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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, hey everyone. so it's about 8 30. it's a little on the early side. Um, sitting here.

Uh, looking at the Gap scans. I'll move this over here. So Spcb is our leading Gapper right now. It's pulling back.

I made some money on. I'm still interested, but um, my first trade this morning was a 46 000 loss on Tcat. I bought at 39 at about 7 a.m just before 7 looking for the break of 40 and thinking we would get that squeeze up to the pre-market high. Kind of like what happened yesterday right at 7 A.m and I just got smoked on it.

So the only blessing is that that was in my margin account which I usually only am trading right now in my retirement account. but that happened to be in my margin account. So the good thing there is that I had one day earlier this month where I think I made 75 000 in my margin account and then I'd have to pay tax on the 75 000.. So that takes 40 46 000 off the 75.

Which means this month I only have about 30 000 in taxable, uh, trading profits and the remaining 200 grand or so is in my retirement account. So that's that's the silver lining. I'm going to look at the glass being half full there. Um, you know I'm and also I was up 46 47 000 yesterday.

So I basically in one trade gave back. Um, you know yesterday's gains. So this was yesterday up 47 000. but you know that's that's the way it goes.

I I look at the setup now and I still feel like you know it. It looked the break of 39. It looked good. It really did.

I thought at 7 am we were going to see more volume come in and we did, but it was going the wrong way. So that's life. That's the way it goes. Took a haircut on that this morning so this account is now locked for the rest of the day because it's down below 25 000.

But my retirement account which also has a 25 000 max loss I can trade in now. I obviously you know if I hit a have a big loss in my first trade and even go below max loss, there's always a question of well, should I just stop for the day? Um, you know you could argue that both ways. My feeling on it is that if I was sitting down right now, had I not gotten up at 7 am to take that first trade, I would be sitting down right now looking for some good opportunities. And so that's what I'm going to do.

And I have gotten myself up 2 600 in my uh you know kind of this account. So just kind of pressing that mental reset button and we'll try to take a couple trades. Uh spcb I'm you know I I'm gonna wait for a five minute set up on it. The High: This current five minute candle is 99.

this could give us a setup, but there's a lot of sellers on it right now, so I'm a little bit. um, a little bit concerned about that, but you know we'll see what it does. So the high there is 99.. So the first five minute candle to make a new high is going to be back over three.

There's my 830 alarm. I'll do a dip at 89.. So I just bought the dip there at 89 and I'm looking for the break. First five minute candle to make a new high through three.
So can I add a three? I'll add right there at three and I'll take some off the table at 303. Put a new order at 310, orders at 310 if it breaks and if it can hold over three, then I can do a dip. So I added a 303 right there. Kind of doing a dip trade since it looks like it's holding over three and now I'm looking for the break through 3 10.

Watch the High Day break. I think what we have going for us on this is the fact that this is our leading gapper. so taking half off the three quarters off the table and sizing back down just a little bit on a dip, back to three. I can add again, pull back at three dollars.

we've got. it's up 100 with nine million shares of volume, so I'm good with all of that. Hi, This candle is 311. high a day is 3 14..

So 315 is really the spot that I'll be watching a little bit more closely, taking a little more off the table there. Oh my God. it's my mother. All right.

Let's see, there's 311. Um, hundred thousand share seller? So I'm holding at 302 right now. Uh, question is, why is there a hundred thousand shares seller there? at three? Someone that bought it a dollar sixty pre or earlier pre-market Maybe. Let's see if I can draw an ascending support line through here.

You know this starts to look a little bit like a dip. I'll do a dip there at 90.. So I just bought, uh, their 290. I always feel more comfortable buying off of an ascending support line like that.

That's that trend line. There's 93 94 and I want to see if we can get up through 95 93 94. I'm just going to hit it at 90 90. Back out, break.

even on that. You know this starts when it just sort of goes sideways to feel a little bit more like a bear flag. and I don't want to hold for the next drop back down. So the problem there is that you got a little false breakout on the five-minute chart.

So if I was sitting down right now, uh, and I hadn't taken that first trade, I'd be like, hey, All right, I'm getting a little action here. Spcb, I'm up 5700, You know? Yeah, that offsets, uh, that. But okay, you know, let's just focus on focus on what's working. Yeah, it was Tcat that I lost on.

uh, this one I made money on yesterday and then I lost on it today. So you know that's sometimes how it goes Spcb. So now we're breaking the V app. I don't like seeing that.

