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And check out my broker statements here https://www.warriortrading.com/ross-camerons-verified-day-trading-earnings/

Our website is filled with free info Start with this guide, no opt-in required: https://www.warriortrading.com/day-trading/

Learn about my stock selection process, how I determine entries/exits, my strategy, and more in my free class Register here: https://www.warriortrading.com/free-day-trading-class/

During this live day trading stream I may be taking real money day trades. I will be as clear as I can to articulate what I'm looking at as I focus on actively trading stocks that are moving quickly. This is a great opportunity for you to learn from a trader with over 10 years of experience trading the markets.

Learning to day trade was one of the best decisions I ever made, but I have to be real with you. It took a lot of hard work to get where I am today. Trading is not easy, it takes a long time to get good. I encourage you to focus on beginner day trading strategies when you are starting to learn how to trade stocks.

Beginner day trading strategies involves focusing on the highest relative volume leaders among the top 10 percentage gainers each day. Not sure what that means? Check out this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X_ZcifasBg

During todays episode I traded $CYN Cyngn Inc

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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right, All right everyone, good morning. So it's just about 9 A.M Here and welcome to the Live Day trading. Morning Show with me, your host Ross Cameron from Warrior Trading this morning uh, we've got some momentum already, which is great. GCT is currently up 93 I've got some profit on that? Uh, while I'm trading, you'll be able to see my P L in this top corner of the window right here.

So I'm currently not in any positions I have two closed positions and I've got seven thousand, twenty dollars and fifty five cents on GCT and negative 1491 on Envb. All right. So um, to get you guys kind of level set with expectations. The goal on any day for me is to sit down and try to find 15 20 cents out of the market 25 cents.

You know that just ballpark, you know, 15 20 cents Someone asked yesterday. Ross If you were doing a small account challenge right now, what would you be doing differently? Nothing. I would be focusing on getting 15 to 20 cents per day and I would get out. That's it.

I mean the biggest difference is during a small camp challenge as soon as I get my 15 20 cents I get out today I've exceeded that I've already taken a bunch of Trades We've already had a great morning of trading I've been sitting I've been here since 7 A.M so we've already had some great trades and I captured the 20 cents which was sort of my first goal and then I was able to continue to add profit on that and adjust my camera settings here a little bit. Um, so all right. So um so then the question really is okay. how how do I find that type of stock each day, right? GCT You can see it's obviously made a big move, but how was I able to find that? uh, in real time? So I use these scanners which you can see right here on my screen.

Share! This is our Day Trade dashboard. These are the scanners that all of our Warrior students have access to. You guys who are on YouTube You could subscribe and be members of Warrior Trading. If you're a warrior starter or a warrior Pro member you would have access to these.

you can subscribe to access or if you just want the tools, you can go day trade dash.com So let's see. um uh. but over at Warrior trading you could see. Um, let's see.

let's refresh this page. Um so I can go to trading courses so you could see here. Uh, we've got day trading, the basics, strategies and scaling and you can compare the membership levels right here if you'd like. All right.

So uh, the goal for me is to try to find these stocks on the early side. My first trades on GCT were at the very beginning of this move when it was still squeezing up uh at on that first leg. we hit a high of about 752, a dial, 750, then eight, then pulled back. Then we squeezed up to 823, dipped down and then ripped here on a really nice candle up to 10..

hold back, popped up higher and I've been trading it sort of this whole way up. right now we've got a high of 11 and 23 cents. Um, which is kind of a flat top. Oh, it's a double top right now.
I would say we have two candles that have sort of peaked right at this level. So the question now is, where's the next trade on this And if you're sitting down right now for the first time today, you haven't already gotten some trades and you're sitting down right now? Your question? Um, you know, maybe? uh, what is the safest opportunity to capture? You know, 15, uh to 20 cents, right? What's what's your best bet at capturing that? I would say right now GCT it's pulling back and you've already missed. You know, a good chunk of the move, right? So it's it's kind of on the way back down, which is, um, just sort of the the current. that's the current position.

All right. So right now I don't see a super safe entry on it, but this one meets our criteria. For the most part, it's between two and twenty. That's the price I prefer.

It's up more than 10 percent today at 88 percent. Uh, the float's under 20 million shares, just barely at 18. but it is still under that cut off. Uh, which is good And again, it's not a hard rule.

I mean I will trade stocks sometimes that are a little higher and stocks are a little more expensive. but we had a nice level at 863 right here. Getting through. that was important.

