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Join me as I sit down with Dr. Andrew Aziz, an accomplished entrepreneur, best-selling author, and seasoned trader with over ten years under his belt.
Andrew, known for his bestseller "How to Day Trade for a Living," opens up about his unique trading strategies and his daily routine that surprisingly wraps up by 10:30 AM market time. He gets candid about the tough lessons he learned from a significant $2 million loss, emphasizing the vital role of staying humble in trading.
Beyond the trading desk, Andrew's an adventurer at heart, climbing the world's highest volcanoes when he's not charting the markets. Don't miss this chance to learn from a true veteran of the trading industry.
As always, leave any questions you have for Dr. Andrew Aziz, and I’ll make sure he gets back to you!
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Climb the mountains and without trading. it's almost impossible because I travel almost six months a year. The money the fat. As fast as it comes.

it can go away faster. It's just your one bad trade away from just being broke like life. You can't chase everything. You have to accept that.

Okay, there are things that is happening and you're not part of it. We have to do something. We have to keep fighting for something. Andrew Aziz is a multi-passionate entrepreneur with a passion for making trading better for everyone.

He started his career with a PhD in chemical Engineering and has since then gone on to become a Trader investor and the number one best-selling author. His books have been published in 12 languages and some of you may know his most popular book, How To Day Trade For A Living which is named the best trading book by Investopedia and Business Insider. The book provides strategies on how to day trade in a modern stock market when he's not trading, writing, or running his multiple businesses. Andrew Is in the mountains, skiing or mountaineering.

He's currently on a mission to climb the highest volcano in each of the seven continents. Please welcome my friend! Andrew Aziz Don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe to hear more stories like these. Welcome Andrew Welcome to the show Humble! Traders Thank you so much for having me! I'm a big fan of your work and I'm excited to talk to you. We are both in Vancouver and uh I think I've met you last year when I went to visit your office.

before then I thought I knew you were in BC but I never thought you were like two blocks away. Yeah so I knew I knew you were in Vancouver as well but you just never had the contact and you know I should have actually reached out to you and said hey, let's meet up but thanks for uh arranging that and yes we met first time Traders for cars and then after that you came to the office. That was a good time. Yeah your office is Amazing by the way, so much space and your team is so big I was like I thought it was just one dude trading from your home.

well trading is still the one person but we're building that uh trading terminal and that's most of them are developers and there are two traders that are in there. so um but it's good to have an office I Love having an office and I hate working from home. oh really Traders stream to work from home being a pajamas and like your office like two steps away from your bed I don't know I mean we live in an apartment I live in an apartment in Vancouver and it's a small I love to have a space if I were living in a big house maybe maybe I had my own big office and everything but I hate to have a very small den and uh, trading from a very small office. How long have you been in Vancouver Did you immigrate here? Yeah so I did so in 2008 I came for a study I did my PhD in chemical engineering in UBC University of British Columbia So I was an international student and then after that I was eligible to apply for a skilled worker and then after this good work here we compare my residents and citizen.
So that path yeah so Vancouver is my home. Okay and so that's 2008. and you graduated in 2012 2012. Okay, and did you have like a former formal career after you graduated? Yeah so I did start work as an engineer in two different companies working on hydrogen fuel cells and electric cars, but with hydrogen, not with lithium batteries.

So there was a research center in Bernabe for a German car company like Daimler and Mercedes-Benz so we're working on that, but that got laid up from that job in 2015 or 13. and that's how I actually really got more serious into trading and learning how and before that I really didn't have any money. So the trading for me or investing for me was irrelevant because as a student, I really didn't have any money. But when I started walking, I had some cash to play around with it.

So your first approach, like the first time you had a taste in the market. It's not from investing with swing trading, it's just you. Dove straight into day trading. Yeah! I think so I mean I started with swing trading.

Everybody starts oh, buy Apple buy this. Yeah, so we all got into that. but but after that, uh you know it's okay I want more? You know let's trade that it goes off. You want to sell it and then you sell it.

Okay, what should I do now I have to buy it again. So everybody starts with swing trading. The first book that I read was swing trading for dummies. It was actually really good book.

Okay, it was really good talking about the yellow book with the okay most of them were. they're not great but uh, swing trading for dummies were actually really good. really. the author was Omar basal he's a fund manager in Kuwait he's an actual really good guy.

so it was really well written and got hooked. Me hooked me up with trading and then that was the time that the whole day trading started picking up. You know everybody tries to get into the market and then I started the age rating and play around with it and lost a lot of money and a story that everybody has at the beginning. So you were day trading part-time before going to work until you got laid off.

Yes, that's correct I was trading I was day trading the part time and then I got laid off and then for five months when I was unemployed I started really, uh, working on day trading and I say okay, I'm going to make this I'm going to make a lot of money 100 200 a day, 300 a day. It didn't really work that well so I had to get another job. Okay, and uh, I kept that job. but I still waking up early and try to at least trade for until eight eight thirty.

that's my, that's the time that I'm trading. So for the first two hours of the market yeah I think that's the the living on the west coast in Vancouver Los Angeles or any anywhere along like the West Coast where you can you can start trading at 6 30 a.m and be down at 8 30 and then go to work at nine nine thirty. And like training, part-time is very very possible here. Yeah, that's I Think one of the successes that I have in trading was the time zone.
If I was in the New York time or Eastern Time Zone I wouldn't be able to. Yeah, that'll be tough unless you are able to negotiate with your job and like start way later. Yeah, yeah, so when did you actually officially become a full-time Trader 2018 So in 2015 when I got laid off 2016 I started a new job for two years. a year and a half.

