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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well here we are, Tuesday morning and I'm walking away with my daily goal: Ten thousand dollars. It's not a home run. Uh, and I was actually in the red today. I was down pre-market on Sglb about 1600 bucks at my worst, I got myself back up to down only 200 187 coming into 9 30 the bell ringing, the bell rings and I took a couple trades, dropped myself down 5 000 on the day and from there that was my low point and had to work my way back up first just to break even, then up 500.

then I got to up 1900 and then I started making a little bit more progress as Shll made a really nice continuation move from 38 dollars a share up to about 42 dollars a share. So four or five dollars a share on that breakout, I rode that momentum, got myself up over 11 000 and then a final loss walking away now 10 600 bucks. So kind of the same as yesterday, you know I I kept trading yesterday up 55 000 and then once I had that first loss and was up only uh, 46 000 I was like all right, I'm going to walk away. You know I think that that is still the right approach to keep trading until I start having losses.

Sometimes all the number just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I'm really not having losses and other days I don't make a lot of progress and I start having a couple losses. So after I hit my daily goal is when I kind of enforce that rule of if I start kind of stair stepping back down. I got to walk away today. You know, I kind of started red, got myself to almost break even, then back further in the red, then back to break.

Even so in that area, you know, I kind of felt like I'm just start treading water just trying to kind of get my bearings. Now one thing that I wanted to mention. Um, so last week in my Td Ameritrade account which is my swing trading and sort of retirement account, I day traded Tesla on Friday, right? and um, I ended up losing 9 200 bucks on my two trades on it. I was.

You know, I was kind of day trading my swing trading strategy and I was being too aggressive and it was not a great situation. And so the problem is that wiped out all the profits I had made that whole week and the week before and the week before that. because the swing trading profits like right now I have an open trade on Netflix that I'll show you where I'm up like 800 bucks and I've been holding it since Friday. so it's a slow moving trade.

It's not gonna be a overnight, you know. Big winner the most I'll probably be up on it will be maybe 1500 or something and that's fine. That's acceptable. kind of lower risk for swing trading and you know, So I do that a couple times a week.

you know, make a couple thousand dollars a week. but then if all of a sudden I turn around and I do a high risk day trade in that account that'll wipe out lots of those low risk swing trades. And so I have this feeling right now of feeling like I've You know, I've taken this loss and I'm upset about it and my account isn't where I want it to be and I feel like I need to make it back. And it's kind of interesting because the experience I'm having right now is, I'm sure very similar at least my memory to the experiences I had when I was getting started and probably familiar to many of you.
who you know know you've put an X amount in your account or know that you were up x amount on the week or on the month and now you're You know you're You've given some back through a series of losing trades, and so I was contemplating just day trading like my regular day trading strategy in the Td account to try to make up those losses. Um, from uh, from Tesla. But the problem with doing that is that, uh, the Td Ameritrade account. I'm not gonna have my hotkeys.

I'm not going to have my direct access routing, so I'm not going to have some of the tools that I really rely on to be able to trade as quickly and as aggressively as I trade. So my feeling is that any trade that I take in Td Ameritrade if I took that same exact trade in my Lightspeed account, I probably would be able to make more money because I would feel comfortable taking bigger share sizes being more aggressive. So trading in my Td account my day trading strategy just to make up the losses feels kind of stupid because I'm actually going to be in a way incurring more loss in the sense of lost profit through trading this sort of subpar account. And so it leaves me in the situation where I'm thinking, well, then the only way I'm going to get back that 9 000 is just through good quality swing trades, you know, And maybe it's going to take a couple weeks of 1500 a week, or two thousand a week slow and steady to make it back.

And and that means I have to sit with this feeling of kind of being a little disappointed, a little frustrated, and um, you know, kind of just with the account. Not really where I want it to be, but I'm sure for many of you that's where you end up sitting. kind of On many days you know your account is in the red uh, you know, or you've lost money versus whatever the on the week or the month and there's nothing you can do except for sit with it. And so I actually think, hey Bud, um here's bophie there he is.

There's that black dog, hello hello hello. I actually think that this might be a good opportunity for me in a way to um to kind of reconnect with that aspect of myself and that I kind of struggle with. Which is the part of myself that um, you know I'm being. You know, I'm being hard on myself.

