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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

What's up everyone? All right? Well, I'm doing this recap. I just did the recap and Dlpn was ripping during the recap. Without me, I'm leaving a lot of money on the table today, but I'm walking away. Green, I was up 51 000, gave back about 8 000 off the top.

So I'm up 43 000 and I I want to keep that in my pocket. I don't want to overstay my welcome. I did a lot of overstaying my welcome in January and February and I'm trying to be more consistent about getting in, getting some profit, and getting out, and whatever happens. You know, after I leave, it ends up ripping up to into a hall minutes after I leave while I'm doing my recap.

So be it. That's part of trading. You're always doing one of two things. You're leaving money on the table, or you're giving back profit.

and today, I guess I kind of did both. Actually, I gave back profit and then as it turns out, had I kept trading, maybe you know I I would have made more, but um, but maybe not. You know you see something, make a big move, and then you also recognize that you could have been the person who bought the top, got shaken out on a false breakout and managed to lose money on. So you have to be grateful for what you have.

And um, so got Green staying green and locking it up and that's that's that's that's that for today. So I hope you guys enjoyed this. Uh, recap. And as always, in case you didn't already know, trading is risky.

Most beginner traders struggle and lose money, so you should practice as a simulator before you put real money on the line. I know some of you watching me during the morning show will think man, he's making it look so easy. It's not different from someone you know watching someone ride a bike if you don't know how to ride a bike or watching someone swim. if you don't know how to swim.

Those things look easy when you know how to do it. but it's learning that's difficult and I would from talking with people of all different walks of life. Um, I asked someone who's a pilot. I said was it harder to learn how to fly a plane or to day trading.

He said day trading hands down so you know it's it's a hard thing to learn but it of course is a lot of fun and it's very interesting and it's trying to solve this puzzle in the market every single day. If you solve it correctly, you'll walk away with a little bit of profit. So um, I hope you guys enjoy the recap and I'll see you for the morning show first thing tomorrow morning. All right, see you then.

All right everyone. So I'm going to do a quick recap of my trades from today. not going to overstay my welcome gave back about 8k off the top. Oh wild morning Nft, That was the catalyst.

Um, Tcat. Beginning with Tcat, first trade was on uh, Tcat and I traded this a bit pre-market We had an Ab well not really a perfect Abcd setup, but an Apex long right there which I bought and I wanted to get in lower, but I kind of. I didn't get a good entry and then I chased it high. It did break new highs so I sold that with about eight thousand dollars of profit.
I don't remember if I did a dip trade in there, but then at the open we got this awesome squeeze from 59 up to 70. bought right here and in this candle. That false breakout lost 8 000 so went from uh I don't know up 8 000 on it to down 743 and that that was the loss. That kind of screwed up my day.

Uh, but while I was still up 8 000, I then switched gears and so I had my first trade on Tcat pre-market here and then Dlpn ripped up pre-market from 6 to 14 and it's currently right now halted going up at 12 45 without me, I'm not in it. so this one's going without me and might give me a little Fomo here. I don't know if I'm going to trade it anymore, I probably shouldn't, but in any case, whatever it does. Uh, the next levels that I would watch would be uh 13 and then 1360 1370.

Then we're kind of looking at a move back to the highs. and son of a gun. Why Vr? Look at this thing. So this is just a wild morning and we're still seeing some momentum here.

Um, the thing on Yvr. the halt level is 716. so you can see I'm up 2900 on Yvr. We'll just look at this one for a second.

This one's also halting going up. It's also continuing without me the first one-minute candle to make a new high right there. Very nice. But I did the dip and the rip on the halt resumption and on that trade right there.

I didn't really do super well. You know I because look at that false breakout and then it came back down and then it set up a one minute trade. So after that false breakout, that's when I was like, you know what? I'm just gonna do My recap, I'm not really feeling it. It's I lost 8 000 on Tcat and then that trade on Yvr wasn't great.