Almost two years I kept that job but I was trading on the side and then officially in 2018 I gave the notice and I said I don't want to work there. Although it was a really good job, it was really difficult for me. but I think it's not worth it I Want to travel the world now. So okay 2018.

do you enjoy travel trading? Have you been doing that a lot? I've done that a lot since 2018. Well, I got my citizenship Canadian passport in 2018. before that, perfect timing, perfect timing. Yeah so that was one of the reasons that okay now I can travel before that with my previous passport I couldn't really travel that much I need to get Visa and everything.

it was difficult. uh and then yeah, from 2018 until now I traveled a lot I traveled a lot even during the pandemic. That was really fun too. Oh was it was it easy to travel during covet and bring in your laptop and everything? Yeah it was.

It was a little bit painful because you had to do all the Kobe testing and then when you come back you have to do the isolation and stuff. But it was awesome because nobody was traveling in that time everywhere. I Go. There's nobody there and you know all the tourist traps were empty and I love that.

Yeah, it's like literally the trader dream. I Think travel trade and like be remote that lifestyle I Think a lot of Traders want that. Yeah, it depends on what people want for me traveling and see the world. The way that I want has always been my goal.

like I don't want to go? you know, travel the way that most of the people have to because they have to only Christmas time and then they have to take a cruise. Yeah I wanted to see the world the way that I want. Like going to the small villages, climb the mountains and without trading it's almost impossible because I travel almost six months a year and so I really needed that. and I think it's a very nice lifestyle but I don't think anyone would enjoy that like my uh, my family members.

they don't like to travel that much. They like to have a you know Beach lifestyle or very laid back lifestyle I love to travel to see different cultures Cuisines and places. Yeah yeah. I think trading is one of those careers that enables you to do that.

You just need one. Good internet which is kind of tricky sometimes. very good internet. Yeah it has to be.
It's a lot of Hit and Miss like I've been to very remote area in Ecuador like like middle of a literally nowhere and I had the best internet in my life I've seen what and then I go in Paris and I can't even connect to my platform. it's just for some reason. it's just the internet is so bad it's very hit and missed. Some of the very uh, cheap hostels, really good internet and then you go to Best.

Ritz Carlton Hotel there's a bad Wi-Fi I Don't know I just don't get it. It's really hit and miss when you're traveling I didn't know that. that's that's interesting. Yeah for me, I was in Ecuador for example, during the Christmas time it was in 2000 2021 I think and it was around the time that there was another wave of Kovid.

yeah and they tried to lock down, they closed. the Border I was already in there. so I went to climb the mountain. It was a small heart and in that hot they had internet and usually the internet is good forever.

Yeah, usually they have internet bandwidth for a lot of people, but because there was nobody I had the best internet. That's why there was the maximum bandwidth that I could ever see that. It was amazing. Yeah, so you were trading on high altitude high altitude.

It was like 5 000 meter of trading and screen sharing and video and everything. Yeah, that's so funny. Hey how did you do did you? Do you find that you trade better high on the mountain? Uh no. actually most of my trades at the high mountains I'm gonna go to Everest and I want to climb as high as possible when I have the internet? Well that's a good test.

Maybe if I can do that at 6 000 meters, that would be nice. Oh my. God Yeah, do the internet. test.

It's a speed test for everyone watching this in case they want to go to Everest and trade. Yeah, that would be nice. Okay so for those who don't know, Andrew is an avid Mountaineer and is it true that you're on a mission to try to try to climb the highest volcano on every continent? That is the plan. Yes, okay, how many have you done so far? Four four.

Meanwhile I'm just chilling my aluminum pans on my Whistler climbing my little Trails That's what you enjoy. People have different things. Fortnite mountains. What? I like about mountains is humbles me like a humble like look, you're humble Trader because the market has humbled you.

Yeah, and we are. This is a humble Traders Podcast because everybody in the market has always been humbled. What? I like about mountain is humbles mean life when you can see the huge mountain and you feel nothing in front of it. I like that it reminds me of how insignificant I am.

That's what I like about it I Like that. Yeah, just like how we are all technically so insignificant in the market. No one cares about your your 10 000 shares. I mean a lot of people say oh market makers wanted my stop-loss is heat on that I don't believe in that I Don't think market makers are sitting to see one my 200 shares to get my uh data stop loss I think a lot of you, that's just people trying to find the excuse for their losses and not learn from it I Don't think Market cares about us that? Yeah, it's a very powerful thing.
Oh okay, so besides mountaineering and trading, I think a lot of our viewers know you from writing the book. how do they trade for a living? Could you tell us a little bit about that what inspired you to write the book? Yeah. so first of all, I have to say that when I wrote the book and it was late 2015, I was not a great Trader I was kind of trading but I was not a great Trader okay when I started trading I I wanted to learn day trading. okay what it is.

So I went to the different chat rooms, the YouTube channels and uh started watching videos from a lot of people. a lot of big Traders good Traders and then I got inspired and said okay, why not there is a book that specifically tells all of these details step by step. for me, there's a lot of blogs. there was a lot of videos but there was no step-by-step guide and then as a PhD I decided to write that book because that's what I learned as a PhD student.

yeah is as a PhD they give you an unknown topic and then you have to research about it. and then in research you go through the literature. You see what is available, you propose the question, you do the experiment, and then you finish it by publishing your papers and thesis and defend it in front of uh, you know at examination examining committee and then that book was very naturally was exactly the same process. I said okay, I'm gonna study myself I did and I said okay I found it.