Look, I'm up 400 000 on the month, but I'm upset about being 9 000 in one account. You know, the one account it's not. It's not the end of the world, Um, but there's just that feeling that I'm I'm not where I want to be in it and the desire to make it back. Uh, is what can kind of create a a series I think potentially of poor decisions like trading poor quality stocks or trading in the wrong platform wherever the case is.
And so if you're in a place girl where you know you've had some losses or whatever the case is it it takes that it takes that ability to simply say listen, this is. Yeah, it's not. This might not be where I want to be right now in my trading or in this account or whatever the cases, but um, oh god, but I can't change. You know, I can't change.

I can't change that. It is what it is. I have to just accept it. I have to accept that this is where I'm at right now.

And really, the best thing, um, is to try to come to peace with that and to not let those feelings of frustration influence your training because that's when things can start to get bad. So right now, I'm just gonna sit with the fact that my swing trade account because I chose to day trade in it. Um, you know, incurred an unnecessary loss And yeah, it's gonna take longer to make it back. But um, that's that's where that's where I'm at.

One brick at a time. The right way to do it. You know, if someone came to me and was like Ross, you know they explained the situation. I would say well, listen, you know I mean, it sucks that that happened, but the only way to make back those losses is one brick at a time.

One trade at a time and you know it over the course of the next few weeks or months or whatever the case is the case is for your situation. You'll get it back, right? You just have to be patient. And if you get sloppy and you get impulsive and you get desperate, that's when you're going to start that downward spiral. So I'm saying that as much to you as I am to myself, uh, in hopes that I can stay focused this week.

And so as I've been looking for new swing trades, I've also been a little bit more, um, a little more selective this week because I can feel the instinct to just try to jump in things so I can kind of get the ball rolling on rebuilding. But a lot of the stocks I have been looking at right now like Amazon and Apple are just not in a position that I really like. So, uh, it's better to not force the trades, better to wait for them to come to me. right? All right, So long.

Intro to the recap. I hope you guys enjoy the recap. I'll talk about the swing trades. I'll talk about of course, my day trades.

Uh, ten thousand dollars green on the day plus 800 in the swing trade account. You know things are good, making some good progress. We'll be back at it first thing tomorrow. If you're not already subscribed to the channel, do me a favor.

hit that subscribe button. hit the thumbs up button please, and I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. All right. See you guys in the morning.

All right everyone. So we're going to do midday market recap. Go over the trades from this morning. I'm finishing the day up ten thousand, six hundred, ninety three dollars, and twenty six cents.

Not bad a green day, Just about seven thousand on Shll which was my biggest winner and down 800 on Vvpr which was my biggest loser and the rest are in between. Traded five stocks today, green On four out of the five. Sglb was the first stock I traded today and coming into uh, the Open I, I was down at most 1600 pre-market on Sglb and then I had made back, uh, some of that on uh Capr and so coming into the Bell or the the Open at 9 30. I was down right around uh, 187 or something like that and I said, you know at this point, since obviously this isn't the greatest day, you know I, it might be better just to say hey, look, I'm down.
um, you know, 200 bucks, Whatever. I'll have to trade another day and maybe I just shouldn't overstay my welcome. So let's look at the Gap scanner from pre-market All right. So pre-market this is our Gap scan Sglb leading Gapper up 61 and so is the one that I was trading even pre-market but I ended up missing a good pre-market trade on it and a good trade would have been well on the one minute chart.

Let's back this up. So on the one minute chart, there was a nice opportunity on this one, right? Oops, Um, let me get rid of that. Uh, right here. Well this was the first candle to make a new high failed bounce off the V app and then a rip abcd kind of on this setup so you know that could have been a good one.

Um, but I missed it because this was at 8 45 and I didn't sit down until basically like 9 a.m when I sat down. Actually it was up here and I was like oh, if this holds right here through this level then maybe I'll take a long like right here for the breakthrough. Eight. So I was like oh, this looks good and then it flushed here.

Broke the V-wap through here is a bear flag underneath the resistance of the volume weight. Average price. It flushes and sells off more. Down to Five.

