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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well, uh, today's a red day recap. So second red day in a row. moving in the wrong direction here. I had a red day yesterday.

28 000, another 11 000 loss today. So when it rains, it pours and this is, uh, it's so typical. It's so so typical of me. It's just whenever I start to have a like this sort of sell-off pullback in my P L a couple red trades, it just so often cascades into a multi-day red streak.

and you'd think after all these years of trading, that I would get better at easing off the throttle. And and I don't. I haven't. I don't know.

I will talk about it during the recap. Um, I guess what I can say that's good is that, um, when this happens even over the last like three or four years of trading, it kind of always happens to the same extent. I I go back. I go down usually between 25 and 50 000 over the course of, you know, a handful of red days.

Sometimes it's two three red days, Sometimes it's six red days, Sometimes it's five red days over the course of two weeks, but it's just generally going lower. But 48 000 is the most I've drawn down before starting to dig myself back out. And that was like a year ago. So right now, I'm down 38 000 in two days Sucks, obviously.

and there's you know it's There's a high likelihood that if I come in tomorrow and do what I did today, I'll be down another 10 000 tomorrow, right? I mean, I this is sort of the area where I get frustrated myself because today could have been prevented, it could have been minimized much more. So, I was aware of the possibility of this happening yesterday and then it still happened. So that's what the recap's going to be about. dealing with red days and being honest with yourself when they happen and trying to figure out the best way to push through them so you can get to the other side and start to, you know, rally and sort of rebuild off the lows you know, and finding where's that point where you've hit bottom and you're gonna start coming up off the low.

And I unfortunately I don't know that I've hit bottom today, so it makes me nervous going into tomorrow because I just don't know what the market's gonna have in store for us. But yesterday was not great. Today was not much better. The only thing better about today was that, um, I stopped trading sooner because if I kept trading, I'd probably be just as red as I was yesterday.

So if tomorrow is again, like today, where we're not seeing a lot of volatility. which is to say that we're seeing a lot of stocks trading in very tight ranges. They move up a little bit, you get in and they come back down. They go down a little bit, you go short, then they come back up.

It's just range bound, so it doesn't matter whether you're long or short. we're in a range-bound market where there's not a lot of volatility and that makes it hard to make money no matter how you trade. And so the only thing you can do really is just try to tread water. keep your head above water, not lose too much ground.
You're not going to make a lot of money during this market typically, but hopefully you can avoid losing money during this market and then that way it's kind of sideways until things start to open up for the next move higher. But unfortunately, what I've done for myself by being stubborn really is. I've dug myself a hole yesterday and now continuation today and it's gonna take. let's go take some good trade and get myself out of it.

It's not going to happen overnight. It's not going to happen in one trade. It's not going to happen in one day. I'm going to really need to have the markets.

you know, the wind back, you know at my back and markets are going to be in my favor. and um, that's just gonna be now a patient's game waiting for things to turn around so that's where we're at right now. We'll see how things look tomorrow, but I hope you guys enjoy the recap. These red day recaps I think are generally appreciated by you guys, so I appreciate you please hitting the thumbs up if you find any value in these recaps.

Otherwise, I'm just not gonna do it because these aren't fun for me. I'm not doing this for me. This recap. This isn't for me.

It's not helpful. I don't enjoy going and talking about how much I lost and then putting it out on youtube for half a million people to watch it. I'm doing this because I hope that it benefits you. So please, if it does, hit that thumbs up video or thumbs up button and and I'll see you guys.

Maybe tomorrow. I don't know. I haven't decided what I'm going to do tomorrow. I might might just step back and take a day off.

I just don't know if I'm going to be centered tomorrow after this. You know, anytime you have a couple red days, you gotta just sometimes. sometimes you just have to step out because it's like, listen, I wish I could trust you to follow your rules tomorrow, but I don't know if I can. So anyways, I'll let you guys enjoy the recap and all.

Maybe see you tomorrow. Or maybe I'll see you later in the week or see you when I see what's up you guys. Alright, so second red day recap here. Finishing the day down eleven thousand, Five hundred bucks.

Uh, this is kind of exactly what I didn't want to have happen today. A second red day recap and not a small one. So in this moment right now, I'm just five minutes from closing my last trade and I feel really disappointed. I feel really frustrated.

You know, I feel all the same things that every single one of you would probably feel after a good size red day or after your second red day in a row. I'm disappointed in myself that I wasn't able to keep tighter stops today, which was sort of like the main goal of the day. I'm frustrated that I so I kind of. I was okay on the first couple of trades on Nvus and Ipob and I was up around 1500 bucks.

and then on my first loss on Eq, I just it was gone. And just like that, the emotions kicked back up. Because you know when I was making some small progress on Nnv or Nvus and um, Ipob, I was like, all right, Well you know, hey, I'm doing what I, I'm doing what the goal was. You know I'm having a couple small trades.
you know, a little bit of profit, nothing, nothing huge. but you know at least I'm moving the right direction. So Nvus I bought for the break at the pre-market um high right here and we got, you know, a nice trade up through this level. Thirteen hundred bucks.