These are the tests. Okay, these are the charts. These are my examples: I used to have a Blog that pulls all of my trades in there as a journaling you know I was using it as a journaling and then I started writing it and I wrote the. the first version was very small and uh and then I defended that I published that and now you know.

went to a YouTube channel put the Recaps and everything and it turned out to be successful because first of all I think it was a good right timing for it because everybody wanted to learn but there was no good book and then the second award was that it was written by someone who was going through the pain of the learning trading in themselves. If I was a big Trader in Wall Street I might have reading that book differently because no one will understand, no one would understand that. but I was going through the pain of understanding that what is this Vivab, what is the platform or how do I put this moving average in there? What's the point of this? Because I went through that I think it was very successful, resonated with a lot of people and because I self-published the book uh I got the chance to update it a couple of times. That's also a big thing because if you go with the publisher, it's a little bit hard to uh to get uh to to get the updated versions.
Oh okay. interesting. So I actually read the book many years ago. so recently I re-read the book I I have the audiobook actually.

So I really re-listened to it and I you know I you know I got a lot of insights from that. So knowing now what you know so many years later, because the first version of the book was 2015, you said, how would you revise it? How would you update it now today I think uh and I'm actually going to update it I think what I would do differently is uh in the book I was explaining about the strategies and there are different strategies that I trade in the new version I Want to emphasize more like building a trade book and the trade book is a little bit more important than a strategy like opening range breakout is a strategy, but how you actually execute that and what are the criteria from a stock selection? from trade execution, from trade identification and all of those stuff. So I try to put more elements of how actually you execute that strategy. so you in my book right now I explain the strategies but I don't spend too much time on how to actually execute that.

Okay, so I want to, you know, revise it with more Hands-On tips about how to actually execute that. Okay, Interesting. Yeah, so it's kind of like a step number two for the Traders Step number one is reading a book at it Is Now and you're providing step two like leveling up a little bit with execution more. Hands-On Exactly Yeah, so you can explain to them the strategies to forever, but you have to also walk them through examples.

like one section that I want to add in the new edition is actually to put my recent examples that okay, this is a step one. This is how I found it. This is how executed. This is how I made a mistake.

So to show them more real life examples like kind of the Recaps that we're doing on YouTube but in more written version that people understand step by step better. Oh yeah. I like that. I think that's a great idea actually.

yeah, like the thought process whether whether it's a win will last from start to finish how you planned it. especially I think trade planning is probably the most difficult part to learn as a Trader Exactly yeah, how many trade books you have or Playbook people call it differently essentially how many strategy do you trade I have on the big picture I have five or six and then a lot of times like variations of each one of them. Yeah there are certain ones where I'll tweak the entry for a certain Market environment or if it's like a small cap stock I might you know have the entry a lot higher but overall big picture is the same. So I have around six.

Do you have name for each of those strategies? Yeah I do may I ask? sure uh I have one that I talked about on the channel called the Gapa reversal long so that one specifically for obviously stocks that Gap up and I'm looking for a reverse so after it like did the profit taking more another one like the short side I have like this one called the extension shorts. uh the the ideas in the name when the stocks are really extended on daily I showed it on the first red day. yeah that's like generally the big picture idea. Yeah so that's how I personally do it like categorize them.
That's good. It's very important I Think people should give name to the strategies because it gives that a strategy a character so you actually treat it well like I have like for example you Gap up reversal is something that I call the double bottom reversal so it's a I I'm pretty sure it should be the same because I'm looking. Also the stock guy gapping up first drop, you see some sort of a sign of the strength and then you try to catch that reverse salt and it's amazing that for example two Traders can see the same strategy. but yeah, they name it differently.

They execute it differently. They put their own DNA and fingerprint inside that strategy. Yeah, and that's the beauty of the market. Yeah, because you cannot follow another person.

Uh, strategy. You have to personalize it. Yeah, like you and I we can hand people this exact same strategy we play. If that doesn't fit their personality or best profile, it's not gonna work for them exactly.

They have to really get the big picture idea and like they can take a piece and pieces like from you from me and then they they tweak it so like it fits how they trade in their own style. Yeah well they may like trade the other side. Like when we look for the profit taking they might take the shorts. Yeah, and we're down there looking for a long Oh, that happens a lot in our community.

like uh Brian that you met Brian and I are trade at the same time, live and sometimes One stock. We completely trade in the opposite direction and at the end of the day or at the end of the session, both of us are profitable because it's very important that more than the direction that you choose the trade management is you know, defining if you're successful or not like I might short it for five seconds, he might take a long for a five minutes period. and at the end of the day, both of us are successful. And that's amazing to see how one stock can give so many opportunities for so many.

Traders Yeah, as long as there's volume, as long as yeah. Yeah, that's very true. Yeah, but but there's more than one way to make money in the market. Yeah, so I think you're right.

that's the beauty of this. Market that's what. that's why it's so uh, you know, exciting for me every morning that it's it's just like solving a puzzle every morning. like okay how we can figure out this thing of the market today.

and I like that, um more than money I like the mental challenge or stimulation. it's like Gamers like I think especially day trading is very similar to gaming. A lot of the gamers are, you know you have to press at the right time at their you know they have to figure those steps and that mental uh, stimulation for day trader is very important. and it's also dangerous too.
because yeah, but I like I think most of I like the challenge and like you said, it's like a game where you can be there trying to figure out the challenge and then you almost instantly see whether you're rewarded or you're punished for it. Yeah, so like it's it's like I know it's it's not good. like instant gratification or instant loss. That's why you see the the results of your of your you know hard working whether you were right or wrong.

that's uh, that's how it actually can be dangerous too. Okay, I'm building exactly like that. that instant gratification that you try to chase that uh uh, high. but generally I love the fact that you can get the result of your decisions in a matter of minutes.