So now we had room up to the high of this candle. Here, room back up towards 12.. So I would say 12 is kind of the next logical resistance point. foreign by the way.

for those of you guys tuning in on. YouTube Thank you for celebrating our anniversary with us! Uh, We've brought back the Morning Show as we celebrate our 10-year anniversary of uh making videos on YouTube and we've also put together a special sale for you guys. So right now we've got, um, a email that we're sending out so early. the Early email sort of Priority Access So make sure you guys are on our email list if you're not already.

uh, we'll put the link there. those of you when you join our email list, you'll be able to get some free downloads so you can download my micro pullback strategy PDF a pre-trading checklist, my small account worksheet I had a day trade book and my technical analysis Series So these all are part of um, your onboarding when you first join our email list. So we put out a lot of content. Of course we have content that's just for members, but we have a lot of free content out there as well.

so make sure you guys check out that email list right now watching. GCT Well, it certainly feels like we're pulling back a bit. I Don't want to try to guess when it's gonna curl back up, so for right now we'll just uh I guess be content with waiting being patient. The Nvb I could take a look at that one right? so this one's also pulling back a little bit.

did go red on this one as you can see lost 1400 on it. Zero Z-u-r-a was also. uh, that was also a big one. 748 Okay, so GCT right now with 8.2 million shares of volume, seems like it's kind of under this level.
ee. IQ I Saw that one earlier. That one popped up right at 7am from about 280 up to 320 330. uh, you know I it was.

It was okay then, but it's kind of come out of uh Focus Traders seem to be focusing on right now GCT So we are coming a little bit closer to the open. 23 is the pre-market High There's a seller at 11 right there. A little bit of resistance I think GCT is the obvious stock this morning and that's something that's always important to be asking which one's obvious which is the one that Traders are really focusing on today and GCT has the volume. It has the relative volume so it has the attention.

the only problem is that right now, if you're sitting down to start trading, you're a little late to the game, late to the party because it's already made a really big move. A lot of us have already had great trades on it. We're already well in the green, so you know I don't mind taking more trades on it, but I don't know if we're gonna get another really clean move like what we got right here I'm not quite sure. so Omar asking why I don't trade the S P 500 I Am looking for stocks that have more volatility now.

You could trade options on the S P 500, but even for options, I'm going to prefer trading small cap stocks when I got started trading I tried trading the S P I tried trading Apple The thing is, on a day-to-day basis I Didn't find consistency in the patterns I was seeing because the relative volume was just kind of average and and at that point honestly, even then there was a high degree of algorithmic trading. It's even higher today. So I Feel like trying to trade indices is sort of like, uh, trying to trade. Uh, like play chess against a computer I Really think that that's kind of a difficult? Um Endeavor I Think you're going to find more success by focusing on stocks that have breaking news that have high relative volume that are up 10.

That's where you're going to see attention kind of clustered each day and today it's on GCT You know you can't. You can't argue with this move. It's nearly a hundred percent from six dollars up to over 11.. right? That's the kind of stock that I want to trade.

This has got range, it's got volatility, it's got liquidity. I can get in I can get out. This is what this is what I look for. and so these are the types of stocks I look for each day and the good news is, uh, more often than not I'm able to find them.

So uh, you know, Today we've got uh GCT but there's a few others as well. We have Envb which is put up, um, a couple of good moves. It's up 30 right now, pulling back a bit zero Z-u-r-a you have Utrs which is a little cheap at uh, 57 cents so that one's not not interesting for me right now. So let's see GCT The thing.

The funny thing about GCT is that it's given us a few of these sort of funny candles where it sort of feels like it's dead and then all of a sudden it starts ripping so you know it's you. can't really discount it like right now you could be like oh, I don't really see the pattern. you look away, then you look back and it's 11 50 and you're like whoa, how did that happen? So it's been a little funny so far today in that way. So right now I'm just kind of keeping it right in front of me in case it does start to squeeze because if it breaks through 11 23, naturally, you know that's a level that I want to be watching.
So right now it's about 10 past 11, we've still got 20 minutes to the opening bell. No circuit breaker halts pre-market but uh, when the when the Market opens or you know, official regular trading hours begin at 9 30. we'll have halt levels again so that could give us some opportunities. I Also am a little concerned about false breakouts on this.

We've had a couple so far and you know I I would say that at the top we have sort of a tweezer top right there. so you've got those two topping tail candles. So I'm looking for areas where I can take a trade with the least amount of risk. I don't want to take a lot of risk ultimately and you know this is kind of I have a different approach than some people.

There's people out there who are trying to find the next trade to give them. You know, a six figure. Even a seven figure winner. Like a huge win.

and I I don't I don't really think about it like that. I'm really thinking about base hits and you know, like making money to kind of pay the bills. There you go. Look at that pop.

Okay, so now the question is, does it hold that just ripped right through that level? It goes up to 1042.. All right. So now you've got 1042 High 10 45 10 44. 1036 I Was a little worried about a pop and then a flush right there just because the volume is declining.