Uh. Ipob. I took uh, three trades on one, uh two trades pre-market in kind of like this area here and both of those were like break even trades. When the bell was ringing, I was down 110 dollars.

the market opens and I took one more trade for the break over 16 like right in here at 1590 or something like that and got out for a small profit. There was a big seller 16, it couldn't break that level and it flushed back down. So I'm up 275 on that one and you know at that point I was like okay, you know I was feeling okay. I was a little bit discouraged that stuff wasn't moving very much and we weren't having a lot of momentum, but I was like i'm okay Eq.

I jumped into this one for the break of seven. Uh, right here and it dropped from it, hit 701 and then dropped to 670. big stop out and it squeezed back up right here up to 750. So it did continue, but then it it came right back down and you know I just feel like I sized too aggressively on it and got caught in that flush and it was, um, it was stupid for me to be sized up that aggressively.

I guess I thought on this one I was like oh, it's breaking the V-wap it's the first pullback, it's gonna break over seven and I was adding right at seven for the break through. That level hit 701 and then flush and I was like this one's got news this morning. It's got the pre-market high of 765. it's just starting to open up on the five-minute chart.

ascending volume. Everything looks good and it ended up going higher, but then it came all the way back down. So that is where things went off the rails. and then Mrns I jumped into right after I stopped out.

I and that was one of those kind of impulsive jump trades where I jumped in right here. at 395. I was like, oh, actually, it was right up here. I was like, oh, it's going to break over four.

Jumped in like right here and it hit 97 and then pulled back and this one, you know, the five minute was extended. I knew it was a high float. I didn't like it pre-market It was a stupid trade. A totally unnecessary loss.

I shouldn't have even taken that trade. I just the problem is, um, and a lot of us fall into this habit where once we so it's it's a risk-aversion thing because initially we'll be adverse to risk. We don't want to take risk, You don't want to go red, but then once you're read, it's like, well, I'm already red. What's the difference between red a thousand and Red ten thousand? Either way, I'm going to feel bad about myself.
Either way, I'm red. So once you start to go red, it's very easy to quickly jump from trade to trade, to trade, to trade because each one has the potential to get you to green. And that's the best case. And the worst case is that you're just more red.

Well, you're already red, so what's the difference? And that's kind of that where you kind of screw yourself in in the way you're thinking about it because obviously it's much better to be down a thousand than to be down 11 000.. Although both are red and equally red, I mean, well. red is red in the sense that if you're if you're not green on the day, you're red. but one is worse than the other.

And I think that my mind isn't always good at actually differentiating that in the moment. So in that moment, I was like, dang it, I just went from up sixteen hundred dollars on the data. Red. I'm gonna jump in Mrns, I'm gonna try to get that quick breakthrough for 405 410 and Boom.

just like that, I'll be back to Green. So the the upside potential is that my day is saved and the downside is, well, I'm already red Now I'm just gonna be a little more red. But you know, in this case that put me down. um, eight thousand dollars on the day or something like that and then Eq at this point.

Uh, sorry Ino. At this point I was grasping for straws and at this point I saw it hitting my one of my scans and I was like whoa, Look at this thing. it's ripping up. So I looked at this micro pullback right here and I was like you know what? I'm going to jump in this for the bounce off 14.

got in right here like 14 10. sold as it sold off down here. I sold. I didn't sell it until down here because now instead of doing breakout or bailout now I'm starting to get more emotional and more frustrated.

And third loss in a row. And no, I don't want to stop out. I within two minutes. Then now I've gone from down eight to down 11..

And so literally today over a period of about well, 30 minutes of trading, I went from up 1600 to down 11 500 bucks. And so as I sat here right after that loss on Ino, I was like, all right, well what's what's Tesla doing? What's Netflix doing and I said I, I had the presence of mine to say, you know what? man, the fact that you're pulling up these charts means you're looking for some kind of Hail Mary home run. And your likelihood while you might get catch a winner, you're you're impaired, Your judgment is impaired right now because you've had a couple losses, and you're frustrated. And let's just look at the P L: You're green on two stocks, you're right on three.

Your winners are tiny, Your losses are big is today the day to keep going. It's today the day to hope that we get some big breaking news and all of a sudden I get a big home run. Hail Mary, Bail me out of this lost trade. It's not gonna happen.
The odds of it happening are slim to none. What's more likely to happen is I have another big red trade here and maybe it's bigger than any of these three. Maybe this is the trade where I go from down 11 to down 25 and then I'm really pissed this. This is bad enough.

