How much money can you lose in the stock market. Learn from my mistake! S&P 500 is little changed as traders assess ongoing debt ceiling negotiations: Live updates.
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So on my green days I Prepare for my red days and on my red days I Prepare for my green days. What's going on guys? It's Ricky here with tech Bud Solutions Um, you guys um, love it when it is that I Share my good days with you guys I love being open with you guys and sharing both my bad um you know last week I absolutely killed it I was having you know anywhere from seven to ten to 14K days. Uh, today's a red day. There's no reason, uh or no way for me to sugarcoat it.

It is what it is I took so many bad trades I started the let me just share my screen with you. The part that bothers me most about today is that I started off killing it during my live training session with the Lpp team. Um, go ahead and watch it if you're part of Lpp. I mean during that live session I did an amazing job locking and profits reducing my position size at overbought levels.

I mean Direction was in my favor with Sqq we waited for Direction I mean I started cash right pre-market everything looked good I added more to it. Everything was beautiful. Uh, it peaked I reduced my position size very quickly so 5000 shares it pulled on back, added to it, pulled on back, added to it. broke its pattern cut losses I went from Green on the day to red on the day I think I was up around 2000 then I ended down in 2000.

uh I went in for a re-entry, got rejected and I was like, well, I need to, you know, learn from my mistake I started trading off the five minute uh time frame and then it began to establish signs of support. I went in again, pushed up, sold off cut losses once again. how quickly I went from a 2K loss to then 4K to then 6K But wait right? I waited for confirmation here we broke about VMA I went in. we didn't wait for higher highs right? because it pushed up, it pulled on back and then got rejected and never made new highs and I got rejected again.

this is all together on the day 9 300. Uh, great descending pattern. Uh, there's I have my really good days I have my really bad days. There's no reason for me to sugarcoat it for you guys.

Uh, it says docs ride admin that limit hopes right? So there's this debt ceiling that supposedly you're supposed supposed to come up with an extension for that debt ceiling or that debt limit. Uh, this week and hopefully they do. I Just wish Direction was a little bit more clear, but from the time the market opened I wish I did it didn't do that little Switcheroo on me. um and then ultimately just change direction.

This is on the five minute too right? It even looks worse on the one minute right. If you zoom out completely you can see how both how bearish the market was which is great for us. QQQ And then all of a sudden broke its pattern I cut losses there, right? Uh, broke its pattern it tried to retest, got rejected, tried to retest, got rejected, tried to read this, got rejected at this point I knew that I was digging myself in a deeper hole and I was like, all right, it's time to get out So I did live myself with a small open position uh on Sqtq and you know, don't need to agree with me on why I did it I'm just sharing with you. We're going back to retest that same support range right around 27.80 on Sktq or the same resistance range that we tested yesterday Market could continue to make new highs which means that I'm just going to have to manage that position size uh, carefully tomorrow.
but I wanted to share both Again, not my good days, but my red days I share it all the time with my Lpp team, but they work with me on a much closer basis For people here on YouTube or if you follow me on Instagram I post my red days there, you're more than welcome to check that out. And um, I today I was like my red days are normally like two to maybe four thousand dollars. This one hurt a little bit more, especially just with all the craziness that has been happening today. Um, I'm not not the biggest fan of it, right? So um Market NASDAQ Market Back at previous resistance levels, I'm ready to take on the market tomorrow with our Lppt.

I'm excited to wait for Market direction to be more clear I hope to see that the market gets rejected I'll add or to my esque EQ position. If not, then I'll just have to manage that position accordingly. But other than that, again, because of the talk of the debt ceiling and hopefully coming up with the solution. Hopefully the market actually ends up, you know, being bullish.

Hopefully it does for me, Hopefully it doesn't but but we'll only time will tell. So I do want to remind you that tomorrow we do have retail sales Uh, before the actual Uh Market opens. that's at 8 30 a.m Eastern time and then we have these series of different economic reports that are not too too important, but they do affect the market. So I Think it's important for you to understand where you can find these reports and this is all at which is a free website or you can search up on Google or whatever browser you search on.