This is a Divergence that I don't always love seeing I like seeing increasing volume. the decline in volume. um I don't know I'm not I'm not sure. High right now is 11 48.

so we're up 100 percent. So yeah, my attitude is I'm trading for income I want to be consistent and I have to manage my risk. So I have to be kind of like a sniper where I find the lowest risk spots to take trades. you know, an entry up right? even there at 11 had the downside risk at 11 at 10.75 so 25 cents stop.

which means I needed 50 cents to cover the risk of the trade I wasn't totally sure I would get that because I thought we might double top or triple top at 11 23. all right, so high right now is 11 48. So I think we have room on the daily chart up towards 12. some sellers stacked at the half dollar.

So right now I'm looking at this candle on the one minute small red candle, little doji. So two big green candles and then a doji candle can be an indication of a possible reversal. There's some indecision, a little bit of a battle. Got a 10 second chart down here.
Back up to 50. there's 55. back to 41 on the bid, so see how see what I mean where it pops and then dips. Now it's 35 on the bed, so you get the pop over that level and then that ends up being a bull trap.

It catches traders who are buying for that breakout, but I think there was some degree of predictability to that because you already had a couple of topping Tails right there and so now you've got this rejection candle so that goes all the way down to 1101.. So the volume on this five minute Candle by the time it closed right, there was a little higher, which is better, but it's another topping tail. So my two cents on this is that the easiest trades are behind us. Not to say that trading is Easy by any means, but right now this feels more difficult than it was a little bit earlier.

So maybe we have some more trades that form on it that feel a little cleaner, but right now it it feels a little. This feels a little choppy, so is it possible? Right Ricardo Attention does shift to a different stock you know we've had. um GCT kind of in the uh Limelight All morning we had Envb briefly come up, but it wasn't able To really, uh, take that much attention. It didn't hold.

hang on one second. So GCT yep I See that? Um, let's say Envb Z-u-r-a Z-u-r-a well back. probably too much here. C-y-t-o Too cheap, remain too cheap.

You know you might think I'm picky, but that's you know. Again, part of my goal is being consistent and I have to be a little bit picky I Know what? I trade the best. Good call. thank you for that.

Yep I see that about 12 minutes to the opening bell. So again to kind of go over the list of what I look for in a stock for those tuning in on Facebook and on YouTube Number one: I Like to see a stock that's up at least 10 percent I like to see that if the stocks up 10 that it has some type of catalyst moving the stock higher. That's not always the case. Sometimes we'll have a stock that makes a big move but doesn't have clear news.

it's more of a technical breakout. We've been seeing that more recently so that's not uncommon, but I'd still prefer to see that there's a clear catalyst. so up 10 with a catalyst I'd like to see at least five times relative volume so volume should be five times higher than average. and I would like to see the stock price between 2 and 20.

that's when I do the best under two. a little too cheap. Don't trade that very well, even 253. not my favorite.

Uh, higher price is a little bit better for me. That's where I see a little bit more range and I seem to just make more money. Uh, and then the fifth is I Like to see the float is under 20 million shares and lower is better because less Supply means with an imbalance with high demand, we see bigger moves. So when you see a stock like GCT this one's got a lower flow.

It's not super super low, but it's also got a sort of special momentum factor which is it's a somewhat recent IPO recent IPOs tend to be better. they don't have as many bag holders. oftentimes especially a small cap IPO isn't going to have as much institutional trading. Uh, that creates the high frequency trading algorithms that can really sort of just stop a stock kind of in its tracks from being volatile.
One of the things that is interesting is that what makes a stock a good investment long term that would be appealing to an Institutional Trader you know would be the predictability that's going to grow and not crazy crazy volatile. It can manage their risk on it and that makes it a bit unappealing for us as day Traders because we we really want volatility and that means that the stock needs to be able to go up or down 20, 30, 40, 50 in one day. So I'm kind of thinking about steering clear of what institutional Traders are going to be interested in because if they're interested in it almost by default, it probably means that it's not going to be as clean of a stock for a day trade. Now it may be great over the next six months or the next year, but that's not what I'm looking for I'm looking for intraday volatility.

You know, at the same time, of course, don't want to be trading stocks. they're about to go bankrupt. Um, so you know I have to be doing some quality analysis and that's part of the due diligence. But uh, in any case, it's it is something I think about.

So right now this morning, uh, the scanners here this these are my top uh, gainers and they show some reverse splits. Sometimes we'll have a reverse split that'll be on the top gain scan. so Nvfy is showing that it's up 538 percent. It's actually reverse split.

So anyways, that's common. Um so I I'm able to ignore those, but these are showing our top gainers the entire Market All right. So top gainers in the entire Market looking at ride which is probably also a reverse split? I was gonna guess. Nvfy? Yeah, Utrs now Utrs is too cheap, which means uh GCT is in fourth position, but it's the first one I'd be interested in trading all right now.