My better trades on it were my first trade was along at six dollars, pops up to 618. then up to 6 20 and then halts at 6 37. So that's where I made the majority of my profit on Yvr. Uh, the last trade right in this area wasn't great and if I had jumped in right there for the break of seven and sold at seven fifteen seven twenty, that could have been okay.

but it did it. Actually, the false hall it looks like so I don't know. but let's let's and son of a gun, let's look back at Tcat. Back to the highs, No.

Unbelievable. So 7063 oh boy, this that's tough to see. There's there's new high. Oh man.

well you know what, Sometimes you just feel like you're just a a little late and you're just not dialed in. And I guess that's what happened today. This was the spot, I'm jumping all over the place, but this was the spot right here where I lost 8 000 bucks. Look at that nice green candle and then instant rejection from 70 down to 66.

a five four five dollar a share rejection and then yeah, it curls back up here. But even on that candle, it broke to 71.99 and then back down here to 68.69 So I don't know, but Tcat was tricky. Dlpn let's look at this one. So Dlpn uh on this one, let's pull up the one minute chart.
So I was trading Tcap and I started seeing people saying Dlp on Dlp on Dlpn and I was like i what's going on So I wasn't looking at my Hyaday Momo scanner right here, but I guess Dlpn must have been on it. So anyways, Dlpn ripped up to the top of the Gap scanner actually was gapping up 96 at the Open and became the second leading gapper in the market this morning. And the Catalyst news was posted right at 9 00 A.m and it starts spiking instantly. so launches the Nft token.

Nft creation and marketing division expects first partnership in collectibles and this that Catalyst and the record sale in Nfts is what drove this move on Tcat from three four dollars up to 70.. So it also, uh, was the momentum behind the Ocg move. and I think traders are looking for the next one. And so when Dlpn pops up with that catalyst, it's Hot.

This is exactly what we saw with electric vehicles. any electric vehicle, catalyst, super hot. Traders jump on it. We saw it with, um, cryptocurrencies, any bitcoin mining, cryptocurrency, relay catalyst is even still pretty darn hot.

So we get into these little kind of cycles in the market where, uh, traders just get kind of like all gung-ho about these different catalysts. and let's watch Dlpn on resumption here. So Dlpn was halted at 45. generally on something like this, I would say dip and rip.

Now I'm going to go with smaller size, but let's so it's not dipping, it's just ripping. Yeah, so that's tricky. So the high there is 35. It's pulling back a little bit and we've got 1371, which is kind of the the level that I'm watching.

Boy, it's I mean we'll see, it's got to hold. Um, probably like 12. 45 1250 This is a micro pullback right there. Uh, 1335 is the high? Yeah, this is.

Uh, this is some wild stuff. You've got 18 million shares of volume on this one right now. You can see right there 18 million shares but this 10 second chart. so I'm I'd be watching this right here for green on the tape and then the breakthrough 25 and 30..

the one minute's not set up yet and there in that candle, it just flushes down and now it's back back lower. So this is actually very similar to the way Yvr resumed from its halt. It sort of initially was looking good and then it pulled back and now Yvr is giving you this sort of one minute setup here around 719.. So in any case, on Dlpn, I saw I saw the news and I jumped in it and I chased it and I knew I was chasing it.

But the reason I chased it was because of the catalyst because I saw how much it moved. Tcat had just made that huge move. Dlpn, it rips up and I was like I can't I can't wait on this. If I wait, I'm gonna miss the move.

And so I bought it. Kind of like right in this momentary pullback right here and my long was. Let's see, I was adding uh, for the break of 12. I have orders here at 11, 69, 78, 90, 98, 13, then added at 1392, added at 1403 and added as high as 14.50 The high was 1476 and that's very typical of me that when something is moving quick, I add into the breakout.
I just keep adding because you never know we've had stocks like this where they'll go up to, you know, 18, 20. So I'll keep adding and then as soon as I see weakness, I'll just sell it. And so that's basically what I did. I kept adding, saw some weakness, took it off the table, and just like that was up.

I think 26 000 or so. Maybe on my first trade we got a one minute pull back there, and then we got some dip trades down here that I traded as well. So buying the dips because each of these candles are like a dollar a share. So 6 000 shares, dip trade.