I Like that, you know swing Traders When they take a trade, you have to be patient investors Decades of who are staying up I'm not that person so you don't invest. Oh yeah, yeah well um but you just don't look at it or no. Well some of my investments are in real estate okay and uh, some of our my positions. uh the the cash Idol that I have uh I bought an ETF right now and I'm sitting on an ETF just for income generation.

So I look at it. it's my account. but uh yeah I just don't look at it. This is my ideal cash.

And here's the problem with day trading is that's your day trading account gets bigger. It becomes a little bit difficult to beat the market. like if you have a five million dollar account and you can't Really, they you can't they trade. but it's how much you want To make.

You have to make fifty thousand dollars a day to begin. but you have to put that money in work. at least in an ideal passive position. Yeah, so one of my accounts I'm just buying and I have an ETF just getting 12 percent, uh, dividend from it.

Um, feel the same. but for me I like to keep my trading account a manageable size and keep them separate and you know I'm not saying everyone should do this, but I do this I I take the cash I have I kind of I Know people are always saying oh, you shouldn't like, you should just manage it yourself. invest it yourself but I don't want to because I know I Like you know in my hands I love to go in and out of the trades. so I give it to someone else to manage it.

how much is your trading account may ask in? uh, feel free to cut it out So later. six figures, Six figures, Six figures. Yeah, how much do you? so you six figures or hundreds of thousands? Okay, no, no, no, no. if I do that.

I think if my trading account is that big I do stupid things. Yeah, yeah. so I think you know I've come to realize that as a Trader I'm the number one biggest threat to my trading account so you know it's also part of like do I ever want to risk losing half of a one million dollar account? Not really. So that's why I keep at six figures, it's still a significant amount to make enough money.
But if I lose all of it, hope it doesn't happen. but by one day I lose my entire account. it's not gonna wipe me out. Uh, do you trade with a seven figure account? then yeah, my account, are you were you.

Are you ever worried? Well last year I had a two million dollar loss. Two million dollar loss because I think I saw it in your YouTube video. Yeah I had a really bad I'm live in front of everybody. it's just uh.

but I got I got some of it back from tax returns. so oh okay I get a 500 000 back from tax returns. That was good. yeah oh my.

God but that's a that's a nice check I don't think I've ever gotten that much return. Yeah, hopefully you don't get that much I've never gotten anything back from can I talk about CRA here. No. But the good thing about the trading I don't know how you do your taxes my taxes are.

you know the trading income is a business income for me. So how many years? Um yeah, because we do a lot. So you pay taxes and then when you have such a bad loss, you can actually carry back to three years and then you get it back. Yeah, so I got it back because I in the last you know 10 years I paid so much taxes so that was good I I closed that position in May 2 in 2022 almost a year ago.

Okay and it was really bad. I was I was feeling really bad but I recovered most of it. so uh, plus that 500 000 tax return yeah helped a lot. So I kind of mentally moved on but at one point I said I probably better sub trading I was really that bad.

Was it a day trade? From one day it was a day trade that I turned it to a swing trade which is the mistake that most of the people though that you're not accepting the loss. Yeah, it just keeps going down. You keep adding to that and then he eventually does that. All of my big losses have always been averaging down on a losing position and the biggest one was the one that actually I just kept also.

uh overnight. Do you do you remember? of course you remember the ticker yeah it was TNA TNA yeah it's a Leverage The ETF of course Leverage Risky Business Andrew Weapons of Mass destruction oh my God you can make a lot if it go. that's what I was exactly thinking I bought it at the uh I don't know I did price that I bought I was thinking if it goes up then I'm set for life like a private jets and Lambos and everything. Bring it out.

but it just came and it's always the opposite because oh my. God Leverage ETF Leverage What what? uh it's uh, it was uh Iwm is an index okay I don't I don't touch the ETFs much I use it to I look at it as I trade individual stocks but I try not to trade ETFs So Iwm is an index that is 2 000 micro cap companies okay and TNA is uh, the three times leverage of that on a daily basis. So meaning that if Iwm goes up one percent this one goes up. uh about three percent go up and the vice versa.
Okay and the big one the famous one is Tqq. Oh okay, so it's a very similar. it's the same company that is offering. yeah, so that one is tracking QQQ Okay, so you were long biased on it.

I was long biased. Okay and uh so I got that in there and Iwm in the matter of three months dropped 20. So that means my position dropped 60. Yeah, small caps.

Got this just here. Yeah and uh yeah, so that was a I had a very big position I had like, almost like almost yeah. I was a three million dollar position that I eventually closed it at one million dollars. So two million dollar loss oh my.

God Yeah, did you? was it? did you plan on having? Is that your regular size or is it after like you keep on adding no I kept adding on that. That's a good question I kept adding on that originally I wanted to have just one million dollar position. Just one million Yeah! I mean I mean it's doable one million. It's not that crazy because you use margin I use margin all the time and for day trading my my positions like on.

Tesla For example at today I traded like up six seven thousand shares and it's yeah, 200 near 200. So my position was worth two to one million dollars. uh of course I use margin as well. Yeah so you can go on a three to one margin and attractive workers.

Do you trade the actual uh Equity or you trade options on these well I do both. I recently got into the options for the type of trade that I do. options a little bit tricky because for at the open opening range breakouts. if you want to get to the options you have to bring the option chain really fast.