Consolidation breaks Five sells off more so unfortunately pre-market this was where I was, uh, trading it. I did a dip trade down here, made a little bit of money, tried another dip trade down here and stopped out at five without slippage which was good but lost sixteen hundred bucks on it coming closer to the open. I had a long on it down here which I knew was kind of aggressive and I made like 500 bucks. So I was down 1100 on Sglb coming into the open and Capr had breaking news right at 9 15 and so it had the breaking news.

It ripped up from 540 to 720, it then pulled back and right in this candle I bought as it dipped down and then as it popped back up over seven, it double topped at 720 and so I sold it like I don't know. it was like seven dollars or 705. Uh, so made my thousand bucks and then it pulled back a little bit more and I didn't get another trade on it. The bell rings.

I'm down 200 bucks and the first trade. I'm trying to remember if the first trade I took when the bell rang was on. Let's see. so the first trade when the bell rang.
Yeah the first trade was Vvpr. So look at this thing now it's back up at 450.. So Vvpr, you know it was on the gap scan. it was gapping up.

There was a catalyst, but I wasn't totally sure about it. The pre-market chart, you know it had already shown some weakness. It was stair stepping down but right out of the gates it started ripping and so what I ended up doing is it popped up, it pulled back on this red candle and I bought this dip down here off of 450 at I think it was 472. it rips up taps 482 and I added looking for the break and the squeeze up to five and then in this candle right down to 420 and as it broke 450 I stopped out.

but I got filled at 452, 438 and 421. It then halted going down and I lost 4 800 bucks on it. and so just like that I went into the red by almost 5 000 today and that was a little discouraging because you know I set the intention to try to trade. Good quality setups and you know two minutes before I was like I'm only I'm down 200 bucks.

I'm obviously not seeing a lot of momentum. Maybe this is a day that I should just ease off the throttle and then I went ahead and jumped in. You know, with 10 000 shares to Vvpr and lost. you know, four or five grand on it.

So now as it's curling back up here, um you know it's it is a long right there. That's a long setup of the break of 55 up to their 68. but I don't know the pre-market high or the high day 482. I just I don't need to go back for it.

I'm read on it and that's just how it's going to be. So it is what it is, All right. So the next trade after Vvpr then I was like all right, well that's not good. Now I've got to start digging my way out of the hole.

So Sglb actually ended up giving us, um, some setups and I went from down 16 or 1100 on it to up 3800 and that was at the open as it started to rip up right here and on these micro pullbacks. Boom Buying the dip. So bought the dip on this squeeze is up here and with that I got myself. um pretty close to break even on the day I was.

um after this trade and after the trade on Vi no let's see was what was the next one. Yeah I think it was V-i-v-e Yeah, after this trade and after the trade on V-i-v-e I was up 500 bucks on the day. So I was like all right you know I'm making some progress here. So the V-i-v-e trade was a long of 30 000 shares going into this halt right here at 1.30 and then adding on resumption.

looking for a sec, a third halt and maybe a break over the half dollar it fall. It kind of tested the halt level which was like 43. It then rolled over as it did back down. I sold it 40 the whole position of about 38 000 shares so I was out of that.

I did get back in V-i-v-e um right here for the break over 25 and then the squeeze up to 30.. on that trade I took 50 000 shares and sold in this candle here where it hit 34 but then couldn't get any higher. So 3 700 total profit on that stock which is not too bad. um the next one shll so shll.
This made a pretty big move yesterday as you can see from 31 to 40. So today when it started to open up right here I wanted to try to capitalize on some of this some of this opportunity. So my first trade was buying this dip right here. First one minute candle to make a new high and that went from 41 up to 41.50 Uh, 50 cents.

So that was a 50 cent breakout which I bought with 7 500 shares. Next trade first came to make a new high down here. back in 7 500 shares, adding into the breakout up to 10 000 shares and we got the squeeze here up to 42.87 That was where I made the bulk of my profit on this one. We then got a pull back and I tried to do some dip trades.

I also tried to do first five Minute Candle to make a new high which was right here, but that ended up being a false breakout and actually lost about a thousand dollars on that last trade. So I went from being up Uh 11, 500, almost 12 000. to ten thousand, Six hundred, ninety three dollars, and twenty six cents. Green is good.

it's not. uh, no. home runs today. a bunch of base hits, a couple nice trades on Shll, nice potential on Sglb, but nothing really exceptional.

