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Paul N'Gumah, CEO & Founder of Patternology Lab
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Day trading is nearly impossible without a money-making strategy that you can stay consistent with. That is why you must have a rules-based and profitable day trading strategy in order to become a be successful at day trading. And, that is why I decided to make this video sharing my favorite pattern to trade and what I consider to be the best day trading strategy I have found throughout my whole trading career. Enjoy!
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7:30 SMH
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Everybody welcome back to the channel in today's video. I'm going to be sharing all of your very simple strategy that I use to make five thousand and three hundred dollars trading options last week. I'm also going to be breaking down exactly my thought process behind every single trade by entries and my exits, right? So let's get right into it right off the bats. Now, the very first trade and the reason why I took it again.

If you are new to the channel and on here, we trade structures. Chart Pattern: An HR pattern was on the 15th. All right. this one was a very simple day trade.

As you can see, Um, the Spy opened up a little bit higher, going from Tuesday into Wednesday. All right. And then there was some chop right there. But the structure that I was looking at is not very easy to see, but it's definitely there.

I'm going to change this thing to the one minute time frame. All right. And with the one minute, we're gonna go over here and that structure is right there. There is an ascending triangle on the charts right over here.

All right. and if this is the first time that you've seen an ascending triangle again, it's not that. uh, it's a little bit hard to see, but it was definitely there and we're gonna look at different examples of that. So if you go on Google any type sending triangle pattern, these are the different variations of how it's supposed to look like.

the one that I'm showing you right now with with the Spire is it's very small. It is on the one minute right? so if you're looking at the five minute, it might be hard to see. so you have to play with the time frame. Zoom in a little bit, see which time frame is best.

Uh, to spot these things before the Big Move happens. All right. So these are the different ones now. Okay I want you to take a good look at all of these and the little the little changes, um, the little differences in between each of these structures right here.

Like, especially between this one and that one. All right. And and look, look at exactly how how small this angle is versus how much bigger this one is right there. I'm going to I'm going to like show you exactly why what the overall market and how that actually happened with different stocks.

All right. But now I'm talking about spy and we're going to look at that specific trade. so we go on here. These are.

yeah, that's this trade, that's the trade details for the swap. So I bought the 414 calls at 152. the one the cost that expired on Friday I bought them at 11 39. So we're gonna go over here.

11 39 is a little bit after the breakouts I was a little late on that one. All right. I was a little late because I wanted to make sure that it wasn't one of these fake outs again. as I mentioned before, the structure is hard to see and sometimes if the structure is too small, I might play games so I had to I had to really wait and make sure that this was the real thing.

and once I saw this push right there this big candle I immediately bought it because I knew that you know it was more likely to behave in the way that I like where it doesn't go up like this and it immediately drops like this and then does this and it pisses me off throughout the rest of the day. Alright, so again, um, being patient is good and that was just me making sure that it was going to play out the way it was supposed to play out. I got out of those calls again the details of the code right there. I got out of them at 260 dollars each again about 25 contracts and I got out at 260 each at exactly 12.
10 for a 26.50 profit and 1210 is right up here. Um, the price Target that I had for the Spy was exactly 415. So after it got to 4, 15. all I wanted to make sure was that I sell it on the way down when I started to show weakness I was wrong about the top because I got out right here I got out right over here at 1210.

All right. Eventually it went all the way up to 415.80 So I kind of left like 80 cents in eighty dollars in premium per contract on this specific trade. But that's all right again. um sometimes I cash the top sometimes I don't Last week I didn't really really catch the tap on a spy and even on the other trade that I'm about to show y'all I I left I left some money on the table, but again, there is there's room for improvements.

Again, this is to teach you guys the thought process. the structures behind the trade. This is a high quality setup. It is my one of my favorites.

again. the bullish and the bearish spinet and the ascending triangle are my favorite structures to trade. so that's the first one right now. The second trade the second trade that I took it was on semiconductors.

We're gonna go over to the let's say the Discord All right and let me show you guys right over here. it all started. it all started on Wednesday There we go, All right. It all started on Wednesday with with SMH SMH look like this again.

this is another ascending triangle and as you can see like the angle at the like the very like the before it breaks out is kind of broad. It's a little bit broad compared to uh the structure that I showed you with the Spy but it works too and this one played out really really nice. As you can see the breakout was there I loaded everybody in the Discord that it was going to go all the way up to 132. All right.

Um, I was I was patiently waiting for this one to I was waiting on the market because the market was looking kind of sauce as well. All right now. I'm gonna show you the details of the trade. I didn't get in at that exact day I Got in on the 17th.

Um, let's go over here. All right, let's go on to Here There We go. So this is Smh and on the 17th I Bought contracts in the middle of the day for thirteen hundred dollars. Let's go back to Think or Swim so SMH is right here.