Uh, it's called an economic calendar. And these economic calendars on a weekly basis. Break down all the different economic reports that are released on a weekly basis that do influence the overall Market I Think that's very important for a beginner. If you don't have that list already, you also want to probably pull up the Federal forward slash news, right? You can find this under calendar and it pops up.

You know, different meetings by either Governor officials or Fed officials that are being hosted on a weekly basis. Right? Really on a monthly basis. but sometimes they sprinkle them in in advance on a weekly basis. One thing that I do want to remind you is again, we have given away a total of two thousand dollars so far.

We're going to be giving away another one thousand dollars during this Friday's live trading session on May 19, 2023. It is free to save your spot and that is that first link in the description down below. If you haven't saved your spot for our free live training session, it's the first link in the description down below. It's going to give you an inside look on what it's like to watch me trade live and of course watch me give away one thousand dollars cash.
Other than that again, I Do trade live every morning with our Lpp team. So if you ever want to get an inside look on a daily basis of what it's like to watch me trade live in the stock market, that's that second link in the description down below or why it says Learn Plan Profit 2.0 Uh, we are running to sell right now so feel free to check that out. And the last thing that I do want to remind you is that for shop Tech But this week is prize week meaning that every order, no matter how small, gets a prize from a PS5 Xbox bar, TV Apple products, drones, or even up to a hundred dollars cash, right? So cash is one of the prizes again. and on top of that, you also get automatically entered for a chance to win the 2019 Nissan GTR And finally the GTR giveaway is coming to an end or 50 000 cash.

So I believe there's 20 days left on our giveaway and then one of you are going to be handed the keys for our 2019 Nissan GTR or 50k Cash There's a 100 chance that you will not win if you do not enter. and what better time to enter during prize week Again, that's that fourth Link in the description down below I Really do appreciate you guys time. I Hope that earned your thumbs up. If you have any questions, feel free to ask down in the comment section and I Hope to see you guys during tomorrow's live trading session.

And if so, that's that second link in the description down below. Like always, let's make sure that we're in the year On a green note. Take it easy, team.

By Stock Chat

where the coffee is hot and so is the chat

14 thoughts on “I lost day trading with $500,000 today…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aldo Male says:

    He hasn't lost because I think he still is holding the stock as he said he will manage his risk exposure. The market will drop today and his losses will be erased. It's just sensational news

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Hettinger says:

    Hard to understand anyone shorting tech right now. TQQQ has been in the same daily pattern for some time. Higher lows and higher highs. Daily drop and recovery then new high.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars R S says:

    The most dangerous activity you can do right now on earth is to sell on the nasdaq…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oleg Ovchinikov says:

    Market is very difficult now

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars F4llenAngel says:

    Seeing you also post loosses makes your channel seem more legit. Good job!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruno Franco says:

    It is important for beginners in trading and investing to understand that success in these fields requires more than just technical analysis. Emotional maturity and self-discipline are equally important, as they enable traders to make rational decisions even during periods of market volatility. This means that consistently investing over a long period of time is generally more effective than trying to time the market by buying and selling based on short-term market fluctuations. Learning is crucial for success in trading and investing. Keeping up with current trends and strategies can help traders stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. I'm glad to hear that Gregory Thomas Patchak insights and strategies have been helpful to most of us. Remember, success in trading and investing takes time and effort,but with dedication and discipline, it is achievable.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giri Film Making says:

    Thanks for sharing this with us bro. You will have a good day today.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kasha Rudner says:

    We left you unsupervised! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarceloDWS970 says:

    Why waste time discussing which coins to keep for the long term? Have you even heard of Papayahub?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars grace walsh says:

    I've never day traded, but always wondered, if you're losing, then why don't you wait to sell til the stock goes up on a future date? ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NASDAQ KING says:

    Your videos are nothing but selling a car and gaslighting.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bigsidable says:

    Unfortunately. In this market. Iโ€™ve had way to many RED DAYS. WIMPY ASS TRADERS.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bigsidable says:

    Bad day for you. Good day for me. As you said. The day started red for me. But I ended up with a 2% gain for the day. And it turn around big time.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Gutierrez says:

    They like it when I lose… just recapping the day with some bad trades I took today. Excited for the challenges tomorrow presents!

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