You have to be ready. It's very selective strike and then you have the volatile and then the spreads are bad and sometimes buying the shares are much easier. but today for example I shorted the Tesla and then I also shorted some calls option calls as well because I had time and the level was clear and everybody in the chat room was shorting it and I said okay I'll show you that as well. So both but I mostly shares okay and I know it's not very Capital efficient.

but I like that it will really I'm really good at doing it. yeah I think that's also the reason I prefer shares like I Thought about like dabbling into options by just like the fact that you know it's easy to get build. Yeah, when you're trading shares like something like Tesla at the open, the volume is so high that you can get really quick. Yeah! so after hearing what Andrew just said about stocks versus options, what's your opinion? would you prefer to trade one or the other? let me know in the comment section below, are you comfortable talking about your losses in front of people? Yeah, originally I wasn't because that's very embarrassing.
You know people coming and say oh this Andrew dude lost two million dollars, blah blah blah and then after after a while I realized that Okay, you know everybody knows that and I should talk about it and you know there is a lesson for myself more than anyone else and if that helps anybody who listens to that and so be it. You know people don't average down on your losing position. Averaging down works most of the time, but that one time that doesn't work, it can destroy your life. Yeah, like I'm young and I got lucky to recover that from us, but a lot of people can recover from that kind of loss and this is serious.

So I think yeah, I think I'm comfortable. Speaking of it for me, I think where I used to average into adding the losers, but I used to do it a lot on the other side on the short side whereas because I used to trade a lot of low float stocks and I'll just show them all the time and I'll even swim short them. Yes with the intentionally shorting, but that one time you had the stock going from five dollars to forty dollars to sixty dollars. that's usually how I uh blew up blow up in my first couple years.

So one question that I asked I've been I'm being asked a lot and I want to ask you what's the difference between averaging in into a position or average down on a losing position? Yeah so so the way I trade is I only add if it's already going in my direction. So let's say if I'm long, it's already like going higher. Like you're saying higher lows and you see profit. Target Let's say it's for example: Tesla let's say my target is 200.

it's already sitting in that uptrend. Then when it dips to 170, let's say I have an average of 170. I add into like 172 to 173. so I'm adding higher.

So that's how I trade. So in my case, you know when I add to a loser will be if the stock. Let's say Breakdown: 170 I add at 179 170 sorry 169, 170, 168 165. that's averaging to a loser.

Nice. So you always average into the direction of your trade. Yeah, especially after it's confirmed that Okay, like it's this is an uptrend. Let's go.

Yeah, that's very nice. Good thanks. Good to know. No, that's just the way I trade like I'm sure people have different ways of scaling into the trade.

You? yeah, everyone has like their own style. How would you tell our audience like I'm a big picture? What's your Um. strategy? Like you mentioned the opening range breakout A lot. Could you explain to everyone big picture wise what? What is that strategy? So that strategy is when your stock is.

uh, first of all, it has to be in play. So it means a gapping up or gapping down or have very significant amount of volume. It doesn't work on any stock life. Give me a random ticket like four to today.

it doesn't work probably. So it has to be something that has some fundamental news on it. like Tesla Tesla Today was the earning yesterday and that activity. So I look at this stock is how is trading at the pre-market Is it trading above Weevap? which is the volume weighted average price or below that.
If this stock is a squeezing above the weave app and shows them a strength in the first minute or five minutes, then I can take that trade into the direction of uh of the breakout So that would be five minutes. So look at the first Candlestick five minutes if is bullish above the Vivab, you go long, you put the stop loss below the view app and you try to get to the breakout of pre-market high or the next technical level that you have. Okay and the short will just be the opposite. Short would be the opposite I like to go long on the stocks that are gapping up and I like to go short on the stocks that are gapping down because then you have the you know Tailwind with you because the stocks are gapping up for a reason and getting down for a reason.

However, you always have to look at the opening up price actually because like Tesla today was gapping down but opened very strong for half an hour it was just ripping higher and then after that the trend changes. So very important to see at the opening. Price Plus There is a trading compared to the Vivap, That's the most important indicator that I use above the weave app means the stocks are strong below the Vivab are weak so you try to go short below the Vivap, go along above the Viva Do you ever trade any of the small cap stocks or just stick with a big cat? I Just I stopped uh trading Anything less than ten dollars long time ago like the last time that I traded them was 2020 during the pandemic. I 2021 2022 I never touched him and I don't plan to touch them at all.

Uh, because they're a different crowd of the people who are trading them. It's completely different, so the indicators would be different. the price action is different. Uh, it's just not the area that I want to get in there.

plus we are in a bear Market or kind of. we're in a bear market and the volatility on the market and a lot of these big names are good enough. Plus, when your account is getting bigger, you can make meaningful return from Apple or Nvda and higher price. but for the small, uh, Traders a little bit difficult.

That's why they're more intended to work the penny stocks because the return could be more significant there. Yeah, those are really good points yeah. I I'm treating a lot more large caps this year and last year because small caps just way too many games like I look at my P L, my profit and losses. the song my biggest losses prior to 2021 all came from small caps.

So that's when I decided okay if I just remove trading that kind of stocks, you know I still trade them by size down. You know, like only like trade them like less than 10 of my trades or small caps. Now yeah, if I just remove this kind of stock in together I'll be a lot more profitable. Make a lot more money.
Yeah, that's a lot of times about just about removing the biggest losses, then you're you're good. It's an evolution of a Trader you wouldn't You would be surprised how you would be evolved in 10 years like I 10 years ago when I started I didn't know that I'd trade like this today. So that's the evolution. Like for example, you said options.