So I guess the way I feel right now is that if I were if I were giving you know my two cents to someone who is showing this to me who is like Ross. I lost 28 000 Yesterday today I came in I lost 11 000. I would say well you know what were your rules for today? Small share size. Did you follow it? No, Okay, um you know so well what other rules did you have and that was really the only rule I had was small share size and I didn't follow it.

I took bigger share size on um, Mrns and uh Eq and Ino actually all three of them. I took bigger share size on and I took bigger share size on Nvus and I only made 1300 bucks. Uh, Ipob is the only one I took smaller share size on, but I still didn't do well. So that's where we have a problem.

So the problem is Uh, I and I I think this happens to a lot of traders who've been doing this for a long time is the feeling of I'll set. I'll set a rule. But I've been doing this for long enough that I know what's best. And so there's the part of me that is gonna say right now.

Okay Ross, this is what you should do for tomorrow. And then when tomorrow comes I'm like, well I know what I'm doing. I've been doing this for a long time. You know I've made a lot of my trading.

I know what's best and and you know what. Taking bigger share sites on Nvus it's a cheaper stock. it's the right thing to do. And then once I had a little bit of a cushion 1600 bucks, slightly bigger share size on Eq, but then big drop.

So I feel like if I were going to tell myself what I should do tomorrow I would say you know, Sorry man, you should take a couple days off. I wish I could trust you to come in tomorrow and follow your rules. You're going to tell me no Tomorrow I'm going to trade with small share size tomorrow. I'm only going to trade with 5 5000 shares, 10 000 shares.

Yeah, well, that's what you said you were going to do today. and you didn't. So what makes me think that you're actually going to do it tomorrow probably won't Right, I'll probably come in tomorrow. I'll say yeah, I'm going to start with small share size and then I'll see something that looks good and I'll say oh well, I'm going to increase my share size.

I want to capitalize on the opportunity. and next thing I know, I'm trading with 15 20 000 shares Now after two red days in the market for for me and I think generally because I trade small cap stocks and I'm kind of trading whatever's moving, I would say that these are probably two slower days in the small cap market. Uh, maybe it's possible that tomorrow will be a better day. and even though I won't follow the rules and trade with small size, I'll have a green day because tomorrow the market will be better and uh, we'll be starting to curl off.
These You know the lows of these last couple days? Or maybe not. Maybe tomorrow will be a third consecutive red day. And so you know we can go back to my Trader view stats and look at the month of uh, February into March. So let me just pull this up here.

Um, I would say this is the area where as a trader I get super frustrated with myself. So this was, um, right here. So February going into March. One Two three, four, five, Six red days in a row.

So let's go from Uh, let's see the 27th. What was that? 27th? So 227. That's the longest consecutive red day streak I've ever had. It was unprecedented.

so I'm only two days in right now. For all I know, I could have another four red days ahead of me if I don't shape up All right. So that's six red days in a row. Forty two thousand dollars cumulative loss, and gross loss Accuracy during that period Only fifty percent.

I mean average winners were a thousand average, losers were two thousand bucks. I wasn't catching. I mean, yeah, there was a winner here. Ten thousand a loser here of eleven, but I just wasn't catching any momentum.

It was brutal, and is there a possibility that I could have eased off the throttle? Perhaps a little sooner? So let's look at. um, you know, coming out of that. So coming out of that streak, I had a period here of you know, this is a tiny this. This basically is what today could have been if I had stopped trading up sixteen hundred so one, two, three small days and then here today I made twenty one thousand.

Do I follow the rules on that day with small size? I don't know. I mean this was back in March, But my guess is that after these losses here, I said all right, you've got to shape up and scale down to small share size for the rest, you know, for for the next two weeks you're read on the month. you got to kind of get focused and I don't. I don't remember, you know if I what my share size was, but 21 000 seems like a pretty big trade and then 11 000 here, a red day, a couple green days red day.

So I was kind of back back in good shape by the end of the month and then two back to back good size red days, 18 000 in the red. Just like that. Two days, one trade and then 14 trades. and then April of course was better.

So um, you know where I sit here in September. I won't be able to import my trades um, from today until tomorrow. But let's see so where my calendar Now I have a day that I guess I haven't imported yet. I've got to go import that.

So anyways, this is where that's where I sit right now in the month: Small Green Small Green Small Green Big Red Big Green nice Green Big Red Big red break even on the month actually. Um, let's see up 300 on the month Before today, I'm down 10 000 on the month. Well, I don't know what I can't remember what I made on this day. I'll have to import that.
Um, I'll have to go back and look. But so you know what I've been doing for the last two weeks isn't working right. You know? And again, this is. It's not to say that my strategy doesn't work because it works really well.