Hmm, the low is 76.. So at this point trying to do dip trades on it is sort of. I mean, I just, I'm not really as into that it's pulled back a little too much. Thank you John.

I appreciate that. Yeah, ironically because I'm wearing my cactus shirts. These things aren't supposed to happen when I wear the cactus shirt. The syrup is is good.

I don't know if I have any up here I did, but I think I might have brought it back down. but I've got some more work to do on that today as well. All right. Well, we've got now a descending resistance line here.
Ascending right here. So this is our wedge high volumes on the red candle. Ocg from yesterday. Yeah, that pulled back a bit.

Same with T Cat on, you know. So Tcat was kind of interesting because they were. it was halted right here. Um, for what was it? It was halted right here for like an hour.

Halted pending news. And the news was that there's no news. Resumed. flat, halted, going down, open blower.

And then curled. And the fact that it went all the way back up to 45 after hours I was like this makes no sense, but I'm just going to try to ride the technical chart on it. So that's why this morning I was thinking all right, if this gets back over 39.50 that pivot, we've got a good shot. It back to 44.45 Kind of like what we had uh, yesterday morning.

uh as it sort of broke the pivot there of 22 and broke, then the pre, the after hour highs, or the previous day's highs. So you know, I don't know. um, I guess had the wrong idea on that. but I wouldn't say it was a bad setup.

I think I just took a little more risk on it than I should have. I think that was my only problem. Thank you. I appreciate you saying that I took 7 500 shares, I started with 4 500 and then um, I I added so let's see.

So this was. These were my trades on uh, Tcat So 3960 39.96 adding for 40. add a little more there, added a little more 36.95 to average down, added a little more at 37 and then finally cut the loss. My first two attempts were to sell half and I was getting partial fills and then I moved my order down further.

So seven minute long trade. Forty six thousand dollar loss. That right there is that's trading Easy come easy go. So just you know it.

It's just the way it is and um, you gotta being a traitor requires a pretty high level of perseverance and mental strength because it's a career where you get knocked down and have to get back up. Get knocked back down. Get back up. I was had a great session with Ted.

I'm putting up my disclaimer on Youtube just as a reminder in case you didn't already know that trading is risky. Um, but I had a great session with Ted yesterday which we recorded for chapter 17 of the New Warrior Pro Classes and in that uh session I put him in the hot seat and I was asking Ted I said ted, I want you to tell me about. You know your kind of experience working with me and also working with other traders? What is the you know what? What are some of these? What's the deal With some of these issues that many of us have and we got into some really good stuff, but a very common experience for traders is two steps forward, Two steps back, Two steps forward, Two steps back and it's just again and again and again. It's it.

can be like that for a long time and that's uh, that can be very frustrating because you feel like you get it when you make those two steps forward and then when you have the two steps back, you feel like wow, what's wrong with me? So we sort of. as we were thinking about that, we were sort of thinking that that that sort of part of the typical learning curve to experience that period of time and then eventually what starts happening in. You know, for those that end up becoming successful is three steps forward. Two steps back, Three steps forward.
Two steps back. Four steps forward. Two steps back. It's very gradual and you just realize in these periods where you're making progress, you're just making a little bit a little bit more, a little bit more progress.

I'm taking along on Spcb here for the break back over three. This looks to me like it's curling for a second attempt at 310.. So what I'm going to do on this is give it a second to break through this level. I'm going to hold right now and I'm going to put an order at 310.

if it holds 3, so it's at, I'm holding there. I'm adding because it's holding there, so it's holding at 299.3 So now I'm adding for the squeeze up to 308 315. there's six watching for ads with my hand on the hot key, adding at seven, looking for 8, 9, 10, and the squeeze through 11.. So sizing down a little bit new order goes at 11.

it should have broken right in that move. And because we're at descending resistance, I'm going to let it do a dip. and then I'm going to buy the dip watching, adding on the dip, adding back at 306. So I take a little off and then I add it back.

That's very typical. Now I'm looking for the Breakthrough 308 and 315 for the break of this descending resistance line adding at three. So I'm buying the dip off of support right here at three, I'm going to look for that next curl. it's holding.

So adding at 302 cost basis is 302 and I'm going to look for the Breakthrough 308 through this descending line and then Target is 315 320. So I'm going to remove this for one second, let it pull back. First, one minute candle to make a new high here is going to be over 303 304. I think what we have going for us on this is it's our leading gapper, so it's got a lot of eyes on it and it generally looks good and it's going to look better over 311 315.