Adding back on the break through the high, and you know, just like that that's a six thousand eight thousand dollar trade. So we got some really nice action on that. Um, right now you've got a bit of a double top. at 13.35 it looks like so 1335 is a bit of a resistance level.

Tcat also has a double top up here at about 72.. So where things went kind of wrong for me today was that one loss on Tcat. I was up 51 000 and I was like man, you're you know you're smoking, you're crushing it. You're doing so well.

Momentum's hot, Market's hot. But you know you look at this and it's like um, you know this is a good pullback trade. Uh, the entry was 68.25 I got in a little high. I was in at let's see um, 69 and 70.

So I was in at about 69 25. I chased it a little bit and it popped up to 7063 to new highs and then just instantly reversed and I didn't see that coming. Um, so on that one, you know I I got got a good size loss and with that now I'm kind of a little more timid because I'm like, well, I'd really like to keep the majority of this in my pocket. I've just given back 10 grand or whatever.

8 grand. I really don't want to give back too much more. So now I'm feeling like all right, I got to start cooling off and slowing down. You know it's only it's not even 10 a.m but I just don't want to.

I just don't want to give back more gains. And you know, as you know, I lost 47 000 on uh, Friday morning. So I finished the day down about 26 000. yesterday I made 18 000.

So you know, today gets me back to, you know, fully recovered from the red day on on Friday. So you know it's I. I don't have a i don't know. I mean I'm green on the month, but I don't feel like I have a ton of room to be really aggressive and risky.

But you know what? I'm probably going to walk away and then I'm going to see later tonight that one of these, you know, or something else went crazy and I'm going to be like God dang it. But at the same time, I gotta, I gotta walk away. I gotta walk away. gotta take that profit and walk away.

So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna try to do the right thing there. and um, you know I got green gave back a little off the top and you know that's that's typical. That's that's just pretty much momentum trading anyways.
So um, the best thing I can do at this point is shut it all down and not look at charts anymore. because if I keep looking at stuff, I'll convince myself to jump back in. And then all of a sudden I'm back in something with 10 000 shares for another false breakout. and instead of losing 8 grand, I lose 18.

And now I'm up only only 25 000. Which while that is still a great day, whenever you've given back more than half your gains you, you can't help but feel a bit of Fomo there. So uh, scanners? Um, I mean, and really, uh, Dlpn, you guys are funny. So let me just look.

I I closed the Dlpn chart. I still have it up on this computer so let me just check. So Dlpn just squeezed to 14. whatever.

Um, you know what? I'm sure there's people out there that'll trade it all day, and I'm sure there's people that'll make more money on on it than me. But hey, when's when's enough enough? So 40 000 bucks is a fantastic day and I'm I have to be grateful for that and not risk that to try to get bigger and bigger. and bigger. because then that's where I'm going to get myself into trouble.

So I just you know, I'm trying to be a little more protective of my emotional state this month after having what I would call both a P L and emotional roller coaster in um, in January and February and I'd rather just kind of be a little more consistent and step off of some of these areas where I think I could end up giving back all my gains. So anyways, that's it for me. Have a great rest of the day as a reminder for those on Youtube and Facebook If you didn't already know, day trading is risky. Most beginner traders lose money if you think that I'm making it look easy.

It's just because I've been doing this for a long time and it's it has become sort of second nature and there's Dlpn up towards 15.. So you know these will go with or without you. and you've just got to learn the strategy, practice, practice, practice, and those you guys in the room who continue trading. You're not blindly following me.

You're trading these because you understand the strategy and that's the right way to do it. This is the right stock to trade in my opinion. as a momentum trader Dlpn leading gap in the entire market. Uh, and with extremely high relative volume.

So you guys have the right idea and there you go. it's halted again going up. so good job. Make as much as you can on it, but be smart and remember when to walk away.

I'll see you guys first thing tomorrow morning. And that right, there was an entire video with no ads. I don't monetize my Youtube channel with video ads, which means you guys get to enjoy the content. But do me a favor, please hit that subscribe button and give me a thumbs up and let Youtube know that this channel is the channel to watch if you want to learn about day trading.