It feels like we're kind of top heavy and maybe getting ready to roll over. I'm not sure the price on locates for GCT Uh, let's see I see them at um two and a half cents and five point nine cents. almost six cents. but you know, again, different Brokers will have different prices on that so GCT I'm not sure that again.

I Sort of think that the cleanest trades are done on it, but maybe we'll get some more opportunities. We'll just have to wait and see. So for right now, um, well, try to be patient. I'm gonna try to be patient so that's GCT.

Next one down is the Eeiq 2.54 so a little bit on the cheaper side, right? Not my favorite price range down there. It's up 73. but then we look at the chart, we can see it's already on the back side. Coming back down, Apgn is up 42 57 cents.
That's too cheap. Envb is up 31. It's got a 1.86 million share float. uh, but it's below volume weight average price right now, so that's a little bit.

um, a little bit. uh uh, too risky so can't take a trade on that. Okay, uh, you know can keep going down. Cyto too cheap at a dollar twelve and Zura price is fine, but float's a little higher 27 million shares.

However, juice factor: it's a recent IPO right? that's actually a Dspac merger, but that's fine so trade similarly. So recent merger recent deep back had I here of 37.50 has sold off quite a bit, but this did pop up. uh on May 11th Made a move from six dollars to 14 and my problem with trying to trade it uh, you know in this area is I feel like this move is on the back side of that candle and that candle was a weak candle. It didn't close.

very strong. So I'm not that interested in xero I think GCT is the most obvious. We've got about six minutes to the opening bell, but I haven't decided yet where my next trade will be on it I missed that squeeze there up to 11 48 but you know it was kind of choppy. I mean it went 40 50 cents there from 11 but came right back down so it didn't hold up really super well.

So I feel like it's top heavy? Maybe at the open? we sell off a bit and then we have to see whether or not it's able to rebound so that might be kind of the game. Plan on GCT with about five and a half minutes to the open. Uh, good morning. uh Danny Manoli Hamang good morning Max Good to see you So uh, we've got some of the West Coast Traders Uh.

sitting down here and kind of getting oriented. getting ready to do their you know, two three hours in the market. So I've already done two. a solid two hours and I'm willing uh to trade a bit longer.

So I'll certainly keep trading. Uh, for our Warrior Pro members and for those who tune in as starter members as well. of course those on YouTube Uh, if you want just the tools, you can check out Day Trade Dash That's where you have access to my scanners, the charts and you can also subscribe to my broadcast or if you want the classes that's over at. Uh Warrior trading here.

All right. So this is where you can check out the individual classes which are part of the warrior, starter and the Warrior Pro membership. Okay, so let's see um about this scan for a second, right? OMH Yeah, Cwbr All right. I'm going to move these over here.

Oh, we got stock hitting a scan right now. M-e-o-a So M-e-o-a Um, you know the challenge with something like this is that although it's hitting the scans, it's on light volume. um I'm not clear that we have news on it at the moment someone gives me the news I Don't see any news in my news feed so big spread, light volume. It's a lot of risk, but you never know sometimes that you can be one of the first people to see something and you just want to take a quick look.

Foreign. So Brian on YouTube says what's the best way to learn candlesticks Um I do have a reading list um I can Um, you're welcome to email me if you want and I can send you my reading list team. Warrior Trading.com Uh I I do have some recommended reading that I could give you but you're also welcome. uh if you there's a link in this broadcast.
Uh, for my free downloads, check out the Technical Analysis series and my how to Day Trade book because both of these have the basics of Cam reading candlesticks. So these are really good starting points. If you want to get into more advanced Candlestick and chart analysis, then I can give you some more some more suggestions. But anyways, this is a good starting point.

so do that first, see if that gets you what you're looking for and then then go from there. That's my two cents. All right. So so what do you guys think at the open? you think? GCT Going up at the open or going down to the open? what's your call? We've got less than a minute to the Bell so as we come to the end of the morning show I Want to thank you guys for tuning in.

We'll be back at it Live streaming again tomorrow so make sure uh you tell your friends about the morning show and tune in bright and early. Thank you guys for being here. Thank you for hitting the thumbs up and I'm gonna try to see what I can do with the rest of the day. I'm already over my daily goal.

The market hasn't even officially opened yet, so I'm Gonna Keep Trading here with Warrior Pro students and we'll be back! Live streaming tomorrow so reminders always on. YouTube Thank you for tuning in, but as always, trading is risky. My results aren't typical. practice in a simulator before you put real money on the line and I'll see you back at it first thing tomorrow morning.

All right, see you in the morning.

By Stock Chat

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