The White House has warned stocks will plunge 45% and a deep recession will strike in the 3rd quarter if the US defaults
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So how bad will the stock market crash if we do not meet the deadline for the U.S debt ceiling? What's going on guys? It's Ricky with talk about Solutions I'm sure you can find this article online. It was shared. Um, recently. Uh, based off of what a lot of different news outlets are saying that the White House is stating that if we do not come up and increase the U.S debt limit by the deadline, that the stock market could drop more than 45 percent.

I Mean that's just insane to think of right? What is holding the market back right now? Or what is holding a solution of increasing the debt limit? Remember Biden is meeting up with McCarthy which is a Republican congressman and they're trying to negotiate. The Republican party wants to negotiate a deal that's of benefit to the Republicans. If the Democratic party wants us to raise that debt limit, it is there. There tends to be normally more urgency because if the U.S were to run out of money, right? First off, everyone's going to take a hit.

People like you and I are going to be very negatively affected. But on top of that, people that rely on Social Security are not going to be able to get paid right and that's normally more of a focus for the Democrats that's always just been the main thing that's been covered. Nonetheless, I Mean it would be literally like chaos. Um, if we do not meet that deadline.

Uh, to my understanding, every article that I've read according to both sides both Republican and Democrat, they say that there's no way that we cannot meet that deadline, but that is exactly what is causing some uncertainty today. Uh, with the overall market and I thought I would share it with you guys. So so right now NASDAQ Market is down. We have Sqq up about one percent on the day.

Uh, you can see that NASDAQ itself not very significant, but it's down about point three four percent. so far. a lot of consolidation here. When looking at this on the 30 minute time frame, you can see this overall support right around What is that? 335 or 336, right? Uh, this horizontal support that we see right on over here after we break below that support that's going to be right around three, three, four.

that's the next support and the next one's going to be the moving average. So right now we're still holding Above This General support range which is great for the overall. Bulls Although we did pull back very little today, it's not very significant and remember, this thing can be like a slingshot. All we're literally waiting for is for them to announce that they have come to a decision to increase the limit.

but it's because of how long it's been taking that it's Wall Street edges lower as debt worries hang. it's I just don't get it I Just don't get why it has to be like this. Why it's always always always people like you and I that always end up paying for their actions or for their lack of actions because you know it's always people like you and I that will end up having to cover any mistake that they end up making right. And it's with what we pay our tax dollars.
it's just very unfortunate. and I I'm I'm like fed up with with just everything that's going on. We all know according to what both parties are saying, that they're going to have to pass it like, uh, the U.S defaulting is not an option like the treasury bonds will become very unstable and it's known as one of the safest forms of investment. so that will crush the US market.

Right on top of that, markets could plunge 45 Like, what's the benefit of that, right? Both the Republicans and the Democrats the Democrats don't want to give in the Republicans don't want to give in. Uh, it's literally a measuring contest and I'm just so fed up with it. obviously I think that you can tell I mean I want the market to drop but not to this point, right? I Like when markets correct themselves? Uh, naturally, not when it's something. I I don't know how to explain it.

it's just like this just seems so fake. It just seems so fake in the sense of like, um, how they continue to prolong everything and it's just so frustrating. It's a waste of time for people like you and I uh, just come up with a decision and if you can't then we should be able to replace the people in power who are incompetent. I Mean it's literally as simple as that.

Um, obviously very frustrated with the entire situation. but um, yeah, I mean that's what we're waiting for As of right now, everything is really just dependent on the U.S debt ceiling. Uh, the deadline. The Market's pulling back just a little bit today.

not very much. Uh, because of what's going on and the lack of a solution. But as soon as the solution comes out based off of how the Market's been reactive, Market's been very bullish. It would make sense that the market reacts in a very positive way.

but again, only time will tell so we'll have to wait for that confirmation. I'm sorry to again just film another video based off of what we're all waiting for. but there's nothing new. and it's the same issues that we had just a couple days ago that we had last week and the week before that incompetent people in power that can't come up with the solution both the Democrats and the Republicans I'm not here to cherry pick one side.

I I Think that we can all agree that both parties suck and I wish we could replace all of them. So um I do appreciate your guys's time. Uh, tomorrow we there is an Fomc minutes report I'm thinking of live streaming it I'll leave it up to you guys, we definitely don't have to. If you guys get this video to over 1000 likes, we'll host that free live stream just based off of how the market will react to the Fomc minutes meeting that gets released at 2 Pm eastern time.