It's just that you're gonna have periods where, um, you know you do have this kind of two steps forward. Two steps back. I've never heard of a strategy in all my years of trading that makes money every single day of the year. Or that makes money every single week of the year, or every single month of the year.

even. I just haven't heard of it. I'm sure that there are some traders out there that are that are probably consistently green every month out of the year, but I would wager that their profits would be, um, significantly smaller. excuse me than mine, because their risk profile is different.

You take less risk, and you can sometimes make more money consistently. But when you start taking more risk, you can make a lot more. But then you have red. You'll have red months too.

And you know, this year I have a red month back in. Um, uh, well. let's see. So what? What? I can't remember what month it was.

Um, Overview: January and March were my two. I can't remember if I was read in January or just break even. but January and March weren't great. They weren't great months.

I was negligibly profitable. like break even or slightly profitable. Or maybe slightly red. So September is kind of looking similar in that I'm now read on the month I think, and it's halfway through the month.

On the other hand, I'm slightly red on the month. Um, and I still have two weeks ahead of me. I still have chance to redeem myself. You know, the month's not over yet.

And since what I've been doing hasn't really been working, there's kind of two options. One option is just to say I'm gonna step back for a couple days. I'm gonna take a couple days to clear the slate. I knew today I was gonna be coming in with the baggage from yesterday's loss.

I knew there would be some emotional, um, you know, stuff on my shoulders and I thought I would have the willpower to follow the rules. But I didn't And so this is. you know, totally self. Um, you know, self-incurred loss.

I. I would say that again. the biggest challenge of day trading is having the discipline to consistently follow your rules. Because days like today where you break your rules.

You know, if I was talking to a student, I'd be like, well, what do you want me to say? You broke your rules, You broke your rule on share size. You broke your rule on max loss. This is what happens when you break the rules, right? I mean, that's that. It's very simple.
You've got strategy. You've got rules of strategy that help keep you profitable and help you minimize risk. But if you don't follow those rules, what do you expect is going to happen? As I said yesterday, one of the biggest challenges in the market is that sometimes the market will reward you for breaking your rules in that you take huge size when you shouldn't. You take that fourth trade after three red trades and you're green or even you have a huge winner or Tesla, you know.

Let's say I bought it and walked away because I was so upset and frustrated. Come back Now I'm up. Six dollars a share. The market would have rewarded me for that behavior, which long term, long term I I don't think you're going to be rewarded for, but it's very hard.

You know to go through every single trade and say how many of these trades in February were, and even maybe on some of these big green days? How many of these big green days were the result of taking a you know, unsustainable level of risk and it just worked out so you'd have to actually be very honest with yourself on every trade you take to categorize it as this was a high risk trade where I was breaking the rules right and actually categorize all the winners that are like that and all the losers that are like that and then be able to say so. What is the net result of breaking my rules? What would really be kind of discouraging is if I discovered the net result of breaking my rules is that I make money because then it would be like, well, what are the rules doing I mean, if I'm actually net profitable from breaking rules because sometimes I have a 25, 30, 40, 50, 000 green trade, then those rules. I I don't know, maybe they're not, maybe they're not helping me, but I honestly think that, uh, that's probably not the case. I think what's probably the case would be that the net result of breaking the rules of trading past my max loss trading after having three consecutive losers or taking share size far larger than what I sort of allocate for myself at the beginning of the day.

I I really think the outcome is net negative from doing that because of days like this right here. So today, the place I should have. Well so today the place I should have stopped would have been after this trade on Eq. Um, well, that actually wasn't three losers, but so again, that's a that's a tricky spot.

So I guess technically the place would have been Mrns, but both of those trades were on share size that was bigger than what I should have taken. So those losses both should have been smaller. The losses yesterday, uh, 28 000. I mean, obviously those ones I should have stopped sooner and I kept trading and I increased share size to try to, um, kind of make back my initial losses.

Uh, which was not smart and so that's what happens. So this was on. um and that's interesting. It shows that blip down there.

I don't know what that is from because I wasn't down 40. um, unrealized or in realized profit loss. But in any case, um, oh, you know what? I think it? Well, in any case, it doesn't really matter. But so uh yeah.
so 28 000. So first trade 700, next one 700, next one 11, 800, then 17 000. you know these are the big ones that really got me pretty good. Um, again, I'm just this recap.

I don't know how helpful this is for you guys. I'm just talking out loud. Really, I'm I. Just as soon as I finished that last trade, I was like, let's just start recording the recap.

