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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up you guys? All right? Well here I am. Finally a green day. Breaking the red streak. So two red days in a row green today, 1100 bucks.

It's not home run stuff, it's not. You know, it doesn't really put a big dent into the losses from the last two days, but what's really important is just having kind of a day of stopping the bleeding and being able to start to regain my center. So tomorrow I'm gonna again have the same focus of just trying to continue this putting space between me and the last two red days. And if I could finish this week with two green days even of just a hundred dollars a day that will have the effect of helping me get re-centered So going into next week I can kind of come back a little bit more.

even keeled. The fact is, anytime you have a big loss, it takes a few days, sometimes weeks even to really get back to center. You feel a little shaken, you feel a little frustrated, and to regain that confidence, you need a series of of winners, a period of better accuracy, better performance, and that just takes time. You know one green day is not going to completely cure the sort of emotional impact of having a really big loss.

So today I'm tomorrow. It's not like I'm back to normal. Tomorrow is still going to be a continuation of trying to rebuild and get re-centered and kind of regain some confidence. So um, I hope you guys enjoy the recap.

It's kind of a short one. Traded Kodak and then talked a little bit about this kind of crazy Momentum stock uh, Qrteb, which is, uh, I don't know. it's low volume, crazy momentum. No news.

The stuff that is very risky can be really fun, but can be really dangerous and so I steered clear. All right. So enjoy the recap. As always, those of you who kept trading today or traded the the ipo on snow I'll be interested to see tomorrow how that looks.

But right now I'm shutting it down walking away and I'll be back at it tomorrow. uh, hopefully for another small green day. All right, I'll see you guys in the morning. All right.

So we're going to do midday market recap. It's uh, about 10 45 and I'm up 1100 bucks. Which is good. I'm gonna say hey, it's a green day.

No reason to overstay my welcome. The goal today was to get green and try to stay green. And I did it. I traded Kodak and I actually kept track.

I took a total of let's see eight plus three, twelve, uh, eleven trades of which eight were winners and three were losers. so a lot of small base hits. Probably the biggest winner was ten cents a share. The biggest loser unfortunately was about, um, let's see six.

actually 18 cents a share, which is kind of, you know, typical of this market. But I'm walking away green. so pretty good accuracy today, but the profit loss ratio wasn't great. I was nervous on Kodak.

You know, Kodak is up 50 today on news that they hired. I guess a law firm. Um, and um, you know this actually wasn't Um, this wasn't the catalyst that we were looking at. Um, there was.
It was a little bit further down, but um, yeah, it's funny. Um, so um, in any case, um, so many of you guys know they were awarded a like 700 million dollar something contract uh by the government and I guess right before that news became public, some of the executives executed some stock options and so the headline that we had earlier was that they hired a law firm to review their practices and said that their practices were totally fine. but that was by a law firm that they hired. So that doesn't change the fact that the Sec is still investigating them and hasn't as far as I know, cleared them of any wrongdoing.

So I was sort of like that's a weird catalyst. I don't know if I really trust it. You know there? it seems like they're trying to, you know, get the word out that they did everything by the book. but again, it's not going to be ultimately up to them to.

You know, it's the regular regulators that have to clear them. So anyways, we had this really big move pre-market and I said you know, pre-market I was like i don't know, I just I'm nervous about it. I'm not sure it's gonna work. So actually while it was doing this first pre, uh, pullback, pre-mark or at when the bell rang I said um I was like let me try to drag this down here.

um I'll do it later So I said 9 30. Okay here's the spot where I'd be getting long, but it's a little aggressive and I I wasn't comfortable being a little aggressive on it and so that spot was, uh, right right down here just because basically at the open we got a little bit of a sell-off and I was like okay, if it starts to curl then you know that's the place I would typically go along and that was right here and it rips up here to 950, then to 10 10, 25, 10, 30, 10, 40, 10 50 all the way up to 10.70 got halted resumes, hits a high of 1140, pulls back, it bounces almost off the volume weight, average price and I got in right there and got back out for about 10 cents of profit. 700 bucks. All right, nothing to be crazy excited about, but it's a little profit.