So right now, holding, looking for the break through 305 306 307 First one minute candle to make a new high is going to be over 305. So I'm going to look to add right there at 305. Now I want to see 310 311. see right, What's happening right now is we're breaking through the descending resistance, so let's look for that squeeze.

There's Nine adding again, at nine, there's 11 taking some off the table at 08 and 05 and new order goes at 16.. I'm going to buy a dip again adding 97 doing a dip trade. So now trading around this level a little bit. so did a dip at 97 took some profit at 301 trading the range new order is 314.

I'm going to leave the order at the high. I would have thought on that candle we would have broken through 311 dip trade at 95. I want to see if it gets back over three. Sold it at 98.
It's 150 on 5 000 shares, but that's a dip off of descending support. adding more at 90 right there. again buying descending support which is also a dip off the V app. this time 10 000 shares at 290..

So buying those dips can we get 96 97. So taking some of that off the table there for a couple hundred bucks. New orders at three dollars. Hey Larissa, good morning! Hi! This candle is 3 eleven so still holding from 290.

This is a nice dip. Entry here. it broke descending resistance on that candle and then it broke, came back below it tapped off the bottom, but now it's we're wedging in between. So we're starting to get to a point where I want to see it break over 311.

the five minute a little extended watching in this area. I need a one-minute setup to feel like there's a new trade here. The high of that candle. look at how that came right to that descending resistance line at 305, but we are holding over three.

I'm going to add a 304 right there. I'm looking for a second attempt through 311. there's 312. There's 314.

nice from 302. That was good now. New order 315. adding again at 302.

buying that dip back to three. We've got some big sellers on this one. I'm going to hit the bid at 301 on that. So this is we're seeing this trend right now of it's breaking through and then back below.

We saw that right here as well, breaking through back below, breaking through, and then back below. So now we have a double top at basically the high a day 314. So just a second ago I mentioned how this is extended off the nine moving average and I think that that is a bit of a risk factor here just because the best pullbacks tap the nine ema. and because this one's a bit extended, it just creates a little bit more risk there.

so it's pulling back a little bit now. We got that tap through the high, but then it rejects and that's what makes the dip trades a little bit safer on something like this because then at least I have an entry at a pretty good price. But I did add 10 000 shares at 302 and then stopped out at three. I tried to do a dip off of three.

I don't like the high day volume being red, both on. well actually just on the one minute. you know that's a good point. A stock like this that has, um, this much volume I could try just using the Lightspeed Smart route and see how my orders fill.

So Spcb hit our scanner again right there as you can see. Yes, I would say that this um candle right here which had 1.3 million shares of volume. uh the fact that it's red is a concern. same with this one.

The thing is sometimes what happens is these keep kind of, uh, hitting their head and accumulating short sellers as they kind of keep fading and keep fading and then all of a sudden we get just sort of. it just rips and then those people who have been shorting into these kind of spikes all of a sudden you're getting a rip through whatever 325 330, 340 and they start moving faster. If we look back, I don't I'm not saying that's going to happen on the stock, but if we look back earlier in the week, that's kind of what we saw on Chek and and a couple others and charts not loading. so we we kind of.
you know I kind of kept trading them and as we got closer to the open because really it's only like 849 right now. But as we got closer to the open we started seeing my momentum pick up on on them a little bit more. so we're back inside this descending resistance line right here. The thing is, Um, because these last three candles all have a little bit of a topping tail.

I'm kind of thinking that it's maybe a better idea to wait for a five minute setup. Hey, that's enough girl. So a little bit of a dip there. Took a starter at 290, just a 2000 share starter.

Just kind of hotkey testing the water on it. We'll see if it pops back up to 94.95 So from 90 to 95, that's 100 bucks. Taking it off the table. it's a dip to V web.

The thing is. Um, while I'm okay with doing a dip off the V app and maybe I would have taken a bigger size if I was looking at a little bit more closely, I just shift 2 with 2 000 shares. The low there was 87, so in at 90 wasn't bad. Back down to a low of 87.

I could do a double bottom entry here. adding at 89 doing a double bottom entry. So now we've got that double bottom confirmation and I'm in for a dip. So now on this one first one minute candle to make a new high.