On the swing trade side of things, my Netflix swing trade is doing well. I've got another 290 dollars of unrealized profit on the day, so I'm up 869 on it. So Netflix uh, again to answer a question about the buying power. So this isn't actually an Iron Condor, it's a um, a call credit spread 520 by 535 and then a cash secured put that I just sold out right at 465.

4.65 is the strike price so that one is using up a lot of buying power that's using up 200 000 in buying power, the other ones only using up like ten thousand dollars or maybe 15.. So that Cash secured puts using up the most buying power. but I sold it at 168 and it's at 92 cents right now and my goal would be to close it for basically 10 cents. Close it for nothing.

16 cents, lock up 90 of the profit potential. These calls I sold for 280. They're 87 cents, but I can't do a naked call because that's too real. I mean, it's too risky even if I could, but I can't do that in a retirement account.

So I sold the 280 and then I bought the two the 120 or sold this for 280. Bought this one for 125 and I keep the difference in my pocket which is 55 cents. If I close this trade right now, watch you have a stop on it. So the mark on this trade right now is 95 cents.

It looks like um, wait, no, sorry, it's 50 cents. It's 50 cents so I still have 50 cents more of profit to potentially make. which is what? um, you know. obviously I would like to get as much as I can.

Oh, look at Sglb. Nice on Sglb. Ripping up there. Um, sorry Vvpr.

I'm looking at the wrong level too. Vvpr? Um, yeah, that's nice. That's nice. Good job.

Uh, nice to see that You know sometimes they go without you. So anyways, that's Netflix. Um Apple, Amazon, Apple. I'm thinking about doing a put spread on, but again, it's a little early in the day.
I want to see how the market looks later on so I have an order ready on that Amazon. I was thinking about a put spread as well, but now this is getting up a little too high so I don't know we'll see. but I'd like to take some more swing trades. but I also want to make sure I take good quality trades just because.

um, I mean you know it. I had a couple losses last week on on Tesla day trading in my retirement account which was kind of stupid. so you know I feel on the one hand upset and frustrated like I need to make that back and the fastest way to make that back would either be to to day trade in my Td account. But if I day trade in my Td account, whatever I make will probably be half of what I would make if I took the same trade in my main account because Td Ameritrade is just for me, not easy to day trade in.

Now there might be some stocks I could do it, but I just in order to make five that ten thousand dollars I would need to take five Ten thousand shares. and I just I don't know. Don't think that that's a smart idea. So really, the only way to make back those losses is going to be slow and steady.

Just steady profit from swing trading. It's going to take a while and so I want to be very careful not to just jump into a bunch of trades and all of a sudden, um, you know, be impulsive because I'm trying to make back losses and then have losers. So I'm trying to be a little bit more picky, which is why I haven't added any new trays yet. But I'm keeping an eye on things and hoping that we see something that looks like a really good, you know, no-brainer type of setup that I could jump in.

But a problem for me with all the large caps is the position of the overall market. So the overall market you know is up is up so high that you know I was kind of thinking we were going to get a pull back. but we're not. And so you know Apple is pulling back a little bit.

you know, yesterday and today, but starting to curl off those lows. Amazon pulled back yesterday and this morning but is now surging back up. So on Amazon I was thinking about selling the 3200 3250 strike puts, but now it's because it's so green today. those are going to be well, let's see the mark right now.

Is the mark on those right now is, um, 80 cents. They were a dollar and 20 cents earlier so they're already down 40 percent. I mean, I I missed the move so, but that's the problem. I don't want to take something early early because that's kind of going to be more of a day trade and then end up.

I don't know. So anyways, I'm being a little bit more patient this week, but that's fine. I'll I'm happy to be green on my Netflix trade and if I can have a couple more that are also green and I'm have higher accuracy because I'm a little bit more patient and a little more disciplined, that would be totally okay. All right, so that's it for me.
I hope you guys have a great rest of the day. Good luck on Vvpr. Looks good, it's going without me, but I'm happy to see that continuation. I'm happy with ten thousand dollars in my pocket today so I'm gonna lock it up and I'll be back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

All right, I'll see you guys in the morning. Bye everyone! Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750 000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on Youtube. You.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

25 thoughts on “From red to green $10k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rudy Gutierrez says:

    Ross, thank you for keeping that focus! This is great inspiration for us all.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars freddy delfin says:

    Ross, thanks for the intro, that is exactly how I felt when I made a couple huge mistakes and wiped my profits.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Bond says:

    I bought your book off amazon and I still haven't gotten it in the mail

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Henson says:

    Just want to let you know that I’m unsubscribing because I’m sick and tired of being molested by your internet adverts. I can’t look at a page without being accosted by your face at least 3 to 5 times and sometimes more. Get a life and get out of mine.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Ford SF Motivation says:

    Can you mentor me??