I got back in right here for the break back over the volume weight, average price. Got back out for 10 cents, another 700 bucks. All right, so small winners. Got back in, uh for the break back over 90 we hit a high of 10.

was back out of that for like 400 bucks. Small profit. Uh, it squeezed up here to a high of 10 30. and I added on this pullback right here at 10 right around 10 10 I think he would hold 10.

It flushed and that was the one I stopped out at like 990.. So I gave back. I was up right here about 2000, I don't know something and then 2800 maybe and it flushes down. I got stopped out.

I then got another trade on it. I can't remember. It must have been like right around here, bounce off the volume, weight, average price. but that only gave me like 200 bucks.

So I was up close to three thousand. I'm up only eleven hundred. I was trading with small size initially but was taking bigger size once I started to build a little bit of a cushion. Uh, the biggest size I took was ten thousand shares.
and of course that was on the one where I lost half my profit. So you know one of the things that often I will say is it's good to scale down share size once you have, uh, once you have some profit. but sometimes I will scale up share size as I'm trying to build up more of a profit, a cushion and try to build some profit on the day. But this is the downside.

Risk is that in one trade you could potentially give back half your day or even the whole day. But Green is good so I'm gonna walk away Green Eleven hundred dollars. and right now I'm just trying to get kind of as many trades and green days between me and uh, Monday and Tuesday as I can. just to kind of, you know, clear the slate from the losses and sort of press the reset button And so definitely doing it with smaller share size is the right way to do it.

Not trying to be super aggressive, not trying to hit home runs, I did see this super light volume stock uh Qr Teb which on like 90 000 shares of volume went from six all the way up to 20. um, it halted going down it, then gapped higher at 20 and halted going down a second time. That's very strange. I don't know what that's about.

If it breaks over 20 and has a green candle then it might squeeze out short sellers. that was that were shorting for the first halt going down. That's very unusual price action. I don't I haven't seen something like that in a long time, so I don't know.

But again, look at this. it's up over 100 with no news. What's the deal? How's this happen? You know, and I don't always know, but there's an opportunity there. potentially.

But it would take a willingness to be a little more aggressive than I think I can afford to be. So I'm locking up Eleven hundred dollars in my retirement account. Green is good. I'm not gonna overstay my welcome.

I'll be back at it tomorrow. Thursday. I yeah, I could feel a little bummed out that I didn't capitalize on this Kodak trade. but one of the things I said yesterday, you know, I was.

like I said, the punishment of having had two Big Red days in a row is that when you do get that first set up, you're not going to be able to position yourself to make good money on it because you've got to be conservative. And that's the punishment. That's what happens when you get too aggressive like I did on Monday and Tuesday. Then you're going to spend a couple days slowly digging yourself out of the hole being conservative.

And it's not the funnest thing, but it is what it is. So today's a thousand bucks. I could have walked away up 2000, but I kept trading, made a little bit more, and then gave a little bit back. I was up like 24, then 26, then 28.
I think I was actually up 31 and then down to up only 1100. So hey, Green is good. 10 more days like this and I'll definitely have my confidence back. I'll be feeling back on center and typically the further I get sort of space from a couple of Big Red days, the more confident I get the first few days getting back on the horse.

You know, after taking a good fall, you know you're a little shaky. You're a little timid. You're gonna naturally be a little more cautious. It's the same as as everyone else.

Um, so I did break out her bailout today on pretty much everything. The one trade that I, well, I mean even on this trade, I could have. Um, so look at that Qrtb. So now this is what's going to happen.

Um, anyone who shorted on these two red candles, now they're going to get squeezed out. You're getting high volume and it's going higher. It doesn't make sense. That's going to be a nasty squeeze for those early short sellers, but still only 200 000 shares of volume.

So it it's very hard to trust and you would never. I don't think be able to take big share size on that. You know, maybe 500 shares? Maybe a thousand. You take 5 000 shares or something like that.