I can look for confirmation and then to move back over three dollars. So I'm going to put my order at 3 to add I'm in 89 which is a good cost basis. We still have a little bit of time for the first five minute candle to make a new high, but um, watching here back over three. So there's 99 and I'm adding at 99 to see if I get the break back over 3.

up to 304 305.. So it starts as a dip trade, then goes into a breakout trade. There's 98, there's 99, there's three on the ask and I'm taking half off the table there at uh, three dollars and now down to just 2 600 shares. Hi, that candle is Uh 301.

still holding at 91 2600 shares. So this is a going to be a retest of this level. Uh, when you have this and I'm not sure. but you know when you have this kind of setup where it broke and then came comes back up.

It's a light volume break which is good I suppose. but it's not a it's not a picture perfect setup. It's going to have to get back now through 3 305 because it's got to break through both this yellow line here and this yellow line here. and we still have 90 seconds left on this current candle.

so I'm just going to hold this for a second. Hmm. so the low there was 87.. you can see how we're kind of right underneath this yellow line.
It's going to need to break through that. I don't. I don't know. Um, I probably wouldn't be holding this if I didn't have a cushion, but I have a cushion so I don't mind holding it.

I have cushion on the stock. at least high is 304. This 5 minute candle which is red is going to close in 20 seconds at 8 55.. So the first five minute candle to make a new high is a trade.

A pattern that we will sometimes trade in this case because we've got we've got topping tails and we have a bottoming tail. So we've got a lot of sort of whips, but that close strong 302. I'm going to add there 302. Give it another stab here and let's see here we go.

So now we've got a flat top and I'm going to put an order at 315 to add. If we break through this flat top then we're looking to move up to 320. adding there at 305 or sorry, 3, 3, 3, 12, 314 for the break of 315. see now it's perking up so I'm going to hold right now On this first pullback.

I'm looking for the breakthrough: 314 315 up to 325.. See, you know The fact is, it's definitely moving a little bit faster there on that candle. So watching for dips, adding at 307, accumulating on the dip and then we'll look for the break of 314 315 and we want to see if this rips up into the 320s. So there's 12 on the ask? 13 on the ask? This is a 10 second micro pullback.

Looking for the break of 14 and 15. highest volume now is on that green candle, which is a real sign of strength. So let's see. there's 15.

There's 15 on the ass. There's 16. there's 18. I'm taking a little off the table to be safe, sizing down just a little new orders at 320.

high of that candle is 318. So now new order goes at 3 at 20 for the break of 318. Watching for a dip added 312 right there on a dip trade, look for it back over 315 and 316. cost basis moved up to 310.

I'm going to stop at 309 for a 120 loss on that trade. Hi, this candle is 318. low this one is 308. I'll let it pull back to 3 and try to do a dip off of 3..

Starter at 306 5000 shares high Of this current one minute candle is 13. 25 million shares of volume and this is still our leading gap in the market. So still holding 5000 shares at 306. Looking for the first one minute candle to make a new high which is going to be over 13..

So the first pullback after a 5-minute breakout is what I'm looking at here. It's a technical setup watching for a dip entry. there's seven, back to six, adding again at six, so increasing my size to 15 000 shares 306 Still looking for the first candle to make a new high over 310 and then 313. There's a nice bid that just popped up watching 310 and 311.

There's 308 on the Ask 9, 10, 11, 12. taking it off the table at 11, it should have broken 13 immediately, should have immediately broken 13 and been over 15.. So we have another 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 topping tail candles hundred and eleven percent gainer. News is posted here.
This is good. Good practice on reading level two. So we're back at 306 305. I'm looking for a possible sort of red candle to buy a dip on two four five candles in a row that are green watching here.

Diptrade at 99. So bought it 99 there. That's a dip off of this yellow descending support line. Hi! This current 5 minute candle is, well, 308 currently.

So holding and adding at 302 cost basis is now three. So now I've got a nice dip entry. The low is 98.. So basically a dip entry with a two cent stop and then an add would be over 312..

looking for the break of 305 306? there's 304 on the Ask 305 looking for 306, then 307 hitting the bid at 303. For now, only three cents a profit. but this one could just so quickly go right back to break even. Oh net.

Amazing! Good job! Good job I You did better than me on that one. I missed the afternoon move and then traded a little this morning and well, that didn't work so well. He's talking about Tcat. Uh, Tcat would need to get back.

Uh, over the volume weight. Average price 3160. if it broke back over that level, then up to 32 33 34. you never know, you never know.