Uh, tomorrow? Wednesday May 24th. So appreciate your time. Hope that we're in. Thumbs up! Don't forget to subscribe and again.
Friendly reminder: I Do Trade Live Every single morning and if you want to be able to watch me trade live as soon as tomorrow, that's going to be the second link in the description down below. and I'll see you tomorrow at Market Open for our live trading session Take Care Team.

By Stock Chat

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27 thoughts on “urgent white house warns of a 45% market crash…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kenstate atl says:

    What's the date

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Tabarkiewicz says:

    Is that your pjs Ricky 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John F says:

    Meta 1st round of layoffs omg

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bigsidable says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarrod Thorpe says:

    isnt it common? 50+ years ?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sikop Muju says:

    ++ Excellent video per usual. I deeply respect how you keep emotion out of your analysis and outlook of the market, yet at the same time, work hard to create top-notch quality videos that are always so engaging. Recently I have been executing decent volumes of trade making a great ROI with strategy and insights from Cassey Filmore and it's been an amazing feeling doing it MYSELF. I have over 270k in USDC and it keeps growing with her approach. One has to work on it! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Starkat7 says:

    raising the debt ceiling only means more pain in the long run

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Malone says:

    I dont think we'll drop that low but i do believe itll set off the circuit breakers on that day with a steep 10% drop the next day. Nobody believes what Jim Crow Joe Biden says. In fact, isn't he the same clown that tokd Americans that a deal was reached and it sent the stock market flying? Americans need to stop believing old politicians who just lie to get by today and prepare a new lie for tomorrow! SMH!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Wyatt says:

    Here is an idea. Spend less and quit going farther in debt.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bwanar1 says:

    Biden isn't trying to negotiate. He's just saying he wants his way despite what is best for the country. To put any confidence in what the White house says, is absurd. They literally haven't gotten anything right. They actually caused the depression we are in, then made it worse by hiking rates. I have Zero confidence in the current leaders in even knowing what is going on, much less being able to put an exact number on the consequences. Pretty sure those that are controlling the puppet, that is suppose to be running the country, won't let us completely default. They still have some time left, and need some credibility in; even if it's only with the those with their heads in the sand. What they're doing is try to bluff, to get their way, and it isn't going to happen. We have to stop this reckless spending and cut the budget severely. Anyone in congress that can't operate within the framework should give up their spot to others that are more competent!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrMarioLemieux says:

    It's not incompetence, it's malevolence.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syed Hassan says:

    You said one thing very important. Authority need to hold accountable to the incompetent people for responsible positions.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R O says:

    IT doesn't effect SS. All scare tactics.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tower 21 says:

    If we were to pay off the national debt it would cost $250,000 per person at this point.
    I wonder how low of a score Credit Karma would give the U.S.
    What a country, I love it.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jnet6 says:

    Some people are preparing to buy the real dip due to default and the market will recover to earn free money.🤣

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars felyafel says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mario Castillo says:

    Nice shirt

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony S says:

    Biden wants it his way or nothing at all.. honestly let the damn thing crash!! Unfortunately they will eventually get it done. Blah 😕

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daniel catherman says:

    Well said I've been sick of this government for a long time.they don't have to do there job and still get paid..never look out for us little ppl ..ok well ty keep up the good work

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JESSE SANTILLANO says:

    Why would they warn us ? Because they want us to sell- so pelosi can buy

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Howse says:

    More than that. They collect from us each week, if we default it will expose the money laundering and we will be fine. We can balance a budget with the 4.9 trillion plain and simple, dems will cave or there system will be exposed

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ludovic Bernard says:

    Common man

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trading Simplified says:

    Tesla’s been paying!

    4 days ago +260
    3 days ago + 400
    2 days ago + 300
    Yesterday + 731
    Today + 600

    Tesla is paying! Just scalp scalp scalp

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Hawk says:

    Dude please don't both sides this issue. This is the Maga Republicans holding this up and holding this situation hostage for completely irrational demands to cut spending that helps the middle class to protect the wealthy that line their pockets period

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Montti says:

    its more than just SSI. we are looking at the very Fundumental Social Structure of our society. things would become chaotic very fast, if we abandon the majority of the population 65 and older. no bueno…. but essentially we are overthinking it. it simply needs to be done for survival. we just do it.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BottomLineCents says:

    biden and powell buying the AI dip then it'll sky rocket once they come to an agreement.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Montti says:

    the Health of the economy in on the line, the FED should Grant another Loan. because it will lead to a better outcome. the intrisic value of the USA is very unique from a global perspective. I guess it really depends on how you look at it.

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