If that stops you from continuing to trade, then that by itself is a win. But I do know that red day recaps are valuable for a lot of you guys. Number one, most traders don't do them. Most traders only show you your green, their green days which creates the artificial appearance that day trading is extremely easy and that all you have are big winners.

And you know it's just like everything's easy, but that's not how it is. Um, day trading is hard and even traders who have been doing this for a really long time will go through periods, sometimes of weeks or even months where you're spinning your wheels and you're like man, I am the same trader who made x amount on that day back there or that month or that year. What's different now And the market changes and you have to be able to adapt to changing markets. But the general strategy of trading.

Momentum Trading. Things that are moving to the long side, or you know, reversal trading where you buy really, really weak stocks or short, really, really strong stocks. Those are valid strategies over the long term, you know, outlook. It's just to be expected.

There's going to be periods where momentum is really, really strong and you're able to do incredibly well. And then there's going to be periods where momentum just kind of fizzles and it's slower. And so actually, the the trading that we're seeing right now, in my opinion, is a lot more typical of what we would usually see in sort of like end of July and August. This almost feels like summer trading.

but it's not summer, it's September and you know we're past Labor Day. This is our first full week of September, but we are just not seeing the momentum that I expected. and that's a little challenging because I had an expectation for what this month would give. It's coming up short and I'm frustrated both at the market.

I mean, it's kind of silly to be frustrated. The market's like being frustrated the ocean. But it's frustrating. It's like, come on, ocean, where's the fish, Where's the dang fish and you know they're gone.

I don't know. I don't know, no one knows, who knows, but they'll be back. We just don't know when and so you could be frustrated, but that energy spent being frustrated and upset. it just doesn't.

It's not going to serve you super well getting yourself to that heightened emotional state where you're really frustrated, you're really angry. And so that's why I stopped here at 11 in the red because I said to myself, you know you tr you take a trade on Tesla, You do something like you're upset, you're upset right now. Think about how upset you're going to be. If you double this loss and you're down twenty thousand, you're gonna be living.
I'm gonna be ready to take each one of these monitors and throw them out the window. It's not impossible to get to that level of frustration and anger. You know? I mean, it's uh, it's very frustrating. You just? you see how frustrated people are on Survivor when they lose an immunity challenge.

It's like that. It's like the stakes are high and it's incredibly frustrating. So I one of the things I talked about last year when I had a rough period. I was like, you know, the emotional swings of trading are kind of taking a toll on me.

Where I'm feeling, I'm having just these periods where when I'm red and I'm not trading, well, I feel just incredibly upset with myself. I'm really angry. I'm just. you know, it's just like I just feel so frustrated when trading is not going well and when trading is going well, I'm feeling good.

But I also have this like impending doom of like the next cold streak and even having gone through these cycles like so many times and last year was not a great year for me all things considered because I made less than I made the year before and that was kind of. I was very aware of that and it was upsetting me and I was like, why is this happening? Why is the market? Why is it so difficult Right now? You know, Why are we not seeing more opportunities? Why is it such a tug of war? It's like for every stock that goes up? I mean, it's like even this Ino, as I'm sitting here watching, it's trading within like a five ten cent range. You know, these last, um, 15 seconds, just kind of looking at the level two. Um, you know this just tug of war.

I mean, I don't know, we're just not seeing those clear moves that we were accustomed to. and that's how I was feeling last year. And that's yeah. that's kind of been the case these last couple of weeks, but generally 2020 has been a phenomenal year.

But I still have this feeling now of, um, this frustration that you know you're It's like you're You're just. you. always have to keep catching fish, You always have to keep catching winning trades. And no trader out there is going to be able to really sustain themselves for a long period of time with no new traits.

you know. So when you start to get into a little bit of a rut, it's like, man, All right. I can deal with this for a little while, but at certain point it starts to become emotionally taxing and I think that that's something that we all experience. And um, and it's probably you know, and as part of the classes.
One of the things I'm a big advocate of is taking your early profits, and instead of buying a Lamborghini, putting some of those profits into some longer-term investments, some dividend stocks, and things like that, so you can get to a point, you know, five years into your career. Whatever it is. Eight years, ten years into your career where you can actually start to be earning some income on your early profits as they're Um, you know, you're getting compound growth. You're getting dividends and things like that.

and then you become somewhat less reliant on the day-to-day P L from your from your day trading. I mean, that's the smart way to do it. That's the smartest thing you can do. And I think that's what probably what most successful traders would do.

But of course, you see people that you know have a green year and off they go to buy. Uh, you know, to start leasing a Ferrari And they're They're essentially living like Paycheck to paycheck off their day trading profits which definitely puts you in a vulnerable position that as soon as you have a a bump in the road and your strategy, you know for whatever reason isn't producing the profits it was producing in a previous month or a previous quarter a year or whatever that you're back to feeling that incredible pressure of oh no, I'm not going to be able to pay my bills, Only 10 000 a month isn't going to cover paying my bills. And now I need to make 50 000 a month or whatever it is. so making good decisions early on is important and we talk about that and really emphasize that in the classes.