I'll certainly keep it on watch. But right now Spcb is the leading gap or it's the one that more people are watching. It's the obvious stock. Uh, sorry, Spcb.

So I'm up 18 000 on that one. I'm down 46 000 on Tcat, which puts me down uh. 20. Well, 28 000 on the day still.

so I'm cutting the loss down a bit, which is good. Not happy that I took that loss, but I'm doing a good job. Kind of working my way out of the hole a little bit. here.

this is curling off of this level, which is good, but a little choppy in this area. So although we've got a we had a couple nice moves like this one from three to three fifteen. All things considered, the biggest moves on this, uh, were earlier and we've gotten into a very tight range. Volume has increased.

The range has gotten really tight so I don't know. Um, at the moment it's I'm waiting for it to like, really break out and open up and it's not not yet those on Youtube and Facebook. I'll put up my disclaimer again as a reminder that trading is risky. In case you didn't already know that most beginner traders lose money.

So I would encourage you to trade in a simulator, not try to blindly follow me or anyone else. It may be better on Spcb just to kind of let it consolidate for a little bit and see whether or not it can hold up. And if it holds up, then you know there'll be more opportunities. Are you guys looking at anything else? Larissa nice job.

You know to be honest because I know you're we. You know you're trading with smaller size. I would take that 56 and make sure you don't give it back. You know the thing is at the Open.

We've been seeing so much volatility. Uh, you know we've been seeing these. I I think there's a good chance at the Open that this will halt. I have no idea if it's going to haul up or down because that's the way it's been at the Open.
It they ripped the whole level up, then they fall salt. Then they halt going down. Or they ripped. you know, flush to the halt level going down and then ripped to the halt level going up.

And that is stressful. You know it's hard to predict right now, the Gap and go like right at the bell. whether it's going to haul, going up or going down. and yesterday on Tcat, you know we ended up.

Um, just you know. Back it up here for a second. I mean, this thing was crazy at the open. For those that didn't see it or didn't notice it, It broke, it, ripped through 32, up to 34 and then it flushed down to 29.28 Then it ripped back up here to 41..

if you got cotton, that's going the wrong direction either long or short. It was not fun and I guess I can say that from experience getting caught in it going the wrong direction this morning. Tcat right now is up. um two percent.

So it's basically opening flat. You know it was. it was strong after hours, but it's opening kind of flat right now so I'm not sure that this is going to give us anything else today. It's below the volume weight, average price.

I would say that sure if it breaks the Vwap which is at 3160 that it could give you know a couple dollar a share move. but the risk on it is going to be very high and so even for me where I sit right now I don't I don't think I can afford the risk on that one. So now we're coming back down again here and on this I'm doing a dip trade at 97. So what I'm doing here is I'm buying this bounce off of what is two levels.

Number one, we've got the V app and number two we've got this yellow support line so we have two levels that this is bouncing off right here. So I've got my starter and on this one, I'm just going to hold this for a minute. We've got our, uh, support right there at the V web 2.95 I'm in at 297. So I'm risking.

you know, two cents a share. I'm just going to hold it. I'll put an order at 3 15. high of that last 5-minute candle is 308..

So look at that bounce off the V-wap So right now I'm just holding this. Nice work Roy. Good work, Nice Jonas. So the high That candle is 309.

There's three of nine. There's Three Ten. Look at this. There's three, twelve, Three eleven, Three Twelve.

So all of a sudden this is curling back up, holding it, and not taking the profit yet. I'm looking at this as I've got a great entry. So now, where can I add, where can I add and and will this finally squeeze? Will it finally really open up and make a move up into the 20s? So the High: This current candle is 11.? So I'm looking for the break on this 10 second micro pullback of 11 and then 12.. So there's 11..

there's 12. we can get 13 and 14.. so we are not. So I'm taking some off the table at 10 and 9.
And the high of that candle is 12. holding 3 700 shares still at 97.. I'm going to let it dip and try to get another entry on a dip. We've got 31 million shares of volume on this one.

So high that five minute candle is 12. Nice. Good job. I've seen you guys post some Pnls.

those look good. I mean, you can't deny that this is definitely holding up. It's not ripping as much as I was hoping it might, but it's holding up. that's at this point.

that's pretty good. So watching for dips off of three the closer to three I can get in the better. Adding at 304 right there. 304 305.