Let's go on a four hour time frame again. this is the structure and I believe the 17th was right over here right when it broke above the previous high of that day. right over here. This is where I bought those calls and I just held them all the way up until it got really close to 132.
I was wrong about this one again. I was wrong about I was right about the big move with the semiconductor stocks. Let's go over here. So the semiconductor stocks was on my radar for for that entire week.

Again, we were monitoring it that one and along with Soxl and this one, the price Target that I had for it was 17. Again The structures are. The structures are what's imported. the strategy is the structures and once it's there and it's clean and it behaves well, there is a lot of money to be made and this is why this is the only type of trading that I do here on this channel is the only like that's that's the only style that has worked best for me and it's the only style that I trade every single day.

All right. So um, that's that's why the semiconductors. Eventually they kept running higher. Also AMD showed a an ascending I would say this is an ascending an ascending wedge and it broke out on Wednesday as well.

No, this is Tuesday Yeah I broke out on Tuesday along with SMH on Wednesday it dipped back in and they closed higher above 300. and then everything just started to go off. like the entire Market started to move and pretty much there was a lot of opportunities in the market. but all of these structures are related.

Let's go back to to Uh SMH. So I ended up getting rid of my contracts when I got close to 132 in this region I was wrong about the top. It went all the way up to 134 dollars. But that's all right though.

Again, there is there is room for improvement. Again, these structures are going to happen. They happened before and they will happen again. All right.

and the next time it happens the goal is to do a little bit better. I don't always catch the top sometimes I do sometimes I don't And this is one example where I definitely didn't Um, the last trade that I took it was the last year that I took was on. no it was. It'll be here.

it was on Nvidia and we're gonna go down here to the creative history All right. and now with with the video I ended up buying contracts like one minute before this thing closed for 4 54. the price Target that I had on this one again I should have seen the Discord was 320. and as soon as it opened the next day and I saw SMS started to go to 132.

That's when I started to sell SMH first and then I thought the move was over with the semiconductors. The video was only at the video at the time was only up here right over here at 308 and that's where I got out for an 1100 profit I missed a lot on that one. but people in the Discord definitely, um, capitalize on this specific move they held all the way up. They left some Runners on there.
they didn't get out completely at exactly 308. the latest one run all right. let's look at exactly let's look at how they did. So this is how some of our Traders did from the 17th all the way into Friday.

So this was somebody took a trade on Tesla I wasn't looking at that one. that was my trade on the Spy and next over here again somebody bought the video calls I made 90 on the 17th, it was making moves on the 17th and the same person again continued to make money off of Nvidia. Um looked like the 48 profit if you go down to more again. it was a very good week.

It was a very good week and this was the this was the same um this was Netflix actually and now we were looking at Netflix for a long right over here before it made that massive jaw. Let's go down to uh here. let's see um, pre-market analysis for Netflix Right over here again Netflix Showed a bullish pennant on the four hour time frame and it broke out and we tested and from that point on it was pretty inevitable that it was going to go all the way up to 360. All right, as you can see right over here it broke out last week.

All right. Dropped at resistance for four days and now it looks ready to climb to 360 and that was on the 18th pre-market like 20 minutes before that massive run happened with everything else. All right and this was no, that's SMH Let's see, let's see. let's see All right and this was Netflix as it was running and it got to 360.

and people started taking their money off the table. Eventually it went a lot higher all the way up towards like 377 before it started going sideways. all right. But overall again it was a pretty good week.

Um like somebody made 47 on Netflix um another person made this is from the Nvidia cars again as I told y'all people just kept holding those skulls when it went a lot higher it to Us 320 which is good again. I'm not I'm not perfect I don't make perfect trades I try I I try my best to execute the trade exactly how I planned and sometimes along the way I see the P L and I'm like you know what I like it and then I just I end up taking profits early, sometimes not all the time. Again, these structures will happen over and over again and the goal is to do better every single time. So that's that's pretty much the recap for for the stocks.

That's how the trade went for us. and that's is the end of the video. Again, do not forget to annihilate black button for the YouTube algorithm as always helps the channel a lot and allows more people to get this knowledge as well. If you have any questions at all, definitely drop them in the comment section of the video below.

Um, if you would like to be part of a private Discord Community where you get all of this information in real time as I see them, you can find that as the first link in the description of the video below. And lastly, if all of this is brand new to you, if you're interested in getting started in the stock market, there's some basic step-by-step directions in the description of the video below Step One to step three. Now it takes about 10 to 15 minutes for you to have all the tools you need start trading immediately. You can also get some free stocks after setting up with Weeble using the third link in the description of the video below My skill, Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paula Duma with Analogy Lab where we trade patterns and patterns only and I will see all of you in the next video.

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5 thoughts on “How i made $5,350 profit trading options”
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  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dadness Basshole says:

    my problem not taking profits 🤔

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeannie D says:

    Please make more videos. Love all of them🙏🧞‍♀️🙏

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon Clarke💐 says:

    How does this trading stuff work? Am really interested but I just don't know how it go about it. I heard people really make it huge trading

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StockHub says:

    Thanks for the video 😎

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