If you get more into this big caps the more you would realize that all options are actually very powerful because penny stocks don't have option chain so you can't really trade the options on them. But Apple Tesla AMD and Vda Market is S P 500. Everything has option chains and then when you realize that okay, there are some opportunity to trade options when the price action is choppy, like we can't make money when the price action is choppy. But if you sell the options or you trade the options, even on the choppiness, you can make really good money.

So options I think is a more natural Evolution for people who stick around for a large cap, so tell us about what your routine is like as a Trader here in Vancouver uh I wake up uh, usually around 5 30. okay and I try to be by the office by 6 15. and uh when I'm waking up and making the coffee and everything I watch to the pre-market show that uh, people are running on YouTube So my team are running the pre-market show and sometimes I go see other Uh channels. There's one newsletter that I'm reading.

it's very interesting. Uh, from Bloomberg that comes right around 5 30 in my inbox it says five things to start Five things to know to start your trading day. So it's a summary of what's happening in the markets and with some commentary I like that it's very short. it's from Bloomberg and then by try 6 15 which is 9 15 on the trading hour I try to be in behind the station.

okay and most of my trading is done by 10 30 which is uh sorry 7 30 our time yeah 10 30 on the eastern time. okay and then after that. so I go for a run I used to do the run before trading but I kind of changed that as I'm getting older I just I need more sleep. So I do the run usually between 9 to 10 9 to 10 30.

Okay, get back home, shower change, it's breakfast and then yeah, go back to the office and continue working. Okay, so you really only trade from 9 30 to so Eastern to 10 30. So one hour a day? One hour. Oh, very optimized.

Yeah, 75 of 80 of my trades are done by 10 30. uh, rarely I stay after 11 like 30 hours. So I I don't like that it's not my style I suck at it I don't want to be around and I just want to enjoy my life I don't wanna I don't care about what Market does I think it's good. A lot of Traders think full-time trading means sitting at the trading desk the entire day, but a lot of times that's actually how you lose all your morning profits.
Exactly Yeah, and it's getting choppy. and you know it's not fun really. trading in the afternoon I've never found it. Sometimes there are things that are breaking news coming or some of these penny stocks and sometimes some activity happens.

But like life, you can't chase everything. You have to accept that. Okay, there are things that is happening and you're not part of it. I Like that? Yeah, Yeah, so what about in the evenings? Do you have any evening routine to prep for the next day? No for trading wise, No.

I I'm not. Uh, I Kind of feel embarrassed to say that, but when I'm finishing my day doesn't impact anything in the market really doesn't impact me until the next day because I'm more like a chart pattern. Trader and I look at those opening range breakouts. So the fundamentals of what's Happening behind the market really doesn't.

uh, change my bias. If anything, it might actually impact me. like today. for example I wanted to show Tesla because the results of the earning was bad and it was difficult to short Tesla at the open right? but that's bias helps you so I wish actually last night I didn't look at the earning results.

Uh so I tried not to really do that. There is one really nice newsletter that I read. it's from stock tweets. okay and I like that it's a very nice short.

uh, what's happening in the market and I like that sometimes they read that. Okay, so what time do you go to bed to be able to wake up at 5 30. I usually go at nine. Okay, 9 30.

You know more of my friends know that you know during the weekday I'm the party pooper so they know that oh I'm gonna go up nine goodbye nobody that guy who leaves the party I Think it's good that you're able to kind of really separate your own life and from Trading so so it doesn't You don't let like, let's say like a bad day or a really good winning day kind of affect the rest of your your day. Has it always been like that? No. I think over time I Think over time you realize that first of all, you need a certain amount of success in trading to have that cushion for losses. like it's really at the beginning like when your account is going down and most of the people are like that that hockey care that you go down and then go up.

It's very difficult but after that like I'm at a certain stage of my trading that two million dollars and two million dollars and five thousand dollars really doesn't matter that much. Like when you reach that level everything else has become real. The money loses its value. So the bad loss.

If it's not like a two million dollar loss that wipes out 50 of the account it you know it's just a loss. You know you make it another day and I've reached after 10 years that to this point that the market is just getting better and better right? The volatility is getting better and better. I'm getting better and better and there's always a chance to make it up. like if this was a you know party like for one week you know it's like burning man or Coachella you think oh I gotta use it is gonna finish gonna end but the market is just forever.
So if you have a bad day tomorrow is another day, another day and another day. So not having a Fomo for me is that I know tomorrow is going to be another day. and if this not ticket if it's gonna be another one. Yeah I think as Traders Like you said the most important thing thing is just to survive and trade another day.

Yeah survive Very important. especially at the beginning is survival at the beginning is very very difficult. Like like a baby like a baby a toddler and started walking. It's very important that doesn't fall, you know the stairs or doesn't you know nothing bad happens.

But as you start walking and you learn that it's just everything becomes so easier as a baby grow up. they they do more extreme things like mountaineering. It's calculated trees, but these are calculated. It's like trading, you know? I actually did publish an article about the mountaineering and climbing.

Oh yeah so but they're the same thing. You take risks, but it's calculated risks like climber is. Use the rope to try to avoid the Avalanche the best weather and you know a security in place. Yes, there is still a risk, but it's not uncalculated.

It's like trading. You take it, replace the trade and you make sure that the risk is controlled. Do you think since you become a full-time Trader now you've been trading for more than 10 years? Has your trading ever affected your personal life? like your how your family friends approach you or how how like you may come across to other people or like your loved ones I think so to some extent. Yeah, um I mean when I became very successful in trading in 2020 in 2021 early 2021 I was feeling you know I was not humbled like I was not at home I was far from being home I was feeling just Invincible like I figured this thing out.