I I just you're you're talking about 25 000 of downside risk. Potentially it's too much, maybe even more. Uh, but yeah. so on Kodak.

The entry that I had around 10, um, 1009 or whatever this was. I did give it a second to bounce off of 10, which you could say breakout or bailout. Don't even give it that second. just cut it loose.

So yeah, maybe I could have cut that one a little faster. I was in. Where was it? Um, I took two trades, I took one trade here and sold it here and was like good. Got back in right here and then sold it right here.

So all things considered, it's not bad. I think I was back in. I'd have to look at my orders, but it just happened that on that one I had a bigger position. So whatever it's it's fine.

I today generally speaking, was a good day. I stayed within, um, sort of the share size that I had allocated for myself. Once I started to get back profit, I sort of eased right off the throttle. That does mean I'm missing Qrteb, but I'm also walking away Green, which is the most important thing.

while it would have been, you know, cool to jump in Qrtb right here at 20 and sell it at 22 with 500 shares and make an extra thousand bucks. The downside: risk of it Halton going down at 16 and losing 2 grand just today is not the day that I can afford that trade. Sorry to say I wish I could, but I I can't. So and the fact is, these a lot of these really light volume stocks, they scare me because the price action is feels so irrational and you just you know you don't know when you might get caught in a hall going down or maybe even a T-12 halt.

Halted pending investigation, Halted pending news, so you got to trade those with some some real caution And again, if I had a profit cushion, I might say hey, I can afford it. I can afford to take a little risk and even if worst case happens, I'm still going to be on top right now. You know, I just got knocked down hard on Monday and Tuesday. So two red days in a row, I'm not in a place where I could emotionally afford another big knock off the horse.
So you know it's can be a little self-perpetuating Uh, when you start to have some red days, you start to get timid. Then you start to miss stuff. You get frustrated. You miss stuff.

It can make you tend to overcompensate on the next trade. You've got to be careful of that. You've got to take A quality trades. Some of the B quality trades might end up working and you're like man, I should have done it.

but you didn't and it's through a period of slowly regaining confidence. Like one green day like today, 1100 bucks and then maybe another small green day tomorrow. Another small green day Friday. That would be three green days in a row.

Next thing I know, I'm going into the weekend feeling like, okay, I'm You know the ship is no longer sinking. I've I've stopped the leaking, the water's not coming in anymore. We've still got a, you know, a little ways to go. But we're I've got to start bailing out.

but at least I've stopped the leaking or the bleeding or however you want to think of it. So that's what I started to do today. Uh, got a little patch on. We've stopped some of the bleeding, but um, I'm not out of the woods yet.

I need a few more days to really feel like I'm moving in the right direction. So good luck. For those that continue trading today, I'm happy with 1100. It's um, I'm happy that I agreed with myself to stop where I'm at.

Even though this isn't as nice as being up 2800, it's far, far better than taking that one last trade to try to get myself back to up Three grand and being down three grand for a third third red day in a row. Just couldn't take it today. So I'm green ends the red streak. I'm shutting it down.

I'm not going to look at stocks for the rest of the day. Whatever shop sorry Snow does today, It's going to do it without me. You know? Maybe it makes a huge move on the open on the ipo? Maybe it fades. I won't know till tomorrow.

I'll see you guys then. Oh hey, I didn't see you there. Help us hit 750 000 subscribers by hitting that subscribe button and stay tuned and check out some of my other awesome uploads right here on Youtube! You.

By Stock Chat

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23 thoughts on “Regaining my center 1.1k on $kodk ross’s trade recap”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghost Peppered says:

    lol the thumbnail on this one. the stock chart like a rainbow. i feel like we're going to go on a field trip

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marti Smith says:

    Hi Ross, newbie here… I have been doing a lot of research and plan to take your course asap. I have read 2 books and am waiting on your book to arrive from Amazon. I have one burning question at the moment. I currently work full-time and ultimate goal is to trade full-time for income and retirement savings. In this video, I heard you mention your retirement savings. Do you allocate a certain percentage of earnings towards living and the rest goes to retirement savings? Hope this makes sense…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heavy Storming says:

    Is that a radiohead hail to the thief shirt????