And while I've done all of that, I still have this. Kind of like this account is in a bubble and its performance is measured against itself and so any month that it doesn't perform well is upsetting to me. Um, and I I think is like you know, like a i don't know, an athlete or something like that. There's just that feeling of you're kind of always being measured against your last, you know, your last week or your last game, your last season, whatever the case is.

So I think my experience there is a little different from you guys and some of you might feel like well, Ross, you know, what are you complaining about? You've made three million dollars this year. You've got nothing to complain about. All right, fair enough. But on the other hand, I'm in a sort of performance-based career where I'm only as good as my last trade.

I'm only as good as my last week. I'm only as good as my last month. And being a teacher, it's important for me to set a good example. And so then there's frustration in myself at myself when I'm not following the rules of the strategy that I teach and where I'm you know, clearly making you know, not as good a decisions as I wish I was making because I fall victim to the same emotional, um, you know, influences that that everyone else does.

It's just part of the deal I think in for some of those who have been doing this for a long time like John and Selena and Roberto and Mike who maybe have similar pressures, but maybe to a lesser extent because they although they are all providing some education to our students, it's not quite in the same way that that I am and so I don't know. I it again. Um, I think it just speaks to the fact that no matter how good you are or how long you've been doing it, you could still find yourself with pressure. And it's how you deal with that.
And so as I think about tomorrow, the fact is, today the market for Momentum has not been great. It doesn't really matter whether you're long or short, you can say oh Ross, you should have shorted everything you traded long. And I mean, I guess you you if you just flipped all these numbers then I would be green. But the fact is, these places where I got long, we're not short entries.

I mean that you could always say oh boy, if I shorted this top, you know, and bought down here, I would have been good. But just like the long trade, confirmation entry was here and then the stop was here to the short side. You know the entry confirmation would have been down here and then you know your exit. I mean it's you're always capturing less.

So I actually would wager that someone who was trading the short side on every single one of these stocks could even be read the same as I am. You know, on Eq, if you shorted uh, right here and then didn't cover or were only up a teeny bit and then all of a sudden it rips through the high, you're red. I mean again, it did a big drop. So if you shorted up at the top, you probably would have done okay.

but it's just it's not as easy as Oh. Just do the exact opposite and you'll be green. It doesn't really work that way. When you've got less volatility, there's just less opportunity across the board.

And so you know I I have been hesitating on taking new swing trades because I'm feeling a little off-centered just on my day trades, but I also think that that maybe is okay, just given the position of the overall market and I think if I did take some swing trades and then lost over there as well, I would just feel doubly frustrated. So I think it's better even though there are some opportunities I'm missing just to kind of cool off a little bit. And so I think the question is, you know what am I going to do tomorrow and you know, will I just leave it to um, you know, the junior moderators and the members, the 100k club to kind of take the wheel for a couple days and let them trade and maybe a step back and just take a couple days off? I don't know maybe I just don't know if I can come back in tomorrow and really trust myself to not have another red day and I think it's unlikely that we have like out of nowhere tomorrow. you know, a really crazy Momentum stock that goes up 400 percent.

but that's how it kind of always is that it is out of nowhere and it catches people off guard. So there's that fear of missing out that you know tomorrow's the day I take a day off and then I come back and I see something went up like four or five hundred percent and it's like God dang it. But in order to really make serious profit on that, I would have most definitely had to, You know, probably break rules on share size and things like that. So I don't know.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow yet. Um, but as I look at my draw down, um, the cumulative drawdown. We were looking at this yesterday, so um, let's see. All right.

So yesterday, I dropped myself down to 27. So after today, I'm going to be down 38 and my biggest draw down is 42.. that's the biggest drawdown I've ever had from my all-time highs 42 000 and I'm four thousand dollars away from it tomorrow. So I'm coming right up to that mark.

Um, I don't. I'd rather double bottom and go back up. I don't want to draw down 50 000. Actually, I feel like I might have drawn down more.

Um, last year, let me go back. but it doesn't it? Still, I still don't want to go further down than that. Um, yeah, I so no that. Oh yeah, yeah, so that was 48.

But still. Again, I'd rather I'd rather bounce just off of 38 right here and have a small green day tomorrow or Thursday and Friday, whatever the case is, and just try to, you know, get centered after a few not great days of trading so we'll see what happens. I don't know. Again, I'm not going to set anything in stone for what I'm going to do tomorrow.