By Stock Chat

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24 thoughts on “Trading nft catalysts $43k on $tkat $dlpn $yvr recap by ross cameron”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars glory says:

    Folks, be careful here. Ross acknowledges that he never professionally or was professionally trained. Yet, he is encouraging you to trade high frequency, large position size, volatile stocks. He is claiming to make millions of dollars a year, despite no formal training…like a miracle….and then spend the rest of his day selling you courses and services and access. Come on, does this seems likely to you? Do it pass the sniff test? DO NOT listen to this total charlatan. A further word of advice, he has two trading accounts, one long and the other a short mirror, he shows the positive one. Its the oldest trick in the book and very easy to do. Thats why he never publishes his trades. Be warned and be careful!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 6inss says:

    do you only trade stocks? what's your opinion on forex or crypto futures?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cindy Barrymore says:

    Ross who has the 10-second chart?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ابو فارس says:

    The stock will stabilize at 20 today
    But tomorrow everything will change
    I don't want to bother analyzing it

    one more time
    I got $ 35 from it
    I will search for another stock

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ابو فارس says:

    I will tell you an arrow when the opportunity comes and make me a lot of money

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M M says:

    Hey Ross, will you make a video about your dip buying strategy? When is the right time to buy dips, and when it isn't as it could flush down? There are plenty of videos you've made about trading pullbacks or bull flags, but there isn't a single one yet about buying dips which seems to be a more recent strategy of your trading process

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chanelle Velazquez says:

    Yay a recap! Love it! Thanks for taking the time! 😁

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! 888 says:

    What exchange are you buying DLPN and TKAT on please?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ابو فارس says:

    Sold for $ 35
    Now we re-enter 25 dollars

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill says:

    On what platform do you trade?
    Any suggestions from anyone ? Except binance and crypto

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Hendrix says:

    I am a private pilot and I must agree. Learning everything in trading has been much more challenging than learning to fly. Both require lots of learning, multi-tasking, practice, etc. But I never felt like punching my instrument panel like I do my PC monitor when trading …. lol

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rinsick says:

    This background looks green screened…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sleasy01 says:

    Ross. What's the best broker to avoid the pdt rule??? Trading 3 times a week is killing me

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B-Trader says:

    $BBIG tomorrow, get ready!!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael McNeil says:

    Hey Ross…I've never honestly made an attempt day trade on a consistent basis, and believe fear is my biggest obstacle. It stands to reason that one shouldn't trade out of fear, or while dealing with it. My first-ever stock purchase was made in March of 2020. At the height of my returns, I'd tripled my cash-installments in my brokerage. I'm down to having doubled them within the past year. I realize I have many things to be grateful for in these general statements, and I am indeed grateful. I guess I'm just wondering if you have any thoughts for those who are otherwise making money, yet fearful of losing too much in such a new and dangerous territory as day-trading. Is it really possible to do without Lightspeed? Do you trust Wifi, or hard you hardwired in your trades? I currently use Fidelity, and find it hard to use multiple charts without creating a significant delay, despite having 8gigs of RAM and a Solid-State processor. WIthout babbling much more…just wondering what your thoughts are. I don't want to venture too far down a path that requires technical specification that I might not currently be equipped with.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Vintage Vagabond says:

    Why didn't you let us know to get in on these trades…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis J says:

    where did you see people saying dlpn?

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis J says:

    Sucks DLPN could pull a tkat

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis J says:

    DLPN was in at $12 out at $17 🙁 but eating a filet mignon tonight 😀

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E S says:

    Single handily the most funniest thing I watched as you watch the squeeze happening and you’re missing out. I get it. But it’s hilarious. Thx for this!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bizcocho Dulce says:

    Thanks also for this video Ross. I really enjoy when you finish your day green! You are a true legend! To the moon!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    miss u big bro can’t wait till tomorrow morning 😅

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars God Sent says:

    hey Ross hope you have a great rest of your night ☺️

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spongy bob says:

    Alot of ppl are making less in this market . Hey Ross have a question, im a new trader. Is the simple 20 50 200 strategy a good way to trade like when the lines cross the 200? Does it signal a buy thanks

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