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxime Santhonnax says:

    Hey Ross, first thank you for all your videos, the content you share is incredibly educational !
    Also, I’m sure you get the question all the time but what broker are you using ?

    All the best to you

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Angela says:

    Ross you Rock! Thanks for all of the timely, valuable videos, teachable moments and tips. You deserve the teacher trophy of the year!! Love the shirt!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    G.a. sorry I was at work early this morning or I would have hit the thumbs up if I was at home & watching this live .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Neal says:

    Yay Ross !!! Way 2 go.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JONESn says:

    I bought 20, 10 dollar put contracts for 100 dollars at open and sold 40 min later 😂😂🤣🤣 🤷‍♂️ wish I had bought more. I went long after that now holding 600 shares at 9.14 rdy to sell tomorrow. Hopefully 15 on the way.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PWC-DOCTORZ NOSTRADAMUS says:

    KODK in $10 weekly calls$0.37 out $1.27 in 1 hour. Just wait till the next couple days $$$$

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Taylor says:

    Ross, I'm glad your having a good day ! I want to thank you for the WT education.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SnowdaysnPaintjobs says:

    Invested in SNOW this morning to earn a 3400$ profit with 300 shares. Also Draftkings earned me another 700$ profit with 500 shares. All in TD ameritrade paper mo yea simulator

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corvette 1128 says:

    Hey Ross. Just a topic I thought might be somewhat helpful for those starting with little funds available for both account and trading setup… that being said could you perhaps touch on mobile with a cell phone. Specifically your opinion on different mobile trading platforms and the speed at which trades can take place. From my own standpoint, I will need to use my phone and deposit money to trade with or buy a laptop(cheap) and continue saving. I understand this may involve testing on your part but you could really give an expert opinion. Appreciate what you do

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rich Tea says:

    Radiohead shirt!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DJ OOO says:

    I guess this is how it feels fishing in shallow waters

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mobeen K says:

    Hey ross, do you ever use trailing stop order? Is it a good idea to use this order? Please guide

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Stutzman says:

    Impressive how much value your recaps have after all these years!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark G says:

    I'm one of your pro students, and I would like to say; Thanks for sharing and being so real!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Israel Irvine says:

    Last week was HORRIBLE for me UGH!!
    But since Monday I’m up +35%!!
    I sold as high as I could last week on my Tesla and Apple stock, and bought up shares in a few “sleeping giants” that were trading very low last week and hit record highs this week!
    Dear lord, I needed a green week. Last week was ROUGH to say the least!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheChocolatebar07 says:

    He said 10,000 shares on that last trade? Or 10k position

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zhichan Zheng says:

    Hi Ross, Thank you so much for all of your recaps, I learned a lot from your recaps. It is so difficult to follow your strategy. You are amazing. Today KODK dropped to 9.90, why it didn't get halt? since it dropped from 11.44 to 9.90, it was over 10%. I was thinking it will get halt, so I don't dare to buy this dip. I am not really clear about the halt rules. Can someone explain? Thanks

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin says:

    I don't understand why you ignored VXRT yesterday, this was such a beautiful stock and today was INO the hit. Yes this are no low float stocks because they had over 100 M float. But that also means, that this stocks are way more consistent because they can't push down so easily trough shortsellers. Your low float stocks are in the hand of the shortsellers now. If you can trade tesla, then it should be easy for you to trade such beautiful strong 100 M float Gap-Scanner stocks. And people made so much money alone with this two stocks yesterday and today with a low risk.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lily Mou says:

    Nice job Ross! I understand how do you feel after 2 red days. You are great! Thank you very much, because you can rebuild your confidence quickly. Thanks. I learned.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mikeb63 says:

    good job Ross

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