies.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kendt baggetto says:

    gratitude of $5k positive day remember some people lost today $100.000.000 million like the story you shared! be happy

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