So doing a dip trade cost basis comes up to 302 from 97. but that's okay. I don't mind that A lot of volume on this one. Hi this current five min.

uh sorry. one minute candles 309. So first one minute candle make a new high could be a set up for a trade through 12. this t this one minute candle has 10 seconds left on it so that candle is closed.

There I'm watching for a possible ad adding at 8 I'm seeing green on the tape. So because I'm seeing that green, I'm adding and now looking for the breakthrough. 312. On this one minute pullback, there's 309 310, I want to see 312 and then 313 314.

And my back of mine is that we retest the high a day. We'll see if that happens. So there's 10 on the ask, there's 11. there's 12 11.

No, so there's a seller at 11 that's holding it up. So I've got to wait again Sizing down. I'm going to let it pull back and do another dip off 3 reposition. So I'm going to try to reposition on this.

It's a false breakout on the one minute. So there was a seller at 11. It's a hidden seller watching. Uh, I think I missed.

might have missed the dip there. 303. Let's just watch this for a second. I just want to see if it tries to break through three.

Yeah, so again, the thing with Tcat is that because it's not a gapper. I mean this morning it made sense because it was a continuation setup and and you know, there's still an argument for that As a as a trade, it's a continuation stock. People will probably still be watching it, But um, I'm just not sure if it's gonna be a big, uh Momentum stock today. I don't know.

I, you know, could be wrong. I'm not in it right now. I'm letting it dip. I'm going to try to.

I'm going to add right there at 301. I'm buying the dip. so buying the dip off of the whole dollar of three. So now let's see if we get the pot back up to 310 so you can see my average there is 301.

So this is a setup where I buy the dip off of the whole dollar and on the five minute. we are ultimately looking for a breakthrough. Three, two, three Eleven Three, I'm going to put my new order at 313. If we see this surge up here, I could add at 310 and 311.

I see Snes but it's below V App so I'm not interested in that Right now. I'm going to keep focusing on Spcb. We have 15 minutes to the Bell right now. I'm holding and looking for a break through 310 and then I want to see if it goes right away to 311 and 312..
I could add again on this dip. I'm just going to watch it for a second. Sp Cb feels like. I mean, it feels like a tug of war.

It's very thickly traded, it's high volume. It's only a 9 million share float. But um, the good thing is it's got tight spread and it has already shown this morning that it can move quickly in these candles right here where it squeezed from 160 to 320.. So the knowledge that it can move quickly is what's keeping me interested because I'm looking to see whether or not we get that type of big move.

Now, we haven't really yet since I've been trading it, I've been trading the range, but if it did break over three fifteen, three eighteen, three twenty, could we get that move up to three fifty? Or three seventy Five or four? And you know that's what I'm always asking myself on something like this is could we get that bigger move So I'm going to look again to add on a dip down here, watching adding at 303. So buying a little bit more on the dip cost basis comes up to 302 looking for the break over 310. it'll be very interesting to see at the open if this, you know, obviously rips through the high and does make a quick move. New orders at 3 15.

so kind of waiting to try to ride that next wave up to 3 15, 310, 312, 315, 318. And as we start to see it pick up a little bit more, we see more green on the tape. Maybe at 308, 309, 310, 311, 312. I'd probably start buying into that to ride that momentum.

So there's green on the tape Here we go. So adding at 310 right there. Now looking for this to break through the flat top of 312. Orders at 315.

See, it's starting to accelerate a little bit here on that candle. That real that really popped up there to a high of 311. So let's watch 312 313. Again, we've got a good, you know, good strength on this five minutes.

Decent. Looking for the break of 312. so high that candle was 311.. Watch here.

there's 311 looking for 312. orders at uh, 313. Right now. I want to add for this breakout through 312 and then the target is a breakthrough 315 and a squeeze to 320..

And I'm in at 303 so I have a good average. I could be a little patient with it. I can let it pull back and come back up for another test. There's 309, 310, 11..

looking for green on the tape at 11? The green gives me the conviction. There's 10 back to nine. I have to wait again for one more attempt at 3 12. order's still at 3 13..

here we go. Adding there: at 11, there's 13. There's 14 adding at 14.. So scaling in here for the breakthrough 315.