I'll have to think about it a little bit but where I sit there on the day is down 11 500 and the best thing for me to do is to shut it down and walk away. So I'm gonna shut it all down here. And um tomorrow's a new day. And you know as I sat down today I did feel kind of like all right it's a new day.

I was feeling good as I was starting to build a little bit of a cushion and then the second. the second I started to get, the second I started to feel like I was going red right away I just kind of fell right back off the wagon. So the second I started to get that get challenged you know it is when I fell off the wagon and went back to being you know, super super aggressive so that you know and that's what we talk about. It's how do you face those emotional challenges and not have not become emotionally reactive.

How do you actually face them and maintain your your cool and follow your rules Or have the presence of mind to say? All right, that's it. I just went from up 1600 to down 300 or whatever you know, down 3000 or whatever it is, I'm done. I'm walking away. That's it.

and instead many of us in that moment can kind of fold under that pressure and we make a bad decision. So yeah, discipline is not something that you, you know learn like riding a bike and you have it forever. It's something that you constantly have to work towards and that you constantly will face challenges with. And it it's just a kind of ever present uh thing out there that you're trying to keep a good good handle on.
I mean, it's kind of crazy in that way, but that's that's part of trading. so that's that's where we're at. All right? So that's it for me. Um, I'll be back tomorrow.

Maybe I don't know, we'll see, and um, again. Hopefully the market starts to pick back up, but I don't know. I mean it's just it'll it. It's a matter of time it'll pick back up, but in the meantime though, I'm doing kind of exactly what you don't want to do.

which is I'm digging myself a hole that when the market does pick back up of Pac does pick back up. The first few weeks of that or first few days of that is gonna be thinking myself. You know, covering the losses that I incurred during Choppy markets. I'm like the fisherman that's throwing back setting back all my pots when nobody's catching any fish and you're like, what is he doing? What is he? What are you thinking? He's just going head strong into the wind.

It's uh, it's stubborn. It's stubbornness. That's all it is and so gotta let that go. All right.

Well, that's it for me. Red Day recap. but I'll be back at it. maybe tomorrow and see if things start to clear out on the other side.

And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor. please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

31 thoughts on “Another frustrating red day -$11k ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sems Vacation says:

    I'm one of pro warrior student, let me tell you something, Yes it's hard to share your red days on the youtube but for me that mean you are real warrior you have enough experience to stand up after the falls, I keep watching your red days to know more about the market and how even the trader have long experience they may lose some times keep going and share your red days if that happened and I wish no, your courses teach as how we make money but your red days teach as how we save our money.
    Matthew Al Dardari

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Rachwal says:

    THANK YOU so much for doing these videos; this one in particular. I needed to hear / see / witness your honesty.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christy H says:

    I feel your pain!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skateboarding LA. South Bay LA Skate Spots says:

    My PL last week was like $31. My PL this week so far is like $21. I just do baby scalps on the SQQQ and other blue chip stocks when I see the value is there. I made a lot of expensive mistakes earlier this year on USO so I am heavy on RISK MANAGEMENT.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason F says:

    i find myself with a red day and I have made a late day trade to hold overnight and it will often be a continuation of the loss. best thing to do is stop, just stop trading for the day. maybe even take a day off the following day. Im digging out of a few red days myself Ross.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lisa G says:

    Please keep posting – your experiences and explanations are appreciated. Showing the reality of trading and how even professionals have bad days is helpful to those of us starting out. Thanks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Bomes says:

    Ross , your so honest and real. very helpful!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Torren says:

    Love your content Ross!🔥

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MasterofCreations says:

    My recap.
    -BE Alerted at 16.50 PT 18-18.50 high 17.87
    -KODK Alerted at 11.30's PT 12-12.50 High 12.50
    -CAPR Alerted at 5.06 high 6.60

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert B says:

    Were you playing Option or Shares?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! G Mac says:

    Awesome as always, Thank you Ross

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tang j says:

    i think u should foucs P/L percentage instead of the amount of money

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denzel Tate says:

    You got this we all have bad days

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Bradford says:

    Im glad you did do this vid tbf… As a beginner i seen in one of your past videos you said if you cant be green in the simulator the youve got no business trading real money. So ive been on the simulator making steady gains for a few weeks. So i figured id be ready going in to real money. I made a good few greens on the day but then the market just dropped and i ended up taking a loss. Not a big one but still a kick in the teeth. lve gone back on the simulator and been making even more money. I think my emotions got in the way! But its defo a love hate relationship this trading malarkey

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Colton says:

    Love your honesty, thanks for all your great content!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G&K says:

    Hi Ross, sometimes you say low float, high float, sometime you say "I will not trade that", … but can you explain what it means and where your limit is when trading it or not? I traded this week also a few times Kodak, maybe you can take that as a reference during the explanation. Thx, I like to see your trading ! Keep up the good work !