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Levelle says:

    I just started with a small account a month ago. After a week of doing ok, finding good running stocks but just missing the entry or using the majority of my account that day losing, i was still finding winners, got in and out great with em, just didn’t put alot of money on the winners.
    Anyways I had a hard time and after 3 weeks I was down almost 40% in my main account. Now, this past week Ive had everything line up well and Ive made back the 40% and actually in the green around 10% . The 3 days Ive traded this week i was green all 3 days and now Im adding more so we’ll see how next week goes.
    Stay patient, dont follow anyone, and use common sense. Most of the time the market has been telling me where its going before it does. Thanks ROSS!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AmBikes&Boards says:

    Such an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for your content

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Poul Julle says:

    this probably a dumb question, but I often see you going for/getting 10-15% fluctuation in price. But when I check the stocks on current day they only fluctuate like 1%ish. Am I missing something.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Davis says:

    Way to make that 4th quarter comeback 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J T says:

    I don't know if "hurt" is an emotion but that is what it feels like in my gut and in my chest from my loss this summer that cut my account down 50%! I'm glad you said "sit with the feeling" because I'm still having to do that routinely since it happened. Anytime I am reminded of it the feelings can be evoked in my brain. And other emotions too so it is a soup of hurt, embarrassment, shame, and of course eventually – complete anger. Maybe sad, discouraged and disappointed too. The emotions can be crippling – it is hard to sit with them or to have them drag on for months. Good idea not using less effective/efficient trading tools in your TD account to try and resolve the feelings you had from the TSLA loss. Thanks you for sharing.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kelechukwu promise says:

    Am a newbie in forex,can I start trading with $500? If yes,what lots size and leverage should I use to avoid blowing my account?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charles baxter says:

    Here Comes Laura CAT 🌀🌀🌀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ez 2do4u says:

    Good job Ross.

    Barry / Houston, Tx.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Paddock says:

    I like how he goes to flex in his movie theatre while posting about being chapped over small losses 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Morgan says:

    I like the flex as you say how yucky your loss feels as you hang out in your home theatre that’s twice as big as my studio. XD

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kaejolie says:

    what orders does Ross put in? Market or Limit? He said he got filled at 3 different prices when the share price was going down and he had a stop loss at 4.50. That sounds to me like a market order. Is it hard to do all or none limit order with a large number of shares traded?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N Bond says:

    I believe you can set up hot keys in TOS

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tampanda says:

    I felt FOMO watching VVPR on your screen, even tho i'm watching this at 12:03 am est.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Sosa says:

    Wells honestly Ross I wouldn’t beat yourself up too much. You have a lot on your plate. But then again these are the characteristics of a consistent profitable trader always trying to improve. Keep on doing your thing man. Chillin 😎 waiting to strike💥

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CMShortboy says:

    Choppy, but green!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZetaVitae says:

    Ross ¿It seems like Thinkorswim is not as fast in response for that kind of micro day trading you are doing?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZetaVitae says:

    Ross, It looks like you are a quite sensible person. Thanks for sharing with us your feelings. That's life. That's the market. The market you know. Thanks from Cali, Colombia

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin C. says:

    i feel the emotions there, i’ve made over my goal two weeks in a row and then lost it on fridays so i have to sit there and feel that pain for a whole 3 days. it’s rough, i’ve decided that friday just isn’t the day for me right now.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin C. says:

    i was down $2200 on tesla but held and now i’m back to even. hoping for my call to workout finally tomorrow. 🙏🏻 hoping for a premarket move so i can jump into a day trade.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Cross says:

    why does Ross swing trade in a TD Ameritrade account instead of a Lightspeed account?

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