Nothing will stop me I'm gonna be a billionaire soon until Market really humbled me down and said you know, just uh, just keep it, keep it down. So it did impact my relationship with other friends as well. So I was feeling oh I'm successful I can make money yeah I replace you I don't want you right you know and you know it does. It did impact me to some extent until it really humbled me and realized that okay, the money, the fat.

as fast as it comes, it can go away faster. It's just your one bad trade away from just being broke and that was a big eye-opening lesson for me. So actually now I see friendships value that I make with people you know you can't replace it with money when I was trading uh I was married and my previous uh wife. she never ever ask any question about the result of my trading.

that's good you know and that was really important and I really really value that because it's very stressful to explain to people on you know, daily or monthly basis. Oh I lost this amount of money because the money that a lot of people are trading is the money that they are risking for their family. and I've had a Trader came to me and said I have this uh you know Paradox that I want to trade for my family but I also have to risk it with the family saving and I don't I can't put these two together and I understand that uh you know as especially as you know you get older and you have more family commencements and the kids and college funds and stuff. So um for me a personally family was very important to supportive and but their support was not asking any question.
My ex-wife and I think that's very important. My mom also never asked how much I make or I lose and I actually try to avoid her to know that but she recently figured out my YouTube channel so she does watch my YouTube channels and yeah she's unfortunately so oh no yeah I have to change the channel uh but overall no I think I think people around me stayed the same I try to change a little bit uh but uh you know people around me you know still still the same and you know their Genie and they like me for who I am not what I make or what I lose and that's very important to stay to the core values and friendships that you have in trading because when I actually had that bad loss, my brother the closest person to me helped me to recover mentally from that. um easier Trader yeah he's a Trader he's a really good Trader yeah this is more trading options but he's a really good Trader His background is finance and so he's He knows a lot of stuff about marketing. Smart family.

We have PhD here. Finance guy there Israel from Iran in Iran I Always push you towards the school. Go study, Go study. It's just.

you know. it's very tradition that people in Iran I mean India is also the same way. There are a lot of countries that push you towards the school. That's very typical in Iran Yeah, it's like that in Taiwan too.

The other become an engineer like you, a doctor or a lawyer or a disgrace to the family. Oh really yeah, that's exactly Iran the lawyers They Don't Really encourage lawyers. but as medical doctor or engineer, that's why I'm chemical engineer because Iran had a lot of oil and gas and chemical engineer was a good field. It's not as big as big as here, but in that time it was oil and gas.

Go to Oil and gas. The engineer oh that's interesting I didn't know that about you. Yeah, oh, but you never considered working like you. You don't want to go back obviously.

but I don't think I can I don't think I don't think I can go back to corporate life sometimes I'm thinking that if I don't trade, what would I do but I guess I have to retire if I don't trade because I don't think I can go back to nine to five I don't think you look like you can retire. That's also true. like I mean like your personality wise, you don't look like you can retire and do nothing. That's usually what people say when they say retire right? People who retire too early die.
That's what I Found Yeah my dad retired too early and he died very early. A lot of people are a family because we have to do something. We have to keep fighting for something. Yeah, the people who retired early, they just get covered and just get sick and die.

And I really believe that what we do is the purpose of our life. It's like sharks. They cannot stop swimming. If they stop, they actually die.

Yeah, that's I think that's true. We might have to fact check that. no I saw it on my the national job anyways National Geograph Hope you guys been enjoying this conversation between Andrew and I We talked about a lot of interesting topics. If you have any questions whether it's trading or non-trading related for Andrew make sure to leave them in the comment section below and I'll tag him and he can go and answer your questions.

What would what advice would you give yourself 10 years ago knowing what you know now having all the market and life experience, what would you say? Trading wise or life-wise Both We'll start with Trading Uh, trading wise I Would advise would be definitely. uh, stick with the the larger caps. Don't mess around with the lower float under ten dollars. Anything that are under ten dollars.

and low floats like everything less than 30 20 million shares floats. Stay away from them. There's so much money to be made not touching them. That would be the trading advice.

The life advice would be uh don't take your life too seriously like you know, money comes and goes. Money was always very important for me like I was coming I came from a family of nothing and you know just making money was a thing for me and then I you know you have to make it and then realize that it's not really bringing you happiness and it's not that everything and uh as a business voice if I want to tell as a business advice I Add life to myself is understand the business Cycles Like the sister capitalism system goes through the cycles of the expansion and the attraction and I didn't know that you know I was I I Grew up in the zero interest rate environment from 2009 to 2022. It's just a different environment and now we are into entering a you know a different cycle of the business that everything is Contracting interest rates are getting up and a lot of business people you have to be ready for those. Cycles So the advice.

We understand the business cycles that um what would you tell to new Traders Any tips for them starting out trading a simulator. it's the most important thing that I have to tell people. It's so exciting to I have seen so many people who are opening up an account and start trading without a simulator. So you you wouldn't do that with driving.
you wouldn't do it with so many other things. How could you just start opening up an account and start buying these? Uh, zero day to expiry options? No don't they trade and a simulator. Develop that plan. it's three months consistency.

That's the most important thing. and uh I think it just surviving the game of trading is very important. That's what I want to tell the new traders that try to survive the game. This is a game that it takes a few years to master and uh, it's not a get rich quick no it's not I know it's very cliche everybody says that but here read the stories like watch this video of the people who are watching this video until today and you know you've gone through a lot of things about my story.