Looking for that squeeze up through the high. So basically what we have right here is coming right into the open. some real momentum, which is good holding it. I'm holding on the pullback.
I'm going to let it break through 315, 316. I want to see 3, 17, 3, 18, and 320.. So there's 12. There's 13..

on the ask, Green on the ask, there's 14, 15, green, 16, 17 adding at 16. So now I'm sizing in for the breakthrough high of day. That's basically the way I trade these. So we've got 15 on the ask looking for 17 18 and I had to stop out at 11.

it should have broken right in that candle where I was adding. So I'll let it pull back and I'm gonna do another dip trade off of three. No slippage on my exit. watching for a dip adding at 98.

buying the dip down there off of Vwap in at 97, there's a hundred thousand share bid at three. Can we get back to 304? 305? No selling at three for now. Watching for another dip adding at 94. Buying the bounce off the V app.

Taking a second attempt at this trade, looking for the move back to 305 and at 94. I do not like that red candle. We'll see if we get back above 3, 302, 304. I'm in at 94 right now, stopping out for a small loss on that one, letting it pull back a little bit more.

so. the problem now is right into the open because this is a false breakout. Traders who were sort of waiting for a possible squeeze maybe once the bell rang, are being forced to say wait a second. This doesn't look good anymore.

Active traders like me can get in and get back out, so I'm back in at 90. just trading the range here. This is basically a 20 cent drop. So I'm buying that dip and we'll see if we get a first green candle on the one minute.

We've got about eight minutes to the bell, so I want to see 93, 94, 95 First one minute candle. It's below the V-wap though. The V-wap's at 97. sold at 91 for a hundred bucks Clvs.

Um, okay. I see that we've traded this one before. Um, I see it on the scanner. It's 100 million share float.

I'm gonna leave that alone right now. Hmm. well I don't like the way this is going right now. so I I did the best I could on it.

I was aggressive trading within the range. I was waiting for the breakout, but I've got 40 million shares of volume on Spcb. Second leading gap is Snes and our next one is Mrkr. floats a little higher there.

Zkin that doesn't look good. Cl Clvs looks okay, but I'm a little skeptical on it. So for what it's worth, I'm down 46 000 on my first trade pre-market which is in my margin account. and then I'm up 24 000 in my retirement account.

So I'm down on the day. You know, whatever it is 22 000. I'm still read on the day, but I cut the loss in half and that may be the best that I can do. Um, unfortunately, that high volume red candle, it just.

it really breaks the chart. but it's only 9 25. so it's early enough and we'll see if we do get some more opportunity once the bell rings. Maybe on Spcb, maybe on Tcat.
I don't know, I'm not sure, but I'll be watching the high day momo scanner to see where we get some momentum in the market and hopefully we do see something that pops up. Give me a couple more opportunities, a couple more trades, all things considered. If it hadn't been for that first trade on Tcat at 7 Am, I would be sitting here up 24 000, which would be a terrific way to end the debt and the week, but also such a good start to the day that I would probably be thinking all right, let's see if we do get some more opportunity. So at this point I dug myself a hole in one trade and now I'm sort of, you know, steadily recovering.

so the recovery has been pretty solid. I don't think I had any big losses on Spcb. I had a couple small ones, but I don't think I had any big ones. So one big loss and then I don't know.

Like base hit trades for twenty two hundred dollars each puts me up for twenty four hundred puts me up twenty four thousand. It's not bad, so that's the game plan here. Uh, those you guys on Youtube and Facebook. Thank you guys for tuning in.

Hit that thumbs up! Of course. if you want to learn more about trading, come over to Warriortrading.com We'd love to have you check it out and I hope you all enjoy your weekend. We'll be back first thing on Monday morning and yeah, we're going to keep trading here for students in the room, we'll see if we get any any more action at the Bell. Sp Cb will still be on watch if it does squeeze to 325 330, 340, 350.

I'll definitely be trying to ride that momentum, but I don't know if it's going to happen. We're at 812 000 subscribers on Youtube. Thank you guys for hitting that subscribe button. We are, uh, making good progress here towards 850, then 900, 950 and 1 million.

All right, two minutes to the bell. I'm gonna put my disclaimer up again. Here's a reminder that trading is risky. In case you didn't already know that.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

34 thoughts on “3/19/2021 – live day trading morning show with ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick H says:

    “Oh my god…it’s my mother.” LOL

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Van Van Von Voyage says:

    Good morning

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zenakuu says:

    Hey ross when you buy the stock out right, how many shares do you buy in each trade you get in? Thanks!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Delu says:

    warren buffet says no one can make money in trading… then how you make?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Woofy says:

    hi ross what are your thoughts on tradezero?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars apaulogetic says:

    Kudos for having the setup to play this strategy. My latency and general laziness could never let me sit at the terminal as you do. I like to set it and forget it. Nice to watch though! Thanks.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks for the video Ross! Hope your Friday was green at the end of the day! have a great weekend!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tae Cho says:

    Ross, is broker TradeZero ok to open the account?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars layton7430 says:

    Problem is he streams these which are brilliant I think are aimed at people who already kinda know what they are doing, I'm an engineer on site and not very good with computers but I want to quit to trade for a living but finding it hard to learn as most investors assume you alreaknow how to

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane says:

    Are you constantly buy the dips and then holding those stocks or are you buying and selling throughout the video?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian P says:

    Again, thank you for these vids. When I stick to the strategy and tips you spell out in these videos and your book, I do well. It’s all been very valuable to me as a new time trader.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AIPThePharaoh says:

    Hi Ross!

    I contacted via WhatApp the number what you have sent me, but the only thing which I could “find” on the other side was a gentleman trying to get me into the crypto-currency business… May I ask what was (or what should have been) the purpose of contacting the number?

    P.S.: can someone suggest some type of explanations for my problem about the different data measurements (mentioned in my other, original comment)? I would be glad for it…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luna lovegud says:

    Buying more radix at the dip because why not 😀

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jwalker_3 says:

    It would be amazing if you had some sort of payment plan or something that offers a cheaper level for beginners. Im just starting my portfolio but don't have the funds yet to join your course. Soon. Soooon.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brisvegas says:

    Expert trading in a ranging stock, amazing skill Ross.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Garr says:

    What scanner are you using here? It's not Trade Ideas, I guess.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Scott says:

    Hey Ross, I see this in the morning before the bell in the live streams. Where's the recaps gone? I find them more beneficial then just watching you trade pre-market.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L U says:

    Hi Ross, who is your broker? I saw your Youtube video with E-trade and the loss because of how delayed it was to execute trades 🙁

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holy Toledo says:

    I love your transparency…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Chris Wilson says:

    Ross has a whole following of cacti shirt wearing minions

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geoblurs says:

    I just found you on YouTube.
    I just had my first week in the stock market and it went amazing but I wish I would have found you earlier. 😂
    Sorry you lost at 44k, you’ll make 10x’s that real soon I know it! Keep it up champ! Definitely can’t wait for your live stream on Monday morning !
    I’ll be there soon to you’ll see me🙌🏽.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars biggwill21931 says:

    Bruh where the recaps at? I've been watching them every single day since 2018 LOL.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Costa Dinos says:

    Thank you for your time love your channel 🙏

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Adams says:

    Hey, I’m new to day trading. I’ve watched tons of your videos and was trying to see what platform are you currently day trading off of.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Susan L. Baka says:

    Hi Ross. I'm totally new here and I can't wait to get started! Thank you for having free courses! So wonderful of you share your knowledge.–Susan

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sene bobo says:

    GME has messed up day trading

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stop aging says:

    i love this show

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason mekush says:

    Clovus Oncology when I left the chat at 0955, I did say that was the one to get at. hopefully some of you good warriors nailed it through hod twice , thrice. ty for creating this community

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pat carroll says:

    I wonder how the rest of the day went for Ross

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yousef rezaie says:

    hello guys
    any broker recomendations for account under 25k for UK residents ? many thanks

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Fortin says:

    I lost a good chuck on TKAT yesterday.. I got stuck in the breaker and set a lmt/stp and when it came back dropped $4 /sigh. Any chance you have advice on circuit breakers?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Underwood says:

    Ross, I am a Warrior Pro student. The classes you and Mike have put together are awesome! I am looking at Lightspeed and TradeStation. Lightspeed with either eSignal or thinkorswim for charts, or TradeStation as an all-in-one option. If I went with Lightspeed and used my TOS for charts, do you think TOS charts are comparable to eSignal? Or, would you recommend taking a closer look at TradeStation to have my broker platform and charts together? I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qichar says:

    Sometimes there is nothing wrong. As day traders, we want to assess our own progress by how well we trade, not necessarily how much money we make. Sometimes the market just isn't accommodating, but the successful traders stick with the rules that work, and over the long haul we are rewarded if our rules put human psychology and probability on our side.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qichar says:

    Whew! The market let me back out of my position. Yesterday was the first day in a long time when I got caught bag holding, but today it returned to my cost basis and I was able to exit. In the future, I am going to adhere to my stop-loss rules to prevent this kind of thing.

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