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angela says:

    Thanks so much, Ross! Much appreciation to you for caring enough to share (so we can learn). Wait, no ice-cream or vittles mixing for this loss(lol)? I was going to run and grab mine…:)

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Escape Artist says:

    been red all week! the things that you really need to master is avoiding revenge trade and depression. I think you need to have a video on that too Ross..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Hall says:

    Losses suck, but I know you’ll climb out. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry Harvey says:

    Watching you trade is like watching Steve Vai play guitar. Amazing ❤️

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars foley2k2 says:

    Thanks for sharing. Thursday was really choppy at the market level. Next week will finally be directional.

    I saw the panic dip on PLAY and grabbed a bit as a hold. Down ~30% is a sale as long as the company survives corona. The size of the bounce was about $1.75.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Amparo says:

    I appreciate your videos Ross there is something to learn from positive and negative as well ! And I am a new at this, let me tell you the company just started to go up, therefore am getting some returns , so I got to keep waiting to get all my $2,500 back ! But I want to ask you Ross or any body wants to give me a sugestión . What should I do should I get all my money out ,or should I keep it and maybe win some more ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Israel Irvine says:

    Thank you for sharing!!
    I lost a lot of money last week and watching these recap videos sincerely help me with coping. Because I get extremely frustrated and depressed about it. So thank you.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2020NIO says:

    Ross, I've been follow you for about a month now. I use a very different strategy from you, and I only started trading about 6 months now, while I'm still learning, I watch and like most of your videos (even though there are many of them lol) your videos are very motivating and positively informative. overall I made about $30K so far. I am really proud of my result, and many things I've learned was from your free ebook that I downloaded after joining your free online workshop. With my broken english, I be able to understand the most important point out of your book “Walk Away”. All that profit that I’ve made is from the ability to say “Walk Away, you’re done for today”. But one week ago I have a big red day, I lost $3K out of $3500 that I've made that week, and about $7K in penny stocks and other stocks that I was holding after the trade goes against me “Yes, I’m still that emotional! Holding losing stock” I sold all at a big loss, cut all my losses and move on. It was the first time I ever felt I could lose it all if I didn't follow my rules. I took a big break from trading and used all my cash to buy a deep in TSLA and AAPL for swing trade while I'm processing my mistake. Hopefully the market turns around soon and I will gain back my losses. I have children and family to take care of, there is no room for such mistakes. But of course my main goal is to be successful in the stock Market, both trading and investing, because of that I need to get along with my mistakes lol. I am still in a disciplined mood, I wake up and follow the market everyday and practice from 9:30am to 4pm, I need to reach the level of feeling ok to not trade, I find day trading emotionally high when it high, and emotionally low when it low, a very unhealthy approach of life. I am working to balance that emotion, so that it does not go high and low based on trading results but from understanding this is a part of a good life. Sometimes you have good days, sometimes you have bad days. The only people who never experience these feelings are the dead one.
    It has been a week now since I placed my last trade. When my swing trade turns around I’m gonna go back in Day Trading with simple rules. The last time I followed my rules I had more green days than red days and when I lost I walked away, no revenge needed at that moment. Every time I got a red day and tried to get back in I got beat up even more! I have learned my lessons, the stock market will always be there the next day, months and years, if I am not emotionally strong enough to trade, the market will beat me and I will lose my chance to make it with this market. At least I’m still on the upside of my mistake, hopefully only going up from here.
    Your video is always appreciated, thank you for always keeping it real. Watch you share your red day experienced made me feel less stupid lol. Even the best still had his red day, I should be ok.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Barisic says:

    Thank you Ross.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Richardson says:

    Hey Ross, I’m in Warrior Starter, about half way through the course at the moment….love your videos and the course is terrific. I encourage you to trade tomorrow, just be ruthless on sticking to your rules and just know you will eventually trade yourself out of it 👍

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1000 % says:

    Wow these last 2 days have been really tricky

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Ayon says:

    Ross, you are one of the best small cap traders out their and you are real and when you S the bed you own it, even the best traders still break their rules. The good thing is you dont do it to often.. Base hits 1st that how you win and get ahead,,, home runs swing for the fences works sometimes but not as often. Your losing days are the most memorable they keep you grounded, no one is imune to it .. Thank you for all you do, simply amazing !!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learn Stock Trading (LUME) says:

    I love your part on the ferrari and profit/loss and dividends. I really wish I could get to the point of living off day-trading. My bills are $4,000-6,000

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nikhil bhati says:

    You are still the best…no matter what

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kieran Bolger says:

    Loads of valuenin how honest and frank you are with the recaps. Just as important as watching you trade in terms of learning. Thanks for your help! 🙌

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