So you know that it's not easy. And another thing is that there are a lot of people asking me. okay Andrew when am I how long it takes for me to become a consistently profitable Trader The answer to that is never there is no date that you say. Okay I made it from now and it's downhill.

No like I'm a very experienced Trader I had a really bad loss. Two million dollar loss. You know you always have like a diet. You always have to watch your diet so make sure that you stay healthy.

There is no point in your life that they say okay, I'm fit and this is it. No, it's just a work in progress every single day. You're one decision away from a very bad trade and you know a disaster. Thank you for those tips.

I Think our audience really need it. What would you tell your uh, self if you go back 10 years going back 10 years? Wow. I think I kind of wish I left College I wish I didn't go to college to be honest I spent four years wasted a lot of money, you know I wish I spent the money in other kind of education it could be trading. it could be something else I was in film I Wish I spent the money you know, just learning more practical, um, actual hands-on experience rather than going to college I Think that's what I would tell myself uh I wouldn't have listened I Know that.

but don't you think that the college that you went had impacted your success as a good content creator? Yes, But I don't think I need a four years for that I Think you know a year and a half or two years would that be enough? I could have left and still have the same exact same editing and storytelling skills, but it's a good point, you know I'm glad I you know, studied film and went to VFX Yeah good. Well thanks for sharing that Yeah uh, where can everyone find you if they wanna find you on social media? So I mean all social media uh search Andrea Aziz or bear bull Traders like the animal bear Market wood Market bearable Traders So at bearable Traders pretty much all my social media are there and I try to comment in under this video so people can see if yeah I'll tag you too. That's awesome! Thank you so much! Andrew Thank you for your time. Thank you so much for having me and I give a shout out to the people in the behind the scenes.
Nobody see these guys yeah we have Daniel and then we have Jean yes in the final edit video because I've always watched your video and I was always thinking it's your doing this but there's actually people are doing a lot actually doing nothing I just show out and talk. maybe these other people making it happen. Awesome! Thanks guys! thank you! Hopefully you guys enjoyed my conversation with Andrew Remember it's free to smash the like button and it's also free to leave me a five-star review wherever you find your podcast. Thank you guys so much for watching us always! I'm the humble Trader and I'll see you guys next time foreign.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

30 thoughts on “Millionaire explains how to day trade for a living humbled traders”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wally G says:

    He said something about ETF what etf does he hold ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andreas Michaelides says:

    Two of my favorite traders and people! Keep it up Shay this series is rocking!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jaytech pinoy channel says:

    the topic is beautiful and inspired for me

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hope and Victory says:

    Great content. Thanks. Please more of that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james woods says:

    Thank you both! your channel is great Shay! All the best with your expedition Andrew. Please tell me do you trade FX?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad Tanase says:

    Love this. I follow both of you gladly, and learn from your shared experiences. 🙂

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jessica Kendal says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stock Trading Mastery says:

    Interesting points on how different traders see the market differently . Points being made how you cannot
    teach another trader to trade the exact way as you do as it may not fit their individual style – so true !
    Also Shae mentioned blowing up an account ( happens to everyone in the beginning ) by shorting positions and adding to them. This is a great lesson to new traders shorting as the share gains value – mathematics is working against you .

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RJ Barclay says:

    I love this video, very inspirational and motivative… I am learning a lot about trading and i want to be a better trader myself. as you guys explained in this video its a process and its definitely seems like it doesn't matter which part of the process you're at you are going to have looses too. Thank you Guys very much for that knowledge.👊

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Diaz says:

    You two look good together. Just my opinion.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CH4M4 V3RD3 TRADER ACADEMY says:

    Hi Shay👋😉! WoW 😲! This new podcast is superb👏👏👏This guy lost $2000,000 😮 yesterday I lost £250 and I crying up to now😩 I love your podcast. When I be a half of a quarter from Andrew I gonna call you Shay to interview me in your podcast, can I do that? By the way, I loved this interview. 😘

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suteki says:

    This man is wholesome 🙌🏻
    I really enjoyed this podcast and great questions from you😊👍🏻

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hloh Hloh says:

    freaking AMZING video

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yodaharma J.W says:

    What a great interview! I truly appreciated Andrew's honesty and simplicity. And great lesson about averaging down. I have done it and am still paying the price. Incredible work Shea! No wonder you hit 1 million subscribers.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    Back 10 yrs, trade 100 qqq options all day, when setups happen!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    Stay out when choppy!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    QQQ options … All day

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    Avg in meaning you only buy at a higher price EACH TIME if longs

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    DO options on TQQQ SQQQ focus

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    Crazy dude, loss of 2M!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lochner says:

    Too much gambling!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miles Branch says:

    He’s so handsome

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim says:

    Andrew’s book was my first official book I actually learned how to trade 😅

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bethethird says:

    Awesome podcast, great guest and interviewer.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert martinez says:

    This interview was totally awesome Shay. I Love how you branch out to other traders to help educate us all. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. And by the way, another fish that dies if it stops swimming is tuna.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A Grace says:

    Why don’t you trade ETF Humble trader?

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rinku kansal says:

    andrew u r good

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J C says:


  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Stock Market Owl says:

    This was so great! So much value & transparency! I had the pleasure of meeting Andrew in Toronto back in 2019, hopefully i get the opportunity to meet HT in the future ☺

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Humbled Trader says:

    Hey Traders! I hope you all enjoyed this interview. Andrew is currently on an expedition to climb Mt. Everest. 🏔Let's wish him luck! If you have any questions for Dr. Andrew Aziz, please share them below 👇

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